Page 1: Real-World Data Governance: Tools of Data Governance – Purchased and Developed – Part 1 Purchased © 2012 Allen Systems Group, Inc.

Metadata As A Data Governance Enabler

Ian Rowlands ASG, Senior Director of Solutions Management

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The Data Governance Patchwork

Data Governance

Metadata Management




Reference and Master

Data Management


How much do you invest in the patchwork?

What stitches the patchwork together?

Page 3: Real-World Data Governance: Tools of Data Governance – Purchased and Developed – Part 1 Purchased © 2012 Allen Systems Group, Inc.

Best Practice?


Data Governance Institute Data Governance Framework

Vendor Specific Frameworks

“Data Stewardship” Frameworks

Potential Government /

Regulatory Approaches


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One Way Of Categorizing Data …

Old stuff

New Stuff



Evaluate Categorize

Retire Propose

Evaluate Develop


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How Do You Make The Decisions?


The “usual” questions! The answers are metadata. The key

issue is to organize and keep track of the questions and answers. Not surprisingly, to me the heart of a

solution is an enterprise metadata repository …

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Well Yes, But …

Governance is a business driven process impacting technical


Most metadata is not presented is business friendly


How to bridge the gap between business- and technology-

focused specialists?


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There’s No Silver Bullet, But…

• Attach governance activities to business processes so that governance is a by-product

Governance is a business driven

process impacting technical choices …

• Eliminate the user interface, and make metadata supplemental business information

Most metadata is not presented is business

friendly fashion…

• By building a business glossary and linking it to the metadata repository

Bridge the gap between business- and

technology-focused specialists …

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To hear more about ASG solutions …

Ian Rowlands ASG, Senior Director of Solutions Management [email protected] (239) 435 2097

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Real World Data Governance Webinar 11: Tools of Data Governance

Part 1 - Purchased

Monthly Webinar Series Hosted by Dataversity Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting /

November 15, 2012 – 2:00 p.m. EST

Robert S. Seiner KIK Consulting & Educational Services, LLC -

The Data Administration Newsletter, LLC -

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• Real-World Data Governance – Monthly Webinar Series

– December 20, 2012 – Tools of Data Governance – Purchased and Developed – 2pm EST

– Register On-Line at Dataversity.Net

– Look Out This Week for the RWDG 2013 AGENDA

Real-World Data Governance Upcoming Webinars

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Abstract

• Part One: Tools of data governance come in all shapes and sizes. There are software products and tools on the market that can be used to enable and bring success to Data Governance programs.

• Part Two: There are templates and artifacts developed by experience consultants and practitioners that can add value to successful programs.

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Abstract

• This set of two webinars will focus on purchasable products and products you can develop internally and specifically where they can benefit the companies that use them.

• This first of the two-part webinar will not be an advertisement or infomercial that is intended to sell products.

• Rather, the focus will be on a view of what is available on the market and the areas where they will add value to your data governance program.

• Join Bob Seiner and DATAVERSITY for the eleventh in a series of monthly webinars titled “Real-World Data Governance” that will focus on sharing knowledge about the Tools of Data Governance – Purchased and Developed.

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• What is meant by Non-Invasive Data Governance™?:

With Data Governance in General:

– Many organizations view Data Governance as being over-and-above normal work efforts and threatening to the existing work culture of the organization.

It does not have to be that way.

– Many organizations have a difficult time getting people to adopt Data Governance best practices because of a common belief that Data Governance is about command-and-control.

It does not have to be that way.

– While I firmly state that Data Governance is “the execution and enforcement of authority over the management of data”, nowhere in that definition does it say that Data Governance has to be invasive or threatening to the work, people and culture of the organization.

It does not have to be that way.

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Definitions

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• What is meant by Non-Invasive Data Governance™?:

With Non-Invasive Data Governance™:

– Data steward responsibilities are identified and recognized, formalized and engaged according to their existing responsibility rather than being assigned or handed to people as more work.

