
Regular Negative Ud. Or Uds. Commands

The regular Negative Ud. commands are

formed by placing no in front of the affirmative Ud. command. The only difference is that with the negative command the direct, indirect and reflexive pronouns are placed before the command.

no hablarme

no me hable

Now form the negative Ud. commands for the following infinitives. Remember that if the verb is followed by a pronoun you need to place it appropriately.


no se vaya

don’t go

Estar triste

¡No esté triste!

Don’t be sad!


¡No nade!

Don’t swim!


¡No se duerma!

Don’t fall asleep!


¡No tenga!

Don’t have!


¡No lo haga!

Don’t do it!


¡No maneje!

Don’t drive!


¡No se afeite!

Don’t shave!

¡Bailen!¡ No bailen!

Patine No patine

Tómelo No lo tome

el sol

To make a negative nosotros command.

let’s not eat

you have only one option:

No comamos.

You don’t have the “vamos a” option. You can’t say “no vamos a comer.” That doesn’t mean “let’s not eat.” It isn’t a command. It can mean only “we are not going to eat.”

And what do we do with pronouns when we have a negative command? Do we tack them on the end?


That’s just for affirmative commands. You put the pronoun at the beginning of negative commands:

No lo comamos.No las busquemos.No nos sentemos.

How to ask somebody NOT to do something?

The negative informal (tú) commands are formed the following way:

hablar - ar + es = no hables!

comer - er + as = no comas!

escribir - ir + as = no escribas!

Mandatos y los pronombres

• With negative commands, you follow the same rules as with negative Ud./Uds. commands:

No me des cinco dólares.No lo tengas.No me digas.No me mires.No te sientes.

No te la pongas.No la cierres.

No me lo hagas.

Let’s Practice!

• No hables más lentamente.Don't speak more slowly.

• No comas (tú) la cena.

Don’t eat the dinner.• No escribas (tú) la


Don’t write the letter.

Infinitive Affirmative Command Negative Command

Informal Commands

• Negative tú commands– Take the 1st person singular of the verb in the

present tense, drop the “o” and switch the endings

• –ar = es;• -er/-ir =as

Just like negative Ud./Uds.commands!

No abras tu libro. No cierres la puerta.No hables con tu hermano.No juegues al baloncesto.No busques tus llaves.No laves el carro.

¡OJO!*yo- go verbs*irregular yo forms*-car/-gar/-zar verbs*SIDES- irregulares*stem-changers*spelling-changers

Informal Commands

• Irregular negative tú commands– Ser No seas travieso.– Ir No vayas a la playa. – Dar No me des tu tarea.– Estar No estés triste.– Saber No sepas la


Mandatos y los pronombres

• With negative commands, you follow the same rules as with negative Ud./Uds. commands:

No me des cinco dólares.No lo tengas.No me digas.No me mires.No te sientes.

No te la pongas.No la cierres.

No me lo hagas.
