Page 1: Reproductive Hormones Modulate Oxidative Stress in ...€¦ · opment of AD, is neurotoxic, most likely due to its ability to promote oxidative stress. The reproductive hor-mones

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ECU Publications Pre. 2011


Reproductive Hormones Modulate OxidativeStress in Alzheimer's DiseaseAnna BarronEdith Cowan University

Stephanie FullerEdith Cowan University

Giuseppe VerdileEdith Cowan University

Ralph MartinsEdith Cowan University

This article was originally published as: Barron, A. , Fuller, S., Verdile, G. , & Martins, R. N. (2006). Reproductive Hormones Modulate Oxidative Stressin Alzheimer's Disease. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 8(11-12), 2047-2059. Original article available here This is a copy of an article published inAntioxidants & Redox Signaling © 2006 [copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.]; Antioxidants & Redox Signaling is available online at: Journal Article is posted at Research Online.

Page 2: Reproductive Hormones Modulate Oxidative Stress in ...€¦ · opment of AD, is neurotoxic, most likely due to its ability to promote oxidative stress. The reproductive hor-mones


ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE (AD) is the most common form ofage-related dementia (59). It is a complex disorder,

with many molecular triggers synergistically culminating in afinal common pathway. Examination of the atrophied ADbrain reveals a vast range of pathological changes includingwidespread neuronal loss, particularly in the hippocampusand frontal lobes (59). Histopathologically, the AD brain ischaracterized by extracellular senile plaques, intracellularneurofibrillary tangles, and congophilic amyloid angiopathy(59). Senile plaques are comprised mostly of aggregated de-posits of a 39–42 amino acid peptide termed beta amyloid(A�), and are often surrounded by activated microglia anddegenerating neurons (reviewed in Ref. 126). A� is also

found in deposits within and around blood vessels, and thesedeposits comprise the congophilic amyloid angiopathy (59).Neurofibrillary tangles are abnormal intracellular deposits ofhyperphosphorylated and polymerized forms of the cy-toskeletal protein tau. The AD brain is under oxidative stressand A� is thought to play a major role in promoting oxidativedamage (24, 76, 79). This review will describe the role of re-productive hormones in the modulation of A� levels and ox-idative stress in AD.


Oxidative stress is recognized as a major neuropathologi-cal feature of AD, and recent evidence indicates that it may


1School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Australia.2Centre of Excellence in Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Care, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Australia.3Sir James McCusker Alzheimer’s Disease Research Unit, School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, and University of Western Aus-

tralia, Hollywood Private Hospital, Nedlands, Australia.

Reproductive Hormones Modulate Oxidative Stress inAlzheimer’s Disease




Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by gradual cognitive decline, impair-ments in speech and language, and dysfunction in the sensorimotor systems, culminating in complete relianceon nursing care. Oxidative stress, caused by an imbalance in the pro-oxidant/antioxidant mechanisms in thebody, has been implicated in AD pathogenesis, as in many other age-associated diseases such as atherosclero-sis, Parkinson disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Although the hormones estrogen, progesterone, tes-tosterone, and luteinizing hormone are best known for their roles in reproduction, many studies show thesehormones have other roles, including neuroprotection. Changes in the levels of these hormones that occur inreproductive senescence are hypothesized to increase risk of AD, as a result of reduced protection against ox-idative insults. The A� peptide, overproduction of which is thought to be a key pathogenic event in the devel-opment of AD, is neurotoxic, most likely due to its ability to promote oxidative stress. The reproductive hor-mones are known to influence A� metabolism, and this review discusses the beneficial and detrimental effectsthese hormones have on A� production and oxidative stress, and their relevance in potential AD therapies. An-tioxid. Redox Signal. 8, 2047–2059.

Forum Review

ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALINGVolume 8, Numbers 11 & 12, 2006© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

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indeed be one of the earliest pathological events in the dis-ease process (89). For example, elevated levels of oxidativestress markers have been reported in subjects with mild cog-nitive impairment, who exhibit a high conversion rate to AD(61, 98). Oxidative stress has also been linked to several otherage-associated conditions such as atherosclerosis, certaincancers, Parkinson’s disease, and familial amyotrophic lateralsclerosis. The first report that oxidative stress plays a role inAD was the discovery of elevated glucose-6-phosphate dehy-drogenase activity in AD brains (76); this enzyme is known tohelp defend against oxidative stress. Since this initial discov-ery, evidence of elevated levels of lipid peroxidation, as wellas protein and DNA oxidation, have been reported in ADbrains by several laboratories (reviewed in Ref. 97). Studiesof transgenic animal models of AD support the concept thatoxidative stress in AD, as increased levels of oxidative stressmarkers have been found in these animals, coinciding withamyloid deposits (113). The challenge now lies in character-izing the molecular mechanism(s) that drive these oxidativechanges in AD and finding therapeutic strategies to preventand overcome these changes.


Inherent gender differences in responses to oxidativestressors suggest that reproductive hormones have the poten-tial to modulate the pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance, andthereby modulate the susceptibility to oxidative stress.Women have been found to have lower lipid peroxide levelsthan men of the same age (77) and animal studies have indi-cated that the female brain is more resistant to oxidative in-sults mediated by ischemic injury (48). These gender differ-ences in oxidative stress susceptibility have been attributed toreproductive hormones. Comparisons between pre- and post-menopausal women have detected age-independent increasesin levels of lipid peroxidation markers coupled with de-creases in levels of antioxidants such as glutathione peroxi-dase, ascorbic acid, and �-tocopherol (77, 110, 129). Simi-larly, elevated lipid peroxide levels have been reported inwomen who have undergone surgically induced menopausevia ovariectomy, corroborating the hypothesized role of thereproductive hormones in oxidative stress (132).


