




June 2012



INTRODUCTION1. Activities of state authorities and local self-government institutions in the context of preparations for the regular election of people's deputies of Ukraine 2. Campaigning3. Preparations for candidates' nomination4. Campaigning combined with providing citizens with free of charge material values


In June 2012 the parliament has done nothing to eliminate lacunas and drawbacks in the current Law on the Election of People's Deputies of Ukraine. Though these lacunas and drawbacks still makes it possible to hold the elections of people's deputies of Ukraine in correspondence with international standards, Verkhovna Rada should urgently (before the start of the election process) consider CEC propositions on improvement of the Law provisions. In other case effectiveness of the election law provisions practical application would to a large extent depend on Central Election Commission and courts that will consider election disputes.

It should be noted that the Central Election Commission did publish in time on it's web-site information connected with general information provision of the Verkhovna Rada elections, and also approve a number of acts aimed at provision of the Law on the Election of People's Deputies of Ukraine realisation. It is also positive that local executive authorities and self-government bodies have started preparations for the elections, in particular — informational and explanatory work on electoral legislation provisions, monitoring of provision of election commissions with premises, selection of places for publication of election campaign materials etc.

Preparations of state authorities and local self-government institutions for the regular elections in different regions are similar in intensity, but forms of such activities are quite different. State government bodies of national level (i.e. President of Ukraine) should make arrangements for activation of such work in all regions, and also for unification of this work. The necessity of such arrangements is especially topical due to shorter period of election process. Activities authorities in the regions on elections preparations should be realised in close cooperation wit the Central Election Commission.

Cases of prevention from campaigning activities by potential election process subjects, pressure on economic operators which provide financial support to certain parties and candidates, and also pressure on mass media are still sporadic. However, more such cases, obstacles to placement of political advertisements to opposition parties and candidates and to access to mass media as well as problems with organisation of potential candidates' meetings with voters give rise to major concern.

Committee of voters of Ukraine is concerned with more information on active involvement of state authorities representatives in agitation activities of parties and candidates, and also on use of their status for meetings with voters by state officials who plan to stand as candidates. On of the most important provisions for the elections to be recognised as corresponding to democratic standards is political neutrality of state officials and refrain from active participation in the election campaign. Head of the state and executive authorities of higher level should make additional provisions to constrain state officials from participation in the election campaign (including disciplinary and organisational-HR measures).

Though potential subjects of the election process became considerably more active in campaigning in June 2012, activation of these activities did not bring real content to the politicians-voters communication. Instead of proposing specific opinions on ways and directions of state and society development politicians still offer populists slogans, appeal to past events or actualise discussions of issues with mobilise

electorate but do not contribute to integrity of the society. Mostly artificial discussion of languages status in the country is one of such examples.

Agitation activities of potential subjects of the election process is mainly realised in traditional ways of ads on radio and TV, organisation of mass events (concerts, festivals, etc), distribution of material values among voters, placement of “image” materials in mass media with symptoms of hidden propaganda. Such forms of agitation activities are not properly regulated by the law (electoral legislation is not applicable to persons who did not acquire status of election process subjects) and make parties and candidates more dependent on external sources of financing. In future the parliament should consider expedience of applying constraints of agitation in the period between elections or in the period of election process, or at least to provide transparency of such agitation sources of funding.

Parties preparations for candidates nomination is still far from completion. The process of nomination itself is not transparent. In the agitation materials only the Party of Regions clearly positions itself as a ruling party, while other parties in fact hold opposition political campaigning. Inner party conflicts on mutual approval of candidates on elections are observed both in ruling (mostly in central regions) and opposition (mostly in central and Western regions of Ukraine) parties. However, opposition parties are much slower in approval of candidates then parties of parliamentary majority. Opposition parties should demonstrate their distinction from ruling parties not only in official rhetoric, but also in the process of candidates' selection for 2012 parliamentary elections. Such selection should be transparent, competitive and democratic and should start before congresses on candidates' nomination.

Certain parties and candidates in single mandate districts have already started process of selection and training of election commission members. Considering shorter terms of election process such preparations should be held more intensively.

Though on the local level certain activation of party organisations is observed, they still have no influence on the process of candidates' selection for nomination in national and single mandate election districts. With this regard, one may predict that official candidates' nomination on regular elections will not be democratic and transparent.

Propaganda with features of indirect vote-buying became spread in almost all regions and among almost all political parties' candidates. As in most cases material values and services are distributed not by the candidate himself or his/hers ideological supporters, but by hired network staff, the candidate-voters contact is mostly low -grade and does not contribute to politicians rate. Restrictions on propaganda with features of indirect vote-buying imposed by law should be spread not only on election process subjects, but also on political activity in period between elections. Propaganda with features of indirect vote-buying should lead to proportional sanctions.

Cases of direct vote-buying that start to be registered in certain regions give rise to major concern. Such cases should not be left without examination and proper reaction of law enforcement bodies.

As the election process for the regular elections of people's deputies of ukraine will start at the end of July 2012 only, the current report on long-term public monitoring of 2012 elections the committee of voters of Ukraine is mainly focused on the same questions as in the CVU report, published on June 6, 2012 - activities of state authorities and local self-government institutions in the context of preparations for the regular election of people's deputies of Ukraine, campaigning by potential subjects of election process, preparations for candidates' nomination and campaigning combined with providing citizens with free of charge material values. The main distinction of the current report is that considerable attention is paid to coverage of institutions' activities in the regions — both concerning preparations for proper elections organization and involvement of of potential election process subjects in campaigning activities, prevention from campaigning activities etc.

