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Page 1: Religions

Exercise 2: To which religions do the photos below belong? Write the numbers behind the religions below.

1) Christianity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2) Buddhism _ _ _

3) Judaism _ _ _ _

4) Hinduism _ _ _ _ _

5) Islam _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A religion is a set of beliefs that is followed by a group of people. There are many different religions in the world and each religion

has its own beliefs. Most beliefs are about people, the world we live in, how life started and the purpose of life. A god or a spirit is

an important aspect of many religions. People who believe in a certain religion have their own set of rules on how to act and worship.

The main religions in the world are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism. People who do not believe in a god or spirit

are called atheists, people who are not sure whether there is a god or not are called agnostics.

Religious people believe in a god or spirit. Some religions, such as Christianity and Islam, only have one god. Other

religions, such as Hinduism or ancient Roman and Greek religions have several gods or spirits, who each have

different roles. Apart from gods, certain beliefs also have other kinds of spirits, such as devils and angels.

Honoring a god is an important aspect of all religions. Most of the time, people gather and perform rituals. These

rituals are mostly based on old traditions and may have been performed for hundreds of years. A place where

people meet for religious purposes is often called a temple. In Christianity, it is called a church. Muslims meet in a

mosque and Jewish people meet in a synagogue. Most religious buildings are very beautiful, some are even great

works of architecture.

Exercise 1: Are the following statements true or false?



2 3







8 12 13
















1) Religious people follow a certain moral code.

2) Muslim people worship in a synagogue.

3) Religious rituals often change and are very modern.

4) An agnostic person does not believe in a god or spirit.

5) An angel is the same thing as a god.

6) Some religions have more than one god.

7) A temple is a place where religious rituals are performed.

8) An atheist is a person who does not believe in a god.


Page 2: Religions

With more than 2.2 billion followers, Christianity is the world’s biggest religion. The religion focuses on the

teachings of Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, they believe that he is the Son of God. Christians believe that

Jesus was God’s chosen one, they think that God speaks to the people through a prophet, Jesus. He was born in

Bethlehem over 2000 years ago; which is a small city in the Middle East. Christ wasn’t actually Jesus’ real name, but

he was given that name as it means Messiah in the Greek language. Jesus was actually a Jew (a person who believes in Judaism).

For that reason, Christianity originated as a part of Judaism. Around 33 AD, Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem.

The Bible is the holy book for Christians, it is divided into the Old Testament (Jewish Book) and the

New Testaments. 20 years after Jesus’ crucifixion, around 60 AD, The New Testament was written.

Christians believe that the text of the Bible was inspired by God. The Bible as we know it today was

put together around 300 AD. The holy book explains how Jesus was sent by God to restore the

broken relationship between the people and God. Christians believe that this broken relationship

was caused by the wrongdoings of people.

When Jesus was 33 years old, the Romans executed Jesus on a

cross (Crucifixion). The Jews and the Romans thought that Jesus

was too rebellious and they were worried about the increasing

number of people who became his follower. According to

Christian teachings, Jesus rose from the dead three days after

he was crucified (the Resurrection). Most people who lived

during the time of Jesus, however, did not believe that he rose from the grave.

Christian’s belief in god is somewhat complicated. They believe in God, Jesus and the

Holy Spirit. This belief in god is called the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the

Holy Spirit. Christians think that these 3 forms are the same God.

A church is the Christian place of worship; these buildings are often built in the

shape of a cross. The Christian leaders are called priests or ministers, they are

believed to have a special relationship with God. Most churches hold services such

as Communion or Mass and are led by a priest.

There are different groups within Christianity. These groups have different

interpretations of the teachings of the Bible and also worship in different ways.

The main 3 groups of Christianity are Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. These

main groups are even further divided into smaller groups. Some

examples are Mormons, Baptists and Methodists. They all

worship in different ways, but their main beliefs are the

same. They all believe in heaven, Jesus and the


Page 3: Religions

5) Why is a cross a symbol in Christianity? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

6) What are the 3 main branches of Christianity? ___________________________________________________

7) What is a mass? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

8) Which countries do you know with a majority of Christians? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Exercise 4: Write down the names of the images on the right and find the hidden word.

Exercise 3: Answer the questions about Christianity.

1) What do Christians believe in? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

2) Who was Jesus? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

3) When and how did Jesus die? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

4) What is the Resurrection? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3) _ _ _

4) _ _ _ _ _ _

5) _ _ _ _ _ _

6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ 1






Exercise 5: Match the words with their definitions.

Messenger of God

Death by nailing to a cross


Rising from the death

Central act of worship

Performer of Christian ceremonies



New Testament




Page 4: Religions

There are over a billion followers of Islam in the world,

making it the second largest religion. Prophet Muhammad is

the founder of Islam; he was born in Saudi Arabia. People who follow

Islam are called Muslims. They believe in Allah, which is their god. The religion is most popular in the Middle East, North Africa and


Muslims worship at a mosque, it is a place where people gather to study their religion and worship Allah. Most mosques have a

domed roof and tall towers, which are called minarets. Islamic holy men, called muezzins, climb the minaret to call Muslims to pray.

In a mosque, there are no statues or paintings of holy figures. Instead, there are decorations with patterns and texts from the Qur’an,

the holy book. Inside a mosque, there are no places for Muslims to sit, they use little prayer mats to pray to Allah. When people

enter a Mosque, they need to take off their shoes and wash themselves to keep the place clean for prayer. There are special places

where people can put their shoes and there is a little pool or fountain where people can wash. Women have a separate area in the

Mosque and are not allowed to go to the men’s side.

The Qur’an is the holy book of Islam; Muslims believe the Qur’an is the ‘word of God’. All Muslim practices and beliefs are written

in the holy book and it is treated with great respect. They believe that the book is from Allah, so every word is considered to be

sacred. The Qur’an is often placed on a special wooden stand when it is being read.

Muhammad is the prophet of Islam, he was born in 570 A.D. in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He is regarded as the founder of the religion.

Muslims believe that he was the last prophet who was sent by Allah. The first prophet was Adam.

Muslims are required to:

pray five times per day (the times are fixed by the position of the sun and changes every day)

wash themselves before praying

face the direction of Mecca while they say their prayers

Islam has 5 duties that every Muslim must follow, they are also called the Five Pillars of Islam.

1. Shahada – This is the main belief of all Muslims and is a declaration of their faith.

2. Salah – Salah is prayer and all Muslims must pray 5 times a day and follow the specific rituals.

3. Zakat – Muslims are required to look after people in need. Every follower must give a part of his or her

wealth to help people who really need it.

4. Hajj – All Muslims have to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least one

time in their life.

5. Saum – During the ninth month of the Islamic calendar,

Muslims cannot eat or drink during the daylight hours. This

period is called the Ramadan. The fast is to remind people

how difficult it is to be poor and hungry. It teaches people

to think about the essentials of life and not to be greedy.

Page 5: Religions

1) In which country did Islam originate?