Gender differences have also been reported in the inci-dence, clinical presentation, and pathology of AD. Whilstgender differences in AD prevalence are difficult to interpretdue to gender differences in life expectancy, incidence studiesindicate that women are at greater risk of AD, particularly inthe older population (5, 100), and slightly more severe cogni-tive deficits have been reported in women compared to men(54). Gender differences in levels of antioxidants and oxida-tive stress indicators have also been reported in AD. Levels ofthe antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and glu-tathione peroxidase are elevated in AD brains when compared

to controls, and additionally, when compared to their malecounterparts, female AD subjects have significantly greaterlevels of these enzymes than male AD subjects (105). The el-evated antioxidant levels observed in the female AD brainswere hypothesized to reflect a compensatory mechanism off-setting elevated pro-oxidant species (105). These gender dif-ferences in AD presentation and pathology may therefore re-flect gender differences in vulnerability to oxidative insult,perhaps mediated by gender differences in the levels of thereproductive hormones following menopause compared toandropause (male reproductive senescence).


Steroidal sex hormones are predominantly synthesized inthe gonads under the regulatory control of the gonadotropinhormones. Relatively small quantities of steroidal sex hor-mones are also produced in the adrenal glands, placenta,heart, bone, adipose tissue, and brain (reviewed in Ref. 94).The gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and folliclestimulating hormone (FSH), are synthesized in and secretedfrom the pituitary, and act on the ovary and testes to stimulategonadal sex hormone production (Fig. 1). Following repro-ductive senescence (menopause), the gonads fail to synthe-size and secrete steroidal sex hormones. Compensatory in-creases in nongonadal synthesis of steroidal sex hormoneshave been recorded (85), nevertheless estrogen, progesterone,and testosterone deficiencies occur following reproductivesenescence (26). Gonadotropin production and secretion alsoincrease markedly following reproductive senescence, in acompensatory measure to stimulate sex hormone production;however, this is inevitably unsuccessful (26, 78, 88, 122).


A large body of evidence indicates that estrogen, proges-terone, and testosterone are neuroprotective, mediated at leastin part by antiamyloidogenic, antioxidative, and anti-inflam-matory mechanisms. Consistent with the neuroprotective ef-fect of the steroidal sex hormones, an association betweenAD and depleted levels of estrogen in women, and testoster-one in men, has been reported (55, 75, 91). Consequently, ithas been hypothesized that depleted sex hormone levels con-fer neurodegenerative susceptibility to AD. It has also beenspeculated that the increased prevalence of AD in women isthe result of depleted estrogen levels following reproductivesenescence (reviewed in Ref. 73). Although superficially thismay seem paradoxical since men also experience testosteronedepletion following reproductive senescence, the loss of go-nadal function and resulting sex hormone depletion generallyoccurs abruptly in women, whereas men experience a gradualdepletion of testosterone over several decades (43, 78, 88,122). Testosterone depletion in males is also highly variablebetween individuals. Sex hormone depletion may also play animportant role in the development of other neurodegenerativediseases that display similar gender predilections including

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amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson disease, multiplesclerosis, and AIDS-induced dementia (29).

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been examinedas a potential preventative and therapeutic strategy in thetreatment of AD. Initial clinical trials of testosterone replace-ment therapy in older men have reported selective improve-ments in cognitive function (8, 57, 111), whilst testosteronetreatment was found to improve the ability to perform dailytasks and reduce frailty in men with multi-infarct dementia(8). Another study has also reported that testosterone im-proves cognitive function in a small cohort of subjects withAD (117). Surprisingly, clinical trials have found HRT to beof no benefit to female AD patients (87, 130). Even the po-tential preventative benefits of HRT are contentious. Whilstmany small studies have reported improved cognition and re-duced prevalence of AD amongst HRT users (9, 60, 118), the

recent Women’s Health Initiative clinical trial reported HRTto be detrimental to cognitive function and increase AD risk(32, 109). It has been argued that the long postmenopausaldelay prior to HRT initiation in the Women’s Health Initiativestudy, with all participants 65 years and older, may explainthe detrimental effects observed (73). In light of this, anotherHRT clinical trial (Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study)has been initiated in perimenopausal women to re-address thepotential cardioprotective effects of HRT when administeredwithout a long postmenopausal delay (maximum 36 monthsfollowing final menses) (50). Other factors have also beenidentified for consideration in interpretation of the WHIstudy including the source of hormone (equine estrogens ascompared to synthetic human forms of these hormones) andmode of delivery (cyclic vs. continuous) (73).

The neuroprotective properties of progesterone have beenmost widely studied for the treatment of spinal chord andtraumatic brain injury. Although animal studies indicate thatnatural progesterone is neuroprotective, the synthetic proges-terone, medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), is not neuropro-tective and has been shown to antagonize the neuroprotectiveeffects of estrogen (112). This is particularly interesting sinceMPA was used in the WHI clinical trials; therefore, it is clearthere are a number of issues to be addressed before a defini-tive conclusion regarding the preventative benefit of HRTagainst AD can be determined.

More recently, elevated postmenopausal and andropausalLH have also been identified as potential neurodegenerativefactors in AD. Supporting this notion, significantly elevatedserum LH levels have been reported in dementia and AD sub-jects (19, 108). Elevated LH levels have also been confirmedimmunohistochemically in the hippocampus of AD brainswhen compared to control brains, and the hippocampus is abrain region particularly vulnerable to degeneration in AD(18). Accordingly, it has been hypothesized that elevated LHconfers susceptibility to neurodegeneration in AD (19).