1. Activities of state authorities and local self-government institutions in the context of preparations for the regular election of people's deputies of Ukraine

1.1. Activities of Central Election Commission

In comparison with May 2012, the CEC activities concerning preparations for elections was less active and was in fact limited to publication of information on general information provision of elections (necessity of these information publication at the CEC web-site was directly imposed by Law on the Election of People's Deputies of Ukraine), and also to adoption of several subordinate acts aimed at provision of the Law on the Election of People's Deputies of Ukraine realization, in particular:

Explanation on compiling, verification and update of voter lists for preparation and conduction of people's deputies of Ukraine elections (CEC Resolution №96 of 7.06.2012). The Ruling specified procedure for compiling and verification of preliminary voter lists for regular election precincts, compiling and correcting of voter lists for special election precincts, compiling and verification of preliminary voter lists for out-of-country election precincts, compiling of voter lists for election precincts for repeat election;

Explanation on application of the Law on the Election of People's Deputies of Ukraine on possibility of simultaneous persons' inclusion щto election commissions on election of people's deputies of Ukraine and other election commissions or referendum commissions. (CEC Resolution №102 of 21.06.2012). CEC Resolution made it impossible for a person to participate simultaneously in work of different election commissions, which make arrangements for different election processes, held “parallel”. According to the explanation, member of district and precinct election commission for elections of President of Ukraine, member of precinct election commission on election of deputies to Verkhovna Rada of Autonomous Republic of Crimea, deputies of local councils and village, settlements, city mayors may not be included to election commission on elections of people's deputies of Ukraine.

Resolution “On submission for Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine consideration an Order on payments to members of district and precinct election commissions on elections of people's deputies of Ukraine” (CEC Resolution №103 of 21.06.2012) The draft order regulates payments for members of election commissions who execute their functions on payed basis, and also payments for election commission members for work on election day and days of tabulation of the voting results. The resolution has also introduced a form of civil-law contract with election commission members.

Resolution “On procedures for opening and closing of electoral fund accounts” (CEC Resolution №104 of 21.06.2012). The Resolution provided for accommodation of introducing amendments to an Instruction on procedures for opening, using and closing accounts in national and foreign currency, approved by resolution of National Bank of Ukraine of November 12, 2003 of № 492, on procedures of opening and closing electoral funds accounts.

Resolution “On form of candidates in deputies of Ukraine party election list in nationwide multi-mandate election district” (CEC Resolution №105 of 27.06.2012). According to the title of

the resolution, it approved a form of candidates in deputies of Ukraine party election list in nationwide multi-mandate election district. The following information will be in the election list: surname, name, patronymic, date, month and year of candidate's birth, his/her citizenship, period of continuous residence on the territory of Ukraine by the election day, information on education, position (occupation), place of work, place of residence, party affiliation, records of conviction. Lists of candidates will be submitted to CEC in paper form and electronic format on optical data storage item.

1.2. Activities of local state authorities and local self-government institutions in the context of preparations for the election

In comparison with May 2012, local state authorities and local self-government institutions became far more active in preparations for upcoming regular elections of people's deputies of Ukraine. However, activisation of such activities is recorded not in all regionas, and activities aimed at provision of proper elections conductions differ considerably from region to region.

In particular, local authorities in Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, L'viv, Zaporizzhya, Odessa, Kharkiv, Khmelnytsk, Cherkassy oblasts were the most active in June with preparing for elections. Some activities aimed at provision of proper organization of election process, were also held in Ivano-Frankivsk, Poltava and Zakarpattya oblasts. In other regions, state authorities were not active.

In some regions local state authorities and local self-government institutions have started monitoring of material and technical support of the election process, in particular – provision of precincts with premises for election commissions' work and for voting. For example, Dnipropetrovsk city council has started monitoring of material and technical support of precincts formed in city districts. Kharkiv oblast state administration in June 2012 have discussed problems in material and technical provision of precincts in some districts, particularly in election district № 179. In Volyn oblast, meetings on organisational preparations for the elections were held in almost all rayon centers and cities of oblast subordinance. According to unofficial information, an instruction on providing proper condition of premises to be used by district and precinct election commissions to be formed at the territory of Odessa oblast was also given by head of Odessa oblast council. In Lviv oblast, oblast and rayon state administrations have formed working groups on preparations for the elections. Official information of their activities has not been published yet, though Lviv oblast CVU office managed to find out that in June 25-27 a working group of oblast state administration has made working visits to the districts in order to evaluate readiness of premises to be used by district election commissions prior oblast election commission start of work.

In some cities local self-government institutions have started to select places for placement of propaganda materials. Lists of such places were approved, i.e. in Lutsk, Kovel and Novovolynsk (Volyn oblast). Though, such activities are limited to specific cities and are rather an exclusion then a general rule. A list of places for placement of pre-election campaigning materials was also approved by Odessa city executive committee. The committee has instructed rayon state institutions together with Department of advertising matters of Odessa city council to equip in due time stands, socles in designated places for placement of pre-election campaigning materials. In Kherson a list of places for for placement of pre-election campaigning materials has not been yet approved, but a draft of corresponding decision published on a Kherson city council web-site.

