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30 Hour famine and charities

By: Justin Leung

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Aims & Objectives

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Aims & Objectives Aims More people will realize the

importance of the charity 30 hour famine and others that aid people

Fund raising events to keep the organisation running

Criteria Must be aceptable to

students and teachers alike Must have proper

connections Collection of pictures to aid

for the music video

Initial Objectives Meet up with rob (Audio

recorder)Create a banner for the homepageCreate the music video

Get the audio and see if it fits together with the video

Make necessary changesPromote the charity 30 hour famine

Sell on behalf of the 30 hour famine and get recognition for itDesign an album cover and gain more recognition

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Existing Solutions Research


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Target Audience People who care about others:


Author: N/a

Purpose: Charities for world hunger to those who are interested

Elements of the design you like: The sidebar full of information

Elements of the design you dislike: the color sceme meakes it stand out quite well

Any feature you think is missing : Not enough pictures and information

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Site Name: 30 Hour famine

Target Audience: People who care about others


Author: World vision

Purpose: To teach kids and to aid people less fortunate then us

Elements of the design you like: The colour scheme and the use of picutures

Elements of the design you dislike: Too much white at the bottom

Any feature you think is missing: a Contact button or a link.

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Site Name

Target Audience: Blood donors or people who want to help others


Author:The international Red Cross movement began by a chance occurrence. In 1859, a Swiss businessman, Henry Dunant,

Purpose: Blood donors for the people who need it

Elements of the design you like: I like the logo

Elements of the design you dislike: Too much white

Any feature you think is missing More images:

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Possible Tools Comparative Research

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Tool Name: Google Sites

Purpose: Creating a site for the movement or the group

Features: Creates easily manipulated websites with ease and slightly to the users specifications

Ease of Use: Completely easy to make, the manipulation is also fairly straight forward

Pluses: User friendly, easy to use. Not hard to make a site

Minuses : Not exactly what the user wants most of the time

Annotated screenshot here

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Tool Name: IMovie

Purpose: Video editing subject

Features: can play through the movie in progress relatively quickly.

Ease of Use: Easy to use but for the advanced parts can be difficult

Pluses : User Friendly, easily manipulated

Minuses : Hard to control if you want things to be exact

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Tool Name: Adobe Photoshop

Purpose: Making an album cover

Features: Image/Pdf Manipulating software

Ease of Use: Has a set amout of difficulty

Pluses : Manipulates images even to the smallest detail

Minuses : Had to control the product, requires much skill.

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Client Contact

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Client Contact Client

CommunicationEmail contact with 30

hour famine organization

Help promote a fellow student in her music

Create a music video that aids us in our future in modern civilization

Client Objectives Get more publicity

for the charity 30 hour famine

Student will get more recognition for her work and will be more respected.

Music video is for future use if possible, we may use this as a learning experience

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Other Secondary Research Tutorials Seen I looked up different photoshop tutorials to help me design the album cover for the song “Perfect Love”. Here

is a list of the tutorials I looked at and why I thought of using them:1. chose to look at this tutorial because I really liked the bright, orange and yellow style lighting in it. Due to the nature of the song and the theme I am going for with the album cover design, the orange and yellow style lighting will help me make a bright, surreal, sunny land for the image.2. chose to look at this tutorial because I am considering centering a lot of lighting effects on one point, possibly the title of the album. I could use the surreal lighting effects to help focus the attention on the title, as that will be centered and the light leak effect could make it look very fantasy like, which is one of the themes I’m going for.3. looked at this tutorial for the same reason as tutorial #2. It is a surrealistic lighting effect that could be used in a fantasy manner to help with the theme and design of the album cover. I am debating whether to use the more colorful lighting in tutorial #2 or the more pale and pure lighting in tutorial #3. Both have similar effects but the tone of the cover will be slightly different depending on which effect I decide on using.4. was very interested with this tutorial, and although at first I wasn’t sure what I would use it for I knew I wanted to use it in the album cover itself. I eventually decided that I would try to use the effect of the long, a bright line of orange or yellow light surrounded by darkness, in the title. It could help shape the words, or be apart of the text design itself.5. was planning on using this for the sky portion of my album cover. Due to it’s pale, surreal effect, I could also use it in the same was as the effect from tutorial #3. For the top half of my design, I am planning on either using a pale blue sky or an image of space, as if I decide to go with my blue sky idea I will likely use the effect from this tutorial.6. the final tutorial I found one that would help me with my other option for the upper half of my design. Using this tutorial, I could make a fantasy-esque, yet not entirely unrealistic, design of space for the upper half of the design. If I use this effect, I will be using the effect from the center of the sample image, as the other effects are not natural in any aspect that could be used in my design. These tutorials have been completed

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Planning Add a Mindmap

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Planning Roles and

Responsibilities for Group work

Justin: Site manager, information seeker

Tre: Album cover designer, appointment secretary

James: Music video maker, Analysis of existing videos.

Other Planning