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E!Official Media Sponsor

Festival Programme£1 where sold

Over 550 Real Ales150 Ciders & Perries

Foreign BeersGreat British Wines

Live Music

Publicity Material Sponsor

Thursday 2nd May to Sunday 5th MayKings Meadow, Napier Road, Reading RG1 8BN

Thursday 2nd May to Sunday 5th MayKings Meadow, Napier Road, Reading RG1 8BN

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Page 3: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

On behalf of the 500ish unpaid volunteers ittakes to organise and run this beer festival- welcome to the 19th Reading and Mid

Berks CAMRA Real Ale and Cider Festival.

We are showcasing a huge range of real ales,ciders and perries, and a choice of foreign beersand British wines - hopefully something to suitevery palate. There are live bands throughout Fri-day and Saturday, Morris dancers, children’s enter-tainers on Sunday, and traditional pub gameskeeping you amused while choosing your nextdrink.

We have had to make changes to the layout forthis year. You may have already noticed thechange to one big tent. This has been due to amove to (slightly) higher ground. The Thamesnearly flooded us out last year; we ordered nicerweather this year but nothing is guaranteed. Thereis a handy map of the new layout showing thetoilets, food etc. in this programme. Please ask ourfriendly stewards if you need any help.

Other major changes this year have been the introduction of advanced tickets and sessions. The biggest complaints we had in the past werethe lack of advanced tickets and the long queues,which had routinely reached 3 hours. Hence advanced tickets. So why sessions? Advance tickets guarantee entry so we hold your placeopen until you arrive – which could be 9 pm. Wecould then be 1 in 1 out, but with half the siteempty which would make the queues worse. Soadvanced tickets make the introduction of ses-sions necessary.

I realise these will not be universally popular buthope you understand their necessity. The changeswon’t solve all the problems in one year, but weare keeping this under review.

I also want to take the chance to point out thatthere is no glasses refund this year. It sounds daft,but to put in the necessary industrial glass wash-ers actually costs us more than just giving theglasses away. So that’s what we have done.

So explanations aside, I take great pleasure inmy first year as Organiser to welcome you to our

Beer Festival. I hope you enjoy it as much as weenjoy working at it. But it’s not just about this fes-tival. Pubs are shutting at an alarming rate. Pleasejoin us in saving these bastions of British cultureand community life. It’s easy to do – just visityour local next week, then the week after…..


Dave ScottFestival Organiser

19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 3


ContentsWelcome 3

Entertainment 4-5

British Beer List 8-34

Site Plan 35

Our Sponsors 37

Food & Stalls 38

Cider & Perry 41-47

Wine and Mead List 50-53

Foreign Beer List 55-61

Join CAMRA 62

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4 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

Every DayA selection of traditional pub games will be available to play including long alley skittles, tablefootball, table skittles, shut the box and toad inthe hole. A range of prizes will be available for thechampions. If you're feeling lucky, visit the "LuckyPlucker" tombola for the opportunity to win awide range of beer and pub oriented prizes plussome quirky stuff and soft toys, together withnovelty hats. And have you ever wondered justwhat can you make out of balloons - a bracelet,an animal or the tallest piece of headgear you'llever wear? Just watch Balloon Platoon, the mas-ters of balloon sculpture, who will be making theirway around the site.

Friday – Music (Daytime)11.30am - Pedro RuizPedro Ruiz is originally fromGran Canaria (Spain) and stud-ied music in Barcelona (Gradesin Classical Music and ModernJazz Music) on Saxophone,

Classical guitar, Double bass and Operatic.

12.15pm - NewtownersAn authentic string bandflavour of down-home Ap-palachian music. Well noted forstrong vocals in classic coversand Irish traditional.

1pm - Russell AlsopRussell is a producer, musician, singer, songwriterwhose musical experiences range for club DJing torunning a 32 piece orchestra.

1.45pm - Long Walk HomeA two piece band based in Aldershot - vocals andguitar. Playing a variety of genres that cover all ofyour favourite songs, to the weird and wonderfulthat you will love to sing along to!

2.30pm - Chris BealesSong-writer and musician fromReading. Lead singer andrhythm guitarist of the rockband Static Rain. Blues-rock isone side to his music, which

ranges from the light to dark.

Friday – Music (Evening)Your compere for the evening: Damien Passmore

5.30pm - Retreat SingersThe Retreat Singers are a funloving female band with astrong emphasis on closeharmony a cappella singing.Drawing from their individualrich musical traditions of Gospel, Americana, Jazz,Scottish, Irish and English Folk, they create aunique eclectic sound, celebrating their unity andindividuality.

6.30pm - Dolly and theClothes PegsA range of their own songs,traditional tunes, classiccountry and reworked popcovers, fronted with gor-geous harmonies and ac-

companied by a whole lot of whoopin' andhollerin'.

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Entertainment and Games

7.45pm - 3 Buck ShirtJason Manners has been on the local and nationalblues scene for years. His mastery of the guitarspans upbeat electric rock-blues and boogie–woo-gie to soulful, spiritual country blues standards.

9pm - LeatheratDelivering the raw adrenalinof rock music, fused with theintricacies of traditional folktunes, Leatherat have playedover 350 concerts around

Europe, even supporting the mighty Quo in 2010!

Saturday – Music (Daytime)11.30am - Zarand SchullerMulti-ethnic, multi-lingual and a multi instrumen-talist.

12.15pm - Rebecca LambertSinger/songwriter from Reading.Her influences include CarlySimon, The Cranberries, Adele,The Beatles, Oasis and Lily Allento name but a few.

1pm - Rob SowdenIn addition to writing and performing his "ownwork", he provides music therapy to children whohave learning difficulties or disabilities. He alsonurtures the fledging talent of the Reading areathrough his Bohemian Night "open-mics" at DejaVu.

1.45pm - Jason HendrixReading-based Jason plays Hendrix and other covers in the same vein.

2.30pm - Tom Attah and Katie BradleyTom is the modern, living bluesman. Taking themusic from the past and carrying it into the fu-ture, Tom has stories to tell and songs to play.Special guest, Katie Bradley has a voice of genuinewarmth and personality, which goes beyond sim-ple technical ability.

3.30pm - Andy RavenRagged urban folk blown in from the gutters ofthe Oxford Road. The Andy Raven Band snaps at

the heels of the city, splashes in the pools ofstreetlamps and worries empty fairgrounddodgems. 'We won't be playing your music on ourshow - BBC Radio 3'

Saturday – Music (Evening)Your compere for the evening: Rob Sowden

6.30pm - Fruitful EarthA trio based in Deptford,playing British Rock n Roll.Highly acclaimed by the likesof Mojo magazine, The Wordand The Observer.

7.45pm - Oye SantanaThe superb guitar wizardryof Milan ‘Carlos’ Webb. Thekeyboard mastery of GezKahan. The astonishing vo-cals of Hector Gomez. Themulti-instrumental talents of Barry Caws plus arhythm section with more groove than you couldshake a pair of maracas at.

9pm - SwallowOur very own Diane "MistressMercy" Fox with Jane "Jet-black" Setter. A Readingbased covers band that playLed Zeppelin, Deep Purple,

Blondie, UFO and many more, bringing rock clas-sics to life! Their motto? "We just like to ROCK!!!"

SundaySunday at the festival has traditionally been afamily friendly day allowing parents with young orteenage children (under legal drinking age) toenjoy the event in a more relaxed, family orientedenvironment. For the youngsters, there's a wholehost of fun, activities and competitions in ourspecial "Half-pints" area (all children must be accompanied by an adult). You can visit the face-painting stall for a truly outrageousmakeover (also available Saturday). And, while not confirmed at the time of printing, we hope tohave the popular Hook Norton shire horses withus again.

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6 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

Beers Of Exceptional CharacterVisit our Brewery Shop for Bottles and takeawaydraught beers in a range of sizes, and other gifts.

The Flour Barn, Frilsham Home Farm Business Units,Yattendon RG18 0XT Tel: 01635202968

[email protected]


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8 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

The festival will feature over 550 beers ofvarying strengths and styles from all overEngland, Wales and Scotland. All beers will be

available from opening time providing the cellarstaff are satisfied that they are ready to serve.Some may take longer to clear so will come onlater in the festival.

The further growth in the cask ale market overthe last year has resulted in a significant rise inthe number of breweries in the UK and this is reflected in this year’s beer list with beers fromaround 60 breweries that have opened since thestart of 2012. We have not, however, overlookedmore established breweries and are featuring acouple dating back to the 18th century! Localbreweries within a 30 mile radius of KingsMeadow will all be featured on a separate “LocAle” bar to highlight Reading CAMRA’s LocAlescheme.

The tasting notes include a guide to the colourof the beers. Although we have done our best withthese the programme had to go to the printersbefore we had any beer at the festival. As a resultthere may be mislabelled beers in this list. If youwant to check the colour of a beer please look atthe cask end labels as these were updated wherenecessary after the beer arrived.

Pale in the programme (or a yellow pint on thecask end labels) means the beer is pale in colour,including golden, straw and blonde beers.

Amber in the programme (or an orange/brownpint on the cask end labels) means the beer isamber in colour, including brown, red and rubybeers.