2) In which parts of the world do most Muslims live?


3) In which place do Muslims worship? How is it different from a church?



4) How many Muslim countries do you know? Write them down.




5) What is the name of the god for Muslims?


6) Who is Muhammad?



7) How do Muslims pray?



8) Why do Muslims wash themselves before going inside the mosque?


9) What is Mecca and why is it special to Muslims?


10) What are the 5 pillars of Islam? Write them down in your own words. __________________________________________________




Exercise 6: Answer the questions about Islam.





















1) _________________________ 2) _________________________

3) _________________________ 4) _________________________

5) _________________________ 6) _________________________

7) _________________________ 8) _________________________

9) _________________________ 10) ________________________

Exercise 7: The table below contains words that have been chopped in half. Find the pieces that fit together.

Page 6: Religions

Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world, it is around 3500 years

old. However, it is also one of the smallest religions, Judaism only has

around 12 million followers. Followers of Judaism are called Jews. The

symbol of Judaism is the Star of David. They consider Abraham to be the father of all Jewish people. Abraham is also an important

figure in Christianity and Islam. The story of Abraham is told in the Torah, the holy book of Judaism. Christians refer to it as the Old

Testament. Israel is the only country in the world that has a majority of Jewish people. The capital city is Jerusalem and it is

considered to be a holy city for several religions, especially in Judaism. The Jews believe in a single God, who created the universe.

Moses is the most important person in Judaism. In the Torah, it is mentioned that Moses

was the leader who freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt. Jews believe that god gave Moses

the 10 Commandments. These commandments are written in the Torah and are guidelines

for the Jewish people on how to live their lives.

A Synagogue is a place of worship for Jewish people. There are separate rooms for men and

women to pray. In a Synagogue, men are required to cover their head with a little ‘skull

cap’, a Kippah. The ceremonies are led by Rabbis, they are Jewish leaders. Unlike the leaders

of Christianity or Islam, Rabbis have no special religious status.

The Land of Israel is an important part of Judaism. In

one of the first stories of the Torah, God told Abraham

to leave his home and go to the Land of Canaan (the

former name of Israel). Throughout history, many

battles were fought to keep Israel as the homeland for

the Jewish people.

Eating the correct food is an important part of Jewish

life. Jews should eat food that follows Jewish law, this

is called kosher food. Pork and shellfish are not allowed

to be eaten and dairy products cannot be mixed with


The confusing part about Judaism is that it is more than

just a religion. It is also an ethnic group. People can be

Jewish even if they don’t follow the religion. In

traditional Jewish law, anyone who has at least one

Jewish parent is considered to be Jewish.

During the 2nd World War, more than 6 million Jews

were killed by the German Nazis, this is called the


It is around 30% of the world’s Jewish population! After

the war, many Jewish people wanted to return to their

homeland, Israel. At that time, however, the area was

occupied by the Palestine’s. In 1948, Palestine was

divided into a Palestine and a Jewish state. Most of

Israel’s neighbors are Muslim countries and they claim

the rights of the land where the Jews are living. Ever

since the new Jewish state was formed, there have

been conflicts.

Page 7: Religions

Exercise 8: Answer the questions about Judaism. 1) Who is considered to be the ‘founder’ of Judaism? ____________________________________________________________________

2) What is the name of the holy book of Judaism? ____________________________________________________________________

3) What is the name of the most holy Jewish city and where is it located? ____________________________________________________________________

4) Moses is considered to be the most important person in Judaism. Why is that so? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

5) What is a rabbi and how are they different from priests? ____________________________________________________________________

6) What are commandments? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7) What is the Holocaust? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8) Why is Judaism considered to be more than just a religion? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

( ) _______________ ( ) _______________ ( ) _______________

( ) _______________ ( ) _______________ ( ) _______________

( ) _______________ ( ) _______________ ( ) _______________

( ) _______________ ( ) _______________ ( ) _______________

( ) _______________ ( ) _______________ ( ) _______________

Exercise 9: Are the foods below kosher? Write down the names and tick the box if Jewish people are allowed to eat them.

Page 8: Religions

Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world that is still being practiced; it began around 4000

years ago. Around 1 billion people in the world practice Hinduism, it is the third largest

religion. The majority of Hindus live in India and the word “Hindu” comes from the name of

the river Indus; which is located in the northwest of India. Hinduism is actually a collection

of different belief systems that have changed over time. Unlike most other religions, such

as Christianity and Islam, Hinduism has no single founder like Jesus or Muhammad. There is

also no central leader, such as the pope in Catholicism. For that reason, Hindus worship in

many different ways.

Hindus worship in a temple, called a Mandir. Different Mandirs are dedicated to different gods. When Hindus worship, they repeat

the names of their favorite gods or goddesses. They often bring water, fruit or flowers as offers to the gods. Hindus also worship at

their homes, many Hindus have a special room with a little shrine for a particular god.

Hinduism is taught through ancient writings. These ancient Hindu

writings are called the Vedas and were written around 3000 years ago.

For many years, the teachings of Vedas were only spoken or sang

because there were no writings.

Hindus believe in a supreme spirit called Brahman. They believe that god

is represented in all things in the world and not just a spirit in the sky.

Hindus worship their god in many different ways. Hindus may worship

‘gods’ such as Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna or Ganesh. Nevertheless, all these

different gods represent Brahman but just in a different form.

Reincarnation is an important aspect of Hinduism. It is the belief that when the body dies,

the soul is reborn into another new form. This can be in many different forms, such as a

person or an animal. The form in which the soul is reborn depends on Karma. Karma is

the belief that what people do in their lives determines in which form they will

be reborn. A good Hindu should follow dharma. Dharma is a life path of truth,

duty, religion and good behavior. When dharma is followed, the soul will

reincarnate into a higher form in the next life.

Moksha is the end of the reincarnation cycle for Hindus and it is the

spiritual goal. Moksha is the “one-ness” with Brahman, the god. When

Hindus reach the final stage, they are reborn as Brahmins, they believe

They will live a life of perfection. The reincarnation will end and they

become part of the spirit of Brahman.

In Hinduism, some waters are sacred. The Ganges River in the north

of India is the holiest. They personify the river with the goddess

Gaṅgā. Many Hindus bath in the river, as they believe it will

wash away their sins and move toward moksha. When Hindus

die, in many cases, their bodies are burned (cremated) and

the ashes are put into the Ganges River.


Page 9: Religions

Exercise 11: Unscramble the words below and find them in the word search.

aramhD raKma nIaid Idsnu

askhMo adsVe rdinaM amBarnh

Exercise 10: Answer the questions about Hinduism.

1) Why do Hindu people worship in many different ways?



2) What is the difference between the god of Hinduism and the god of Christianity?




3) What is the Hindu place of worship and how is it different from a church?




4) What is the difference between reincarnation and karma?




5) What is the ultimate goal of Hindu people?




6) What is special about the Ganges River and how do Hindu people express this?













