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Real Time DVD worksheetsTeacher’s notesUsing the DVDs

The Real Time DVD can either be used in the classroom or for individual study. Each DVD has six episodes. The main focus of each episode is to provide a context for the language in the Real Time sections in the Students’ Book. It would therefore be suitable to watch one episode after having completed one Real Time section. Each episode is divided into three scenes. There are interactive multiple choice questions for each scene which you can use while watching. We suggest letting students see the question, watching the scene, then having a class vote on the answer. In the following pages are six DVD worksheets. These focus on the language, vocabulary, functions and general content of the episode, allowing you to make the most of the DVD. We suggest that you use the interactive questions the first time you watch the DVD episode. Then, give out the worksheets and students can then watch the DVD again. There are optional ‘extra questions’ suggested in the teacher’s notes for most episodes. These questions focus on the visual content, the characters’ feelings and relate the content to your students’ own experience.

The story so far …In the Elementary level DVD, we met the Benton family – Jon, Sally and their children Anna and Mark. We followed their journey to Cornwall and saw the beginning of their camping holiday. We were also introduced to Dave, manager of the campsite and surfing instructor (who Anna has developed a crush on). The Pre-Intermediate level continues the story of the Benton family and their camping holiday.

Episode 1 In this episode, the family invite Dave for a drink. While having a drink they talk about where they come from and what they do. The episode finishes with Dave arranging a surfing lesson for Anna and Mark’s mother, Sally.

Functional languageScene 1 Meeting and greetingScenes 2 and 3 Getting to know people

Before you watch

If you watched the Elementary level DVD with your students, start the lesson by asking them what they remember about the story:

• What are the character’s names?• Where are they?• What type of holiday is it?

If your students didn’t watch the Elementary level, play the title sequence and ask them to predict:

• What is the relationship between the characters?• Where are they?

Vocabulary to be pre-taught or checked:surf /surfing campsite pretty much (as an answer) bodyboarding

Extra questionsScene 1Have you been surfboarding? Would you like to go? Why or why not?Scene 2 Do you go to cafés with your friends? What do you drink there?Scene 3Have you been on a camping holiday?

Answers:1 b c e g h2 b – A J, S; c – D; e – M; g – A; h – S3 1 How long 2 you enjoying 3 you like 4 of

London 5 you surf here 6 Would you like4 1c 2e 3a 4b 5f 6d5 1F 2F 3F 4T 5T

Episode 2 In this episode, Anna and her mum go shopping. Anna is looking for a new T-shirt and she tries on different ones. Unfortunately when she tries to pay, her card doesn’t work so her mum offers to pay, on condition that she can borrow Anna’s T-shirt!

Functional language Scene 1 Intentions and wishesScene 2 Expressing opinions, polite requests and responding

Before you watchFreeze-frame the first image of Sally and Anna in the car. Ask students to guess what they think the episode will be about and what will happen. Quickly brainstorm the vocabulary and phrases students know for shopping.

Vocabulary to be pre-taught or checkedbargain supper fitting room

Extra questionsScene 2What different types of clothes can you see in the shop?Scene 3Have you had a similar problem to Anna? What did you do?

Answers:1 toothpaste shampoo washing powder apples

oranges salad T-shirt2 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T3 1S 2S 3A 4A 5A4 stripy top – too long; pink T-shirt – not too tight,

bright, colourful; black T-shirt – too dark5 1 take this 2 put it 3 by card 4 your PIN

5 I’m sorry 6 pay 7 borrow6 1c 2e 3a 4f 5d 6g 7b

Episode 3In this episode, Mark and Anna decide to have a barbecue party on the beach. Anna sends a text message to all their friends, then she phones Dave to invite him. Dave agrees to bring his iPod speakers to the beach party but will be late because of a lesson. At the party, Anna worries about whether Dave will come. He finally arrives… with the speakers.

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Functional language Scene 1 InvitationsScene 2 Making arrangements.

Before you watchElicit what happened in the previous episode

Vocabulary to be pre-taught or checkedbarbecue (and abbreviation bbq) cave it’s a pleasure no sign of

Extra questionsScene 2 Does the weather look nice for a barbecue?Scene 3 How many people are there at the party?

Answers:1 1a 2c 3a2 1 3 7 8 10 113 1A 3A 7D 8D 10D 11A4 1F 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T 7T 8T5 1a 2b 3c

Episode 4 In this episode, the family are planning a day trip. They ask Dave for suggestions and his advice. The family decide to visit the Eden Project.