Dark in the programme (or a very dark brownpint on the cask end labels) means the beer isvery dark, including dark brown, dark ruby andblack beers.

Speciality in the programme (or a blue pint onthe cask end labels) means the beer is made witha significant amount of wheat or contains fruit(s),spice(s) or honey. The beer could be light or dark.

Acknowledgements and thanksAcknowledgements and thanks are due to the fol-lowing :- Melissa Reed, David Browne and JodyOates for their assistance in choosing and order-ing the beers and obtaining tasting notes. Ourwholesalers, Mary Dade at Boggart Hole CloughDistribution in Manchester, Rob Shieldon at BeerMy Guest in Burton, Staffordshire, Rob Brady atGood Beer in Stroud, Gloucestershire, BusterGrant and Duncan Ward at Brecon Brewery, ArthurFrampton and Holly at Avalon Wholesale in Som-erset, Paul Fletcher at Small Beer in Lincoln, KerryHartley at Dark Star Brewery in Sussex, GreatHeck Brewery in North Yorkshire and all the otherbreweries who have delivered their beer them-selves.

Rick Pickup from Blackpool for his indispensablewebsite aka “The Directoryof UK Real Ale Breweries”. Most of the brewerystart dates have been obtained from Quaffale.

CheersAllan Conner

Beer Order co-ordinator

The British Beer List

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LocAle BeersAdkin Wantage, Oxfordshire 2007

Alfred's Honey Mild 3.2%A traditional dark Mild , with added Brightwell Bees Honey

Alfred's Citra 4.0%A single hop ale made with Citra.

Alfred's Marianka 4.0%A single hop ale made with Marynka.

Alfred's Jaypee's Stout 5.0%Brewed using finest English hops and five different malts

Andwell Andwell, Hampshire 2008Gold Muddler 3.9%

Golden blonde ale with fresh taste and citrus aroma.

King John 4.2%Rich amber beer with a fruity hoppyness.

Andwell Gold 4.4%Golden ale brewed with pale and caramalt malt.

Ruddy Darter 4.6%Rich ruby ale with a fruity aroma.

Appleford Appleford-on-Thames, Oxfordshire 2006Brightwell Gold 4.0%

A light, refreshing, golden ale made with wheat and Goldings hops, making it easy to drink and thirst quenching.

Power Station 4.2%A lighter copper coloured beer with a noticeably malty bitterness.

Ascot Ales Camberley, Surrey 2007Aureole Ale 3.3%

Golden in colour with citrusy aromas and flavour from theSummit hops. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of theQueen's reign.

On The Rails 3.8%Caramel and chocolate flavours from the malt and anaroma of pine and citrus from whole hop flowers.

Posh Pooch 4.2%A golden ale with a light bitter finish.

Alligator 4.6%American pale ale with a hoppy nose from the Cascade hops

Anastasia’s Exile Stout 5.0%Rich, dark with hints of chocolate and coffee.

Rhino Rye 5.0%A fruity amber rye ale.

Red IPA 5.5%Massively hopped IPA, with three times as many hops as anyof the other beers from the brewery.

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LocAle Draught Beer List

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Multi Hop 5.5%A beer festival special using 10 different hops.

Emperor Porter 7.0%Dark, rich with strong coffee and chocolate flavours.

Anastasia Russian Imperial Stout 8.0%This limited edition 'Imperial' version of the stout poursdeeply black with a tan head. Aromas of roasted coffee, alcohol and chocolate.

Aylesbury Brewhouse Aylesbury, Bucks 2011Beta 4.0%

A golden ale with a refreshing hoppy finish.

Spring Heeled Jack 4.2%A chestnut coloured ale - the stuff of legend! Brewed withfive grain varieties and hops from around the world.

Quark 4.3%Golden ale. Brewed with six hop flavours.

Bellinger’s Grove, Oxfordshire 2011Summer 3.7%

A light refreshing summer ale.

Original 4.1%A light and refreshing, easy drinking beer.

Best Bitter 4.7%Richer tasting, darker colour, longer fermentation, leadingto a more complex flavour.

Moonlight 5.0%Dark brown with chocolate bitterness giving way to a latesweetness.

Binghams Ruscombe, Berkshire 2010Smiled 3.4%

A dark smokey mild.

Twyford Tipple 3.7%An easy drinking tawny coloured bitter with a satisfyingmalty flavour and citrus hop finish.

Brickworks Bitter 4.2%A malty bitter with a hint of nuts.

Space Hoppy IPA 5.0%Pale golden ale. The hops impart a citrus flavour to makethis beer hugely refreshing.

Total Eclipse Black IPA 5.0%This black IPA has all the flavour of a dark beer, combinedwith the hoppiness usually associated with an IPA.

Ginger Doodle Stout 5.0%Doodle Stout with root ginger which provides a subtle gin-ger flavour and tempers the bitterness a little.

Honey Bee 5.0%A refreshing golden ale infused with honey.

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Botanist Richmond, Greater London 2011391 Brown Ale 4.0%

Brown ale brewed with a more generous than usual amountof chocolate malt and English hops for bittering.

OK Bitter 4.2%Celebrating the word ‘OK’ which originated in Kew. Englishstyle bitter, hints of caramel, smooth tasting with a slightbitterness.

Queen Charlotte 5.2%A Kolsch style ale. The appearance is like a pilsner: palestraw-coloured and clear.

Butts Great Shefford, Berkshire 1994Jester 3.5%

A rich golden beer with a hint of fruitiness.

Traditional 4.0%A light and refreshing session beer.

Barbus Barbus 4.6%Hoppy and well balanced without being sweet.

Le Butts 5.0%Brewed with lager yeast and hops resulting in a crisp andrefreshing European style biere.

Chiltern Terrick, Buckinghamshire 1980Chiltern Ale 3.7%

Light amber in colour with a predominantly pale maltycharacter and hints of grape and honey on the nose.

Nut Brown Mild 3.9%Luxuriously smooth, dark and subtly sweet with a beauti-fully balanced hop aroma. Brewed in the style of a classictraditional mild.

Beechwood Bitter 4.3%Mid amber in colour, with rich butter-toffee aroma. Fruity& slightly nutty. A hearty and well-rounded beer.

Complete Pig Britwell Salome, Oxfordshire 2009Oxfordshire Black Porter 3.8%

A very dark rich beer that has a lot of flavour for thestrength.

Hallacre Gold 4.2%A light flavoured golden ale.

Red Lion Best 4.5%A full-bodied, bronze coloured best bitter.

Farnham Farnham, Surrey 2006William Cobbett 4.5%

Dark amber bitter. Floral hops initially finishing with a citrussweet aftertaste.

Mike Hawthorn 5.3%Traditional strong golden beer.

Flowerpots Cheriton, Hampshire 2006Perridge Pale 3.6%

A light straw colour with a subtle twist of citrus hop. A veryrefreshing beer with a perfect clean finish.

Flowerpots Bitter 3.8%A dry, hoppy traditional bitter with a light bronze colour.

Cheriton Porter 4.2%A creamy coffee aroma, a hint of sweetness in the mouthalong with roasted chocolate maltiness, and a dry finish.

Goodens Gold 4.8%Golden ale packed full of powerful but fruity North Ameri-can hops giving a good level of bitterness to perfectly bal-ance the gravity.

Flowerpots IPA 6.0%Brewed with powerful North American Simcoe hops to givea strong fruity hop flavour which balances the weight ofmalt in a traditional IPA.

Henley Henley, Oxfordshire 2012Jail House 3.9%

Classic best bitter. With an earthy, spicy, biscuity aroma andmalty, but fruity finish. A remarkably well balanced, verydrinkable ale.

Temple Island 4.5%Pale ale featuring a blend of English, European and Ameri-can hops to give a floral and citrus aroma with hints ofgrapefruit and spice.

Hogs Back Tongham, Surrey 1992HBB 3.7%

A light amber session bitter, biscuity flavour with fragranthops, malty citrus fruits with an aromatic, hoppy finish andmalty aftertaste.

Spring 4.0%A light and refreshing, extremely pale and drinkable ale.

TEA 4.2%Pale brown with a hoppy, and slightly fruity aroma sup-ported by malt in the taste. A bittersweet beer with a longdry finish.

HOP 4.6%A malty pale golden beer with hints of banana and pineap-ple, a good balance of aroma and bittering hops and a longdry finish.

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Scan here for a real-timebeer list.


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A over T 9.0%Very strong, complex flavoured smooth barley wine. Rubycoloured and very full bodied.

Itchen Valley Alresford, Hampshire 1997Fagins 4.1%

Fruity copper coloured ale.

Watercress Best 4.2%Light amber ale with gentle pepperiness.

Pure Gold 4.8%Light golden beer. Highly refreshing with amazing hop flavours.

Loddon Dunsden Green, Oxfordshire 2003Fight Of Fancy 4.2%

A wonderful thirst quenching wheat beer brewed with 40%wheat malt and First Gold hedgerow hops.

Gorgeous George 4.3%The finest English barley malt combines with two Englishhops: Fuggles and Goldings, to remind you of a traditional,old fashioned bitter.

Ferryman’s Gold 4.4%Brewed using Slovenian Stryian Golding hops, which give azesty lime flavour.

