Page 1: Repurpose Your Blog: 13 Clever Ways to Get More Mileage ... · create enough images while writing your blog post. When you’re using your blog to create social media content, go

Repurpose Your Blog: 13 Clever Ways to Get More Mileage

From Your Content

Are you consistently blogging for business? Do you have a lot of blog content sitting around? If you’re like me, you’ve devoted significant time to keyword research, topics, winning headlines, writing, and content promotion for nearly every blog post. But all of that work doesn’t have to end there. As a content marketer, you already know why blogging is critical for your business. That’s why you’re blogging in the first place! Now it’s time to take those blog posts and extend their value even more. You can repurpose blog content to drive traffic, extend reach, expand visibility, increase authority, and boost conversions. When you create a blog post, you’ve created the foundation for tons of additional content marketing opportunities. In the past, when business owners without a blog have approached me for social

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media marketing help, I turned them away if they weren’t willing to invest in content. Content is your online business’ primary marketing tool. Think about it for a minute. What makes up your digital assets? Your website, landing pages, social media, lead magnets, emails, and videos are all content based.

Content sells your products and services; it differentiates your brand.

And, one of the most impactful marketing channels to reach people is your blog. The content you create for your blog is usually targeted, purposeful, branded and well formed. Which is why it’s perfect for repurposing into loads of other content!

Repurpose Your Blog into 13 Content Marketing Ideas I’m excited to share with you some of the coolest, easiest ways to transform your blog content into other formats and on different platforms. You can extend your reach, drive more traffic to your site, build your authority, and grow your email list with these simple ideas.

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1) Social Media Posts Need to fill your social media feeds with custom content? Review your blog posts. Create multiple blog snippets from each blog post. Ideas include:

● facts ● stats ● tips ● quotes ● highlights ● summaries ● advice

Be sure to create an image to accompany every social media post. Ideally, design the graphics for social media when you’re creating your post. That way it’s easy and quick to create your social media posts later. Plus, the images will improve the look and appeal of your blog.

To the left is the social media content I developed from one of my blog posts. I used an existing blog graphic and pulled a tip from the content. NOTE: The image tip works in reverse too. Let’s say you don’t have time to create enough images while writing your blog post. When you’re using your blog to create social media content, go

ahead and take the image you created for social media and add it to your blog post. No need to stew about what to post on social media; your blog posts should give you a bunch of content options.

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2) Short Marketing Videos Video marketing is massively popular. Businesses are seeing HUGE results from videos. But, the tech side of video often overwhelms people. There’s sometimes a fear component too. You may wonder, “What do I say? How will I look?” You don’t have to worry about any of those things! Today’s tech tools make video creation SO EASY. And, you’ve got your blog, which will tell you what to “say.” Heck, you don’t even need to appear in a marketing video, your slides will do the work. ;) Use your blog’s outline to come up with text for a video. Find corresponding photos to accompany your text. Try the pre-built layouts in tools like Ripl, Adobe Spark, or Animoto to create a short marketing video. You pretty much drag and drop or upload your text and photos into eye-catching, ready to go templates. PowerPoint is another option, although it isn’t quite as intuitive as the other tools. But, if you PowerPoint is your jam for presentations, give it a try for video.

Click here to see my blog post with a video that I created using Animoto. Using my blog as the outline, I created a video in less than an hour with an app I’d never used.

I’m happy with it! The end result looks and sounds professional. Plus, I was able to post it directly on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and my blog.

You too can post these types of brief marketing videos on your blog, landing or sales pages, YouTube, and social media. A

little work goes a long way!

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3) Infographics People love and share visual content like crazy! Often, you can extend your blog’s oomph through an infographic. According to CJG Digital Marketing, infographics:

● Improve SEO ● Attract people’s attention better ● Can go viral (i.e. are shared more) ● Build brand awareness ● Demonstrate expertise ● Are shareable and reusable ● Double as electronic marketing collateral

That’s a lot of wow for little work. Infographics are not that hard to create. You really only need two ingredients:

1. Blog posts that work with an infographic format, such as lists, steps, tutorials, facts, stats, quotes, and expert round-ups.

2. An infographic creation tool with themes or templates. To design an infographic, put your blog into one of the templates available online from tools, such as:

● Venngage ● Piktochart ● Canva ● ● Visage ●

There are lots of free options listed above, so give it a try! Check out the free infographic I made for this blog post using Venngage .

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4) eBooks eBooks don’t have to be the online version of a novel or work of non-fiction. You can produce smaller eBooks from your blogs and use them as opt-ins. I call these marketing eBooks. A long form blog post can make a good eBook. Or, you can combine multiple blog posts on a certain topic to develop an eBook. Think of it like giving your audience a different way to read and interact with your content. Feel free to include additional information in your eBook, but use your blog posts as the starting point. There are lots of options for designing your eBook. You can use PowerPoint, Word, or GoogleDocs. Canva is an option too. For a “done for you” option, try one of these affordable tools that will take your blog content and put it into eBook format for you:

● Designrr ● Beacon ● Papyrus

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5) Content Upgrades Something that’s becoming more popular is taking your blog post and offering a PDF version of it. Your readers can then download the PDF to read later or save for reference. Making a PDF of your content is super simple! You pretty much copy the text and paste it into a document using Canva, Word, GoogleDocs, or PowerPoint. Then you choose the option to Save, Download, or Print as a PDF. OptinMonster has an option called MonsterLinks to support this type of content upgrade. MonsterLinks give you the option to make an image or text a two-step opt-in. This type of opt-in is more effective than a landing page! It makes content upgrades much easier for you and your readers. OptinMonster has built-in analytics, which is an additional cool feature. You signed up for this PDF through a MonsterLink! Not only can you use the PDF to increase your email list but also to give as a gift to your existing subscribers. Giving value to your fans has never been easier.