Page 10: Religions

Buddhism is the world’s 4th largest religion and the main religion in

Thailand. There is no God in Buddhism, it is rather a way of life or

a philosophy. Buddhists believe in powerful spiritual forces. The

Three Jewels are the three central beliefs in Buddhism.

The belief in Buddha

Dharma – the teachings of Buddha

The Sangha – the Buddhist community that consists of ordinary people, monks and nuns. It is the purpose to be helpful to

others and move towards enlightenment.

Siddharta Gautama is the founder of Buddhism, he was born around 563 BC. He was also called the Buddha; which means the

‘awakened one’. Siddharta wasn’t the only Buddha, in fact, there have been several, but Siddharta is considered to be THE Buddha. A

‘Buddha’ is a person who finds the true understanding of life through many years of spiritual investigation and meditation.

Siddharta was born a Hindu, but he found it hard to believe the Hindu teachings because of all the suffering he saw around him. He

was actually born as a wealthy prince in Nepal, but he gave it all up to find the true understanding of the world he lived in. At first he

tried different kinds of Hindu beliefs, but eventually he created his own belief system and taught it to many people. Many of Siddharta’s

teachings come from Hinduism and were written down in the Buddhist holy book, Tripitaka.

There are two kinds of places for worship: pagodas and stupas. A pagoda is a tiered tower that is very common in several Asian

countries, such as China, Japan and India. A Stupa, on the other hand, is a dome-shaped stone structure that represents the holy mind

of Buddha. These temples are not essential for Buddhists to pray. Some Buddhists have little shrines in their houses that allow them

to pray at the most convenient time for them. Buddhist worship is called ‘Puja’, it includes chanting, bowing, meditation and making


Siddharta believed that life is suffering. In order to end the

suffering, a special ‘path’, or way of life must be followed, this is

called Dharma. Reincarnation is an important aspect of this, it is

the idea that people go through different cycles of life. At the

end of the cycle, a person is released from desire and the ‘self’,

and they can reach Nirvana (a state of freedom from suffering).

Buddhists aim to understand the reality of the world to end

suffering and reach Nirvana. Nirvana is the end of reincarnation

and is somehow similar to heaven.

In order to reach Nirvana, Buddhists must train and

purify their minds by following The Four Noble Truths.

Dukkha – Life is suffering

Samudaya – There is suffering because of

desire and the need to control things

Nirodha – There is an end to suffering by

letting go our cravings

Magga – The true path that leads to the

end of suffering

Page 11: Religions


3) The founder of Buddhism

7) Siddharta said: ‘life is ..... ‘

8) A Buddhist holy book

9) The Buddhist word for lifestyle


1) Buddhism is not a religion but a ……

2) ...... is the origin of Buddhism

4) Another word for the enlightened one

5) The end of all desire, ignorance and sorrow

6) A Buddhist temple

Exercise 13: Complete the crossword about Buddhism.

Exercise 12: Answer the questions about Buddhism.

1) Why is Buddhism considered to be a philosophy rather than a religion?


2) What are the main beliefs of Buddhism?



3) Who is the founder of Buddhism and why did he did he do this?



4) What is a Buddha?



5) What is dharma?


6) What is Nirvana?


7) What must Buddhists do in order to reach Nirvana?



Page 12: Religions





Siddhartha Gautama

Exercise 15: Match the geographical areas on the world map to the religions on the left.

Judaism _

Islam _ _ _

Buddhism _

Hinduism _

Christianity _ _ _ _ _ _

Exercise 14: Fill up the blanks of the five main religions. Please note that not all blanks can be filled.

Exercise 16: Choose the best answers for the questions below.

1) What is the oldest religion? a. Hinduism b. Judaism c. Christianity d. Buddhism

2) What is the world’s biggest religion? a. Hinduism b. Christianity c. Islam d. Buddhism

3) Which religion believes in more than one god? a. Judaism b. Buddhism c. Hinduism d. None of above

4) The Qur’an is the holy book of .. a. Islam b. Christianity c. Hinduism d. Judaism

5) Which religion is most popular in India? a. Buddhism b. Judaism c. Hinduism d. Christianity

6) Which religion believes in reincarnation? a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Islam d. A and B

7) The biggest religion in Israel is .. a. Judaism b. Christianity c. Hinduism d. Islam

8) Judaism is the origin of .. a. Christianity b. Hinduism c. Islam d. A and C



















Place of worship






















8 7


2 3




Page 13: Religions

JOSEPH SMITH (1805 – 1844)

Joseph Smith founded the Latter Day Saint Church; which is also called Mormonism. The religion is a branch of

Christianity. Smith received a revelation of god through an angel and a book inscribed on golden plates. He translated the messages he received into the Book of Mormon. The book tells the story of the ancient people of America.


The pope is the supreme leader of the Catholic Church. The first Pope was Saint Peter, he was the leader of the apostles after Jesus was crucified. Pope Francis is the current pope; he is the 266th Pope after St. Peter. 80 Cardinals can elect the Pope. Once a new leader is chosen, he will hold the position until he dies or resigns. When a new pope is assigned, he will choose another name. The actual name of Pope Francis is Jorge Bergoglio.

CONFUCIUS (551 BC – 479 BC)

Confucius is the most famous

philosopher of China. He worked for the government but became concerned about the increasing disorder and chaos in his country. He developed a moral code that focused on respect, kindness, education, honesty and strong family bonds. The teachings of Confucius became the basis for religious and moral life in China.

MOSES (1393 BC – 1273 BC)

Moses was an Egyptian prince with Jewish roots. He is the most important prophet in Judaism. One day, Moses lost his temper and killed

an Egyptian who killed a Jewish slave. Because of this, he had to run away to another country. God spoke to Moses and told him to go back and free the Jews from slavery in Egypt. When Moses led the slaves out of Egypt, the army trapped them at the banks of the red sea. God told Moses to lift up his rod and as he did so, the waters parted and made a dry path for Moses and his people to cross. When all Jews made it safely to the other side, Moses lifted his rod again and the waters closed again. Moses was looking for Canaan (Israel) as God had promised this land to them.

MUHAMMAD (570 – 632)

Muhammad was the last prophet of Islam. His father died before he was born and his mother died when he was six years old. He was raised by his grandfather and uncle. When Muhammad was nine years old, his uncle took him on a trading trip. When he was 40, Muhammad had an encounter with an angel on a trading trip. After this miracle, Muhammad returned home and began to spread the teachings he learned. There are no pictures of Muhammad, Muslims believe that the Qu’ran is against it.


Jesus was a Jew who lived in a country that is now called Israel. At that time, Israel was occupied by the Romans. He worked as a carpenter until his thirties and lived a traditional Jewish life. Around 27 AD, he started teaching and healing, just as other Rabbis did during that time. The Roman government became concerned about the increasing popularity of Jesus. Roman soldiers crucified Jesus soon after.