Bamboozle 4.8%A strong pale ale heavily hopped with English Goldings. Thepale ale malt gives the beer a clean and crisp background.

Forbury Lion 5.5%Packed with a full malty flavour and a strong complex hopfinish imparted by Styrian Goldings and Fuggles.

Longdog Basingstoke, Hampshire 2011Bunny Chaser 3.6%

Dark copper coloured with plenty of malt in the mouth anda good whack of bitterness from traditionally English hops.

Special Mild 3.6%Dark and sweet.

Chilli Poacher 3.8%A golden bitter with added chilli.

Brindle Bitter 4.2%Traditional, English best bitter with Challenger and Goldingshops balanced by a malty, chocolatey sweetness.

Tinker's Tipple 4.5%A deep red old ale, malty with hints of spice.

Lamplight Porter 5.0%Chocolate and coffee flavours with a robust bitterness fromEnglish hops.

Loose Cannon Abingdon, Oxfordshire 2010Gunner's Gold 3.5%

This refreshing flavoursome beer offers hints of peach andpassion fruit.

12 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

LocAle Draught Beer List

Two Permanent Ales (Loddon Ferryman’s Gold & Sharp’s Cornish Coasting)

5 Ever-changing GuestsSelection of Draught and Bottled Cider


8 St Johns St, Reading, RG1 4EH Telephone: 01189571593

email: [email protected]

Holding our own Beer Festival all week!15 Real Ales available

we’re open between Reading Beer Festival sessiontimes. Come and try our ales whle the festival is closed

Opening Times Mon - Thurs: 4.30 to 11.00pm

Fri - Sat: 12-11.30pm Sun: 12 - 11pm

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Pale 3.7%Plenty of lemon and malt in the aroma, the taste is ofhoppy fruit and a hint of spice with a sweet finish.

Abingdon Bridge 4.1%Sweetish cereal malt aroma with a pinch of grassy hops.Fruity flavour with a bitter finish.

Bandwagon 4.2%Amber and fruity using Challenger and Pacific Gem hops.

Ramsbury Marlborough, Wiltshire 2004Marlborough Lite 3.9%

Pale session ale using Green Bullet hops, producing a zestyhoppy finish.

Black Ram Porter 4.1%Smooth dark porter with roasted malts with a fruity finish.

Silver Pig Stout 4.7%Rich, dark and traditional brew, complex in nature and fullof flavour.

Belapur IPA 5.5%Well hopped ale that boasts a fruity citrus finish.

Rebellion Marlow, Buckinghamshire 1993Smuggler 4.2%

Amber ale with a distinctive fruity hop character.

Sparko 4.2%Ruby ale made with Fuggles and Cascade hops.

Mutiny 4.5%Reddish, full bodied premium ale, with a rich malty flavourand a lasting, hoppy and bittersweet finish.

Zebedee 4.7%Spring beer, reflecting the images of the season. It is light incolour, crisp and refreshing with a delicate floral aroma.

Sherfield Village Sherfield on Loddon, Hampshire 2011SOLO Wakatu 4.3%

Maris Otter pale ale malt and five additions of this aroma-rich hop, added throughout the boil to get as much out of itas possible.

SOLO Wakatu - Dry Hopped 4.3%Maris Otter pale ale malt and five additions of this aroma-rich hop, added throughout the boil and then dry hoppedfor luck / fun!

SOLO Pilgrim 4.3%Single hop golden brew packed with fruity flavours.

SOLO Pilgrim - Dry Hopped 4.3%Single hop golden brew packed with fruity and resinousflavours, and then dry hopped for luck / fun!

Hoppy Harrington 4.7%Five-hop special brewed with US, NZ and UK hops for acomplex flavour with a sweetish flavour and a satisfyinghoppy finish.

Pilgrim Stout 5.0%Brewed with predominantly English hops - mainly Pilgrim;hence the name with paprika added to the boil.

Pilgrim Stout + Paprika 5.0%Hoppy fruity stout with smoked paprika for a spicy flavour.

Mellivora 5.4%Dark ruby beer brewed with five hop varieties and honey toproduce a smooth and delicious, distinctive beer.

IPA 2013 5.6%Indian pale ale brewed with English Pilgrim and NorthernBrewer hops, with a few American Galena hops thrown infor good measure.

Shotover Horspath, Oxfordshire 2009Prospect 3.7%

Pale copper in colour and well-hopped with a combinationof English and New Zealand hops.

Trinity 4.4%Pale gold American style pale ale. Massively hopped withUK and American hops.

Scholar 4.5%Mid copper in colour and well-hopped with mainly Englishhops. Smooth malt with a big body and a long bitter finish.

Oxford Porter 5.0%Rich, smooth, dark and bursting with complex flavours andhints of chocolate and coffee.

Siren Craft Finchampstead, Berkshire 2013Undercurrent 4.5%

Pale ale with spicy, grassy aromas and a taste of grapefruitand apricot.

Soundwave 5.5%A west coast IPA: golden, immensely hoppy and alive withgrapefruit, peach and mango flavours.

Liquid Mistress 5.7%A west coast bright red ale: burnt raisins and crackers bal-anced by citrus.

Broken Dream 6.7%Breakfast stout with a gentle touch of smoke, coffee andchocolate.

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Scan here for a real-timebeer list.


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Tillingbourne Shere, Hampshire 2011The Source 3.3%

Refreshing light golden ale with a powerful taste from Citrahops.

A.O.N.B 4.0%A dry hopped version of Falls Gold which has been fermented over a longer period of time. It has a strong Cascade hop nose and taste.

Falls Gold 4.2%Light, golden, slightly hopped session ale.

Hop Troll IPA 4.8%This ‘full on seven hop monster’ has a fantastic hop noseand initial taste which leads into a sweet malty finish.

Tring Tring, Hertfordshire 1992Mansion Mild 3.7%

A smooth creamy, ruby dark mild with a fruity palate andgentle hop aroma.

Peeking Polecat 4.0%Hopped with a single UK variety, Endeavour which impartscitrus and grapefruit characteristics in this light copper ale.

Bring Me Sunshine 4.2%If your preferred tipple is hoppy, then this brew will suit.Golden-brown in colour with citrus hops in abundance.

Moongazer 4.3%American hopped beer with tastes of mango and grapefruit.

Tea Kettle Stout 4.7%Rich and complex traditional stout with hints of liquorice.

Death or Glory 7.2%Dark, aromatic and estery strong ale brewed using MarisOtter malt and premium aroma hops.

Triple fff Four Marks, Hampshire 1997Altons Pride 3.8%

A traditional amber bitter. Full and clean tasting, initiallymalty then citrus fruit and resinous hop build to a quench-ing bitter finish.

Pressed Rat & Warthog 3.8%Ruby coloured, chocolate aroma with hints of blackcurrantand plum. Full roast flavour, fruit and malt vying with thehoppy bittersweet finish.

Moondance 4.2%Amber coloured best bitter with copious amounts of Cascade hops. Wonderfully aromatic floral nose.

Hallelujah 4.5%Full flavoured with a rich fruit nose featuring New ZealandGreen Bullet hops to give a pine lemon bitter finish.

Gilbert White 6.0%A blend of Maris Otter, Munich and wood cured smokedmalt with premium English hops gives an insight to ale ofthe 18th century.

Twickenham Twickenham, London 2004Sundancer 3.7%

Amber malt provides a pleasant biscuity edge and a blendof English and American hops add a floral and citrus-likelong dry finish.

Vanguard 4.1%The pale and dark crystal malts and caramalt give malti-ness, whilst the English and German hop mix gives a spicyhop character.

Spring Ale 4.4%Hoppy ale with a sweetish edge. Golden coloured beer witha big fresh fruity citrus nose and taste. Refreshing hoppy fin-ish.

Smiler’s Ale 4.8%Refreshing citrus and pine aroma, dry, hoppy flavour with aslight fruitiness, long hoppy finish with a touch of orangepeel.

Two Cocks Enborne, Berkshire 2011Diamond Lil 3.3%

A fresh and citric light ale.

Roundhead 4.2%A full bodied, smooth best bitter. A blend of Cascade andFirst Gold hops give it its characteristic complex hoppiness.

Puritan 4.5%Its stark black and white appearance conceals luxuriousnotes of caramel and chocolate.

Viscount 5.6%A golden ale made with Nelson Sauvin hops.

Vale Brill, Buckinghamshire 1994Wychert 3.9%

A traditional Thames Valley beer. Woody flavours are no-table in this strikingly malty beer, with a finish of port andberries on the nose.

Black Swan Mild 3.9%Dark and smooth with hints of chocolate and coffee on thenose and a malty dry finish.

One Ton Morris 4.1%A traditional English style bitter using the finest Britishhops. Named with the centenary celebrations of MorrisMotors in mind.

Black Beauty Porter 4.3%Traditional Thames Valley brown porter. Roasted malt andcoffee on the nose, smooth malt with liquorice and choco-late on the palate.

Gravitas 4.8%A strong, pale ale packed with hop and citrus flavours,rounded off by a dry malty biscuit finish. A pronounced hoparoma throughout.

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14 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

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West Berkshire Yattendon, Berkshire 1995Maggs’ Mild 3.8%

Dark and full of roast malt flavours coupled with a smoothmouth feel and gentle sweetness.