Background information: The Eden Project

The Eden Project is a tourist attraction in the south west of England. It is a collection of greenhouses (including the largest greenhouse in the world) which simulate a tropical environment, a temperate environment and a Mediterranean environment. In these greenhouses you can see one of the largest collections of plants in the world. It is also an ongoing environmental project.

Functional language Scene 1 Asking for and giving advice

Before you watchElicit information about the episodes you have seen. Ask students the sort of things they might do for a day out.

Vocabulary to be pre-taught or checkedgreenhouse castle ages quarry plant wicked gorgeous awesome spectacular

Extra questionsScene 1 What places would you recommend to visit near where you live?Scene 2 What are the people in yellow doing?Scene 3Would you like to visit the Eden project? Why or why not?

Answers:1 1g 2d 3f 4h 5a 6c 7b 8e 9i2 1 2001 2 built it 3 largest 4 1 million

5 1 million 6 live 7 plants3 2 4 5 7 84 1 amazing 2 wicked 3 so cool 4 awesome

5 gorgeous

Episode 5In this episode, Mark and Anna have bought a blow-up dinghy and want to play with it in the sea. However, they discover there is a hole in the dinghy. Anna insists on taking it back to the shop and complaining. Although the shopkeeper does not give them a refund, he does replace the dinghy.

Functional language Scene 3 Complaints (and what the shop assistant says)

Vocabulary to be pre-taught or checkeddinghy me first! fault

Before you watchAsk your students what activities you can do on the beach.

Extra questionsScene 1What are Anna and Mark wearing?Scene 2 Who is more positive, Anna or Mark? How do you know?Who do you think is right?Scene 3What type of shop is it? What does it sell?

Answers:1 A fall out B dinghy sinks C put in the sea

D blow up E get in2 1D 2C 3E 4A 5B3 1A 2M 3A 4M 5A 6A 4 1 Excuse me, something wrong 2 you buy it

3 the receipt 4 a refund 5 I’m afraid 6 not happy 7 Could I speak 8 a replacement

Episode 6In this episode, Mark discovers that his favourite band, the Desert Penguins are doing a gig nearby. However, when he rings for tickets they are sold out. Fortunately, Anna sees an advert for two tickets and after ringing up for the tickets, Mark eventually gets tickets for himself and Anna.

Functional language Scene 2 Telephoning

Before you watchAsk your students what happened in the last episode.

Vocabulary to be pre-taught or checkedgig rate something for ages be short of money no way! I bet…

Extra questionsScene 1 Have you been to a gig? Who did you see?Scene 2 How is Mark feeling when he’s on the beach?Where is Ben? How do you know?

Answers:1 1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F 7F 8T2 1e 2a 3c 4f 5b 6i 7d 8g3 1 to ring 2 lucky day 3 got them 4 the gig

5 looking forward 6 be good4 1M 2A 3M 4M

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Episode 1Scene 1While you watch1 Tick (✓) the phrases that you hear.

a How do you do? ________

b Hi ! ________

c Nice to meet you again. ________

d Great to see you again! ________

e Hello. ________

f Thanks, it’s great to be here. ________

g You know Dave, don’t you? ________

h I’m Sally. ________

i This is Mark. ________

j Let me introduce you. ________

k Welcome to Cornwall! ________

Can you remember?2 Who says the ticked (✓) phrases? Write Anna (A), Sally (S), Jon (J), Mark (M) or Dave (D). Write the letters in exercise 1.

Scenes 2 and 3While you watch3 Complete the questions.

1 ___________________________ do you all plan to stay?

2 Are ________________________ Cornwall?

3 Do _________________________ the campsite?

4 Which part ___________________ are you from?

5 Do ___________________________ here all the year round?

6 _____________________________ a lesson?

4 Match the answers a-f to questions 1-6 in exercise 3.

a It’s perfect.

b Camden.

c Five or six weeks, I think.

d Oh, I don’t know … All right, why not?

e I love it.

f Yeah. Pretty much.

Can you remember?5 Are these sentences true (✓) or false (✗)?

1 They are planning to stay for four weeks. ___

2 There are surfi ng competitions in the summer. ___

3 Dave doesn’t like the music scene in London. ___

4 Dave goes to Australia in the winter. ___

5 Sally wants a lesson. ___

Roleplay6 Read the two role cards. In pairs, imagine you

meet in a café in London.

• introduce yourselves• fi nd out information about each other• use the language from exercises 1 and 3.

use the language from exercises 1 and 3.

