Page 1: Registration Edits Workshop Cynthia Mehoves Business Analyst Student Systems

Registration Edits Workshop

Cynthia Mehoves

Business Analyst

Student Systems

Page 2: Registration Edits Workshop Cynthia Mehoves Business Analyst Student Systems

Curriculum & Term/Course Registration Restrictions

Pre-requisites are recorded only at the curriculum level andwork in conjunction with edits 16, 58, 59 and 60

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Curriculum & Term Course Registration Restrictions

Only co-requisites entered at the term course level impactstudent registration. These work in conjunction with edit 17

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Curriculum & Term Course Registration Restrictions

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Registration Edit Control

•The first 14 edits, edits 34, 39, 42, 45-48, 50, and 57 are always on. •Edits active in the 00000 YRTR are active for ALL YRTRs.•The only edit that MUST be turned on for the specific YRTR in order to work is edit 000044 – Student’s registration window not open.

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Registration Edit Control

•The campus code on this screen refers to the campus the courses are attached to, not the student’s home campus.•Multiple campus institutions may have to maintain multiple edit code lists if their courses are attached to various campuses.

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Registration Edit Control

•The severity of the edit is controlled by the values in the third column.•Edits can be set with a severity of either F-Fatal or W-Warning.•The edits that are hard-coded to be always on are Fatal edits.•Fatal edits stop the registration from occurring and generate a message.•Warning edits allow the registration to occur but also generate a message.

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Registration Edit Control

The sequence number allows a given edit to have different impacts in a given term for different date ranges.

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Registration Edit Control

•The Override flag allows your institution to control whether or not a failed edit can be overridden and, if so, whether or not the instructor of the course can do it.• Valid values are Y-Yes, N-No, or I-Instructor• Staff with RG_10H can override edits regardless of how the override flag is set.• Other staff can be given override rights on CS1158UG and CS1160UG

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Registration Edit Control

The function of an edit is controlled in the 5th Column.The valid values for the function are A-Add, B-Both, D-Drop, or W-Waitlist.This function value tells the edit when it should be invoked.

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Registration Edit Control

•The begin date and end date are optional.• If you have an edit turned on and have a range of dates, the edit will be active only during those dates.

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Registration Edit Parameters

•Most important – edit parameters must be recorded against the same YRTR as your registration edit control records are.•If your edits are active in the 00000 YRTR, you can set up the edit parameters here for the 00000 YRTR to be in effect forever.

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Registration Edit Parameters

Notice here that Northland could record different rules for add, drop and withdrawal of late starting classes for students from other schools

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Overview of All Edits

3 Not a valid course add date (date type 80)*

4 Not a valid course drop date (date type 81)*

5 Invalid grading method*

6 Student on hold (active holds not appealed successfully)*

7 Student either graded or not enrolled in this course (drops)*

10 Requested course canceled*

11 Invalid credits for this course (variable)*

12 Course requires special permission (perm reqd CS1101UG)*

13 Requested course is full*

14 Student already registered for this course (mult reg flag = N)*

15 Tuition residence type not assigned

16 Missing at least one pre-requisite (coming back to this later)

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Overview of All Edits

17 Co-requisite courses must be taken concurrently – warning

18 Violation of gender restriction (CS1101UG)

19 Only defined majors may register for this course (CS1117UG)

20 Student classification not allowed in this course (CS1117UG)

21 Admission status required for this course (CS1117UG)

22 Time conflict in student’s schedule (more than 1 minute)

23 Admission status required for registration

24 Student program required for this course (CS1117UG)

25 Minimum GPA required for this course (CS1117UG)

26 Exceeds max credits allowed by classification (RG2002UG)

27 Course is eligible for waitlisting – if course is full and flag = Y

28 Minimum earned credits required for this course (CS1117UG)

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Overview of All Edits

29 Student must take/pass test required for this course (later…)

30 Enrollment category required for this course (CS1117UG)

31 Financial aid recipient cannot drop last course

32 Student not allowed to drop this course (division on CS1117UG)

33 Student with this many crs reqd to declare a major (RG2002UG)

34 Immunization required for registration*

35 Student suspended-not allowed to register

36 Admission incomplete or denied

37 Student must take/pass test to register (RG2002UG)

38 Course Waitlisted-Closed – waitlist + enrolled > max size

39 F/M visas need permission to drop below full-time* (RG2002UG)

40 Exceeds max credits allowed by GPA (RG2002UG)

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Overview of All Edits

41 Cohort/program cannot drop below min. credits (RG2002UG)

42 Course is part of group that is full (cross-listed)*

43 Enrollment category required for registration (RG2002UG)

44 Student’s registration window not open

45 This is not a valid course waitlist date*(date type 82)

46 Lec and Lab must be taken concurrently* – warn (CS1157UG)

47 Course not eligible for waitlisting* (flag = N or edit 27 is off)

48 Multiple active admission statuses*

49 Adm status required for this instructional unit type (RG2002UG)

50 Not a valid date to change grade method* (date type 83)

51 Only defined minors may register for this course (CS1117UG)

52 Student not allowed to drop any course (program-RG2002UG)

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Overview of All Edits

53 Only specified majors or classes may register (RG2002UG)

Note:***in course # mean all in that subject

54 Special session-allow add/drop/withdrawal days past course start (RG2002UG)

55 Students in this cohort evening only (RG2002UG)

56 Contract/non-credit not allowed in credit courses (revisiting)

57 Not a valid date to change course credits (date type 84)

58 Must take/pass test or satisfy course pre-requisites (later…)

59 Must meet placement lvl or satisfy course pre-reqs (later…)

60 Missing either test result or pre-req on course needing both….

61 Cannot register for multiple sections of this course – same yrtr

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Edit 16 – the Pre-Requisite edit

Student must have satisfactorily completed the courses listed on CS1030UG for the course he or she is trying to add.

