Page 1: Request forProposal (RFP) - · Request forProposal (RFP) For Appointment ofStatutory Auditor for

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Request for Proposal(RFP)

For Appointment of Statutory Auditor for StateHealth Society (SHS) and District Health Society(DHS) for Audit of all programmes under NHMincluding NCDs


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REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP)State Health ociety, Chattisgarh, seeks to invite Proposal from C& AG empanelled CharteredAccountant arms those are eligible for major PSU audits for the year 2015-16 for conductingthe statutory audit of tate and District Health Societie under the ational Health Mis ion for2015-16.

The details about the background of the auditee, the units to be covered in the audit, scope ofwork, terms of reference, and the eligibility criteria for election of the C. A. firms are given inthe following paragraphs.

Terms of Reference (ToR)

ational Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of the Mini try of Health & Family Welfare waslaunched on 1ih April, 2005 by the Government of India to improve medical facilitie in all thearea in the country. The HM seeks to provide accessible, affordable and quality health care tothe population, especially the vulnerable sections. It also seeks to reduce the Maternal MortalityRatio (MMR) in the country from 407 to 100 per 1,00,000 live births, Infant Mortality rate (IMR)from 60 to 30 per 1000 live birth and the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) from 3.0 to 2.1 within the 7year period of the Mission. It has now been termed as National Health Mission HM). HM ioverarching NUHM also and includes on-Communicable Diseases CD) as well.

2. One of the visions of the Mission is to increase public spending on health from 0.9% to 2-3%ofGDP, with the improved arrangement for community financing and risk pooling. The HMhas provided an umbrella under which the existing Reproductive and Child HealthProgramme (RCH) and various National Disease Control Programmes DCPs) have beenrepo itioned. National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) has also been added as submission ofational Health Mission.

3. At present the following Programmes/Schemes falls under the National Health Mission:

A. HM-RCH Flexible Pool:

• ReH Flexible Pool (including Routine Immunization (Rl), Pulse PolioImmunization (PP!P) & ational Iiodine Deficiency Disease ControlProgramme (NIDDCP)Health System Strengthening (including National Programme forPrevention and Control of Deafness PPCD), ational Oral HealthProgramme OHP), ational Programme for Palliative Care PPC),As istance to State for Capacity building (Burn Injury), ationalProgramme for Fluorosis(NPF).

B. ational Urban Health Mi sion (NUHM).


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C. FI xible Pool for Communicable Di ea e:

• ational Vector Borne Disea e Control Programme (NVBDCP)

• Revised ational Tuberculosi ontrol Programme (RNTCP)

• ational Leprosy Eradication Programme LEP)

• Integrated Disease urveillance Project (ID P)

D. Flexible Pool for on-Communicable Di ea e, Injury & Trauma:

• ational Programme for Control of Blindness PCB)

• ational Mental Health Programme MHP)

• ational Programme for Health Care of the Elderly (NPHC )

• ational Tobacco ontrol Programme TCP)

• ational Programme for Pr vention and Control of Cancer. Diabetes.

Cardiovascular Di eases and troke PCDCS)

4. Institutional and Funding Arrangements:

For the implementation of the above programmes, MOHFW has required the creation of anIntegrated Health ociety at tate and District levels (registered as a legal entit at the tateand District under Societies Registration Act, 1860). Such integrated tate Health Societ( H ) work in close coordination with the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare andDistrict Health ocieties (DHS) work in coordination with the District Collector and Di trictChief Medical Officer (CMO). Program implementation i done through its District ChiefMedical Officer' office, Blocks, Community Health Centres (CHCs), Primary Health Centre(PHC ), Sub- Centres ( Cs), Rogi Kalyan amities and Village Health & utrition SanitationCommittees. Certain activities may be managed at the State level such as drug procurement,fEC, civil works, training using pecialized entities uch as SIHFW, IEC Bureau. PWD, theDirectorate of Health and Municipal Corporation for the urban health components. Inaddition funds are also released from SHS/ DHS to GO and private entities under publicprivate participation (PPP) arrangements.