In certain districts local authorities have held informational and explanatory events (seminars, meetings etc), aimed at improving level of state officials and public awareness of election of people's deputies of Ukraine legal regulation. In particular, on June 19th Khmelnytsk oblast state administration has organised and conducted a seminar-meeting “Main legal provisions on elections of people's deputies of Ukraine”. Heads of relevant structural departments of rayon state administrations and representatives of of cities' (cities of oblast subordinance) councils executive bodies have taken part in the event. One June 22nd a similar event was held in Zaporizzhya: a press conference involving head of oblast state administration and head of Zaporizzhya city council executive committee was held in Zaporizzhya municipal press center. A the conference, peculiarities of territorial organization of elections within Zaporizzhya oblast limits, novels of electoral legislation and specific features of upcoming election campaign were explained. In Zakarpattya

oblast a round table “Elections'2012: internal and external factors” was held with support of oblast state administration.

Conduction of events connected with problematic aspects of voters registration and organisation of activities of State Voter Register maintenance bodies during election process became one more direction of state institutions' activities concerning preparations for proper election conduction. Information on such events was actively covered on State Voter Register web-site ( In June 1012 such events were held, in particular, in Ivano-Frankivsk, Kherson and Sumy oblasts. Information from State Voter Register, asking voters to check their data in the Register, was published on certain local executive institutions' web-sites. Such announcements were published, i.e. on web-sites of Ostrog rayon state administration in Rivne oblast, Kuznetsovsk city council (Rivne oblast), official web-site of Odessa city authorities etc.

1.3. Prevention from possible participation in the elections / campaigning activities of potentioal subjects of the election process.

In June 2012 cases of preventing parties and potential candidates from campaigning activities were sporadic in most regions. However, such cases raise concern, especially the tendency for raise in number of such cases in comparison with May 2012.

In particular, representatives of opposition parties have started complaining that they get more and more refuses in placement of outdoor political advertisements and restrictions in access to mass media. For example, first deputy head of “Batkivschyna” party O. Turchynov has stated at a press conference that opposition has managed to place only 36 of planned 200 big-boards on the Kyiv city territory, and this number is constantly decreasing.

In Kherson oblast cases of prevention of certain politicians meeting with voters by local authorities institutions were registered. In particular, on June 5, 2012 leader of “United Left and Peasants” party S.Nikolaenko has stated at a press conference that he had 25 meeting with voters in seven rayons of Kherson oblast and almost in all the regions he had problems with organization of such events because of obsticles caused by leadership of rayon state administrations. For example, in Chkalovo village of Novotroitsk rayon of Kherson oblast school director did not let O. Nikolaenko to communicate with teachers, saying that such a meeting may lead to the director's dismissal.

In Khmelnytsk oblast Shepetivka city council following an initiaive from cbty mayor S. Antonuk has approved an leal to Prosecutors' office, Security Service of Ukraine and police on illegal dissemination of “Svoboda” all-Ukrainian union Khmelnytsk oblast branch leaflets in Shepetivks city. The leaflets covered activities of local Party of Regions branch and local authorities in a context undesirable for local authorities.

Dniprodzerzhynsk city council deputy (Dnipropetrovsk oblast) V. Kupriy who planned to stand as candidate in election district № 30 also complained on prevention from future participation in the election process by state authorities. He claimed that law enforcement bodies pressed on him in order to make him refuse from nomination in this district.

A court trial was held involving head of Yuvileyne village head (Luhansk oblast) V. Struk, who planned to stand as candidate in election district № 104. In local mass media it was claimed that court prosecution was initiated not to let V. Stuk participate in the election process.

In Luhansk oblast one more case that may have some features of preventing from campaigning activities by potential candidates was registered in June 2012. Police tried to arrest Stakhaniv politician Yu. Shakhov because he was accused of organisation of illegal rally.

In election district № 195 (Chygyryn rayon of Cherkassy oblast) representatives of rayon state administration tried to prevent meeting of budgetary organizations with potential candidate on elections of peples' deputies of Ukraine M.V. Tomenko.

In Volodarsk-Volynsky city of Zhytomyr oblast which is part of election district № 66 (with a center in Malyn city), outdoor advertisements of M.Onyschuk was replaced with advertisements of his political rival V.Zhuravsky, who holds actve work with voters in this district. M. Onischuk's representative has also informed that placement of advertisements was done in accordance with a contract with advertising agency and corresponding payment, but it did not prevent the agency from replacing his ads with ads of V.Zhuravsky.

In Chernivtsi oblast, oblast organization of “UDAR” party was denied from conduction of a meeting of party leader Vitaliy Klychko with voters at central square Glyboka. As a result, a meeting was held in local house of culture with places for 350 persons only, while more then 1500 more village residents were standing in from of the building. One more incident was registered in Chernivtsi oblast on June 3, 2012 – unidentified individuals made a gunshot into a window of Chernivtsi oblast organization of “Front Zmin” party.

1.4. Politically motivated pressure on business, connected with certain parties or potential candidates on elections The same as cases of prevention from campaigning activities, cases of political motivated pressure on business, connected with certain parties or potential candidates on elections were not especially spread in June 2012. However, if to compare with May 2012, a tendency to growth in number of such cases is noted.

In particular, in Mykolaiv oblast controlling authorities made regular checks of agricultural industry enterprises of A. Kornatsky who planned to stand as candidate on elections. Head of election headquarters of united opposition in Zhytomyr oblast G. Zubko on June 7, 2012 informd that representatives of tax administration apply illegal pessure on enterprises which support opposition parties “Front Zmin” and “Batkivschyna”. The opposition parties have even sent to head of State tax administration in Zhytomyr oblast an offcial appeal with a demand to stop pressure on enterprises which support opposition politican entities.

In Vinnitsa oblast unidentified individuals made two arsons of apple gardens which belong to V. Magera, deputy of Troitsk rayon council from “Batkivschyna”.

