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Board of Directors;

Aeroflot, PJCS January 22, 2019

(Protocol No. 11 dated January 22, 2019)


on the procurement of goods, works,


Document type: Operating instruction

Valid from: Approval dates

Developer: Arkhipova S.L. Tel.: 2426 [email protected]

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Document status









Basic In accordance with the changes

made to the current regulations.

Instead of RI-GD-148G

approved by the Board of

Directors on September 28,

2017, Protocol No. 3 as

amended by No. 1, approved by

the Board of Directors on

February 1, 2018 Protocol No.


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1. General Provisions .................................................................................................................. 4 2. Legal regulation of procurement activities ............................................................................. 8 3. Procurement information support ........................................................................................... 8 4. Planning ................................................................................................................................ 10 5. Procurement methods and features of their conduct ............................................................ 11 6. Choosing a method of procurement...................................................................................... 22 7. General procurement requirements ...................................................................................... 25 8. Competition Procedure ......................................................................................................... 47 9. Auction procedure ................................................................................................................ 52 10. Order of the request for proposals ...................................................................................... 56 11. Order of the request for quotations ..................................................................................... 59 12. The order of the competitive selection, price selection ...................................................... 61 13. Procurement from a single supplier .................................................................................... 63 14. The procedure for conducting small purchases .................................................................. 63 15. The procedure for conducting the procedure for the accreditation selection of suppliers of

ATI and services for urgent non-routine maintenance services of AT..................................... 63 16. Features of the procurement procedure of expensive special equipment ........................... 64 17. Features of the procurement procedures of the aircraft leasing services ............................ 65 18. Conducting competitive purchases among only small and medium-sized businesses ....... 66 19. Conclusion and execution of the contract........................................................................... 67 20. Rights and obligations ........................................................................................................ 71 Annex No. 1 .............................................................................................................................. 73 Counter-party Information ........................................................................................................ 73 Annex No. 2 .............................................................................................................................. 74 Bid form for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form ............................. 74 Annex No. 3 .............................................................................................................................. 76 The list of interdependent organizations .................................................................................. 76

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1. General Provisions

1.1. The provision on the procurement of goods, works, services (hereinafter referred to

as RI-GD-148X1) regulates relations on the procurement of goods, works and services for the

needs of Aeroflot, PJSC (hereinafter referred to as the customer), determines the procedure for

the preparation and implementation of procurement in the ways specified in the 5RI-GD-148Х

including procurement requirements: the procedure for preparing and conducting procurement

(including methods of procurement) and the conditions for their use, the procedure for

concluding and executing the contracts.

1.2. RI-GD-148X was developed in accordance with the Federal Law

“On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities” dated June

18, 2011 No. 223-FL (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law No. 223-FL).

1.3. If the notice of purchase is placed before the Commencement Date of

RI-GD-148X, then such purchase (including summing up) is carried out in the order in effect

at the date of publication of the notice.

1.4. RI-GD-148X applies to all processes related to the procurement of goods,

performance of works and the provision of services for Aeroflot, PJSC including separate

subdivisions, branches and representative offices, except for the cases specified in Paragraph 4

of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 223-FL.

1.5. RI-GD-148Х does not regulate relations connected with the implementation by the

customer of purchases from legal entities that are recognized as interdependent with them in

accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The list of interdependent

organizations for purchases from which the requirements of RI-GD-148X do not apply, as well

as the rationale for the inclusion of such entities in the specified list is provided in Appendix 3

to RI-GD-148X.

1.6. In cases of procurement of goods, works, services (hereinafter-products), the cost

of which is equal to or greater than the size of a major transaction, the procurement is

coordinated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.7. RI-GD-148X regulates relations on product procurement in order to:

1.7.1. Ensuring the unity of the economic space.

1.7.2. Creation of conditions for timely and complete satisfaction of customer needs in

products including for commercial use with the necessary indicators of price, quality and


1.7.3. Efficient use of deniers.

1.7.4. Expansion of opportunities for legal entities and individual persons to participate

in the procurement of products for the needs of the customer and to encourage such


1.7.5. Development of fair competition.

1.7.6. Ensuring publicity and transparency of procurement.

1.7.7. Prevention of corruption and other abuses.

1.8. When purchasing products, the customer is guided by the following principles:

1.8.1. Information openness of procurement.

1.8.2. Equality, fairness, non-discrimination and unreasonable restrictions on

competition with respect to procurement participants.

1.8.3. Targeted and cost-effective spending of money on the purchase of products

(taking into account, if necessary, the cost of the life cycle of the purchased products) and the

implementation of the measures aimed at reducing customer costs. The contract value (price of

1 Here the identification number with the ending "X" denotes the current status of the current revision of

the document. The relevance of the document should be checked on the official website of Aeroflot, PJSC (link:

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the lot) is one of the basic criteria when determining the winning bidder of a competitive


1.8.4. No restriction of access to participation in procurement by establishing non-

measurable requirements for procurement participants.

1.9. Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations

subscription contract is an agreement with the execution on demand when one of the

parties (the subscriber) must make payments for the right to demand from the other party (the

contractor) the provision of services or other performance in a certain amount or quantity;

aviation equipment (hereinafter-AE) is an aircraft including its onboard equipment,

units, aircraft engines (AE), auxiliary power units (APU) and aircraft rescue equipment;

aviation technical equipment (hereinafter-ATE) are the AE components, spare parts,

aviation materials, ground equipment, equipment and tools that provide operation and repair of


alternative proposal is a proposal of the procurement participant submitted in addition

to the main one and containing one or several changes related to the organizational and technical

solutions contained in the main offer, commercial decisions, characteristics of the supplied

products or terms and conditions of the contract;

procurement documentation is a set of documents containing complete information

about the subject, conditions of participation and procurement rules, rules for preparing,

processing and submitting a commercial proposal to the procurement participant, rules for

selecting the winning bidder, as well as the conditions of the contract concluded as a result of

the procurement;

expensive special equipment is ground maintenance equipment for general use and

special use, apron mechanization tools, the initial (maximum) price for one unit of which is

greater than or equal to the amount equivalent to one hundred thousand US dollars or the initial

(maximum) price of the entire volume purchased under the contract (lot) greater than or equal

to the equivalent of five hundred thousand US dollars;

unified information system (hereinafter-UIS) is a set of information contained in

databases, information technologies and technical means that ensure the formation, processing,

storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official website of a single

information system in the field of procurement in information and telecommunications the


procurement is a procedure carried out in accordance with RI-GD-148X and aimed at

meeting the product needs of Aeroflot, PJSC;

collective participant is a participant represented by an association of legal entities

and/or individual persons including individual entrepreneurs, the relations between which are

arranged in accordance with the terms of the procurement documentation;

competitive procurement is procurement, during which the selection of the best

supplier is carried out on the basis of a comparison of proposals (competition) of several

independent procurement participants;

tender committee (procurement commission) is a collegial body created by the

customer to make decisions when conducting competitive and non-competitive purchases

including to determine the method and the winning bidder of the procurement;

consolidated procurement is a purchase of products for the needs of Aeroflot, PJSC

and its subsidiaries (hereinafter-subsidiaries);

conflict of interests is a situation in which the personal interest (direct or indirect) of

an employee of an organization affects or may affect the proper, objective and impartial

performance of job (official) duties by him (the exercise of authority);

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corporate system is a system designed for the procurement activities of Aeroflot, PJSC

in accordance with RI-GD-148X and ensuring interaction between the customer and

procurement participants (website on the Internet is;

corruption is an abuse of power, giving a bribe, accepting a bribe, abuse of authority,

commercial bribery or other unlawful use by an individual person of his official position

contrary to the legitimate interests of society and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form

of money, valuables, other property or services, property rights for oneself or for third parties

or the unlawful provision of such benefits to a specified person by other individual persons as

well as the performance of the said Acts on behalf of or in the interests of a legal entity;

lot is a purchased product clearly separated in the procurement documentation,

for which a separate application and a separate bid are required as part of the purchase;

the initial (maximum) contract value is the maximum allowable contract value

determined by the customer in the notice of procurement, procurement documentation;

non-competitive procurement is a procurement that does not provide the

competitiveness of proposals of independent participants;

electronic platform operator is a legal entity that is a commercial organization

established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the organizational

and legal form of a limited liability company or a non-public joint-stock company, in the

authorized capital of which the share of foreign citizens, stateless persons, foreign legal entities

or the number of voting shares owned by these citizens and individuals, is not more than twenty-

five percent, owning an electronic platform, including the number of equipment and

software and hardware necessary for its operation (hereinafter-the software and hardware of the

electronic platform) and ensuring the conduct of competitive purchases in electronic form in

accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 223-FL;

supplier definition (performer, contractor) is a set of actions that are carried out by

customers in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 223-FL starting with the placement of

a notice of purchase or in cases established by Federal Law No. 223-FL from sending an

invitation to participate in determining a supplier (contractor, performer) and ending with the

determination of the winning bidder of the purchase or recognition of the purchase failed;

re-ordering is a voluntary improvement by participants of the initial information of

applications aimed at improving the results of the main stage of the procurement (consideration

and evaluation of applications);

the winning bidder is a procurement participant who made the best offer in accordance

with the terms of the procurement documentation;

supplier (performer, contractor) is any legal entity or individual person, or an

association of these persons capable of legally supplying the required products;

pre-qualification selection (hereinafter referred to as PQS) is an assessment of the

participants' compliance with the requirements carried out in the form of a separate procedure

(stage) before submitting applications with technical and commercial proposals;

subject of the purchase is the product that is supposed to be delivered (completed,

rendered) to the customer under the conditions specified in the procurement documentation;

products are goods, works, services, where:

а) goods are any items (material objects). Goods, in particular, include products,

equipment, energy carriers and electrical energy;

б) work is any activity whose results have a tangible expression and can be

implemented to meet the needs of the customer. Works, in particular, include activities related

to the construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or renovation of a building, structure or

facility, including preparation of a construction site, excavation, erection, construction,

installation of equipment or materials, finishing works and also related construction work, such

as drilling, surveying, satellite imagery, seismic surveys and similar works;

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в) services are any activity whose results have no material expression, including

consulting and legal services, repair and maintenance of computer, office and other equipment,

software development and transfer of rights (operating licenses) to use it, as well as the

provision of movable and immovable property;

framework agreement (agreement with open terms and conditions) is an agreement

defining the general conditions of obligatory relations between the parties, which can be refined

and specified by the parties by entering into separate agreements, filing applications from one

of the parties or otherwise on the basis of or pursuant to the framework agreement;

procurement method is a type of procurement stipulated by RI-GD-148X which

determines the actions prescribed for unconditional execution in the course of procurement;

biddings are competitive purchases conducted in the following ways:

а) auction is a form of bidding in which the winning bidder of the auction with which

the contract is concluded is the person whose bid meets the requirements established by the

procurement documentation and who offered the lowest contract value by lowering the initial

(maximum) contract value specified in the procurement notice, the amount specified in the

procurement documentation (hereinafter referred to as the "auction step");

б) tender is a form of bidding in which the winning bidder is recognized as a participant

in a competitive procurement, participation bid in competitive procurement, the final offer of

which meets the requirements established by the procurement documentation and a bid, the

final offer of which based on the results of matching of bids, final offers based on specified in

the documentation on such a procurement evaluation criteria contains the best terms and

conditions for the execution of the contract;

в) request for quotations is a form of bidding in which the winning bidder is

recognized as the procurement participant, the bid of which meets the requirements established

by the notice of purchase and contains the lowest contract value;

г) request for proposals is a form of bidding in which the bidder is recognized as the

winning bidder of the request for proposals, a procurement participation bid

in which meets the requirements for procurement documentation and basically meets the

requirements for procurement and contains the best conditions for the supply of goods,

performance of work or a service request;

procurement participant is any legal entity or several legal entities acting on the side

of one procurement participant regardless of the legal form, form of ownership, location and

place of origin of capital, or any individual person or several individual persons acting

on the side of one procurement participant including a sole proprietor or several individual

entrepreneurs acting on the side of one procurement participant;

extraordinary event is force majeure circumstances that could not be foreseen in

advance and which create a clear and significant danger to human life and health, the state of

the environment or the property interests of the customer;

expert -is an impartial person who has in their respective fields specialized knowledge

sufficient to conduct an assessment of applications on any particular criteria;

electronic platform is a website on the Internet where, in accordance

with the requirements of Federal Law No. 223-FL, purchases may be made

in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as the ETP);

electronic signature is information in electronic form that is attached to other

information in electronic form (signed information) or otherwise associated with such

information and which is used to determine the person signing the information;

electronic document is a document signed by electronic signature;

stage is a limited event (expiration of a predetermined period, completion of a

predetermined number of attempts, submission of a document, etc.) during the procurement

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process based on the results of which a decision is made in relation to all its participants (to

allow for the next stage, to choose the best, etc.).

2. Legal regulation of procurement activities

2.1. When purchasing products, the customer is guided by the Constitution of the

Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 223 -FL,

Federal Law dated July 26, 2006 No. 135- FL “On Protection of Competition”, other federal

laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, directives of the President of the

Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation as well as RI-GD-148X.

2.2. Conducting non-bidding procurement is not governed by the articles 447-449 of

Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. These purchases are also not a public

tender and are not governed by applicable provisions of Articles 1057—1061 of Part Two of

the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the implementation of these procedures shall

not impose on the customer the appropriate amount of civil-law obligations for the mandatory

conclusion of a contract on the basis of such a procedure.

3. Procurement information support

3.1. RI-GD-148X and changes to it are subject to mandatory placement in the EIS in

accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FL no later than fifteen days from the date of their

adoption (approval).

3.2. Placing in the EIS procurement information is made in accordance

with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3.3. The EIS hosts a plan for the purchase of products for one year.

3.4. Placement of the plan for the purchase of products, information on making changes

to it in the EIS is carried out within ten calendar days from the date of approval of the plan or

making changes to it.

3.5. Placing a plan for the purchase of products in the EIS is carried out no later than

December, 31 of the current calendar year.

3.6. The plan for the purchase of innovative products, high-tech products, medicines is

placed by the customer in the EIS for a period of five to seven years.

3.7. The criteria for classifying products as innovative products and/or high-tech

products for the purpose of forming a plan for purchasing such products are established by the

federal executive authorities that carry out regulatory functions

in the established field of activity, as well as Rosatom,

the State Atomic Energy Corporation, Roscosmos, the State Corporation for Atomic Energy

space activities taking into account the priority areas of science development approved by the

President of the Russian Federation technologies and techniques

in the Russian Federation and a list of critical technologies in the Russian Federation.

3.8. In the case of competitive purchases, with the exception of those carried out in a

closed way, information on the procurement is placed in the EIS:

3.8.1. Procurement notice and changes to it.

3.8.2. Procurement documentation, with the exception of the request for quotations, and

changes to it.

3.8.3. "Draft Contract"

3.8.4. To Procurement Documentation

3.8.5. Protocols drawn up during the procurement.

3.8.6. The final protocol.

3.8.7. Other information provided for by Federal Law No. 223-FL

and RI-GD-148X.

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3.9. Placed in the EIS information is available for review free of charge.

3.10. If at the conclusion and execution of the contract, the quantity, volume, price of

the purchased products or the terms of the contract are changed

in comparison with those specified in the final protocol, no later than ten days from the date of

the amendment of the contract, information is added to the EIS on indication of modified


3.11. Not later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting month, the

following are placed in the EIS:

3.11.1. Information on the quantity and total value of contracts concluded

as a result of the purchase of products including the total value of contracts, information about

which is not included in the registry of contracts in accordance with Part 3 of Article 4.1 of

Federal Law No. 223-FL.

3.11.2. Information about the quantity and value of contracts concluded as a result of

the purchase from a single supplier.

3.11.3. Information about the quantity and value of contracts entered into by the

customer with one supplier based on the results of a competitive purchase declared invalid.

3.12. Information on the annual volume of purchases that the customer is obligated to

carry out from small and medium-sized businesses shall be placed in the EIS no later than the

1st of February of the year following the last calendar year.

3.13. Not subject to placement in the EIS information on the implementation of the

procurement of products, on the conclusion of contracts constituting state secrets as well as

information on procurement for which the decision of the Government of the Russian

Federation in accordance with Part 16 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 223-FL. The customer

shall be entitling not to post the following information in the EIS:

3.13.1. On the purchase of products whose value does not exceed one hundred thousand

rubles. If the annual revenue of the customer for the reporting fiscal year is more than five

billion rubles, the customer shall be entitled not to post information

on the purchase of products in the EIS that do not exceed five hundred thousand rubles.

3.13.2. On the procurement of services for attracting deposits (including placement of

deposits) of organizations' funds, obtaining loans and credits, trust management of funds and

other property, issuing bank guarantees and sureties for the fulfillment of liabilities

in cash, opening and maintaining accounts, including letters of credit, on the purchase of

brokerage services, depositary services.

3.13.3. On procurement related to the conclusion and execution of the contract of sale,

lease (sublease), the contract of trust management of state or municipal property, another

contract providing for the transfer of ownership and/or use rights in respect of immovable


3.14. Within three working days from the date of conclusion of the contract, including

the contract entered into by the customer based on the results of the purchase from a single

supplier, the cost of which exceeds the dimensions established by Part 15 of Article 4 of Federal

Law No. 223-FL, the customer shall enter information and documents established by the

Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 1 of Article 4.1. Federal Law

No. 223-FL, in the registry of contracts. If the changes specified in clause have been made to

the contract3.10, the customer shall enter such information and documents in the contract

registry with respect to which changes have been made. Information on the results of the

execution of the contract is entered by the customer into the registry of contracts within ten

days from the date of execution, amendment or termination of the contract.

3.15. The register of contracts does not include information and documents that, in

accordance with Federal Law No. 223 -FL, are not subject to placement in the EIS.

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3.16. In the event that the federal executive body authorized to maintain the EIS,

technical or other problems that block access to the EIS for more than one working day, appear

in the jurisdiction of the EIS, information to be placed in the EIS in accordance with Federal

Law No. 223-FL and RI-GD-148X, placed by the customer on the official website of the

customer, followed by placing it in the EIS within one working day from the date of elimination

of technical or other problems that block access to the EIS and is considered to be located

according to the established order.

3.17. Information about the purchase shall be stored by the customer for three years.

4. Planning

4.1. Procurement planning 4.1.1. Procurement planning is carried out through the formation, approval and

maintenance of:

product procurement plan;

plan for the purchase of innovative products, high-tech products, medicines.

4.1.2. The timing of the preparation of the procurement plan of products and the

procurement plan of innovative products, high-tech products, medicines (hereinafter the

procurement plan) and the procedure for preparing the relevant draft procurement plans shall

be determined by the customer independently taking into account the requirements established

by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the requirements stipulated by the

regulatory documents of the customer.

4.2. Procurement plan 4.2.1. The basis for the formation of the procurement plan are the forecast and/or

approved budget parameters and production programs of the customer for the planned period.

4.2.2. The procurement plan may be formed taking into account such information as the

exchange rate, stock market indices and other information based on the following programs

determining the procurement activity:

manufacturing program;

repair program;

investment program;

other programs.

4.2.3. The order of formation of the procurement plan shall be determined in accordance

with the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation,

regulatory documents of the customer as well as RI-GD-148X including taking into account the

timing of the procurement procedures based on the required date of delivery of products.

4.2.4. The procurement plan is formed in accordance with the requirements for the

procurement plan form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4.2.5. The purchase plan includes information on the purchase of products necessary to

meet the needs of the customer.

4.2.6. The procurement plan does not include information on the procurement of

products that are state secrets taking into account Part 15 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 223-

FL, provided that such information is contained in the procurement notice, procurement

documentation or draft agreement, as well as procurement, which was decided by the

Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 16 of Article 4 of Federal Law

No. 223-FL.

4.2.7. The purchase plan may not reflect information on the purchase of products if Part

15 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 223-FL if the value of the product does not exceed one

hundred thousand rubles including VAT, but if the customer’s annual revenue for the reporting

year is more than five billion rubles, the information on the purchase of products whose value

does not exceed five hundred thousand rubles, including VAT.

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4.2.8. Adjustment of the procurement plan can be carried out also in the following case:

а) changes in the demand for products including the timing of its acquisition, the method

of purchase and the period for performance of the contract;

б) changes by more than 10 percent in the value of the products planned

for the purchase identified as a result of preparations for the specific purchase resulting in the

impossibility of carrying out the procurement in accordance with the planned amount of funds

provided for in the procurement plan;

в) in other cases, established by other regulatory documents of the customer.

4.2.9. Adjustment of the procurement plan can be carried out both monthly

and operatively.

4.2.10. Adjustment of the procurement plan before the publication of the notice of

purchase also includes the adjustment of the initial (maximum) contract value taking into

account the changed over time market conditions indicating the final price in the amended

procurement plan.

4.2.11. The procurement plan shall have a monthly or quarterly breakdown.

4.2.12. If the period of execution of the contract exceeds the period for which the

procurement plans are approved (long-term contracts), the procurement plans shall also include

information for the entire period of the procurement until the moment of execution of the


4.2.13. When forming, adjusting the procurement plan, the subject of the contract

should be described in a volume that allows you to fully assess the customer's needs for certain

goods (works, services) in the planned period of time.

5. Procurement methods and features of their conduct

5.1. For each specific product, the customer shall determine a competitive or non-

competitive purchase will be made.

5.2. Competitive purchase is a purchase that shall be carried out simultaneously with

the following conditions:

5.2.1. Information on competitive procurement shall be communicated by the customer

in one of the following ways:

а) by placing in the EIS a notice of purchase available to an unlimited number of persons

with attachment of the procurement documentation;

б) by sending invitations to take part in closed competitive procurement in cases

provided by Article 3.5 of Federal Law No. 223-FL with attachment of procurement

documentation to at least two persons who are able to make supply of goods, performance of

works, provision of services that are the subject of such procurement.

5.2.2. Competition shall be ensured between the participants in the competitive

procurement for the right to conclude a contract with the customer on the conditions proposed

in the participation bids in such procurement, the final proposals of the participants in such


5.2.3. The description of the subject of competitive procurement is carried out in

compliance with the requirements of Part 6.1 of Article 3 of Federal Law No. 223-FL.

5.3. Non-competitive purchase is a purchase, the terms of which are not in accordance

with the conditions provided for in paragraph5.2.

5.4. Competitive methods of procurement (are priority when purchasing products):

5.4.1. By bidding: Competition (open competition, competition in electronic form, closed

competition). Auction (open auction, electronic auction, closed auction).

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for quotations). Request for proposals (request for proposals in electronic form, closed request

for proposals).