Sex hormone regulation and LH homeostasis are inextrica-bly linked. These hormones also play a role in the modulationof A� peptide production (overproduction of which isthought to be a key event in AD pathogenesis) and inflamma-tory processes, both of which may result in the generation ofoxidative stress.


Causative genetic mutations have been identified that ac-count for <5% of AD cases (127). These include mutations inthe parent molecule of A�, the amyloid precursor protein(APP), and mutations in genes coding for the presenilin pro-teins that are involved in the proteolytic processing of APP(67). These mutations lead to the increased production of A�,particularly the longer, more amyloidogenic form A�1–42(67). In AD, A� peptides aggregate into insoluble fibrils, andover time these deposit in the brain to produce the character-istic amyloid plaques. These studies, as well as many in vitroand transgenic mice studies, have led to the “amyloid hypoth-esis,” which states that A� accumulation is central to AD



GnRH receptors



Negative FeedbackLH & FSH





FIG. 1. Reproductive hormone homeostasis: the hypothala-mic pituitary axis. Gonadotropin releasing hormone(GnRH) secreted from the hypothalamus binds with GnRH re-ceptors on the pituitary activating production and secretion ofLH and FSH. LH and FSH interact with their respective recep-tors (LHR and FSHR) on the gonads to stimulate gonadal sexhormone production (estrogen and progesterone from theovaries, testosterone from the testes). The gonadal sex hor-mones exert negative feedback on the hypothalamus and pitu-itary to inhibit further GnRH and gonadotropin secretion. LHand FSH also exert negative feedback on the pituitary to inhibitfurther gonadotropin production. Following reproductivesenescence, the gonads fail to produce significant quantities ofthe gonadal sex hormones, abolishing the negative feedbackmechanisms keeping gonadotropin secretion in check.

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pathogenesis (67). Although plaques and neurofibrillary tan-gles are the recognized neuropathological hallmarks of thedisease, evidence suggests that in the early stages of the dis-ease, the “toxic principle” of AD may consist of A� dimers orsmall soluble oligomers of the peptide, that have been shownin many in vitro studies to have neurotoxic and oxidativestress-inducing properties (82).


Many studies support the theory that the A� peptide itselfis responsible, at least in part, for the AD-related oxidativestress. It has been shown to be neurotoxic in many in vitromodels, most likely via the peptide’s ability to induce oxida-tive damage (51). A� can induce the overproduction of super-oxide radicals by interaction with vascular endothelial cells(121). The peptide can also induce the intracellular accumu-lation of hydrogen peroxide in cultured neuroblastoma andhippocampal neurons, and conversely antioxidants can atten-


uate A�-mediated neurotoxicity (17, 41, 42). In studies ofsynaptosomes and cultured cortical cells, A� has also beenfound to induce oxidative damage including lipid peroxida-tion (17). A� also impairs mitochondrial function, potentiallyincreasing levels of free radicals generated via respiratory ox-idative phosphorylation (1). Of relevance in the later stagesof AD, studies have found that amyloid plaques are a focus ofcellular and molecular oxidation (reviewed in Ref. 79).

The A� peptide is a product of the proteolytic processing ofits much larger parent molecule APP (126). This transmembraneAPP molecule undergoes proteolytic processing by two compet-ing pathways, the nonamyloidogenic and amyloidogenic path-ways (Fig. 2). Sequential cleavage of APP by �-secretase and �-secretase, respectively, thought to occur at the cell surface,results in the secretion of soluble APP (�-APPs) and nonamy-loidogenic fragments. Alternatively, the cleavage of APP bybeta-site APP cleaving enzyme (BACE) and �-secretase, thoughtto occur following endocytosis of cell-surface APP, results in theproduction of a different set of cleavage products including theamyloidogenic A� peptide (Fig. 2) (reviewed in Ref. 126).

It has been hypothesized that A� accumulation increasesfree radical generation beyond neural antioxidant capabili-










FIG. 2. APP proteolytic processing pathways. Two competing pathways, the nonamyloidogenic and amyloidogenic pathways,proteolytically cleave the majority of APP within the cell. In the nonamyloidogenic pathway, APP is cleaved with in the A� domainby �-secretase to liberate a secreted form of APP (�-APPs). A C-terminal fragment (C83/�CTF) is left embedded in the membranefor further cleavage into nonamyloidogenic fragments. In the amyloidogenic pathway, APP is first cleaved by BACE to liberate �-APPs. The C-terminal fragment (C99/�-CTF) left embedded in the transmembrane (TM) is cleaved by the �-secretase enzyme,which consists of four proteins (PS1, Nicastrin, APH-1, and PEN-2) that interact with each other in a high molecular weight com-plex. This cleavage event liberates the A�40/A�42 peptides. It is thought that another fragment is also released termed the APP in-tracellular domain (AICD), that can translocate to the nucleus and activate gene transcription. Both pathways can be regulated byreproductive hormones. Evidence suggests that high levels of estradiol (E2) or testosterone (T) drive APP processing towards thenonamyloidogenic pathway and formation of the neuroprotective and neurotrophic �-APPs metabolite. In contrast, high levels ofluteinizing hormone (LH) are thought to drive APP processing towards the amyloidogenic pathway and A� formation.

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ties, thus initiating oxidative stress-stimulated neurodegener-ative cascades (24). The accumulation of A� can also elicitsecondary neurodegenerative cascades such as inflammation,thereby indirectly contributing more oxidative stress (96). In-terestingly, oxidative stress may itself stimulate the formationof the more toxic insoluble A� aggregates, thereby exacerbat-ing the neurotoxic activity of A� and potentially leading to aself perpetuating cycle of A� accumulation and free radicalgeneration (65). Accordingly, it has been postulated that de-creasing A� production and/or improving its clearance maylower oxidative stress and prevent the development of theneurodegenerative cascades thought to lead to AD (128).