– The governance of data is applied to existing policies, standard operating procedures, practices, and methodologies … rather than being introduced or emphasized as new processes or methods.

– The governance of data augments and supports all data integration, risk management, business intelligence and master data management activities rather than imposing inconsistent rigor to these initiatives.

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Definitions

What are the types of tools that are available for purchase that will assist us to achieve

Non-Invasive Data Governance™?

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• What is meant by Non-Invasive Data Governance™?:

With Non-Invasive Data Governance™:

– Specific attention is paid to assuring senior management’s understanding of a practical and non-threatening yet effective approach to governing data that will be taken to mediate ownership and promote stewarding of data as a cross-organization asset, rather than the traditional method of “you will do this”.

– Best practices and key concepts of the non-threatening approach are communicated effectively, compared to existing practices to identify and leverage strengths and enable the ability to address opportunities to improve.

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Definitions

What are the types of tools that are available for purchase that will assist us to achieve

Non-Invasive Data Governance™?

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• Questions to Ask Ourselves: – Is the Purchase of a Data Governance Tool “Invasive”? – What Expectations Come w/the Purchase of a Data Governance Tool? – Is it Data That is Governed or People’s Behavior That is Governed? – Can a Tool (or Use of a Tool) Govern Behavior?

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Definitions

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• Data Governance – Data Governance is the Execution and Enforcement of Authority

Over the Management of Data and Data-Related Resources. Robert S. Seiner

• Data Stewardship – Data Stewardship is the Formalization of Accountability

Over the Management of Data and Data-Related Resources. Robert S. Seiner

Recent Client Definitions

Formalization of behavior around the definition, production and usage of data to manage risk and improve quality and usability of selected data.

Formalization and guidance for behavior over the definition, production and use of information and information related assets.

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Definitions

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• Non-Invasive Data Governance™

– The practice of: • applying formal accountability & behavior • through non-invasive roles & responsibilities • to existing and / or new processes • to assure that the definition, production & usage of data • assures regulatory compliance, security, privacy, protection & quality.

– Non-Invasive describes how governance is applied to assure non-threatening management of valuable data assets.

– The goal is to be transparent, supportive, collaborative.

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Definitions

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• [to] gov·ern [data] v. gov·erned, gov·ern·ing, gov·erns

– To make and administer the public policy and affairs [of data] – To exercise sovereign authority [in data] – To control the speed or magnitude [of data] – To regulate [data] – To control the actions or behavior [of data] – To keep under control [data]; to restrain [data] – To exercise a deciding or determining influence [on data] – To exercise political authority [over data] – To have or exercise a determining influence [over data] [Bob Seiner]

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Definitions

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• What kind of tools are on the market to assist with Data Governance? – ASG – Enterprise Automation Management Suite – Collibra – Data Governance Software Company – Kalido – Data Governance Director – IBM – Data Governance Unified Process – Informatica – Solution for Data Governance – Oracle – Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance, SOA Governance

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

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• What kind of tools are on the market to assist with Data Governance? – Cognizant – Value Creation Framework – Global Ids – Data Governance Suite – Innovative Systems – High Performance Data Management – SAS – DataFlux Data Governance Solution – SAP – Master Data Governance Software – Trillium – Data Governance Services and Solutions

– The WHO’s WHO of Data Management Tool Vendors !!!

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

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• Rules of Purchasing Data Governance Tools

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

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• Rule 1:

– Know What You Want Your DG Tools to Do for You

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

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• Rule 2:

– Tool Implementation is NOT a DG Program.

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

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• Rule 3:

– Data Governance Does Not Have to Cost A lot

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

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• Rule 4:

– Look Internally As Part of Your Evaluation

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

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• The cost of poor data governance (DG) is hidden in: – Inefficient Business Processes – Excessive Data Management Activities – Inability to Use Information for Strategic Business Advantage

How Technology Enables Data Governance Oracle and First San Francisco Partners White Paper – December 2009

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

What are the types of tools that are available for purchase that will assist us

Lower These Costs?

