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March 2008

Recruitment and Selection

Posting and Screening

March 2008

This Session


Posting and Screening

Behavior-based Interviewing

Setting Salaries

March 2008

Objectives Analyze a position to determine its

key competencies Write a compelling, competency-

based job posting to attract qualified candidates

Use key competencies to screen applications and determine who to interview

March 2008

Purpose of Postings Sell the job Attract applicants who can do the

job Provide information for applicants

to use in determining whether to apply or not

Justify and defend hiring decisions

March 2008

Steps in Developing a Posting Define the business need Describe the work Identify the Competencies Establish the training and

experience requirements Establish the recruitment range Take care of the details- where and

how long to post?

March 2008

Define the Business Need Consider departmental goals and

objectives Consider workforce planning needs Consider funds available

March 2008

Describe the Work What are the main or primary

responsibilities of the position? Describe the range of duties

(narrow vs. broad) based on the business need

March 2008

Determine the Minimum Competency Requirements Review the Position Description, Competency

Profile, Competency Dictionary for behavioral competencies, and Agency core competencies

Review previous Performance/Competency evaluation forms (for existing positions)

Meet with Manager to determine Required and Preferred Competencies for the Posting

Competencies are part of the Job Description

March 2008

Establish Training and Experience Requirements

Basic requirement is the class minimum from the class specification

Transition teams determined T&E (Training and Education) guidelines for each competency level.

1-4 Competencies from Job Description Remember, applicant must meet posted

T&E minimum required and posted competencies to be qualified

March 2008

Establish the Recruitment Range

Consider the four pay factors (business need, competencies, equity, market)

Have relationship with competency level If you are willing to accept an entry level

candidate, drop to minimum of the class range

March 2008

Establish the Pay Range Generally the entire banded pay

range If there is a limit on the level of

duties possible for a job, a range maximum may be set below the salary range maximum.

March 2008

Salary Grade Equivalency Currently, a salary grade

equivalency is set for each competency level

Levels the playing field between banded and non-banded employees

March 2008

Taking Care of DetailsComments

To Consider Lower Level Candidates: “If no applicants apply who meet the required competency and T&E requirements, then management may consider other applicants.” Salary would be determined based on competencies, equity, budget, and market considerations

Salary Grade Equivalent provided for determination of Promotion Priority

March 2008

Purpose of Screening Determine Qualified vs. Not

Qualified Determine Most Qualified Pool

from Qualified Pool Identify Candidates for Interview

March 2008

Steps in Screening Know the job Know the job requirements

(required competencies and T&E) as stated in vacancy announcement

Incorporate competencies into “Posting Specific Questions” on Posting Requisition in Jobsearch

March 2007

March 2007

March 2007

March 2007

March 2007

March 2007

March 2007

March 2008


Posting• Define Business Need• Describe the Work• Establish Minimum Training & Experience Reqs• Determine Minimum Competency Reqs • Establish the Recruitment Range• Compose Posting Specific Questions Based on

Competencies Screening Questions?

March 2008

Recruitment and Selection

Behavior-based Interviewing

March 2008


Write effective behavioral interview questions

Use the STAR technique to assess applicant responses

Make a fair and informed selection decision

March 2007

Career-banding system


Planning: Budget, Workforce, Training etc.

Behavioral Interviewing

Competency Assessment and Salary Setting

Performance Evaluation and Training & Development

Competency-Based Human Resources System

Posting and Screening

Business Need

March 2007

A Model Structured Interview Process

March 2008


March 2008

Competency-Based Approach Uses past behavior to predict future

behavior Uses job’s key competencies Evaluates behavior against target

job Requires applicant to focus on job-

related behavior Uses planned questions

March 2008

Why Behavioral? Increase quality of hire Direct link to competencies Use questions that effectively

evaluate performance Assess candidates consistently

March 2008

Develop Questions

List of Behavior-based Questions on: Your CD HRS Website

March 2008

Sample Question:

“Tell me about a recent problem that came up in your job for which old solutions would not work. How were you able to solve this problem?”

March 2008

Sample Question 2:

“Describe a situation where you were successful in getting people to work together effectively.”

March 2008

Use the “STAR”

March 2008

Situation or Task – the situation or problem leading to the candidate’s actions

Action – active attempts to effect change or influence events

Result – the outcome of the candidate’s actions

March 2008

Unusable STARs “Non” STARs

Feelings or opinions Theoretical statements Future-oriented statements Vague statements

Incomplete STARs Missing one or more components

March 2008

Behavioral Questioning

Focus on “why, how, what” candidates have learned from their experience

Use active listening skills to assess candidate’s credibility genuineness

March 2008

Questioning Sequence


Incomplete STAR

Follow-up to Complete STAR

False STAR

Complete STAR

Follow-up to Get STAR

Follow-up to Get Another STAR

March 2008

Develop benchmarks Framework to assess candidates’

responses objectively and consistently

Defines 3 levels – High, Medium, Low

Determine Benchmark for Specific Position

March 2008

Benchmark Examples Q: Describe some projects that

you have been largely responsible for in your previous work experiences.