In contrast to studies of A�, studies of secreted �-APPshave shown this protein to have antioxidant and neuroprotec-tive properties, as it can attenuate free radical generation andsuppress A� toxicity. In vitro studies have shown that the pro-duction of �-APPs stabilizes cellular calcium homeostasisand protects neurons from metabolic, excitotoxic, and oxida-tive insults (41, 80). This protective effect of �-APPs extendsto in vivo studies, which have reported that the nonamyloido-genic APP metabolite reduces damage to hippocampal neu-rons following forebrain ischemia in rats (114).


The reproductive hormones, estrogen, testosterone, andLH, all influence the metabolism of both the neurotoxic A�peptide and the neuroprotective APP fragment, �-APPs. Es-trogen has been reported to increase the secretion of �-APPs(56, 131), and to cause a decrease in A� production in cul-tured human neuroblastoma and cerebrocortical neurons (56).In addition to promoting the nonamyloidogenic APP process-ing pathway, estrogen has also been shown to inhibit APPoverexpression following ischemic injury (106), in turn re-ducing substrate for APP processing and subsequent A� pro-duction. Apart from its effects on A� production and accumu-lation, estrogen also directly inhibits the neurotoxicity of thepeptide (16, 40, 47). In vivo, estrogen depletion (induced viaovariectomy) results in significantly elevated A� levels, par-ticularly the more toxic A�1–42 species, an effect that is par-tially reversed following estrogen replacement (68, 95, 137).Estrogen may also influence A� accumulation via nonestro-genic receptor-mediated mechanisms since the biologicallyinactive 17�-estradiol can similarly reduce A� levels (68). Itis conceivable that estrogen reduces A� accumulation in theintact animal through modulation of both A� production andclearance. In support of this, estrogen has been found to stim-ulate A� clearance and degradation by microglial phagocyto-sis (52, 69). Correspondingly, increased A� burden and im-paired microglial A� clearance has been reported in anestrogen-deficient transgenic mouse model of AD (133). Inthis study, estrogen deficiency was induced by crossbreedingtransgenic mice overexpressing APP with aromatase knock-out mice, aromatase being an enzyme responsible for con-verting testosterone to estrogen. However, in direct contradic-tion, another recent study has reported that estrogen depletioninduced by ovariectomy had no significant effect on A� bur-


den in a transgenic mouse model of AD (45). This discrep-ancy may result from differences in neural estrogen status,since Yue et al. (133) found that ovariectomy was insufficientto deplete estrogen levels in brain homogenate, whereas thearomatase knockout mice exhibited significantly depletedcentral and peripheral estrogen levels. It is interesting to notethat although ovariectomy is the commonly used experimen-tal model of estrogen deficiency, it appears that at least insome circumstances ovariectomy does not induce estrogendepletion in the central nervous system. High estrogen activ-ity has been demonstrated in the brain of ovariectomizedmice relative to other body regions using the estrogen-responsive element-luciferase mouse model, which has beenengineered to express the nonmammalian luciferase proteinin response to classical estrogen receptor activation (27). Thisconfirms that central and peripheral estrogen homeostasis isnot necessarily synergistic, this is not a new concept, and thisobservation was the first evidence for de novo synthesis of es-trogen and other hormones in the brain (reviewed in Ref. 84).Hence, peripheral estrogen status may not be an accurate in-dication of central nervous system estrogen status. Depletedestrogen levels have in fact been reported in brain ho-mogenate of female AD patients (133).

Testosterone has also been implicated in the metabolism ofAPP and A� production (39, 44). In a manner similar to es-trogen, testosterone treatment increases secretion of soluble�-APPs and simultaneously decreases A� production (39). Inthis study, the duration (but not the dose) of testosteronetreatment was found to correlate negatively with A� produc-tion (39). Since testosterone can be converted to estrogen byaromatase in the brain, it is possible that estrogen synthesizedfrom the testosterone may be responsible for such effects onAPP metabolism. Aromatase inhibitors and dihydrotestos-terone are being used to investigate whether testosterone hasa direct role in the modulation of A� metabolism. Estrogenand testosterone depletion induced via chemical castration inmen undergoing prostate cancer treatment is accompanied bya significant increase in plasma A� levels (4), and in menwith impaired memory function, free testosterone levels havebeen found to correlate negatively with plasma A� levels(38). Interestingly, no correlation was found between A� lev-els and estradiol levels in this study, implying that testoster-one is not influencing A� metabolism entirely via its conver-sion to estrogen. Nevertheless, human studies such as thesesubstantiate the purported roles of both estrogen and testos-terone in the regulation of A� burden.

Unlike estrogen and testosterone, LH has been implicatedin the promotion of amyloidogenic processing of APP (20).LH treatment of cultured human neuroblastoma cells resultsin dose-dependent increases in the accumulation of A� andamyloidogenic APP C-terminal fragments, whilst decreasingsecretion of soluble �-APPs (20). Leuprolide treatment,which inhibits both gonadotropin and estrogen production,has been used to study the effect of LH suppression on A�production in female mice (20, 25). LH suppression wasfound to decrease brain A� levels, particularly the longer,more toxic A�1–42 species (20, 25). This result was surpris-ing since estrogen depletion is known to be associated withelevated A� levels, yet despite estrogen depletion induced bychemical gonadoectomy, A� levels were reduced. Casadesus

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et al. (25) argued that this demonstrates LH has a muchgreater capacity to modulate A� levels than the sex hor-mones. If so, the gonadectomy model of reproductive senes-cence should be reconsidered since LH and sex hormone ho-meostasis are intrinsically linked. Ideally, new models need tobe developed to discern the individual contributions of LHand each of the gonadal sex hormones in neurodegenerativeprocesses.