5.4.2. Without bidding: Competitive selection, closed competitive selection; Price selection, closed price selection.

5.5. Non-competitive methods (used in exceptional cases and strictly regulated by RI-


5.5.1. Purchase from a sole supplier.

5.5.2. Small purchase.

5.5.3. Accreditation selection of suppliers of ATI, services for TO AT.

5.6. Features of the preliminary qualification selection. 5.6.1. If there is a production need, the customer shall conduct the purchases with

limited participation.

5.6.2. If the customer has decided to limit participation in the relevant procurement,

information on such a restriction should be indicated in the notice of purchase.

5.6.3. Only those who have passed the preliminary qualification selection (hereinafter

referred to as PQS) shall be allowed to purchase with limited participation.

5.6.4. PQS can be carried out as a stage of the procurement procedure with limited

participation and the requirements of RI-GD-148X established in relation to the procurement

procedure conducted based on the results of this PQS shall be applied to it taking into account

the following features: In addition to the general information provided for such a procurement

procedure, a notice on a procurement with limited participation shall establish the order, the

start date, the date and time of the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the

PQS and summarizing the PQS. In the procurement documentation, there is a number of general data, which are

provided for the procedure and conditions for conducting PQS, requirements for the PQS

participants, requirements for processing bids for the PQS, terms and procedure for considering

bids and summarizing the results of the PQS. Based on the results of the PQS, a protocol of the tender committee shall be

drawn up which reflects the decisions on the admission/refusal to admit the PQS participants

to take part in the procurement procedure with limited participation, other information

in accordance with paragraph 7.7.1.

5.6.5. The PQS can be carried out by a separate procedure in cases where the customer,

before carrying out a purchase with limited participation, needs to clarify the specific

requirements for potential procurement participants and purchased products and the

requirements of RI-GD-148X applicable to the procurement procedure conducted based on the

results of this PQS with the following features: In the notice of the PQS, the information on the purchased products, the

procedure, the date of commencement, the date and time of the deadline for submission of

applications for participation in the PQS and summing up the results of the PQS and other

information shall be set forth according to paragraph 7.6. The documentation for the PQS shall establish the procedure and conditions for

the PQS, the requirements for the participants of the PQS, the requirements for processing the

bid for the PQS, the deadline and the procedure for considering applications and summarizing

the results of the PQS and other information in accordance with paragraph 7.6.

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it Based on the results of the PQS, a protocol of the tender committee shall be

drawn up which reflects the decisions on the admission/refusal to admit the PQS participants

to take part in the procurement procedure with limited participation, other information

in accordance with paragraph 7.7.1.

5.6.6. The PQS can be carried out as a separate procedure in cases

where the customer plans to conduct several purchases with limited participation as part of such

a procedure, and the requirements of RI-GD-148Х established in relation to the procurement

procedure carried out on the basis of the results of this PQS, shall be applied taking into account

the following features: As a result of such PQS, a list of participants shall be formed (hereinafter

referred to as the list), which are given the right to participate in several procurement

with limited participation. The formation of the list can be carried out in stages

at intervals to be established by the customer in the documentation of such PQS. The results of the selection reflected in the list, shall be valid

for the period established in the documentation of such PQS. Bids for participation in the PQS shall be filed during the term of its validity as

specified in the documentation of such PQS. When establishing the stages of the formation of the list, the customer at the end

of each stage shall sum up the results of a qualified selection, the tender committee shall sign

the protocol for each stage. In the notice on carrying out PQS, are established:

а) information about the purchased products;

б) the start date, the date and time of the end of the submission of applications for

participation in the PQS;

в) deadline for summing up the PQS.

г) other necessary information according to paragraph7.6. The documentation for the PQS shall set:

а) the PQS procedure;

б) start dates, dates and times for filing applications for each stage of the PQS;

в) dates of summing up for each stage of the PQS;

г) the period of procurement with limited participation following the results of the PQS;

д) qualification requirements for participants;

е) requirements for the composition and design of participation bids;

ж) other necessary information according to paragraph7.7. The protocol of the results of the PQS/PQS stage shall contain a list of

participants and decisions on the admission/refusal of admission of the participant of the PQS

to take part in the procurement procedure with limited participation, other information in

accordance with paragraph7.7.2. According to the results of the PQS/PQS stage, the customer shall conduct

competitive purchases with limited participation among the participants listed in the list by

means of competitive selection or price selection.

5.6.7. All the participants in the PQS are subject to the same qualification requirements

established by the documentation on the PQS.

5.6.8. Notice of the procedure of the PQS, documentation of the PQS, summary

protocols are subject to placement in the EIS.

5.6.9. Winning bidders of the PQS procedure shall be allowed to purchase with limited


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5.6.10. The customer shall be entitled to refuse to carry out PQS at any time without

incurring any responsibility to the participants including reimbursement of any costs associated

with the preparation and filing of a participation bid in the PQS.

5.6.11. If the customer carried out the PQS prior to the placement in the EIS of the

procurement regulations brought into compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No.

223-FL (as amended by Federal Law dated December 31, 2017 No. 505-FL), its results can be

applied to competitive purchases made in any way, after placing in the EIS the procurement

provisions brought into compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 223-FZ (as

amended by Federal Law dated December 31, 2017

No. 505-FL). Such competitive purchases shall be conducted with limited participation, about

which the corresponding notification is made in the notice of procurement, procurement


5.7. Features of the procurement carried out in a closed way 5.7.1. Competitive procurement carried out in a closed way shall be carried out

if information on such procurement constitutes a state secret or if the coordination body of the

Government of the Russian Federation has made a decision regarding such procurement in

accordance with paragraph 2 or 3 of Part 8 of Article 3.1 of Federal Law No. 223-FL or if the

Government of the Russian Federation made a decision regarding such a purchase in

accordance with Part 16 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 223-FL.

5.7.2. Closed competitive procurement shall be carried out in the manner prescribed by

RI-GD-148X for competitive procurement. At the same time, information on the closed

competitive purchase is not subject to placement in the EIS. Within the deadlines set for

placement in the EIS notice of procurement, procurement documentation, the customer sends

invitations to take part in a closed competitive procurement with attachment of procurement

documentation to at least two persons who are able to make supply of goods, performance of

works, services that are subject of the closed competitive procurement. These invitations should

contain information required by paragraph. 7.6

5.7.3. When conducting a closed competitive purchase, it shall not be allowed to provide

procurement documentation, changes made to it, send requests for clarification of the provisions

of procurement documentation, provide such explanations in the form of electronic documents.

Explanations of the provisions of the procurement documentation shall be communicated in

writing by the customer to the notice of all persons who have been provided with the

procurement documentation indicating the subject matter of the request but without specifying

the participant from whom the request came.

5.7.4. A participant in a closed competitive procurement shall submit a participation bid

to take part in a closed competitive procurement in a sealed envelope that does not allow

viewing its contents before the envelope is opened.

5.7.5. The protocols generated during the meeting of the tender committee are

not subject to publication in the mass media and on the Internet. The customer no later than

three working days from the date of signing of the relevant protocol, sends copies of the relevant

protocol to the participants who submitted bids.

5.8. Features of the procurement in electronic, paper form

5.8.1. Procurement in electronic form is carried out in cases of procurement of products

defined by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 4

of Art. 3 of the Federal Law No. 223- FL as well as when purchasing other products

in accordance with RI-GD-148X. When conducting procurement in electronic form, bids shall be submitted in the

form of electronic documents on the ETP.

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it When conducting competitive procurement in electronic form, the participants

in such a procurement request for clarification of the provisions of the notice of procurement

and/or procurement documentation, posting such clarifications in the EIS and submitting by

the participants of the competitive procurement in electronic form applications for participation

in competitive procurement in electronic form, proposals, the provision of a commission on the

implementation of competitive procurement of access to these bids, comparison of price offers,

additional price offers pendulum competitive procurement in electronic form, the formation of

the draft protocols drawn up in accordance with the Federal Law № 223-FZ, the electronic

platform provided by the operator at the ETP. The operation of the ETP shall be carried out in accordance with the rules in

force on the ETP and the agreement concluded between the customer and the operator of the

electronic platform. Participant of competitive procurement in electronic form to participate

in competitive procurement in electronic form must receive accreditation

on the ETP in the manner prescribed by the operator of the electronic platform. Exchange between the participant of competitive procurement in electronic

form, the customer and the operator of the electronic platform information related

to obtaining accreditation on the ETP, the implementation of competitive procurement

in electronic form, is carried out on the ETP in the form of electronic documents. Electronic documents of a competitive procurement participant in electronic

form, a customer, an electronic platform operator shall be signed by a reinforced qualified

electronic signature (hereinafter electronic signature) of the person entitled to act on behalf of

the competitive procurement participant in electronic form, customer, electronic platform

operator, respectively. Information related to the implementation of competitive procurement

in electronic form shall be posted in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 223-FL. Within

one hour from the date of posting, such information shall be placed in the EIS and on the ETP.

Such information shall be available for review at no charge. Within one hour from the date of posting in the EIS a notice of refusal to conduct

competitive procurement in electronic form, changes made

to the notice of purchase in electronic form, documentation of such procurement, clarification

of the provisions of the documentation of such procurement, customer requests

for clarification of the provisions of the participation in competitive procurement in electronic

form, the operator of the electronic platform shall place the specified information on the ETP,

send a notification of the specified changes, explanations to all participants of the competitive

procurement in electronic form, who submitted bids for participation in it, notification of the

said clarifications also to the person who sent the request for clarification of the provisions of

the procurement documentation, notification of the indicated requests

for clarification of the provisions of the participant’s procurement application to customers at

the email addresses indicated by these participants accreditation on the ETP or by this person

upon request.

5.8.2. When holding an open tender and a closed tender, a closed auction, a closed

request for proposals and a closed request for quotations, bids shall be submitted on paper.

5.9. Features of the procurement involving the selection of several winning bidders of the procurement

5.9.1. Purchases in a competitive way may involve the selection of several winning

bidders of the purchase for one subject of purchase (lot).

5.9.2. Within the framework of one procurement, the procurement documentation may

provide for the possibility of choosing several winning bidders for a single lot by applying one

of the following mechanisms:

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it Selection of several winning bidders in order to distribute the total amount of

customer needs between them. Selection of several winning bidder in order to conclude a contract with each of

the winning bidders and distribution of the actual volume of product deliveries during the

execution of the contract.

5.9.3. In the case of procurement for the purpose of distribution in parts of the total

amount of customer needs between the winning bidders in the procurement documentation shall

be established: Severability of the subject of purchase and the possibility of filing a bid for the

entire volume, and for its part. The procedure for determining the winning bidders. Terms and conditions for concluding a contract with the winning bidders

including the procedure for determining and distribution terms, the purchased product volume

among the winning bidders on the basis of the purchase.

5.9.4. In the case of a purchase with the aim of concluding a contract with each

of the winning bidders and the distribution of the actual volume of deliveries of products during

the execution of the contract in the procurement documentation shall be set: The procedure for determining the winning bidders. The procedure for determining and conditions for the distribution of the actual

volume of deliveries of products during the execution of the contract concluded with the

winning bidder. No obligation for the customer to make a full selection of products specified in

the contract concluded with each winning bidder.

5.10. Features of the procurement with the ability to submit alternative proposals. 5.10.1. During the procurement process, the customer shall be entitled to provide in the

procurement documentation the right of the participant to submit alternative proposals.

5.10.2. Alternative offers shall be allowed only in relation to the established

requirements for products or terms of the contract. The customer shall determine in which

aspects of product requirements and/or terms and conditions of the contract alternative offers

are allowed.

5.10.3. The absence in the procurement documentation of the condition on the

possibility of providing an alternative proposal means that the submission of alternative

proposals is not allowed.

5.10.4. When establishing in the procurement documentation the possibility of

submitting an alternative proposal for any product requirement and/or terms and conditions of

the contract, the procurement documentation shall have an appropriate evaluation criterion.

5.10.5. The customer shall not be entitled to limit the number of alternative offers

submitted by one participant.

5.10.6. Documentation on procurement shall explicitly provide for the participant’s

right to submit an alternative proposal and shall also include the rules for preparing and

submitting alternative proposals including the obligation of the participant to explicitly isolate

them as part of his application.

5.10.7. RI-GD-148X norms on the participant’s right to submit only one bid does not

apply to alternative proposals.

5.10.8. Procurement documentation shall provide that alternative offers are accepted

only if there is a basic offer; the main proposal shall be the one that best meets the requirements

and conditions specified in the procurement documentation. If the bid of the procurement

participant contains only one offer, this proposal shall be considered as basic.

5.10.9. When considering bids, the main and alternative proposals shall be considered

separately. In this case, the protocol formed on the basis of the results of the procurement shall

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contain information on the results of consideration of each alternative proposal (they were

accepted for further consideration or rejected).

5.10.10. According to the result of the selection stage of consideration of bids, the

participant shall be allowed to participate in the procurement, if at least one of his proposals

(main or alternative) is found to comply with the requirements specified in the notice of

procurement and procurement documentation.

5.10.11. The grounds for admission (rejection) of the main and alternative proposals

shall not differ. If any alternative proposal of the participant differs from the main or another

alternative only by price, then all alternative proposals of this participant shall be rejected.

5.10.12. At the evaluation stage of consideration of bids and when choosing a winning

bidder, alternative proposals shall be considered on a par with the main one. Alternative offers

shall participate in the ranking regardless of the main offer, while the participant gets several

places in the ranking according to the number of non-declined offers. The main options are the

same and the alternative offers are the same.

5.10.13. On rebidding (if conducted) the participant shall be entitled to declare new

prices or other conditions, both in respect of the main and alternative offers.

5.10.14. The customer shall be entitled to choose an alternative proposal as the best in

accordance with the criteria and procedures established in the procurement documentation.

5.10.15. If the participant who submitted an alternative proposal refuses to conclude a

contract, the customer shall be entitled to reject all proposals of such participant (main and


5.11. Features of the purchase with rebidding 5.11.1. Rebidding is possible when conducting any competitive procurement method

with the exception of the auction.

5.11.2. The notice of purchase indicates the possibility of rebidding.

5.11.3. The customer shall be entitled to conduct rebidding as part of the purchase an

unlimited number of times.

5.11.4. Rebidding shall be carried out only after the main stage of the procurement

(consideration and evaluation of bids) and only in the case when the possibility of

it and the procedure for carrying it out are provided for by the procurement documentation.

5.11.5. The customer shall be entitled to make a decision on conducting rebidding on

one, several or all criteria of evaluation and comparison of bids specified

in the procurement documentation.

5.11.6. Procurement participants shall provide improved information on initial bids only

on those criteria that are defined in the protocol of the main stage of the procurement

(consideration and evaluation of bids).

5.11.7. The protocol of the main stage of the procurement (consideration and evaluation

of applications) defines the criteria (criterion) for the evaluation and comparison of applications

for which (to) the procurement participants provide improved information for the applications.

5.11.8. When carrying out purchases in electronic form on an ETP, rebidding can be

carried out in real time by means of the ETP functionality; when conducting purchases in a non-

electronic form, the procedure for submitting proposals is established in the procurement

documentation. If the protocol of the main stage of procurement (consideration and evaluation

of bids) indicates the holding of rebidding, then the same protocol shall establish the possibility

for procurement participants to provide improved information of the bid and a specific date and

time for receiving the improved information of the bid, and, if necessary, criteria assessments

and comparisons of applications for which rebidding will be conducted. The deadline for

submission of improved information of applications shall be indicated in the protocol of the

main stage of procurement (consideration and evaluation of applications) in the EIS, and in case

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of a rebidding in real time, the deadline for submission of improved information of applications

shall be determined by the time of receipt of proposals of participants.

5.11.9. The customer shall be entitled to make a decision on conducting rebidding on

the ETP in real time, which shall be indicated in the protocol of the main stage of the

procurement (consideration and evaluation of applications). In this case, the participants

provide improved information for the Orders by means of the ETP functionality only on the

price criterion.

5.11.10. During the time of the rebidding on the ETP in real time, each participant shall

be entitled to submit more than one proposal to improve the initial information of the bid unless

otherwise specified in the notice of purchase, the procurement documentation.

5.11.11. After the rebidding, the winning bidder shall be determined in the manner

established for this method of procurement in accordance with the evaluation criteria stipulated

by the terms of the procurement.

5.11.12. All participants shall be entitled to participate in rebidding

regardless of the sequence number assigned by the results of evaluation and comparison of


5.11.13. A procurement participant shall be entitled not to improve the information of

the bid and shall not be entitled to worsen the information of the bid. If the participant did not

provide the improved information of the bid or provided deteriorated information of the

application, then the previous version of the bid is valid.

5.11.14. Deadline for submission of improved bid details Date and time of the beginning of the term: the moment of posting in the EIS

of the protocol of the main stage of procurement (consideration and evaluation of bids), and if

technical or other problems have arisen in the EIS that block access to the EIS, it shall be the

moment of posting the protocol of the main stage of procurement (evaluation and comparison

of bids) on the customer’s website, and if Real-time rebidding, it shall be the date

and time specified in the protocol of the main stage of the purchase. Date and time of the end of the term: the date and time of the end of the

reception of the improved information of the bids indicated in the protocol of the main stage of

the procurement (consideration and evaluation of bids) and in the case of a rebidding in real

time, the time of receipt of the last bid of the participant containing the improved information

of the bid (if such proposals were not submitted,

then after the time period for accepting proposals for improving the bids established in the

protocols of the main stage of the procurement).

5.11.15. The date and time of the deadline for submission of the improved information

of the requests established in the protocol of the main stage of the procurement (consideration

and evaluation of bids) shall be no later than the date of summing up the results of the


5.11.16. Tender committee at summing up the rebidding shall draw up a protocol of

summing up.

5.12. Features of joint procurement, consolidated procurement, procurement for the needs of subsidiaries

5.12.1. Aeroflot, PJSC may conduct joint procurement with subsidiaries. When

conducting joint purchases, Aeroflot, PJSC and subsidiaries jointly shall act as customers of

products. When conducting joint procurement with subsidiaries, any procurement method can

be used.

5.12.2. The rights, duties and responsibilities of Aeroflot, PJSC and subsidiaries

when conducting joint procedures for identifying suppliers and the procedure for conducting

such procedures shall be determined by agreement of the parties in accordance with the Civil

Code of the Russian Federation and RI-GD-148X. The contract with the winning bidder or the

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winning bidders of the joint procedure for determining suppliers shall be concluded by each

subsidiary and Aeroflot, PJSC. The execution of contracts concluded with the winning bidder

or winning bidders of joint procurement shall be carried out by the parties in accordance

with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

5.12.3. The organizer of joint procurement, as well as the party determining the methods

of procurement, shall be Aeroflot, PJSC, to which the subsidiaries handed over on the basis of

an agreement, an agency agreement or in some form, part of their functions of organizing and

conducting joint procurement.

5.12.4. The organizer of joint procurement shall approve the composition of the tender


5.12.5. In conducting joint procurement, Aeroflot, PJSC shall apply and shall be guided

by RI-GD-148X.

5.12.6. Aeroflot, PJSC may be the organizer of the procurement for the needs of

Aeroflot, PJSC and subsidiaries in the event of a consolidated procurement. When conducting

a consolidated procurement, Aeroflot, PJSC shall apply and follow RI-GD-148X. When

conducting a consolidated purchase, the conclusion of a contract of assignment, agency

agreement, other agreements between Aeroflot, PJSC and subsidiaries shall not be required.

The protocol on the selection of the supplier of the consolidated procurement shall be brought

to the attention of the subsidiary no later than three days from the date of signing. Subsidiaries

shall enter into agreements with the supplier determined by Aeroflot, PJSC to conduct the

consolidated procurement as the sole supplier.

5.12.7. Aeroflot, PJSC may be the organizer of the purchase for the needs of the

subsidiary. In this case, the subsidiary shall transfer, on the basis of an agreement, an

assignment, an agency agreement, or in some form, a part of its functions of organizing and

conducting the purchase of Aeroflot, PJSC. In conducting such a purchase, Aeroflot, PJSC shall

apply and shall be guided by RI-GD-148X.

5.13. Features of anti-dumping measures 5.13.1. The terms of the purchase may establish anti-dumping measures when the

procurement participant offers the contract value (lot price) that is lower than the initial

(maximum) contract value (lot price) by the amount specified in the procurement

documentation (hereinafter referred to as the dumping contract value).

5.13.2. In the procurement documentation providing for anti-dumping measures, the

size of the enforcement of the contract shall be set.

5.13.3. If, when participating in the procurement by the procurement participant with

whom the contract is concluded, the dumping contract value is proposed, the contract shall be

concluded only after such a party provides security for the execution of the contract in an

amount exceeding one and a half times the size of the contract performance security specified

in the procurement documentation, but not less than in the amount of the advance (if the contract

provides for the payment of the advance). Ensuring the execution of the contract in accordance

with this sub-paragraph shall be provided by the procurement participant with whom the

contract is concluded, prior to its conclusion. A procurement participant who fails to comply

with this requirement shall be deemed to have avoided concluding a contract.

5.13.4. The magnitude of the significance of the criteria for evaluating and comparing

bids can be set differently for cases when the procurement participant submits a proposal with

the dumping contract value (the lot value).

5.13.5. When a procurement participant submits a bid with a dumping contract value

(lot value), the sum of the magnitudes of significance of all the criteria stipulated by the

procurement documentation and applied to the bid of such a member may not be one hundred

percent. The magnitude of the significance of other criteria, other than the criterion for the

contract value (the lot value) stipulated by the procurement documentation, may be the same

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for evaluating the bid of the procurement participant with the proposed dumping contract value

(the lot value).

5.13.6. Requirements for the composition of the procurement participation bid

containing the proposal with the dumping contract value (the lot value) may stipulate that the

procurement participant shall provide a justification of the proposed contract value (the lot

value) which may include a letter of guarantee from manufacturer specifying the price and

quantity of the goods supplied, documents confirming the availability of goods from the

procurement participant, other documents and calculations confirming the possibility of the

procurement participant to deliver goods to the proposed price.

