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“The Fantasy Beyond Control”Field Survey, by Alba Santiago Blair

Before you start you should know why this research report was

created. All the information presented here has been selected

from a wider range of information to show the difference in use

of interactive media, in two different mediums and times.



1997-93 2010


About her



About her

Born in 1941 in Cleveland, Ohio (USA).

She received a Masters of Art from San Francisco State

University. In 1993 she is appointed Senior Professor for

Electronic and Digital Arts at the University of California.

Some of her work includes:

“Conceiving Ada” (1993–97) Film.

“Roberta Breitmore” (1971–78) Performance.

“Lorna” (1979–83), “America's Finest” (1994–95),

“Dolly Clones” (1995–98). All interactive installations.

In many works she deals with the aspect of “privacy in the era

of surveillance”. Lives and works in San Francisco, CA (USA).

- From Media Art Net


“Lynn Hershman s Lorna is considered the first Interactive video

art installation. It was elegantly simple: a woman, Lorna, sat at

home watching her television, clicking her remote. The viewer

sat and watched her on television, making choices with a similar

remote. The piece began with a mock survey and proceeded to

show the space of Lorna’s apartment, which contained items, the

user could select. These items led to branching narratives which

proceeded based on further user selections. The interactive

viewers where repositioned relative to television, identifying with

the character in the gaze in a manner quite different from the

films theory’s “structure”. Hershman also anticipated, by a decade,

the navigational structures presented by 1990s branching narrative


-Wardrip-Fruin, N. (2003) The New Media Reader. Cambrigde,Mass: MIT Press.

Here is an article

published by Lynn

Hershman, where

she describes her

work and theories.

The highlighted areas

are the most

significant to this

particular research.

-This article was photocopied

and scanned from: Wardrip-Fruin,

N. (2003) The New Media Reader.

Cambrigde,Mass: MIT Press.


Still from video

Still from video

Photo of installation

Still from video

Still from video

Advertising video

About XBOX


Interesting rumours!

Microsoft manufactures the Xbox. It was released on 15th of

November of 2001 it was Microsoft's first foray into the gaming

console market.

In May 12th of 2005, the Xbox 360 was released. This was

Microsoft’s second foray in console development succeeding their

2001 launch of the original Xbox. At their E3 presentation on June

14th of 2010, Microsoft announced a redesigned Xbox 360 that

would ship on the same day.

In 2009, IGN named the Xbox the 11th best video game console

of all time, out of 25 other consoles.

There is one feature in the Xbox 360 that is of great interest in

this research. This is, the Xbox LIVE.

And then… on November 4th of 2010, came Kinect for Xbox 360.

Which is of great interest in this research.

It allows players to compete

online, download arcade games, game demos, trailers, TV shows,

music and movies and its Windows Media Centre multimedia


-For more info visit: Xbox LIVE s website

Kinect is a "controller-free gaming and entertainment experience”.

Based around a webcam-style add-on peripheral it enables users to

control and interact with the Xbox 360 without the need to touch a

game controller, through a natural user interface using gestures and

spoken commands.

Kinect may be supported by PC s via Windows 8.

-Visit: XbitLaboratories


“Xbox LIVE

(nearly) gets


Interesting rumours!

Click on image

To see article.

-Artice from

Xbox 360 magazine,

issue 67


XBOX 360 and Kinect

Click on image to see video on internetVideo from Vimeo user,

suggesting an alternative

way of using Kinect.