Since A� has been identified as a key protein in AD patho-genesis, potentially even playing a role in the initiation of theneurodegenerative process, considerable drug developmenthas focused upon modifying the production and metabolismof this protein (92). Given the antiamyloidogenic propertiesof estrogen and testosterone, HRT may help minimize A�burden and consequently reduce oxidative injury. However, inlight of the recent evidence indicating that LH potently facili-tates A� production, irrespective of gonadal sex hormone sta-tus, gonadotropin-suppressing agents such as leuprolide mayhave greater antiamyloidogenic potential than the gonadal sexhormones (reviewed in Ref. 14). Accordingly, leuprolide hasrecently been shown to attenuate cognitive decline and A�deposition in AD transgenic mice and is currently undergoingclinical trials for the treatment of AD (25).


Estrogens have been coined ‘natural antioxidants’ sincethey have been demonstrated to inhibit lipid peroxidation in avariety of biological systems. In microsomal lipid prepara-tions, estrogens have been reported to inhibit iron-inducedlipid peroxidation (116). Similar antioxidant properties of es-trogens have been reported in tissues of the central nervoussystem. In vitro, 17�-estradiol is a more potent inhibitor ofoxidative stress than �-tocopherol in a range of neuronal cellmodels, protecting against oxidative damage and cell deathmediated by the reactive oxygen species, hydrogen peroxide(15, 16). 17�-Estradiol and estriol have also been demon-strated to increase neuronal survival and reduce lipid peroxi-dation in response to iron-induced oxidative stress (40), andto decrease mitochondrial production of reactive oxygenspecies in a dose-dependent manner (28). Furthermore, 17�-estradiol inhibits iron induced lipid peroxidation in both ratand human brain homogenates (124).

Although some of the neuroprotective effects of estrogenthat have been documented are the result of classical estro-gen-receptor mediated signaling pathways, the antioxidantproperties of estrogens are mediated by receptor-independentmechanisms (15). The concentrations of estrogens necessaryto elicit these antioxidant effects in both the central nervoussystem and peripheral biological systems far exceed normalphysiological concentrations, indicating that these neuropro-tective properties are not mediated by the estrogen receptor(15). Supporting this notion, the antioxidant effects of the es-trogens have been confirmed in neuronal cell lines that do notexpress estrogen receptors (16). Furthermore, the antioxidantproperties of estrogens cannot be significantly attenuated by


co-administration of a competitive estrogen receptor antago-nist, or a protein synthesis inhibitor (28, 102, 115). Biologi-cally inactive estrogen forms (with respect to the estrogen re-ceptor) such as 17�-estradiol also exhibit antioxidant activity,again indicating receptor-independent antioxidant activity(15, 102). Comparisons of the antioxidant capacities of estro-gens in neuronal cell culture have led to the identification ofthe hydroxyl group located at position 3 of the phenoxyl ringof estrogen as an important structural feature for estrogenicantioxidant activity (15, 101). The phenolic structure of estro-gens enables the direct scavenging of free radicals by the do-nation of hydrogen to lipid peroxyradicals, thus terminatingoxidative chain reactions (115, 116).

In direct contrast to the free radical scavenging capacity ofestrogens, some studies have implicated high concentrationsof estrogens in metabolic reactions that generate free radicals(70). Estradiol can be enzymatically metabolized into cate-chol estrogens, which have an additional hydroxyl- ormethoxy- group substituted in the ortho- position of the phe-nolic hydroxyl group of the estrogen (70). The hydroxyl- (butnot methylated-) substituted catechol estrogens are readilyoxidized, and undergo redox cycling to produce free radicals(70). Elevated levels of estrogens result in increased catecholestrogen redox cycling, thus promoting the formation of thereactive oxygen species (70). These processes have been ofinterest in cancer research, due to the potential oxidativedamage resulting from elevated estrogen levels in tissues thatreadily catalyze catechol estrogen formation (70, 71). Thephysiological significance of these metabolic pathways in thebrain is not well understood; however, catechol estrogenshave been detected throughout the brain (93) and limited ox-idative metabolism of catechol estrogens has been demon-strated in brain microsomes (58). Whilst the antioxidantproperties of supra-physiological estrogen levels are welldocumented, we can only speculate about the potential pro-oxidant properties of estrogen in the brain. The potentiallong-term effects of supra-physiological estrogen concentra-tions must be determined prior to considering the clinical useof estrogens as an antioxidant.

The potential antioxidant effects of the other steroidal hor-mones, progesterone and testosterone, have also been ex-plored. Progesterone was found to be far less effective at in-hibiting lipid peroxidation and neural death than eitherestradiol or estriol (40). However, slight antioxidant propertiesof progesterone occur in response to iron-induced oxidativestress in neural cells, whilst testosterone offers no neuropro-tective benefit (40). Similarly, progesterone but not testoster-one reduces iron-induced lipid peroxidation significantly incultured hippocampal cell homogenates; however, neither pro-gesterone nor testosterone elicited any effect on iron-inducedlipid peroxidation in human brain homogenates (124). Proges-terone does not improve neuronal survival following hydrogenperoxide treatment (16), yet testosterone exhibits neuroprotec-tive effects in cerebellar granule cells against oxidative insultsmediated by the reactive oxygen species, hydrogen peroxideand nitric oxide (NO) (2, 3). These neuroprotective effectswere suggested to be mediated by estrogen, following the con-version of testosterone to estrogen by aromatase (7). However,the antioxidant properties of testosterone can be attenuated by

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flutamide, an androgen receptor antagonist (2). Furthermore,unlike testosterone, estrogen does not yield any neuroprotec-tive effect in the cerebellar granule cell oxidative stress model(3). Testosterone is now thought to mediate its antioxidant ef-fects by upregulation of the antioxidant enzymes superoxidedismutase and catalase through the androgen receptor, ratherthan via conversion to estrogen or via direct scavenging activ-ity (2, 3). This is supported by evidence that testosterone treat-ment results in significant elevations of the superoxide dismu-tase and catalase enzymes in the cerebellum (2, 3).Testosterone has also been implicated in the regulation of glu-tathione, with increased levels reported in rat brain ho-mogenate following testosterone treatment (6). Whilst theneuroprotective effect of testosterone is well established, fur-ther assessment of the underlying mechanisms is necessary, todetermine the degree to which neuroprotection is afforded byits antioxidant properties.