5.13.7. In the case of procurement of works (services) with requirements for the

composition of the procurement participation bid containing the proposal with the dumping

contract value (the lot value), it may be stipulated that the procurement participant shall be

obliged to present the calculation of the proposed contract value (the lot value) and its

justification, and if, when performing the works (rendering services) in accordance with the

legislation of the Russian Federation, the supplier shall have a certificate of admission issued

by a self-regulating organization and submit a signed s self-regulating organization confirming

the possibility of performance of the works (provision of services) at the price proposed in the


The justification, the calculations, the conclusions referred to in this sub-paragraph shall

be presented: The procurement participants who offered the dumping contract value as part

of the tender participation bid, request for quotations, request for proposals, competitive

selection, price selection. In the event that such a participant fails to comply with this

requirement or if the tender committee recognizes the proposed contract value as unjustified,

the procurement participation bid of such a participant shall be rejected. The specified decision

of the tender committee shall be fixed in the report made according to the results of the

procurement. The procurement participant who offered the dumping contract value

with which the contract is concluded, when sending the signed draft contract to the customer

during the auction, including in electronic form. In the event of such a participant’s failure to

comply with this requirement, he shall be deemed to have avoided entering

into a contract. If the tender committee recognizes the proposed contract value (the lot value)

as unjustified, the contract with such participant shall not be concluded

and the right to conclude the contract passes to the auction participant who offered the same

price as the auction winner or the proposal of the contract value (the lot value) contains the best

conditions for the contract value (the lot value), following the conditions proposed by the

auction winning bidder. In these cases, the decision of the tender committee shall be drawn up

by the protocol, which shall be placed in the EIS no later than three days from the date of


5.13.8. Upon detection of proposals by participants whose cost is lower than the

arithmetic average price of all offers made by participants by more than 20 percent, the tender

committee shall be entitled to request from such participants additional explanations of the

pricing procedure and the reasonableness of such a price reduction, and in the absence of

reasonable explanations, to reject the submitted offer.

5.13.9. In case of failure of the winning bidder of the procurement to conclude a contract

for the procurement participant who took second place, and with whom the contract is

concluded in accordance with RI-GD-148X, the requirements of this section shall apply in full.

5.14. Features of the procurement of services for the provision of marketing advertising

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5.14.1. In the case of procurement with limited participation in the provision of

marketing advertising services by the customer, it may be provided in the procurement

documentation that reimbursement to procurement participants of the expenses incurred by it

in connection with the preparation of a participation bid in the subject of procurement.

5.14.2. The amount of reimbursable expenses shall be specified in the procurement


5.15. Features of the procurement on the territory of a foreign state 5.15.1. When making purchases in order to conclude an agreement

with a foreign supplier, the subject of which is the supply of products

outside of the Russian Federation (hereinafter- procurement on the territory of a foreign state),

the customer or his authorized representative shall apply the methods

and procedures provided for by RI-GD-148X, except for the private purchases and

purchases conducted electronically.

5.15.2. Documentation of procurement procedures shall be conducted mainly in a

foreign language.

5.15.3. When conducting procurement on the territory of a foreign state, the

requirements for the bid provision shall be established in accordance with the laws of the

country where the procurement is made.

5.15.4. The deadlines for submission of proposals, the timing of the procedures and the

requirements for the procurement participants shall be established in the documentation on the

procurement process.

5.15.5. Participants send their proposals for procurement in the territory of a foreign

state in any form provided by RI-GD-148X to the customer or his authorized representative in

the territory of a foreign state.

5.15.6. Procurement on the territory of a foreign state on behalf of the customer by a

foreign legal entity (individual person) acting on the basis of an agreement between him and

the customer for the provision of services and representation of the customer’s interests shall

not be allowed.

5.15.7. Sending information on the procurement process, receipt of bids, consideration

and comparison of received offers shall be carried out by the authorized representative of the

customer in the territory of a foreign state.

5.15.8. The final decision on the evaluation and comparison of the procurement bids in

the territory of foreign countries and the determination of the winning bidder shall be made by

the tender committee of the customer on the basis of a written expert opinion with the

registration of the relevant protocol. The Tender Committee shall have the right to disagree with

the conclusions and the recommendations contained in the expert opinion, resubmit Bids for re-

evaluation and re-comparison, invite other experts and specialists, or make an independent

decision. The persons involved in the evaluation and the comparison of Competitive Bids,

inclusive of the members of the Tender Committee, shall ensure the confidentiality of the

evaluation process.

5.15.9. According to the results of the purchase, the customer or his authorized

representative in the territory of a foreign state shall notify the winning bidder of the results for

the subsequent conclusion of the procurement contract.

5.16. On confidentiality and the prohibition of the negotiations. 5.16.1. When conducting competitive procurement methods, it shall be forbidden to

conduct negotiations between the representatives of the customer, experts (when they are

involved) on the one hand, and procurement participants from the moment, the procurement is


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and until the winning bidder of the procurement is determined including providing the

procurement participants with the information on the proposals of other procurement

participants, the progress of the procurement and decisions made, with the exception of

information that is publicly available.

5.16.2. In the case of competitive procurement in electronic form, negotiations between

the customer and the operator of the electronic platform and the operator of the electronic

platform with a participant in the competitive procurement in electronic form shall

not be allowed if as a result of these negotiations, preferential conditions for participation in

competitive procurement in electronic form and/or conditions are created to disclose

confidential information.

6. Choosing a method of procurement

6.1. The tender may be used for the procurement of any product, if restrictions on its

use are not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation or local regulatory

documents of the customer provided that several procurement criteria are important for the

customer and the customer does not request for proposals.

6.2. The auction can be used if the following conditions are met:

6.2.1. For the customer, the only criterion of purchase shall be the contract value.

6.2.2. If there is an opportunity to formulate a detailed and accurate description of the

subject of the contract.

6.2.3. If the customer does not request a quote.

6.3. Request for proposals shall be a priority method of procurement in cases where

several purchasing criteria are important for the customer.

6.4. Request for quotations shall a priority method of procurement in cases where the

only procurement criterion for the customer is the contract value.

6.5. The competitive selection can be used if the following conditions are met:

6.5.1. For a customer, several procurement criteria are important.

6.5.2. The customer shall not hold a tender or request for proposals.

6.5.3. Bids shall be submitted to the corporate system or shall be submitted on paper.

6.6. The price selection can be used if the following conditions are met:

6.6.1. For the customer, the only criterion of purchase shall be the contract value.

6.6.2. The customer shall not hold an auction or a request for quotations.

6.6.3. Bids shall be submitted to the corporate system or shall be submitted on paper.

6.7. The customer shall be entitled to apply the procurement procedure from a single

supplier in the following cases:

6.7.1. As a result of the accident, other emergency situations of natural or man-made

nature, force majeure, if necessary, urgent medical intervention as well as to prevent the threat

of these situations.

6.7.2. To prevent failures related to crew and passenger services (including, but not

limited to, provision of drinks, food, hotel and transport services).

6.7.3. To ensure urgent unscheduled demand for goods, works, services arising from the

maintenance of flights of Federal State Budgetary Institution, Government squadron "Russia"

and charter flights.

6.7.4. Additional procurement is required and supplier changes shall

not be advisable due to the need to ensure compatibility with existing goods, equipment,

technology or services given the effectiveness of the initial procurement in terms of meeting

customer needs and the limited amount of the proposed procurement compared with the initial

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procurement (no more than 30 percent of the initial in the amount of all proposed supplementary

agreements), the unsuitability of goods or services alternative to those considered.

At the same time, it shall be allowed to change the value of a unit of additionally

purchased goods or services as compared to the originally purchased no more than by the value

of the consumer price index for the Russian Federation published on the official website of the

Federal State Statistics Service (for additional purchases under contracts concluded with foreign

contractors, it shall be no more than the value of the consumer price index or other similar index

adopted in the country of location of the contractor2) for the period from the date of summing

up the initial purchase to the date of the additional purchase.

6.7.5. Performance of works on the mobilization preparation in the Russian Federation.

6.7.6. Purchase of services related to the provision of visits of delegations and

representatives of foreign countries (hotel services or rental of premises, transportation services,

operation of computer equipment, catering, communication services and other related


6.7.7. Conclusion of a contract for participation in an exhibition, conference, seminar,

professional development and professional retraining, internship, participation in another event

with a supplier who is the organizer of such an event or authorized by the organizer of the event.

6.7.8. Purchase of services for the sale of entrance tickets and tickets

to attend theater and entertainment, cultural, educational and entertainment events, excursion

tickets and excursion vouchers, the form of which is approved in the prescribed manner as a

strict reporting form.

6.7.9. The emergence of the need to attend cultural events including visiting the theater,

cinema, concert, performance, museum, exhibition, sporting event.

6.7.10. The emergence of demand for products to fulfill obligations under the contract,

in accordance with which the customer shall be a supplier, and the acquisition of which by

conducting competitive purchases in the time provided for the fulfillment of obligations under

such a contract shall be impossible.

6.7.11. Termination of the contract due to non-fulfillment or improper performance by

the supplier of its obligations under the contract. At the same time, the essential conditions of

the new contract shall not be changed, with the exception of the terms of the fulfillment of the

contract. If, prior to termination of the contract, the supplier partially fulfilled the obligations

under such a contract, then when concluding a new contract, the quantity of goods supplied, the

scope of work performed, services rendered shall be reduced taking into account the quantity

of goods delivered, the amount of work performed, services rendered under the previously

concluded contract with a proportional reduction in the contract value.

6.7.12. The conclusion of civil contracts for the performance of works, the provision of

services to the customer by individual persons (except for individual entrepreneurs) using their

personal work including with lawyers and notaries.

6.7.13. The provision of leasing services for aircraft.

6.7.14. The services of financial and credit organizations shall be attracted.

6.7.15. Conclusion of contracts for the provision of legal services with the law firms

(bureau, board, etc.).

6.7.16. Conclusion of contracts with organizations authorized by a state authority to

provide a specific type of works, services, if there is a supporting document and having limited

access to the documentation not below “for official use”.

6.7.17. Conclusion of a contract for the maintenance of products resulting from the work

and services provided to the customer under the previously concluded contracts.

2 Except for cases when the additional purchase is carried out at foreign contractors under the contracts

of aircraft maintenance/repair of aircraft, aircraft components or according to aircraft rental contracts/aircraft components and the corresponding valid contract shall contain other conditions for price increase.

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6.7.18. The conclusion of the contract if the competitive method of procurement did not

lead to the conclusion of the contract and the procurement procedure was declared invalid due

to the absence of bids or the rejection of all bids during the consideration of bids, evasion of all

participants from the contract, under the terms and conditions stipulated by the procurement


6.7.19. Payment of services of the operator of the electronic platform in the case of

charging such a fee by the operator.

6.7.20. In cases of exceptional production necessity dictated by needs in order to

implement strategic decisions taken at the customer, decisions of the Government of the

Russian Federation and other authorized state bodies.

6.7.21. Purchase/lease of goods from the company-manufacturer (company-producer)

of such goods.

6.7.22. Purchase of services for the maintenance of aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft

spare parts of category AOG (Aircraft on ground) from a technical support company.

6.7.23. Rental/sublease of premises in the buildings of the airport terminal complex

at the airports of the airline’s presence as well as of real estate (buildings, structures, land plots)

located in the territory owned by the airport or used by the airport.

6.7.24. Conclusion of contracts with airlines on joint operation of flights on one or more

routes (code sharing), agreements on the recognition of the transportation documentation

(interline), contracts on the transfer of passengers (FIM),

on multimodal carriage with foreign and Russian carriers as well as contracts on transportation

of the employees of partner airlines.

6.7.25. Purchase of services for the development of technical documentation and service

bulletins for AT.

6.7.26. Prices for goods, works, services shall be subject to state regulation or shall be

established by municipal legal acts or acts of state (municipal) authorities.

6.7.27. Supply of goods, performance of works and provision of services shall be related

to the field of activity of natural monopolies in accordance with Federal Law No. 147-FL dated

August 17, 1995 “On Natural Monopolies”.

6.7.28. Purchase of water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply services (except for

services for the sale of liquefied gas), connection (attaching) to the networks of engineering and

technical support as well as other services at regulated prices (tariffs) in accordance with the

legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.7.29. Conclusion of a power supply contract or purchase and sale of electricity with

an electricity supplier in the case of entering into contracts for the supply of electricity (energy

supply) /the provision of services for the transmission of electricity with a guaranteeing

supplier/network organization.

6.7.30. The emergence of a need for works or services, the performance or provision of

which can be carried out exclusively by the executive authorities in accordance with their

powers or state institutions under their jurisdiction, state unitary enterprises whose relevant

powers are established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory

legal acts of the subject of the Russian Federation.

6.7.31. Procurement of products in the conditions when exclusive rights to goods,

works, services or exclusive licenses (including source codes of software) shall belong to one

(several) person (s).

6.7.32. Procurement of services for the technical maintenance, protection and

maintenance of one or more non-residential premises transferred for free use to the customer,

in case if these services are rendered to another person or persons using non-residential premises

located in the building where the premises provided for free use are located to the customer.

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6.7.33. Procurement of services for copyright control including the development of

design and design documentation of capital construction projects, architectural supervision of

construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction objects, equipment manufacturing

by the respective authors.

6.7.34. Payment of membership fees and other mandatory payments on a non-

competitive basis.

6.7.35. Payment for services in accordance with agency contracts concluded by the


6.7.36. Reimbursement to the procurement participants of the costs associated with the

preparation of the bid, in the case of a competitive procurement with limited participation

in the provision of marketing advertising services, aircraft leasing, and banking services.

6.7.37. The supplier provides warranty and ongoing maintenance of products supplied

earlier and the obligation to enter into a contract for warranty, or post-warranty service is

available in the existing contract.

6.7.38. Purchase of products on the terms of the public offer of the contractor.

6.7.39. Procurement of products on the basis of an option to enter into an agreement.

6.7.40. If disclosure of information on a planned procurement including on

procurement conditions, may lead to a decrease in the level of safety of

Aeroflot, PJSC/Aeroflot Group and/ or flight safety and/or the dissemination of information

on conditions of protection of interests of Aeroflot, PJSC/Aeroflot Group in judicial and other


6.8. Small purchases shall be made in a non-competitive way, and the amount of one

transaction for the purchase of products shall not exceed five hundred thousand rubles including


6.9. Accreditation selection of suppliers of ATI, services for maintenance of TO AT non-competitive way in order to ensure air transportation and maintenance of the aircraft fleet

in accordance with section 15RI-GD-148H.

7. General procurement requirements

7.1. Requirements for purchased products 7.1.1. In order to purchase products, the customer shall determine the requirements

for products delivered as part of the execution of the contract concluded on the basis of

the purchase results.

7.1.2. When forming the requirements for the purchased products, the following

requirements shall be observed: Established requirements for products shall be clear

and complete, provide a clear and unambiguous statement of requirements for quality and

other indicators of products. The requirements applicable at the time of the purchase, the requirements of the

legislation of the Russian Federation for the types of goods on mandatory certification shall be

taken into account. Requirements for purchased products shall be focused on the procurement of

quality products that have consumer properties and technical characteristics necessary for the

customer. Established requirements for the subject of procurement shall, if possible,

ensure that procurement participants submit proposals for the supply of innovative goods and

energy-saving technologies. The requirement for the purchase of petrochemical and gas chemical products

(with the exception of purchases on the territory of a foreign state) shall provide for the

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procurement of such products mainly from Russian producers, other conditions being equal,

defined by the procurement documentation. Requirements for the purchase of automotive, agricultural, road-building and

utility vehicles, products of transport engineering and engineering for the food and processing

industry as well as metal products including large-diameter pipes, shall provide for the

procurement of such products mainly from the Russian manufacturers (except for cases of no

production in the Russian Federation of the specified goods and their analogues), with other

things being equal, defined by the procurement documentation. In the requirements for the subject of procurement in the implementation of all

types of procurement in respect of programs for electronic computers and databases

implemented regardless of the type of contract on a tangible medium and/or

in electronic form via communication channels as well as rights to use such software including

temporary, to indicate the need to submit proposals that provide only such software, information

about which is included in the unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers

and databases without data, created for computers and databases established in accordance with

Article 12.1 of the Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FL "On information, information

technologies and information protection" (hereinafter-the register), except in the following


а) there is no information in the registry about the software that corresponds to the same

software class as the software planned for procurement;

б) software, information about which is included in the registry and which corresponds

to the same class of software as the software planned for the procurement, shall not be

competitive (in its functional, technical and/or operational characteristics it

does not meet the requirements set by the customer for the planned procurement security).

In relation to each procurement, to which the above exceptions are applied, to publish

on the official website of the customer in the section on procurement information about such

procurement with the rationale for not complying with the restriction on the admission of

software originating from foreign countries no later than 7 calendar days from the date of the

publication of information on procurement on the official website of the customer in the

corporate system or ETP. The requirements for the procurement of building materials shall include the

prioritization of purchases of the Russian innovative building materials and the possibility of

concluding long-term contracts with the Russian producers of building materials for guaranteed

supply volumes of future periods of innovative building materials, as well as with

manufacturers who have prepared special investment agreements for the development of this

products. Priority of goods of Russian origin, works, services performed and provided by

Russian persons when purchasing products through a tender, auction and other methods of

procurement excluding purchases from a single supplier, in relation to goods originating from

a foreign country, works, services, carried out, rendered by foreign persons shall be established

in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Decree of the Government of the Russian

Federation dated September 16, 2016 No. 925 “On the Priority of the Goods of the Russian

origin, works, services performed, provided by Russian persons, in relation to goods originating

from a foreign country, works, services performed, provided by foreign persons”.

7.2. Requirements for the description of the subject of the competitive procurement

When describing in the procurement documentation of the subject of purchase, the

customer shall follow the following rules:

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а) the description of the subject of procurement shall indicate the functional

characteristics (consumer properties), technical and quality characteristics, as well as the

operational characteristics (if necessary) of the subject of procurement.

б) the description of the subject matter of the procurement shall not include

requirements or instructions regarding trademarks, service marks, brand names, patents, utility

models, industrial designs, name of the country of origin of goods, requirements for goods,

information, works, services, provided that such requirements entail unreasonable limitation of

the number of procurement participants, except in cases where there is no other way of

providing a more accurate and clear description of the specified characteristics of the subject of


в) in the case of use in the description of the subject of procurement of a mark on the

trademark, it shall be necessary to use the words “(or equivalent)”, except for the following


г) incompatibility of the goods on which other trademarks are placed

and the need to ensure the interaction of such goods with the goods used by the customer;

д) procurement of spare parts and consumables for machinery

and equipment used by the customer, in accordance with the technical documentation for the

specified machinery and equipment;

е) procurement of the goods necessary for the execution of a state or municipal contract;

ж) procurement with indication of specific trademarks, service marks, patents, utility

models, industrial designs, place of origin of goods, manufacturer of goods, if it is provided for

by the terms of international treaties of the Russian Federation or the terms and conditions of

contracts of legal entities specified in paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 223- FL, in

order to fulfill these legal entities of their obligations under the contracts concluded with legal

entities, including foreign legal entities.

з) it shall not be allowed to merge into the subject of procurement products

technologically and functionally unrelated (for example, the purchase of air conditioning

systems and computer equipment);

и) enlargement of the subject matter of the procurement shall not be allowed to limit the

number of procurement participants including by the need of performance of works and

provision of services in the territory of a significant number of constituent entities of the Russian

Federation in one time interval if the procurement participant in each constituent entity of the

Russian Federation has adequate material and labor resources, (for example, the provision of

services for the repair and maintenance of vehicles in several federal districts).

7.3. Requirements for the Legal Capacity of procurement participants 7.3.1. The following mandatory requirements for the legal capacity of the procurement

participant are established: Availability of registration as an object of civil law

under the law of the Russian Federation (for Russian legal entities, sole proprietors), under

the law of the state at the location (for foreign participants), the absence of restriction or

deprivation of legal capacity and/or legal capacity (for individual persons); Compliance of the procurement participant with the requirements established in

accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to the persons executing supply of

goods, the performance of work, and the provision of services that are the subject of


3 This means that the procurement participant has the appropriate licenses, certificates, approvals from

self-regulatory organizations, a sublicensing contract with the copyright holder, software, etc.

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it Non-liquidation of the procurement participant that is a legal entity and the

absence of an arbitration court on insolvency (bankruptcy) of the procurement participant (a

legal entity or a private entrepreneur) and on opening of bankruptcy proceedings. Non-suspension of activities of the procurement participant according to the

procedure stipulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation as of

the day of submission of the procurement participation bid. The absence of the procurement participant in arrears in taxes, fees, debts on

other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation (except

for the amounts for which the deferment, installment, investment tax credit in accordance with

the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, which are restructured in accordance

with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for which there is an effective court decision

recognizing the applicant's obligation to pay these amounts are executed or which are deemed

to be hopeless for recovery in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes

and fees) as of the date not earlier than 30 her before the date of the participant bid form for the

participation in the procurement procedure.

Procurement participant shall be deemed to comply with the established requirement if

a bid is filed in the established procedure for appealing the specified arrears, debts and the

decision on such an application was not made at the date of consideration of the bid for

participation in the supplier’s determination. The cost of the procurement participant’s net assets following one of two

reporting periods (year) preceding the filing date of the bid shall not be lower than the

authorized capital. This requirement shall not apply to procurement participants from a single

supplier in the case of par.6.7.13 and par.6.7.26 − 6.7.39as well as if the participant is an

individual entrepreneur, individual person, state or municipal institution/enterprise, state


If the fulfillment of the specified requirement is not fulfilled / cannot be confirmed, the

procurement participant may continue to participate in the procurement by providing

enforcement of the contract in the amount of the total contract value4 in the manner specified

in the procurement documentation. The lack of information about the procurement participant in the Register of

unfair suppliers set forth in Article 5 of Federal Law No. 223-FL and in the Register of unfair

suppliers set forth in Article 104 of Federal Law

No. 44 FL dated April 5, 2013-. The procurement participant shall not have a conflict of interest with the

customer’s employees in accordance with par. 7.12. Whether the procurement participant is individual person or

the head, members of the collective executive body, the person acting as the sole executive

body or chief accountant of the procurement participant-legal entity have/have not a criminal

record for economic crimes and/or crimes provided for in Articles 289, 290, 291, 291.1 of the

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (except for persons whose criminal record has been

expunged or removed). Non-use of an individual person or manager, members of the collective

executive body, a person performing the functions of a sole executive body or a chief accountant

of a procurement participant legal entity to impose deprivation of the right to hold certain

positions or engage in certain activities related to the supply of goods, performance of work,

the provision of services that are the subject of ongoing procurement and an administrative

penalty of disqualification.

4 When carrying out purchases only among small and medium-sized businesses, the enforcement of the

contract is provided in the amount established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1352 dated December 11, 2014.

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it Whether the procurement participant-legal entity

has (not) been held administratively liable for the administrative offense provided for in Article

19.28 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation

within two years prior to the procurement bid submission date.

7.3.2. Additional requirements for procurement participants on legal capacity and

qualification are established in the procurement documentation, including when the

Government of the Russian Federation establishes the specific features of participation in the

procurement of small and medium-sized businesses5.

7.3.3. It is prohibited to establish requirements that are not provided for by the law of

the Russian Federation and restrict access to participation

in the procurement (for example, establishing the requirement that the procurement participant

has a license for activities not carried out during the execution of the contract).

