Page 1: RESHIVIAN EDITION 1 State College Times - San Jose State

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1 ’2.0


lo ollio., all ..f N.M. 01.1 sIt

allit are crowding us p,...

the buildings are s,p,

. the budget is groa:....

� Me old college has a heart,.

..1111. for you all.

so many students in su.

h .1 quarters, it is more Ili...

. 111.11,s.try for all of us to

.n.iderate. 4:rowiled classes

� ded libraries, crowded hail.,

.... a Meant will shatter 1,,

a:alter:us. Some of you ss

..�ry critical of conditions.

will just give up and quit.

may even be crusader,

here 111 our ranks. ’neon

nces, irritations, building de -

�Is of grandeur, all of these

. dexelop the SOLI) box

f complaining. Just a word

..ou find something wind.

I. 1.4.1111. in and tall,.

I �gree to tell you the

. 111SeOaS all Of

’ o�tors :is far as I know therm

tell sou about our OW11

. 111111t111111111, and inas

some of yours. In

es, nt it will be a good thin.

.11 of iis to become better ae�

A while we art. 011 the 1111.-

10.1 1 SOggeSt that a biller

onton, e all around would

orable. I doubt if there is

le here who is not worth

mg. Sometimes I feel it A he desueable for the col-

t., adopt some sort of Ms-, .1ress, a cap, jacket, or ...a. I cannot think of any-

-. that would be past right, ’me of you may if the sag-

a’ seems worth while. In

.�.,nt I hope you will sas

to whenever we meet. :I la delighted lo respond.

� sett take the initialise if

bit shy. You see, I am r. hing the age when I

.t a great compliment I.�

.1 by youth. Si�rt of

, f. el young nisself. � I mgg, st at the beginning.

iall, to the new. that s .,1 get your informa

n.. talkers of the faculty

Series of Three Concerts Will Be Presented During Year FAMED VIOUNIST SIGNED

November Opens Fall State Music Season

Sall Jahr State College, through

the influence of thr� National Slu-

.ie League of New York. and the

cooperation of the Stusic Depart-

ment and the I. N. U. A. of thi.

college ia inaugurating a series of

three concert. w hich promi.e to

he of the highe.t calibre to he in

America. For many month. these

three organiratiom ha. e been

working together lot Make thi.

"MI a reality, and tho-

u°. are announcing the pre.enta�

tion of three excellent perform-


Bernard Ocko. s

ist, who ha. played and 1st, n as-

...NA:tied Willi %Lich orgatilrolion.

as the NON lurk Phtlitannotite

Society, and the eelebrated !satin’

burg Nlissical Found dion ill Eur�

op.., will open the series as ...ha-

ts! Nosembc.. tick° has

not only performed on the con-

cert stage. but be has been the

soloist a the well-known rad’.

programs of todas.

Colliers, Edison. lomerai 1.1..

Irk, and the Anienean f

the Air, are mils a few of the

great companies for whom Iter

nard Heko serse.1 a. guest

’The Itrahms Quarti�Ite, coin -

pairs of four talented %�����tnen,

appear e...rly in January, with a

�erl of soca! II1U111.. fcatitrind

mainly the 111 ,,, i t of .1,41.11111t,�

. dud, at 1.0.1s. officers all. The till:White was M-

u al, taller acquainted. ono..11% formed for Ilse purpos.

seti-us mistake is made of singing the Masa. of Itrahms.

��w- students when they a.�1 but later it Ileylated from ils

lieresay anti rumor. Ihni�I tom to include other artist. of un-

1,..� into h of a hurry to act dsing faine. Taslor.

chanee sugge.tions. When .Anierican musician Nial critie,

� alit. take a little time to go who is widely known for his %to-

ny yourself and think. ,�essftil opera, -11a.

..’s case. may I Wish for all’ II..mlunan." has mole the ar�

st successful sear, rangenient f ,r many of the Quar

assure of the vers. tette’s nuisical presentations. and

m.o.. on the past of so the � °neer! 11��1.1,

r tni 1- be of the greate.1 Attiring features . � � ��

Ille help .f.largaret Hamilton, Intel

T W. (Jr "IMF -II,. e .1merican pianist,

Lindsay s Circulating

Library fi!ly Enlarged No Fee to Join

10 per


all the 1 itest books

quick courteous service

convenient location.

ree-- AI our store for strong Ilea% enselope I., flt

A 1,.1.� hinder - eons ena nt for notes, ca.-.1� and

CURTIS LINDSAY I tia,k3 Stationery Engraving


Sall Jose. California

Ballard 1194,X

st.viT: coLLEGE TimEs, 11. 19:11

Notice to all band member. Mr. 4. hridoph has urgently re-quested member. of the band to bring their instrument. to eta.. IS EDNESDAY

T FAIL Co-operation ti, thi, first request of the sea...11 will be a good way to %tart t h. sea%on and 10 l’1.AY Al 1111. t; %ME WITH STATE.

Dr. Freeland Conducts Successful Summer

Session 101rIllg Ole 1E10 14111111er �e..10111

.101i� SIAN’ tIO11111,111.11 111 r 1111� 11,11 stli�le..1fOl 1,11101, 111

it. 1101, l’inler the three tool � f 1.. Freeland. direetoe the session. many new Monis

attempted with success in the summer quarter.

.% series of lectures by silaerili If...lents and men advanced m the

educational field prosed to be

Yery popular and the attendance -

Horning In"

I 0

* �

at the dads assembles was grati- Net% ork hm. it. Jimmie Malker greet important gue.a.. I�ut Son ...orients. old and new. are all g,reeted by John Horn.

Exhibit. were held In miumr- ing. Student Body President. Ile n in the middle making th� raa,...s thr budding 1N,11 fre-hmen feel the.. th- -� h....1 1 he lia.hful halm-

thrithgLotit the session. wiirk iif are !toroth. IA not!..... and 1 rank It

the elementary selitatls all 11,er p � � the state was shown. resident of Associated Students Welcomes

The summer ....soot was not

entirely Uittloollt relasalloit. there Large Incoming Freshman Class b..,�� well attended quad

danee. and a trip 1�� Mount Ham -

the sesen teacher training are 1.1,�ased to foal many 11VW fill in our midst. Itecause of � -. 111..1 114. are stark,’ bark upon the new College Neolt. at

i� ja�, tradition. we ar�� for�����1 to mill these S11111e1111 -F1’1.1111111.11.- 1,111 as the ,1.1.. yt.� 1�% these new Spartans will 1.4..une assimilated lido

ranked second only 1,, San Fran; this ’,iota., college and later th,�v bevoine the upper lass

CISrol Male, with an enrollment men of future college sears. of 1292. In order secure Ihe most benefit from the first ....erks ,,r

4, soar college earcer, plan to do the following: II i head c,�liv th.� ihridt.,.�k a tn. Students fro... . later 10

Announcement Made of coyer, carry it with You thereafter, the %Atte m is Itma per...11..1 %Mil:Ilion. 121 1 ale. tam. 1., on a t..itr of ti.

Student Mail Service � i..1).1,1�,.::tuillills.1.0t1,1to: oish11,,

A. other words. delse into the portion, of ilie manilas that ..e. seldom visited Mile., ��lasses requir. sour presence. CO ’try to 111,11111V 1111,1111111111.11 U1111 11% 11111111 of your college neighbors as tn., sq.] -college friendships are of int liniable value. not slight the opportimils. I II Aos... all, do not be afraid to ask quedions. 1111. ari,.�rs !be stiiii,nt. are here to ...Tye %toe Consider us as one large taim1S.

These pointers iii.1% setio like advice. but it is giVen in good faith, and represents experience gleaned from the past years. l’til to� it t�i your fullest ability-we will all profit. tomill luck in all

it MN. 11011NINti. President of lite .lissociated


For the 1,... t!. stu-

dent. w .11,110l .10111.1110111 With

Ille tool �Yslem of tht. college,

tile 1 hues ...lunteers the follow-

ing information: 1 he %Indent trial’ is dIstribiitol

veers 11. r Pinot at 10:01) 111.. %, one enters the front

door at the Fitton the mail lios

tnitioalt ly 011 Itie I...ft. Packages

too large I., In. placed in the log e.,n lie left in the 1.1.�

nes. one c room 2 and a

%%ill he Plowed in the 1;�.,.1, �

asking the addressee to f

II is hest to call for

,1;.% er.I.�t� to keep tile I. �

I. .r aed. e. pedite the 11�1’n

Membership Drive Planned By College Y. W. C. A. During First Few Weeks

I he annual fall inetill,��rslitio

drly.� of the collrge . W. h.P. ,t art.. 41 and a series of informal

lens and "open�house" parties

will be featured in an effort to

interest Ille neW girls.