In addition to acting as a free radical scavenger, estrogenhas also been implicated in the regulation of endogenous an-tioxidants and enzymes associated with their metabolism(103, 104). Estrogen dose-dependently increases glutathionelevels in glial, hippocampal, and cortical neuron cultures(104). Catalase activity is differentially affected by estrogenin glial and hippocampal cultures, estrogen treatment in-creases catalase activity in glial cells, yet decreases catalaseactivity in hippocampal cells (103). In vivo, ovariectomy hasbeen associated with increased catalase levels yet unchangedglutathione and superoxide dismutase levels (86, 90). Post-menopausal women also have altered levels of antioxidant en-zymes compared to women of reproductive age (77, 129) andglutathione peroxidase levels correlate positively with serumestradiol levels in women on HRT (77). Premenopausalwomen have also been reported to possess significantlyhigher glutathione peroxidase levels than males of the sameage (77). As previously discussed, evidence indicates thatcompensatory mechanisms have already resulted in signifi-cantly elevated glutathione levels in AD brains. It is notknown if HRT would increase glutathione levels even furtherin AD patients, and if so, whether this would elicit any clini-cal benefit in the treatment of AD.

Clinical research has linked antioxidant therapy to theprevention and delay of AD (reviewed in Ref. 23). The clini-cal use of estrogens as antioxidants may be limited due totheir hormonal actions, including their oncogenic effects onreproductive tissues, and their feminizing effects in men.Furthermore, the high doses of estrogen necessary to elicitantioxidant activity have the potential to increase free radi-cal production through catechol estrogen metabolism whenadministered long-term. Synthetic estrogens with greaterscavenging activity have already been developed for use incancer treatments, to eliminate potential problems arisingfrom increased estrogenic action through classical signalingpathways (46). Selective estrogen receptor modulators(SERMS) have been developed for the treatment of hor-monal driven cancer to antagonize estrogenic effects on re-productive organs, whilst preserving the beneficial actionsof estrogen on other organs (120). These compounds mayprove clinically useful in antioxidant therapy for the preven-tion and delay of AD.



Chronic inflammation has been identified as an importantneurodegenerative process contributing to AD. For example,inflammatory molecules including cytokines are upregulatedin AD brains, and activated astrocytes and microglia are ob-served within and in close proximity to senile plaques (81).Inflammatory molecules secreted by activated astrocytes andmicroglia are potentially toxic and provide yet another sourceof oxidative stress. Microglial activation provokes respiratoryburst activity, resulting in the production of the superoxideanion, which can then subsequently be converted to other re-active oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide, or the verypotent hydroxyl radical (10). Activated microglia also secretethe reactive nitrogen species, NO, which is synthesized by in-ducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Similarly, astrocyteshave been implicated in the production of NO, in addition toplaying a pivotal role in mediating microglial activation (10).Activation of inflammatory processes in AD may be the resultof A� deposition (96), a notion supported by evidence thatmicroglia may play a role in the phagocytosis and degrada-tion of this peptide (35). Conversely, there is also evidencethat A� deposition is the result of inflammation since acti-vated microglia upregulate APP expression resulting in in-creased production of A� (11). Whilst these inflammatoryprocesses may lead to oxidative stress, oxidative stress alsotriggers inflammatory responses including astrocytic and mi-croglial activation, potentially amplifying neurodegenerativecascades.

It is interesting to note that inflammation can influence re-productive hormone homeostasis, and likewise, the reproduc-tive hormones can influence the regulation of inflammatoryreactions (34). For example, altered immune responses havebeen noted during menopause, and it has been found thatHRT can reverse these changes (64). Furthermore, immunesuppression during pregnancy is believed to be mediated bythe reproductive hormones (72). The monthly cyclic hormonechanges in women are also associated with changes in in-flammatory markers, including elevated free radical produc-tion immediately prior to ovulation (107). The role of estro-gen in vascular inflammation has received a lot of attentionbecause of the potential implications for the modulation ofcardiovascular disease risk. Similarly, the reproductive hor-mones have been implicated in the modulation of inflamma-tory responses in the central nervous system. Evidence indi-cates that the sex hormones and LH have opposite effects oninflammatory processes—a relationship between these hor-mones that is now being reported regularly. Estrogen and tes-tosterone have an anti-inflammatory activity, inhibiting theactivation of microglia and astrocytes, whilst LH is impli-cated in pro-inflammatory signaling pathways.

