Page 1: Registration is Free Texas recognizes June as Neonatal ... · Family& Protective Services Che’Vun Lane, CPSSubstance Use Program Specialist, Texas Dept. of Family & Protective Services

Registration is Free

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Texas recognizes June asNeonatal Abstinence Syndrome Awareness Month

Join us various dates in June for FREE Zoom CE presentationsfrom nationally known leaders on the forefront of

Neonatal Abstinence SyndromeIf you cannot make it on the date & time, we will record presentations for later viewing

Zoom PresentationsJune 1st Mother Centered Approach toTreating NASMatthew Grossman, MD, Associate Prof. ofPediatrics, Vice Chair for Quality, Dept. ofPediatrics, Quality &Safety Officer,Yale-NewHaven Children’s Hospital

June 8th MAT 101Alicia Kowalchuk, DO, Associate Professor,FCM-Clinical HCHD/CHP, Baylor College ofMedicine

June 15th Addressing Pain in MAT: How toTalk to Patients About Opioid Use CoreyWaller, MD, MS, FACEP, DFASAM, PrincipalHealth Management

June 22nd Taking intimate historieswithout shaming: Lessons learned fromworking with pregnant women who usedrugsPatricia Paluzzi, CNM, DrPH, Healthy TeenNetwork

June 29th Women & Substance Use:Understanding Stigma & NavigatingContinuum of CareChristina Allen, LCDC, SUD, SUD TreatmentSpecialized Female, Substance Use DisorderUnit, Texas HHSEdith King, MA, LPC, OSAR, Waitlist, CapacityCoordinator, Texas HHS

June 5th Optimal care for substanceexposed newborns: How to implementchange at your institutionElisha Wachman, MD, Boston UniversitySchool of Medicine

June 10th CPS Basics. From Intake toPlan of Safe CareMarco Quesada, Investigations, SubstanceUse Program Specialist, Texas Dept. ofFamily & Protective ServicesChe’Vun Lane, CPS Substance Use ProgramSpecialist, Texas Dept. of Family &Protective Services

June 17th Meeting the Needs of FamiliesAffected by Substance Use Disorders andEngaging Communities in Plans of SafeCareNancy Young, PhD, Children & FamilyFutures

June 25th Getting Beyond the Diagnosis:Promoting Infant & Family Developmentthrough Infant-Driven Care KaraWaitzman, OTR/L, CNT, NTMTC Pres.Creative Therapy Consultants

June 30th Engaging Families in Feedingand Nutritional SupportJacqueline McGrath, PhD, RN, FNAP, FAAN,UT Health San Antonio School of Nursing

In recognition of NAS Awareness Month, Texas Health and Human Services hopes to

Increase awareness about NAS to pregnant women about the dangers of using opioids duringpregnancyIncrease education and reduce stigma in seeking help for pregnant women using opioids that theyshould not discontinue opioid use due to the risk of maternal relapse, overdose, withdrawals and fetal distressProvide community resources to pregnant women in Texas.

Continuing Education: Nurses, Physicians, Psychologists, Social Workers,LCDC, LPC, Peer Recovery Coaches

NAS Awareness Month Information: Toll Free 1-833-844-4735 or [email protected]

JJuunnee 11sstt MMootthheerr CCeenntteerreedd AApppprrooaacchh ttooTTrreeaattiinngg NNAASS

JJuunnee 55tthh OOppttiimmaall ccaarree ffoorr ssuubbssttaanncceeeexxppoosseedd nneewwbboorrnnss:: HHooww ttoo iimmpplleemmeennttcchhaannggee aatt yyoouurr iinnssttiittuuttiioonn

JJuunnee 88tthh MMAATT 110011

JJuunnee 1155tthh AAddddrreessssiinngg PPaaiinn iinn MMAATT:: HHooww ttooTTaallkk ttoo PPaattiieennttss AAbboouutt OOppiiooiidd UUssee

JJuunnee 2222nndd TTaakkiinngg iinnttiimmaattee hhiissttoorriieesswwiitthhoouutt sshhaammiinngg:: LLeessssoonnss lleeaarrnneedd ffrroommwwoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh pprreeggnnaanntt wwoommeenn wwhhoo uusseeddrruuggss

JJuunnee 1100tthh CCPPSS BBaassiiccss.. FFrroomm IInnttaakkee ttooPPllaann ooff SSaaffee CCaarree

JJuunnee 1177tthh MMeeeettiinngg tthhee NNeeeeddss ooff FFaammiilliieessAAffffeecctteedd bbyy SSuubbssttaannccee UUssee DDiissoorrddeerrss aannddEEnnggaaggiinngg CCoommmmuunniittiieess iinn PPllaannss ooff SSaaffeeCCaarree

JJuunnee 2255tthh GGeettttiinngg BBeeyyoonndd tthhee DDiiaaggnnoossiiss::PPrroommoottiinngg IInnffaanntt && FFaammiillyy DDeevveellooppmmeenntttthhrroouugghh IInnffaanntt--DDrriivveenn CCaarree

JJuunnee 3300tthh EEnnggaaggiinngg FFaammiilliieess iinn FFeeeeddiinnggaanndd NNuuttrriittiioonnaall SSuuppppoorrtt

IInn rreeccooggnniittiioonn ooff NNAASS AAwwaarreenneessss MMoonntthh,, TTeexxaass HHeeaalltthh aanndd HHuummaann SSeerrvviicceess hhooppeess ttoo

IInnccrreeaassee aawwaarreenneessss aabboouutt NNAASS ttoo pprreeggnnaanntt wwoommeenn aabboouutt tthhee ddaannggeerrss ooff uussiinngg ooppiiooiiddss dduurriinnggpprreeggnnaannccyyIInnccrreeaassee eedduuccaattiioonn aanndd rreedduuccee ssttiiggmmaa iinn sseeeekkiinngg hheellpp ffoorr pprreeggnnaanntt wwoommeenn uussiinngg ooppiiooiiddss tthhaatt tthheeyysshhoouulldd nnoott ddiissccoonnttiinnuuee ooppiiooiidd uussee dduuee ttoo tthhee rriisskk ooff mmaatteerrnnaall rreellaappssee,, oovveerrddoossee,, wwiitthhddrraawwaallss aanndd ffeettaall ddiissttrreessssPPrroovviiddee ccoommmmuunniittyy rreessoouurrcceess ttoo pprreeggnnaanntt wwoommeenn iinn TTeexxaass..