Nlimilwrship in Ihe V. W. is to

be emphasized until Ilictotier 26,

the dale of the initiation. !mat:,

lions art. to be sent out this %seek

to till new girls, and the members

of the advisory council :lie ..1.. �

ing their homes as usual

seri... of informal tens.

II has been otlicialls

front the campus headquarter ’

the A. W. C. A. that girls mt.-. � �

ed in becoming .1..

within the first two k

Hie quarter 1,, facilitate

tee "set up.- and to gist. time ha-

a more careful placing of Muni-

bers sit their favorite activities.

_______ . _____ �

Grace Hardies Appeinted Book Corner Will Be Bulletin Board Manager New Feature in Co-Op

riesident John Hornmg of the Casting aside all talk of ,I.

.��ciated Student. has an�

’111.1.11 appllint1111.111 Ilf laitiii�O; Ne’il 41. lliont:is and la!

" "’hes th the le’sitte’l "f thanu- Howarth, is entering on what

ger or ihe bunoin board in the Kollin.... to be the "Ingo. st I--

main corridor. Miss Hardies is a yy�ar.

senior in the Education depart- A new feature of th.� stud. nt

ment. and has liad several Years ’1.’14’ iN -1""’k .."rner�- "1"�er slieleills Inas sit .1114 1-1,111 111, 1.11

work in the Art elepartinent. I’d hittolka and . f. �f

11., Most interesting fratur..

l’""rd "ver 15 1" la irwhes’ II.. new 1931 st... I. is the nes. Ian

Thi’ lwr" 4"."led "Wm t"’ Varsits writing paper. her.

iirrvent ’r"�"1""I’ l’e""a‘ wish" are three sts1,... (eon lift% ing to hase notice. place,1 upon ,,, to 0�riN ,.:�.1

lthiletht I". ’n1 a st. le bearing an allrareti.��� Spat - note 11..� II in the Caoop ere,i viork

III the Art Store box in the Art .1.; artment.

1 full line of the s� �

1....ks is featured at

1,....k, sonic sell’ inter, ’

Limi being featured. Eull sized.’ "Lei"’ I "’� ii"1""""I’ina �1� rfin,a..buirk with fit,’ partment:: lateiennt. Diehard.

date seal are being retailed all Student Health: Misses 1.1111.nt

Itillinglon and Jes.ii� thrall:oh.

" rents fit thr Uni""’Cialinieree, and Miss Calla Vat.

SN rkly. 11..meneikitig.

Subject for Group n an:1’r’; iutshtisntget,

Records of the Li? fe of Christ Will Be

Another innmation All Predictions Time. this quarter .

collialti lot Ile 14

Slartplarrie for ey.. Past as Roll that there 1. a need tor

lite Pawl.. ’the

arra in an inform

Man7 New Members Climbs To Huge �. �, ,� ����

Total of 2110 idded to State


lir II. N% oi

e..11, It a 1.0 �111t 11, 11... .1, �0.. II, \ 1. ,

11c. I I. I . %V .1k, r

.a..ts an th

;. atimm


Began in 1862 With Total Only 6 Stud ems


e�en the I. ��ene. of the registrar ant: ,iate barker., student. con’

stream through the dm, the Morris E auditorium to swell the 1931 regi.tration to a new high mark of 2-110.

regtsttahen of old stod� : � Was well OVIT Nfotool,i

11111. allot Illo� 1.11.a.�11 ft., dim trl class ever al State swelled

, the total 1 ii� -�1..% to make this Miro. ...I I.. %ear’s enrolimeht the gr, ales, 111

� history ..f Nan Jose Slate tol� don: lege Lim 1:� r. ti,

..1 111-1.1 approximate as N.,.

tic w�rk. ���..11 have ’11" th"" I’n"f’ �I in win , and st..Aent. t,, rest, ,te,

11’1111 1111 lli���:11.o.,11 foliontall

sTATE tttTEO *in it i,

Arts majors �, !do,’ Starling m y� thret� new fa, es in 1..1\11,-111�4 ,,r .,�, W11.14.11.11, �liss 1-11.rem e lien tn,1 ti..� (Jerson, and Miss Hereto e day �.f so. s’ .1. Air. Mendenhall is a r..1:ner 1.� e. �Il� h new dem h.r at the 1 nisersii% ,,r t� 1P1.

k 1 ..:1, .111,1 both 11r 11..ic bine.’ junior and four Ye.. � ,�I M -s lb rolerson I. ge. It is interesting to ���..ap Ire

hold ithed,rs P�dt: the increase in the r rnisersity of M. Mks men students attend:: g State e. Lutz is Hie

11001. .111 1,1111..11111111 I

311,11111111 of two A. t

of the departnant. as M

.11.r isc2 and the Malawi n..s,

rolled here. With a rail. f � ... !lye in the first yea�

Stale can now Istiek left al Hie clew -1 "Mb seNr rolls arm!. ; sion last spring. Pt r���01.1141. of men and Sanderson will be on hi,. bkir college this year. t Approximate!.

Dr. Earl C. Campbell. f a-, stud., had enrolled up

f State T. achce’s College N.. th., � k : odd.

Ale le I. 11,1, Men 1,1,,, , .1 � th. Social S len., .1.1.. ’

i 1.11.1

r.,. -r ,.

�tiss !

NI’s, 11.1.

11.1., Stall


gle th.

!aloes .1,1. t

1-.. t

for 1.:�trtod,

!tonna, are laditg

t.1111�1 -I 11111 11sit

� 01,,lt�1�01, :loft ii�o�

1�.:1� 1.1 1111111.1/ l� 1111

Co-op counter and till N1111I Seventy-five Men Ye Phillips will again enntlurt %kith the new Park,�r quick Turn Out at Chico


lit of those intere.ted. wo 1’1,

rl..ce the series of three concerts week throughout last year and a trophies On Ds’ play f intere.ting cla,ses were 111.111 1.... 11 �

woh ri�cital earls in April. Miss good enrollment is hoped for this

Hamilton has appeared as soloist year. ’Me semi. in the 1.1111rSt. is realls� interesting disphy ,,r k 111

itli niaris’ 111.� famous symplui. based on a thorough studs of lb, , hie� V1,11 hy Spartan teams is ate teal set. �

its or. hestras of Imlay both in fiecord. of the Life of 11.1114. III1IIII1N for the nett 1001111.. 111 11.O1o. 1,1’11 ,.11 110

.�104.1.14,1 allot Europe. As the Careful scrutiny Is Made of the .1111,1ren’s library, room lo foie and ,�re not ’1u-wart/me,’

"lioston 11.enula Transcript- has material from sin liodorical the nrW training school building. at positions.

said, "Miss Hamilton is so�sseemol standpoint. All available histor� th, Plaques and cups are arranged Com .11 t 1.-ker is beginoleg

of a technic that is not far from teal sourees arc freely discussed. to hest advantage. Evi ryone his riniti sear at this .. 11._.

1 him, is 1111. smallest �� perfect and in the term technic The main object tillbe coarse is 111,11.11 to view the Inhibit.

broadly used. one inelinles the 1.1 glean the fails obtainable snit ’The trophies were arrang:41 on 111. Far S.Vestern Conf. r� :a �

whole matter of scientific and to stain an understanding based ilisPlaV bY Miss liaehus and r....1.-11 Illy pr.o.pects for no.

only on factual evidence of the Multonald. ’lb..% will rimiain s.�ar’. squad is liana artistic production of tune."

Setax�in Whets for this season aersoliality centers of this histor- the ehildren’s library until the ’,laser in 1924 when d.

of concert. are .2.50, hut by spy- ical figure. For information about 111’w MeIrs is finished, Where feated Fresno and the st. Ignatto,

� tal arrangement, a season price the coarse aril a consultation �, �pecial IrophY room has been team. lion Smith and Dale East.,

are other outstanding prosavets $1.041 offered to students. prerequisites see Miss Phillips, planned.



Thuraday to Satolda,,


story of Slandering Men � and V. ondering Women" .