In Kherson oblast S. Nestorenko, owner of LLC “Pivden Mlyn” and president of football club “Energiya” refused to ballot with support of “UDAR” party in district № 184 (center in Nova Kakhovka city) after communication with law enforcement bodies representatives, who implied that standing as candidate would cost him problems with business.

Head of party city organization of “Batkivschyna” in Snizhne city of Donetsk oblast A.Iskra in June 2012 claimed that there was a pressure on him by Snizhne city mayor O. Doronin. According to A. Iskra, a group of unidentified individuals beat a security guy at summer caffe which belongs to his whife. A. Iskra claimed that in such a way “city authorities implement planned activities in order to close city organization of “Batkivschyna”.

1.5. Politically motivated pressure on mass media

In June 2012 regional offices of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine have registered few cases of pressure on mass media outlets which may be conventionally classified as politically motivated.

In particular, in Cherkassy oblast there were attempts to stop activities of independent edition “Pole Chesti”, which led a journalist investigation of V. Nechyporenko activities. V. Nechyporenko is a potential candidate in deputy in election district № 199.

Sporadic cases of pressure on mass media were also registered in Autonomour Republic of Crimea, Kyiv and Kherson oblasts. Particularly, editor of one of newspapers disseminated on the territory of election district № 185 has informed Kherson oblast CVU office that he was harrassed with dismissal for publication of advertising material of one of district potential candidates.

1.6. Campaigning activities of potential subjects of election process and use of administrative resource

In June 2012 practice of state officials' and local self-government representatives' involvement in parties' and candidates' campaigning activities became considerably spread in many regions.

In particular, in Luhansk oblast head of Luhansk oblast state administration V. Prystyuk participated in common activities with potential Party of Regions candidates in election districts №№ 107 and 112 S. Dunaev and Yu. Ioffe.

In Volyn oblast campaignig activities of MP Ihor Palytsya, who will probably stand as candidate in election district № 22 were actively supported with personal participation by head of Volyn oblast state administration B. Klimchuk and Lutsk city mayor M. Romanyuk. They took part in IV International student festival of Ukrainian variety songs “On the waves of Cvityaz'” which was sponsored by Ihor Palytsya and other events held in Lutsk with support of the MP.

In Kharkiv oblast celebration of 331-anniversary of Izyum city on June 9, 2012 became a prime example of local government bodies' involvement in campaigning activities. The event was held by Izyum city council, however, the floor was given repeatedly to MP V. Grytsak, who has been actively campaigning in election district № 177 (which includes Isyum as well) for several month already. In such a way local authorities of Izyum city have actually contributed to V. Grytska's campaigning.

In Chernihiv oblast Chernihiv oblast state administration and institutions of local self-government provide support in campaigning activities to M. Rudkovsky, whose candidacy will be most probably nominated in election district № 210. Such support meant involvement of potential candidate to events, held by Chernihiv oblast administration. On June 27, 2012 M. Rudkovsky participated in opening of Prylutsk city library.

In Cherkasy oblast executive authorities and local self-government institutions are actively supporting campaigning activities of potential candidate in election district № 194 (with center in Cherkassy city) V. Zhukovska, and also campaigning activities of potential candidate in election district № 198 P. Savchenko, who is member of MPs faction of party of Regions in Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In certain regions participation of officials in parties' and potential candidates campaigning activities is not limited to involvement of potential candidates to events held by the initiative of state institutions. Some officials are directly promoting potential candidates in deputies among voters in crtain election districts.

In particular, in Lviv oblast city mayor of Zhovkva recommended to citizens to turn to potential candidate in deputy in election district № 122 T. Kozak for solution of their private problems. Representatives of Zolochiv rayon state administration recommended citizens to turn to potential candidate in election district № 123 T. Butenko for financial aid.

On the regular elections of people's deputies of Ukraine in 2012 certain state officials and representatives of local self-government will nominate their candidacies in single-mandate election districts. Many of them use their status for campaigning activities, in particular — in form of working trips and meetings.

In Rivne oblast the first deputy head of Rivne oblast state administration A. Yukhymenko, whoes candidacy will be most probably nominated in election district № 153, in June have made several trips to Rivne rayon of Rivne oblast. In particular, on June 20th he visited Zoryany village council of Rivne rayon, on June 14th — Verkhiv village council, on June 11th — Bronnykiv village council of Rivne rayon et. On june 16th he

participated in festive opening of community fast response police offices in Dyadkovychi village and Nova Ukrainka village of the same rayon. On june 25th A Yukhymenko together with local officials handed out certificates and award pins for Mother-heroine honorary distinction to 34 large family women of Koretsky rayon villages. He also came to greet residents of Rusyvel village of Gorschany rayon with provision of gas supply. All the above mentioned settlements are included in election district № 153.

In some regions executive authorities and local self-government representatives became involved by parties to formation of databases of their supporters and opponents among voters.

In particular, according to unofficial information on June 2oth executive committees of rayon councils in Zhytomyr city received a letter-instruction, stating that party of Regions is forming database of its supporters in state institutions of social sphere, and proposing to name no less then 20-25 Party of Regions supporters in each rayon and the city.

Regional offices of the Committee of voters of Ukraine have also noted cases of pressure on budgetary organizations employees to “stimulate” them become members of certain parties.

In Ternopil oblast Ihor Pidhayny was appointed as a new head of Department of physical culture and sport of Ternopil oblast state administration. According to mass media, immediatly after his appointment he proposed his subordinates to write statements on becoming members of Party of Regions. Those who refused to sign such statements were allegedly proposed to write letters of resignation.

The same as in May 2012, in June in certain regions there was a tendency for campaigning activities in the framework of regional programs of social and economic development.

