Page 1: research into digi pacts and what we can learn from them







Page 2: research into digi pacts and what we can learn from them

INDIE ROCK :The indie rock genre often uses a colour pallet of reds whites and blacks. To me the red screams out elements of danger and the black gives the impression of authority and power in the music industry. However the white gives the audience connotations of purity and meaningfulness ,this could mean that their lyrics are truthful and that the listeners are experiencing a second hand emotion that’s being passed on through the music. However as they are independent bands and artists ,they do not have set codes and conventions for example “you me at six” have experimented with an out burst of colour emblematizing their individual creativeness.

Chosen colour pallet.

Target audience.The target audience for the indie rock genre is 16-25 year olds. This is in consideration of the intention of the music as it is based around past experiences of the band members and often contains sexual references so would be inappropriate for them to sell themselves to younger audiences. Also the majority of indie rock bands are in their 20s-30s so younger people aspire and look up to them as icons.Typography The font used is often bold and a contrasting colour to the background to make their album stand out from the rest. However they each indie band puts their own unique spin on it for example the 1975 have the typography with a ripped effect implying that they are carefree and reckless. In contrast to this the Arctic monkeys have a flowing bold font almost looks as if a person as hand written it. Giving the connotations of them being exciting and fun to be around but then also a added element of them being down to earth as anybody could of wrote the tittle.

Page 3: research into digi pacts and what we can learn from them

Media language:

The media language used by indie rock is often to promote the band in the best light possible .The shots are often long shots or close ups to make the band become more desirable by creating a direct link with the audience. Also they use sex appeal to sell their music for example the kooks use images that females would be attracted to widen their audience.iconographyThis is what is added to their image through computer graphics to complement their persona. Here in the 1975 album they used scratch marks over their album so people would perceive them as original and that they will leave their mark. Within the indie rock genre paint splashes and ripped effects are often used

Page 4: research into digi pacts and what we can learn from them

Chosen colour pallet:As you can see the colour pallets that are used within the pop genre are using a wide range of different colours. But if you take a second look you will notice that all of the colours used are bright and bold ,Shouting out to the audience that this genre is fun and vibrant the place to be. By doing this they are drawing audiences in to spend money on their product.

Also within the world of pop you have artists that follow the normative codes and conventions of the genre b y using bright and in your face colours for example Mika in the right hand side uses colour to its full potential to make him stand out he almost goes over board .Lady Gaga however contrasts this as she chooses to stand out for not following the conceptual norms as she incorporates dark colouring and shadowing into her work this is not associated with pop music and so gives her a unique edge and iconography.

“something that realised was that the more colour a artist uses the more innocent the intentions of the songs seam… is this because artists that use darker colours are aiming for a slightly older audience within their age bracket?.”

Page 5: research into digi pacts and what we can learn from them

Target audience:

Based on the colour scheme I would immediately presume that the intended audience was based on the younger generation as the fun vibes ands lots of colour are things that as a society we know children are drawn in by. However this genre is exposed to the media frequently and so this expands the target audience that they can reach out and promote themselves to. I would set the age bracket at 13-26 ,the large age bracket is a reflection of how popular they are within the media.Typography: If we look at all of the album covers to the

right we can immediately see that the artists name is pushed forward to stand out amongst the busy scene. This is typical for the pop genre to use a contrasting colour to the background to make important factors eye-catching. However if we look closer at the typography used it is singularly giving the performer an identity. For example if we look at the font used on the Michael Jackson album it is in gold fancy writing this links in with his iconography as he is know as the king of pop and the lettering represents this well as we associate gold with royalty and also it is placed strategically on the top of his head again this gives they audience the connotations of royalty. We all associate royalty with wealth so this also hints to the audience that not only is he high class but he has a high status of wealth. An contrasting identity is Miley Cyrus the rough and ready effect of the typography gives the audience the view point that she dangerous and almost rebel like ,this entices in a whole different audience type as this type of iconography appeals more to teenagers as she is imitating their reckless image.

Page 6: research into digi pacts and what we can learn from them

Media language. The media language used Within the pop genre is used to give the wow factor to their target audience. In Robbie Williams and Madonna's album close up shots are used to show the emotional link between the artist and their music. However artists may choose different shot types such as body shots and long shots use sex appeal to their advantage like Ariana Grande the image shows of her curves showing that she is in control as it is on her terms resulting in a larger variety of men and women in her target audience. When we look at union j the media language represents to the audience that they are strong as a group as they are all positioned closely together ,if a group appear to have stability then audiences are more likely to invest their money and time .

Iconography.The iconography is used in pop

more than any other genre as it covers individual differences on a larger scale as pop covers a wider variety of styles. I like how Robbie Williams has used pink spots to take on the iconography of his song as he has made himself look like the candy its self. But by doing this he is also giving himself a identity that is unique to him. If we look at Madonna's use of iconography she as gone for a pop-art effect giving the long .lasting impression that she is current and fresh despite being in the industry for a long time.

Page 7: research into digi pacts and what we can learn from them

Media language:

The media language used within the classical genre serves a very different and unique purpose ,as opposed to indie rock or pop it focuses mainly on promoting the music not the upselling the star persona .If you notice the shots are focusing more on the instrument and bringing them to the attention of the audience. The shots used are often close ups or wide/elongated shots as they want to inform their audience to the best of their capabilities. Iconography:

If we look at the iconography here we can see that little individuality is expressed as they all seam to follow suit by having very simplistic and plain lay out this gives the connotations of high class and sophistication again reaching out to their target audience. However I did find a album cover that seamed to clash against the normative iconography and conceptual norms as it had its own identity, it is the one in the centre of my photographs, It uses fire swirling around the instrument giving the impression that they are fierce competitors and they are not following the rules of the genre.

Page 8: research into digi pacts and what we can learn from them

If we look at all of the factors that make up the classical genre the typography is very formal and the colours are very dull and earthy this does not attract younger audiences but the older generation. Also as they are higher in price so they are reaching out to the higher classes as they are more likely to be able to afford to buy the albums. I would put a age group at 40+.

Target audience:

Typography:If we look at the typography you notice that the lettering is full of curves and it almost looks as if it has been painted. Painting is associated as a high class activity again reinforcing the formal appeal.

Chosen colour pallet:The colours used are very dark and dull almost earthy colours ,the use

of these colours suggests that they are in fact down to earth individuals and that they behave in away that society deems to be high class. The fact that they use dull colours also indicated that their target audience is of the older generation.