Funding & Accounting Arrangements:

Funds for the various programs are transferred from Pay & Accounts Office of MoHFW tothe tate Treasuries and then from Treasuries to the H functioning in the State.Government of India tran fer funds in the form of Grants-in-Aid to SH on the basis ofrespective State Programme Implementation Plan ( PIPs) and approved Annual Work Plan

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which are prepared on the basis of District Health Action Plans (DHAP) of each of thedistricts in the State. Under the umbrella of the integrated SHS/DHS each program hasseparate bank accounts, maintains eparate books of accounts and other financial records asper the requirements of each program and also submit separate financial activity reports atvarying frequencies to the respective monitoring unit in MOHFW (GOl).

5. Financing by Development Partnersl Donors:

Some of the programs of HM are also supported by development partners such as the WorldBank, DFlD, UNFPA, European Union, and GFATM etc. for which credit agreements havebeen entered into by Gol with the respective development partners. Compliance with specificfiduciary requirements of the development partner will additionally need to be reported bythe auditors. Copies of the legal agreements and other project documents will be provided tothe auditors. if needed, by HS/ concerned Programme Division in the State.

6. Objective of audit services:

The objective of the audit is to ensure that MOHFW receives adequate, independent,professional audit assurance that the grant proceeds provided by MOHFW are used forpurpose intended in line with approved PIPs and AWP of individual programs and that theannual financial tatements are free from material mis-statements and the terms of the credit!loan agreements of the development partners are complied with in all material respects.

The objective of the audit of the financial statements - individual financial Statements of tateand District Health Society as well as the Consolidated Financial Statements of the State andDi trict as a whole i.e. (Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure, Receipt & Payment, togetherwith relevant accounting policies, notes to accounts and schedules (Bank ReconciliationStatements, Statement of Funds Position, Reconciliation of Expenditures as per Auditedfinancial statements with the expenditure reported as per the Financial Monitoring Report(FMR) i to enable the auditor to express a professional opinion a to whether:-

(1) the financial statements give a true and fair view of the Financial Position of theindividual DHS,SHS and Consolidated District and State Health Societie at the end of eachfiscal year and of the fund received and expenditure incurred for the accounting period endedMarch 31,20015

(2) the funds were utilized for the purposes for which they were provided, and

(3) where programs are financed by development partners, the respective programexpenditures are eligible for financing under the relevant grant! credit agreement.


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The books of accounts a maintained by the tate and District Health ocietie and otherparticipating implementing unit (Blocks, PHCs. sub centers and CHMOs etc) shall form thebasis for preparation of the individual DH and H financial tatement a well as theconsolidated financial statement for the state a a whole.

7. Standards: The audit will be carried out in accordance with Engagement & QualityControl Standards (Audit & Assurance Standards) i ued by the In titute of Charteredccountants of India in this regard. The auditor should accordingly consider materialit when

planning and performing (except where a certain minimum coverage of implementing unit ispecified) the audit to reduce the risk to an acceptable level that is con istent with theobjective of the audit. In addition the auditor hould pecifically consider the ri k of materialmis tatements in the financial statements resulting from fraud.

8. CA firm eligible for audit: Chartered Accountants firm those are empaneled with C & AGfor the year 2015-16 and eligibl for doing major P U audits only will be eligible for the auditof the HM programme. In thi regard firm have to submit the details about the firm a perForm T-2.

9. Audit Fees and T AIDA: The firm tho e are intere ted to be appointed will have to quotconsolidated audit fees including expen e on T D . The firm quoting the minimumcon olidated fees including towards T D expense will be awarded th work of audit. Incase the audit t am r que t with the state for tay arrangement etc. then co t to the tate foruch stay arrangement etc. will be adjusted again t the con olidated fee quoted. BiddingFirm should en ure that udit Team shall have to visit 100% District and at lea t 40% blockwithin each district. Th udit Fee should b quoted con idering thi a pect. There are 27

Districts in our tate comprising of 146 blocks. (Name of District and blocks areavailable on website)

10. Scope & Coverage of audit: In conducting the audit special attention hould be paid to thefollowing:a) An a essment of adequacy of the project financial systems, including financial control.

This should include aspect uch as adequacy and effectiveness of accounting, financialand operational controls; level of compliance with established policie, plans andprocedures' reliability of accounting y tems, data and financial reports; method ofremedying weak controls; verification of a ets and liabilities and a specific report on thiaspect would be provided by the auditor annually as part of th management letter;

b) Funds have been spent in accordance with the condition laid down by the Department ofHealth & Family Welfare, Government of India from time to time with due attention toeconomy and efficiency, and only for the purpo e for which the financing was provided.Counterpart contribution from State Government, where required has been provided.