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• Data Governance specifically: – Helps Establish Strategy, Objectives and Policy – To Effectively Manage Corporate Data – By Specifying Accountability – By Executing Decision Rights

How Technology Enables Data Governance Oracle and First San Francisco Partners White Paper – December 2009

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

What are the types of tools that are available for purchase that will assist us in Implementing This Functionality?

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• By: – Creating and Enforcing Policies on Data Security and Data Access Rights – Monitoring and Measuring Quality, Movement, Availability and Accuracy – Providing the Benefits of having Implemented MDM – Leveraging Technology to Manage Data as an Asset

How Technology Enables Data Governance Oracle and First San Francisco Partners White Paper – December 2009

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased

What are the types of tools that are available for purchase that will assist us in Implementing This Functionality?

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• What is Implied by Data Governance?

• What is the Focus of Your Program – To Apply Accountability – To Manage Workflow – To Solve Problems – To Communicate

• How Can Tools Assist in these Focuses of Data Governance?

• What Tools Are Available to Help in These Focuses?

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Focus

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• Tools to Assist in “Formalizing Accountability” – Linking Steward(s) to the Data, Processes – Triggering Communications to the Accountable Parties (Stewards) – Formalizing Decision Making Through Work Flow

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Apply Accountability

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Apply Accountability

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• Tools to Assist in Governing Workflow – To Assist in Formalizing Processes and Workflows – To Record Cross Reference of Process Steps and Governance Roles – To Formally Identify Accountability for Steps of the Process – To Specify RASCI – Responsible, Accountable, Supportive, Consulted, Informed – To Cross Reference for Methodology, Project, Risk Management, Requests – To Specify and Comnmunicate Outcomes, Deliverables, Milestones, Timelines, …

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Manage Work Flow

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STEWARD(or designee)









Activity initiated re: this domain,Data Domain Steward is involvedin identifying and recording inforelated Domains, Systems,Stewards per issue or task.

Activity initiated re: this domain,Steward Coordinator is involved inidentifying Operational Stewardsin this LOB/FA that shouldparticipate in this work flow.Assure appropriate businessmeta-data is recorded.

Propose alternativesfor data definitionsolution that best fitswith definedrequirements.

Provide input to thedevelopment of thedata productionsolution.

Provide definitionrequirements &gathering document.Define data needed tooperate business &report results.

Test data solutionfrom a definitionperspective. Assurethat appropriatebusiness meta-data isrecorded.

Produce userrequirements. Usedata needed tooperate business &report results.

Coordinate activities ofOperational Stewards includingproject timelines, status reporting,tactical decision making. Assureappropriate business meta-data isrecorded.

Provide datadefinition guidance tobuild the appropriatesolution.

Provide data usageguidance to build theappropriate solution.

Coordinate tasks associatedconducting planning and analysissteps.

Propose alternativesfor data productionthat best fits with thedata definitionsolution and definedrequirements.

Propose alternativesfor data usagesolution that best fitswith definedrequirements.

Coordinate tasks associatedconducting planning and analysissteps. Accept or Resolve solutionfrom the Steward Coordinator.

Coordinate activities of allindividuals related to developmentwork including timelines, status,tactical decision making.




Test data solutionfrom a productionperspective. Assurethat appropriatebusiness meta-data isrecorded.

Test data solutionfrom a usageperspective. Assurethat appropriatebusiness meta-data isrecorded.

Coordinate activities of theOperational Stewards related totesting work including timelines,status, tactical decision making.

Coordinate activities of theOperational Stewards related tosolution implementation includingtimelines, status, tactical decisionmaking.

Coordinate activities of theOperational Stewards related tosolution monitoring &maintenance including timelines,status, tactical decision making.

Perform EIS system testing.Assure that appropriate technicalmeta-data is recorded.