In the monitoring report of May 2012 it was noted that a program “People's Budget” was realised in Odessa oblast. In June 2012 report it was noted that active popularisation of another program - “People's medical screening”, has started. Implementation of the program is combined with campaigning for the Party of Regions. It should be noted as well that both programs are implemented on the cost of budget funds, so, budget funds are actually used for campaigning in support of one of political parties and its candidates.

2. Campaigning

2.1. Intensity of campaigning activities of potential election process subjects

In comparison with May 2012, campaigning activities of potential election process subjects in June are considerably more intense.

Outdoor political advertisement of Party of Regions, “Ukraina — Vpered!” and “Ukrainsky Vybor” of V. Medvedchuk were the most spread in all regions in June 2012. Communist party of Ukraine, not especially active in campaigning in May 2012, in June 2012 has placed outdoor advertisements in most regions of Ukraine. In Autonomous Republic of Crimea active placement of outdoor advertisements of Party of veterans of Afghanistan started in June 2012. Campaigning activities of “Svoboda” was mainly focused in Western regions of Ukraine. United opposition gradually starts developing campaigning activities. “UDAR” of V. Klychko is not very active, but still rather visible. Seldom bigboards of green Party of Ukraine may be also noticed in Kyiv city.

The same as in May 2012, in June potential candidates in single-mandate districts were more active in campaigning activities then political parties. However, content of campaigning materials was limited either to greetings with holidays (i.e. Constitution Day) or to populist slogans the same as used during previous election campaigns.

2.2. Main forms of campaigning activities

Parties and potential candidates in single-mandate districts have mainly used traditional forms of campaigning — broadcasting of propaganda materials on radio and TV channels, outdoor advertising, meetings with voters etc. Potential candidates in single-mandate districts, the same as in May 2012, have often combined their campaigning activities with distribution of material values (food packages etc).

State and professional holidays were the main occasions for campaigning in June – there were many greetings from potential candidates with corresponding holidays placed on outdoor advertising mediums. Among them, in particular — Day of medical worker, Day of journalist, Day of youth, Constitution Day. Conduction of Euro-2012 football championship was also used as occasions for campaigning. Opposition used the fact of its union as an occasion for campaigning (“For Batkivschyna. We have united for Ukraine”), and also adoption of a Program of United opposition and Declaration for fair elections. Campaigning for “Ukrainsky Vybir” of V. Medvedchuk was limited to abstract slogans, such as “We need our dream”.

In some regions certain political entities used “language issue” for campaigning. In particular, in Mykolaiv oblast, Autonomous Republic of Crimea and some other regions Party of Regions held a signatures collection campaign in support of Russian language – “We want to speak native language”.

Opposition reacted with counter events in support of Ukrainian language (particularly, one of such events was held in Chernivtsi city). Activists of civic movement “Vidsich” on June 18th had sticked leaflets featuring Volodymyr Lytvyn (who will probably stand as candidate in election district № 65) with a stamp “Guilty” in Novograd-Volynsky. The leaflet blamed Lytvyn of letting a draft law “On the principles of state language policy” to be approved in the first reading.

While the ruling parties (Party of Regions, Communist party etc.) used mainly outdoor, TV and radio advertisements for campaigning, the opposition parties in June preferred so called “field” campaigning. In particular, a tent with symbols of “Batkivschyna” was standing almost every day in Rivne city center at Independence square. “UDAR” and “Svoboda” also erected their tents and spread agitation materials several times in Rivne. “Svoboda” actively erected its tents in Khmelnytsky city as well.

Some potential candidates in single-mandate districts had also organised mass events. For example, in Zaporizzhya oblast potential candidate of “UDAR” party V. Kryvohat'ko held a concert in his support in Vil'nyansk village, involving famous singer N. Korolova. I. Plohiy organised a lottery in villages of his probable election district. A condition for participating in the lottery was to put a calendar with a photo of I. Plohiy and Spassky-Preobrazhensky cathedral at home, making a photo with it and showing this photo to a member of prize committee.

In honor of World Blood Donor Day (June 14th) activists of Party of Regions in almost all rayons of Kherson oblast donated their blood in an organised manner.

In Vinnitsa oblast, potential candidate G. Kaletnyk was rather active in organising mass events for campaigning purposes. In particular, he had organised a concert tour (10 concerts) for children in the framework of Children's Day celebration.

Committee of voters of Ukraine had also registerd several cases of “black PR” used for campaigning against some potential candidates at regular parliamentary elections. In particular, in Reni city of Odessa oblast (election district № 143) unidentified persons disseminated leaflets titled “Life and work of Sashko Dubovy” during celebration of Youth Day. The leaflets had information discrediting O. Dubovy”.

In Luhansk oblast, there were also instances of dissemination of leaflets aimed at dicreditation of Communist party of Ukraine.

2.3. Spread of materials with features of hidden political propaganda in mass media

In June 2012 there was a tendency for raise in number of materials in mass media which may be classified as hidden political propaganda.

According to the results of Committee of voters of Ukraine monitoring, Party of Regions and “Ukraina — vpered!” became leaders in placing “image” materials, using both private and communal mass media outlets. Potential candidates in single-mandate districts “covertly” campaigned in printed media, greeting readers with state and professional holidays.