A Paul /Paula

Age 17

Home Putney, South London. Loves London

Family Brother (12) and sister (17)

Favourite band Snow Patrol

Favourite Team Chelsea

B Sandro/Sandra

Age 17

Home Genoa, Italy

Staying Putney for two weeks. First time in EnglandFamily One sister (11)

Favourite Band The Killers

Favourite Team Sampdoria

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Episode 2Scene 1While you watch1 Tick (✓) the things that Anna and Sally want to


Can you remember?2 Are the following sentences true (✓) or false (✗)?

1 Sally needs food for tonight’s supper. ___

2 Anna doesn’t need anything. ___

3 Anna wants smart clothes. ___

4 Anna also wants a dress. ___

5 They go to the High Street fi rst. ___

Scene 2While you watch3 Who says these sentences, Anna (A) or Sally (S)?

1 It really suits you. ___

2 Is it the right size? ___

3 What about this one? ___

4 Have you got this in a smaller size? ___

5 Can I try it on? ___

Can you remember?4 What adjectives do Anna and Sally use to talk

about the T-shirts? Put the adjectives in the correct column.

not too tight too dark colourful

medium too long bright

stripy top pink T-shirt black T-shirt

Scene 3While you watch5 Fill in the gaps with one or two words.

1 Can I ________________, please?

2 Could you ________________ in a bag?

3 Is it okay if I pay ________________?

4 Can you enter________________ please?

5 _________________ but it won’t accept this card.

6 I can ________________ with mine.

7 Now I can ________________ the T-shirt.

6 What comes next? Match the responses to the sentences in exercise 5.

a Yes, of course. ___

b You’re impossible! ___

c Thank you. Anything else? ___

d Oh, no. ___

e Sure, no problem. ___

f Sure. ___

g Thanks, Mum. ___

Roleplay7 Work in groups of three. Decide who is

customer 1 (C1), customer 2 (C2) and who is the shop assistant (S). Act out the dialogues below. Use the language in exercises 3, 5 and 6.




C1 Ask to try something on.

S Reply.

C1 Ask for a different size.

S Help the customer.

C2 Give opinions on your friend’s clothes.

C1 Pay for the item. Ask to pay by card.

C1 Ask to put item in a bag.

S Reply. Explain the card doesn’t work.

C2 Offer your card.



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Episode 3Scene 1Can you remember?1 What kind of party did Mark and Anna organise?

Tick (✓) the correct pictures.

1 When:

❏ ❏ ❏

2 Where:

❏ ❏ ❏

3 What kind:

❏ ❏ ❏

Scene 2While you watch2 In Column A, tick (✓) the phrases that you hear.


1 Would you like to….?

2 Are you free….?

3 How about….. ?

4 Why don’t you….?

5 Shall we….?

6 That would be lovely.

7 That sounds great!

8 I’d love to …

9 I’m sorry, ….

10 I’m afraid …..

11 See you at …

Can you remember?3 In Column B, mark who said the phrases,

Anna (A) or Dave (D)

Scenes 2 and 3While you watch4 Are the statements true (✓) or false (✗)?

1 Dave phones Anna. ___

2 Dave doesn’t want to go to the party. ___

3 Dave is giving a lesson at 8.30 p.m. ___

4 Anna doesn’t want Dave to bring any drink. ___

5 Sally doesn’t like beach barbecues. ___

6 Sally would like some juice. ___

7 Anna is worried that Dave won’t come. ___

8 Jon asks Anna about university. ___

Can you remember?5 Choose the correct answer to the following


1 What is Sally wearing?

a a blue summer dress

b a white top and jeans

c a pink tracksuit

2 What is Mark cooking?

a chicken b sausages c vegetables

3 What colour are the surfboards?

a green b black c yellow

Roleplay6 In pairs, act out the dialogue below. Use the

language from exercise 2.language from exercise 2.

A You are having a party:

• next Wednesday

• in your fl at

• at 8.30 p.m.

• you really want B to come and you can

change the date

• you want B to bring drinks to the party.

B You want to go to the party• you have an exam next Wednesday• you can go to the party next Thursday• ask if there is anything you can bring

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Episode 4Scene 1While you watch1 Put the phrases in the order that you hear them.

a Can you recommend anything?

b Do you think we should book?

c You must go there!

d I fancy …

e What’s the best way to get there?

f What do you suggest?

g What kind of sightseeing do you want to do? 1

h Somewhere that’s more fun.

i From here it’ll be easier to drive.