Mr Swift's Pale Ale 3.8%A light, straw-coloured bitter, fragrantly hoppy and extremely drinkable.

Good Old Boy 4.0%Rich malts and fruity hops combine to create this classicbest bitter.

Dr Hexter's Wedding Ale 4.1%Pale gold with a crisp, dry finish.

Man-Slicer Rye 4.4%A lovely old-gold colour, subtly hopped and with a spicyrye finish.

Tamesis Extra Stout 4.9%Brewed with dark malts and oats to give a thick chocolatecharacter and hopped with Fuggles and Goldings.

Dr Hexter's Healer 5.0%An amber, highly-hopped and full-bodied strong bitter.

White Horse Stanford in the Vale, Oxfordshire 2004Bitter 3.7%

This golden bitter balances locally grown Challenger hopswith Yorkshire malt.

Black Beauty Mild 3.9%Ruby in colour, using fuggles hops and chocolate malts.

Giant 4.3%Chestnut in colour, malty and nutty.

Wayland Smithy 4.4%Amber ale with lots of hops.

Porter 5.0%Full bodied in taste, this porter has a balance of roastedgrain giving a fruity smooth aftertaste and a slight bitter-ness of Kent hops.

Gov'ner 6.5%A golden ale, dry with floral sweetness.

Wild Weather Silchester, Berkshire 2012Old Muddy 3.8%

Tawny session ale where a smooth malty bitterness com-bines with floral spicy and mild citrus hoppy overtones.

Little Wind 4.2%Deep amber ale with a touch of copper where lovely hopflavours dance on the lingering malty base.

Storm Bringer 4.5%Premium ale with a smooth, distinctive malty base and alovely rich balance of well developed hop flavours.

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LocAle Draught Beer List


Call: 01628 826622 / 2781 Email: [email protected] Visit:

The Bird in Hand, Bath Road, Knowl Hill,Twyford, Berks RG10 9UP

CAMRA Mid-Berkshire Pub of the Year 2010

A charming 14th Century Country Inn betweenMaidenhead and Reading. The Inn serves a host

of regularly changing Real Ales.

The beautifully refurbished Restaurant overlooksthe garden and the Inglenook fire provides a warm

and cosy setting.

The Inn’s 15 en-suite bedrooms have been com-pletely refurbished. All have the usual facilitiesincluding wifi. One room is adapted for the dis-


6th May - Family Fun Day & Dog Show

in aid of Twyford Charities Together

Hog Roast, BBQ, Beer Tent, sidestalls, bouncy castle and lots more.Admission £2 per adult. Children & Dogs

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Windsor and Eton Windsor, Berkshire 2010Brew 477 3.5%

Also called "Bostin Mild", a Midlands style mild brewed incollaboration with Richard from Goddard's Brewery.

Windsor Knot 4.0%Pale ale using the much sought after Nelson Sauvin hopwith exotic fruit aroma.

Kohinoor 4.5%An Indies Pale Ale using Commonwealth sourced ingredientswith influences from India and the East Indies.

Conqueror 5.0%How can it be an India Pale Ale when it’s black? Tie yourbrain in knots and enjoy the stout/mild maltiness and IPAsummer fruit.

XT Thame, Oxfordshire 2011Pie 3.1%

Dark mild.

Festival Special 4.2%A refreshing golden fruit beer made with English pale andMunich malts, combined with Bohemian and Bavarian hops.

13 4.5%Hops from around the Pacific meet on a raft of amber redmalts.

Eight - Oak casked 4.5%Rich dark porter with notes of coffee and dark chocolate.Aged in and served from oak casks.

Zero Degrees Reading, Berkshire 2007Franconia Smokey 4.4%

Copper coloured specialist German style smoked beer usinga lager yeast. German Kellerbier - style without filtering andwithout finings.

Spring Bock 6.5%Golden slightly sweet German style spring beer with a floralaftertaste. German Kellerbier style without filtering andwithout finings.

Rest of the Country4T’S Warrington, Cheshire 2010

Keep Calm 3.8%Refreshing beer brewed with traditional hops throught theprocess, smooth tasting and quaffable.

Hole In One 4.0%Brewed with Warrior hops for a good bittering plus AmericanCascade and Apollo for aroma.

Abbeydale Sheffield, South Yorkshire 1996Devotion 4.4%

A pale beer with floral aromas and distinctive lycheeflavours.

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Faith Book 4.7%Punchy beer, golden in colour. Tropical fruit aroma comingfrom the large addition of Galaxy hops.

Adventure Chessington, Greater London 2012South 5.0%

Adapted from a London brewery in 1880, bringing togethera balance of English malt and the new world zing of Aus-tralian hops.

West 5.8%Rich porter from an 1834 Norfolk brewery brings togetherdeeply roasted malts balanced with sharp American hops.

East 6.6%A unique blend of pale malts and exotically fruity NewZealand hops, East India pale ale originally from an 1860'sLondon brewery.

Alfreds Winchester, Hampshire 2012Saxon Bronze 3.8%

A gentle pale ale with a biscuit finish.

Wessex Legend 4.8%A new porter brewed for the Reading Beer Festival.

Arbor Bristol 2007Mild West 3.6%

Munich, wheat, chocolate, black and crystal malts. Hints ofroasted coffee and dark chocolate.

Hoptical Delusion No.7 3.8%Heavily hopped pale ale.

Blue Sky Drinking 4.4%Best bitter brewed with all English ingredients.

Oyster Stout 4.6%Brewed with seven different grains. Fuggles, East Kent Gold-ing and Bramling Cross hops are added during the boilalong with fresh oysters, shells and all.

Black Eyed PA 6.5%Heavily hopped dark ale.

Arkells Swindon, Wiltshire2008Cherry Black 3.6%

Easy drinking beer with a chocolaty base amid light coffeenotes. Whole cherries highlight the fruity side of thissmooth mild.

Wiltshire Gold 4.0%Light coloured, brewed with Maris Otter malt which createsa sweet malty flavour.

Moonlight 4.5%Golden auburn colour with awarm toasty aroma and dsit-inctive citrus hoppy flavour from the Celeia hops.

Art Brew North Chideock, Dorset 1843Hip Hop - Dana 4.3%

Clean, crisp single hopped golden ale.

Hip Hop - Dr. Rudi's 4.3%Clean, crisp single hopped golden ale.

Tempest 4.6%Dark ale with classic chocolate, roasted malt flavours andtart hop notes associated with stout.

Hip Hop Extra - Citra 6.0%Clean, crisp single hopped ale brewed to a higher strength.

Monkey IPA 6.4%Golden ale, so stuffed with hops, it will make your tonguetingle. This beer is dangerously drinkable.

Spanked Monkey 6.4%Monkey IPA with added root ginger and chilli.

Orange Monkey 6.4%Rich orange peel overtones, a good balance of malt andthree hop varieties.

Anarchist Party Bitter 7.2%Strong bitter massively hopped with Nelson Sauvin.

Atom Scarborough, North Yorkshire 2013Atom Blonde 4.5%

Pale ale, test brew at North Riding Brewery, Scarborough.Brewery will be opening in Beverley, East Yorkshire.

Attwood Hartlebury, Worcestershire 2011Attwood's Pale Ale 4.0%

Crisp, light and refreshing, brewed with a blend of Englishhops and American Cascade.

Nectar 4.2%Light golden bitter, well balanced with a gentle sweetnessthroughout that counters the Northdown and Fuggles hops.

Farmers Dark Ale 4.2%Smooth dark session ale brewed with Fuggles and Progresshops. Slightly smoky with a caramel finish.

Axholme Luddington, Lincolnshire 2012Best Bitter 3.8%

Traditional English bitter, malty fruitcake flavours dominatewith a peppery hop finish.

Isle Pale Ale 4.1%Powerfully hopped with English hops, with grassy andherbal flavours dominating and a rounded bitter finish.

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Baldy Parham, West Sussex 2012Southwater Gold 4.5%

Golden ale.

Smokin’ Barrel 5.0%Dark whisky porter.

Bartrams Rougham, Suffolk 1999Green Man 4.0%

A full bodied golden bitter, peaches and oranges on thenose and on the palate with a fruity spicy finish.

Egalitarian Anti Imperialist Russian Stout 6.9%A bold and tasty Russian stout with a mouthfilling, airy, tex-ture and a lot of enjoyable, bitter chocolate flavours.

Bedlam Winchester, Hampshire 2012Best Bitter 4.0%

Made with Goldings hops, to give a sweet fruity ale with ahint of chocolate.

Golden Ale 4.2%American hops used to impart a bright bitterness and atouch of roasted barley.

Belleville London 2013Battersea Brownstone 4.8%

Built like the proverbial: solid, sturdy and reliable.

Chestnut Porter 4.9%

A dark beer for the long nights. Keep warm and drink on.

Commonside Pale Ale 5.0%Pale and interesting but a little on the wild side.

Thames Surfer 5.7%Radical hop waves. Wipe-outs a distinct possibility.

Bespoke Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire 2012Money for Old Rope 4.8%

Stout with classic rich dry flavours of malt and grain plusdeep hop bitterness.

Over a Barrel 5.0%Richly coloured fruity strong ale with generous peppery fin-ish of Goldings hops.