7.3.4. To confirm compliance with the requirements set forth in par.7.3.1, a foreign

participant shall submit documents similar to the documents established for the procurement

participants and specified in par.7.5.5 provided that there are no contradictions with the

provisions of the law of the country of registration of such participant.

7.4. Features of establishing requirements for collective participants 7.4.1. Persons acting on the side of the collective procurement participant,

in order to confirm their merger, provide a document confirming their merger for the purpose

of collective participation in the procurement which may include:

the rights and obligations of the members of the collective participant in the framework

of participation in the procurement procedure and in the execution of the contract are defined;

an authorized person has been determined who is charged with the duties

and authority to represent the interests of members of a collective member;

distribution of the nomenclature, volumes, cost and terms of delivery of production

between members of the collective participant is resulted;

the liability of members of a collective participant to the customer for the fulfillment of

obligations under the contract, which shall be concluded as a result of the procurement

procedure, shall be established.

7.4.2. Requirements for procurement participants in accordance

with par.7.3.1, shall be imposed on each member of the collective bid.

7.4.3. The criteria and procedure for evaluating the bids of participants shall be applied

to the collective participant as a whole in accordance with the procurement documentation.

7.4.4. If the collective participant is recognized as the winning bidder of the

procurement procedure, the customer must conclude one agreement with all members of the

collective participant, and the agreement can be signed by one person on the basis of the powers

granted to him.

7.4.5. A member of a collective participant shall not be entitled to submit an independent

procurement participation bid or to participate in the filing of an application as part of other

collective members. Failure to comply with this requirement shall be grounds for rejecting the

bid of the participant who submitted an independent bid, as well as collective participants on

whose side such a person act.

7.5. Requirements for the bid of the participant.

5When the customer establishes the relevant requirements, the procurement participants and

subcontractors (co-contractors) from among the small and medium-sized businesses engaged by the participants in the procurement shall declare their belonging to the small and medium-sized businesses in the applications for participation in the procurement by submitting in the form of a document on paper or electronic document information from a single register of small and medium-sized businesses, which is maintained in accordance dance with the Federal Law "On the development of small and medium enterprises in the Russian Federation".

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7.5.1. Bids for participation in competitive procurement shall be submitted in

accordance with the requirements for the content, design and composition of the procurement

participation bid specified in the procurement documentation in accordance with Federal Law

No. 223-FL and RI-GD-148X. The form of participation bid in the request for quotations in

electronic form shall be established in the notice of procurement in accordance with RI-GD-


7.5.2. A procurement participant shall be entitled to submit only one procurement

participation bid in relation to each subject of the procurement (lot) at any time from the date

of the notification of the procurement to the date and time provided by the procurement

notification and procurement documentation. The participant of the competitive procurement

shall be entitled to change or withdraw his bid before the end (expiration) of the bid submission

term. A participation bid in such a procurement shall be modified or withdrawn if the change

is made or the notice of the withdrawal of the application is received by the customer before

the end (expiration) of the deadline for submitting bids for participation in such a procurement.

7.5.3. A procurement participant in electronic form who has submitted a bid for

participation in such procurement shall be entitled to withdraw this application or amend it

no later than the deadline for submitting bids for participation in such procurement by sending

a notification to the operator of the electronic platform.

7.5.4. To participate in the competitive procurement, the procurement participant shall

prepare a bid drawn up in full compliance with the requirements of the procurement


7.5.5. Procurement participation bid shall in obligatory order include as follows: For legal entity:

а) completed bid form in accordance with the requirements of the procurement

documentation (original);

б) a bid form of a legal entity in the form specified in the procurement documentation


в) constituent documents (Articles of Association and/or another constituent document)

and all amendments thereto (copies);

г) the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities issued by authorized

authority not more than three months before the date of provision of documents to the customer


д) certificate of state registration of a legal entity or certificate of entry in the unified

state register of legal entities on a legal entity or record sheet of the unified state register of

legal entities (copy);

е) A copy of certificate of registration with the tax authority (copy);

ж) tax returns for the last two years with a tax authority's mark

of acceptance or the list of enclosures with a note of postal office when mailing or notification

of receipt by the tax authority of an electronic document when sending tax declarations in

electronic form (copies);

з) copies of the notice on the change to the simplified tax system (STS) or the

declaration of the change to the simplified tax system by the participant marked by a tax

authority (where applicable) with the provision of the tax returns for the tax paid

in connection with the use of the STS for the last past two tax periods (copy).

и) decision on the approval or settlement of a major transaction (original) or a copy of

such decision, if requirement for the existence of such a decision for a major transaction is

established by laws of the Russian Federation, constitutional documents of legal entity and, if

for a procurement participant the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services,

that are the subject matter of the contract, or payment of earnest as security of Participation bid,

or contract performance security, is a major transaction (copy);

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к) the procurement participant’s declaration to evidence that he/she has no arrears in

taxes, fees, debts on other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the

Russian Federation at the date of a bid (original);

л) documents confirming the provision of company guarantees of the manufacturer of

the goods (copies);

м) a document confirming authority of a person to act on behalf of the procurement

participant—a legal entity (copy of decision on appointment or election, or of order of

appointment of a person to a position in accordance with which such individual person will be

entitled to act on behalf of the procurement participant without power of attorney (hereinafter

referred to as the head)). In case another person acts on behalf of the procurement participant,

the bid shall also include a power of attorney confirming authority of a person to act on behalf

of the procurement participant certified by the procurement participant (for legal entities) and

signed by the procurement participant's manager or a person authorized by the said manager or

a notarized copy of such power of attorney. In case the said power of attorney is signed by a

person authorized by the procurement participant's manager, the procurement participation bid

shall include a document confirming powers of such person;

н) information on performance specifications (consumer performance) and qualitative

characteristics of goods, works, services as well as other bids relating to terms of contract

performance including contract value bid, bid for price per unit of goods, works and services.

To the extent set forth in the procurement documentation, copies of documents certifying

conformance of goods, works and services to the requirements stipulated by legislation of the

Russian Federation provided that mandatory requirements are imposed on such goods, works

and services in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation;

о) a document confirming the procurement participant’s submission of the bid security

(if necessary);

п) accounting (financial) reporting documents: the balance sheet, report on financial

results and appendices thereto over the past two years with a mark of the tax authority on

acceptance or notification of receipt by the tax authority of an electronic document when

transferring accounting (financial) statements

in electronic form (copy);

р) in case where the supply of goods, the performance of works, the provision of

services is related by law to the licensed activity-the relevant licenses, patents, etc. (copies);

с) declaration of the absence/presence of the procurement participant's affiliation

with the customer’s employees and their close relatives (original);

т) a declaration that the procurement participant and its officials are not in conflict with

the customer’s employees (original);

у) if the procurement procedure includes the purchase of rights to use the software

(software), documents about the participant’s rights to the software

(including but not limited to the document that the participant is the copyright holder of the

computer program (certificate or other legally relevant document), a license/sub-licensed

agreement with the copyright holder of the rights to the computer program/letter (certificate,

etc.) of the copyright holder of the computer program, confirming the right of the procurement

participant to sub-license a computer program with indication of the scope of his rights in

accordance with Paragraphs 3, 4, 6 of Article 1235 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)


ф) other documents or copies of documents, the list of which is specified by the

procurement documentation, confirming the compliance of the procurement participation bid,

the procurement participant with the requirements specified in the procurement documentation. For an individual entrepreneur:

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а) completed bid form in accordance with the requirements of the procurement

documentation (original);

б) surname, name, patronymic, passport data, information about the place of residence,

contact phone number;

в) an extract from the unified state register of sole proprietors issued by the authorized

body no more than three months before the date of submission of documents to the customer


г) the procurement participant’s declaration to evidence that he/she has no arrears in

taxes, fees, debts on other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the

Russian Federation at the date of a bid (original);

д) documents confirming the provision of company guarantees of the manufacturer of

the goods (copies);

е) information on performance specifications (consumer performance) and qualitative

characteristics of goods, works, services as well as other bids relating to terms of contract

performance including contract value bid, bid for price per unit of goods, works and services.

To the extent set forth in the procurement documentation, copies of documents certifying

conformance of goods, works and services to the requirements stipulated by legislation of the

Russian Federation provided that mandatory requirements are imposed on such goods, works

and services in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation;

ж) a document confirming the procurement participant’s submission of the bid security

(if necessary);

з) tax returns for the last two years with a tax authority's mark

of acceptance or the list of enclosures with a note of postal office when mailing or notification

of receipt by the tax authority of an electronic document when sending tax declarations in

electronic form (copies);

и) a copy of certificate of state registration of the individual person as a sole proprietor

or certificate of entry in the unified state register of sole proprietors or list of records from the

unified state register of sole proprietors (copy);

к) A copy of certificate of registration with the tax authority (copy);

л) in case where the supply of goods, the performance of works, the provision of

services is related by law to the licensed activity-the relevant licenses, patents, etc. (copies);

м) declaration of the absence/presence of the procurement participant's affiliation

with the customer’s employees and their close relatives (original);

н) a declaration that the procurement participant and its officials are not in conflict with

the customer’s employees (original);

о) if the procurement procedure includes purchasing the rights to use the software

(software), documents on the participant's rights to the software

(including but not limited to the document that the participant is the copyright holder of the

computer program (certificate or other legally significant document), license/sub-license

agreement with the copyright holder of the rights to the computer program/letter (certificate,

etc.) of the copyright holder of the computer program, confirming the right of the procurement

participant to sub-license the computer program indicating the scope of his rights in accordance

with par. 3, 4, 6 of Art. 1235 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) (copy);

п) other documents or copies of documents, the list of which is specified by the

procurement documentation, confirming the compliance of the procurement participation bid,

the procurement participant with the requirements specified in the procurement documentation. For an individual person:

а) completed bid form in accordance with the requirements of the procurement

documentation (original);

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б) surname, name, patronymic, passport data, information about the place of residence,

contact phone number;

в) A copy of certificate of registration with the tax authority (copy);

г) documents confirming the provision of company guarantees of the manufacturer of

the goods (copies);

д) information on performance specifications (consumer performance) and qualitative

characteristics of goods, works, services as well as other bids relating to terms of contract

performance including contract value bid, bid for price per unit of goods, works and services.

To the extent set forth in the procurement documentation, copies of documents certifying

conformance of goods, works and services to the requirements stipulated by legislation of the

Russian Federation provided that mandatory requirements are imposed on such goods, works

and services in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation;

е) a document confirming the procurement participant’s submission of the bid security

(if necessary);

ж) in case where the supply of goods, the performance of works, the provision of

services is related by law to the licensed activity-the relevant licenses, patents, etc. (copies);

р) declaration of the absence/presence of the procurement participant's affiliation

with the customer’s employees and their close relatives (original);

с) a declaration that the procurement participant and its officials are not in conflict with

the customer’s employees (original);

т) if the procurement procedure includes purchasing the rights to use the software

(software), documents on the participant's rights to the software

(including but not limited to the document that the participant is the copyright holder of the

computer program (certificate or other legally significant document), license/sub-license

agreement with the copyright holder of the rights to the computer program/letter (certificate,

etc.) of the copyright holder of the computer program, confirming the right of the procurement

participant to sub-license the computer program indicating the scope of his rights in accordance

with par. 3, 4, 6 of Art. 1235 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) (copy);

з) other documents or copies of documents, the list of which is specified by the

procurement documentation, confirming the compliance of the procurement participation bid,

the procurement participant with the requirements specified in the procurement documentation. For a joint procurement participant:

а) a document confirming the association of persons acting on the side of one

procurement participant (joint participant) and the right of a specific procurement participant to

participate in the procurement on behalf of the members of the joint participant (original or

notarized copy);

б) documents and information under par. - from each member of the joint

bid. At this, the documents and information specified in accordance

with the listing: а), н) , о); а), е), ж); а), д), е) shall be provided

from the joint participant as a whole.

7.5.6. Copies of documents shall be certified by the participant's signature and stamp (if

available), unless otherwise specified by the requirements of the procurement documentation.

7.5.7. In case the procurement is carried out in electronic form, the participation bids for

the procurement procedure shall be submitted with the help of technical and

software of the Electronic Trading Platform (hereinafter, ETP) in accordance with the

regulation of this ETP.

7.5.8. Other requirements for the bid shall be established in the procurement

documentation, depending on the subject of procurement.

7.5.9. When establishing the requirement to submit documents for participation in the

procurement of documents issued by a third party to the procurement participant, requirements

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for the issuance of such documents shall be established in such a way as to ensure procurement

participants the opportunity to receive such documents within the stipulated time frame and also

to prevent discrimination against to the participants of the procurement.

7.5.10. Procurement bidder’s liabilities associated with the bid include:

а) the obligation to conclude a contract on the conditions specified in the draft contract,

which is an integral part of the procurement documentation and the notice of procurement,

and the submitted bid, as well as the obligation to provide the customer with contract

enforcement, if such obligation is established by the terms of the procurement documentation;

б) the obligation not to change and/or not to withdraw the bid after the expiration of the

deadline for submission of bids;

в) the obligation not to provide false information, data, and documents as part of the

participation bid;

г) the obligation to provide, prior to the conclusion of the contract, information

regarding the entire chain of owners, including beneficiaries (including final ones),

and the composition of the executive bodies, with confirmation by the relevant documents on

the form in accordance with Annex 1 to RI-GD-148 (except for the procurement participants,

which are public authorities, state and municipal institutions and unitary enterprises) in case

where the procurement participant is declared the winning bidder.

If the winning bidder fails to submit the above information to the customer, such person

shall be considered to have evaded the conclusion of the contract.

д) consent to the processing of personal data for cases,, unless otherwise

provided by the applicable law of the Russian Federation;

е) the obligation to provide a certificate confirming that the procurement participant had

no arrears in taxes, duties, debts on other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget

system of the Russian Federation under the law of the Russian Federation issued by the relevant

territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service (if such a requirement in the procurement

documentation), in case the procurement participant is declared the winning bidder.

If the winning bidder fails to provide the above information to the customer, such person

shall be deemed to have evaded the conclusion of the contract.

7.5.11. The bid of the procurement participant shall be rejected by the tender committee,

the procurement participant shall be denied admission to participate in the procurement in the

following cases: Failure to submit documents, as well as information, the requirement for which

is established by the procurement documentation. Non-compliance of the bidder with the requirements established by the

procurement documentation. Non-compliance of the participant’s bid with the requirements for bids

established by the procurement documentation. Non-compliance of the proposed products with the requirements of the

procurement documentation. Failure to provide security for the bid, including failure to submit a document

confirming the deposit as a security for the bid for participation (if necessary). Failure to submit an explanation of the bid at the request of the tender

committee. The provision in the bid of knowingly false information, intentional distortion

of information or documents included in the composition of the bid. The presence of information about the procurement participant in the Register

of Unfair Suppliers.

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it The presence of the procurement participant's overdue accounts receivable

and/or outstanding obligations toward the customer and its subsidiary business companies

(inclusive of structures affiliated with the procurement participant). The presence of other negative information identified by the results of the

audit under par. 7.5.12. In other cases, stipulated by RI-GD-148.

7.5.12. In the case of establishing the unreliability of the information contained

in the bid, establishing the fact of liquidation of the procurement participant or the arbitration

court's decision to recognize the procurement participant as bankrupt and the opening of

bankruptcy proceedings, the fact of the suspension of the activities of the procurement

participant according to the procedure established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of

the Russian Federation, the fact of availability of overdue accrued taxes, fees

and other mandatory payments to the budgets of any level or to the state non-budgetary funds

for the previous calendar year, the procurement participant shall be excluded from the request

for proposals at any stage thereof.

7.5.13. Refusal of admission to participate in procurement for other reasons not

specified in paragraphs 7.5.11 and 7.5.12 shall be prohibited.

7.6. Procurement Notice Requirements 7.6.1. Procurement notice is an integral part of the procurement

documentation. The information contained in the notice of purchase shall comply with the

information contained in the procurement documentation.

7.6.2. The notice of purchase shall include, among other things, the following

information: The method of procurement. Name, location, mailing address, email address, customer's contact phone

number. The subject of the contract indicating the quantity of goods supplied, the volume

of work performed, services rendered, as well as a brief description of the subject matter of the

purchase in accordance with Part 6.1 of Article 3 of Federal Law No. 223-FL (if necessary). Place of delivery of goods, performance of works and services. Information about the initial (maximum) contract value (lot value) or price

formula that establishes the rules for calculating the amounts payable by the customer to the

supplier during the execution of the contract and the maximum value of the contract price or

the unit price of goods, work, services and the maximum value of the contract value. Date, place and procedure for the provision of procurement documentation, the

amount, procedure and deadlines for payment of fees charged by the customer for the provision

of procurement documentation, if such payment is established by the customer, except in cases

where the procurement documentation is provided in the form of an electronic document. The order, start date, date and time of the deadline for submission of

applications for participation in the procurement (stages of competitive procurement) and the

procedure for summing up the results of competitive procurement (stages of competitive

procurement). The address of an electronic site in the Internet information and

telecommunication network (in case of competitive procurement in electronic form). The amount of security for bids (if necessary), other requirements

for such security, including the conditions of a bank guarantee (if such a method of securing

bids for participation in procurement is provided in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FL). The amount of security for the execution of the contract (if necessary), other

requirements for such security, the term for its provision prior to the conclusion of the contract.

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it The timing of each stage in the case if the competitive purchase includes


7.6.3. At any time before the expiration of bids, the customer shall be entitled to, on his

own initiative or in response to a request from the procurement participant, to make changes in

the documentation and notice of the selection.

7.6.4. Changes made to the notice of purchase shall be posted by the customer

in the EIS no later than within three days from the date of the decision to make these changes.

7.6.5. If changes are made to the notice of purchase, the deadline for submitting bids for

participation in such purchases shall be extended so that from the date of placement of these

changes in the EIS until the deadline for submitting bids for participation in such purchases, at

least half the deadline for submitting bids for participation in such a procurement established

by RI-GD-148X for this method of procurement.

7.7. Procurement Documentation Requirements 7.7.1. The customer simultaneously with the placement of the notice of purchase shall

place in the EIS procurement documentation.

7.7.2. The information contained in the notice of procurement shall comply with the

information contained in the procurement documentation.

7.7.3. Procurement documentation shall include at least the following information: Requirements for safety, quality, technical characteristics, functional

characteristics (consumer properties) of goods, work, service, size, packaging, shipment of

goods, performance results established by the customer and stipulated by the technical

regulations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation,

documents developed and applied in the national standardization system, adopted in accordance

with the legislation of the Russian Federation on standardization, other requirements related to

the determination of the conformity of the supplied goods, the work performed, the service

provided to the customer's needs. If the customer in the procurement documentation does not

use the requirements for safety, quality, technical characteristics, functional characteristics

(consumer properties) of a product, work, service, size, package, in accordance with the

legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, the legislation of the Russian

Federation on standardization shipment of goods, to the results of the work,

the procurement documentation shall contain a justification for the need to use other

requirements related to the determination of the conformity of the supplied goods, the work

performed, the service provided to the customer's needs. Requirements for the content, form, design and composition of the procurement

participation bid. Requirements for the description by the procurement participants of the goods

supplied, which is the subject of the procurement, its functional characteristics (consumer

properties), its quantitative and qualitative characteristics, the requirements for the procurement

participants to describe the work performed, the service provided, which are the subject of the

procurement, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Place, terms and conditions (periods) of supply of goods, performance of work,

provision of services. Information about the initial (maximum) contract value (the lot value) or pricing

formula that establishes the rules for calculating the amounts payable by the customer to the

supplier during the execution of the contract and the maximum value of the contract price, or

the unit price of goods, work, services and the maximum value of the contract price. Form, terms and procedure of payment for goods, work, services. The procedure for forming the contract value (the lot value) with or without

expenses for carriage, insurance, payment of customs duties, taxes and other mandatory


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participation bids (stages of competitive procurement) and the procedure for summing up the

results of such procurement (stages of such procurement). Requirements for procurement participants. Requirements for procurement participants and subcontractors attracted by

them, co-contractors and/or manufacturers of the goods being procured and a list of documents

submitted by procurement participants to confirm their compliance with the established

requirements in the case of procurement of works on the design, construction, modernization

and repair of highly dangerous technically complex capital construction projects and the

purchase of products associated with the use of atomic energy. Forms, procedure, start date and expiration date of the provision to the

procurement participants of explanations of the provisions of the procurement documentation. The date of consideration of the proposals of the procurement participants and

summarizing the procurement. The criteria for evaluation and comparison of procurement participation bids. The order of evaluation and comparison of procurement participation bids.

In order to increase the transparency of the procurement, to obtain an objectively high-

quality result of the procurement procedure in order of evaluation and comparison of bids for

participation in the procurement, the customer shall determine the formula for calculating points

depending on the specific proposals of the procurement participant under the terms and

conditions of the contract allowing proportional accrual of points depending on the degree of

preference of proposals of procurement participants.

If it is impossible to apply the specified method of evaluation of applications, the

customer shall set the scale of points, that is, the number and basis of the points assigned to the

procurement participant, or another procedure for evaluating applications, which allows

determining the person who offered the best conditions for the execution of the contract to be

the winning bidder of the procurement. Description of the subject of procurement in accordance with Part 6.1 of

Article 3 of Federal Law No. 223-FL. The amount of security for bids (if necessary), other requirements

for such security, including the conditions of a bank guarantee (if such a method of securing

bids for participation in procurement is provided in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FL). The amount of security for the execution of the contract (if necessary), other

requirements for such security, the term for its provision prior to the conclusion of the contract. Requirements to the procurement participants to provide the certified by the

head of the organization information about the absence/presence of the procurement

participant's affiliation with the customer’s employees and their close relatives

(see par.7.12). Requirements for procurement participants to provide, in case of victory in the

procurement procedure and subsequent conclusion of the contract, the information regarding

the entire chain of owners, including beneficiaries (including final ones) and the composition

of the executive bodies with confirmation by relevant documents (except for procurement

participants that are public authorities, state and municipal institutions and unitary enterprises).

If the participant with whom the contract is concluded, in the manner prescribed by law,

discloses information about owners on publicly available sources, the information shall be

considered to be provided properly after posting a link to such sources in the public part of the

official website of the procurement participant or the Bank of Russia. The requirements specified in par. 5 of the Decree of the Government of the

Russian Federation dated September 16, 2016 No. 925 “On the priority of goods of Russian

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origin, works, services performed and provided by Russian persons, in relation to goods

originating from a foreign country, works, services performed, rendered by foreigners".