Neurosteroids and gonadal sex hormones modulate in-flammatory responses of astroglia following neural injury.The gonadal hormones, 17�-estradiol, progesterone, andtestosterone, have all been shown to decrease reactive glio-sis in ovariectomized or castrated rats following penetratingbrain injury (36). Similarly, 17�-estradiol, progesterone,

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dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and pregnenolone haveall been found to decrease reactive gliosis in castrated malerats in response to penetrating brain injury, indicating thehormone treatment inhibited astrocyte proliferation and/ormigration (36). In this study the neuroactive steroid, DHEA,was found to be the most potent inhibitor of reactive gliosis(36). There is also evidence that brain injury upregulates denovo synthesis of estrogen from testosterone in astrocytes(37), indicating that in this model at least some of the ef-fects of testosterone may be due to its conversion to estro-gen. Neurosteroids and gonadal sex hormones also have thecapacity to induce morphological changes in astrocytes(30). 17�-Estradiol, testosterone, and pregnenolone, but notprogesterone, have been found to increase the number ofGFAP-immunoreactive astrocyte processes, perhaps indica-tive of astrocyte arborization (30). It is clear that estrogennot only has the capacity to suppress reactive gliosis follow-ing injury, but can also modulate potential neuroprotectiveactivities of astrocytes.

Estrogen has also been implicated in the regulation of awide range of microglial functions, including expression ofcytokines, cell surface molecules, apoptotic signaling path-ways, and free radical generation (31). Cultured microglialcells exhibit respiratory burst activity, phagocytic activity,iNOS expression, and subsequent NO production in re-sponse to inflammatory stimuli, all of which can be inhib-ited by estrogen in a dose-dependent manner (127, 129).These studies suggest that in vivo production of reactiveoxygen and nitrogen species by activated microglia could beinhibited by estrogen treatment, thereby reducing the oxida-tive burden caused by chronic inflammatory responses.Similarly, estrogen has been implicated in the modulation ofNO production from peripheral macrophages (53). Pre-incubation of microglial cultures with DHEA also decreasesNO secretion, but not iNOS expression (12). The inhibitoryeffects of estrogen on microglial activation are dependentupon the estrogen receptor, since the biologically inactive17�-estradiol has no effect on microglial responses (21) andestrogen receptor antagonists abolish the inhibitory effectsof estrogen (125). It has been hypothesized that the estrogenreceptor acts through the mitogen activated protein kinases(MAPKs) to moderate microglial responses, since MAPKinhibitors also attenuate the effects of estrogen on mi-croglial activation (21). Interestingly, estrogen was found toattenuate microglial activation only when estrogen treat-ment was given to the cultures prior to inflammatory insult,indicating estrogen does not have the capacity to modulateinflammatory reactions once microglial activation has beeninitiated (125).

The LH receptor has been found to be expressed on a di-verse range of immune cells throughout the body, suggestingthat the immune system is a target for the gonadotropin hor-mones. Immune cells that express LH receptors include bloodleukocytes (72, 135), follicular and endometrial macrophages(136), and macrophages of the human brain (22). A disparaterange of effects of the gonadotropin hormones on immune re-sponses in the periphery has been described. Much researchhas focused upon the role of human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) in inflammatory responses due to its role in immuno-suppression during pregnancy. The effects of hCG on periph-


eral inflammatory processes may provide insight into poten-tial effects of LH, as both hormones mediate their biologicalactions through a common receptor, the LH receptor. HCGhas been reported to dose dependently and reversibly inhibitlymphocyte proliferation in response to inflammatory stimuli(49). Furthermore, in vitro investigations have found thathigh concentrations of hCG stimulate the production of theanti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-8 and interleukin-2from blood leukocytes (63). In contrast to hCG, however, LHhas been implicated in pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidantgeneration, which is believed to play an important role in lu-teolysis and ovulation. For example, LH dose-dependently in-creases secretion of reactive oxygen and nitrogen speciesfrom human blood leukocytes (107). Gonadotropin-mediatedincreased production of reactive nitrogen species may be theresult of iNOS upregulation, since hCG has been demon-strated to upregulate iNOS expression in macrophages (62).It is evident that in the periphery the gonadotropins havepluripotent effects on inflammation, differentially potentiat-ing or suppressing inflammation depending on conditionsand tissue type.

Whilst researchers have suggested LH has a potential rolein the regulation of inflammatory reactions in the brain (13),there has been limited investigation. Although LH receptorshave been detected on brain macrophages, no studies have in-vestigated the effect of LH on these cells. In immortalizedhippocampal cultures, binding to the LH receptors mediatesthe upregulation of 5�-lipoxygenase, an enzyme important inpro-inflammatory signaling pathways (134). Lipoxygenasesare lipid peroxidizing enzymes that metabolize arachidonicacid, generating free radicals and inflammatory leukotrienes.Further investigation is required to confirm if LH receptor-dependent upregulation of 5�-lipoxygenase induces the clas-sical lipoxygenase signaling pathways, leading to the produc-tion of pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant species. LH hasbeen found to activate similar signaling pathways in gonadaltissue, where LH receptor-dependent cAMP/protein kinase Aphosphorylation subsequently activates the lipoxygenase/arachidonic acid signaling pathway (83, 119). 5�-Lipoxyge-nase is expressed at particularly high levels in the hippocam-pus and the cerebellum (66), and age-related dysregulation of5�-lipoxygenase transcription results in increased 5�-lipoxy-genase expression in aged animals (99, 123). Therefore, itmay be conceivable that elevated LH levels that occur follow-ing reproductive senescence may increase 5�-lipoxygenasesignaling in the LH receptor-rich hippocampus, stimulatinginflammation and oxidative stress. In light of the age-relatedincrease in 5�-lipoxygenase expression, lipoxygenase inhibitorshave been recognized as potentially useful in the treatment ofAD (74).

The risks associated with long-term HRT diminish the po-tential for the use of estrogen as an anti-inflammatory agentin the treatment of AD. Since estrogen mediates its anti-inflammatory activity via the estrogen receptor, the syntheticestrogens–selective estrogen receptor modulators–will notmimic the anti-inflammatory properties of estrogen. Further-more, given that estrogen cannot alter microglial activationonce an inflammatory response has been initiated, the anti-inflammatory benefits of estrogen may be limited to preven-tion rather than treatment.