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c) Goods and services financed have been procured in accordance with the relevantprocurement guideline issued by the Goll State Government. However, for variousprogramme, pecial attention must be paid to the requirements of the agreement betweenGol and development partners (RNTCP, ID P and NVBDCP etc.). uch requirement areavailable within the tate/ District's concerned Program Officer. For such externallyfunded programmes, auditor must satisfy that all expenditure, including procurement ofgoods and services have been carried out as per the procurement manual of the individualprogrammes and guidelines issued by the Programme Divisions of Gol and have all thenecessary supporting documentation.

d) All necessary supporting documents, records and accounts have been kept in respect of theproject.

f) Sample Coverage of ub district Implementing Units: Audit will cover 100% DistrictHealth Societies (DHS ) each being a legally registered society and at least 40% of theBlock Level CHC/PHC (at least 50% of such blocks should be new and remaining may bethose covered in the audit of last year). The ample shall be selected in a manner thatBlock level PHC/CHC in each district is included in the sample coverage. All the voucherpertaining to the health facilities will be available at the respective health facility (DH,CH /PHCs) for the purpo e of audit. Audit hall also cover audit of expenses related toHM incurred through Rogi Kalyan Samitie (RKS) at each level i.e. PHCI CHC/ DH.

g) The Statutory Auditor may review the concurrent audit reports / quarterly executivesummaries and may consider material observations / finding while forming his opinionon overall internal control and truth & fairne of accounts/financial tatement.

11. Project Financial Statements

A format of such financial statements and relevant schedules showing the consolidation of allthe programmes is given at (APPENDIX A - FORMAT of FINA CIAL T T ME TS)and also on the website of MoHFW at

Project Financial tatement (SHS, DH and Consolidated) shall include the following:

i. Audit Opinion as per APPENDIX-C.

ii. Balance sheet howing accumulated fund of the project balance other a ets of theproject, and liabilitie , if any.

iii. Income & Expenditure account for the year ending on 31st March 2016,


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IV. Receipt and Payment Account for the year ending on 31 st March .... ,

v. Other chedules to the Balance sheet as appropriate, but which shall include

• Statement of Fixed Assets in the form of a chedule,• chedule of Loans and Advances (Age-wise analysis)• Schedule of all Cash & Bank Balances (supported by bank reconciliation

tatement )• Program wise statement of expenditure

VI. otes on ccounts showing the accounting policie followed in the preparation ofaccounts in th State Health Society and District Health Societie and any othersignificant ob ervation of the auditor.

Auditor shall have to specify the significant observations, including internal controlweaknesses for each program and also specify the institution to which these relates toenable/ facilitate appropriate follow up action.

vii. Sanction wise Utilization Certificates (UCs) as per Form 19-A of GFR 2005; duly talliedwith the Income & Expenditure and expenditure on Fixed A et during the financial year(which have been shown as capitalized) [Attach a statement showing the details ofexpenditures clubbed in the Utilisation Certificate tallying with the Income &Expenditure Account and Schedules forming part of itJ.

A separate utilisation certificate for state share contribution has to be issued.

viii. Action Taken Report on the previous year's audit observations.

ix. Reconciliation of the FMR -xpenditure of the last quarter i.e 31st March 2016 withexpenditure as per the Annual Audited Financial Statements in the FMR format only forthe financial year covered by audit period identifying the variance and the reasons for thesame. This has to be certified by the auditor.

x. Representation by Management: The DHS and SHS management should sign thefinancial statement and provide a written acknowledgement of its responsibility for thepreparation and fair presentation of the financial statements and an assertion that theproject fund have been expended in accordance with the intended purpo es as reflected inthe financial statements.


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12. Financial Monitoring Reports (FMR)

In addition to the primary opinion on the financial statements, the auditor is required to auditlast quarter FMR (quarter ending March) ubmitted to MOHFW. The auditor should applysuch tests a the auditor considers nece ar under the circumstance to atisfy the auditobjective. Where ineligible expenditures are identified as ha ing been included in thefinancial report, the hould be separately noted by the auditor. The audit report shouldinclude a eparate paragraph commenting on the accuracy and propriety of expenditureincluded in the financial statement and FMR including whether procurement procedurehave been followed. and the extent to which the Gol can rely on Quarterly FMRs.