7.7.4. It is not allowed to present to the procurement participants, to the purchased

goods, works, services as well as to the conditions of the contract execution the requirements

and to evaluate and compare procurement participation bids according to the criteria and in the

order that are not specified in the procurement documentation. Requirements for procurement

participants, goods purchased, work, services as well as the conditions for the execution of the

contract, the criteria and procedure for evaluating and comparing procurement participation

bids set by the customer, shall apply equally to all procurement participants, to the goods they

offer, works, services, to the conditions of the contract.

7.7.5. Any participant in the competitive procurement shall be entitled to send to the

customer a request for clarification of the provisions of the procurement notice and/or

procurement documentation.

7.7.6. Within three working days from the date of the request, the customer shall clarify

the provisions of the procurement documentation and place them in the EIS

indicating the subject of the request but without specifying the procurement participant from

which the specified request came. In this case, the customer shall be entitled not to carry out

such an explanation if the specified request was received later than three business days before

the deadline for the submission of applications for participation in such a procurement.

7.7.7. Explanations of the provisions of the procurement documentation shall not

change the subject of procurement and the essential terms and conditions of the draft contract.

7.7.8. At any time before the expiration for submission of bids, the customer shall be

entitled to make changes in the procurement documentation on his own initiative or in response

to a request from a procurement participant.

7.7.9. Changes made to the procurement documentation, explanations of the provisions

of the procurement documentation shall be posted by the customer in the EIS no later than

within three days from the date of the decision to make the said changes providing the specified

explanations. If changes are made in the procurement documentation, the deadline for

submission of bids for participation in such procurement shall be extended so that

from the date of placement of these changes in the EIS until the deadline for submission of bids

for participation in such procurement, at least half of the application submission period is left

in such a procurement established by RI-GD-148X for this method of procurement.

7.7.10. The customer shall not provide the procurement documentation upon a separate

request from a procurement participant. The procurement documentation shall be freely

available in the EIS and be available at any time from the date of posting.

7.8. Protocol Requirements 7.8.1. The protocol drawn up during the implementation of competitive procurement

(based on the results of the stage of competitive procurement) shall contain the following

information: The date of signing the protocol. The number of bids for participation in the procurement (procurement stage),

as well as the date and time of registration of each such bid. The results of the consideration of the procurement participation bids (if the

stage of procurement provides for the possibility of consideration and rejection of such

applications) with an indication including:

а) the number of bids for participation in the procurement, that are rejected;

б) the grounds for the rejection of each bid for participation in the procurement with an

indication of the provisions of the procurement documentation, notice of procurement, to which

the given bid does not correspond to;

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it The results of the evaluation of bids for participation in the procurement with

the indication of the final decision of the committee on the implementation of procurement on

the compliance of such bids with the requirements of the procurement documentation, as well

as on assigning such bids a value for each of the foreseen criteria for evaluating such

applications (if the competitive procurement stage provides for an assessment of such bids). The reasons for which the competitive procurement was declared failed,

if recognized as such.

7.8.2. The protocol drawn up on the basis of competitive procurement (hereinafter - the

final protocol) shall contain the following information: The date of signing the protocol. The number of bids for participation in the procurement, as well as the date and

time of registration of each such bid. The sequence numbers of bids for participation in the procurement, the final

proposals of the procurement participants in order to reduce the degree of profitability of the

contract execution terms contained in them, including information on price proposals and/or

additional price proposals of the procurement participants. The first number shall be assigned

to the bid for participation in the procurement, as well the final proposal, that contain the best

conditions for the execution of the contract. If several procurement participation bids, the final

proposals contain the same conditions for the execution of the contract, a lower sequence

number shall be assigned to the procurement participation bid, the final proposal that was

received earlier than other bids for participation in the procurement, the final proposals

containing the same conditions. The results of the consideration of procurement participation bids, the final

proposals (if the procurement documentation, the notice of procurement at the last stage of the

procurement provides for the consideration of such bids, the final proposals and the possibility

of their rejection) indicating including:

а) the number of bids for participation in the procurement, the final proposals that are


б) the grounds for the rejection of each procurement participation bid, each final

proposal with an indication of the provisions of the procurement documentation, notice of

procurement, which do not correspond to such a bid, the final proposal; The results of the evaluation of applications for participation in the

procurement, final proposals (if the procurement documentation at the last stage of its

implementation provides for the evaluation of applications, final proposals) indicating the

decision of the commission on procurement to assign each such bid, each final proposal value

for each of the foreseen evaluation criteria such applications (if the stage of procurement

provides for the evaluation of such bids). The reasons for which the purchase was declared failed, shall be recognized as

such. The volume of purchased products. The price of the purchased products. The terms of execution of the contract. Other information by decision of the tender committee.

7.9. Cancel of purchases 7.9.1. The customer shall be entitled to cancel the competitive purchase for one or more

items of purchase (lot) before the date and time of the deadline for submission of bids for

participation in the competitive purchase.

7.9.2. The decision to cancel the competitive procurement shall be placed in the EIS on

the day of this decision.

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7.9.3. The customer shall not be liable or responsible in the event that procurement

participants do not familiarize themselves with a notice of cancellation of the competitive


7.9.4. Upon expiration of the cancellation of the competitive procurement in accordance

with par. 7.7.1 of RI-GD148X and before the conclusion of the contract, the customer shall be

entitled to cancel the determination of the supplier only in the event of force majeure

in accordance with the civil law.

7.9.5. If the decision to cancel the purchase, the bid for which is submitted on paper, is

made before opening the envelopes with bids, the bids received before the decision to cancel

the purchase shall not be opened

and shall be returned at the written request of the procurement participant to this member.

7.10. On securing participation bids in competitive procurement 7.10.1. The customer shall be entitled to establish in the notice of purchase, on the

procurement documentation the requirement of securing bids for participation in competitive

procurement. This requirement shall apply equally to all procurement participants.

7.10.2. Bid security can be provided by the procurement participant by depositing

money or a bank guarantee. The choice of the method of securing the bid shall made by the

procurement participant.

7.10.3. The customer shall not establish in the procurement documentation, the

procurement notification the requirement of securing bids for participation in procurement if

the initial (maximum) contract value does not exceed five million rubles. If the initial

(maximum) contract value exceeds five million rubles, the customer shall be entitled to

establish in the procurement documentation the requirement to secure procurement

participation bids in the amount of not more than five percent of the initial (maximum) contract


7.10.4. The funds deposited as security for the bids shall be returned, and during the

procurement in electronic form, the blocking of such funds shall be stopped within seven

working days in the following cases and in the order: Procurement participants who submitted bids, in case the customer canceled a

competitive purchase on one or more items of purchase (lot)-from the date of posting the

decision to cancel competitive bidding in the EIS; Procurement participant who submitted a bid with violation of the deadline for

submission of applications established in the notice of procurement, documentation on

procurement- from the date of filing such an application; To the procurement participant, who has withdrawn the submitted bid for

participation in the competitive procurement in the manner prescribed by RI-GD-148Х-from

the day of the deadline for submission of bids; Procurement participant not allowed to participate in the procurement

procedure-from the date of placement in the EIS of the relevant protocol with this decision of

the procurement commission; A procurement participant who is not recognized as the winning bidder, and

whose offer is not the best offer after the proposal of the winning bidder of the procurement (or

the same as that of the winning bidder of the procurement) -from the date of posting in the EIS

a protocol drawn up on the basis of competitive procurement; The only participant of the competition, auction, request for quotations,

request for proposals– as well as the winning bidder of the procurement- from the date of

conclusion of the contract with such participants; The procurement participant who offered the same as the winning bidder of

the procurement, the terms and conditions of the contract execution or the offer of which

contains the best terms and conditions of the contract execution following the conditions

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proposed by the winning bidder of the procurement-from the date of conclusion of the contract

with the winning bidder or from the date of conclusion of the contract

with such participant at the evasion of the winning bidder of the procurement.

7.10.5. The bank guarantee issued by the bank to the procurement participant for the

purpose of securing a participation bid in a competitive procurement shall comply with the

requirements specified in the procurement notice and procurement documentation. The validity

period of the bank guarantee provided as security for the bid shall be at least two months from

the expiration date of the application deadline.

7.10.6. The bank guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall contain at least:

а) the amount of the bank guarantees payable by the guarantor to the customer;

б) obligations of the principal, the proper execution of which is guaranteed by a bank


в) the duty of the guarantor to pay the customer a penalty in the amount of 0.1 per cent

of the amount of money payable for each day of delay;

г) a condition according to which the fulfillment of the obligations of the guarantor

under the bank guarantee is the actual receipt of monetary amounts on the account, in which,

in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, transactions

with funds received by the customer are taken into account;

д) validity period of the bank guarantee;

е) a condition on the customer’s right to undoubtedly debit funds from the guarantor’s

account, if the guarantor has not fulfilled the customer’s requirement to pay the bank guarantee

the sum before the expiry of the bank guarantee period within five working days;

ж) other requirements for a bank guarantee may be specified in the procurement


7.10.7. If the procurement participant contains documents confirming the payment of

funds as security for the application and did not receive funds into the account specified by the

customer in the procurement documentation before the date of consideration of the bids, such

participant shall be deemed not to have provided the application. This rule shall not apply when

conducting purchases in electronic form on the ETP.

7.10.8. Return of the provision of taking part in the procurement to the participant of the

competitive procurement will not be secured in the following cases:

а) evasion or refusal of the procurement participant to conclude a contract;

б) the participant’s failure to fulfill the obligations specified in par.7.5.10.

в) failure to provide or provision in violation of the conditions established by Federal

Law No. 223-FL before concluding a contract to the customer to enforce the contract (in case

if in the notice of procurement, procurement documentation, requirements are established to

enforce the contract and the term for its submission prior to the conclusion of the contract).

7.11. Requirements for the tender committee 7.11.1. In order to make decisions on the results of the procurement procedures of

products of Aeroflot, PJSC, a tender committee shall be created, appointed by: chairman,

deputy chairman of the commission and secretary of the tender committee.

7.11.2. The work of the tender committee shall carry out at its meetings in the manner

prescribed by Aeroflot, PJSC.

7.11.3. The meeting of the tender committee shall consider valid if it is attended by at

least fifty percent of the total number of its members. Decisions of the tender committee shall

be made by a qualified majority of votes from the number of members present at the meeting

(at least 75%). Voting shall be carried out openly. When voting, each member of the

commission has one vote.

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7.11.4. When conducting the competitive procurement procedures, members of the

tender committee shall be prohibited from taking actions that lead or may lead to the prevention,

restriction or elimination of competition, including:

а) coordination of the procurement participants;

б) creation of a competitive procurement procedure for a participant or several

participants for preferential conditions for participation, including through access

to information, unless otherwise established by the federal law

в) violation of the procedure for determining the winning bidder or winning bidders of

the competitive procurement procedures.

7.11.5. Members of the tender committee who are personally interested (directly or

indirectly) in the results of the procurement cannot participate in determining the winning


7.11.6. The Commission shall not be responsible for the timely conclusion

and proper execution of contracts concluded on the basis of the procurement.

7.11.7. When making the selection of an audit organization to conduct a mandatory

audit of the accounting (financial) statements of Aeroflot, PJSC in accordance with Art. 5 of

the Federal Law dated December 30, 2008 No. 307- FL “On Auditing”, members of the Audit

Committee of the Board of Directors of Aeroflot, PJSC shall be included in the tender

committee formed for holding a competition for the selection of an audit organization

(according to the standards of RAS and IFRS).

7.12. Prohibiting conflict of interest in procurement, prevention of corruption and other abuses

7.12.1. Persons making significant decisions during the procurement process

at Aeroflot, PJSC, including members of the tender committee, heads of customer departments,

who develop procurement documentation and

send a bid for the procurement procedure to the competition commission, experts and specialists

of customer departments involved in the evaluation

and comparisons of the bids of the procurement participants (hereinafter referred to as the

customer’s employees) shall not be personally interested (directly or indirectly) in the results

of the procurement, including:

а) be in the staff of the procurement participant-a legal entity or have a contract

concluded with the procurement participants (paid services, contracts,


б) to be persons who are capable of influencing the procurement participants,

including persons who are participants or shareholders of the procurement participants - legal

entities, members of their governing bodies, their creditors;

в) to be married to individual persons who are beneficiaries, the sole executive body of

the economic company (director, general director, manager, president

and others), members of the collective executive body of the economic company, the head

(director, general director) of the institution or unitary enterprise or other bodies management

of the procurement participants-legal entities. Beneficiaries are individual persons owning

directly or indirectly (through a legal entity or through several legal entities) more than ten

percent of the voting shares of a business entity or a share exceeding ten percent in the

authorized capital of the business entity;

г) to be married to the procurement participants - individual persons, including those

registered as an individual entrepreneur;

д) to be close relatives (relatives in the direct ascending

and descending lines (parents and children, grandfather, grandmother and grandchildren), full

blood and not full blood (having a common father or mother) brothers

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and sisters), adoptive parents or adopted by the individual persons listed

in this paragraph.

7.12.2. The employee of the customer shall be obliged to notify the employer in the

manner prescribed by Aeroflot, PJSC about a conflict of interest or the possibility of

its occurrence as soon as he becomes aware of this.

7.12.3. In the event that the employee’s customer has a conflict of interests or the

possibility of its occurrence, Aeroflot, PJSC shall be obliged to replace it with another

individual person.

7.12.4. If Aeroflot, PJSC is involved in conducting expert assessment of documentation

and applications for participation in the procurement, external experts, such persons shall be

independent and cannot be employees of the customer, including those who choose the winning

bidder of the procurement.

7.13. Requirements for the draft contract 7.13.1. The customer may provide the following options for the draft contract concluded

on the basis of the results of the procurement: The procurement participant shall be obliged to accept all the terms and

conditions of the draft contract. In the cases stipulated by the procurement documentation, the procurement

participant shall be entitled to issue a protocol of disagreements on the terms and conditions of

the contract, with the exception of the essential terms and conditions of the contract directly

specified in the procurement documentation. In the cases stipulated by the procurement documentation, the procurement

participant shall be entitled to offer a counter draft of the contract, while retaining the essential

terms and conditions of the contract, which are directly specified in the procurement


7.13.2. When placing a draft contract in the EIS, such a project shall contain references

to all applications filled out by the customer when concluding a contract

on the results of the procurement.

7.13.3. When purchasing works and services of a continuing nature, a subscription

contract may be concluded.

7.13.4. When concluding a contract by bidding, the customer shall be entitled to change

the terms and conditions of the draft contract, with the exception of the essential terms and

conditions of the contract specified in the procurement documentation, and provided that such

a change does not affect the terms of the contract compared to the terms of the procurement

documentation that were significant making applications and/or determining the winning bidder

and/or determining the contract value.

7.13.5. The draft contract shall indicate:

а) the list of obligations, the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of which entails the

recovery of the penalty, the amount of the penalty depending on the default, not properly

executed obligation, the procedure for the recovery of the penalty,

б) order and terms of acceptance of products under the contract, including the order of

interaction of the parties under the contract.

7.14. The initial (maximum) contract value (the lot value), the contract value concluded with a single supplier

7.14.1. The initial (maximum) contract value (lot value) and the contract value

concluded with a single supplier (hereinafter referred to as the initial (maximum) contract value

(lot value) for the purposes of this section)) can be determined by the customer using the

following method or several of the following methods:

а) the method of comparable market prices (market analysis);

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б) regulatory method;

в) tariff method;

г) design and estimate method;

д) cost method;

е) another method if it is impossible to determine the initial (maximum) value of the

contract (value) of the lot using the methods specified in the listingа)-д) this paragraph and

when justifying its use.

7.14.2. The method of comparable market prices (market analysis) is to establish the

initial (maximum) contract value (lot value) on the basis of information on market prices of

identical products planned for procurement, or in their absence of homogeneous products.

7.14.3. When applying the method of comparable market prices (market analysis)

information on product prices shall be obtained taking into account the commercial and/or

financial terms of supplying goods, performance of works, rendering services (if possible)

comparable to the terms of the planned purchase.

7.14.4. When applying the method of comparable market prices (market analysis),

coefficients or indices can be used to recalculate the prices of products,

taking into account differences in the characteristics of goods, commercial and/or financial

conditions for the supply of goods, the performance of work, and the provision of services.

7.14.5. In order to apply the method of comparable market prices (market analysis),

publicly available information on market prices of products, information on product prices

obtained at the request of the customer from suppliers supplying identical products planned

for procurement, or in their absence of homogeneous products, information received as a result

of placing requests for product prices.

7.14.6. Identical goods, works, services shall be recognized goods, work, services that

have the same characteristic of their main features. In determining the identity of goods, slight

differences in the appearance of such goods may not be taken into account. In determining the

identity of works, services, characteristics of the supplier, their business reputation in the market

shall be taken into account.

7.14.7. Homogeneous goods are goods that, while not being identical, have similar

characteristics and consist of similar components, which allows them to perform the same

functions and/or be commercially interchangeable. In determining the homogeneity of goods,

their quality, reputation in the market, and country of origin shall be taken into account.

7.14.8. The commercial and/or financial terms for the supply of goods, the performance

of work and the rendering of services shall be deemed to be comparable if the differences

between such conditions do not have a significant effect on the respective results or these

differences can be taken into account by applying appropriate adjustments to such conditions.

7.14.9. Determination of the identity and homogeneity of goods, works, services,

comparability of commercial and/or financial conditions for the supply of goods, performance

of works, rendering of services is carried out by the customer independently based on the main

characteristics of the product or on the basis of guidelines approved by the customer (if any).

7.14.10. The regulatory method is to calculate the initial (maximum) contract value (lot

value) based on the marginal prices of products determined in accordance with the legislation

of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian

Federation, municipal legal acts, acts and documents of federal executive bodies subordinate to

them state (municipal) institutions, state (municipal) unitary enterprises.

7.14.11. The tariff method is applied if, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian

Federation, the prices of purchased products are subject to state regulation or established by

municipal legal acts. In this case, the initial (maximum) contract value (lot value) shall be

determined at regulated prices (tariffs) for products.

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7.14.12. The design and estimate method shall consist in determining the initial

(maximum) contract value (lot value) for construction, reconstruction, current and capital

repairs of a capital construction object on the basis of project documentation, its sections (if

available), as well as other types of construction works, works on design, engineering surveys

in accordance with the methods and standards (state elemental estimate norms) of construction

work and special construction work, approved in accordance with the competence of an

executive body that performs the functions of state policy development and legal regulation in

the field of construction, or the executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

7.14.13. The cost method shall consist in determining the initial (maximum) contract

value (lot value) as the sum of the costs incurred and the usual profit for a certain field of

activity. This takes into account the usual in such cases, direct and indirect costs of production

or purchase and/or sales of products, costs of transportation, storage, insurance and

other costs.

7.14.14. Information about the usual profit for a certain field of activity can be obtained

from publicly available sources of information, including information from the information and

price agencies, publicly available results of market research, as well as the results of market

research conducted at the initiative of the customer.

7.14.15. When determining the initial (maximum) contract value (lot value), both listed

in this section and other methods can be used.

7.14.16. When applying any of the methods for determining the initial (maximum)

contract value (lot value), such a price shall be calculated by the customer either independently

or on the basis of the methodological recommendations approved by the customer, or on the

basis of the methods described in the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

dated October 2, 2013 No. 567 "On Approval Guidelines for the application of methods for

determining the initial (maximum) contract value, the value of a contract concluded with a

single supplier."

7.14.17. The publicly available information on the prices of products that can be used

for the purposes of determining the initial (maximum) contract value (lot value) shall include:

а) information about the prices of products contained in the contracts of the customer,

which are executed and for which no penalties (fines, penalties) were due in connection

with non-performance or improper performance of obligations under these contracts;

б) product pricing information contained in advertisements, catalogs, descriptions of

goods and other offers that are addressed to an indefinite number of persons and are recognized

in accordance with civil law by public offers;

в) information on quotations on Russian stock exchanges and foreign stock exchanges;

г) information about quotations on the ETP;

д) data of state statistical reporting on product prices;

е) information on product prices contained in the official sources of information of

authorized state bodies and municipal authorities in accordance with the legislation of the

Russian Federation, the legislation of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal

regulatory legal acts, official information sources of foreign states, international organizations

or other publicly available publications;

ж) information on the market value of the objects of valuation determined in accordance

with the legislation governing the valuation activity in the Russian Federation or the legislation

of foreign states;

з) information from pricing agencies, publicly available market research results, as well

as the results of market research conducted at the initiative of the customer including on the

basis of a contract, other sources of information.

7.14.18. If at the time of entering into the contract it is impossible to determine the

volume of goods to be supplied, performance of works, the provision of services, instead of the

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initial (maximum) contract value (lot value), either the price formula specifies the rules for

calculating the amount payable by the customer to the supplier during the execution contract,

and the maximum value of the contract price, or the price per unit of output and the maximum

value of the contract price.

7.14.19. The initial (maximum) contract value can be set both

with and without value added tax (hereinafter referred to as VAT), which is indicated in the

procurement documentation.

7.14.20. The initial (maximum) contract value (lot value) can be expressed in foreign

currency. In this case, the procurement documentation, the draft agreement, the agreement with

the sole supplier shall contain the procedure for applying the official foreign exchange rate to

the Russian ruble established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (hereinafter-the

Bank of Russia) and used in evaluating the bid of the procurement participant and paying the

concluded contract.

7.15. Recognition of the procurement failed 7.15.1. Competitive procurement shall be declared failed if:

а) at the end of the bid submission period, no bids have been submitted;

б) at the end of the bid deadline, only one bid from one participant is submitted;

в) according to the results of consideration of bids, all bids of participants are rejected;

г) according to the results of consideration of bids, only one bid was found to meet the

requirements of the procurement documentation;

д) during the auction, if the initial (maximum) value of the contract has

never been reduced.

7.15.2. In the event that the procurement documentation provides for two or more lots,

the purchase shall be deemed to have failed only for the lot in respect of which the provisions

of par.7.15.1.

7.15.3. If at the end of the bid submission period established by the procurement

documentation, the customer shall receive only one bid, despite the fact that the procurement

procedure is declared invalid, the tender committee shall review

it in the manner prescribed by RI-GD-148X. If the considered bid and the procurement

participant that submitted such a bid meet the requirements and conditions stipulated by the

procurement documentation, the customer shall be entitled to conclude a contract

with such participant, either to refuse to conclude a contract with it, or to repeat the


7.15.4. If at the end of the deadline for submitting bids for participation in the

procurement, not a single bid is submitted or all bids of the participants are rejected by the

customer, on the grounds stipulated by RI-GD-148X, the customer shall be entitled to purchase

from a single supplier on the basis of par. 6.7.18 or re-purchase, or cancel the purchase.

7.15.5. If a decision is made to conclude a contract with a single participant in an

auction, the contract shall be concluded on the conditions provided for in the procurement

documentation at the initial (maximum) value of the contract (lot value) specified in the notice

of purchase, or at the price agreed with such procurement participant, but not exceeding the

initial (maximum) contract value (lot value).