In particular, in Dnipropetrovsk oblast tele-radio channel “51th channel” covered positively activities of Party of Regions representatives, though such coverage was not marked as political advertisement. The same way a TV-channel “NIS-TV” (Mykolaiv oblast) covered positively activities of ruling parties. “Image” materials were published not only on TV, but also in printed mass media outlets. Among media outlets which spread such materials hould be named “Ridne Pobuzzhya” and “Vechirny Mykolaiv” (Mykolaiv oblast), “Kolo”, “Zorya poltavschyny”, “Poltavska dumka” (Poltava oblast). In Rivne oblast, Vikto Medvedchuk — initiator of civic movement “Ukrainsky vybir” - had coverage in four local newspapers in one week (all four of them reprinted a “Comsmolska pravda v Ukraini” article of 15.06.2012 titled “You rule the county, or Give power to People!”.

In June 2012 so called “advertorials” aimed to discredit opposition were spread in some mass media outlets. In particular, in Zaporizzhya oblast negative information on incapability of united opposition was published i a newspaper “Mriya”.

In Chernivtsi oblast, several communal papers (“Dnistrovi Zori”, “Vyzhnytski obrii”, “Vil'ne Zhyttya”) reprinted material from an oblast pro-ruling newspaper “Svoboda slova”, which covers a hooligan scuffle with gunshots in a bar of Vashkivtsi city of Vyzhnytsya rayon as a confrontation of local council deputies from “Front Zmin” faction, though both police and scuffle participants themselves stated it was not a political matter.

3. Preparations for candidates' nomination

3.1. Activities connected with preparations for nomination of candidates at regular 2012 elections of people's deputies of Ukraine

If to compare with May 2012, there were no considerable changes in preparations for nomination of candidates in single-mandate election districts and multi-mandate national election district in June. Ruling parties had mainly selected their candidates for single-mandate districts, while opposition is still accommodating candidatures for regular elections of people's deputies of Ukraine.

Representatives of united opposition had agreed on preliminary list of candidates to be nominated in single-mandate districts for Zhytomyr, Sumy and Kherson oblasts. In Zakarpattya oblast the process of united opposition candidates accommodation was still ongoing, while in Khmelnytsky oblast the united opposition selected three of seven candidates to be nominated in single-mandate constituencies. Oblast council deputy and leader of “Batkivschyna” faction in the oblast council Ivan Gladunyak was selected a candidate for election district № by “Batkivschyna” quota, the same as acting city mayor of Slavuta V. Sydor for election district №190. Khmelnytsky rayon council deputy D. Bespaly was selected for election district №188 from “Front Zmin” party. United opposition intends to share seven single-mandate Khmelnytsk districts according to "3+3+1" principle: three districts for “Batkivschyna” candidates, three districts for “Front Zmin” candidates and one district — for “Svoboda” candidate.

There were some changes in accommodation of “pro-ruling” candidates for single-mandate districts in severa regions (Zhytomyr oblast, Luhansk oblast, Autonomous Republic of Crimea etc). According to unofficial information, head of state oblast administration S. Ryzhuk will be nominated from Party of Regions in election district № 62 (Zhytomyr oblast). He had actually started an election campaign, though it was not clear if he will be able to stand as candidate, as the President prohibited heads of oblast state administrations from being nominated as candidates in single-mandate districts. Nomination of Yu. Ternikov from Party of Regions in election district № 108 was combined with conflicts, as V. Landik planned to stand as candidate in this election district, but did not gain enough support among fellow party members.

Considerable changes connected with preparations for nominaton of potential Party of Regions candidates happended in Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Previous accomodated candidates were changed in seven of ten Cremia districts, and in some districts (such as election district № 6) the corresponding candidacies were changed several times. With this regard, candidates not nominated by Party of Regions may self-nominate. In donetsk oblast Party of Regions initiated city and rayon conferences to make recommendations for ruling party structures on candidates for single-mandate districts. In Kyiv oblast, Party of Regions approved its candidates for 5 of 9 election districts.

3.2. Support of well-known regional personalities for candidates' nomination

In most regions no direct appeals from well-known regional personalities for voting for a particular potential candidate were registered. An exception to the rule are V. Zhuravsky (Zhytomyr oblast) — according to advertising materials his nomination is supported by famous football player A. Shevchenko; V. Nechyporenko — his nomination in election district № 199 (Cherkassy oblast) is supported by ex-President of Ukraine L. Kravchuk; O. Zhuravko — supported by Kherson city mayor V. Sal'do in TV show “Frakly with Tetiana Kamenska” on Kherson TV channel VTV. Allegedly, metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Ismail appealed to flock for voting for I. Plohiy, who will probably be nominated in election district № 142.

3.3. Local party activities and inner party conflicts

Union of opposition parties for accommodation of candidates in national and single-mandate districts provided conditions for activation of these parties' local organizations and creation of united opposition headquarters.

In particular, united headquarters were formed in Volyn and Zhytomyr oblasts. Positions in the headquarters were shared and the headquarters started active campaigning — erecting tents, distributing leaflets etc.

United opposition became more active in Rivne oblast, starting to organise local network, preliminary selection of candidacies for filling positions in election commissions etc. In Khmelnytsk oblast united opposition selected heads of election campaign and oblast election headquarters, formed election headquarters in Kamyanetsk-Podilsky rayon; in Dunaevets rayon a round table od rayon united opposition was held in “Batkivschyna” office on 23th of June, and the main topic of discussion was election program of the united opposition.

However, there were some local conflict situation in united oppostion. In particular, in Ternopil city R. Zastavny (“Front Zmin”) and O. Kaida (head of oblast council, “Svoboda”) did not came along, so, most probable, they will both nominate in the same election district.

There is one more conflict in opposition ongoing from May 2012 — situation with possible nomination of P. Zhebrivsky in election district № 63 (Zhytomyr oblast), as “Front Zmin” did not support his candidacy. In June united opposition headquarters did not support him as well because of his harsh statements on fairness of penalty to Yu. Tymoshenko.

