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Slide 1September 6, 2015
Begins Next Sunday September 13, 2015
RReeaall LLiiffee AABBFF
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
This We Believe Trinity Baptist Church
Statement of FaithThe Bible The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, and complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men, and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 1:19-21)
Genesis 25:6 (NLT) But before he died, he [Abraham] gave gifts to the sons of his concubines and sent them off to a land in the east, away from Isaac.
Abraham Sons?
Genesis 22:2 (NIV, 2011) Then God said, Take your son, your only son, whom you love Isaacand go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.
Abraham Sons?
Which is it sons or only one?
Isaac was Abrahams only son by Sarah the only son in the line of the promise.
Abraham Sons?
2 Samuel 14:27 (NIV, ©2011) Three sons and a daughter were born to Absalom. His daughters name was Tamar, and she became a beautiful woman.
Absalom Sons?
2 Samuel 18:18 (NIV, 2011) During his lifetime Absalom had taken a pillar and erected it in the Kings Valley as a monument to himself, for he thought, I have no son to carry on the memory of my name.
Absalom Sons?
His three sons had previously died.
Absalom Sons?
New Testament scholars have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the Jesus of the early Christian documents is to some extent a figment of the Christian imagination.
Dr. Robert W. Funk
Founded 1985 by Dr. Robert Funk and John Dominic Crossan 150 biblical scholars
The Jesus Seminar
Concluded that only about 18% of words of Christ recorded in the Bible were actually spoken by Jesus
The Jesus Seminar
Dr. Bart D. Ehrman
Well, that changes things!
Simcha Jacobovici & James Cameron
The New Testament, then, has not only survived in more manuscripts than any other book from antiquity, but it has survived in a purer form than other great book a form that is 99.5 percent pure.
Bruce Metzger on Transmission Errors
Bart D. Ehrman To be sure, of all the hundreds of thousands of textual changes found among our manuscripts, most of them are completely insignificant, immaterial, of no real importance for anything other than showing that scribes could not spell or keep focused any better than the rest of us.
No theological issue, especially salvation, hangs in the balance on any variant, error, or so-called contradiction.
There is no contradiction or discrepancy that hasnt been addressed by real scholarship and research.
What Can We Conclude?
The Bibles Own Claims Prophets This is what the Sovereign Lord says
432 times! Jesus The Spirit will guide you into all truth
John 16:13 Paul We speak in words taught by the Spirit
1 Corinthians 2:13 Peter Not cleverly invented myths . . . but eyewitnesses
2 Peter 1:16 John We proclaim . . . what we have seen and heard 1 John 1:3
2 Peter 1:16 For we did not follow cleverly devised Stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.
1 John 1:3 We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard.
Eyewitness Evidence
Writing Earliest Copy
Number of Manuscripts
Plinys History
Thucydides History
Herodotus History
58-50 B.C.
58-50 BC
Documentary Evidence Ancient Work
Number of Manuscrip ts
New Testament
>24,633 (5k Greek, 19k other)
Flavius Josephus, Jewish Historian 37-100 A.D. Works Included, The Jewish War and Antiquities of the Jews
About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who wrought surprising feats and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Christ.
Corroborating Evidence
Tacitus, Roman Historian (56-117 A.D.) Reports that Jesus of Nazareth, the leader of the Christians, was executed by Pontius Pilate in the reign of Tiberius.
The Talmud, Basis for Rabbinical Jewish Law Acknowledges that Jesus was a real man, though it interprets His Life differently.
Corroborating Evidence
The King Who Never Existed
Isaiah 20:1 In the year that Tartan came to Ashdod, when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him, and he fought against Ashdod and took it.
Rebuttal Evidence
Ruins and remnants referencing Sargon discovered in 1843
The Order That Was Never Given
After all, the command of a census from Luke 2 was kind of hokey . . . dont you think?
Rebuttal Evidence
Discovery of a Papyrus Found in Egypt
Order for Roman Census in Egypt in time of Emperor Trajan circa A.D. 104
Archaeology Confirms the Historicity of the Bible
Archaeology, properly understood, always confirms the accuracy of the Bible. Dr. D.J. Wiseman
Scientific Evidence
No archeological discovery has ever controverted a single biblical reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm historical statements in the Bible. Dr. Norman L. Geisler, Skeptics
Scientific Evidence
Jesus was either our Lord, a lunatic, or a liar.
Psychological Evidence
prophecies Josh McDowell calculates that the
probability of fulfilling just 8 of the prophecies is 1 in 1017
Circumstantial Evidence
0.000000000000001% Chance!
Thats . . .
Fingerprint Evidence
Qumran Confirmed accuracy of Old
Fingerprint Evidence
There is an ancient and venerable principle of biblical exegesis which states that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a camel in disguise.