March 2008

High Benchmark = Responsible for initiating and completing several major projects or developments.  Candidate describes how projects were accomplished and the results.

March 2008

Medium Benchmark = Responsible for initiating or completing several major projects.

March 2008

Low Benchmark = Worked on projects, but had no part in their initiation or responsibility for their completion.

March 2008

Q: Suppose you had many important projects with rigid deadlines, but your manager kept requesting various types of paperwork, which you felt were totally unnecessary. Furthermore, this paperwork was going to cause you to miss your deadlines. What would you do?

March 2008

High Benchmark = Present the conflict to the manager. Suggest and discuss alternatives.  Establish a mutually acceptable plan of action. Communicate frequently with the manager.

March 2008

Medium Benchmark = Tell the manager about the problem.

March 2008

Low Benchmark = Do the best I can.

March 2008

Selecting the Candidate Use High, Medium, Low scale

More significant behavior More recent behavior More related behavior

March 2008

Make the Selection Decision Relative importance of

competencies Quality/Quantity of behavioral

information Consistency of behavior Trainability

March 2007

A Model Structured Interview Process

March 2008


Behavioral Questions STAR Probing Benchmarks Skill Development Activities Questions?

March 2008

Recruitment and Selection

Setting Salaries

March 2008


Set the correct salary based on competency assessment and pay factors

Revised March 2007

Career-banding system


Planning: Budget, Workforce, Training etc.

Behavioral Interviewing

Competency Assessment and Salary Setting

Performance Evaluation and Training & Development

Competency-Based Human Resources System

Posting and Screening

Business Need

March 2008

It’s the job…. Business Need

It’s the employee…. Career Development

It’s the PAY!

March 2008

In a Perfect World….

Competency level of position/posting

Competency level of selected applicant

Market Rates

Pay Factors

Pay Based on Competencies











Contributing Journey Advanced

Comp A X

Comp B X

Comp C X

Overall XEmployee’s Pay

Competency Assessment Form

Career-Banded Class Rates

Pay Based on Competencies











Contributing Journey Advanced

Comp A X

Comp B X

Comp C X

Overall XEmployee’s Pay

Competency Assessment Form

Career-Banded Class Rates

Pay Based on Competencies











Contributing Journey Advanced

Comp A X

Comp B X

Comp C X

Overall X

Employee’s Pay

Competency Assessment Form

Career-Banded Class Rates

March 2008

But where do I Start????1. Plan the work, THEN work the plan

Gather all necessary tools

2. Consistent use of policy/procedure Know policies and procedures Utilize your HR Program Managers for questions

3. Apply ALL pay factors consistently Have a thorough understanding of PF’s

4. Justify and Document Document, document, document

March 2008

1. Tools Needed

Thorough Knowledge of:

The Position

The Selected Candidate

The Work Unit

March 2008

Tools Needed – the Position Posting information Profile Competency level of work $ amount posted Job Description Work Plan

March 2008

Tools Needed – the Candidate

Application of selected candidate

Competency level of selected applicant

Interview notes and supplements

March 2008

Data and Tools Needed

Work Unit information – Salary/competency info. of work unit

– Spreadsheet of employee/salary info.

$ amount available

University/Division policies on Awarding Pay

March 2008

2. Policy & ProcedureThings to think about…again.

Any special uses of reserves? Other salary needs already in the work

unit? Other employees in work unit already

working toward new competencies? When does UNCG award for

competencies? Interim PMP and Final PMP

3. The Pay Factors

Financial ResourcesThe amount of funding that a manager has available when making pay decisions.

Appropriate Market RateThe market rate applicable to the functional competencies demonstrated by the employee.

Internal Pay AlignmentThe consistent alignment of salaries for employees who demonstrate similar required competencies in the same banded class within a work unit or organization.

Required CompetenciesThe functional competencies and associated levels that are required based on organizational business need and demonstrated on the job.

March 2008

4. Document – Forms!

Salary Information

Spreadsheet for Salary Recommendations

Salary Decision Worksheet

Competency Assessment Sheet

March 2008

The Process Step 1: Level the selected candidate Step 2: Apply ALL Pay Factors Step 3: Justify/Document Step 4: Obtain appropriate approvals Step 5: Offer to selected candidate

Explain Career Banding and how salary derived

Explain any additional short range opportunities

March 2008

Step 1: Level the Candidate

Determine overall level for candidate by… Identifying key functional competencies of

job Compare those to the candidate using

Application Interview Skills/Sample Ratings Reference check

March 2008

Step 2: Apply the Pay Factors1. Financial Resources

Agency business need (budget)2. Appropriate Market Rate

Journey market rate guidelines/market reference rate guidelines and related market information

3. Internal Pay AlignmentInternal pay alignment (equity)Current salary and total compensation

4. Required Competencies

March 2008

Step 3: Justify & Document


Document, Document, Document

March 2008

Step 4: Approval

Follow University/Unit procedure

Obtain appropriate approvals

March 2008

Step 5: Offer to Candidate by HR

Offer and explain salary Explain Career Banding Explain how salary derived

Explain any additional short range opportunities