Bird Brain Howden, East Yorkshire 2009Superb Starling 4.3%

Golden bitter.

Condor 4.6%Dark bitter.

Black Jack Manchester 2012Shuffled Deck 3.8%

Aromas are marmalade with pine and grapefruit. Flavoursare woody with sweet citrus and bitter grapefruit.

First Deal 4.4%A ruby ale with a dried fruit aroma with flavour of berries,earthy malts and a spicy, bitter finish.

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Blacker & Son Saltney, Cheshire 2013Eclipse 4.1%

Light and quaffable, this pale blond ale is easy drinking witha crisp taste and lingering hop finish.

Chester Best 4.3%A stunning best bitter, mid-brown in colour and packedwith English hops.

Blue Monkey Ilkeston, Derbyshire 2008BG Sips 4.0%

Enticing tropical fruit aromas, finished with a good level ofthirst quenching, almost peppery bitterness.

Infinity 4.6%An infinitely satisfying pale ale, brewed with Citra hopsfrom the USA for a punchy hop presence.

Guerilla 4.9%A hearty beer full of malty complexity balanced by a robustbitter bite.

Boggart Manchester 2001Mud Brawler 4.4%

Rich, dark vanilla porter.

Botley Botley, Hampshire 2010Botley Mill 3.8%

Copper coloured, slightly sweet with fruity notes.

Botleys Best 4.2%A distinctive hop aroma. Three hop, amber coloured bitter.

Gringo's Gold 4.5%Glorious fruity golden ale with a clean bitter finish.

Bowman Droxford, Hampshire 2006Elderado 3.5%

A subtle injection of elder flowers defines this beer, whichhas plenty of character and a lovely bitter finish.

Quiver 4.5%Gloriously rich golden in colour, this premium bitter is fullof complex flavours including a tiny amount of caramel.

Braydon Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire 2009Mooned Up 3.6%

Spring and autumn dark mild that’s malty, gently hoppy,and toasty in taste.

Thrudger 3.8%A light summer session ale brewed using cascade hops.

YerTiz 4.1%A triple hopped well balanced bitter.

PotWalloper 4.4%A ruby coloured beer with rich malty undertones.

Brecon Brecon, Powys 2011Three Beacons 3.0%

Pale golden APA remarkably full flavoured and extensively

hopped a beer that truly defies its strength.

Welsh Beacons 3.7%Golden traditional Welsh Ale brewed with pale, gold, oatand wheat malts for a full flavour and a refreshing blend ofBritish hops.

Gold Beacons 4.2%Deep golden ale brewed with Progress and Pioneer hops fora well defined bitterness which balances the blend of malts.

Imperious Beacons 7.5%Velvety smooth, deep black and with hints of smoky coffee,toffee and luscious Black Forest gateau.

Brew Co Sheffield, South Yorkshire 2008El Dorado 3.8%

Pale ale single hopped with new variety, El Dorado.

Topaz 3.8%Pale ale single hopped with Topaz.

Treacle Stout 5.0%Rich stout with added treacle.

Brewsters Grantham, Lincolnshire 1998Hopadoodledoo 4.3%

Brewed with four malts and three hops. It has a full bodiedfeel and a delicious fruity hop character.

Sexy Sadie 4.8%A buzz’n hoppy fruit citrus aroma that leads all the way intothe flavour.

Bristol Beer Factory Bristol 2004Acer 3.8%

Golden ale with Columbus hops for bitterness, and a biglate addition of Sorachi Ace to give an intriguing aroma.

Bristol Hefe 4.8%A German-style wheat beer, with a rich banana and clovearoma. With banana, bubble gum and hints of grapefruit.

Bitter Kiwi 5.0%American Pale Ale aged in white wine barrels with goose-berries. A tropical fruit aroma with notes of gooseberry andgrassy hops.

Southville Hop 6.5%American inspired IPA, powerfully hopped with Cascade,Centennial and Simcoe hops packing it with tropical fruit

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aromas and flavours.

Brodie’s Leyton, Greater London 2008Citra 3.1%

Pale session beer with lashings of Citra hops.

Kiwi 3.8%Galaxy hops from Australia, blended with NZ Nelson andMotueka provide an extreme passion fruit aroma.

Bethnal Green Bitter 4.0%Maris Otter and crystal malt in the mash tun. BramlingCross and Styrian Goldings in the copper . The quintessen-tial English bitter.

Old Street Pale Ale 5.0%Simcoe and Citra all the way in this showboat AmericanPale Ale.

Broughton Broughton, Scottish Borders 1980Spring Ale 3.5%

A light, dry, but refreshing summer pint. Brewed to give acrisp hop flavour and aftertaste and a light golden colour.

Dark Dunter 5.0%Bursting with oatmeal and chocolate aromas, comple-mented by dark roasted malts and a rich aftertaste.

6.2 IPA 6.2%Loaded with Chinook, Cascade and Columbus hops. Brewedwith quadruple the hops in a typical IPA.

Brown Cow Barlow, North Yorkshire 1997Roof Raiser 4.3%

Pale with a strong hint of fruit in the aftertaste.

Mrs. Simpson's Thriller in Vanilla 5.1%A scrumptious rich porter brewed with fresh vanilla podscomplementing the complex dark malts.

Brownshill Valley Stroud, Gloucestershire 2013Amarillo 4.0%

New beer - no tasting notes available.

Bravo 4.5%New beer - no tasting notes available.

Brupond Leyton, Greater London 2013Ain’cho Mum's Porter 4.2%

Traditionally made porter with aromas of dark chocolate,fresh roasted coffee and a hint of burnt caramel.

Sweet Bee Honey’d Wheat 4.5%Tasty west coast-style wheat beer. The combination ofhoney and hops creates a lovely floral aroma.

Tip Top Hop 6.0%Continuously hopped which diminishes some of the hoppybitterness while imparting the unique attributes of thekazbek hops.

Bumpmill Alfreton, Derbyshire 2012

Moonraker 3.8%Quaffable blonde ale.

Drops of Jupiter 4.0%Pale ale with citrus grapefruit notes leading to a slightly bit-ter finish.

Thunder Road 4.4%Copper premium bitter. Full bodied chocolate and roastmalt with a smooth finish.

Bushy's Braddan, Isle of Man 1986Ruby 1874 Mild 3.5%

A fine aroma of crystal malt and Fuggles and Challengerhops with a well balanced flavour.

Old Bushy Tail 4.5%Pronounced hop and malt aroma, slightly sweet and maltyon the palate, with distinct orangey tones.

Buxton Buxton, Derbyshire 2010Moor Top 3.6%

Hopped with armfuls of US Chinook, this beer oozes citrusflavour and aroma. It has a lovely sweetness with a linger-ing bitter finish.

Rednik Stout 4.1%Aromas of burnt roast coffee, malty molasses, prunes, anda hint of smoke. It is gently sweet and sour, with a moderatebitterness.

American Rye 4.3%A hoppy amber ale, brewed with a complex mash of MarisOtter pale malt, rye, caramalt and wheat.

Dark Nights 4.6%Chestnut brown, with cappucino head. It has aromas of for-est fruits and a biscuity, malty body. Generously hoppedwith US varieties.

By The Horns Merton, London 2011Stiff Upper Lip 3.8%

A well balanced mellow malt gives the beer a rich bodywhilst a myriad of hops leaves the beer with a crisp late bit-ter finish.

Whiskey Vanilla Lambeth Walk Porter 5.4%Porter with added whiskey and vanilla.

Hopslinger 5.7%Brewed with Cascade, Columbus, Chinook, and Centennialhops create a tropical citrus and pine full bodied IPA.

Clarence and Fredericks Croydon, Greater London2012

Golden Ale 3.8%A citrus aroma with an initial refreshing bitterness of grape-fruit hoppiness gives way to a dry bitter aftertaste.

Smoked Red 5.1%

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Moderately hopped to allow the rich full smoky flavour toshine through, the colour is achieved with a delicate blendof three malts.

IPA 5.2%Authentic IPA with a fruity aroma, full of robust warmingmalt and solid English bitterness.

Coastal Redruth, Cornwall 2006Poseidon 4.0%

Golden ale brewed with Citra hops.

Springfire Blonde 4.2%Golden ale.

West Coast IPA 7.5%Strong hoppy IPA.

Kernow Imperial Stout 9.0%Russian imperial stout.

Compass Carterton, Oxfordshire 2009West 3.5%

Copper coloured ale with Maris Otter, Munich and Cararedmalts. English and Polish hops.

Isis Pale 4.1%A malty, slighty hoppy ale with a woody finish.

Baltic Night 4.8%A sharp bitterness with hints of coffee that gives way to along dry cocoa finish.

The King's Shipment 6.0%A bittersweet strong pale ale dry hopped in oak casks.

Crate Hackney Wick, London 2012Stout 5.7%

A black velvety stout, with deep roast coffee and dark fruitflavours.

India Pale Ale 5.8%A deep, rich, well-balanced IPA, packing a load of Summitand Chinook hops.

Cronx New Addington, Greater London 2012Standard 3.8%

Traditional bitter, well balanced traditional ale. Anythingbut standard on taste.

Kotchin 3.9%Blonde ale brewed with Cascade hops to give a passion fruit

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and peach aroma.