In Ivano-Frankivsk oblast (election district № 84) there was a conflict among head of united opposition oblast headquarters D. Shlemko with M. Zelinsky. As a result, M. Zelinsky made a statement on withdrawal from the party.

In Volyn oblast E. Nedyschuk stated that he intends to stand as candidate in election district № 19. However, head of oblast “Front Zmin” organisation O. Pyza steted in Facebook that his candidacy was not accommodated with “Front Zmin”.

Among ruling parties, local organizations of Party of Regions and Communist party were most active. accommodation of candidates for single-mandate districts from ruling parties is also combined with conflicts.

In particular, it shows that in election district № 164 Ternopil oblast two candidates will stand at the same time — pro-ruling candidate Klymenko and now opposition candidate O. Muts — MP of Party of Regions.

In election district № 76 (Zaporizzhya oblast) Party of Regions planned to nominate ex-mayor E. Kartashov, who had signed declaration on accession to Party of Regions, and who should have received a party ticket at a press conference. However, E. Kartashov did not came to the press conference, as the Party of Regions plans to nominate another candidate in election district № 76.

In Kyiv oblast Party of Regions inner conflict among T. Zasukha and S Mazepa is ongoing. In Odessa oblast a conflict among I. Plohiy and A Kise for a right to be nominated from the Party of regions eletion district № 142 became more active. There is a similar conflict among O. Goncharenko and Yu. Presnov in election district № 133.

3.4. Preparations for nomination of independent candidates

In some regions candidates connected with one or another ruling party try to position themselves as independent and plan to self-nominate. In particular, potential candidate in № 154 election district D. Korylkevytch, deputy of Rivne oblast council and member of Party of Regions faction in oblast council, tries not to be connected publicly with the Party of regions. In Dnipropetrovsk oblast, V. Shylova (election district № 38), О. Dubinina (election district № 30) and Ya. Bezbakh position themselves as independent candidates. Businessman A. Kozlovsky may become an independent candidate in Mykolaiv oblast (election district № 132). In Cherkassy oblast (election district № 197) B. Gubsky may become an independent candidate.

Howevere, there are candidates not connected with any political force who are actively campaigning in some oblasts. In particular, in four of five Rivne oblast election districts there will be at least one self-nominated candidate, such as Rivne city mayor Volodymyr Khomka (election district № 152), genral director of “Agro-Express-Service” Serhiy Kostyuchko (election district № 154) and Vasyl Yanitsky (election district № 155).

In Odessa oblast, landowner S. Glan will be probably nominated as independent candidate in election district № 185, and big wholesale market director F. Negod — in election district № 186. Number of independent candidates may become much higher if parties will not agree on single candidacies for corresponding districts, meaning that inner party conflicts will not be resolved by the rime of candidates' registration.

4. Campaigning combined with providing citizens with free of charge material values

Practice of campaigning combined with providing citizens with free of charge material values became spread in almost all regions. Though such practice has features of indirect vote-buying, such form of campaigning does not imply any legal liability, as it is held beyond election process. Forms of such campaigning did not change since May 2012: material values are disseminated either by potential candidates themselves or by charitable funds, connected with politicians. The same as in May, stae and professional holidays were used as causes for distribution of food packages and other materila values.

In particular, in Kharkiv oblast gifts on the occasion of Constitution Day were distributed to certain categories of populations on behalf of MP D. Svyatash.

In Kharkiv city distribution of food packages distribution on behalf of MP and potential candidate I. Gorina is still ongoing.

MP and potential candidate on 2021 elections G. Kaletnyk (Vinnytsya oblast) presented batoot to children of Syvakivtsi village of Lypovtsi rayon, saddle to hippo-therapy center in Bratslav village (and promised to provide 4 horses with oat). G. Kaletnyk also presented beds for children to kindergarten of Buzivtsi village of Nemyriv rayon. On the eve of Medical worker day six ambulancies and four departments of central rayon hospital

received portative cardiographs as a gift from G. Kaletnik. Besides, he presented Peugeot ambulance car cost 227,7 thousand UAH to Nemyriv rayon.

Campaigning combined with features of indirect vote-buying was continued in Cherkassy oblast as well, though it was held not by potential candidates themselves, but by affiliated enterprises. In particular, Ltd “Azot” whose honorary president is potential candidate V. Zhukovska, provided wheelchairt to voters with special needs.

Material motivation of voters by charitable foundations was most visible in Luhansk oblast. In particular, charitable fund “Blagovist”, connected with potential candidate V. Tikhonov, provided services to citizens, while charitable fund of potential candidate V. Goncharov provided installation of new medical equipment, Fund “For Future” ruled by potential candidate O. Kunchenko provided gifts and services to veterans. In Luhansk oblast, a lot of events combined with distribution of material values of services provision were held by political parties itselves: Party of regions, Communist party of Ukraine, Radical party of O. Lyashko. Potential candidates V. Demikshan, O. Koval, S. Gorohov and other were involved in campaigning with features of indirect vote-buying.

In Poltava oblast campaigning with features of indirect vote-buying was held by civic organization “Our home Poltava”, founded by Poltava city mayor О. Mamay and headed by potential candidates V. Zaluzhny and O. Makar, and also Party of Regions. In Dnipropetrovsk oblast indirect vote-buying is practiced mainly by Party of regions, in particular by M. Soloshenko.