EVE! 1 � ItREVT HUGH IlEfillEla

I. RANI. 11 ItE1CISit�




f.%1�S I\ 1.%s1 t.SOS

1:7, it. W.,

Tryout for First Play of Season to

Be Held Thursday

lot � .1 � .

e oo. � f



. f



.;:e. floe. I...

l’o lo

.11.���esse, ,,1

1111. 11 l’,,1�..�0


� ‘ L." 1 141 v Uir .;.1..1.1..rS el

mil le .1

la� re st to’ ,114. .,11 Ala

I hi. os..11 f�0!114.�� ,11:1 �"1"...� ..r 11.1-rtm,

Jur. 3.

11 th. pHs. ’ !heat.’

ticket, �.� tl for f. seat r. sers.


st.’d .nly �


only IMO% beg.,

the immense

Slate Colley�

� r-


1W,1 aWAY I



I .


!oda. Satord� �%�, cAliltoll

In Paramoant’�

"I’EltY4IN YI Y� yip

o h n t.. rt. Kay m�.nd


11 , II %SF:

In -Ship the Maio."

WIN% JIIN.F.‘ 1 al hall 1.11,11�.

’spring Traitong"




FOR THE 1,%�"

Every %Seek

Fox C�I i fornia

. t�




Page 2: RESHIVIAN EDITION 1 State College Times - San Jose State




Florence Jewell to Preside

The first mectiag of the I. NS’.

C.. A. will be Co-ed suptor to

t,e held September 28 in Sco-

field hall ut the Y. W. C. A. at

5:30 p. iu.

All women students are invit-

ed, particularly ’the new students,.

and V W. C A. members and.

their friends. Tickets are on’

sale for 35 c�.ats in Booms 14’

.11, the new presi-

Me. All interest -

songs that were

tavornes at the Asi’sonar conven-

tion will be presented, with Elsie

Bates leading. The committee in (barge is Mil

dred Murgotten. Margaret Schna-bel, Alice Slump, Ada Ntae Rhoades.

A Treat---

Thick, Creamy Milkshakes


San Jose

Creamery 119 South First St.

Ballard 668

SPICIA L PRICES 1411er Palms, :king Illader�

:CIIIMPOOtioNt &mks 10�10 110�Iss

!Winch &Marshall 1111 S. Firms St. Sae Jone 1 alit


Prepelleng Pencils. 25e, 50e. 110e. 11.1111 SPOtial Pon�taan Pens

$1.011 111.75 17.0o S. mit One Use et ,tationer,

�I AttrIttli�� PrItes

11E1 fst.1



Elizabeth Ryan Announces Rushing Rules NEW RULES TO BE ENFORCED

ANNOUNCEMEN1 sis sis, the

Students Executive Board are re� quested to be present tonight at a special meeting.

The meeting will be held in the Student Bod) office in the Spar-tan Union building. The busi-ness is urgent and the president has asked that the members ap-pear promptly at 6:30.

New Art Supply Store Invites Inspection

Classes having started and "in-structorial throats" having been clared effusivey, we find time to look about.

And the first thing we notice is the new and improved Art Suppl) Store. presided over by John French, Art niajor an.’ member of San Jose l’

Customers and visit ...s. been invited to inspeet the new quarters on the first floor of

Big Sisters Preside at Tea for Freshmen Women At the tea on Friday, Bert.,

Grey, assisted by her committee. received nearly 200 of the new women students. Here, those wt., had not already received big sisters were given them. The big sisters are to assist the freshmen women in registering and becom-ing oriented to the college. Dur-ing the quarter, also, the big sis-ters are to assist the little sis-ters whenever it is necessary.

Entertainment for the tea was furnished by Don Lima, violinist, whu was accompanied by Emily Schwartz. Miss Isabel Wallace was in charge of the tea. She was assisted by Sliss Berta Gray, president, and the Misses Violet

- Swartz, Marianne De Smet, Alice Echante. Marian Bailey, and Bel -

Faculty Reception Held by r. and Mrs. MacQuarne new Arts building.

The store is run on a alive bask and supplies all the ilw fall suyial sealloll fur State materials necessary in a technicai College was authentieally opened

last Sunday with a faculty recep-tion at the home uf Dr. and Mrs. J� MacQuarrie. During the after-noon from three to seven o’clock the new Bitterest home of the MacQuarries was filled with fac-ulty members just returned to San K� Jose for the opening of school. APProximately 175 guests niet and were entertained at this de-lightful reception.

The spacious rooms of the Mac-Quarrie residence were enhanced 1.. 1k fail ’lowers. Blue delphiniums were dominant in the entrance hall. while the tea table was dec-

- - �raii.41 with a lovely bouquet of .44�644.141.6*.f.144411.114414�441044)44440.4.-.44440�0�����������

American Beauty roses. Dr. and Nfrs. MacQuarri. as-

, misted by Mrs. Sarah Snyder. re- M. ceived all the guests. Nliss Luella Bayss assisted in serving refresh-ments.

.1. art course at very little cost.


McKiernan Music Co. 14 E. San Antonio St.

"Conveniently Situated"

Hooks and Music required at "State" always on hand

hushing season will (urinal’) open %tondo, September 28 and will close October 8, Miss Eliza-beth Ryan. the Allenian president uf the Inter-Society Council an-nounced today. The preference dinner %sill be held October 10.

During rustling season all rules must be obeyed by all societ) and nun -society girls. Breaking of these rules and illegal rushing

will be on:Allied a fine and the loss of the rushing parties.

A rule which must be ob-...reed very carefully is the une which prohibits members of SOT-

oritirs talking with the girls who are being rushed from the time of the preference dinner until the acceptance of the bids.

The rules which govern rustl-ing are published below.


Bushing shall be held the first and third quarters of each college year.

It. Nsi wearing of pins sturing the first vveek. C. No rushing during the first week. (Two society girls and one

non-suciet) girl shall be considered a rush party. D. Fall rushing shall begin on the first Monday after registration

ansl shall end one week from the following Saturday. Spring rushing shall begin on the first Friday after registra-tion and shall end one week from the following Saturday.

1. Asseniblies u. Students shall not ask new girls to sit with them in

assemblies during the first week. b. No assembly date shall be asked for except fur the

day to follow. E.

".lint Thir Somethth’ "

oil Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.9ii

Shampoo and Finger Wave .75 Finger Wave . .50 Wet Finger Wave .25 Bair Cutting and Shaping .50

The Beauty Box 17 E. San Antonio SI.






Dan , the smarter in Sandals such as these. If %sal like, we will dye thein a per-fect match for your evening gown.

(No charge for dyeing)

Airy. light. and graceful-words fail when we speak of these light -as-a-feather Sandal. In white (dyeable). moire or black mire.

Theo Sandal Tvpe. Tb� Snurteel of ,,f ell Fall Evening %Hawn%

135 South First Street


l’arties. 1. There shall be as a maximum four (41 parties, one of

which shall be preference night. 2. There shall be no men at any rush party, nor shall men

escorts to or from said party be allowed except as chauf-feurs.

3. One member of a society and her man friend may attend a social function with one new student and her friend. and this group shall not constitute a rush party.

4. The time for sending invitations shall be decides’ each rush season by the Council.

Bidding. 1. Preference night bids for F’all rushing shall be filed Mem

sealed envelopes with the Dean of Women on Thursda) morning, two days before the prefereme dinner. Prefer� enee night bids for Spring rushing shall be filed with Br Dean of Women on Friday morning, tine day before ths preference dinner. No bids shall be sent out by mail or special delivery.

3. No conversation shall be carried on wiith girls who ha, received bids until the bids have been answered.

4. linmetliatel) after the bids have been filed with the Dean of Women. tht� Dean of Women shall send to the Co-op is - letter summoning each girl who has res..eived a bid.

have been sent for shall tell the Dean of Women wli A. W. S. Busy Welcoming Smock ’n Tam Will 5. In confidential and individual interviews the girls

choice. they shall be told. and shall not be told of aik Incoming Women Students Sponsor Silver their first choices are. If they receive bids from this fir

further bids received by them. 6. If not bidden by first choice the girl shall state second

choice and so on through to the third choice if necessary. Among other campus organiza-

ety concerned. All girls who receive a bid nmst give a . at is7i sist n�lh icemhterairneg msteuiZnmtisn gis aAnsd-hillansmbe;itisnatibliNdrluePne. nt

enceeiavni nugf nv�notna nesnw:�hra ifironmot i fay if hi rel ze�bis.,

ds;cisive answer on or before 2:00 p. tn. of the Friday fol- sociated Women Students. In or-

lowing the day in which bids shall be filed with the Dean der that the new women stu-n, Women.

the Dean of Women and considered as confidential. dents may become acquaintedwith

7. All information concerning the bidding shall be kept with this organization, many interest -

C" t7.dig r’Nor..1 CPU ti A

1 EXECUTIVE BOARD Marian Weller Will Head Beta Gamma Chi - TO ASSIST A. W. S.


Initiation. I. There shall be no public initiation.