Satisfactory means not dropped and not graded ‘F’, ‘I’, ‘U’, ‘W’, ‘N’, ‘NC’, ‘IP’, or ‘AU’.

Grades ‘HA’, ‘HB’, ‘CR’, ‘P’, and ‘S’ are assumed to satisfy requirements. Un-graded courses in uncompleted terms also satisfy the requirement. This edit also enforces optional minimum grades entered on CS1001UG for the

pre-requisite courseThis edit will search for pre-reqs in the student’s transfer coursework, using

local-subj and local-cou-nbr from the detailed transfer data to derive a curric-id to compare to pre-requisite curric-ids.

Grades for transfer work obey same rules as local coursework but any transfer grade not found in the grade control table is assumed unsatisfactory.

The edit also enforces optional time limits on how long pre-reqs are considered valid after the student completes them. Limits are defined on CS1001UG in the ‘Years Valid as a Prereq’ field. Counting begins at the end of the term the student completed the pre-req.

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Edit 16 – the Pre-requisite edit

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Edit 29 – the Test Score edit

This edit matches the student’s test results with what is listed as a course registration restriction on CS1117UG. If a minimum score is listed for the required test, the student’s score must meet that level. Further, optional time limits defined in “Nbr Yrs Valid” on the ST3500UG, Valid Student Tests Maintenance screen, are enforced. Counting begins with student’s test date.A student can satisfy this edit by matching any one of the tests if multiple tests are listed as a restriction.

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Edit 58 – Test Score or Pre-Req

This edit first checks a student’s first yrtr of enrollment. If it precedes the effective yrtr for this edit and course on CS1117UG, the student is allowed to register.Then the edit fires off edit 29. If the student hasn’t completed the required test with a satisfactory score in the given time limit, thenThe edit fires off edit 16. If edit 16 does not pass, then edit 58 fails.Note: this edit will enforce stand-alone pre-reqs, that is, pre-reqs NOT accompanied by test code course restrictions.

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Edit 60 – the original 58!

The logic is very similar to edit 58

BUT edit 60 does NOT enforce stand-alone pre-requisites. When no test code/score restrictions are defined for the course edit 60 will pass

SO use this edit only on courses that have both pre-requisite AND test/test score requirements

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Edit 59 – Placement Level or Pre-requisite

Edit 59 first checks the student’s first term of enrollment against the (optional) effective YRTR (CS1117UG)for placement level restrictions. If the first term of enrollment precedes the effective YRTR, the student may register. Otherwise, the edit fires off edit 16. If the student fails the prerequisite checking, The edit then proceeds to check student placement levels based on their admission status. If a restriction doesn’t exist for the admission status, the student fails based on the prerequisite checking. If the student’s placement level falls within the restriction/admission status placed on the course, they are allowed to register.If the student’s placement level does not meet the restriction placed on the course, the process checks for a valid override. If there is no override, the registration fails.

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Establishing Placement Level Groups

Assign the same Group Number to the four levels (A-D) in each category (Language, Math, Reading and English).

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Setting Placement Level Scores

This data will copy forward to Term Course (CS1117UG) via the “Copy from Curriculum” or “Term Course Roll” processes.

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A Real Example

In the first pass, edit 59 compares the parameters in the CS1030UG Curriculum Prerequisite Maintenance screen to the student’s registration records

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The Pre-Requisites

Intro to Writing requires completion of ENGL0080 with a C or better and completion of RDNG0080 with at least a D. Autumn has not completed either of these classes at Century College.

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Checking Transfer Records

In another pass, Prerequisite Checking looks at the students transfer coursework. If the screen indicates an equivalent course (and Passing Minimum Grade Point then the prerequisite is satisfied. Autumn has no transfer coursework.

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Does the edit apply to this student?

If none of the prerequisite conditions are met, Edit 59 checks Autumn’s admission status and placement level against the placement conditions on CS1117UG Term Course Registration Restrictions

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Required score for adm stat ’11’

Autumn has an 11 adm stat so needs an English placement level score between 2.0 and 3.2 in order to register for this course.

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Score Comparison

Autumn’s score in English is 3.00, so edit 59 passes and sheis allowed to enroll in the course.

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Registration Windowing

The size of your ‘windows’ should get smaller as the number of students enrolled grows larger and as the number of registration edits you’ve activated increases. Competitiveness is a factor.

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Does anyone know what these are?