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Market Analysis

Market potential

Size of the market:- About two billion dollars in sale makes the company

Mars with the product Snickers.Market growth:

- Altough the global economic crisis, the candy industriehas a constant growth.

Market structure

Types of customer:- Kids

- Students- Chocolate lover- Familys- tc.

Distribution Channels:- Selecta etc.- Migros, Coop, !enner etc.- "rodega- Kiosk

Price:- #s rising continiously, because o$t he price o$ cacao.

Requirements:- !epends o$ the country and region. #n southern

countries, the bars have more sugar.ualitati!e market "atas:

- %eeds o$t he customerso &arge variation 'di(erent )avours*

- +uying motiveso ungero nergy suppliero For !essert


"olitisch und rechtliche mwelt• mstrittener insat/ von

%anotechnologie, damit bei der

0konomisch• !er "reiswettbewerb• 1here "reise $2r Schokolade

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Schokolade keinen grauer 3ber/ugentsteht und somit l4nger haltbarbleibt

• 5ichtlinien und %ormen im +ereich&ebensmittelgeset/

%aturschut/geset/e 'Anbau vonKakao, ")an/en1l*•

• Abh4ngigkeit von 6eldgebern 'Marsist ein Familienbetrieb*

• Markt$2hrer bei Schokoriegel• 3bernahme von weiteren 5iegel-


• 7usammenschliessung anderer5iegel-ersteller

So/ial• !ie Menschen wollen sich gesund

ern4hren• 8iele 9unge identi:/ieren sich mit

;coolen< "rodukten• !ie Menschen haben andere

#nteressen• 3bergewichtige Menschen 'Kinder*•

Keine 7eit $2r ausgiebiges ssen'Men2*

 =echnisch• %eue M1glichkeiten von Marketing• %eue M1glichkeiten $2r &4ngere

altbarkeit• ntschl2sselung des Kakao-6enoms

0kologisch• &ie$eranten der 5ohsto(e• mweltschonende erstellung

'8erpackung, 5ohsto(e*• vtl. Knappheit an 5ohsto( Kakao



erbung bei Kindern unter GH untersagthttp>>www.$a/.net>s>5ub!GIGF!HGGJJCJAFB!!FH+IG!B>!ocLI!+FNGFOHJOI+CHNBNGIBLA=plLcommonLScontent.html


1here "reise gab es vor allem $2r Schokoladeinge$2gt ausPhttp>>www.n//.ch>nachrichten>wirtscha$t>aktuell>teuerungEimEaugustEgesunkenEG.NJJ.htmlQ



ntschl2sselung des Kakao-6enoms


inge$2gt aus Phttp>>>mars-chocolate.html?a#d@HHQ

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VRINE-Analyse Mars

As there's no data for an in-depth analysis of the MARS company, we'll try to outlinethe companys strength by means of the VRINE-analysis which then will help in

constructing the SWOT-table. Following the VRINE-model, specific resources of a

company are analysed according to the following points: Valuable, Rare, Inimitable,

Non-substitutable and Exploitable.

The obvious strength of the Company sure is its dominance (huge market share) in

snack sales as well as pet-food.

Valuable: yes, the huge and well-known portfolio enables the company to cover a

broad range of needs as well as share resources (mainly in production) between its

subsidiarys. It's easy to launch new products in a short period of time as there is so

much knowledge and technology available.

Rare: there are several companys like Mars which are big in the food business, but

none that is specalized in snacks as Mars is. And there is no company with as many

popular snacks. So, this has to be considered rare.

Inimitable: This position can only be achived by huge amounts of investments, for

several years. The popularity of Mars grew over one hundred years by now and

doesn't seem to end, it is built on tradition to a certain degree. So its almostimpossible for a new product to diminish this popularity in a short time.

Non-substitutable: if some company was to introduce a new, hip candybar that tasted

better than Mars, Twix, MilkyWay altogether, there would be trouble for MARS. Which

could be solved by buying the newcomer.

Exploitable: Mars can exploit its position and it does. After the buyout of the world's

largest chewing gum producer, Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, it obviously expands its

activities to other areas of the candy industries. The operation of the Ethel chocolate

shops is another example.

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SWOT-Analyseat Mars #nc. mit Snickers die St4rken um die Chancen /u nut/en? 'G* aben siedie St4rken um die 5isiken /u bew4ltigen? 'H* elche Chancen verpassen siewegen ihrer Schw4chen '* und welchen 5isiken sind sie wegen ihrer Schw4chenausgeset/t? 'J*

;as Mars #nc. with Snickers the strengths to pro:t $rom their opportunities? 'G*!o they have the strengths to handle with their threats? 'H* hich opportunitiesdo they miss because o$ their weaknesses? '* hich risk do they have becauseo$ their weaknesses? 'J*

Chancen “Opportunities” Risiken “Threats”

   S   t   ä  r   k  e  n   “   S   t  r  e  n  g   t   h  s   ”


ng dank Kultstatus.<increase in sales>pro:t due tothe cult statusR

it/ige und kultige erbungenmit kreativen Spr2chen, die bei

Konkurren/ bietet besser

schmeckenden 5iegel an undgewinnt Marktanteile.;competitor o(ers a better tasteand increases share in themarketR

!ie Mars #nc. hat ann4hernd eine

   S  c   h  w   ä  c   h  e  n „   W  e  a   k  n  e  s  s  e  s   “

#mage von Snickers alsnergieriegel $2r sportliche+et4tigung.;image as a energy candy bar<

5ie el hat /war hohen

Steigende =enden/ /uFettleibigkeit bei 9ugendlichen.;teenagers become more $atterand $atter<

Tabelle 1: SWOT-Analyse

Competitor analysis of snickersAnalysis of Candy ars nationally! gloally which are co"parale

to snickers #

- Crunchie bar>Cadbury

$ %&'

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Advertisement 6et that Friday $eeling T, =8Commercial Crunchie =rain 5obbery T

nergy 'Kcal* JI

- 5eeseUs %utrageous>ersheys

Advertisement 6ive your mouth a party T

nergy'Kcal* HI

- +aby 5uth>%estleAdvertisement Savor the good stu( T

nergy'Kcal* HN

- +utter:nger>%estle

Advertisement %obodyVs 6onna &ay a Finger Wn My+utter:nger T

nergy'Kcal* HH

Co"petitors to (ars )nc*

The +ershey Co"pany #+usiess volume ,GHO Mrd. S!

mployees GJ.J,raft -ood )nc*+usiness volume J.J Mrd. S!mployees BO..estle S*A*+usiness volume GO Mrd. S!mployees HNO.

Distri!tionskan"le Snickers #Sc$%ei&' (C!rrent)istri!tion c$annels Snickers #S%it&erlan)'*

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(ars Schwei1A2

3ehe"als/4e"s A25





'Coop athome*


Xstore at petrolstationX

'Coop "ronto*




Xsmall storeX






Xstore at petrolstationX










Optionen „options“/Alternativen „alternatives“

- !irektverkau$ an ndkunde ;direct sales to end customer<- An$rage &idl und Aldi Suisse ;inYuiry &idl and Aldi Suisse<