Breaking of Rules. I. Any society breaking any of the Council rules will be

punished by one of the following penalties-to be decided upon by the Council.

a. Fines. is composed of alt the women b. Denial of as many rush dates as the Council decides. students of the college and or -

Chaperones. 1. There shall be as a minimum three chaperones for formals ganized so that the women ma)

and two chaperons, for informals. take an active and effective part 2. ’I here shall be at least one twill’s chaperone at any affair .

in student affairs. One os ies held at the home of a society ineinber. 3. A program shall be made out for chaperones, and some most important principles of this’

one coil le shall sit out the dance in case the chaperones do not ance.

4. Chaperones shall be conveyed to and from all dances. Hours.

t. The hours of dosing shall bt� 12:00 o’clock on F’ridas and Saturda) nights for informal parties, and 1:00 o’clock for formals except on school nights.

2. All zsarties or initiations on school nights shall close at ten o’clock.

liiis group stands for: 1. No talking in assembly. 2. No talking in the library. The popularity of Phil Burris 3. No sneaking of books from the library. 4. There shall be no leaving of the hall during stances. is rail. amazing. I think he’s a! 5. That the societies should take the lead tov..ard furthering fine jazz-singer, but a little ori-�

these things and help to promote all things which will Militias. sloes help once in a uphold the honor of the college.

1 he Council. I. The Inter-Society Council shall consist of three persorns

from each soviets. 2. Thew persons shall be: President. Nice-President, and one

other girl who shall serve for two seniesters and who wits an active member in September.

3. Every term a list of the officers and members of each so-ciety shall be left in the Dean’s office.

Filch society is to have one faculty adviser. Honorary Members.

1. All faculty members, who are to lie asktal to join a% Hon-orary member of a society. shall be rushes] and bidden liv

ing affairs have been planned.

The Associated Women Stu

dents, or A. W. S., as it is coni-

monly known about the campus,

body is to form a closer bond

anions the students. An

example of its activities is in the

big and little sister system which

it has worked out. Cooperating

with this plan, a tea was given

Starting the season off with a

bang, Smock ’n Tani will sponsot

a Silver Tea on Tuesday next.

Hugh Gillis, popular coach of San Jose Players, has promises’ to talk on his recent tramping tuur t,f F.urope.

The lea will be held in the soci-ety’s new rooms in the new home of the Art department. 71w Art majors seem to have a "manner" of doing things which is pleasing to the "hoi and this first tea of the series planned prom-ises to show Smock ’n Tam at its best. As a climax to its series of teas, there is some talk of having another one uf those interesting "Portrait Teas".

Cop-Miss, you were doing 61.) miles an hour!

She-Oh, goody! And to think that 1 only learned to drive yes� tertlay.

hist Fritlas at which the little +

sisters were assigned big sisters., �


Special Program Plantim I lie Lisecutive Board

by the A. W. S. council sell! the hosts at the tratliti Freshman n�ception wins 1, be held on the evening of I September the ’25th, is, Women’s gymnasium beam, at eight o’clock. All Fresh! and new students are cord,

Ilritt.d to attend this official coming. Special guests v,,u !..� Dr. and Ntrs. MacQuarrie. NI, . ’Minnick, Dr. DeVoss, Dr FN.,. Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Ncli Thonias and other members the faculty.

In addition to the dancing.

which a very gotal orchestra 1..,

been engages’, a special progr ,n,

has been planned. The only ;,-

perclassmen present will be Ili,

niembers of the reception cons�

snifter and those taking part 1..

Ilse program. --0--

Now that Sister Aimee NI Pherson has taken a major 1, lion of the choir into her con Minn, she can have a "Ifall, jah!" with each meal. It’s al, . nice to have baritone ars, the house--in case of fire or a thing.

. . .

Now that the Unite.i

Stores in San Francisco are .; ing a fancy line of literals: chiefly of the erotic variety, I y.

Tea .cst that some of the more pr,

ressive bookstores start sellc . cigars and tobacco. For instan. why coultbil they get a line , exotic perfumed cigarettes, pr. vately rolled?

If you want a lunch you lo at home vint will find it at -

Mrs. J. E. Rudolphs 36 East San Antonio

Double Milk Shake. 10 Cents,

with Sandwiches, 25c Malted Milk, 15c

Sunday Dinner from 4 to 8

P. M. emninencing October 4



Make your headquarters here. We are glad to serve you--

and hs�re’s a wish fs,r wonderful school sear!

R_CAD�E 1112()54.6.- Ct".....SE ect


���������-mkt semess--e-one magazine comes out with the

report that the editor of "Balls -Store open 9 a. m lo 6 p. daily

huo" is just trading s,n an 1111,1

USC11 unsuccessfully a few )ears

ago. Well, any wits. Senator.

that society at the regular rushing and balding time. what’s the diffs�rence?

You’ll find every style at Zukor’s - and

Zukor’s First

Four Popular Price Groups

r" .00 :1) S7 .95 S9.7.5


Zukor s I ANIftl S 1)1IESSI.s

132 South First Street

4. I

while. Can it be that the people,

have completely forgotten Bert

Williams. or are they willing to’

accept this Harris as an imita-

hon? And b) the way. limit.


Visit the

Chocolate Shop




Barthold Drug Company v.111 he known as

Spartan Drug Company , the management of Alibi Morandi

7,1 Easl Stillia Clara Street San JOSe, California

Phone Ballard 6619


Tin, Season’s by-word is

Roos Bros. for

Cossack Leather Jackets foe men the Varsity Cossack Leather Jacket

1111- Latest version of our famous leather jacket . . a new low pTIVP! WS tailored of golden-colored sued, leather cut a good bit shorter than last year. Sizes 31 to 46.

$10 Also our famous Zipper Cossack Jacket $12.50

NINE-STC.)kE-BUYING-POWER First Street at Santa Clara


Page 3: RESHIVIAN EDITION 1 State College Times - San Jose State


111110111611111 11111111 111




, IT 4

r, 4’ :aid All I �

1311 if

I I 1 1 11;1

Ever,’ Mart Turn Out For Football Football Practise Under Way as Spartan Connor Takes Post SOCCER PLAYERS WILL


As Football Manager Wamors Work Toward Fffst Game

BACKFIELD LOOM GOOD AS THE SEASON DRAWS CLOSE Everybody out fur football! NIalones, Heed. Bees,

Sow is the tune to make the Spar- Roberts end Countrs man are �,.

t.11 squad of the leading con. "l’halt for fr,int

for to11 years ha I tendi�rs ii, the Far Western Con. lb.. squad.

ferenci. r e. Thirts-the mei, In considering the shifted to no. bin.kneid. 11%,

sign,..i r r team during the: ,i.’011;11;:trfi Jiark Wool and Doug a’aal light on hand to. i’aiSs�1 It starting NIttlialtb, Wren and Doug ’I aylor,

, k ..f practise. Of this! ito,itiunsis:. Vool’s running mate. Ihin Har-der and Itodger Nloore are hard at humbrr .,,er half were freshmen’ threat man. with a marked Auld \

,s..inen competing fur

the MO

At present. Ilte line is mighty

k Ilie backfield has good

in punting, tols,ing. und (.,,,,.,,,,, it for thi� quarterback position. the ball. Jack received honorable Bight nov.. Harder is calling sou -mention on the Wurner-J,,�,�, nal, f..r the first eleven. Bid Itockne All-Ameclean hoithall Nloori� is smart and has some ail team rhosim in 1930. ,atitagt. in two years experience. r,,�,��, ,,,,, ����, will in.� or no