The Dalai Lama is the spiritual Leader in

Tibetan Buddhism. They have been responsible for governing the region until the Chinese government took control of the place in 1959. The current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, was reincarnated from the past Lama. After the Dalai Lama dies, the Tibetan government finds his reincarnation. They look for a boy who was born around the same time as the death of the Dalai Lama.

MARTIN LUTHER (1483 – 1546)

Martin Luther was a Christian monk from Germany. As he studied the Bible, Luther found many areas where the Bible and the Catholic Church disagreed. Many people agreed with him that the Catholic Church had become corrupt and much of northern Europe began to separate from it. Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation which led to Protestantism.

ABRAHAM (±1800 BC – ±1638)

Abraham is an important figure in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He is considered to be the father of these three religions. Abraham was the first to teach that there was only one god. Before that, people believed that there were many different gods. In Islam, Abraham is called Ibrahim and the father of Ishmael, the father of the Arab people.

Page 14: Religions

1) There are no pictures of the prophet of Islam.

2) Dalai Lamas belong to the same family.

3) Abraham was the first to have the idea of one single god.

4) Confucianism is a religion.

5) Muhammad lived before Jesus Christ.

6) Martin Luther was a Catholic.

7) Joseph Smith lived during the time of Jesus Christ.

8) Jesus was a Jew.

9) A Pope is the leader of all Christians.

10) Moses freed the Jews and led them to Israel.

11) Moses was a Jew.

12) Jesus Christ was killed by the Romans.

Exercise 17: Are the statements below true or false?

1) aaarmbh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Who is the father of Christianity, Judaism and Islam?

2) ossem _ _ _ _ _ Who is the savior of the Jewish people?

3) ppeo iarfscn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The leader of the Catholic Church.

4) artnim leruht _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The founder of Protestantism.

5) poejhs thism _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Who is the founder of Mormonism?

6) sofcnucui _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A famous philosopher from China.

7) admmmauh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The prophet of Islam.

8) aaldi alam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Who is the spiritual leader of Tibet in China?

Exercise 18: The table below contains words that have been chopped in half. Find the pieces that fit together and write down on the right.





1) ____________________ 2) ____________________

3) ____________________ 4) ____________________

5) ____________________ 6) ____________________

7) ____________________ 8) ____________________

Exercise 19: Unscramble the words below, hints are given.

Page 15: Religions

Yom Kippur is the most important holiday in Judaism. Jews ask for forgiveness for the wrong things they have done. They fast for 25 hours and pray in a synagogue. They believe that on that day, God will decide what will happen to them in the year ahead.

Hinduism Diwali is one of the most important festivals in Hinduism. It is the festival of lights, which celebrates the New Year of the Hindu calendar. During Diwali, many Hindus clean their houses and open their windows to welcome the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi. They also light up special clay lamps to show the way for the goddess, this is the reason why it is also called the Festival of Lights. Hindus believe that Lakshmi will bring good luck and some Hindu families prepare offers to the goddess, such as fruit and flowers. Holi is probably the most colorful festival in the world, it is also called the festival of colors. Hindus celebrate it in March when wheat is harvested. It is a festival with singing, dancing and throwing powder paint at each other. The celebration originated with a Hindu God, Krishna, who threw colored water over his milkmaids. This, eventually, led to this joyful festival. Hindus believe that Holi is the day when the Gods look away. It is the day where people can get rid of evil demons and the colors represent their sins. When the colors are washed off at the end of the day, you are clean from your sins.

Buddhism Vesak is the most important festival in Buddhism, Buddhists celebrate the birthday of Buddha but also marks his enlightenment. On this day, Buddhists go to a temple and pay their respect to Buddha. Many homes and temples will be decorated with bright cloths, lanterns and lights. People lit candles and offer all kinds of gifts to Buddha to show their gratitude for his teachings.

Ulambana is a celebration during the first 15 days of the seventh lunar month. Buddhists believe that the gates of Hell open and that the ghosts visit the world for 15 days. They bring offerings to the ghosts in order to bring good fortune and luck. The last day of the festival is called Ancestors Day; people will visit cemeteries to make offerings to their ancestors, such as food, medicine, money and clothes.

Christianity Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, it is also a holiday for many non-Christians all over the world. It is celebrated on the 25th of December and it is one of the most important days of the year for many Christians. Many churches display nativities that show the newborn Jesus in a stable. He is surrounded by Mary, Joseph, shepherds and several animals. Many people decorate their homes with a Christmas tree and children write a letter to Santa Claus for the gifts they desire. Easter is the most important holiday in Christianity, they celebrate that Jesus Christ returned from the death. Good Friday is the day on which Jesus was crucified and Easter Day is the day on which he came back to life. During Easter, people decorate eggs and make Easter baskets filled with eggs and sweets. Eggs are a symbol of Easter because they represent a new beginning.

Islam Eid Al-Fitr is a 3-day celebration at the end of Ramadan. During the Ramadan, Muslims don’t eat or drink during the sunlight hours for a month. The word ‘Eid’ means festivity and ‘Fitr’ means breaking the fast. During the Eid Al-Fitr, Muslims get together at a mosque early in the morning and perform the Eid prayer. After the prayer, they visit family members and friends and exchange gifts.

Eid Al-Adha is the end of the Hajj. The Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims from all over the world celebrate this day, it starts around mid-October and lasts three days. During Eid Al-Adha, Muslims honor

Abraham, who wanted to sacrifice his youngest son, Ishmael, to Allah. Instead, Allah provided Abraham with a lamb to offer instead.

Judaism Rosh Hashanah is the New Year festival for Jewish people that lasts two days. It is also a time for reflection, Jews think of the good and bad things they have done and decide how they will live the next year. During Rosh Hashanah, there are several rituals. One of the rituals is the blowing of the ‘Shofar’, a ram’s horn trumpet. A hundred notes played in a special rhythm mark the start of a ten-day period known as the ‘Days of Awe’; which ends the festival of Yom Kippur.

Page 16: Religions







Ram’s horn trumpet





New Year





Eid Al-Fitr

Eid Al-Adha

Yom Kippur

Rosh Hashanah





Exercise 21: Which of the religious holidays above would you like to celebrate most? Give reasons.
















Exercise 22: Match the words below with the religious festivals.

Exercise 20: Choose the best answers for the questions below.

1) What do Christian people celebrate during Easter? a. the crucifixion of Jesus b. the birthday of Jesus c. the resurrection of Jesus d. none of above

2) Who celebrates Ulambana? a. Hindus b. Christians c. Muslims d. Buddhists

3) Which holiday is a pilgrimage? a. Vesak b. Eid Al-Adha c. Holi d. Eid Al-Fitr

4) Why do Hindu people throw with powder during Holi? a. to honor Krishna b. to make the gods look away c. to get rid of the sins d. all of above

5) What is Rosh Hashanah? a. a Jewish holiday b. a time of reflection c. a 2 day festival d. all of above

6) What is the festival of lights? a. Diwali b. Christmas c. Holi d. Vesak

7) What is the Ramadan? a. the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr b. a time of fasting c. a pilgrimage d. none of above

8) Which people believe in ghosts? a. Christians b. Muslims c. Hindus d. Buddhists

Page 17: Religions

Ra The most important god was Ra, he

was the god of the sun. The

Egyptians believed that Ra created

all forms of life and he was the

supreme ruler of the gods.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, there are over 2000 different gods. Just like the ancient Greek and Roman religions,

Egyptian religion had many gods and goddesses. Some images of these gods show that they had human bodies with

the head of an animal. Different animals were chosen to represent different powers of these gods.