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6) Emails Ok, this is a genius trick that I haven’t tried yet but hope to. The fantabulous writers at Appsumo use the same content for their emails as their blogs! This may not work for your industry or blog type, but if it does, why not do it?

Writing a blog post that doubles as an email is a brilliant use of your time and resources. Talk about repurposing!

AppSumo isn’t alone. Are you on Neil Patel’s list? He does something very similar. He has a standard email format he always uses. There’s an introduction and then…the first few sentences of his blog post. Not much sweating over what to write!

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Here’s one more example, this time from Mari Smith.

This kind of automation sends you oodles of time and hassle. Gotta love that! The automation functionality is dependent on your email service provider and website. So, you’ll need to do a little searching to figure out how to make this happen.

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7) YouTube Video Your blog posts are almost scripts waiting to be produced into full-scale video productions. Yes, there are additional steps you need to take. But, you can transform your post into a video without all of the fancy schmancy technical edits. How? Take notes from your blog post, talk about them in a succinct, clear manner into your smartphone or webcam, and voila! There’s your video. Upload your video to your YouTube channel, share it across social media, and embed it in your blog post. 8) Training Have you ever considered converting your educational blog post into training? Here are several ideas of extending those posts into training:

● Record a video tutorial based on the content. ● Combine several educational posts into a massive how-to guide. ● Record multiple tutorials from your blog posts and create a membership site. ● Transform your blog content into a free email course that's dripped over a few

days. These ideas build your list, extend your reach, offer value, and possibly increase your conversions, which boosts your bottom line...all without having to start from scratch. Part of the work is already done! 9) Podcasts or Audio Thinking about starting a podcast but not sure what to discuss? Your most popular blog posts are perfect guidelines for podcast topics. Not sure you’re ready for podcasting? No problem! Read your blog post into a microphone and, there you go, you have an audio file. Upload your audio file to an app such as SoundCloud or Stitcher. Now people can access your blogs via audio platforms (similar to having a podcast). This is another way to get your message out to people and drive traffic using other brands’ real estate.

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Putting your audio files on iTunes, SoundCloud, and other apps help get you noticed. Once your setup, it’s as simple as reading your blog and recording it, then uploading the file. You can also embed an audio player on your website ( SoundCloud has one ). Audio is a different medium to appeal to fans that prefer to consume their content via sound. Speaking of medium… 10) Other Blogging Platforms Your blog post can get even more fanfare and traffic if you put it on other blogging platforms, such as Medium and Linkedin. This way, you take advantage of the traffic that other sites get while still being able to link back to your site. When you blog on other platforms, you get exposure to other audiences, which extends your reach, grows your authority, and helps your business.

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11) SlideShare Like other blogging platforms, SlideShare is another place where you can repurpose your blog content and extend your reach to other audiences.

You’ll need to modify your blog into a presentation format first. There are lots of tools to create presentations, such as Canva, Prezi, Keynote, and PowerPoint. Here’s a tutorial from Hubspot on how to use PowerPoint to create a SlideShare . Bonus! > SlideShare presentations can also be embedded in blogs and on some social media platforms, like Twitter. 12) Webinar Now that you made a presentation from your blog for SlideShare, why not use it for hosting a webinar? Webinars are a potent and quick path to success for many entrepreneurs. Why not turn your weekly blog topic and content into a weekly webinar? You’ve already researched the topic, so a 30-minute discussion should be no problem. You could even mix it up by including guests on the webinar to discuss the topic.

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Another option is to choose just one sub-topic from your blog post and delve into it more via a webinar. If you record the webinar, then you can re-use it on your blog or add it to a membership site. Or run an evergreen webinar funnel to attract leads and convert customers. There are many possibilities! Be creative. 13) Quora Like me, you probably write blog posts in response to frequently asked questions. Well, you can repurpose that content too! First, sign up for Quora , and fill out your profile. Next, search Quora for questions that your blog posts answer. For example, I searched Quora for the question “how do I get more Twitter followers.” There was more than one version of this question! Although I’d need to modify it a bit, my post on increasing Twitter followers would be a good answer. For more information on how to use Quora in your business, just take a look at Neil Patel’s Quora account as an example. He’s extremely active on the platform. His blog has helpful information about Quora, such as using Quora to drive traffic and for keyword research .

Think about the exposure you can get from this type of question and answer platform. You’d increase your authority, boost your SEO juice, and extend your content’s reach. (You could outsource adding answers to Quora if you were pressed for time.) Interested in Quora? Here’s a complete guide to using Quora for your business.

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A Great Use of Time Repurposing your blog content in other forms is an excellent way to slice two tomatoes (or 13!) simultaneously with one knife. You have enough to do without adding extra to your plate. Why not let your blog posts serve as the basis for all kinds of other content? I’ve just given you another reason to love blogging for business! Besides the content marketing aspect of blogging, now you know how you can get more mileage and save time in the process with your posts. I’m sure you can think of other ways to repurpose your blog into even more uses (like live video).