Entire 5.2%A dark, robust porter with hints of coffee and bitter choco-late.

Cumbrian Legendary Hawkshead, Cumbria 2006Esthwaite Bitter 3.9%

Made with five different malts and Cascade hops.

Loweswater Gold 4.3%Made with mainly lager malt and German hops producing atropical fruit aroma and flavour.

Grassmoor Dark 4.3%Made with chocolate, crystal and Maris Otter malts to-gether with all English hops.

Dark Star Partridge Green, West Sussex 1994The Art of Darkness 3.5%

Warrior bittering hops, along with a blend of aroma hops toadd fruit and spice.

American Pale Ale 4.7%The yeast strain used for the brewing is imported from theUSA, along with Cascade, Centennial and Chinook hops.

Carafa Jade 5.0%German Carafa barley malt gives a warm bronze colourwith a full spiciness from the versatile New Zealand PacificJade hops.

Revelation 5.7%A blend of Centennial, Liberty, Cascade, and Citra aromahop - then dry hopped during conditioning using their‘Hoptimizer’.

Deeply Vale Bury, Greater Manchester 2012Still Walking 3.8%

Light, well balanced easy drinking session ale with a fruityaroma and a velvety smooth finish.

Golden Vale 4.2%Deep golden colour, refreshing, robust and malty. A com-plex bitterness with a smooth caramel finish.

DV8 4.8%Moreishly delicious breakfast stout.Thick and creamy, likesilk in a glass.

Derventio Trusley, Derbyshire 2006Cleopatra 5.0%

Pale and caragold malts are infused to produce a complexbeer. Rounded off with First Gold hops and a hint of apricot.

Dickensian Roden, Shropshire 2012Ale of Two Cities 3.8%

Thrice-hopped and as bitter as Scrooge, this red tipple iscomplex but balanced and perfect for a long session.

David Hopper Field 4.0%Bursting with hoppy flavours, clean as a whistle. A fruitybeauty that smells great and leaves you with a bit of a kick.

Great Fermentations 4.6%Traditional cloudy Belgian recipe that's plump, sweet anddeceptively strong.

Doncaster Doncaster, South Yorkshire 2012Sand House Blonde 3.8%

Blonde ale, named after dwellings in Doncaster carvedfrom sandstone in the 1850s.

Town Crier Stout 4.0%Deep brown to dark in colour, mildly hopped with East KentGoldings. Burnt coffee aroma with a smooth light choco-late finish.

Mucky Bucket 5.0%Black IPA named to commemmorate the coal mining indus-try in the Doncaster area.

Downlands Henfield, West Sussex 2011Truleigh Gold 3.7%

A crisp refreshing pale ale packed full of citrus, orange andapricot flavours combined with a gentle sweetness.

Ruskin's Ram 4.0%Traditional bitter with a balance between malty base notesand strong hoppy flavours that giving hints of vanilla andelderflower.

Devils Dyke Honey Porter 5.0%Dark soft porter full of chocolate, toffee, smokey flavourswith a subtle hint of marmalade from the Challenger hops.Now with added honey.

Downton Downton, Wiltshire 2003Japanese Pale Ale 3.6%

100% Sorachi Ace hops from Japan are used to flavour thispale session bitter with a sharp lemon and lime bitterness.

Forest Dark 3.8%Rich coffee flavours and a smooth body are combined witha dark chocolate aroma in this well crafted offering.

Quadhop 3.9%Four varieties of hops (Challenger, East Kent Goldings, Pio-neer, and Styrian Goldings) provide a full range of floraland citrus aromas.

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Nelsons Delight 4.5%A well hopped, yet mellow amber bitter. The subtle aromaand flavour of dark rum adds sweetness to this well bal-anced premium brew.

Chocolate Orange Delight 5.8%This old ale has distinctive chocolate and orange flavourswhich work excellently against a rich, hoppy background.

Chimera IPA 6.8%A true traditional IPA. Strong, hoppy and refreshing. Burstingwith hoppy resin flavours and citrus, this is an IPA with abite.

East London E10, London 2011Orchid 3.6%

Dark mild, spiced with vanilla.

Jamboree 4.8%Made with English hops, in particular Bramling Cross andlager, pale and wheat malt, giving a smooth but refreshingmouthfeel.

Quadrant 5.8%A smooth stout with a silky mouthfeel, rich dark fruit flavourand hints of coffee.

Eden Brougham, Cumbria 2012Dark Knight 3.8%

Dark chestnut ale, brewed using four varieties of malt withtraditional English aroma hops.

Eden Gold 4.2%Light golden colour, with a distinctive hop character and avery pleasant citrus aroma.

Fell Flookburgh, Cumbria 2013Porter 4.8%

New beer - no tasting notes available.

Pale 5.1%New beer - no tasting notes available.

Five Points Hackney, London 2013Porter 4.2%

London Porter.

Pale Ale 4.4%American style pale ale..

Five Towns Wakefield, West Yorkshire 2008Davy Jones Locker 3.9%

Dark session beer with a fruity aroma, a little dryness and abitter, lasting malt finish.

Three Hop Hare 4.5%A pale ale with hints of grapefruit before a dry bitter finish.

Flipside Nottingham 2010Sterling Pale 3.9%

Easy drinking with a bitter, spicy hop flavour.

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Draught Beer from Around Britain

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Dark Denomination 4.0%A well rounded mildly hopped beer. Chocolate and caramelmalt flavours combine delicately with blackcurrant hopflavours.

Copper Penny 4.2%Light brown, moderately bitter but with good hop flavours,ending with a hint of tangerine.

Clippings IPA 6.5%A traditional strong IPA at 6.5% golden in colour withcrushed gooseberry and bitter white wine hop flavours.

Forge Hartland, Devon 2008Dark Horse 4.1%

A rich oat, dark copper coloured beer with a fruity aroma.Full of zingy hop flavours with biscuity undertones and asmooth finish.

Forged Porter 4.2%A dark ale with a fruity nose, very well balanced and full bod-ied with a silky smooth texture, very easy drinking for a porter.

Handsome 5.1%SIBA Supreme Champion Beer of the South West 2012. Awell balanced, light brown bitter, has malty hints with anice hoppy finish.

Franklins Bexhill, East Sussex 2011English Garden 3.8%

A rich hop aroma is balanced by biscuity malt with a slightsweetness and is wrapped up in a wave bright goldencolour.

Citra IPA 5.5%As the name suggests this ale is bursting with citrus flavoursand aroma, with tropical notes of mango, lime, pineappleand orange.

Front Row Congleton, Cheshire 2012Sin Bin 4.2%

Sinfully hoppy beer!

Collapsed 5.6%An IPA packed with the finest English hops.

Fuller’s Chiswick, London 1842Brit Hop 4.1%

A blend of eight different hops gives a citrusy, spicy nosewith grassy, earthy floral undertones.

London Porter 5.4%Rich, dark and complex, brewed from a blend of Brown,Crystal and Chocolate malts balanced by Fuggles hops.

Gates Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire 2011Damm 5.0%

Dark ale.

Golden Duck Appleby Magna, Leicestershire 2012LFB (Lunns First Brew) 4.3%

Traditional golden ale, using all English Hops. LFB is a lightfresh ale with slight citrus after taste.

Lunny's No.8 4.8%Extra American hops are used to provide long lastingflavour for this golden ale. Extra smooth and bitter tasting.

Nosey Parker 5.0%Premium strength IPA made with English hops. Smooth anddeceptively strong with slight citrus overtones.

Great Heck Great Heck, North Yorkshire 2008Powermouse 3.6%

Pale, hoppy session ale with delicate bitterness and fruityhop flavour and aromas from a blend of eight varieties ofEuropean and US hops.

Voodoo Mild 4.3%Brewed with addition of chocolate and black malt.

Brunette 4.3%Deep golden coloured ale with delicious fruity hop notes.English, Slovenian, American and Australian hops.

Yakima IPA 7.4%Strong IPA with a blend of US hops - Citra, Simcoe, Cas-cade, Chinook and Amarillo.

Hackney Hackney, London 2012Golden Ale 4.0%

Refreshing and complex, with deep flavour characteristicsbut light and high in aroma hops.

American Pale Ale 4.5%A rich malt base gives a delicious body of flavour. Brewed withAmerican aroma hops that make it refreshing and hoppy.

New Zealand Pale Ale 4.5%Brand new beer brewed with New Zealand hops.

Hamelsworde Hemsworth, West Yorkshire 2013Spanish Stout 4.2%

Traditional stout with a strong roasted flavours and a sweetliquorice taste complemented by aniseed.

Haley’s Comet 4.5%A fresh summery ale which is light and easily quaffed,Amarillo, Cascade and Fuggles give this beer a citrus aromaand taste.

Harbour Bodmin, Cornwall 2012tbc tbc%

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Hardknott Millom, Cumbria 2005Lux Borealis 3.8%

Pale ale brewed with Aurora hops then dry hopped.

Cool Fusion 4.4%Very pale straw, grassy nose with a hint of sweet ginger, re-freshing mild spicy flavour and a gentle thirst quenchinglymild finish.

Dark Energy 4.8%Inter-galactic stout. Rich dark berries, bitter chocolate,espresso coffee.