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A diverse and complex network of inextricably linkedneurodegenerative processes contribute to the generation ofoxidative stress in AD. It is likely that multiple factors com-bine to create a neural environment that facilitates oxidativeinjury; although in some instances a single initiating factormay be sufficient to trigger the neurodegenerative cascade.According to the popular AD hypothesis, the “amyloid hy-pothesis,” oxidative stress and inflammation are closelylinked but secondary to the primary cause, which is the accu-mulation of A�. However, oxidative stress induced by otherfactors can also contribute to inflammation and amyloidogen-esis, initiating a vicious cycle.

Dysregulation of the reproductive hormones, estrogen, pro-gesterone, testosterone, and LH, has been associated with ADetiology and pathology. Regulation of these hormones istightly linked, and following reproductive senescence go-nadal sex hormone depletion is coupled to elevated LH lev-els. Given the neuroprotective mechanisms of gonadal sexhormones described here, including antioxidant, anti-inflam-matory, and anti-amyloidogenic properties, it seems surpris-ing that the recent Women’s Health Initiative clinical trial hasfound HRT to be detrimental to cognitive health in women


(32, 109). If the clinical neuroprotective benefit of HRT is tobe definitively clarified, dosage and duration of treatmentwill need to be offset against risks of potential negative ef-fects associated with long-term HRT, including increased riskof breast cancer, pulmonary embolism, and stroke. Further,since estrogen has been identified as a potential proconvul-sive, the cost–benefit of estrogen use should be individuallyassessed in patients with seizure disorders (reviewed in Ref.33). Whilst the potential benefits of HRT may be revisited toresolve issues associated with the age at initiation of HRT, theamyloidogenic and potentially inflammatory properties ofLH may also in part help explain the inconsistencies in the ef-fects of HRT on AD risk. It is conceivable that the combinedeffects of the sex steroids and gonadotropins may influencethe susceptibility to and progression of neurodegeneration.The research reviewed here indicates that elevated sex hor-mone levels combined with low cycling LH levels during thereproductive years may promote antioxidant activity, sup-press inflammation, and reduce A� accumulation (Fig. 3).Following reproductive senescence, the depleted sex hor-mones combined with elevated LH levels promote A� pro-duction and inflammation, and potentially exacerbate oxida-tive stress (Fig. 4). Given the diverse actions of thereproductive hormones, combinational hormone therapy mayprove to be more efficacious in the prevention of AD, thoughthis notion needs to be tested in further studies.


The authors would like to thank Kathy Lucas for her assis-tance in compiling the manuscript. AMB is supported by aUniversity of Western Australia Postgraduate Award, Glaxo-SmithKline Australia Postgraduate Support Grant, and theMcCusker Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease Research. SFis supported by the McCusker Foundation for Alzheimer’sDisease Research. GV is generously supported by a grantfrom Mr. Warren Milner (Milner English College, Perth,Western Australia) and the McCusker Foundation for Alzhei-mer’s Disease Research. RNM is supported by grants fromthe McCusker Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease Research,NHMRC, Department of Veterans Affairs, and HollywoodPrivate Hospital.


�-APPs, secreted protein produced by cleavage of trans-membrane APP with APP �-secretase enzyme; A�, amyloidpeptide produced by proteolytic cleavage of APP by BACEand �-secretase; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; APP, amyloid pre-cursor protein; BACE, �-site APP cleaving enzyme; DHEA,dihydroepiandrosterone; GnRH, gonadotropin releasing hor-mone; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; GFAP, glial fib-rillary acidic protein; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin;iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; LH, luteinizing hor-mone; MAPK, mitogen activated protein kinase; MPA,medroxyprogesterone acetate; NO, nitric oxide; SERMS, se-lective estrogen receptor modulators; WHI, Women’s HealthInitiative.




Free radicalscavenger

Free Radicals

Oxidative stress


FIG. 3. Hormonal interactions with oxidative stress path-ways whilst reproductively functional. High estrogen (E2)and progesterone (P) in women and testosterone (T) in menpromotes A� clearance by microglial phagoctytosis and de-creases A� production, thereby reducing oxidative burden of-fered by the A� peptide. Reduced A� production is coupledwith increased �-APPs production, which contributes neuro-protective and antioxidant properties. Estrogen can also act di-rectly as an antioxidant; however, normal physiological con-centrations are likely to be too low to offer any benefit.Estrogen and testosterone may also suppress potentially neu-rodegenerative chronic inflammatory processes, preventingoverproduction of free radicals and other neurotoxic inflamma-tory products.

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Free radicals

Oxidative stress





FIG. 4. Hormonal interactionswith oxidative stress pathwaysduring reproductive senes-cence. Following reproductivesenescence estrogen (E2), pro-gesterone (P) and testosterone(T) levels become depleted;therefore, they offer little neuro-protective benefit. Elevated LHlevels stimulate A� production,that can subsequently lead toboth oxidative stress and inflam-mation. It is also possible thatLH may stimulate pro-inflamma-tory signaling pathways in thebrain, which also can lead to thegeneration of free radicals andthus oxidative stress.

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Address reprint requests to:Professor Ralph MartinsCentre of Excellence for

Alzheimer’s Disease Research and CareSir James McCusker Alzheimer’s Disease Research Unit

Edith Cowan University100 Joondalup Drive

6027, Joondalup, Australia

E-mail: [email protected]

Date of first submission to ARS Central, May 27, 2006; date ofacceptance, June 1, 2006.

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