7.15.6. If during the auction the initial (maximum) value of the contract has never been

reduced, the auction is declared invalid, the customer shall be entitled to purchase from a single

supplier on the basis of paragraph6.7.18 or enter into the contract with the participant admitted

to participate in the auction bid other eligible participants.

7.15.7. The decision on the recognition of the failure of the procurement shall be entered

in the protocol of the tender committee indicating the reason for the recognition of the

procurement as failed on the grounds specified in par.7.15.1.

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7.16. Recognition of the procurement participant evaded from the conclusion of the contract

7.16.1. The winning bidder, another participant shall be considered to have avoided

concluding a contract in the following cases: Direct written refusal to sign the contract. Failure to sign the draft contract in the period provided for

in the procurement documentation. Failure to submit the documents required to provide

prior to the conclusion of the contract and provided for in the procurement documentation

and/or in the bid of such a participant. Failure to ensure the enforcement of the contract, if there is such a requirement

in the procurement documentation, within the time specified in the procurement

documentation. In other cases, stipulated by RI-GD-148.

7.16.2. In case of evasion of the winning bidder of the procurement from the conclusion

of the contract, the customer shall be entitled to: Re-purchase. Refuse to conclude a contract. Conclude a contract with another participant, who took second place

on the terms and conditions of the execution of the contract proposed by this participant in the

submitted bid. In case of evasion by the participant who took the second place from the

conclusion of the contract, the customer shall be entitled to apply par.6.7.18. Go to court with the requirement of forcing the winning bidder to conclude a

contract, as well as to compensate for losses caused by evasion from the conclusion of the


7.16.3. When evading the person with whom the contract is concluded, from signing

such a contract, the customer shall:

7.16.4. Hold the security of the bid of such a person.

7.16.5. Forward the proposal to the appropriate authority on the inclusion of information

about such a person in the Register of Unfair Suppliers.

8. Competition Procedure

8.1. General procedure for open competition 8.1.1. In order to purchase products through an open tender, it shall: Develop and place in the EIS a notice on the purchase of procurement

documentation, a draft contract. In case of receiving from the procurement participant a request for clarification

of the provisions of the procurement documentation, provide the necessary clarifications. If necessary, make changes to the notice of procurement, procurement

documentation. Accept all bids submitted on time and in the order established

in the procurement documentation. To carry out a public opening of envelopes with competitive bids. Review, evaluate and compare bids in order to determine the winning bidder of

the competition. Place in the EIS the protocols drawn up in the course of the procurement and

the final protocol. Conclude a contract on the results of the purchase.

8.2. Procurement notice

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8.2.1. The customer, at least fifteen days before the deadline for submission of bids for

participation in the competition, shall place in the EIS a notice of purchase.

8.2.2. The procurement notice shall contain the information in accordance

with par.7.6.

8.3. Procurement documentation 8.3.1. The procurement documentation shall contain information in accordance

with par.7.7, as well as: Requirements for the term and/or volume of quality assurance of goods, works,

services, for the maintenance of goods, for the costs of operation of the goods (if necessary). Information about the currency used to form the contract value and settlements

with suppliers. The procedure for applying the official foreign currency exchange rate to the

ruble of the Russian Federation established by the Bank of Russia and used for payment of the

concluded agreement, if the foreign currency is used to form the contract value. Information about the possibility of the customer to increase the quantity of the

delivered goods upon conclusion of the contract (if necessary). Information about the possibility of the customer to change the quantity of

goods specified in the contract, the scope of work, services and the percentage of such change

(if necessary). Information about the possibility of the customer to conclude a contract with

several participants of the procurement (if necessary). The procedure and deadline for withdrawal of tender bids, the procedure for

amending such bids. Validity period of the bid (if necessary). The validity period of the provision of the bid (if necessary). The deadline for signing the contract by the winning bidder, other procurement

participants (if necessary). The consequences of the recognition of the competition failed. Place, date and time of opening of the envelopes with competitive bids. Other information and requirements depending on the subject of procurement

(if necessary).

8.3.2. A draft contract concluded on the basis of the results of the procurement, which

is an integral part of the procurement notice and procurement documentation, shall be attached

to the notice of procurement and the procurement documentation (when conducting a tender

for several lots, a single draft of the contract may be attached to the procurement documentation,

containing general conditions for the lots and special conditions for each lot).

8.3.3. The procedure for sending requests for clarification of procurement

documentation shall be specified in paragraphs 7.7.5-7.7.7.

8.4. Bid Requirements 8.4.1. To participate in the competition, the participant shall prepare a bid for

participation in the competition, executed in full compliance with the requirements of the

procurement documentation.

8.4.2. The bid for participation in the tender may contain the information specified

in paragraph7.5 including the requirement to submit any other documents or copies of

documents, the list of which is specified by the procurement documentation, confirming the

compliance of the bid submitted by the procurement participant with the requirements

established in the procurement documentation.

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8.5. Procedure for accepting bids 8.5.1. From the date of placement of the notice of procurement in the EIS until the

expiration of the deadline for submission of tender bids established in the notice of

procurement, the customer shall accept tender bids.

8.5.2. To participate in the tender, the procurement participant shall submit in a sealed

envelope a tender bid in the form and in the manner prescribed by the procurement

documentation. A procurement participant shall be entitled to submit only one tender bid

for each subject of the tender (lot).

8.5.3. All bids received before the expiration of submission of bids shall be registered

by the customer. At the request of the procurement participant, the customer shall issue a receipt

for the envelope with the tender bid indicating the date and time of its receipt.

8.5.4. On receipt of an improperly sealed bid, an appropriate note shall be made in the


8.5.5. The customer shall ensure the confidentiality of information contained in the

submitted bids before summing up the competition.

8.5.6. If the customer extends the bid submission period, an applicant that has submitted

a bid shall be entitled to make any of the following decisions: Withdraw the submitted bid. Do not withdraw the bid and extend its term and the term of the security by the

relevant period of time, and change it (if desired). Do not withdraw the bid and do not term its validity, in such case the bid expires

on the initial expiration date.

8.5.7. Tender bids received by the customer after the deadline for submission of tender

bids established by the procurement documentation, shall not be reviewed and sent to the

procurement participants who filed such tenders within three days of receipt of tenders without

violating the integrity of the envelope in which such a bid was filed. Late bid applications shall

be opened only if the envelope does not contain the mailing address (for a legal entity) or

information about the place of residence (for an individual person) of the procurement


8.6. Opening envelopes with bids 8.6.1. Publicly on the day, at the time and in the place indicated in the procurement

documentation, the tender committee shall open the envelopes with the bids.

8.6.2. The tender committee shall open the envelopes with the tender bids, which were

received by the customer within the terms specified by the procurement documentation.

8.6.3. If it is established that one procurement participant has submitted two or more

tender bids for the same lot, provided that bids submitted by such participant have not been

withdrawn, all tender bids of the procurement participant filed for this lot shall not be

considered and returned to the participant.

8.6.4. Procurement participants who submitted bids or their representatives shall be

entitled to attend the opening of envelopes with bids.

8.6.5. In the course of opening the envelopes received for the contest, the chairman or a

member of the tender committee who replaces him, on the basis of the documents submitted in

the competitive bid, shall announce the following information: About the contents of the envelope (competitive bid, its change, review,

otherwise). Name (for a legal entity), last name, first name, patronymic (for an individual

person) and the mailing address of each procurement participant whose envelope with the

tender bid is opened. Availability of documents stipulated by the procurement documentation. Any other information that the tender committee deems necessary to announce.

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8.6.6. Representatives of the procurement participants may be given the right to inform

about the content of the bid and answer questions from members of the tender committee.

8.6.7. Bids that are not opened and not read in the order described above, can no longer

be accepted in this purchase for consideration under any conditions.

8.6.8. According to the results of the procedure for opening envelopes with competitive

bids, the tender committee shall draw up a relevant protocol, which shall contain information

in accordance with paragraph7.8 as well as: The nominal composition of those present at the procedure for the opening of

members of the tender committee. List of late bids.

8.6.9. The protocol for opening envelopes with competitive bids shall be signed by all

members of the tender committee present at the meeting no later than three working days from

the date of the procedure for opening envelopes with the competitive bids.

8.6.10. The specified protocol shall be placed by the customer no later than three days

from the date of signing in the EIS.

8.7. Evaluation and comparison of bids 8.7.1. For evaluation and comparison of bids, the tender committee shall be entitled to

involve experts and specialists from the customer’s departments, as well as, not limited to, any

other persons whom it deems necessary. Based on the results of the assessment, a written expert

opinion shall be submitted to the tender committee for making a decision on determining the

winning bidder. The tender committee shall be entitled to disagree with the conclusions and

recommendations set forth in the expert opinion, to send competitive bids for re-evaluation and

comparison, to involve other experts and specialists, or to make a decision independently. At

the same time, the persons participating in the evaluation and comparison of the bids, including

members of the tender committee, shall ensure the confidentiality of the assessment process.

8.7.2. The selection, evaluation and comparison of bids shall be carried out in the

following order:

conducting the qualifying stage.

conducting the evaluation stage.

8.7.3. Qualifying stage. As part of the qualifying stage, the following actions shall be

performed: Verification of the procurement participants for compliance with the

requirements of the customer and verification of their bids for compliance with the requirements

of the procurement documentation for the preparation of bids; bids shall be considered as

meeting the requirements of the procurement documentation. Verification of the procurement participant, including its legal capacity,

accuracy of information and documents submitted to the tender, absence of a procurement

participant in the Register of Unfair Suppliers, absence of overdue receivables and/or

unfulfilled obligations to the customer under previously concluded contracts (including

structures affiliated with the procurement participant). Checking the proposed products for compliance with the requirements of the

procurement documentation. Rejection of tender bids, which, according to the members of the tender

committee, do not meet the requirements of the tender on the merits, and the decision to refuse

the procurement participants who have submitted such bids to admit to participate in the tender.

8.7.4. Evaluation stage. At the evaluation stage, the involved experts and specialists

shall evaluate and match the bids, which were not rejected at the selection stage. The purpose

of the evaluation and comparison of bids is to rank them according to the degree of preference

for the customer in order to determine the winning bidder of the competition.

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it Evaluation shall be carried out in strict accordance with the criteria and

procedures specified in the procurement documentation. The procurement documentation shall include both criteria for evaluating and

comparing bids, as well as their weights, as well as the procedure for evaluating and comparing

bids in accordance with the specified criteria.

8.7.5. Selection and assessment stages can be combined (held simultaneously).

8.7.6. If necessary, during the consideration of bids, the tender committee shall be

entitled to request the procurement participants to clarify the provisions

and provide the missing documents (if necessary). At the same time, inquiries or requests for

the provision of missing documents not provided for in the procurement documentation, as well

as those aimed at changing the essence of the tender application, including changing the

commercial terms of the bid (price, currency, delivery terms and conditions, delivery schedule

or payment, other commercial terms) or technical conditions of the tender bid (list of products

offered, its technical characteristics, other technical conditions). Requests for a change or

submission of a missing bid security shall also not be allowed.

8.7.7. If during the selection, evaluation and comparison of tender bids, the tender

committee needs to extend the deadlines for the selection and (or) evaluation stage specified as

the dates for consideration of the proposals of the procurement participants and summarizing

the results of the procurement notice, the customer within one working day from the day the

decision of the tender committee to extend the qualifying and/or evaluation stage, shall place

in the EIS a notification of the extension of the corresponding period.

8.8. Determining the winning bidder of the competition 8.8.1. The winning bidder of the competition is the procurement participant who has

proposed the best combination of terms and conditions for the execution of the contract, and

whose bid has been awarded the highest number of points according to the results of evaluation

and comparison of bids. The decision

on determining the winning bidder, the tender committee shall take on the basis of the ranking

of bids.

8.8.2. If several tender bids contain equivalent combinations of terms and conditions for

performance of the contract, a lower sequence number shall be assigned to the tender bid, which

was received earlier than other tender bids containing such terms.

8.8.3. According to the results of the meeting of the tender committee, at which the

winning bidder of the competition is determined, the final protocol shall be drawn up.

It contains information in accordance with par. 7.8, as well the nominal composition of the

members of the tender committee present at the meeting.

8.8.4. The protocol shall be signed by the members of the tender committee who

attended the meeting on the day of summing up the competition and be approved (signed) by

one of the customer’s managers in accordance with internal procedures. The specified protocol

shall be placed by the customer no later than three days from the date of approval (signing) in

the EIS.

8.9. Features of the competition in electronic form 8.9.1. The competition in electronic form shall be held in the order of the open

competition taking into account the provisions of paragraph 5.8.

8.9.2. When conducting a tender in electronic form, the procedure for opening

envelopes with tender bids shall not be carried out.

8.9.3. Information about the bids received shall be reflected in the final protocol.

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8.9.4. The tender procedure in electronic form, determined

in the procurement documentation, shall take into account the regulations of the operator of the

electronic platform on which the tender is held.

9. Auction procedure

9.1. The general procedure for conducting a public auction and an auction in electronic form (hereinafter-electronic auction)

9.1.1. In order to purchase products through an electronic auction, it shall: Develop and place in the EIS a notice of procurement, procurement

documentation, a draft contract. In case of receiving from the procurement participant a request for clarification

of the provisions of the procurement documentation, provide the necessary clarifications. If necessary, make changes to the notice of procurement, procurement

documentation. Consider auction bids in order to decide on admission or refusal to admit a

procurement participant to participate in the auction. Hold an auction on the ETP. Place in the EIS protocols drawn up on the results of meetings of the tender

committee. Conclude a contract on the results of the purchase.

9.2. Procurement notice 9.2.1. The customer no later than fifteen days before the deadline for submission of bids

for participation in the auction shall post a notice of purchase in the EIS.

9.2.2. The notice of purchase shall contain information in accordance

with paragraph7.6, as well as the time period for refusal to hold an auction.

9.3. Procurement documentation 9.3.1. Procurement documentation shall contain information in accordance

with par.7.7, as well as: Requirements for the term and/or volume of quality assurance of goods, works,

services, for the maintenance of goods, for the costs of operation of the goods (if necessary). Information about the currency used to form the contract value and settlements

with suppliers. The procedure for applying the official foreign currency exchange rate to the

ruble of the Russian Federation established by the Bank of Russia and used for payment of the

concluded contract, if the foreign currency is used to form the contract value. Information about the possibility of the customer to increase the quantity of the

delivered goods upon conclusion of the contract (if necessary). Information about the possibility of the customer to change the quantity of

goods specified in the contract, the scope of work, services and the percentage of such change

(if necessary). The procedure and deadline for withdrawal of auction bids, the procedure for

amending such bids. The order of the auction including the "auction pitch". Validity period of the bid (if necessary). The validity period of the provision of the bid (if necessary). The deadline for signing the contract by the winning bidder, other procurement

participants (if necessary). Dates and start and end times for accepting the auction bids. Date and time of the auction.

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it The consequences of declaring the auction invalid. Other information and requirements depending on the subject of procurement.

9.3.2. The procurement notice and procurement documentation shall be accompanied

by a draft contract concluded on the basis of the procurement results, which is an integral part

of the procurement notice and procurement documentation (in the case of an auction

for several lots, a single draft contract may be attached to the procurement documentation,

containing general conditions for lots and special conditions for each lot).

9.3.3. The procedure for sending requests for clarification of procurement

documentation is specified in paragraphs7.7.5-7.7.7. A request for clarification of the

procurement documentation shall be submitted by the participant to the customer through the

ETP operator at which the auction is held.

9.4. Requirements for the auction bid 9.4.1. To participate in an electronic auction, the participant shall prepare a bid drawn

up in full compliance with the requirements of the procurement documentation.

9.4.2. The bid for participation in the auction may contain information specified in

paragraph7.5 of this provision including the requirement to provide any other documents or

copies of documents, the list of which is specified by the procurement documentation,

confirming compliance of the bid submitted by the procurement participant with the

requirements established in the procurement documentation.

9.4.3. The bid shall be submitted to the ETP specified in the notice of purchase

in accordance with the regulations of the ETP operator.

9.5. Bid security 9.5.1. The method of securing the bid shall be established taking into account the rules

of the operator of the ETP at which such auction is held.

9.6. Procedure for accepting auction bids 9.6.1. From the date of placement of the notice of procurement in the EIS and until the

deadline for the filing of auction bids established in the notice of purchase, the ETP operator

shall accept the auction bids.

9.6.2. To submit an auction bid to the participant, accreditation shall be required on the

ETP in accordance with the regulations of the ETP operator.

9.6.3. If the customer extends the bid submission period, an applicant that has submitted

a bid shall be entitled to make any of the following decisions: Withdraw the submitted bid. Do not withdraw the submitted bid while extending its validity period and the

validity period of the application for the corresponding period of time and changing it (if

desired). Do not withdraw the bid and do not term its validity period, in such case the bid

expires on the initial expiration date.

9.7. Consideration of the auction bids 9.7.1. When considering auction bids, the following actions shall be performed: Verification of the procurement participants for compliance with the

requirements of the customer and verification of their applications for compliance with the

requirements of the procurement documentation for the preparation of the bids; however,

auction bids shall be considered to meet the requirements of the procurement documentation. Verification of the procurement participant including its legal capacity,

accuracy of information and documents submitted to the auction, the absence of the

procurement participant in the Register of Unfair Suppliers, the absence of overdue receivables

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and/or unfulfilled obligations to the customer under the previously concluded contracts

(including structures affiliated with the procurement participant). Checking the proposed products for compliance with the requirements of the

procurement documentation. According to the results of consideration of bids for participation in the auction,

the tender committee shall make a decision on the recognition of the procurement participant

as the auction participant or about the refusal to recognize the procurement participant as the

auction participant.

9.7.2. If necessary, during the consideration of the bids for participation in the auction,

the tender committee shall be entitled to require the procurement participants to clarify the

information contained in the auction bids. Requirements of the tender committee aimed at

changing the content of the auction bid changing or providing the missing bid security, as well

as clarifications of the procurement participant, changing the essence of the proposal contained

in the bid submitted by such participant, shall not be allowed.

9.7.3. According to the results of consideration of the bids, a protocol for consideration

of auction bids shall be drawn up, the composition of which shall comply with paragraph 7.8and

contain the nominal composition of the members of the tender committee present at the meeting.

9.7.4. The protocol shall be signed by the members of the tender committee who

attended the meeting on the day of the end of the consideration of the auction bids and

be approved by one of the customer’s managers in accordance with internal procedures.

9.7.5. The specified protocol shall be posted by the customer no later than three days

from the date of approval in the EIS and on the ETP.

9.8. Conducting an electronic auction, determining the winning bidder of the procurement

9.8.1. An electronic auction shall be held on the ETP on the date specified in the notice

of the procurement. The start time of such an auction shall be set by the operator of the

electronic platform in accordance with the time zone in which the customer is located.

9.8.2. The electronic auction shall be conducted by reducing the initial (maximum)

contract value specified in the notice of purchase in the manner prescribed by par.9.8.6.

9.8.3. If the procurement documentation indicates the total unit price of goods, work,

services, such an auction shall be conducted by reducing the total unit price of goods, work,


9.8.4. The amount of reduction in the initial (maximum) contract value (hereinafter

referred to as the “auction pitch”) ranges from 0.5 percent to five percent of the initial

(maximum) contract value.

9.8.5. When conducting an electronic auction, its participants shall submit the proposals

on the contract value, which provide for a reduction in the current minimum offer on the

contract value by an amount within the “auction step”.

9.8.6. When conducting an electronic auction, its participants shall submit bids for the

contract value taking into account the following requirements:

а) the participant of such an auction shall not be entitled to submit a proposal for the

contract value, equal to the proposal for the value of the contract previously submitted by this

participant, or more than it, as well as a proposal for the contract value equal to zero;

б) a participant in such an auction shall not be entitled to submit a bid for the contract

value which is lower than the current minimum bid value for the contract reduced

within the “auction step”;

в) a participant in such an auction shall not be entitled to submit a proposal for a contract

value that is lower than the current minimum value proposal for a contract if it is submitted by

such an electronic auction participant.

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9.8.7. From the commencement of the electronic auction on the ETP until the end

(expiration) of the deadline for the submission of proposals for the contract value,

all proposals for the contract value and the time of their receipt,

as well as the time remaining until the expiration (expiry) term for the submission of the contract

value, shall be indicated in accordance with the regulations of the operator of the electronic


9.8.8. When conducting an electronic auction, the time for receiving offers from

participants in such an auction about the value of the contract shall be set in accordance

with the regulations of the operator of the electronic platform. If during the specified time, no

proposals for a lower contract value have been received, such an auction automatically, using

software and hardware to ensure its implementation, shall be completed.

9.8.9. During the electronic auction, the operator of the electronic platform shall be

obliged to reject the proposals for the value of the contract that do not meet the requirements

stipulated in par.9.8.6.

9.8.10. Deviation by the operator of the electronic platform of proposals for the contract

value on the grounds not provided for in par.9.8.6 shall not be allowed.

9.8.11. The winning bidder of the auction in electronic form shall be the person whose

bid meets the requirements established by the procurement documentation and

who offered the lowest contract value by reducing the initial (maximum) contract value (or the

total unit price of goods, work, services).

9.8.12. The protocol of the electronic auction shall be placed on the ETP by

its operator in accordance with the regulations of the operator of the electronic platform.

9.8.13. According to the results of the auction in electronic form, the tender committee

shall draw up a protocol for summarizing the electronic auction in accordance with


9.8.14. The report shall be signed by the members of the tender committee who are

present at the meeting on the day of the summation of the procurement and shall be approved

by one of the heads of the customer in compliance with its internal procedures.

9.8.15. The specified protocol shall be placed by the customer no later than three days

from the date of signing in the EIS.

9.8.16. On the date specified in the procurement documentation, the customer and the

winning bidder of the open auction shall sign the contract. When evading the winning bidder

of a public auction from signing the contract, the customer shall retain the bid security for the

bid submitted by such participant.

9.8.17. In case the auction winning bidder dodges the conclusion of the contract, the

tender committee shall be entitled to decide to conclude a contract with the participant who

made the penultimate offer on the price of the contract, on the terms and conditions of the draft

contract attached to the procurement documentation, and at the contract value proposed by such

participant according to the auction, such a decision shall be documented by the relevant

protocol of the meeting of the tender committee. The participant shall not be entitled to refuse

to conclude a contract.

9.8.18. In case of evasion of the participant who made the penultimate offer

on the contract value, the customer shall be entitled to apply par.6.7.18.

9.9. Features of the closed auction 9.9.1. Closed auction is held subject to the provisions of paragraph5.7.

9.9.2. The customer, within the deadlines established for placing the notice of purchase

in the EIS, shall send invitations to participate in a closed auction on paper that meets the

requirements of RI-GD-148X, in accordance with the list of persons.