Harveys Lewes, East Sussex 1790Sussex Mild 3.0%

Dark malty mild.

Harthill Harthill, South Yorkshire 2013Ace of Harts 3.9%

Pale ale malt, caramalt and a hint of black malt for a maltysweetness . Bramling Cross and Sovereign hops.

Hart’s Desire 4.4%A slightly darker golden premium ale brewed with a specialblend of Slovenian Styrian Goldings and American Cascadehops.

Dark Hart 4.8%A rich, smooth, full bodied dark ale brewed with a trio ofdark malts. Spicy, blackcurrant aromatic notes of BritishBramling Cross hops.

Hay Rake Littleborough, Greater Manchester 2012Early Dawn 4.1%

Light, fresh golden ale.

Hop Back Downton, Wiltshire 1987Citra 4.4%

Single hop variety blonde ale with a refreshing, lemonygrapefruit aftertaste, and a light crisp bitterness.

Summer Lightning 5.0%Straw coloured beer with a terrific fresh, hoppy aroma. This,coupled with an intense bitterness, leads to an excellentlong, dry finish.

Hop Kettle Cricklade, Wiltshire 2012Pacific Jade 4.0%

Pale ale single hopped with Pacific Jade.

Tricerahops 4.1%Very fruity triple hopped golden ale combining the besthops available from the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

Adders Tongue 5.3%Ruby malt backbone, gentle floral and fruity new seasonNew Zealand hops.

Snake Head IPA 6.2%Well balanced IPA, heavily hopped with all American hops.

Hopdaemon Newnham, Kent 2001Golden Braid 3.7%

Refreshing golden session bitter, wickedly hopped with EastKent Goldings and Challenger.

Incubus 4.0%Bronze coloured special bitter brewed with Challenger andKentish Cascade hops.

Green Daemon 5.0%Golden 'Helles' beer with luscious tropical fruit aromas anda crisp clean finish.

Hornbeam Denton, Manchester 2007Galaxy Pale Ale 4.1%

Galaxy hops blended with Mount Hood to achieve a simplepale ale which is dominated by the distinctive citrus of theGalaxy hops.

Dusseldorf Altbier 4.6%Made with pale, Munich, melanoidin, amber and chocolatemalts. A hoppier version of the North German Altbier style.

Hurst Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex 2012Hurst 700 Summer Ale 3.9%

Marks the 700th anniversary of the charter for the village'sSt. Lawrence fair and the 150th anniversary of Hurstpier-point Brewery.

Founder's Best Bitter 4.2%Named after the founder of the original Hurst Brewery,George Saltmarsh. Rounded malty taste and subtle caramelflavours.

Ilkley Ilkley, West Yorkshire 2009Mary Jane 3.5%

Made with high quantities of Amarillo hops, this pale crispbeer has refreshing citrus aromas and flavours.

Wit Marie 4.7%A full-bodied and yet subtly spiced and fruity Wit Beer. Un-filtered and naturally hazy.

The Norseman 5.0%Celebrating English hops and with the addition of locallyforaged spruce. Soft bitterness, sweet resin, aroma of pineand herbs.

Imperial Mexborough, South Yorkshire 2011Imperial Bees Knees 4.0%

Blonde beer made with honey from Mexborough.

Imperial Stout 4.6%A black beer with a good mouth feel and finishing with aslight sweetness.

Inveralmond Inveralmond, Perth 1997Thrappledouser 4.3%

A marriage of Pilgrim, East Kent Goldings and Cascade hopspresents a delicate citrus aroma and a unique spicy floraltaste.

Draught Beer from Around Britain

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Duncan’s IPA 4.4%Lower in ABV than a traditional IPA, but still reflects this tra-ditional style in a contemporary way.

Jolly Sailor Riccall, North Yorkshire 2012Bullseye Bitter 3.8%

Malty, dark amber bitter.

Jolly Scotsman's Bitter 3.8%Fruity, slightly malty amber bitter.

Yellow Jersey 3.8%Slightly nutty blonde bitter.

Cue Brew 4.0%Dark mild brewed with roasted barley.

Kelham Island Sheffield, South Yorkshire 199020th Century Boy 4.8%

Pale, well hopped ale brewed with Australian hops skilfullyblended for an aroma of apricot, lychee, passion fruit and lemon.

Gentleman Death 6.0%Baltic porter brewed with the darkest of roast malts andPolish hop. Smooth malty body and a silky after flavour.

Kent Birling, Kent 2011Pale 4.0%

A rich blend of hops with Maris Otter pale malt. A fullflavoured, aromatic and satisfying pale ale.

Mauri 4.5%Spring special, full of New Zealand hops.

Altered States 4.7%Highly hopped with a sweet malt background, distinctiveand flavourful brown ale..

Brewers Reserve 5.0%A strong citrus hop flavour balanced with delicate malt toenhance the depth of the aroma.

Twelfth Night 7.4%Dark ruby barley wine using a blend of dark malts and Eng-lish hops to give a complex, layered flavour.

Kissingate Lower Beeding, West Sussex 2010Black Cherry Mild 4.2%

Subtle additions of real black cherries in Muscavado withlight Amarillo hopping.

First Kiss 5.1%Challenger hops and bay produce a citrus aroma, deep andcomplex malt flavours and a lasting biscuit aftertaste.

Stout Extreme 6.0%Intense liquorice, coffee and molasses flavours balancedwith fruit bitterness derived from Pacific Jade hops.

Langham Lodsworth, West Sussex 2006Flor-ale 3.8%

Golden floral ale.

Langhams Best 4.5%Fruity and malty best bitter.

Black Swallow IPA 6.0%Dark, refreshing black IPA.

Leeds Leeds, West Yorkshire 2007Leeds Pale 3.8%

Easy drinking pale ale. Light and hoppy with delicate floralnotes and a well balanced finish.

Vienna 4.0%Smooth malty mild. Smooth and dark, this beer uses acomplex blend of roasted malts to deliver a perfectly bal-anced finish.

London Fields Hackney, London 2011Hackney Hopster 4.2%

Dressed in Motueka and Nelson Sauvin hops from NewZealand, the Hopster shows off flavours of grapefruit,lemon zest and gooseberry.

Love Not War 4.2%First brewed during the London riots. Soft caramel flavourswith a rich pear and summer fruit character.

Single Hop IPA 6.0%A different hop is used each month - check the cask endlabel to see which this one is.

Mallinsons Huddersfield, West Yorkshire 2008Nelson Sauvin 3.8%

Golden coloured ale, with a lovely grapefruit nose, a hoppycitrus taste followed by a similar finish.

Anna Perenna 4.0%A celebration of the Roman goddess and the return ofspring.

Saaz 4.5%Pale gold with a fruity nose and a lightly bitter fruity taste.

May Hill Longhope, Gloucestershire 2011Admiral May 3.8%

Flavoursome amber ale with a fruity late hop bitterness.

Legend 4.5%Rich, clear, pale ale with a strong hop finish.

Milk Street Frome, Somerset 1999

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Funky Monkey 4.0%Summer ale boasting fruity flavours and aromas. Dry finishwith develoing bitterness and an undertone of citrus fruit.

Usual 4.4%With a full bodied mouth feel, this is smooth and complexwith a malty base and full bitterness.

Gulp IPA 4.8%Pale bronze traditional English IPA brewed with Fuggles andGoldings hops.

Beer 5.0%Bitter sweet blonde beer.

Milton Milton, Cambridgeshire 1999Minotaur Mild 3.3%

A rich dark mild with bags of character from the lavish useof chocolate malt.

Prometheus 6.0%A true IPA. Strong, hoppy, bitter and delicious. A blend offive hops gives this pale ale a proper punch.

Moncada Notting Hill, London 2011Notting Hill Blonde 4.3%

A continental style yellow beer with flavour that explodeson the tongue, a mix of hops, bitterness and sweetness.

Notting Hill Stout 5.0%Based on stout's history of being a 'strong' beer. The oat-meal stout's taste itself is dark and velvety with a definedroasted flavour.

Notting Hill Ruby Rye 5.2%A robust ruby ale made with rye complimented by a fruityhop aroma.

Monty’s Hen-Domen, Montgomery 2009Mojo 3.8%

Toasty / marmalade.

Sunshine 4.2%Multi award winning golden, hoppy, floral ale.

Mischief 5.0%A golden strong bitter, refreshing and easily quaffable.

Mr.Grundy’s Derby 2010Bullet 4.3%

Devilish dark ale with a treacle aroma and a smoothrounded taste.

Pip, Squeek & Wilfred 4.4%A golden pale ale with strong American hops and a pleasantgrapefruit aroma.

Muirhouse Ilkeston, Derbyshire 2009Summit Hoppy 4.0%

Golden bitter brewed with Summit hops.

Hat Trick IPA 5.2%

Citrusy bitterness with a fruity aroma.

Nethergate (Growler) Pentlow, Essex 1986Mary's Ruby Mild 4.5%

The aroma is chocolate, smoke and malty with a hint of hopand sweetness permeates through the roast and fruity over-tones .

Umbel Magna 5.0%Porter with added coriander.

New Plassey Wrexham, Clwyd 2012Midnight Mild 3.7%

A medium strength mild with a real fullness of characterand flavour.