In addition to the audit report, the auditor will prepare a "Management Letter" a perAppendix-D, in which the auditor hould ummarise the ob er ation on the internal controli ues (other than tho e which materially affect his opinion on the financial statement) aunder:

• Give comments and ob ervation on the accounting record , sy tern and internalcontrol that were examined during the cour e of the audit;

• Identify pecific deficiencies and area of weakness in the y tern and internal controlsand make recommendation for their improvement;

• Report on the level of compliance with the financial internal control.

• Report procurement which ha not b en carried out as per the procurement manual!guidelines of the tate for the individual programme uch a ; RCH-II, RNTCP, ID Petc.

• Communicate matters that have come to the attention during the audit which mighthave significant impact on the implementation of the project; and

• Bring to ociety' attention any other matter that the auditor con iders pertinent.

The observation in the management letter must be accompanied by the implications,suggested recommendations from the auditor and management comment / response onthe Observations/ recommendations have to be obtained and reported along with theAudit report.

13. Reporting and Timing

The final Audit Report should be submitted by 31 SI July 2016, (i.e. within four months of theend of the financial year), to the State Health ociety and the tate ociety should thenpromptly forward 3 copies (Spiral Bound) and also soft copy in MS Excel / MS Word andScanned (Both) is also to be submitted in mail or CD of the audited financial statementsand audit report along with the final Utilisation Certificates signed by the State and Auditorboth, to Gol with their comments, if any.


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In case State has opted to appoint multiple auditors for a group of districts and tate, in suchcases the Auditor appointed for a group of districts, shall have to issue a separate audit reportfor each district and provide a soft copy of also (Word! Excell). Audit Reports for all districtsin such cases shall have to be issued by 30th June, 2016 so that con olidated report of thestate i not delayed and i sued by 31st July, 2016.

14. Additional Instructions to Auditors

a. udit Report of the tate Health Society (SH ) hall include audit of all the transactionat the State level as well as all the transactions in the District Health ocietie (DH )within the State.

b. Audit for the financial year will include all the components under HM.c. The auditor appointed shall be required to issue separate Consolidated Audit Report

for the State and each District, comprising all programmes under NHM (RCH,Mision (HSS), RJ, PPIP, NUHM, NDCPs & NCDs). Auditor appointed for the state,in case of multiple auditor, shall prepare a consolidated Report for the State.However, in case of RNTCP and IDSP, a separate audit report with requiredannexures and schedules shall also have to be issued bv the State / District LevelAuditor. The relevant formats for Audit Report as issued by RNTCP Division aregiven as Appendix- ...

d. All state level report shall have to be issued in three sets (Two ets to MoHFW and oneset for tate). Consolidated Report is to be sent to HM-Finance Division and individualreport of individual programmes along with UCs to the respective programme divisionsof the Ministry).

e. Financial Statements and relevant chedules shall be prepared in accordance with theformat provided by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Gol (APPENDIX-A -FORMAT of FI ANCIAL STATEMENTS). However, specific programmerequirements (in accordance with the agreement with the Gol and Development Partners)may al 0 be incorporated in the separate schedule of the progranune.

f. Auditor shall certify all the Utilization Certificate in the prescribed format (Form 19A ofGFR, 2005) of GOI for all programmes of NHM. The Utilisation Certificate hall befurnished sanction wi e and Utilisation Certificate hall be issued for each sanctionissued during the respective financial year. The Utilization Certificate should be jointlysigned by the Mission Director, State Programme Officers in charge of concernedProgramme and the Auditor.


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g. The auditor shall also append the Checklist (APPENDIX-B - CHECKLIST FORAUDITOR)

h. The auditor shall certify the FMR on the ba i of audited expenditures with all the lineactivitie for the last quarter (quarter ending March 200 showing cumulative andhead wise expenditure for the complete financial year) along with the Audited Statementof Accounts. Auditor shall certify a comparative statement showing expenditure as perFMR and as per Audit Report. Auditor must also document the reason for variancesbetween the FMR figures and audited figures in cases where the variances are significante.g. more than 15% from the audited figures at each component level.