9.9.3. Closed auction shall be held in the following order:

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it The tender committee immediately before the start of the closed auction shall

registers the auction participants who came to the auction,

or their representatives. In case of holding a closed auction for several lots, the tender committee

before the start of each lot registers the auction participants who submitted bids for such a lot

and came to the auction, or their representatives. When registering, participants in a closed

auction or their representatives shall be issued the numbered cards (hereinafter referred to as

cards). A closed auction shall start with the auctioneer announcing the start of a closed

auction (lot), the lot number (in case of a closed auction for several lots), the subject of the

contract, the initial (maximum) value of the contract (lot). The auctioneer offers the auction participants to state their proposals on the

contract value. The auction participant, after the auctioneer announces the initial (maximum)

value of the contract (lot value) and the contract value reduced according to the “auction step”,

shall raise the cards in case he agrees to conclude a contract at the announced price. The auctioneer shall announce the card number of the auction participant who

first raised the card after the auctioneer announced the initial (maximum) contract value (lot

value) and the contract value reduced according to the “auction step”, as well as the new

contract value reduced according to the "auction step", and the auction step, in accordance with

which the price is reduced. An auction shall be considered to be completed if, after the auctioneer

announces the contract value three times, no auction participant has raised the card. In this case,

the auctioneer announces the end of the auction (lot), the last

and the penultimate offer on the contract value, the card number and the name of the auction

winning bidder and the auction participant who made the penultimate offer

on the contract value. During the auction procedure, the tender committee, independently or at the

request of the auction participant, may decide to suspend the bidding for the auction (lot) and

announce a short break. The duration of the short break in the bidding for the lot

shall not be less than 10 minutes, but not more than 20 minutes. A break in the conduct of bidding for each lot may be announced by the tender

committee no more than twice. During the whole bidding procedure (including a break), auction participants

shall be prohibited from entering into negotiations between themselves, the tender committee,

the auctioneer shall be allowed to leave the auction venue only one at a time. According to the results of the auction, the tender committee shall draw up a

report on the results of the closed auction. It contains information in accordance with par.7.8,

as well as the nominal composition of the members of the tender committee present at the

meeting. The protocol shall sign by the members of the tender committee who attended the

meeting on the day of the auction and be approved by one of the customer’s managers in

accordance with internal procedures.

10. Order of the request for proposals

10.1. The general procedure for conducting an electronic request for proposals 10.1.1. The procedure for conducting the request for proposals in electronic form shall

be determined by this section, as well as by the regulations of the operator of the electronic

platform on which such request for proposals is held.

10.1.2. In order to purchase products by conducting a request for proposals

in electronic form, it shall:

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Check if this is a current version of the document at and/or prior to use it Develop and place in the EIS a notice of procurement, the procurement

documentation in electronic form, a draft contract. In case of receiving from the procurement participant a request for clarification

of the provisions of the procurement documentation in electronic form, provide the necessary

clarifications. If necessary, make changes to the notice of procurement,

in the procurement documentation in electronic form. Review, evaluate and compare participation bid for the request of proposals in

electronic form. Place in the EIS a protocol compiled following the results of the request for

proposals in electronic form. Conclude a contract on the results of the purchase.

10.2. Procurement notice 10.2.1. When conducting a request for proposals in electronic form, the customer shall,

at least seven working days before the deadline for the submission of participation bids

for the request for proposals, to place a notice of procurement and procurement documentation,

the draft contract in the EIS.

10.2.2. The notice of procurement shall contain the information in accordance

with paragraph7.6.

10.3. Procurement documentation 10.3.1. Procurement documentation shall contain information in accordance with

paragraph7.7, as well as: Requirements for the term and/or volume of quality assurance of goods, works,

services, for the maintenance of goods, for the costs of operation of the goods (if necessary). Information about the currency used to form the contract value and settlements

with suppliers. The procedure for applying the official foreign currency exchange rate to the

ruble of the Russian Federation established by the Bank of Russia and used for payment of the

concluded agreement, if the foreign currency is used to form the contract value. Information about the possibility of the customer to increase the quantity of

the delivered goods upon conclusion of the contract (if necessary). Information about the possibility of the customer to change the quantity of

goods specified in the contract, the scope of work, services and the percentage of such change

(if necessary). Date and time of the beginning and end of the receipt of bids for participation

in the request for proposals. The procedure and deadline for withdrawal of participation bids in the request

for proposals, the procedure for amending such bids. Validity period of the bid (if necessary). The validity period of the provision of the bid (if necessary). The deadline for signing the contract by the winning bidder, other

procurement participants (if necessary). The consequences of the recognition of the request for proposals failed. Other information and requirements depending on the subject of


10.3.2. A purchase contract and procurement documentation shall be accompanied by a

draft contract concluded on the basis of the procurement results, which is an integral part of the

procurement notice and procurement documentation (when conducting a request for proposals

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for several lots, a single draft contract may be attached to the procurement documentation

containing general conditions for the lots and special conditions for each lot).

10.3.3. The procedure for sending a request for clarification of the provisions of the

procurement documentation shall be set out in paragraphs 7.7.5-7.7.7.

10.4. Requirements for the participation bid for the request of proposals 10.4.1. In order to participate in the request for proposals, the participant shall prepare

a bid drawn up in full compliance with the requirements of the procurement documentation.

10.4.2. A participation bid for the request of proposals may contain information similar

to the information specified in paragraph7.5 including the requirement

to submit any other documents or copies of documents, the list of which is specified by the

procurement documentation confirming the compliance of the application submitted by the

procurement participant with the requirements specified in the documentation


10.5. The procedure for submitting bids for participation in the request for proposals in electronic form

The procedure for submitting a participation bid for the request of proposals in

electronic form shall be determined by the regulations of the operator of the electronic platform

where the request of proposals is made in electronic form.

10.6. Review, evaluation and comparison of bids for participation in the request for proposals

10.6.1. Consideration, evaluation and comparison of bids for participation in the request

for proposals shall be carried out consistently taking into account the requirements of


10.6.2. The tender committee shall review the bids submitted for participation

in the request for proposals in electronic form for their compliance with the requirements of the

procurement documentation.

10.6.3. Evaluation and comparison of bids shall be carried out by the tender committee

strictly in accordance with the procedure for evaluation and comparison of the bids specified

in the procurement documentation.

10.7. Determining the winning bidder of the request for proposals 10.7.1. The winning bidder of the procurement is the procurement participant who has

proposed the best combination of the terms and conditions for the execution of the contract, and

whose bid has been awarded the highest number of points according to the results of evaluation

and comparison of bids. The decision on determining the winning bidder, the tender committee

shall take on the basis of the ranking of bids.

10.7.2. If several bids for participation in the request for proposals in electronic form

contain the same conditions for the execution of the contract, a lower sequence number shall be

assigned to the bid for participation in the procurement, which arrived before other bids

containing the same conditions.

10.7.3. According to the results of the meeting of the tender committee, at which the

winning bidder of the request for proposals is determined in electronic form, a protocol shall be

drawn up summation of the request for proposals in accordance

with paragraph 7.8.

10.7.4. The specified protocol shall be placed by the customer no later than three days

from the date of signing in the EIS.

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11. Order of the request for quotations

11.1. General procedure for conducting a request for quotations in electronic form

11.1.1. The procedure for conducting a request for quotations in electronic form shall

be determined by this section, as well as by the regulations of the operator of the electronic

platform on which such a request for quotations is carried out.

11.1.2. In order to purchase products by requesting quotations

in electronic form, it shall: Develop and place in the EIS a notice of purchase, a draft contract. If necessary, make changes to the notice of purchase. Review and evaluate quotes bids. Place in the EIS a protocol compiled following the results of the request for

quotations in electronic form. Conclude a contract on the results of the purchase.

11.2. Procurement notice 11.2.1. When conducting a request for quotations, the customer no less than five

working days before the day of the end (expiration) of the deadline for submission of bids for

participation in the request for quotations shall place a notice of purchase and a draft contract

in the EIS.

11.2.2. The notice of procurement shall contain information in accordance with

paragraph7.6, as well as the following information: Requirements for the term and/or volume of quality assurance of goods, works,

services, for the maintenance of goods, for the costs of operation of the goods (if necessary). Information about the currency used to form the contract value

and settlements with suppliers. The procedure for applying the official foreign currency exchange rate to the

ruble of the Russian Federation established by the Bank of Russia and used for payment of the

concluded agreement, if the foreign currency is used to form the contract value. Information about the possibility of the customer to increase the quantity of

the delivered goods upon conclusion of the contract (if necessary). Information about the possibility of the customer to change the quantity of

goods specified in the contract, the scope of work, services and the percentage of such change

(if necessary). Dates and start and end times for accepting bids for participation in the request

for quotations. The procedure and time limit for the withdrawal of bids for participation in the

request for quotations. The procedure for making changes to such bids. Validity period of the bid (if necessary). The validity period of the provision of the bid (if necessary). The deadline for signing the contract by the winning bidder, other

procurement participants (if necessary). Consequences of declaring a request for quotes invalid. Other information and requirements depending on the subject of


11.3. Requirements for the composition and content of the bid for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form (hereinafter-the quotation application)

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11.3.1. To participate in the request for quotations in electronic form, the procurement

participant shall prepare a bid for participation in the request for quotations drawn up in full

compliance with the requirements of the notice of procurement.

11.3.2. The bid form is set in Appendix 2.

11.3.3. The bid shall contain: For a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, an individual person:

а) completed quote bid form in accordance with the requirements of the notice of


б) the procurement participant profile in accordance with the form specified in the

notice of procurement;

в) documents confirming the right of the procurement participant to supply goods of

which he is not a manufacturer, and the provision of branded guarantees of the manufacturer of

the goods;

г) information about the functional characteristics (consumer properties)

and the quality characteristics of the goods, works, services. To the extent set forth in the

procurement documentation, copies of documents certifying conformance of goods, works and

services to the requirements stipulated by legislation of the Russian Federation provided that

mandatory requirements are imposed on such goods, works and services in accordance with

legislation of the Russian Federation;

д) the consent of the procurement participant to comply with the terms and conditions

of the contract specified in the notice of procurement;

е) the contract value including the price of products with the indication of information

on expenses included or not included in it (expenses for carriage, insurance, payment of customs

duties, taxes, fees and other obligatory payments);

ж) other documents or copies of documents, the list of which is specified by the notice

of purchase confirming the compliance of the quote bid with the requirements established in

the notice of procurement. For a joint procurement participant:

а) a document confirming the association of persons acting on the side of one

procurement participant (joint participant) and the right of a specific procurement participant to

participate in the procurement on behalf of the members of the joint participant (original or

notarized copy);

б) documents and information in accordance with paragraph11.3.3.1, wherein the

procurement participant profile required in accordance with the transferб), shall be


from each member of the collective participant.

11.3.4. Other requirements for the quotation bid shall be established

in the procurement documentation depending on the subject of procurement.

11.3.5. The procedure for submitting a bid for participation in the request for quotations

in electronic form shall be determined by the regulations of the operator of the electronic

platform on which the request for quotations is made in electronic form.

11.3.6. Review and evaluation of quotation requests shall be carried out by the tender

committee for their compliance with the requirements of the procurement notice.

11.4. Determination of the winning bidder of the request for quotations 11.4.1. The winning bidder of the request for quotations shall be the procurement

participant whose bid meets the requirements established by the notice of procurement

and contains the lowest contract value.

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11.4.2. When offering the lowest contract value to several procurement participants, the

winning bidder of the request for quotations in electronic form shall be the participant whose

bid was received before other bids in which the same price was offered.

11.4.3. According to the results of the meeting of the tender committee at which the

winning bidder of the request for quotations is determined in electronic form, a protocol for

summarizing the request for quotations shall be made in electronic form

in accordance with paragraph7.8.

11.4.4. The protocol shall be signed by all members of the tender committee present at

the meeting on the day of summing up the request for quotations in electronic form.

11.4.5. The specified protocol shall be placed by the customer no later than three days

from the date of signing in the EIS.

12. The order of the competitive selection, price selection

12.1. General procedure for competitive selection, price selection 12.1.1. In order to purchase products through the competitive selection

and price selection, it shall: Develop and place in the EIS a notice of procurement, procurement

documentation, a draft contract. In case of receiving from the procurement participant a request for clarification

of the provisions of the procurement documentation, provide the necessary clarifications. If necessary, make changes to the notice of procurement, procurement

documentation. Consider, evaluate and compare the bids for participation in the notice

of procurement, the procurement documentation. Place in the EIS a protocol drawn up on the basis of a competitive selection or

price selection. Conclude a contract on the results of the purchase.

12.2. Procurement Notice and Documentation 12.2.1. When conducting a competitive selection or price selection, the customer shall,

at least four working days before the deadline for the submission of bids for participation in the

procurement, post a notice of procurement and procurement documentation, the draft contract

in the EIS.

12.2.2. The notice of procurement shall contain the information in accordance

with paragraph7.6.

12.2.3. The documentation shall indicate the information in accordance

with paragraph 7.7as well as an indication that the conduct of non-bidding procurement

procedures is not governed by Articles 447–449 of Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian

Federation. This procedure shall not be a public tender and not be governed by applicable

provisions of Articles 1057—1061 of Part Two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the implementation of these procedures shall not impose on the customer the appropriate

amount of civil-law obligations for the mandatory conclusion of a contract on the basis of such

a procedure.

12.2.4. The procedure for sending a request for clarification of the provisions of the

procurement documentation shall be set out in paragraphs 7.7.5-7.7.7.

12.3. Requirements for the bid for participation in competitive selection or price selection

12.3.1. To participate in the competitive selection or price selection, the participant shall

prepare a bid drawn up in full compliance with the requirements of the procurement


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12.3.2. A bid for participation in a competitive selection or price selection may contain

information specified in 7.5paragraph including the requirement to submit any other documents

or copies of documents, the list of which is specified by the procurement documentation,

confirming compliance of the bid submitted by the procurement participant with the

requirements specified in the procurement documentation.

12.3.3. When establishing the requirement to submit the bids

for participation in the procurement of documents issued by a third party to the procurement

participant, requirements for the issuance of such documents shall be established in such a way

as to ensure procurement participants the opportunity to receive such documents within the

stipulated time frame and also to prevent discrimination against to the participants of the


12.4. The procedure for submitting the bids for participation in competitive selection, price selection

12.4.1. The bid for participation in competitive selection, price selection shall be made

and confirmed in the corporate system and/or sent in a sealed envelope to the customer’s

representative specified in the procurement documentation.

12.4.2. The method for submitting bids for participation in procurement shall be


in the procurement documentation.

12.4.3. The order of filing bids in the corporate system shall be determined by the

regulations of the corporate system.

12.5. Review, evaluation and comparison of bids for participation in competitive selection, price selection

Consideration, evaluation and comparison of bids for participation in competitive

selection or price selection shall be carried out taking into account the requirements of


12.6. Determination of the winning bidder of the competitive selection, price selection

12.6.1. The winning bidder of the competitive selection shall be the procurement

participant who has proposed the best combination of terms and conditions for the execution of

the contract, and whose application has been awarded the highest number of points according

to the results of evaluation and comparison of bids.

12.6.2. The winning bidder of the price selection shall be the participant who offered

the lowest contract value.

12.6.3. The decision on determining the winning bidder, the tender committee shall take

on the basis of the ranking of bids.

12.6.4. If several bids for participation in a competitive selection or price selection

contain the same terms and conditions for the execution of the contract, a lower sequence

number shall be assigned to the procurement participation bid which arrived earlier than other

bids containing the same conditions.

12.6.5. According to the results of the meeting of the tender committee, at which the

winning bidder is determined in a competitive selection or price selection, the final protocol

shall be drawn up in accordance with paragraph7.8.

12.6.6. The protocol shall be signed by all members of the tender committee present at

the meeting no later than three working days from the date of summing up the competitive

selection, price selection.

12.6.7. The specified protocol shall be placed by the customer no later than three days

from the date of signing in the EIS.

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13. Procurement from a single supplier

13.1. An exhaustive list of procurement cases from a single supplier has been

established in paragraph6.7.

13.2. In order to purchase products from a single supplier, it shall:

13.2.1. To justify the need for the customer to conclude a contract

with a single supplier, the formation of the initial (maximum) contract value and the choice of

a particular supplier with whom such a contract shall be concluded. The decision to approve the

purchase from a single supplier shall be made by the tender committee.

13.2.2. To conclude a contract with a single supplier.

13.3. Notification and procurement documentation from a single supplier by the

customer shall not be developed and shall not be subject to placement in the EIS.

13.4. Decisions made by the tender committee on the approval of the procurement from

a single supplier shall not be subject to placement in the EIS.

13.5. The customer shall offer to conclude a contract for a particular supplier or accept

an offer to conclude a contract from a specific supplier.

14. The procedure for conducting small purchases

14.1. In order to purchase products through a small procurement, it shall conclude a

contract with the counter party.

14.2. When conducting such a procurement, the customer shall not draw up and shall

not place in the EIS a notice of procurement, procurement documentation or a draft contract.

14.3. When conducting a small procurement, the customer shall be entitled to conduct

market analysis in order to determine the contract value with the counter party. When analyzing

the market, the customer shall be entitled to use information received from suppliers upon

request, other information.

15. The procedure for conducting the procedure for the accreditation selection of suppliers of ATI and services for urgent non-routine maintenance services of AT

15.1. The customer for the activities related to the provision of air transportation shall

be obliged to purchase the necessary ATI and services for urgent non-routine maintenance of

AT (hereinafter-TO AT maintenance services) only from the supplier that is included in the list

of approved suppliers for this item.

15.2. Lists of approved suppliers shall be formed by the customer and be updated when

the need for ATI, services for TO AT is changed.

15.3. To form and update the lists of approved suppliers, the customer shall conduct

procedures for the accreditation selection of ATI suppliers and services for maintenance

of AT (hereinafter-accreditation selection).

15.4. Accreditation is a non-competitive method of procurement.

15.5. The notification of the accreditation procedure shall include:

information about the ATI nomenclature/types of services for TO AT;

the reason for the accreditation selection (formation of a new one or updating of existing

lists of suppliers);

information on the procedure and deadlines for filing bids;

information on the order of consideration of bids and selection of participants.

15.6. The notification of the accreditation selection, the documentation

which establishes the requirements for ATI suppliers/service providers for TO AT, the draft

framework contract for the supply of ATI/provision of services for TO AT shall be placed

in the EIS.

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15.7. Bids for participation in the accreditation selection shall be submitted in the

corporate system.

15.8. All participants of the accreditation screening procedure shall be subject to

uniform requirements established in the documentation placed in the EIS.

15.9. According to the results of the accreditation selection, a protocol of the tender

committee shall be drawn up which reflects the list of participants that have passed the

accreditation selection and decisions on admission/refusal of admission of participants in the

accreditation selection, other information in accordance with paragraph7.7.2.

15.10. The results of the accreditation selection shall be posted in the EIS.

15.11. Within 180 days from the date of placement of the final protocol in the EIS,

the participants who have undergone the accreditation selection shall conclude a framework

contract for the supply of ATI/provision of services for maintenance of TO AT.

15.12. After the conclusion of a framework contract, a person included in the list of

approved suppliers shall be entitled to send technical and commercial proposals in accordance

with the needs of the customer located in the corporate system (hereinafter referred to as quotas

for ATI/services for TO AT).

15.13. The quota of ATI/services for maintenance of AT, as a result of accreditation

selection, shall not a separate procurement or an independent procurement method. The quoting

of ATI/services for TO AT shall be carried out in the corporate system in accordance

with the regulations of the corporate system in order to clarify the price and other indicators of

a specific nomenclature for ATI/services for TO AT.

15.14. The participants who have undergone accreditation selection shall submit

technical and commercial proposals for certain products in the corporate system after the

customer has posted the relevant request for pricing, delivery terms and other necessary

information on a specific ATI nomenclature/service

for TO AT.

15.15. The procedure and deadlines for the submission of technical and commercial

proposals shall be determined in the customer's request, placed in the corporate system.

15.16. An order for the supply of the necessary products shall be made

with the participant who has offered the best conditions for meeting the needs of the customer.

15.17. Current lists of suppliers admitted to the ATI quotas/services for

TO AT shall be posted on the customer's website in the “Purchase tenders” section.

16. Features of the procurement procedure of expensive special equipment

16.1. When purchasing expensive special equipment using competitive methods other

than bidding, the customer shall place a notice of purchase, procurement documentation and a

draft contract in the EIS at least fourteen calendar days before the deadline for accepting bids

for participation in the competitive procedure.

16.2. In addition to the mandatory requirements for the legal capacity of the participants

referred to in paragraph 7.3, procurement documentation of expensive special equipment by

competitive means, the requirement shall be established that there are no legal disputes over the

last 3 years (namely: judicial acts testifying to the non-fulfillment by the participant of the

supply obligations in which the participant acted as a supplier (when the court tried several

instances-the last not canceled judicial act on the consideration of the case on the merits). A

procurement participant shall be deemed to comply with the established requirement if he

provided a certificate of the absence of judicial decisions, evidence of the failure of the

procurement participant to the purchase obligations under the supply, and passed not in favor

of the procurement participant, signed by the head of the procurement participant and sealed.

16.3. The customer shall be entitled to provide in the procurement documentation that

in some cases the winning bidder of the competitive procedure in the period from the 12th to

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the 20th calendar day from the date of placement in the EIS of the protocol drawn up based on

the results of the procurement procedure, but no later than the date of conclusion of the contract

with the winning bidder, shall provide irrevocable bank guarantee for the total amount of the

contract. The period of validity of a bank guarantee shall be at least one month after the

expiration of the term of the supply contract. The grounds for the provision of a bank guarantee

and its conditions, as well as a list of possible guarantor banks and a sample of the guarantee

shall be indicated in the procurement documentation.

16.4. The purchase of expensive special equipment by the non-competitive methods

provided for by RI-GD-148Х shall be allowed from the suppliers who have documented:

16.4.1. Compliance with the requirements established in paragraph16.2.

16.4.2. The presence of an irrevocable bank guarantee for the amount of the total value

of the contract that meets the requirements of paragraph16.3, in cases where the supplier of the

purchased special equipment is not its manufacturer.

16.4.3. Experience in supplying similar special equipment in the aviation industry of

Russia for at least 3 years or the status of a manufacturer of purchased special equipment, or

confirmation of the uniqueness of this equipment.

A procurement participant shall be considered to comply with the established

requirement if he provided the duly certified copies of documents certifying the fulfillment of

obligations for the supply of similar special equipment in the aviation industry of Russia

(acceptance certificates, reference letters, etc.) or a status confirmation letter of the procurement

participant-a manufacturer of special equipment, or a letter confirming the uniqueness of this

equipment signed by the head of the procurement participant and sealed.