Hiles I tiolvt� a ’ avail i . � slio;’Mg’ the ’N..etenradns"ruilutiliiitgakl:.:’1.: prio. �

r ; . 11 Waller Crawford Tas tor is soung al the game of

cann,a un, ter sonic new niate� football, 1111, being his first sear for their positions at qu-art:.r.’ ’-hal. Ite.erse strength will be in a suit. lint Doug is plenty fust

;um has ,,, ti,,,.k, foot .tottit :,, SO far, Blest, positions listed lark... � ’’. � vear’s squall.

tt,m. h:s ,,,,,,,..1 .tri� only my opinions. Comb .:1.’, I .. i \ i�EBIENCED MEN quirk Punts. f.,,,, ow line ..,... sore, slut ,,,mi� r,e7thati to"r ..,,.. Maher Crawford has not and will

eral veers Ile r a former cap- ""t ’1""Ae a first ’It’s" "Ill suo,,� _ ..,d seven expi�ri- . � � later in the month. As set, it is

ene,i .�. .. . ri 4 .04101 a nd little lain of the {losers, it San Fran-anY14,..b.’s game and the hustler,

bard. end., DeFragn. Buss and risco championship team. Tay -

Collins, taekles; and Moore,

ter. Ilooi�cer Crawford does not

have acy guards with eXperictite , What will happen when they get I season according to a recent an- to v......r. Jack NIengel is also ii. ban. .s.. .. Kazarian al.d hlettnit are the out- year ai fullbaCk la Me SLIM

,,., ii,. lid(’ tall, More men are needed nouncement by the athletic tle- sarsily football t�andidate. . Nelit .- V �. . standing ;. ’,diddles for these team. In his freslia...,

for this position. come on out partment. Connor assumed his !.. itermen who have Uratbialie! ’‘!"..,.i... II’�.,’ froze, letting the arm 10 slip over V1:11 a world beater, but last year. positi,,. , land show State how. Floyd duties last week. ’’’ N’""" I Dreaent group been equaled It ,

and I., , 1- ... are hot after the get started. Clay is als�� i unite Sites:11w’ and Elwyn Stewart -no! tainnor has had two s���ars e,. I,iewart, Wally Hall, Goodwin and vault of 13.:, t.. - li hunter of i.. oilier instiltitimis inelude Bill event, he eoppe.! It’ place with a, " . "

a sight for sore eyen to satch ii" ed" "1 th’ ’able’ 1°1 wart Hard. � P.i. y. Moore, Wulfling, was not so good. Dick ,...tildn t ’

illy wrs-ure trying huril to get perience on Spartan track squads Cunningham. the Ill�n.t.i. I 1..I. entered Wool those veterans. green men, and near enough to get slapped. Need-

fluor. leo,. the advantage because line plunging for many estra 1 out to ih. field and see for your-

Rex did not wail for quarter 1 a s job liardrr amt. threat man, punting, p.,,,,,,,., mot

into the more seasoned �nens and one yt�ar of football competi- .n tht� JIIIII a a... a Wool placed’ . explanations. high school stars s ork Drop 1’1" t" ’8,.

lion. Ally student wishing tn as- The conversation ago while I second 1. , aaerlon of Thiene’

by Cla; and Peterson, who has.. work horse of the squad. In . .. See NIr. Mi�Donald in the phsswal nor. Benton and l’ete th’ summer* Wr" 1.�,,r tio t,..nelit 4 th..- ,,,,1 ,


:,.11,�1, recognition for his efforts

of pia ,...u..�sperienee on Spartan sist Connor sholuld apply at once. am sriting this is the best. Con� oi II., .� - � ’ i ..,,,�11 Walt craw f , ,rd deserve,

rson are I...I. �

. ’ � � squads. tailback is well eovertal

conches for the starting line-ups. education offices or Coach Wa It t�r sprat,. 1 .plainted tin. football ,1,�: s.,c.. ’:� handling a group of bos�s. In ed on the beds here in . ompea 1 .. the meet at Fairfax three ..nd R...1 years eyperien. 4- practise scrimmage, Pete has oard t talking about experiences against the ��reatti of the Fuel& apieee.

iduwed thru the tou. uith Lam.. Barton Collins has been instructed Crawford at the field. Hods ,,,� ,,,,.,,tt.,1 ,0 th, , ,,, ,,, the past. he Itas been vvithoul as -learn eitht,r tavkles duties. . . t oast. I..., Ilarnes a Southern ,,,,,,,,, srs,:,m, st 0 ,, .n. �,. sista:its 1,, help handle the In:ile-a undertaking and embaling.

LOTS OF HALFBACKS don. hus is a good man t.i bark l" Eleven halfb.t. Ls signet,. W....1. up the line, being a deadly lack -I ... . Collina is a sti�ad - w rker an I NNeknale back to tile catillni,. Real! it i it

i " ii 1 ’ ’ r.. � � � ur � i I rha,,tyly atstiqinue: amusing. Rather I .alf..rnia it. Ist..1 Wool out at ,,tik v.,th �1,,..., .... . .

13’4 - . t ���� ,r�,. � 1,’,

deserve, the full-hearled support rial. Walt is 11 g(11)(i rl/a1.11 and

Wren. W.,ol, Taylor. MurqUette, ler P.-1,�rson and C PS- Ar.� Ivolli: . will make an ext�el.ent re��e� inan. In tu s. t s t s great to sett ..,

Paul Co% seetits to be right III back into the old routine to v. ork silille after tile 111.r.1 lil..k. _.

-- .......................:- �if eter, student enrolled. laa’s

............ I �

For 1931 season

Ilex Connor


Jack M 001

BETWEEN YOU AND ME-Bob Elliott � Pipe dream are als s tole- here eianes State’s old !ilea ated just for the curiosity of se, Verb. Hawley. ’Fat’ is the most

moniker foi s hat veil! happen next. HI T life on this (-ammo. in not a pipe lett, ,hile I,. re in school met

moininent 111 "II,

dream. It in the fulfilment of our �,.11 i� a., b�ys. daily plana. The prevailing spirit felt in the training quarter. of The football lois from OUP 111.

the Spartan football squad in far town and say ’,ants �re to me entertained at tht- San JOB! State from a vague dream. It ix danger.

oust) near a reality. And that Health Cottage. meala are

mg opponent.

good and the beds comfortable. Such luxury and comfort e. ap�

means disaster for some unthink-

" � preciated during this frst seek of sores and bruises. Al no time during the coining

o ill I write that San Jose ..irstly will lie a Vs’orld beater. horseplay and I 1N’i�.. are I t.,� team will be beaten and it Ascii! fr�all �����1114

lose two or three Mg lets All the 1,10, 1’.

IAA watch the spirit of th, about their work more handful of fellow shohms heretofore seen Last

.11., represent you. 1 ..o , !M.N. s�as eo� � ,eralili� &Meld!, mg now that this same �,1.., � ��� , !to.- - f th�� old I aers be the proverbial ter L. � � ��� �,

ast Ai ., linemen’

IWelcome Back FACULTY AND SI 0I.N 1

to the physival education oilier immediately. Coach Melton d.l. head of the phssical education - parlinent and basketball menhir will have charge of organizing this year’s competition. C., u M’alker will assist und later .,-.-smile eontrol.

I.ast yVar’s team placed .11.1-.,11,!

uiliforniu Intercollegiate tonferenee to the 1.,,,

Mate.. Junior College learn. ’I lo. Spartans defeated the I nisersily of California varsity- and frosh It�anis and split ’With 1111� Stan-ford frosh and varsity Hien. Stak� split the series with Hie

tale. Mateo bulldogs thus losing ilie

Max Cunningham was eleete.1 captain at the end of the Seas..11

Ile will not return this year. tither squadmen and lettermen syho are expected back inelude John Stratton, Hold. Clemo, i�t.k w;�.1. lace Leslie, K. Hindi, Roy Fal-’ . lendolf, Larry Hall and Bill Eg-

14i-stern tr

eaptain-el,�� � glesim. Doug ’caylor, considered by b.all

lor is a 9.8 see.intl man in the liex Commr. student. many as the best soccer player on tfiat irca s. Earl Goodell and Buil Hubbard; hundred Yard dash. has bet.n appointed manager of the squad, is 4.u! for the football iner. had to stoop over to remove an

make a sweet pair of t�nds. But the �row .1 ;1;. hard lilt/Ming outfit. Other .ar.,

annoying piece of paper. The Dick CI is: is entet mg his third fimtball team for the 1931’ team and probably will not returnt base found spartans sith het � Muscles in the right arm of a stiff relaxed illn1 before the fluid

s arils s s.