1. Audit Opinion as per the Model Format provided at APPENDIX - C.

J. Management Letter as per APPENDIX - D along with the comments/reply of theMission Director, State Health Society.

15. Re-appointment of Auditor: As the auditor once appointed can continue for two more years,subject to the satisfaction of the performance by the state and the State which wishes to re-appoint the same auditor shall have to seek the approval of the Executive Committee afterobtaining the consent of the auditor and confirming that the said firm is in the panel of C&AGand eligible for conducting major PSU audits for the year for which firm is being re-appointed.Further, any comments/remarks/observation of the Ministry in this regard shall have to beconsidered while re-appointing the same auditor.

16. General Provision: The State should ensure that the Auditor must be appointed for all thedisease control programmes under HM and Uniform Accounting system is being followed forall the disease control programmes under HM. The State should also ensure that the auditorshould follow the latest formats given in the RFP.

The auditor shall be given access to any information relevant for the purpose of conductingthe audit, in addition to all financial and procurement records, SPIPs, AWPs, MOUILOUigned between MOHFW and the State/ HS, instructions issued by MOHFW regardingcheme guidelines (e.g. JSY etc.), admini trative orders issued by the SHS/ DOHFW/Directorate of Health including cost norms etc. Where programs are financed by DevelopmentPartners copies of the legal agreement, project appraisal document should be made availableto the auditors.


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Guidelines for Submitting the Proposals:

Agencies are required to submit the proposal a per the guidelines and formats detailed out inthe following paras:

i. The original and all copies of the Technical Proposal hall be placed in a sealed envelopclearly marked "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" Similarly, the original Financial Proposal hallbe placed in a separate sealed envelope clearly marked "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" followedby the name of the assignment, and with a warning "Do NOT OPEN WITH THETECHNICAL PROPOSAL." The envelopes containing the Technical and FinancialProposal hall be placed into an outer envelope and sealed. This outer envelope shallbear the ubmis ion address reference number and title of the ssignment, and be clearlymarked "Do NOT OrEN, EXCEPT IN PRESE CE OF THE OFFICIAL Arpol TED. Thociety shall not be responsible for misplacement, loss or premature opening if the outer

envelope is not sealed and/or marked as stipulated. This circumstance may provide a ca efor Proposal's/ bid's rejection. If the Financial Proposal is not submitted in a separateealed envelope duly marked a indicated above, this hall constitute grounds fordeclaring the Proposal non-respon ivel invalid.

II. Single Proposal (Multiple Firms): In case State decides to appoint more than one c.A.firm as auditor, the Bidding CA firm may submit pro po al for State and also for oneGroup of districts.

111. II agencie must comply with the Technical pecification, General Conditions andFonnatiRequirement for Technical and Financial proposal.

IV. The Technical Propo al shall be marked "ORIGI AL" or "COpy" as appropriate. Allrequired copies of the Technical Proposal are to be made from the original. If there arediscrepancie between the original and the copies of the Technical Proposal, the originalgovern .

v . Financial proposals submitted by the firm should be valid for 6 months from the date ofsubmission of the proposal by the firm.

VI. Each page, Form, Annexure and Appendices of the Technical and Financial Proposalmust be signed by the Authori ed signatory of the firm.

VII. All blank pace in the financial propo al must be filled in completely where indicated,either typed or written in ink.


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V Ill. State Health Society (SHS) reserves the right to accept or reject any proposalwithout giving any explanation and can change the evaluation criteria as per itsrequirements in the interest of the organisation.

IX. If the required constitution of the team is not deployed the state may take appropriateaction as it deems fit (including blacklisting of the firm) against the firm, keeping theMinistry informed.

X. A firm cannot undertake the audit assignments of more than three states in a year. Theaudit assignment must be opted for as awarded by States chronologically i.e. on Firstcome first served basis. If a CA Firm appointed in more than 3 state then they have towithdraw their name so as to keep it up to 3 States/ UTs only. As a state may opt toappoint multiple auditors, therefore, if a firm appoints for audited of a group of districtany state then for the purpo e of ceiling of 3 tates, group of tate shall take as a tate.

XI. CA Firms have to give an undertaking that if appointed in more that 3 states thenthey have to withdraw their name so as to keep it up to 3 StateslUTs only.