In Zakarpattya oblast several forms of indirect vote-buying were combined – organisation of events and provision of material values. In the first example, major events – festivals, celebrations, such as huge festival “Berlibany banosh” were held with financial support of potential candidates V. Kovach, M. Shelever, V. Petyovka. Campaigning with features of indirect vote-buying was held on behalf of S. Derkach, S. Moshak and others.

In Chernigiv oblast potential candidate M. Rudkovsky campaigning activities with features of indirect vote-buying in election district № 210 is the most active. However, cases of indirect vote-buying for “Reforms

for future” faction leader and potential candidate I. Rybakov and E. Prutnik's fund “Edyny Svit” were also reported.

In Volyn oblast regional office of the Committee of voters of Ukraine registered actions with features of indirect vote-buying. In particular, residents of Kivertsi city and Kivertsi rayon informed that there are preparations for vote buying for Ihor Eremeev (election district № 23) on upcoming elections to Verkhovna Rada. Those willing to sell their vote receive 200 UAH and said that after voting for the candidate they will receive the same amount. Their passport information and number of identification code are collected. On 27 on June Kivertsi rayon council had even supported an inquiry of deputy Ihor Kosmyna (“Svoboda”), head of a commission on deputies activities and ethics голови, obligance of human rights, freedom of conscience, legality and crime control to General prosecutor of Ukraine, prosecutors of Volyn oblast and Kivertsi rayon with a request to check facts of vote-buying by businessman Ihor Eremeev.

Among main material values, disseminated by potential candidates or on their behalf in June there were not only food packages, but also medical equipment. In particular, V. Razvadovsky (All-Ukrainian Chornobyl People's Party, election district № 67, Zhytomyr oblast) presented 500 sets of tonometers, stethoscopes and electronic thermometers to medical institutions.

In Lviv oblast S. Senchuk (“Edyny Tsentr”, election district № 119) provided all medical and obstetric stations of Radekhiv rayon with drugs. In Ternopil oblast M. Luyshnyak (UDAR, election district № 166) presented a medical spreader to Monastyksk rayon hospital.

On June 5, 2012 MP O. Baburin (Communist party of Ukraine, election district № 74) presented medical equipment cost more then 10 000 UAH to city children's hospital № 1 in Zaporizzhya city. In Ivano-Frankovsk oblast charitable foundation of Vyacheslav Kredisov (election district № 86) provided Bolekhiv city hospital with a PC and 7 electric boilers. Besides, a concert was organised for medical workers of Rozhnyatov rayon. At the concert, the foundation distributed financial assistance among veterans of medical sphere. Ambulatory of Rozsilna village of Bogorodychany rayon received presents from the foundation as well — it were set of furniture and medical equipment.

Apart from dissemination of goods, campaigning activities of some potential candidates was combined with provision of services. The latter were provided both by potential candidates themselves and also by charitable foundations. In particular, in Volyn oblast (election district № 21) Stepan Ivakhin has initiated an energy-saving program through his fund. Due to the program realisation, 11 Kovel schools and kindergartens received plastic windows, and local medical and obstetric stations – equipment.

In Rivne oblast D. Korylkevych has supported social initiatives in election district № 154 (Dydno, Radyviliv, Zdolbuniv, Mlyniv and Demydiv rayons) through his fund “Lubit' Ukrainu”, in particular — competition of school camps, disseminated grants and material aid.

In Ivano-Frankivsk oblast the Fund of Yury Derevyanko («Фронт змін», election district № 87) continued its activities, presenting books to village libraries, in particular — to a library of Pniv village of Nadvirna rayon. It is interesting to note that co-head of the Fund V. Grabovetsky, fellow of Yury Derevyanko is also actively using Fund resources for PR in another election district (№ 86). Particularly, in June 2012 he provided Dolyna city children's hospital with 7 tables for nappy changes, and Maksymivna and Angelivka villages of Dolyna rayon medical and obstetric stations, as well as ambulance of Yasen village of Rozhnyatyn rayon with new equipment.

Provision of various repairment services became one more form of indirect vote-buying discovered in June 2012. In particular, MP P. Lebedev invested in improvement of central alley in Inkerman city (Sevastopol). MP and potential candidate in №60 (Donetsk oblast) V. Bevzenko invested in reparation of voter supply system at one of Volnovakha city streets. Yu. Kruk was busy with reconstruction of a road “Reni-Izmail” (election district № 143, Odessa oblast).

Conduction of Euro-2012 football championship was also used as an occasion for campaigning combined with features of indirect vote-buying. In particular, in Zhytomyr oblast M. Tymoshenko (Communist party of Ukraine, election district № 64) bough football uniforms for Korosten' city football team. In Chernivtsi oblast potential Party of Regions candidate in election district №203 Ivan Semenyuk distributed balls and football uniform to participants of football championship of Gorbova village of Gertsaiv rayon, which is part of the election district.

In Ivano-Frankivsk oblast charitable foundation of V. Kredisov (election district № 86) presented football uniforms to Tysa village of Dolyna rayon football team.

Day of medical worker was also used as an occasion for for campaigning combined with distribution of material values. In particular, MP and potential candidate in election district № 49 (Donetsk oblast) D. Omelyanovych presented keys of “Sense” passenger cars to representatives of Kostyantynivka and Krasnoarmiysk rayons, as well as Kostyantynivka and Druzhivka cities on the occasion of Day of medical worker.

MP and potential candidate in election district №46 (Donetsk oblast) S. Kluev presented certificates on 100 000 UAH to two medical institutions. MP O. Zhuravko (Kherson oblast) presented a refrigerator to obstetrical department Tsuryupinsk rayon hospital and electric tea-kettles to Chaplinka rayon hospital on an occasion of Day of medical worker.