Gus Peterson S1.1.1111. 1., lw the Harold Derraga and l’aul Huss, t I � .


ek of Sheet Ntusic, Music Books and Supplies is More Complete than eser.

,.!.1(11.1 BEBETH Slim I Must. I). pt .

Ferguson Music House

The Shirt With A College Degree

\ Varsity Mesh

Oxford $2.50

Designed and styled according

to the specifications of college


Low band Varsity collar two

flap pockets free ement

over shoulders and blades.

A beautiful fabric woven on

the basket weave prin. lid,


227.’233 South Fird C?ref.?


+ there battling. Cos conies ini� towards the success of our nide

t, school with a guod reputation to solo,’ mul’il!..ns� lite up to. Ile is the last of the stalwart Cos brothers: lAm, Ilad- quarter. Diek Clay introduced

Howard Wolfing, his cousin from ley and Paul.

PREP STARS ENTER STATE Geary, Ind. WultIng is another quarh�r with lots of pep.

Prep star, trona the Bay region

list of int-outing men. F.d. 110. and from San Jose high swell the’ ft

- -

� Every student needs a former local high quarter,

brother of Jack. is another I.�� Fine shots ing lots of fight. tied V.

pr. ii slar out for the biu�kti� 1! 1 Marquette. Alaint�da high A � 1 I.. halfback; Etl. Malones. ’,Hi Leandro; Brick lit�ell. Canip bell, Chas. Rees, San Jose; and %main Roberts, Dunsinuie, ssell the roster of new material.

LindsuS. Salt Lake City and way points, is a scrappy little

Watch We carry Longinee. Hamilton*, and

alt hams--all at curate. dependable timepieces. Mode.. ate prices.

Watch Ifelafirilly -it 1.KriTa WM) ARk: nintkINti T.’, war thrmagh. or in need of extra ,�,..� ��� h.... pr0000tIon to otter rat (.. ’ ...1,-,I% 1,-, I I p., 1 a t..,:� w� r���tia ��� *ample* at pennant.. pll. +nolo > IA Mee no Invetalnenl ernatever

�.o.. lonwere. tite. Yon take tit. °Men. 11,_./ 1.4-’1 . 1,--’

J,iii;,r4 .Pnce Ici:4 0 .. ,,, ,..a. sh�re Reliable a.m. Med ,..., ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, keep the t rota mot re� 11

.� n...1.1 Write today , 169 South First St. RItAlIFftltla A 11’.1

..., Jn�eph. Moen

Announcing Courses in

Modern Music


NAN() JAZZ-WATEHMAN - (:omplete courses for both beginners and advanced students. including full course in -playing" harmony. W’here desired. ad-vance students are trained in profession.] radio-stvle. and in playing from dance or-chestrations.

it.�sro Ti:Nott Oft "LONG-NECK"

Single -string. duo-style, and full -chord liar-Homy itichiditii; dance orchestratiiiii� pro-

lidining for students inter-...At 11 III III1S 111111111111111.

SAX01’110NE A complete course. including everything de-

manded in the modern dance orchestra.

1).% NCI:: ENSEMBLES FOlt Af)VANCED I Dr.vrs- -

’1’12cm. provide necessary training in the

technic dentanded hy orchestra directors.

Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to P. NI. Daily.

(Oilier how% by appointment)

Roy A. Wonderly 17-18 Alliance Building Col. 2714i




WEBB’S 61; South First Street

� � .

The serr1.1 of Hex Connor’s speed tit 111) .,Inizer. It seems that th, i Last week thirty -live candidate, ( minor tist�d to For an assistant in a for the squad met. liecame a,

quainted and began 1111e of the � a ihe Southern I alifornia

hardest struggles of recent ram- undertaking eatablishments. Our-

paigns-that of SA hipping them� ing thr course of eeping out

selves into. a -moot h plugging. one of the operating rooms. Rex

’’t the at no time has ;he fight of the

The First National Haircutting Shop


Fitat National Hank Budding

Haircut, 50

� L. I. Pit N oft



SAN JOSE HARDWARE CO. Hardware Headquarierst:Sania

Columbia 211111

t: 0 1. 1. E Li 1

’s � I � n . -

N N S 11 l’

Co-ed Dresses

s 1 615 Exclusively


’Miss Georgina Jones

Will Model

s.vrunDAY in Ithini’s Collegienne Shop

Co-Ell I:rock l’ictured

Thin Wool 14,11.r.. Ensemble

IS knit l’Olt�rits

quarter backs ha�e et fewit one " ’ � � -

play that la going to catch oppos-ing men asleep. It is a quick play’ Buggs-1 bear that Dor har from close formation and good LI, � gave up singing to prison-for a net gain of from tsenty to

pt�nitentiary. thirty yards. Match for it tn the the first game against the Marines I tia’N’ October 3 at the Spartan field. w-asn’t in the penal cod,

4.4ART S-C.StAff OILER MARX .�e L�

4 Good


for Collegc I I, n

Making a special study of the

men want is it fettlnrc ol Spring’s sers ice. 1.,t,

%sill find hert� the hest and latest styles prnaal give you th; gre.d. st v.ilu.s obtainable

Slipover Sweaters $3.50

NeN W11 WIle YM1,11.

all wool zephyr ..1111111.%- 111111’. Cal, .1. 1 ..roll-tiaL littits (trey. Also 111:1. k ard �ite

Others, ri and SS

Rough Rider Cords $4.50

%Rho’ for universits men of tough, long-wearing Cordu roy. Light creant shades - also darker colors. Sizes 29 to 42 waist.

Others. d2.115 and 113.45

Leather Coats $9.75

11111d...1m’ 111.11 l�

k oats in sail.] sli. � :Ohm ...ilar. cuff.. Thull. I

btu Islcs. A mond, rful ,....t gri�al vain.

°therm. $6.97, to 611.:7,

New Tweed ’Trousers $5.50

Twet�els art deftnilely this year. These are or eN

Ira heaS it, {they and Wha. While �

SPRING’S’ , � � fl

Santa Clara Street at Market


Page 4: RESHIVIAN EDITION 1 State College Times - San Jose State

1 "I may not agree with a thing that you say, but I will dght to

’ the de:liti for your right to say it."�Voltaire.

State College Times

Yabitalatti regular’, mums stri L.11��� pox by alas Astaasistatt tittariaata tot

Ma Jaw &ate Wiles. TE,LICPNOlata klAt-LAKLI Ian

finiered Bacond-Claa. !halite at cha San .1.a� isataruta Paotoftert, t.bruloy it. It.t, --

pa.. of %voila-Limy sae latifaratta 4(00

1 To the Freshman


You have doubtless been told many times that to be

able to go to college is a choice privilege, that the field

uf know ierige is the must joyl ul of IOU’s/tits, and that with-

out intellectual growth. ait other branches of hie will he-

euttle stunted and dull. Perhaps you passively agree with e you at all convinced that you ure being Mg invaluable to your happiness and sue-s going to du something to each one of you, uepend upon the way yuu will react to ail

uli which go tu make up life.

Some of us. as yuu lease heard, must learn our lesson "in the hard school of experience". But others of us beluug

innate. class which has learned to think its illiculties, and thus avoid sonic ul llic bumps

Most of you who are entering State MIS ability to gain experience through thought.

ue that ability Ingitly enough! .And do you use it °lien enough?

If you du appreciate. and use this gift ot thinking. yuu are able to see tor yoursell something of what life would be without the chance to go to college. state 011,rs you an *environment of the highest type for those who wish to gain their experience through thought and study. luu will soon come tu realize that you are surrounded scith all the mine.. (tonal advantages to be had any�where. Library, laboraha:. and faculty offer you "experience" of every sort and every form. Those of you who do think will choose. hi,. way to knowledge, and to those of you who are ot tram of thought, it is unnecessary to describe- the great:nes, of your gilt and the infinite possibilities of your oppor-tunity. It is only necessary to congratulate you on tieing offered such a gilt, and that we do most sincerely. We also congratulate. ourselves un having you with us.

But if you belong to that class which must learn through actual experience, it would be useless for us to attempt to convince you. by mere words, of the necessity for a college education. But when you have had your ex-perience . . . and it does not have to be unpleasant ex-perience, you know . . vou wit’ be a firm member of the tovers of knovtiedge. And perhaps you Will have an ad-vantage over the rest, for the lessons taught by experience stay with you a long time!

