Page 1: Representation of Disabiltiy

A Touch Of Frost

A Touch of Frost is based upon the frost novels, it stars David Jason as the main protagonist Detective inspector Jack Frost, known almost universally as Jack, an experienced and dedicated detective who frequently clashes with his superiors. In his cases, Frost is assisted by a variety of different detective sergeants, with each bringing a different slant to the particular case.

Page 2: Representation of Disabiltiy

Background of my clip

My clip is about a disabled boy called Billy. Billy is captured by the police, the clip shows the way in which disability is represented, and the way people talk to Billy and the way Billy reacts towards the different situations.

Page 3: Representation of Disabiltiy


Link To Video

Page 4: Representation of Disabiltiy

Representation of Disability In the beginning of the video you have seen that Billy is walking through the woods during the night, suddenly he starts to clean his pants with his hands, which suggests that Billy has done something wrong, during this time disability is associated with strange behaviour, the representation of strange behaviour is continued with the use low key lighting, and the use of horror type non diegetic sound. Further on the clip starts to associate disability as being dangerous as you can see the police dog is looking for Billy, the clips signifies that disability is dangerous and is in the need of being captured quickly. The MLS shot in the video of Billy walking makes the viewer think that he is naïve and he doesn’t know about the police presence, Billy is then frightened as he does see the police men come towards him, at this point of the clip disability is being represented as frightened, vulnerable and naïve. The use of low level shot of Billy on the ground allows the audience to see that Billy is struggling with the police officer, during this disability is being represented as weak. During the scene of when Billy is captured you see that he pleads in front of the officer saying “I haven’t done anything wrong” which represents disability as being powerless.

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Representation of Disability Billy’s father kneels next to him as he walks into the room, this further underlines the fact that disability is being represented as child like, this is shown by the high angle shot which suggests that those who are looked down on are easily intimidated. Billy’s face in the video tilts to the side as detective frost comes to talk to him, this gives an interpretation that disabled people are easily confused, when the inspector talks to Billy, his tone of voice is very low, which again gives the representation that disabled people have a child like nature.