Dr. John Dominic Crossan Of the Jesus Seminar
So let's apply that to whether or not Jesus was
There is no evidence that Jesus was married (looks like a duck),
multiple indications that he was not (walks like a duck),
and no early texts suggesting wife or children (quacks like a duck) . . .
. . . so he must be an incognito bridegroom (camel in disguise).
Is seeing believing?
Not always.
Just goes to show that you cant believe everything you see.
Professor of Semitic Theology Spent 1st 15 years studying languages 26
in all Spent 2nd 15 years studying ancient OT texts Spent 3rd 15 years publishing
Robert Dick Wilson Princeton Seminary
I try to give my students such an intelligent faith in the Old Testament Scripture, that they will never doubt them as long as they live.
No man knows enough to assail the truthfulness of the Old Testament.
Robert Dick Wilson
9 honorary degrees Knighted for work in archaeology Was brought up to believe that the Bible was not
true Taught that Luke would not have been accurate
in his facts in the Gospel of Luke and Acts
Sir William Ramsay Archaeologist
You may press the words of Luke in a degree beyond any other historians and they stand the keenest scrutiny and the hardest treatment. Christianity did not originate in a lie; and we can and ought to demonstrate this as well as believe it.
Sir William Ramsay
2. Seek the truth.
3. Dialogue with grace.
What Advice Can We Follow?
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8
Eyewitness evidence (2 Pet. 1:16, 1 John 1:3, John 21:24) Documentary evidence (Ancient Works/Manuscripts) Corroborating Evidence (Josephus, Tacitus, Talmud, etc.) Rebuttal Evidence (King Sargon, Census Order examples) Scientific Evidence (Archaeology Confirms It) Psychological Evidence (C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity) Circumstantial Evidence (Prophecy Fulfilled – 30-300 times) Fingerprint Evidence (Dead Sea Scrolls)
The Bible’s Own Claims Prophets – “This is what the Sovereign Lord says” (432 times) Jesus – “The Spirit will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13) Paul – “We speak in words taught by the Spirit” (1 Cor. 2:13) Peter – “Not cleverly invented myths . . . but eyewitnesses” (2 Pet. 1:16) John – “We proclaim . . . what we have seen and heard” (1 John 1:3)
Nine Reasons We Can Trust the Bible Accuracy demonstrates it. Unity support it. [every book over 1,600 years neatly fits together] Thinking minds endorse it. [“He is no fool who trusts the Bible.”] Human nature requires it. [origin + destination = route] Our Savior taught from it. [He quoted from the OT always using it for teaching.] Revelation (fulfilled prophecy) confirms it. [Zech. 9:9, Isaiah 53, Micah 5:2, Psalm 22, Isaiah 7:14] Its own claim (self authentication) demands it. [from the divine Almighty God] The character of secures it. [Creator God who left a manual for living] Your personal experience illustrates it.
We Can Know Bible is True 1. The Bible has the “ring of truth” as we listen to what it teaches.
So many have died to defend it, for others to read it and have it as the
authoritative words of life. 2. The evidence clearly confirms the Bible as true in every detail.
Many scholars agree that the truthfulness of both the Old and New Testament accounts are of the highest caliber.
Why is the Bible True The Bible claims to be the Word of God >400 times in the Old
Testament alone. It may be claimed that this is an example of self-authentication
(circular reasoning). However, all reasoning is based on a foundational assumption, and exercise self-authentication all of the time.
2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that all Scripture is God-breathed, from the Greek word, theopneustos (θεπνευστος).
Ancient Works & Oldest Manuscripts Ancient Work
Date of Writing
Number of Manuscripts
Thucydides’ History
58-50 BC
1,400 years
Homer’s Iliad 900 B.C. 400 B.C. 500 years 643 New Testament
50-70 (90) A.D.
Notes can be downloaded at: community/abf-class-notes
Contact Glenn at: [email protected]
Pi Problem?
1 Kings 7:23 refers to Solomon ordering the creation of a cylindrical item 5 cubits high and 30 cubits in circumference. This would assert that the Bible claims that Pi is equal to 3. However, nowhere does it say “exactly.” Rather, stricter interpretation infers that the measurements were approximate, or rounded. Perhaps one can claim that the Bible isn’t precise, but that doesn’t make it errant or inaccurate.
Two Creation Accounts?
(a) Animals before humans (Genesis 1) (b) Humans before animals (Genesis 2:19)
The KJV actually get this wrong in Genesis 2:19, where it refers to the animals being formed out of the ground and then bringing them before Adam. Tyndale’s versions captured the verb tense properly in his earlier translation (the pluperfect tense) “had formed” – which agrees with the Genesis 1 account.
Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? (a) God did (2 Samuel 24: 1) (b) Satan did (I Chronicles 2 1:1)
As in the case of the testing of Job, nothing can occur without the governance and express permission of God. In Hebrew thought, nothing under the sun transpired without His agency. Thus, Satan is under the governance of God, and could not incite the event without God’s regulation.