Temples were built by the ancient Egyptians to honor their gods. Each god had its own or more temples. The people

prayed to their gods in order to get the things they needed. Most Egyptians weren’t afraid of their gods; they would

sometimes hit the temple in case they didn’t get what they needed.

The afterlife

The Egyptians believed that there was life after death. In order to go to this afterlife, people needed to have

two parts: a ‘ka’; which is the force of life, and ‘ba’; which is the soul. If both of these parts could be united,

the people would live in the afterlife. In order to make this happen, dead bodies needed to be preserved,


Gods and Goddesses

Some gods were more important than others. Different cities and Pharaohs in Egypt favored different gods;

some gods were worshiped throughout the country while others were only worshiped locally.

Isis Isis was the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus. She used powerful magic spells to help people in need.

Osiris Osiris was the ruler of the underworld and

also the god of the dead. He was married to

Isis and was the father of Horus.

Horus Horus was the god

of the sky. The

Pharaoh, a ruler of

the Egyptians, was

considered to be the

living version or the

intermediary of this


1) Why do you think there were many different gods and goddesses in ancient Egyptian religion? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

2) Why did the Egyptian gods have animal heads? _______________________________________________

3) Why did some Egyptian people hit temples? _______________________________________________

4) How could Egyptian people reach the afterlife? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

5) Who is the most important god or goddess? _______________________________________________

6) Were pharaohs gods? Explain. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Exercise 23: Answer the questions about ancient Egyptian religion.

Page 18: Religions

The Greek civilization prospered around 4,000 years ago. They lived in Greece and other

surrounding countries, such as Bulgaria and Turkey. The empire reached all the way to the

west of Europe. The ancient Greeks were most powerful between 2000 BC and 146 BC. They

had a very sophisticated society with revolutionary ideas for government, philosophy, religion

and art.

The Roman Empire started around 500 BC and was a very powerful and important civilization that

ruled the most parts of Europe for over 1,000 years. They spread their culture and ideas across

Europe and their influence can still be seen today. The basis of Western culture finds its origin in

Ancient Rome, mainly in areas such as government, architecture, engineering, literature and


Religion was very important for the ancient Greeks and Romans, they believed that it would improve

their daily lives. They thought that their gods would take care of them after they died.

Most religions that we have today believe in one single God. The ancient Greeks and Romans,

however, believed in many different gods and goddesses. They thought that the gods controlled every single

aspect in their lives and the environment. Every aspect in life had a different god. It was very important for the

people to please the gods; a happy god would help a person, but an angry god would punish. Many people made

little shrines in their houses to worship the gods they found important. There were also public shrines where people

worshiped and made sacrifices.

Gods and Goddesses

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed in the same gods, but they had different names for them. They believed that all gods came

from the Earth and the sky. The gods they believed in were very different than the god in Christianity. The Greek and Roman gods

were very like humans, rather than a spirit in the sky. They could fall in love, have arguments, have children or play music.


Nearly every Greek or Roman town had a temple for their gods

and goddesses. Temples were built to honor specific gods, rather

than a temple for all gods. Temples were the homes for the

statues of their gods and were taken care of by priests. The priests

would also organize ceremonies and festivals that took place

outside the temple. The people highly respected the priests, they

thought that they had the power to communicate with the gods.

Mount Olympus

Mount Olympus is a mountain in Greece that was a very

important place for the ancient Greeks, but also for the Romans.

They believed that the mountain was the home for the 12 most

important gods and goddesses. Sometimes, if it was cloudy, the

top of the mountain could not be seen. That’s why they believed

it was the home of the gods.

Page 19: Religions

Hades / Pluto

Hades is the brother

of Zeus and god of the

underworld, ruling over the

dead. He is also the god of

wealth. Hades has a helmet

that makes him invisible.

Hermes / Mercury

Hermes is the son of Zeus and the

messenger of all gods. He is the

fastest, wears winged sandals and

carries a magic wand.

Hermes is also the

god of thieves and

commerce, as well

as the guide for

the dead to go to

the underworld.

Aphrodite / Venus

Aphrodite is the

goddess of love,

desire and beauty.

She rises from the

waves of the sea,

enchanting anyone

who sees her and

inciting feelings of

love wherever she


Apollo / Apollo

Apollo is the god of music and

the god of healing who taught

men medicine. He is also the god

of light and the god of truth.

Ares / Mars

Ares is the son of Zeus

and the god of war. His

bird is the vulture and his

animal is the dog.

Exercise 24: Answer the questions below about the ancient Greek and Roman religions. 1) The Roman Empire started in ________ . a. France b. Italy c. Greece d. America

2) The Greeks believed in ________ . a. Allah b. Brahman c. God d. Zeus

3) Many gods and goddesses lived ________ . a. in the underworld. b. on the top of Mount Olympus c. in temples d. in the sky

4) Ancient Greek and Roman temples were __________ . a. built to honor the gods b. homes for gods c. taken care of by priests d. A and C 5) ________ was the god of all gods. a. Mars b. Poseidon c. Zeus d. Pluto e. Hermes f. Venus

6) ________ is the ________ of Zeus and the god of the sea. a. Poseidon / brother b. Ares / son c. Poseidon / son d. Jupiter / son

7) Who is the god of music and light? a. Jupiter b. Mars c. Apollo d. Hades

8) Greek and Roman religion still have many followers. a. true b. false

Zeus / Jupiter

Zeus is the ruler

of the gods and

was married to

Hera. He is lord of the sky and the

rain god. His weapon is a

thunderbolt, which he hurls at those

who displease him.

Poseidon / Neptune

Poseidon is the brother

of Zeus and the god of

the sea. His weapon is a

trident, which can shake

the earth, and shatter

any object. He is second

most powerful god.

Exercise 25: Complete the crossword.


5. Zeus was married to ..... .

6. The ..... civilization took place

around 4,000 years ago.

8. An important mountain for the

ancient Greeks.

9. The goddess of love.


1. The ..... started around 500 BC.

2. The god of the sea.

3. The ancient Greek and Roman

gods are the ..... .

4. The messenger of all gods.

7. The ruler of the gods.

Page 20: Religions

1) Zeus Hades Jupiter Hermes Poseidon

2) Jesus Muhammad Abraham Brahman Siddharta

3) Qur’an Bible Stupa Torah Vedas

4) Osiris Ra Isis Venus Horus

5) Protestant Mormon Catholic Orthodox Muslim

6) Mecca Bethlehem Jerusalem Ganges River Mandir

Exercise 26: Write the names of the things on the right and find the hidden word.

