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Refining Your Reading Workshop Session 4 Slide 2 Mini-Lessons Sharing Journals Agenda Slide 3 People who do not trust children to learn, or teachers to teach, will always expect a method (or program) to do the job. Frank Smith Slide 4 Mini-Lessons Whole Group Instruction Slide 5 5 15 minutes Mini-lessons - introduce a comprehension strategy, skill, or concept - think aloud - apply strategies to text - students share/participate - based on student NEED & curriculum Book Talks (optional) Mini-Lesson Refresher Slide 6 ** Skills and Strategies that ALL students at your grade level should know or learn. 1.Procedures and Organization 2.Strategic Reading Behaviors 3.Comprehension Strategies 4.Literary Elements and Techniques 5.Vocabulary **Kids who struggle with these skills then get more supported practice during small group instruction so they can practice these skills with text at their reading level. training wheels 5 Types of Mini- Lessons Slide 7 TDC Mini-Lesson (Angel for Solomon Singer) What did you notice about the level of thinking from the students? Video Clip Slide 8 Make your thinking visible to kids. Demonstrate the thoughts that might come to your mind while reading. How would this help you? Think Aloud as a model Slide 9 Share ideas of great mentor text ideas for the comprehension strategies. Give one idea and get one idea from as many people as you can. Give One Get One Slide 10 s.htm s.htm Website links Slide 11 Sharing Optimal time for informal assessment. Slide 12 Make share time purposeful Not all students will get to share every day Share time is a form of assessment Sharing options Whole class Turn and talk In small group Sharing Slide 13 Teaching for Deep Comprehension Clip on Authors Study Share time Video Slide 14 Share ideas about how you structure share time in your workshop. What ways could you take informal assessment information during the share time? Sharing Discussion Slide 15 Independent Reading and Journals Our understanding is enhanced when we communicate with others about our thinking. It is a way for readers to construct knowledge, generate new ideas, clarify their own thinking -Fountas and Pinnell Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency p. 438 Slide 16 Learning to write about reading Writing makes thinking visible and more tangible, thus promoting conscious awareness and deeper comprehension. - Dorn Slide 17 The evidence is clear: writing can be a vehicle for improving reading. In particular, having students write about a text they are reading enhances how well they comprehend it. The same result occurs when students write about a text from different content areas, such as science and social studies. Important Points Carnegie Report 2010 Slide 18 What should they be reading? How often do they read? What if they arent choosing the right books? What do they write about? How often do they write? Differentiation through Independent Reading and Journals Slide 19 Purpose of the journal Writing about reading improves comprehension. Moving beyond just retelling what is happening. Use writing to develop ideas about the story or the characters. Connect the story to their own lives and make predictions. Slide 20 Gradual Release From Demonstration to Informed Choice Teaching these forms using interactive read aloud as a common text experience. Writing for students writing with students supporting students with writing writing independently Slide 21 Good beginnings.. Teach students to hold their thinking Informal notes, phrases on sticky notes or notebooks Younger students take less formal approaches Slide 22 What to expect Primary (K-2) Begin with shared and interactive writing. Group compositions to independent drawings and letters or words. Intermediate (3-5) Some shared writing with overheads and charts. Graphic organizers begin to support. Increasing sophistication of independent writing. Slide 23 Responding options Look at some samples Mark ideas that are interesting and discuss with a friend. Slide 24 Strategy entries ideas P. 37 38 (primary) P. 45 56 (2+) Deeper comprehension entries P. 36, 44 (primary) P. 39 43 (2 nd 3 rd ) 57 - 58 How often do they respond in their journal? Journal Discussion Slide 25 Reflect and discuss. Look through p. 36 58 Write a --- ! -- ? VIP. Share with neighbor. Slide 26 Sections in the notebooks - ideas Reading Log lists of books My Thinking student responses Genres and Strategies mini-lesson topics Powerful Language word study Goal Setting Less is Best! Slide 27 Strategy entries Deeper comprehension entries How often do they respond in their journal? Journal Discussion Slide 28 Get into grade level teams. Share ideas for structuring your students reading response journals. Keep in mindless is more in terms of sections. J0urnals Slide 29 Website