Scene 2While you watch2 Complete the notes a student made about the

Eden Project.

The Eden Project opened in 1 .

They 2 in an old quarry.

They have the 3 greenhouses in the world.

There are more than 4 plants.

They have more than 5 visitors a year.

It shows you how you can 6 without damaging the environment.

They collect all the rainwater and use it for the7 .

Can you remember?3 Tick (✓) the things you saw in Scene 2.

1 sheep ❏

2 surfboards ❏

3 a bus ❏

4 a washing machine ❏

5 a tiger ❏

6 a TV camera ❏

7 a bee ❏

8 a mobile phone ❏

Scene 3While you watch4 What do Mark, Anna, Sally and Jon say about

these places? Match the adjectives to the pictures.

awesome amazing so cool gorgeous wicked

Roleplay5 In pairs, act out the dialogue for role card 1.

Ask and answer about places to visit. Use the language in exercise 1. Swap roles and act out the second role card.

Student A:

• ask where B recommends to visit• how to get there• do you have to book?

Student B:

• use the information on the role card to answer your partner’s questions.



You recommend: Bolsover Castle

Easy to get to: Fifteen minutes by bus (number 32)

Extra info: One of the oldest castles in the country;

great views; military museum with lots of guns

You don’t have to book.

You recommend: Future Perfect Museum

Easy to get to: You can walk; ten minutes

Extra info: Exhibitions about how the world will look in 50 years; lots of machines to play withYou have to book. It’s very busy.






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Episode 5Scene 1Before you watch1 Match the phrases in the box to the pictures.

dinghy sinks blow up fall out get input in the sea

Can you remember?2 Put the pictures in the correct order 1-5.

Scene 2While you watch3 Who says these sentences? Write Anna (A) or

Mark (M).

1 I’m going to get a refund. ___

2 He’ll say these dinghies are for little kids. ___

3 I’ll just tell him what happened. ___

4 What will you say? ___

5 We blew the dinghy up. ___

6 I’m good at making complaints. ___

Scene 3While you watch4 Complete the sentences.

1 ___________. There’s ________________ with this dinghy.

2 I’m very sorry. Did __________ it here?

3 Have you got ____________?

4 I’d like ____________, please.

5 ________________ we don’t give refunds.

6 I’m really ___________ about this.

7 ______________ to the manager, please?

8 How about _______________?

Roleplay5 In pairs, act out the dialogue below. Use the

language from exercise 4.

Students A: • You bought an iPod from the shop last week.

• Now it is not working. • Take it back to the shop and ask for a refund.

Student B: • You are the shopkeeper. • You do not give refunds.• Offer to give a replacement.






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Episode 6Scene 1

While you watch1 Are the following statements true (✓) or false (✗)?

1 The Desert Penguins are doing a gig in Camden. ___

2 Mark thinks the band is really good. ___

3 Anna doesn’t like them. ___

4 Mark has wanted to see them for a long time. ___

5 Anna has a lot of money. ___

6 Mark wants one ticket. ___

7 He wants the cheapest tickets possible. ___

8 There aren’t any tickets for the concert. ___

Scene 2While you watch2 Put the phrases into the order that you heard


a Could I speak to Nick?

b Can I take a message?

c I’m phoning about …

d On this number, yeah?

e Hi, Ben speaking. 1

f Nick isn’t around at the moment.

g That’s right.

h Who’s calling?

i Could Nick call me back …?

Scene 3While you watch3 Complete the sentences.

1 He’s not going _________________.

2 Perhaps it’s your __________________.

3 Have you still __________________?

4 Enjoy __________________.

5 I’m really __________________ to it now.

6 I hope it’ll __________________.

Can you remember?4 Who thinks the following, Mark (M) or Anna (A)?

1 They won’t get tickets. ___

2 Maybe it’s a lucky day. ___

3 Mum is phoning. ___

4 The concert will be good. ___

Roleplay5 In pairs, act out a telephone conversation.

Use the information on the role cards and the language from exercise 2.




A:• You want to speak to Anna.

• You want to go with her to a concert

tomorrow night.

• Leave a message to ask Anna to call

you. Give your number.

A:• You want to speak to Paul Smith.

• You want to buy his television.

• Leave a message – ask Paul to call you.

• Give your number.

B:• You are Anna’s father (or mother).• Anna is at her friend’s house now.• Take a message.

B:• You are Paul Smith’s friend.• Paul is speaking on another phone.• Take a message.

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