Whichever attitude you take. college will change you immensely. It will take Sollie of you a long while to realazt. your growth others of you will feel the new power and . greater possibilities at once-- but all of you will feci it sometime. l’or someday you W111 suddenly realize that you art.� in love in love with life and living�and then ot.i you are really prepared to learn. And so we vveleonie you and offer "experience" madt. to order. All we ask is that you don’t wait too long to learn the value of your oppor-tunity.


The administration has spent considerable money to provide what it feels is the necessary and the best condi-tions for State students to use. As a result of all this ex-pense which covers the new buildings of the last two or three years, the college has a new men’s gymnasium, a new ladies’ center, new facilities for outdoor competition and a new turf on the southern side of the campus.

Cpptrclassnien who have had the opportunity of watching and aitlIng these changcs are most grateful- not only bec.dise td hut for the experience.

he lit w atudents gle with us, we must runless and eagerness of their intentions

and using this advantage. tate are coached with the idea of train

� ’,eller health and to enjoy the stimulation, of competition Contests ;ire staged to create interest. In order to mak. these affairs worth the time and effort of those involved. support ntust be givt n freely. An effort is math. to id a balanced program of all forms of com-1 petition in minor and major activities. And no one activ-I ity suffers because of the greed of another.

At this time of the season, athletics offer a wonderful program to all students. Tennis. swimming. wrestling. gymnastic activity, volleyball. basketball. soccer, speed ball. fencing. horse hack riding. clogging. freshman foot-ball and varsity football are all a fair representation of the field covered. And with this assortment, where will you be by the time groups and teams are organized to take advantage of the friendship and fellowship stimulated by� active participation?

Lost week, football took it on the chin because a local writet mistook his place in life. He touched on Willa might have been a cap of dynamite. Instead the students ac-quainted with the affair rallied around the faculty member and set matters aright. These students number thirty-five Eleswhere in the paper one can read considerable copy about their efforts.

If this group of students, who are working daily nit& r the involved party, rally and fight until their bodies ache from bruises and sprains, then the least that the student, botly can do to testify their faith anti confidence in the! athletic program and athletic department is to PLAY THE (i AME WITH STATE!

Headlines read that propsepriti and prohibition will be so:r2 issues. At preaent we have neither.

ANew Era in Sports identical. The antithesis of the I’m going te, make a 11 ayes:Age All this time. you understand, you enjoy a glon

, bromide is the- sulphite; sulphites this time." It’s just boloney. 1 was carraing on an intensive party -dance to be held in ti!� comprise the minority. of course. folks. . I’ve said the same thing study of the Zodiac. Eve’, night! woman’s gym Friday night ’ In the face of renewed interest in sports and a so-called , These are the people who think often enough, but it doesn’t after a bard day’s work. I would 8:30. yhe plans include ne prosperity wave created by the near completion of the new in (original channels�who are nie�an anything. Even if e�eeryonee trudge home to my little garret at i,,,50 games, dancing, refresh athletic equipment on the campus. comes an ugly sugges. i. agreed on many of the element- worked toard enough to raise his the St. Regis and study my alina� inents. Remember. all freshmen tion from uninformed sources. let we arc bt,ginni�g ,. ary tacts of life, and who, there- marke one grade heel get the cus- nor. and transfers are invited. Don’t new semester with the most favorable prospo!cts. fore. do not feel called upon to hammy grade becauae the darn IN LOVE! let this chance slip by. ...............--.........�... comment. Every week, then, things arr generally assigned los Then I fell in lave One 41)15 a

there will appear on this paste a . Less average. parl malkeel into the theatre and .

colleetion of some bromidiums � � � smile,’ as she passe.’ me. My oor, bromidic phrases). Why What is your objective at col- heart palpitated wildly. Every don’t sou help 1,,,, out and send , ipurr To make high grades. have, dies from then on she would coolie in a few you heart ’ a gay hale, he a social leader. find! into the theatre and smile at me

a vocation, or annex a husband?! One day I timidly asked her on� I. "Well, we’re here Indio’ I I to dine�and she arcepted. 1

and gone tomorrow." ! Don’t senile-. Lots of your fel- ’ took her to the Snappy lunch for A truly great and profound dis- ’ loW elasSmates have one tir more’ dinner anti then le) the Newsreel

Elitorial Pay 4Iatt Eintrti Sati Jose, California. Wednesday. Sept. Z1, 19:11


of Small Beer’’ THE MOVING FINGER 1;, 1,0 , This column Is given to you

ilow snickers and a few mild eat.callie) through the courtesy of the State College Chamber uf Commerce (more snickers, slight� ly louder) and the writer. iCrica a "Oh, yeah?") Its purpose i loud laughter 1 .is to impart tu gou, my friends (cries of ’That for you!" and "Benny seat men all the thousand and one little things (cries of "Make it a thou-sand or two!" "How about a thousand and three?" and Soldr) that happen during the week in this workaday world. (Cries of "Nests!") It is uur sin-cere wish that we shall have a message for you all. (Jeers, laughter, and a nasty, mean noise from the extreme rear of the theatre.)

� � � First ameong the announce-

ments to be delivered at today’s campineeting is the the brutal murder of the Man on the Campus. ln an effort to keep all alleged politics off of the feat-ure page, we sneaked up behind the poor fellow one night and hit him osee’the head with a gas -pipe. "Sic transit gloria and all that sort of thing.

� � Anti btl we return to who’ ,

There ure lots of uld faces. Thcoi are many alit) who won’t come back. It seenos to be one of the tragedies of Life that Fate shoves us hither and yon, breaking up friendships�Fate, disguised as graduation, or � little card frum the Dean’s office. It doesn’t tnake yuu feel happy to know you are never aguin to see someone you really liked.

However, let’s enjoy the friend-ship of those who retuain. And always remember the new stud-ents. I was looking over the

’ Freshmen while they were taking the tests. Mostly they appear in-telligent sent half way studious. Disregarding the small proportion of predestined misfits they seem to be as good or better than the group with es hieh I entered.

� � �

The campus is hoed} this year. The lawns are excellent. The men’s ouninasium will be an ar-chitectural gem when the rubbish is cleaned from around it. ’Iwo eyesores remain�the Old Train-ing School and the High School.

� � �

Dates, not the edible kind. are going to be scarcer this year. Neither boys nor girls have been able to make as much money this %mauler us pre%iously. Nly predic-tion is that bridge parties will increase, gin parties decrease.

� � �

Pity the poor bootlegger. Al Capone’s men have muscled in on the San Francisco liquor [raffle. Dealers were given the choice of coming in, or else

Summer, like Christmas, conies once a year. During it some of us work, some of us play. and some go to summer session. Sum-mer is famous for hay fever, poi-son oak. and romantic lave af-fairs. Summer Flirtations are highly contagious and are to be avoided al all costs. During the fever the victim beceanes deliri-ous and raves incessantly. The convalescent periad is marked by

Editor’s Note: the ices uf enuugh, it was not yers long be -our Uncle Jaspar .ni Pratt fore fate taurus apart.

Ealls were obtained at a Woolen- I Disheartened and disillusioned. dous expense. Desiring an astro- 1 left my post at the theatre and Inger who would write regularly! walked the streets for several feor the editorial page, we carried. (lass. At flrst I was surry for on a copious correspondencei my hastiness in giving up with Mr. Solis 1.1asper H. Sults Is’ gum! position. One day a steam Isis full name) before he finally calliope affvertising a circus went consented to work for us. We Medi by, and, as I gazed on the gilt joist about given up the prospect! angels and fancy plaster v., rk (on a having this touted atar-gazer ! the wagon my thoughts Weill

1111101111 us, when. one morning,I haek to the old days in the Foal

unexpee�teelly in the Times Office Broke and hungry, I still re�� l’ncle Jaspar himself appeared Theatre.

and asked for room with a Mined my faith in the stars. One onithern exposure. We could day II pawned a diamond ring hardly !Relieve our eyes at flrst. and last pair of shoes and but. sure enemata, there he was, bought a telescope. Every night hia bald head glistening in the from that time on would stick morning light. his white beard my telescope uut of the window %naively tucked into his vest, and of nly mom and gaze for hours a huge telescope under his arm. at the heavens�sometimes glanc-rlii�pw:nsda itnirdia,14fdrofienntiy.s. liesmag

iiinughlsic15.4p.ark across the street. in the direction of the

little wobbly on his pins, anY- Bays will be buya, you know. , win; so he sat down, brushed off %%at I saw in that park seas the ; his plus fours, and asked for a nucleus of fortune. I begun

that for a nominal suni I should writing letters to people slating,

set abaut to gain new astrological be willing to remain silent about triumphs. His flrst article fol- inforniation known only to doer lows: stars. I called this business preq-1

To those (of 5.0u who are so ect "Uncle Jaspee’s Confidential unsocial as nut to have heard of Star Service." ana it netted mei me. I must explain that I was born in Pratt Falls on a stormy from one corner of the earth I() night in 1871, or thereabouts. the other (always remaining in

’the moment I 55.1s born, a meteor the earners, of course) and carr5 shot from the. skies and landed in on my great service. Wherever Clliengil, C.:111%111g the Cereat Chi-cago Fire. This was the first sign I received which informed me that I had !wen chosen to corn.

a small fortune. Now I travel

go my telescope goes with me, and vice versa.