XII. The firm shall give an undertaking that the team members are proficient in theState's official language (both oral and written).

XIII. Firm shall have to depute appropriate no. of teams for timely submission of Audit Reportand to attain quality of audit.

XI Each team shall have to be headed by a qualified chartered accountant.

Technical & Financial Proposal will consist:

I. Letter of Transmittal ( Form T-J)

II. Detail of the Firm along with Details of Partners (Form T-2)

111. Financial Bid (Form F-l)


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Form T-l

Letter of Transmittal

To.The Mission Director,tat Health Society, Chatti garhew Raipur (CO)

Dear ir,

W , the undersigned, offer to provide the audit services for [Name of tale Healthociety] in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated [Insert Dale]. We are hereby

submitting our Proposal, having details about the firm and proposed audit fees.

We hereby declare that all the information and statement made in this Proposal are trueand accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification.

The Fee quoted by us is valid till six months from the date of submission of the proposal.We confirm that this proposal will remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at anytime before the expiry date.

Prices have been arrived independently without consultation, communication, agreementor under tanding (for the purpose of restricting competition) with any competitor.

We agree to bear all costs incurred by us in connection with the preparation andubmission of the propo al and to bear any further pre-contract costs.

We understand that State Health Society, Chattisgarh is not bound to accept thelowest or any proposal or to give any reason for award, or for the rejection of any proposal.

I confirm that I have authority of [insert ame of the CA. Firm] to submit the proposaland to negotiate on its behalf.

Your faithfully.

( )


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Form T-2Particulars/Details of the Firm

SI. PARTICULARS Supporting Documents required to be submittedNo. along with this Form1 ame of the Firm

2 Addresse of the Firm:Head Offic Phone No:

Fax No:Mobile o. of Head Office In-charge:

Oat of establishment of the firm

Date since when i H.O. at the existing Station

Branch Office 1,2,3 ...... Phone No:(Particulars of each branch to be given) Fax 0:

Mobile of each Branch Office In-charge:

Mention the date of each branch offices sincewhen existed at the existing place

3 Firm lncom Tax PAN No. Attach copy of PA card

4 Firm Service Tax Registration No. Attach copy of Registration

5 Firm's Registration No. with ICAI Attach a copy of certificate downloaded from ICAIWebsite showing the name & add res of H.O., B.O.and partner etc.

6 Empanelment No. with C & A G Attach proof of empanelment with C&AG for theyear under Audit (2015-16) confirming that the firmis eligible for major P audits.

7 No. of Year of Firm Existence & Date of Attach copy of Partnership Deedestablishment of Firm

8 Turnover of the Firm in last three year Attach a copy of Balance Sheet and P & L Accountof the last three years or a C. . Certificate giveBreak-up of udit Fee and Other Fee Received.

9 Audit Experience of the Firm:I. umber of A ignments in

Commercial! tatutory Audit Copy of the Offer Letter & the -ee Charged for each2. umber of Assignments of Externally assignment.

Aided Projects/ ocial ector Project(excluding audit of Charitable (Relevant evidences to be given of the turnover andInstitutions & GOs) fee)

3. Experience in the HM audit.


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10 Detail of Partner:Provid following details:

• umber of Full Time Fellow Partnersa ociated with the firm.

• ame of each partner,

• Date of becoming AC and FCA

• Date of joining the firm,

• Member hip 0.,

• Qualification

• xpenence• Whether the partner i engaged full time

or part time with the firm.

• Their on tact Mobile 0., email and fullAddre

Atte ted copy of Certificate of rCAI not before1.l.2016

ote: The firm shall give an undertaking that the team members are proficient inthe State' official language (both oral and written).


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Form F-l


(Please provide the break-up of Firm's quoted fees for each work and unit)

Particulars Total Amount (in Rupees)

AUDIT FEE Both in umeric and in Words.

a. Audit fess --------------- Rs. /-(Including cost ofT DA)

b. Service Tax ---------------- (Rupeec. Total Fee --------------- ).

ote: Percentage of funds involved shall not be abasis of quoting the Audit Fee.

ote: In case of change in the rate of Service Tax the revised Service Tax shall be paid.