17. Features of the procurement procedures of the aircraft leasing services

17.1. When purchasing aircraft leasing services (hereinafter-purchasing aircraft leasing

services), the customer shall be guided by the requirements of RI-GD-148Х taking into account

the features established by this section.

17.2. Procurement of aircraft leasing services can be carried out both by competitive

methods provided for by RI-GD-148Х and by non-competitive methods

on the basis of paragraph6.7.13. At the same time, the competitive procurement methods shall

be priority.

17.3. Procurement of services for leasing of aircraft with limited participation shall be

carried out according to the results of PKO conducted in accordance with the requirements of

paragraph 5.6.

17.4. If the customer has decided to purchase the services of aircraft leasing in the form

of competitive selection with limited participation, the customer shall be entitled to provide in

the procurement documentation:

17.4.1. Conclusion of a single (common, one, consolidated) contract

with the same winning bidder for several lots (in the case of a multi-lot procurement procedure).

17.4.2. Change of supplier (lessor) during the validity period of the aircraft leasing

contract for reasons beyond the control of the customer. In this case, the justification for such a

change shall be indicated in the procurement documentation. A repeated/separate procurement

procedure shall not be carried out at the change of the supplier (provided that the essential terms

and conditions of the contract specified in the notice, the procurement

documentation, the draft contract are preserved).

17.4.3. Reimbursement to the procurement participant of expenses incurred by them

related to the preparation of a procurement participation bid upon presentation by the

participants of the procurement of claims for such reimbursement.

17.4.4. The possibility of signing additional documentation in the framework of the

conclusion of a leasing contract without the attachment of relevant draft documents at the stage

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of the procurement procedure as part of the procurement documentation,

but with a list and description of such documents in the procurement documentation.

17.4.5. The possibility of changing the draft aircraft lease contract on the initiative of

the customer and/or procurement participants after the completion of the competitive

procurement procedure with preservation of the essential conditions specified in the notice, the

procurement documentation, the draft contract.

18. Conducting competitive purchases among only small and medium-sized businesses

18.1. Competitive purchases among only small and medium-sized businesses

(hereinafter referred to as SMSBs) shall be carried out in accordance with RI-GD-148X

taking into account the requirements provided for by Federal Law No. 223-FL, Decree of the

Government of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2014 No. 1352

“On Participation Peculiarities of small and medium-sized businesses

in the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities".

18.2. Competitive purchases among SMSBs shall be carried out according to the

procurement plan of the customer located in the EIS.

18.3. The main criterion for attributing bargaining to purchases among the enterprises

of SMSB is the inclusion of products in the current “List of goods, works, services procured

from small and medium-sized businesses” (hereinafter referred to as the List) of a customer

placed in the EIS. Wherein:

а) if the initial (maximum) contract value (the lot value)

for the supply of product services does not exceed two hundred million rubles and the specified

product is included in the List, the customer shall be obliged to purchase such products only

from the enterprises of SMSB;

б) if the initial (maximum) contract value (the lot value)

for the supply of products exceeds two hundred million rubles, but does not exceed four hundred

million rubles, and the specified products are included in the List, the customer shall be entitled

to purchase such products from the enterprises of SMSB.

18.4. When making purchases only from the enterprises of SMSB, the customer shall

be entitled, upon the expiration of the time period for accepting applications, to carry out the

procurement in the manner prescribed by RI-GD-148Х, without following the rules established

by this section, in cases where:

а) small and medium-sized businesses have not submitted the bids

for participation in such procurement;

б) bids of all procurement participants that are the enterprises of SMSB are withdrawn

or do

not meet the requirements stipulated by the procurement documentation;

в) the bid submitted by the sole procurement participant who is an enterprise of SMSB

does not comply with the requirements provided for in the procurement documentation;

г) the customer in the manner prescribed by RI-GD-148H, decided that the contract on

the results of the procurement is not concluded.

18.5. Competitive procurement involving the enterprise of SMSB shall be carried out

by holding a competition in electronic form, an auction in electronic form, a request for


in electronic form, or a request for proposals in electronic form.

18.6. Placement of a competitive procurement notice with the participation of small and

medium-sized enterprises in the EIS shall be carried out within the time limits stipulated by

Federal Law No. 223-FL.

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18.7. When carrying out procurement with the participation of enterprises of SMSB, the

notice of purchase and the procurement documentation shall indicate that only enterprises of

SMSB may participate in such a procurement.

18.8. In the case of competitive procurement with the participation of the enterprises of

SMSB, the provision of participation bids in such competitive procurement (if the requirement

to secure bids is established by the customer in the notice of procurement, procurement

documentation) may be provided by the participants of such procurement by depositing funds

or providing a bank guarantee. The choice of the method of securing a bid for participation

in such procurement shall be made by the participant in such procurement.

18.9. In the case of competitive procurement with the participation of enterprises of

SMSB, funds intended to secure a participation bid in such procurement shall be made by the

procurement participant to a special account opened with him in a bank included in the list

determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

18.10. The funds deposited in a special bank account as a security for bids for

participation in competitive procurement with the participation of the enterprises of SMSB shall

be transferred to the customer’s account specified in the notice of procurement, procurement

documentation, in case of evasion including failure to provide or provision

in violation of the conditions established by the notice of procurement, the procurement

documentation, prior to the conclusion of the contract, the customer securing the execution of

the contract (if the notice of procurement, the procurement documentation shall establishes the

requirement to ensure the use of the contract), or the participant’s refusal to conclude a contract.

18.11. The contract for the results of competitive procurement with the participation of

small and medium-sized enterprises shall be concluded using software and hardware of ETP

and be signed by the electronic signature of the person entitled to act on behalf of the customer,

respectively, participant of such competitive procurement.

18.12. The contract based on the results of the competitive procurement with the

participation of enterprises of SMSB shall be concluded on the conditions provided for in the

draft contract, the documentation on competitive procurement, a notice of competitive

procurement or an invitation to participate in such procurement and a bid from a participant in

such procurement with whom the contract is concluded.

18.13. If the contract based on the results of the procurement from the enterprises of

SMSB is not concluded, the customer shall be entitled to cancel the decision on identifying the

supplier (performer, contractor) made on the basis of such procurement, and to carry out the

procurement in the manner prescribed by RI-GD-148X without observing the rules established

by this section.

19. Conclusion and execution of the contract

19.1. Contracts for the supply of goods, performance of works and rendering of services

shall be concluded by the customer based on the results of procurement carried out in

accordance with the procurement plan (if information on such procurement shall be included in

the procurement plan in accordance with the accepted in accordance Part 2 of Article 4 of

Federal Law No. 223-FL for the formation of this plan) placed

in the EIS (if the information on such purchases is subject to placement in the EIS

in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FL) with the exception of cases when the need for

procurement arises due to an accident, other emergency situations of natural or man-made

nature, force majeure, if urgent medical intervention is necessary and also to prevent the threat

of occurrence of these situations.

19.2. The contract for the results of competitive procurement shall be concluded no

earlier than ten days and no later than twenty days from the date of placement in the unified

information system of the final protocol drawn on the basis of the results of competitive

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procurement. If approval is necessary for the customer’s management body in accordance with

the legislation of the Russian Federation to conclude a contract or if an anti-monopoly authority

appeals against the customer’s actions (inaction), the competitive procurement committee, the

electronic platform operator, the contract shall be concluded no later than five days after the

date specified from the date of the decision of the anti-monopoly authority

on the results of the appeal of the actions (inaction) of the customer, the committee

for the implementation of competitive procurement, the operator of the electronic platform.

19.3. According to the results of the procurement of products by the customer and the

winning bidder, a contract shall be concluded on the basis of the draft contract. When

conducting a procurement in a non-competitive way, the Customer shall be entitled to refuse to

conclude a contract at any time, without incurring any liability to the procurement participant

including reimbursement of any costs, losses associated with his participation in the

procurement, negotiation, etc.

19.4. A contract in writing can be concluded by drawing up a single document signed

by the parties, as well as by exchanging letters, telegrams, telexes, telefax and other documents

including electronic documents transmitted via communication channels allowing to establish

reliably that the document is from under contract.

An electronic document transmitted via communication channels is information

prepared, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means including

the exchange of information in electronic form and electronic mail.

19.5. If the procurement documentation establishes the requirement to ensure the

execution of the contract, the contract can be concluded only after the procurement participant

has provided the contract with which the contract is concluded to ensure the execution of the

contract in the manner, form and amount specified in the procurement documentation.

19.6. After determining the participant with whom, in accordance with RI-GD-148X, a

contract shall be concluded, the customer shall be entitled to refuse to conclude the contract

with such participant if the following facts are established regarding him:

19.6.1. Carrying out the liquidation of a procurement participant-a legal entity or a

decision made by an arbitration court to declare a procurement participant-a legal entity, an

individual entrepreneur to be bankrupt and to open bankruptcy proceedings.

19.6.2. Suspension of the activities of the procurement participant in the manner

prescribed by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

19.6.3. Providing the procurement participant of knowingly false information contained

in the documents submitted by them.

19.6.4. Finding the property of a procurement participant under arrest imposed by court


19.6.5. Presence from the procurement participant of arrears in taxes, fees, debts for

other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation

(accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for which there is a court decision

that has entered into force on the recognition of the applicant’s obligation to pay these amounts

fulfilled or deemed to be hopeless for recovery in accordance with the legislation of the Russian

Federation on taxes and fees) as of the date not earlier than 30 days before the date on which

the participant submitted the bid for participation in the procurement procedure.

19.7. Refusal to enter into a contract is possible for the following reasons:

19.7.1. the occurrence of force majeure circumstances confirmed by the relevant

document and affecting the expediency of the conclusion and/or performance of the contract;

19.7.2. unforeseen change in demand for products, including changes in production and

other programs, changes in project documentation, changes in the terms and conditions of the

contract with the main customer, in fulfillment of which the purchase was made;

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19.7.3. lack of approval of the contract by the customer’s management body in

accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

19.7.4. lack of funding;

19.7.5. the need to comply with the instructions of the supervisory authorities and/or a

judicial act that has entered into legal force;

19.7.6. the presence of significant errors in the preparation of the notice

of procurement and/or procurement documentation including the draft contract, which impede

the execution of the contract and the needs of the customer;

19.7.7. changes in the legislation governing the execution of the contract and/or

justifying the need for products.

19.8. Information about the refusal to conclude a contract shall be posted

in the EIS no later than three days after the adoption of such a decision.

19.9. The customer in agreement with the contractor, shall be entitled to amend or

terminate the contract in the event of a significant change in the circumstances from which they

proceeded at the conclusion of the contract in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the

Russian Federation.

In case of failure to reach an agreement on amending terms and conditions of the

contract in accordance with the substantially changed circumstances or on its termination, the

contract may be terminated or modified by the court in the manner and on the grounds provided

for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

19.10. The customer may unilaterally refuse to fulfill obligations under the contract on

the grounds provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

19.11. If the supplier’s failure to fulfill or improperly enforce the contract caused him

to terminate early and the customer entered into a similar agreement instead, the customer shall

be entitled to demand compensation from the supplier in the form of the difference between the

price set in the terminated contract and the price of comparable goods, works or services under

the terms and conditions of the contract concluded in exchange for a terminated contract.

19.12. If the customer has not concluded a similar contract instead of a terminated

contract, but in relation to the performance stipulated by the terminated contract, there is a

current price for comparable goods, works or services, the customer shall be entitled to demand

the compensation from the supplier in the form of the difference between the price set in the

terminated contract and the current price.

19.13. The current price is the price charged at the time of termination of the contract

for comparable goods, works or services in the place where the contract was to be executed,

and in the absence of the current price in the specified place-the price that was used elsewhere

and can serve as a reasonable substitute for transportation and other additional costs.

19.14. If at the conclusion of the contract or in the course of its execution it shall be

established that the supplier provided unreliable information (including those relating

to the subject of the contract, the authority to conclude it, the agreement of the contract to the

applicable law, the availability of necessary licenses and permits to a person) about his

compliance with the requirements specified in the notice of procurement, procurement

documentation, which allowed him to become the winning bidder of the procurement, the

supplier shall compensate the customer upon his request damages caused by the inaccuracy of

such information or to pay the penalty stipulated by the contract.

19.15. The recognition of the contract as non-concluded or invalid does not prevent the

onset of the consequences provided for by paragraph19.14.

19.16. In the case specified in paragraph19.14, the customer, along with the claim for

damages or a penalty, also shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract, unless otherwise

provided by the contract or through the court to demand recognition of the contract as invalid.

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Regulations on the procurement of goods,

works, services


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19.17. If the counter-party does not have a license to carry out activities or membership

in a self-regulating organization necessary for the fulfillment of the obligation under the

contract, the customer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract (execution of the contract)

and demand compensation for losses.

19.18. The customer, in agreement with the counter-party during the execution of the

contract, shall be entitled to change by no more than 20 percent the amount of all goods

stipulated by the contract, the scope of works and services provided for when the demand for

goods, work, services changes, for delivery, performance, the provision of which has been

concluded in the amount of specified in the procurement documentation as well as in identifying

the need for an additional amount of work and services not covered by the contract but related

to such works, services provided by the contract.

When delivering an additional quantity of such goods, performing an additional scope

of such works, providing an additional volume of such services, the customer, in agreement

with the counter-party, shall be entitled to change the initial contract value in proportion to the

number of such goods, the scope of such works, services, and when making appropriate changes

to the contract due to the requirements for the supply of such goods, the performance of such

works, the provision of such services, the customer will necessarily change the contract price

in this way.

19.19. The winning bidder, another participant who has concluded a contract with the

customer (with the exception of the procurement participants who are public authorities, state

and municipal institutions and unitary enterprises), shall be obliged to inform the customer, in

the terms established by the contract about the changes in information regarding the entire chain

of owners including beneficiaries (including final ones) and on the composition of the executive

bodies with confirmation by relevant documents.

19.20. When executing the contract, the supplier shall not be changed,

except for the cases established by RI-GD-148X and also if the new supplier is the legal

successor of the supplier under such contract due to the reorganization of the legal entity

provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation

in the form of transformation, merger or accession.

19.21. The contract may provide for reimbursement of property losses arising in the

event of circumstances specified in the contract and not related to violation of the obligation by

its party (losses caused by the inability to fulfill the obligation, claims made by third parties or

state authorities to the party or third party specified in the agreement, etc.). In this case, the

contract shall specify the amount of compensation for such losses or the procedure for

determining it.

19.22. If a contract is concluded with an individual person with the exception of an

individual entrepreneur or other person engaged in private practice, the contract may include a

condition to reduce the amount payable to an individual person by the amount of tax and other

obligatory payments related to the payment of the contract, connection with the execution of

the duties of the tax agent by the customer.

19.23. According to the results of competitive procurement, the customer shall be

entitled to conclude the contracts with several participants of such procurement in the manner

and in the cases established in RI-GD-148X.

19.24. The possibility of assignment of the right of claim under the procurement contract

concluded by Aeroflot, PJSC with a small or medium-sized business entity based on the results

of procurement using methods specified by RI-GD-148X with the exception of bidding,

according to the provisions of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, in favor of a

financial agent (factoring) shall be permitted under the following conditions:

19.24.1. The conclusion of a factoring contract is possible only with the prior written

consent of Aeroflot, PJSC.

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Regulations on the procurement of goods,

works, services


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19.24.2. Aeroflot, PJSC shall be notified in writing by a small or medium-sized business

entity with which a procurement contract has been concluded or by a financial agent, no later

than three days from the date of the factoring contract, to conclude a factoring contract with a

determination of the monetary claim to be executed, also indicating the name of the financial

agent to whom the payment should be made and its bank details. In this case, sending a

notification of the conclusion of a factoring contract by a financial agent, evidence shall be

attached to it that the assignment of the monetary claim to the financial agent actually took

place (a factoring contract or a properly certified copy thereof or other appropriate evidence).

If the financial agent fails to fulfill this obligation, Aeroflot, PJSC shall be entitled to make a

payment to a small or medium-sized business entity

with which a procurement contract has been concluded, in fulfillment of its obligation to the


19.24.3. Aeroflot, PJSC, when executing a monetary claim, shall be entitled to submit

to the financial agent its monetary claims arising from the procurement contract with a small or

medium-sized business entity that already existed at the time when the notification on entering

into the factoring contract was received.

19.24.4. The fulfillment of the monetary requirement of Aeroflot, PJSC to a financial

agent shall be relieved of Aeroflot, PJSC from the corresponding obligation to a small or

medium-sized business entity with which a procurement contract has been concluded.

20. Rights and obligations

20.1. A procurement participant shall be entitled to appeal in a court of law actions

(inaction) of a customer when purchasing products.

20.2. A procurement participant shall be entitled to appeal to the anti-monopoly

authority in the manner prescribed by Art. 18.1 of the Federal Law dated July 26, 2006 No.

135-FL “On Protection of Competition” taking into account the features established by Part 10

of Article 3 of Federal Law No. 223-FL, the actions (inaction) of the customer,

the procurement committee, the operator of the electronic platform when purchasing products,

if such actions (inaction) violate the rights and legitimate interests of the procurement

participant in the following cases:

20.2.1. Implementation by the customer of the procurement in violation of the

requirements of Federal Law No. 223-FL and/or the procedure for preparing and (or) carrying

out the procurement contained in the provisions for the procurement of such a customer

approved and placed in the EIS.

20.2.2. Violations by the operator of the electronic platform in the implementation of

the procurement of products, the requirements established by Federal Law No. 223-FL.

20.2.3. Failure to place in EIS RI-GD-148X, the changes made to RI-GD-148X,

information on procurement, information and documents on contracts concluded by the

customer on the results of procurement, as well as other information to be subject to placement

in the EIS in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FL, or violation of the terms of such


20.2.4. Presentation to the procurement participants requirements for the submission of

documents not covered by the procurement documentation.

20.2.5. The implementation of customers procurement of products in the absence of

approved and placed in the EIS RI-GD-148X and without applying the provisions of the Federal

Law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44 -FL "On the contractual system in the procurement of goods,

works and services to ensure state and municipal needs".

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Regulations on the procurement of goods,

works, services


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20.2.6. Non-placement in the EIS or the placement of false information

about the annual volume of purchases that customers are required to make from small and

medium-sized businesses.

20.3. If the actions (inaction) being appealed were committed by the customer, the

procurement committee, the operator of the electronic platform after the expiration set in the

procurement documentation of the deadline for filing bids for participation

in the procurement, only those procurement participant who submitted the bid can appeal the

actions (inactions) to participate in the procurement.

Deputy Director General

on legal and property issues Aleksandrov V.B. Prepared by Arkhipova S.L. Tel. 2426

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Regulations on the procurement of goods,

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Annex No. 1

Counter-party Information



Name of counter-party

(INN, type of activity)

Contract (details, subject, price, validity period

and other essential conditions)


Information on the chain of ownership of the counter-party including the beneficiaries

(including the final ones)



er’s Identific






e of






Full name of the





ty a

nd t











on d





and date

Subject of the




n rubles)




er s








er’s Identific










Address of


s of registration

Series and

number of the

identity document

(for an

individual person)


shareholder/beneficiary/data of

the executive


Information on

the supporting documents


details, etc.)

1 1.1






Position, surname, initials of the head of the counter-party _______________________

Seal signature / date /


The table contains detailed information about the chain of owners of the counter-party (founders/shareholders; for founders/shareholders who are legal entities,

information about their founders, etc.) including the ultimate beneficiaries:

1.1, 1.2-owners of the counter-party under the contract (owners of the first level);

1.1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2 etc. -owners of the organization 1.1 (owners of the second level)

and further-according to a similar scheme to the final beneficiary (

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Regulations on the procurement of goods,

works, services


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Annex No. 2

Bid form for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form

On the letterhead of the procurement participant

Original number, date

To the Procurement Committee _____________

PROCUREMENT No. _________


Having studied the notice of the request for quotations in electronic form

for the right to conclude a contract on ________________________________,

________________ (full name (for legal entity) /full name (for an individual person) of a

procurement participant), represented by ______________________ (position, full name)

acting on the basis of _________, agrees to participate

in the request for quotations in electronic form on the conditions established in the notice

of the request for quotations in electronic form.

We offer to supply products that are the subject of a request for quotations

in full compliance with the requirements of the notice of the request for quotations

on the conditions presented in this bid including the offer:

1. To supply (execute/provide) _________________________________

at the contract value _______________________ (amount in numbers and in words) including

VAT _____________________________ (amount in numbers and in words) rubles taking into

account all the costs associated with the supply of goods/performance of works/services

including expenses for the payment of taxes, fees and other obligatory payments that the

supplier (performer, contractor) shall pay in connection

with the fulfillment of obligations under the Contract in accordance with the legislation of the

Russian Federation.

2. Characteristics of the supplied products:

(the characteristics shall be described so that it is possible to determine the compliance

of the proposed product with the requirements

set forth in Annex ___).

If ____________________ (name (for a legal entity) /full name (for an individual

person) of the procurement participant) shall be recognized as the winning bidder of the request

for quotations in electronic form, we undertake to conclude a contract in accordance with the

requirements of the notification of the request for quotations in electronic form and the

conditions proposed in this bid, within the period specified in the notice of the request for

quotations in electronic form.

The validity period of this quotation bid is 60 (sixty) days.

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Regulations on the procurement of goods,

works, services


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Applications to the quotation bid:

1. The procurement participant profile on ___ l.

2. __________ (title of the document) on ___ l.

3. __________ (title of the document) on ___ l.

Head of the procurement participant: ______________ /initials, surname/

(or authorized representative) (signature)

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Regulations on the procurement of goods,

works, services


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Annex No. 3

The list of interdependent organizations


No. Name, INN

Justification for inclusion in

the list in accordance with

the Tax Code of the Russian


1 Victory Airlines, Limited Liability Company,


pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


2 Rossiya Airlines, Joint Stock Company,


pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


3 Avrora Airlines, Joint Stock Company, 6501161401

pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


4 Donavia, Joint Stock Company, 6166041242

pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


5 Orenburg Airlines, Joint Stock Company,


pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


6 Sheremetyevo Security, Joint Stock Company,


pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


7 Sherotel, Joint Stock Company, 7712014856

pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


8 Aeromar, Closed Joint Stock Company,


pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


9 Aeroflot Aviation School, Private Professional

Educational Institution, 7712050519

pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


10 Aeroflot-Finance, Limited Liability Company,


pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian


11 A-Technics, Limited Liability Company,


pp 1 p. 2 Art. 105.1 of the

Tax Code of the Russian