Now that you have heard eu5 humble story. ladies and gentle-

municate to all you people the a e a 5 4. ori".554-::sfnr°otmeitibutugh. starros.r

Orteh.ishoc7- the stars reveal or conceal? If tion that you would care tu have

ever. When I was twelve years there is, just leave it to aour old, I went outside one moonlit Uncle Jaspar! night. looked LIP at the 40’. ah4 Editor’s note: Please remember said this verse aloud: this special service. Next week

"’twinkle, twinkle, little star, Uncle Jaspar will begin answer -Do I get this pob or don’t I?" Ong questions about love, mar -

son. Three of them twinkled in uni- riage. the economic condition.

and the care and cultivation of) "My stars!" I exclaimed. I Win the kippered herring.

fully convinced. ’It has been the c llllll non belief

that the Chicago fire was caused JASPAR TURNS FOX

. .

a pain around the heart, loss of Fame WaS not to be mine. how- by a cow belonging to one NIrs. appetite. and a sad expression on tver. for man) years. For awhile trlwary. We are happy to an -the face. Like the common culd I worked as guide in one of the nounce that Mrs. O’Leary’s cow it is believed to be spread h5 magnificent Fox Theatres. My job has been fully exonerated, and kissing. was to pass out a complete map the deed attributed to trick

� � � of the theatre to the custonoers li.pier’5 nirt.

who went in. Occasionally 1 � would haxe to revive an arch, tect or an artist who happened 1. Freshman Party Dance wander into the theatre les nu, take. I Watt not a "handy -man" Will Be Held Friday

� � �

Yens Libra (Nut much vers. but plenty of

libre). Read a Fresh Poem!

e in the man who invenAteind utririakpi

ploine! Prejudice

ariiibleAnely are pertectls- ter -

lout Cecil and Sally are simply unbearable.

Dinky Hats Enopress Eugenie: A hell of 11 beanie.’

Sous of India Mahatma Ghandi Is always handi.

I.itersry Notation Ace-noting to Mr. Edgar Lee Masters. who wrote his biography lour old friend President Abra-

ham Lincoln Was not at all what we’ve been’


Bromidiaaa This section of the column.,

(line fierily; to the right, folkso. is to be reserved each sveek for a .-ollectieen of bromidiums. A bromide, as you probably keno,. is anyone who persists in saying just exactly what is expected uf him. For ages. bromides have’ expressed their valuable (opi�ions! on all subjects within their grasp, and the (opinions are not only always the same, but the ex pression and %Yarding are alike

covery! The idea is always es -1 pressed very philusophically. I

2. "People’s tastes are differ-ent. If we were all alike. what a dull world it would be."

My liawd�is that right? 3. "It always rains right after .

I mach my car." Please note the delicate iroh�

implied. �Louis Scales.

Circulating Library


Fiction and Non-Eiction

P. S. Roberts


:19 East San Antonio St.

San Jose, Cal.

I have just read Emerson’s es-aay on Love. I think Mr. Emer-son waa nexer in love. Henry Drummond considers it to be the greatest thing in the world. but all he knoos IS %kiwi he read in the Bible. For a real authority I’d prefer Anita Loos or Aimee.

� � � fon all sides cu hear. "Yes,

this quarter Fru going to studs.

of those objectises. The unfor-tunates are those who have mons. who go tO r011egt. be( a Woe the

has.. the school habil and papa is role.


very long. So diligent was I in all the little tasks assigned to me. I waa soon elevated to the posi-tion of door-man. I was an im-posing s,ght in my fine gold braid.

Theatre. That night. when I got home, I consulted the stars about

the case. Alas! I found that we had met under the sign of Taurus, and that was a !hid omen. Sure

p I uis M II I 1 y

io. , lin ed lading it in the usual hiding places. or carrying It the pocket and avoid the dan-gers of the usual temptations to vend it.

There is much to learn about Money if you want to ta� a success in this world.

I Inc thing to learn is that money is alisolutely neces� sary and it mutt be provided In advance.

Another thing In learn is the value of keeping a careful account of what money you receive and pay out; alsre. to carefully budget your expense.’ so that every necessary item ia provided for.

Amother good rule ia never run in debt even for trifles. We cannot overlook the fact that the reed of Ili.. world pays a Ilttle mon respect to those who have money.

Get the habit of keeping your money in the bank. and your valuables in a %are deposit hos.


The First Nntional of San .1 tos.4.

Are ante freshman stutter; Do you feel strange and Ione some? Would you like to bre i� the ice and get acquainted? I,

uus time? I! SO, don’t fail to attend the fr. .,’

I have always liked high place, Mountains have beckoned to me; skyscrapers have enthralled me; canyons and bottomless chains IttIVC been a sweet music to me. Perhaps if you understand tlois, you will also understand why I hovariably turn to the right and climb when I enter a theatre. At least, this is the un mows t a I intent! to make for the general public. The doorman’s sibilant, "Upstairs. to the right," is the sound of a welcome valor. It ac-celerates the pulse. it sends the bland pounding in my ears. This effect is, of course, not instantan-eous. But w in me I a y reached my culole-sac, my airy perch, I ant LliWayS aware of the emotional reactions that I have staled. I gaze down. doss n.

ihiere, far below me is the stage. A hush falls upon me. With the din iiii ing of the lights, the rising of the curtain, and the utterance of the first few pages of dialogue the hush gradually descends upon the rest of the audience. The play is on.

I have. within the last month, twice given nia-self the upporun-ity of going through such an ex-perienee. This, in spite of the present economic situation. Both limes I havve been amply re-

’ o aro . rs p . J

wit% Ethel Barrymore in "The Sellout for Scandal"; the second, "The Silver Curd," with Laura Hope trews and ha) Johnson. The distinction I have attempted to make is. I feel, accurate. l’he first play WAS Ethel Barrymore

and the second play W3S "The Sil-ver Cord." The blame must not be put upon Miss Barrymore, however. The play she chose to appear in is not a "star" play, she etiose an excellent cast to play with tier, she did not attempt to gain attention when the play did not call for it. Nevertheless, the play was Miss Itarrymore. The fault lies in the public. They came to see, not a great actress, but a personality, an emblem of the stage. Perhaps it was just as well

1 enjoyed "The Silver Cord" more than I did "The School for Scandal" because I believe the former to be a better play than "that immortal comedy from the

eef Richard Brinsley Sheri-dan." I am judging, quite natur-a115, from the modern concept of

hal makes a good play�and, !is. I xlieenl.1 like to know

4 Sall JOSI! Players well

dramatic society on the will hold its annual fall on the afternoons of ’I L., and Friday, October 1 and 2

President Howard Nelson iessued a cordial invitation freshmen to tryout for Old students, too, are wei appear for a tryout on tle uled date. Any additional Ittlitt011 may be secured ’ Coach Hugh Gillis in I., in rootn 13. Also watch , bulletin board for ani, ments concerning the lines.

should I judge by the reo Aristotle? Miss Crews and Johnson contributed acting to a sinooth pert! That Miss Crews and Mix, son bath have dominant pi alities is indisputable. But personalities were domina. the play, and not outside the I.

It is the greater art. �Jim Clan.

� "My sun seems anxious

literary career." "What are you going to de)

him?" "I don’t know � better win

to train lune for baseball stai or the presidency.






First and San Antonio


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