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election Process of the Auditor:

For the purpo e of the appointment of the tatutory auditor for 2015-16, following pointshould be taken into account-

Open advertisement (a per Format for dverti ement as at Form-A) in leadingnewspaper at tate level and ational level for inviting proposals from C Gempanelled Chartered Accountant firm for tatutory audit of State and District Healthocietie hould be issued first. A copy of the advertisement shall also be e-mailed to

the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (lCAI) for webhosting on ICAI web iteat secretary & secretary (Format of the adverti ement is nclo ed) -A copy of the advertisement shall have to be sent to FMG in MOHFW. Adverti ementalong with the d tailed RFP hall al 0 to be uploaded on the state' HM website.

pre-bid confer nc shall be held (date to be indicated in the advertisement) whereinclarifications that the potential bidders hall be clarified.

The Executive ommittee of the HS will form a tanding Committee on Audit (SCA)with uitable r pre entation from programme and finance wing. The CA houldinvariably headed by the Director-Finance or other person nominated by the MissionDirector. Thi tanding Committee will also act as the election Committee for thelection of auditors. The Standing Committee on Audit will ub equently monitor theaudit proce and the follow up on audit para and Action Taken Reports on tho e auditparas. fter the election of auditor b CA the same shall also will have to beapproved in the meeting of Executive Committee of the SHS.

The detailed cheduled in regards to the tendering process hall b a under-

Adverti ement: Advertisement should be made latest by the ih March, 2016 so theproce of appointment of auditor is completed before 31 st March, 2015.

Date for collection of RFP: Till 3l.03 .20 16.

Date of pre-bid conference: 25.03.2016.

Last date and time for submission of Proposal: Within one week from the date ofpre-bid conference 01.04.2016.

Date and time of opening of Tender: 02.04.2016 (3 PM)

The election proces of auditor hall be subject to review by FinancialManagement Group, MOHFW, GOI / Office of Chief Controller of ccounts,MOHFW, GOI / Audit parties of the G or any authorized person of the Ministry ofHealth and Family Welfare, Government of India.


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The State at the time of selection of the tatutory Auditor must ensure that the firm wasnot engaged as Concurrent Auditor of the tate during the year for which the audit wasengaged or ifhe ha been appointed for the year 2015-16.

The selection will be done by electing the firm having lowe t quotation in FinancialBid (L-l).

On completion of election proce ,the firm selected shall be awarded the contract ofaudit of H & DH by issuing the Letter of Award (LOA). The firm should executea Contract with the State Health Society (SHS) within 2 week of the award of theissuance of LOA.

In ca e the bidding firm is found not suitable for audit on any rea onable ground likeinformation by the Ministry/ ICAl! any tate etc. State may reject such proposalwithout giving any reason.


Page 19: Request forProposal (RFP) - · Request forProposal (RFP) For Appointment ofStatutory Auditor for



- (FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2015-16) under National Health Mission (NHM)

Govt of India (Gol) in partner hip with the tates is implementing the ational HaIthMission which compri e of various programs, with the objective of improving medical facilitiein the areas and seeks to provide accessible, affordable and quality health care to th population,especially the vulnerable sections. To facilitate implementation of HM, State and Di trict levelntitie (Health Societies) have been registered which work under the admini trative control ofthe Department of Health & Family Welfare. The Chattisgarh tate Health ociety, invite"Propo al for audit" from firm of Chartered Accountants em panelled with C& AG andeligible for major PSUs audit for the year 2015-16.

Detailed RFP: Detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) cornpnsmg Background, Terms ofReference (ToR) and Guidelines for ubmitting the proposal can be either downloaded from thetate' website or this can be collected from the % Mission Director HM,

between 10.03.2016 and 01.04.2016.Important Dates:

i. Last date for collection ofRFP from Office of HS: 31.03.2016

Date for pre-bid conference: 25.03.2016 (3PM)II.

Last date for submission of Pro po al to SH : 01.04.2016 (5PM).Ill.

lV.Date of opening of financial bid: 02.04.2016. (3PM)

Venue for Pre-bid Conference: Pre-bid Conference would

Mission, ector-27, ew Raipur ,

be held at ational Health

Mission Director,State Health Society Chattisgarh

Addres :Mis ion Director,tate Heal th ociety, Go ernment of Chhattisgarh

CG Housing Board Commercial Building

ew RaipurFAX: & Phone: 0771-2511308,2511307