Perform EIS data testing. Assurethat appropriate technical meta-data is recorded.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of data solutiondevelopment. Assure thatappropriate technical meta-data isrecorded.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of systemsolution development. Assurethat appropriate technical meta-data is recorded.

Coordinate system design withData Domain Stewards andSteward Coordinators.

Coordinate data design with DataDomain Stewards and StewardCoordinators.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of systemplanning and analysis with DataDomain Stewards and StewardCoordinators.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of data planningand analysis with Data DomainStewards and StewardCoordinators.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of systemassessment & requirementsgathering with Data DomainStewards and StewardCoordinators.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of dataassessment & requirementsgathering with Data DomainStewards and StewardCoordinators.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of datainformation gathering with DataDomain Stewards and StewardCoordinators. Assure appropriatetechnical meta-data is recorded.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of systeminformation gathering with DataDomain Stewards and StewardCoordinators. Assure appropriatetechnical meta-data is recorded.

Participate in datadefinition informationgathering as needed.

Participate in dataproductioninformation gatheringas needed.

Participate in datausage informationgathering as needed.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of systemsolution implementation.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of systemsolution monitoring &maintenance.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of data solutionimplementation.

Coordinate and manage alltechnical aspects of data solutionmonitoring & maintenance.

Coordinate business tasksassociated with solution testingsteps.

Coordinate business tasksassociated with solutionimplementation.

Coordinate business tasksassociated with solutionmonitoring & maintenance.

As part of daily job,identify operationdata issues pertainingto their domain ofdata.

As part of daily job,identify operationdata issues pertainingto their domain ofdata.

As part of daily job,identify operationdata issues pertainingto their domain ofdata.

Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Manage Work Flow

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Manage Work Flow

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Manage Work Flow

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Solve Problems

• Tools to Assist in Solving Problems – To Assists in Formalizing Processes and Workflows – To Record and Cross Reference of Issue Resolution Steps and Governance Roles – To Formally Identify Accountability for Steps of the Issue Resolution Process – To Specify RASCI – Responsible, Accountable, Supportive, Consulted, Informed – To Specify Outcomes, Deliverables, Milestones, Timelines, to Resolve Issue

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Solve Problems

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Solve Problems

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Communicate

• Tools to Assist in Communications – To Assist in Formalizing Communications & Awareness Required Content – To Record Cross Reference of Content and Governance Roles – To Formally Identify Communications Topics & Awareness Checklist – To Identify Audience, Content, Message, Media, Timing, … – To Specify When / If Refreshes are Necessary

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Communicate

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – To Communicate

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Real-World Data Governance Tools of Data Governance – Purchased – Summary

• Can Tools Can Be Purchased to: – Formalize Accountability – Govern Workflows – Solve Problems – Improve Communications

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• Real-World Data Governance – Monthly Webinar Series

– December 20, 2012 – Tools of Data Governance – Purchased and Developed – 2pm EST

• Data Governance Winter Conference – Produced by Dataversity and DEBTECH International – December 3-5, 2012

• Two Day Public Seminar – How to Build and Implement a Non-Invasive Data Governance Program – Monday and Tuesday January 14th and 15th, 2013 – Sheraton Station Square, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Class Size Limited to 25 – Buy Two Seats at Full Price Get Third Seat Free – Early Bird Specials Before Dec 10, 2012 – Stocked Full of Templates and Tools of Non-Invasive Data Governance – Templates and Tools on a Flash Drive as well as Hard Copy

Real-World Data Governance Future Data Governance Events

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Wrap Up & Discussion

• Final Summary – Real-World Data Governance – Tools of Data Governance – Purchased – Thank You for Attending this Webinar – See You Next Month for Part Two

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Wrap Up & Discussion

• Robert S. Seiner KIK Consulting & Educational Services – The Data Administration Newsletter - Post Office Box 112571, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15241 412.220.9643, 412.220.9644 (Fax) [email protected], [email protected]