How many fighting men were found in Judah? (a) Five hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9) (b) Four hundred and seventy thousand (I Chronicles 21:5)
These accounts were given by oral tradition – not public record. Could have been a copyist’s error.
When did Adam die? (a) On the day of his fall (Genesis 2:17) (b) 930 years old (Genesis 5:5)
The day of his fall, he became spiritually dead (“dead in trespasses and sin”). From the physical point of view, death began prey upon him. The original text translated is sometimes “die, die,
“ meaning “dying, die.”
How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem? (a) Twenty-two (2 Kings 8:26) (b) Forty-two (2 Chronicles 22:2)
Ahaziah was likely 22 when the reign of his family began. Some early manuscripts bear out that the literal translation would refer to the 42nd year of his family dynasty rather than his age. Equally likely is that it was a copyist error, as many of the early Syriac manuscripts and the Septuagint LXX refer to 22 (or sometimes 20) as Ahaziah’s age when he began to reign.
Jesus descended from which son of David? (a) Solomon (Matthew 1:6) (b) Nathan(Luke3:31)
Matthew provides genealogy from Joseph’s line, while Luke provides from Mary’s. No contradiction.
Did Jesus bear his own cross? (a) Yes (John 19:17) (b) No (Matthew 27:31-32)
Most scholars see no contradiction here. Christ probably bore his own cross until his strength failed (then helped by Simon). It is also likely that Simon did not bear the cross solely for Jesus – rather Jesus likely carried with Simon’s aid.
Is the law of Moses useful? (a) Yes. “All scripture is... profitable...” (2 Timothy 3:16) (b) No. “. . . A former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness... “(Hebrews 7:18)
Romans tell us that the Mosaic law was meant to reveal our need for grace that comes through Christ. In context, the Hebrews passage points to the fact that no one has been able to save themselves from by way of the law. That doesn’t make it useless – just not attainable short of grace through the new testament law of liberty (life through Christ).
To whom did the Midianites sell Joseph? (a) “To the Ishmaelites” (Genesis 37:28) (b) “To Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh” (Genesis 37:36)
Scholars believe that the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael
were often confused. Some suggest that the Ishmaelites may have been the proprietors of the caravan, which was comprised mostly of Midianites.
Who killed Saul? (a) “Saul took his own sword and fell upon it.... Thus Saul died... (I Samuel 31:4-6) (b) An Amalekite slew him (2 Samuel 1:1- 16)
The latter passage is given as that of an “Amalekite”, therefore colored in a way to make the Amalekite as an agent in the causation.
How many disciples did Jesus appear to after his resurrection? (a) Twelve (I Corinthians 15:5) (b) Eleven (Matthew 27:3-5 and Acts 1:9-26, see also Matthew 28:16; Mark 16:14 footnote; Luke 24:9; Luke 24:3 3)
The original disciples were referred to as the “12,” with disclaimer almost always being made, “except for Judas, who betrayed Him.”
Real LifeAdult Bible Fellowship
The Bible
The Jesus Seminar
Founded 1985 by Dr. Robert Funk and John Dominic Crossan 150 biblical scholars
The Jesus Seminar
No theological issue, especially salvation, hangs in the balance on any variant, error, or so-called contradiction. There is no contradiction or discrepancy that hasn’t been addressed by real scholarship and research.
What Can We Conclude?
Scientific Evidence
Scientific Evidence
Psychological Evidence
Circumstantial Evidence
Prophecy Confirms Its Accuracy Jesus Christ fulfilled arguably 300 prophecies Josh McDowell calculates that the probability of fulfilling just 8 of the prophecies is 1 in 1017
That’s . . .
Fingerprint Evidence
Fingerprint Evidence
The Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered in 1947 at Qumran Confirmed accuracy of Old Testament
Dr. John Dominic Crossan Of the Jesus Seminar
“So let's apply that to whether or not Jesus was married.”
There is no evidence that Jesus was married (looks like a duck), multiple indications that he was not (walks like a duck), and no early texts suggesting wife or children (quacks like a duck) . . .
Robert Dick WilsonPrinceton Seminary1856-1936
Professor of Semitic Theology Spent 1st 15 years studying languages – 26 in all Spent 2nd 15 years studying ancient OT texts Spent 3rd 15 years publishing
Robert Dick Wilson
Sir William RamsayArchaeologist1851-1939
9 honorary degrees Knighted for work in archaeology Was brought up to believe that the Bible was not true Taught that Luke would not have been accurate in his facts in the Gospel of Luke and Acts
Sir William Ramsay
Don’t fear the controversy. Seek the truth. Dialogue with grace.
What Advice Can We Follow?