1) _ _ _ _ _ _

2) _ _ _ _ _ _

3) _ _ _ _ _ _

4) _ _ _ _ _ _

5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7) _ _ _ _ _ _

8) _ _ _ _ _

Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _







2 1

Exercise 27: Choose the word that is the odd one out.

Page 21: Religions

Exercise 28: To which religion(s) do the words below belong?

1) ahitcolc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A branch of Christianity.

2) epjiutr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Roman ruler of the gods.

3) thbhmeeel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The birthplace of Jesus.

4) mhnabra _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The supreme spirit of Hinduism.

5) uarqn _ _ _ _ _ The holy book of Islam.

6) iaind _ _ _ _ _ The country where Hinduism originated.

7) soisir _ _ _ _ _ _ The ancient Egyptian god of the underworld.

8) sosme _ _ _ _ _ The most important person in Judaism.

Exercise 29: Unscramble the words. Hints are given below.














































Mosque New Testament Israel Hajj

Crucifixion Priest Mormon Muhammad

India Pagoda Minaret Star of David

Dharma Buddha Pope Protestant

Torah Nirvana Dalai Lama Abraham

Allah Moses Brahman Resurrection

Mecca Rabbi Siddhartha Easter

Page 22: Religions



What do you

think of the idea

of heaven? How

would you

describe it?

What is a


Who was


What kind of

foods can’t

Jewish people


Why do you

think religion is

so important

to some


Who was


What is a


Do you believe

in a religion?

What religion

do you


If someone

doesn’t believe in

your religion, what

do you think

happens to them

when they die?

What do you

think happens

when you die?

What is the


religion in

the world?

What is the



What is the




Who was


What are


types of


Which religious

festivals do

you know?

Who was


What is the

religion of the

man above?

To which

religion does

the image on

the left belong?

If there is a god,

what do you think

he/she would say

about the world

we live in?

Who was


Which religious

holidays do you


What is the

holy book of

Islam called?

What is a


Which Egyptian

gods do you


What is the

name of the

god below?

Do you believe

that God is a

man or woman?


What positive

things do

religions do


Should religion

be taught in


Why/why not?

Name 6 Muslim


Who is the

prophet of


What is the

religion of the

person below?



religions do

you know?

Exercise 30: Play this board game with your partner or in a group. Your instructor decides how the game is played.

What are the

five pillars of


Why do you

think religion


Do you think

that religious

people are


Why/why not?

Who is the

god of


What do you

think of the idea

of hell? How

would you

describe it?

Page 23: Religions

Exercise 1: Religions 1) true 3) false 5) false 7) true 2) false 4) false 6) true 8) true

Exercise 3: Christianity 1) Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he speaks through him. 2) Jesus was a Jew and the prophet of Christianity. He was born around 2000 years ago in Bethlehem. 3) When Jesus was 33 he was executed by the Romans on a cross. 4) Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead three days after he was crucified. 5) A cross is the symbol because Jesus was executed on a cross. 6) Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. 7) A mass is a Christian church service that is led by a priest. 8) United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, etc

Exercise 4: Puzzle 1) Crucifixion 4) Priest 2) Jesus Christ 5) Church 3) Nun 6) Holy Bible

Answer: Church

Exercise 8: Judaism 1) Abraham 2) Torah 3) Jerusalem, Israel 4) Moses freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt and led them to Israel. 5) A Rabbi is a Jewish leader in a Synagogue. They are different from Christian priests because they have no special religious status. 6) Commandments are written guidelines on how to live. 7) The holocaust is the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime. 8) Because it is also an ethnic group.

Exercise 9: Judaism Salmon X Mussel Broccoli X Chicken Wings X French Fries X Pizza (cheese & meat) Cheeseburger Hot Dog Lobster Cheese X Bacon Shrimps Wine X Steak X

Exercise 14: Religions Religion Follower God Place of worship Book Founder Islam Muslim Allah Mosque Qur’an Muhammad Christianity Christian God Church Bible Jesus Christ Judaism Jew God Synagogue Torah Abraham Hinduism Hindu Brahman Mandir Vedas X Buddhism Buddhist X Pagoda / Stupa Tripitaka Siddharta

Exercise 2: Religions 1. Christianity: 1, 7, 9, 13, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29 2. Buddhism: 3, 4, 10, 17 3. Judaism: 5, 14, 16, 20 4. Hinduism: 11, 15, 18, 21, 23 5. Islam: 2, 6, 8, 12, 19, 24, 28

Exercise 6: Islam 1) Saudi Arabia 2) In northern Africa and the Middle East. 3) Muslims worship in a mosque. It is different from a Christian church because it has a domed roof and minarets. There are no statues and paintings of holy figures. Women have a separate area in the mosque. 4) Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. 5) Allah 6) Muhammad is the prophet of Islam. He was born in Mecca 570 years ago. 7) Muslims pray in a mosque, they wash themselves before entering the mosque. There are separate areas for women and men. 8) To keep the mosque clean for prayer 9) Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad and is the holiest place of Islam. 10) Shahadah: declaration of faith Salah: prayer Zakat: giving to charity Saum: Ramadan Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca

Exercise 7: Word chop

1) Allah 6) Shahada 2) Muslim 7) Quran 3) Prophet 8) Islam 4) Muezzin 9) Minaret 5) Mosque 10) Mecca

Exercise 5: Christianity Crucifixion Death by nailing .. Priest Performer of .. New Testament Bible Mass Central act of .. Prophet Messenger of God .. Resurrection Rising from the ..

Exercise 10: Hinduism 1) Hindus worship in many different ways because it consists of many different belief systems and there is no central leader. 2) The Hindu God is represented in all things in the world, rather than just a spirit in the sky. There are different gods that all represent Brahman (the supreme spirit). 3) Hindus worship in a temple (mandir). Different mandirs represent different gods. 4) Reincarnation is the belief that the soul is reborn into another new form. Karma is the belief that what people do in their life determines how they will be reborn. 5) The ultimate goal is the one-ness with Brahman and the end of the reincarnation cycle. 6) The Ganges River is sacred, Hindus personify it with the goddess Ganga. Hindus bathe in the river to wash away their sins.

