
Relationships and vacuum cleaners: A perfect match?

Relationships are really complicated and its fact that if you want to be a part of one, you will need to

invest a lot in it, especially if you think you met that special lady you will never meet twice in your

life. Yet after years of happy times and a possible marriage, it will come down to you being the

husband who will

provide for the house

and your wife, the one

who will maybe get a

job if she wants to or

just be a housewife. If

the first applies, then

you should know that

even though she is the

one you married

because you loved,

there will be some

discrepancies in

regards to the

expectations most men

have of their


The Choirs problem

In every relationship in which you will live with your spouse, there will certainly be at least once the

problem of who does what and how much of it will he or she do it for. Cleaning up a home requires a

lot of effort and even though it's widely accepted that the woman will take care of this, if she has a

job, it's a little unfair that all the weight to be added on her shoulders. I bet that you as a man, when

seeing vacuum cleaners you will picture your lady cleaning up the house, but that's not the way

things work anymore, at least in modern couples.

Distributing the tasks and the problem of the vacuum cleaners

You need to understand that your lady also has a job and might probably not be the type who

believes that the woman should do everything in a home. Being with her for so long I bet you know

her very well and that you're aware of this side of her. If this is the case on your relationship and you

don't want to help out in the house because of your male arrogance, I advise you not take things so

lightly. There are great fights that result from this in so many couples with them ending up

separated, as it makes my head spin!

It's a fact that if you will agree to clean up the house this week and she the next, you will have a

balance which will not allow you to fight because of this. Sometimes she might come very tired from

work and you might be grumpy, because she needs to clean the house, but you feel she doesn't have

the mood to do so, obviously. Even if you're grumpy because you might also went through a bad

time at work, be understanding. You're the man, the one who is supposed to be stronger than his

lady and support her when she needs it. Women are emotional beings and if you are there for your

lady when she needs you to be, you can be sure she will reward you ten folded.

Thinking your woman is the one to handle the vacuum cleaners in your home and being the only one

responsible for general cleaning is not productive and not a realistic view. It could've worked in the

last century, but things have changed dramatically nowadays. So my advice is to be understanding,

as that's how a man should be, patient, helpful and always encourage and recognize your lady's

efforts. Believe me, it will pay off a lot!