Exercise 11: Hinduism

Exercise 12: Buddhism 1) Because Buddhism has no God and it is a way of life. 2) The believe in Buddha and his teachings and to be helpful to others to reach enlightment. 3) Siddharta Gautama is the founder of Buddhism. He created his own belief system because of all the suffering he saw around him. 4) A Buddha is a person who finds the true understand of life through many years of spiritual investigation and meditation. 5) Dharma is a way of life to end suffering. 6) Nirvana is the end of the reincarnation cycle and is similar to heaven. 7) Buddhists can reach Nirvana by following The Four Noble Truths: Dukkha, Samudaya, Nirodha and Magga. Exercise 13: Buddhism

1. philosophy 2. hinduism 3. siddharta 4. buddha 5. nirvana 6. pagoda 7. suffering 8. tripitaka 9. dharma

Page 24: Religions

Exercise 24: Greek and Roman Religions 1) b 3) b 5) c 7) c 2) d 4) d 6) a 8) b

Exercise 25: Greek and Roman Religions

Across Down 5) Hera 1) Roman Empire 6) Greek 2) Poseidon 8) Mount Oympus 3) Same 9) Venus 4) Hermes 7) Zeus

Exercise 22: Holidays Birthday Christmas, Vesak Ghosts Ulambana Ancestors Ulambana Fasting Eid Al-Fitr, Yom Kippur Lights Diwali, Vesak Eggs Easter Ram’s horn trumpet Rosh Hoshanah Pilgrimage Eid Al-Adha Abraham Eid Al-Adha Colors Holi Forgiveness Yom Kippur New Year Diwali Krishna Holi Resurrection Easter

Exercise 16: Religions 1) a 3) c 5) c 7) a 2) b 4) a 6) d 8) d

Exercise 17: Religious Figures 1) true 7) false 2) false 8) true 3) true 9) false 4) false 10) true 5) false 11) true 6) false 12) true

Exercise 18: Religious Figures 1) Crucified 5) Apostles 2) Confucius 6) Protestant 3) Jewish 7) Muslim 4) Catholic 8) Mormon

Exercise 28: Revision Christianity New Testament Crucifixion Priest Mormon Pope Protestant Abraham Resurrection Easter

Judaism Israel Star of David Torah Abraham Rabbi

Islam Mosque Hajj Muhammad Minaret Abraham Allah Mecca

Buddhism Pagoda Dharma Buddha Nirvana Dalai Lama Siddharta

Hinduism India Dharma Brahman

Exercise 27: Revision 1) Jupiter 4) Venus 2) Brahman 5) Muslim 3) Stupa 6) Mandir

Exercise 29: Unscramble 1) Catholic 2) Jupiter 3) Bethlehem 4) Brahman 5) Quran 6) India 7) Osiris 8) Moses

Exercise 15: Religions Judaism: 12 Islam: 2, 3, 11 Buddhism: 10 Hinduism: 6 Christianity: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9

Exercise 19: Religious Figures 1) Abraham 5) Joseph Smith 2) Moses 6) Confucius 3) Pope Francis 7) Muhammad 4) Martin Luther 8) Dalai Lama

Exercise 20: Holidays 1) c 5) d 2) d 6) a 3) b 7) b 4) c 8) d

Exercise 23: Egyptian Religion

1) Because they believed that a god belonged to a specific thing, such as the sun, or the sky. 2) Because it represents the power that they had. 3) They did this when they were angry with the gods if they didn’t get what they needed. 4) If they had ‘ka’ and ‘ra’. 5) Ra 6) No, but the people believed that the pharaohs had a special relationship with Horus.

Exercise 26: Revision

1) Priest 2) Mosque 3) Muslim 4) Angels 5) Confucius 6) Dalai Lama 7) Pagoda 8) Quran

Answer: Poseidon

EXTRA Exercise: Amish 1) a 2) c 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) a, b, f and g

Exercise: Amish 1) Religious 2) Separated 3) Technology 4) Bible 5) Amish 6) Community 7) Farmers 8) Ordnung

Exercise: Shintoism 1) d 3) d 5) b 7) d 2) a 4) b 6) d Exercise: Shintoism 1) Kami 4) Inari 2) Natural 5) Buddhism 3) Archway 6) Priest

Exercise: Confucianism

1) false 2) true 3) true 4) false 5) true 6) false 7) false

Exercise: Sunni & Shia 1) false 6) true 2) true 7) true 3) false 8) true 4) true 9) true 5) false 10) true

Exercise 8: Sunni & Shia 1) Abu Kabr 5) Ali ibn Abi Talib Shia 2) Muhammad Prophet 6) Qur’an 3) Saudi Arabia 7) Caliph 4) Iran

Page 25: Religions

The Amish people are an old religious sect, there are around 200,000 members. They

originally come from Germany but moved to America around 200 years ago to escape

persecution. The majority of the Amish live in Pennsylvania and Ohio in the northeast

of the United States. All Amish communities have separated from American society.

They live a very traditional lifestyle and have maintained their way of life as it was in

the 18th century. Most Amish people are farmers and they don’t use electricity or cars,

they don’t use any modern technology. According to the Amish people, conveniences such as TVs, telephones and tractors could be

a temptation that causes jealousy or inequality, that’s why these items are not accepted in most communities. Most people farm

their land with horse-drawn machinery and they get around on horse-drawn buggies.

The Amish beliefs are governed by the Ordnung, which is a set of rules that the Amish

people follow. They interpret the Bible literarily and the Ordnung is designed to make sure

that all members of the group live their lives according to their scriptures. The Ordnung

dedicates nearly every aspect of the lives of the Amish people, the farming techniques, the

hairstyle and many more things. The life of an Amish person is devoted to his or her family,

the community and God, individualism is avoided at any time. All members work together

and help a member when he or she is in trouble. They don’t accept any state benefits and

have no insurance, their community is their only support. Typical Amish families have

between 7 and 10 children. The men usually work on the farm, while the ladies do the

household chores.





1) __________________ 5) __________________

2) __________________ 6) __________________

3) __________________ 7) __________________

4) __________________ 8) __________________

Exercise: The words below are chopped in half. Find the pieces that fit together and write them down below.

1) What religion do Amish people practice? a. Christianity b. Islam c. Buddhism d. they have no religion

2) Why do Amish people live separately from American society? a. because they have created their own state and laws b. because it is mentioned in the Ordnung c. because they have a different way of live d. none of above

3) In what part of the U.S. do most Amish people live? a. in the northeast b. the southern states c. in California d. all over the country

4) What is the Ordnung? a. the Amish Bible b. a set of rules c. a holy scripture d. all of above

5) Why do Amish people not use any modern technology? a. because they think that technology will cause problems b. because they want to have the same lifestyle as their ancestors. c. because they don’t know how to use it. d. all of above are correct

6) Choose the things that are important in the lives of Amish people. a. family b. god c. the Internet d. tractors e. smart phones f. the Bible g. the community h. jewelry i. cars

Exercise: Choose the best answers for the questions below.


Page 26: Religions

Shintoism is a very old Japanese religion, it means “the way of the gods”. The religion was founded around 3,000 thousand years ago

and is still being practiced today by many Japanese people. The followers of Shintoism greatly value nature and believe that the

natural world has spiritual powers. These spiritual powers are called “kami” and live in animals, stones, plants and people.

Followers of Shintoism worship in temples called shrines. They are usually located in beautiful

natural areas. In the center of the shrine there is an inner hall, which is only entered by Shinto

priests. They believe that kami is present in these places. A Shinto priest can be male or female.

When people enter a shrine, they wash their hands and rinse their mouth; they believe that purity

is important. The religious ceremonies start with a bell and after that, rice and money is offered to

the kami. After this takes place, the worshipper bows two times and claps to welcome the kami

and then bows again.

At the entrance of a shrine, there is a special archway, called a torii.

According to Shintoism, the torii divides the sacred spirits in the shrine from

the outside world. In Japan, there are more than 80,000 shrines and each

single one of them has a yearly ceremony where people pay their respects

to the kami.

Japanese people also worship at home and at work. They do this with prayers and simple offerings such as tea

and rice. The offerings are usually placed on a specific shelf, which is called a “godshelf”. Most of the time, the

people pray to their family ancestors.

In Shintoism, there are different kamis. Amaterasu is the most important and is the goddess of the sun. The people believe that she

is the ancestor of the ancient emperors of Japan. The goddess has a shrine that is considered to be the most important shrine in

Japan. Inari, the rice producer, is another important god. This god is believed to be both male and female.

Many people in Japan practice both Shintoism as Buddhism. Both religions have many things in common.


Shinto Priest

Exercise: Choose the best answers for the questions below.

1) What is “kami”? a. the Shinto god b. a follower of Shintoism c. animals, plants and people d. spiritual powers of nature

2) Where are most Shinto shrines located? a. in areas with nature b. in urban areas c. in spiritual places d. none of above

3) What is a torii? a. the inner place of a shrine b. a Shinto priest c. a Shinto temple d. the entrance of a temple

4) Followers of Shintoism worship in the inner hall of a shrine. a. true b. false

5) What do people do before they enter a shrine? a. they brush their teeth b. they wash their hands c. they offer rice and money d. they bow and clap

6) Where do followers of Shintoism pray? a. in the shrine b. in their homes c. in the office at work d. all of above

7) Who is Amaterasu? a. a Japanese emperor b. the most important priest c. the god of rice d. the goddess of the sun

1) kmai _ _ _ _

The spiritual powers of Shintoism.

2) anulrta _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Shrines are located in beautiful ….. areas.

3) acywrha _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A torii is an ….. of a shrine.

4) airni _ _ _ _ _

The god of rice.

5) sddbiuhm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Shintoism is similar to ….. .

6) stprie _ _ _ _ _ _

The inner hall can only be entered by a ….. .

Exercise: Unscramble the words. Hints are given below.


Page 27: Religions

Confucius or K’ung Fu-tzu was a Chinese philosopher who was born in 551 BC. He believed

that a society could be better or perfect if the people exhibited “beautiful conduct”.

Confucius had a job with the government, but he gave that up to devote his life to teach the

people how to life their lives. Today, there are over 6 million followers of his belief and most

of them live in China.

There are five basic principles about behavior that Confucius taught the people.

Always be considerate to others.

Respect your ancestors.

Try for harmony and balance in all things.

Avoid extremes in behavior and emotion.

If you live in peace and harmony, then you will be in contact with the spiritual forces of the universe, including nature.

These principles were taught in five basic points:

1) kindness 2) fairness 3) soberness 4) wisdom 5) trustworthiness

Confucius believed that a person’s actions would directly affect his or her well-being

as well as the well-being of others. This idea is called Jen. Jen emphasizes the

importance of being polite and loyal to others.

People who practice Confucianism believe that the family and its values are very

important. Parents teach their children to be respectful to others and obey their


Confucianism has five texts that contain the scriptures. These scriptures include

rituals, poems, sayings and history.

Confucianism is actually more a way to be a good person instead of a religion. There are no prophets or a single god. Nevertheless,

after the death of Confucius, many temples were built as a monument in his honor. One of Confucius’ most famous sayings is “Heaven

is the author of the virtue that is in me”. This means that Confucius believed that he saw heaven as a kind of god who created the

virtue in us. Other religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism have influenced Confucianism over time. Many people in China practice

a combination of these beliefs.

Exercise 11: Are the statements given below true,

false or not given?

1) The government did not like Confucius’ ideas.

2) Confucius believed that being good for others is being good for yourself.

3) According to Confucius, children should do what their parents tell them.

4) Confucianism has 5 different ‘holy’ books.

5) Confucianism is a way of live rather than a religion.

6) Confucianism was influenced by Christianity.

7) Most people in China follow Confucius teachings.


Page 28: Religions

Islam is divided into two main groups, Sunni and Shia. The 2 groups

are not very different from each other, they both agree on the

fundamentals of Islam and share the same Qur’an. The main

differences between Sunni and Shia Muslim are in the politics of

early Islam and the interpretation of the Qur’an.

After Prophet Muhammad had died early in the 7th century, there was a debate over who should become the new leader of the

religion. Most Muslims believed that Muhammad had not assigned a successor. They wanted Abu Bakr to become their new spiritual

leader. Bakr was the closest advisor and a good friend of the prophet. But other Muslims did not agree, they believed that

Muhammad had assigned Ali ibn Abi Talib to become his successor. Ali was the son-in-law of Muhammad and was the closest male


The supporters of Ali became known as Shia, they believed that direct descendants of Muhammad were the rightful spiritual leaders

of Islam. The Sunnis, who supported Bakr, had the opinion that the most capable person should become the leader.

Finally, Abu Bakr was appointed as the first Caliph (ruler of the Muslim community). In

order to keep peace in the Muslim community, Ali accepted the leadership of Bakr. Umar

ibn al-Khattab became the second ‘Caliph’, he was assigned by Bakr on his deathbed. The

third spiritual leader was Uthman ibn ‘Affan. Eventually, Ali was chosen as the fourth

‘Caliph’ after Uthman was murdered. He moved the capital of the Islamic state from Saudi

Arabia to Iraq. Muslims accused Ali of not bringing Uthman’s murderers to justice. Violent

clashes followed which divided the community once again.

The Sunnis are the largest group in Islam, they make up around 85% of the Muslims in the

world. Most Shi’as live in Iraq and Iran, 90% of the Iranian population is Shia.

Exercise: Complete the sentences with the words below.

Caliph Muhammad Qur’an

Prophet Iran Saudi Arabia

Abu Bakr Ali ibn Abi Talib Shia

1) _____________ was the first Muslim leader after Muhammad. 2) _____________ was the _____________ of Islam 3) Prophet Muhammad lived in _____________. 4) _____________ has a majority of Shia Muslims. 5) _____________ was a _____________ leader. 6) Sunni and Shia interpret the _____________ differently. 7) A _____________ is a spiritual leader of a Muslim community.

Exercise: Are the following statements true or false?

1) Abu Bakr was a prophet.

2) Muhammad was the last prophet of Islam.

3) Sunni and Shia are two different religions.

4) Uthman was a Sunni Muslim.

5) The differences between Sunni and Shia are mentioned

in the Qur’an.

6) Most Muslims are Sunni.

7) There are no major differences between Sunni and Shia


8) A ‘Caliph’ is a Muslim spiritual leader.

9) Saudi Arabia has a majority of Sunni Muslims.

10) The main difference between Sunni and Shia is based on

the successor of Prophet Muhammad.