New World Pale 3.9%Very pale beer brewed with Cascade Hops. Well balancedand a delicious hoppy bite.

Cherry Diva 4.7%Pale beer with a subtle flavour of Maraschino cherry.

North Riding Scarborough, North Yorkshire 2011Ass-piration Nation 3.8%

Pale ale.

NRB MCC 4.6%Pale ale brewed with Magnum, Chinook and Citra hops.

Oh! Mr. Porter 6.1%Coffee porter.

North Star Ilkeston, Derbyshire 2012Sentinel 3.8%

Very pale, well-hopped ale with citrus undertones. Brewedwith three different malts and American hops.

Polaris 5.0%Dark ruby porter with chocolate, coffee and liquorice aro-mas. Hoppy and bitter finish.

Pathfinder 5.4%Special bitter with full roast malt and rich orange over-tones.The malt is balanced by four hop varieties.

Noss Beer Works Noss Mayo, Devon 2012Church Ledge 4.0%

Named after a reef that lies below Wembury church, at themouth of the river Yealm. Light, hoppy, zesty ale.

Mew Stone 4.3%Named after the small island guarding the mouth of theriver Yealm. A copper coloured well balanced and refresh-ing ale.

Ebb Rock 4.9%Named after a notorious navigation hazard lying just be-yond the mouth of the river Yealm. It’s a dark copper fullbodied ale.

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Oakham Peterborough, Cambridgeshire 1993The Hare & Hedgehog 3.9%

An intensely dry and bitter beer loaded with citrus hops.

Inferno 4.0%Complex fruits across your tongue, leaving a dry, fruity, bit-ter finish, smothering your thirst.

Citra 4.2%A light refreshing beer with pungent grapefruit, lychee andgooseberry aromas leading to a dry, bitter finish.

Oates Halifax, West Yorkshire 2012Liquid Equinox 3.8%

Light, quaffable ale with a rounded maltness but a sweet,uplifting hop finish.

O.M.T. 3.8%Light, straw coloured bitter with a unique fresh bitternessderived from the English and Slovenian hops.

Summit IPA 4.2%Amber, hoppy IPA.

Old Dairy Rolvenden, Kent 2010Spring Top 4.0%

This Kentish bitter has floral notes which combine well witha light caramel malt body and has a spicy, bitter finish.

Red Top 4.1%A rich tan coloured beer, that is balanced on the palate,witha hint of citrus aroma.

Blue Top 4.3%A hoppy pale ale with hints of lemon.

Silver Top 5.0%A sweet toffee body carries notes of liquorice balanced bythe bitterness of plain chocolate and a hint of coffee.

Ordnance City Ashcott, Somerset 2012Mild 3.7%

New beer - no tasting notes available.

Detonator 3.8%Thirst quenching with a smooth flavour and slightly bitterfinish.

Sidewinder 4.7%Hoppy, American style ale.

J-Dam 5.0%Double dry hopped, very dark gold, very hoppy ale.

Otley Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan 2005O2 Croeso 4.2%

Light golden ale full of citrus hop aromas. Dry hopped withAmerican hops.

Oxymoron 5.5%Black IPA style bitter using German Carafa malt and 5 differ-

19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 29

Draught Beer from Around Britain


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ent hops. Dry hopped ‘because we could’!

Motley Brew 7.5%Big hop aromas and bitterness giving a classic IPA mouth feel.

Out There Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2012Laika 4.8%

Cloudy wheat beer.

Celestial Love 5.1%American style amber.

Palmers Bridport, Dorset 1794Dorset Gold 4.6%

A refreshing, zesty and thirst-quenching beer, from theheart of Dorset's Jurassic Coast.

Tally Ho 5.5%Strong, complex and full of deep distinctive flavours. A richfruit cake flavour from roasted malt.

Portobello London W10 2012Pale 4.0%

Golden ale, light and hoppy with a fruity finish.

Star 4.3%Well balanced hoppy session ale with hints of caramel.

Market Porter 4.6%Dark smooth porter, with strong chocolate notes.

American Pale Ale 5.0%

Lots of flavour in this pale ale, hints of orange, butterscotchand grass.

Prescott Cheltenham, Gloucestershire 2009Spring 3.8%

Malty mild with a delicate hop background and just a hintof chocolate.

Grand Prix 5.2%Pale, crystal, roasted and chocolate malts with Fuggles,Northdown and Goldings hops.

Privateer Manchester 2012Roebuck 3.8%

Amber brew, nicely hopped with Centennial.

Dark Revenge 4.5%Strong mild.

Red Duke 4.8%Red beer with complex flavours of toffee and caramel, off-set with the American (Centennial and Amarillo) hops.

Purple Moose Porthmadog, Gwynedd 2005Snowdonian Ale 3.6%

Delightfully refreshing pale ale brewed with a delicatecombination of aromatic hops.

Ysgawen 4.0%Refreshing pale ale brewed using Casade hops with theadded indulgence of elderflower.

Radnorshire New Radnor, Powys 2012Whimble Gold 3.8%

Light and hoppy pale ale.

Smatcher Tawny 4.2%Mellow, malty amber ale.

Ramsgate Broadstairs, Kent 2002No. 7 3.8%

Brewed with Goldings hops for a little bitterness, Fuggleshops for flavour and some crystal malt for colour and body.

Dragon's Blood 5.2%Extra Special Bitter, traditional brown, balanced maltsweetness with tangy hoppy bitterness.

Black Pearl Oyster Stout 6.2%Roasty aroma, creamy roasty/chocco/mocco fruitlessflavour and rich mouthfeel. Bitterness lasts and lasts.

Red Squirrel Potten End, Hertfordshire 2004Hopfest 3.8%

Light golden ale with a floral/citrus aroma. Full-bodied andfull flavoured..

Mister Squirrel 4.3%A chestnut red premium bitter.

Jack Black 4.8%Dark colour of porter, but with lemon and orange notes,

30 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

Draught Beer from Around Britain


We’re in the


Good Beer



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Page 31: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

showing hints of coffee and bitter chocolate.

English IPA 5.0%Golden coloured, full flavoured, fresh hoppy aromas.

London Porter 5.0%Dark brown, roasted barley, rich chocolate, with a lovelycreaminess.

American Redwood IPA 5.4%Golden orange, complex hoppy aromas, floral notes, longfinish.

Redemption London 2010Trinity 3.0%

Brewed with three malts and three hops. Late hopping provides Seville orange aromas, initial malt sweetness,dominated by citrus flavours.

Rock the Kazbek 4.0%Single hopped with Czech Kazbek hop for refreshing zestylemon, lime and grapefruit flavours with delicate lemonaroma.

Fellowship Porter 5.1%Chocolate, coffee, liquorice and dry roasted malt flavourscomplemented with hints of dark fruit. Late hopping adds ahint of zest.

Big Chief 5.5%Big hoppy IPA style beer, packed full of Kiwi hops with hintsof honey and nectar and tropical citrus and floral notes.

Redstone Llangors, Powys 2012Clipper 4.0%

Wheaty pale ale with a taste of Elderflower/Cherry/Coriander depending on who you talk to!

Gorsey 4.2%The beer immerses you in citrus aromas and vigorousgrapefruit flavour delivers a medium bitterness with verylittle aftertaste.

Revolutions Castleford, West Yorkshire 2010E.P. 3.9%

A very pale ale with balanced levels of sweetness and bit-terness. Crisp, lemony hop finish.

Uprising 4.5%Stout brewed with Nelson Sauvin hops

Identity XSB 6.0%Strong ale full of English hops with a subtle spicy finish.

Ringway Reddish, Greater Manchester 2012Session 3.8%

Pale ale packed with hops to give a citrus punch.

Best 4.2%Classic English bitter brewed with all English hops to givegood bitterness with a delicate aroma.

Roosters Knaresborough, North Yorks 1992Rude Boy 5.0%

A single-hopped pale ale brewed using Dr. Rudi hops fromNew Zealand.

Fort Smith 5.0%Big and bold IPA, brewed using Citra and Chinook hopsfrom the USA to create tropical and passion fruit aromas.

Saltaire Shipley, West Yorkshire 2006South Island Pale 3.5%

A clean beer with cool, crisp, fruitiness from New Zealandhops grown at Tasman Bay.

Raspberry Blonde 3.8%Refreshing blonde ale, delicately infused with the flavour ofraspberries.

Cascadian Black 4.8%A black IPA with the roast malt flavours of a stout and thebitterness and fresh pine and citrus grapefruit flavours ofthe Cascade hop.

Salisbury Dinton, Wiltshire, 2012Sandstone Edge 3.8%

Golden session ale with a light bitterness and citrus taste.Traditional Fuggles and Goldings hops with a large hit ofCascade hops.

English Ale 4.1%Traditional best bitter with delicious malt notes and a subtledepth of hop character making it the perfectly balanced beer.

Sandstone Dinton, Wiltshire 2012Somer 3.9%

Light golden, fruity beer complimented by a smooth finish.

Onyx 4.0%Full bodied beer with tastes of dark fruits and caramels. It’snot a stout, it’s not a porter, it’s a Welsh Black Ale.

Postmistress 4.8%Slightly hoppier traditional best bitter, a dark chestnut redcolour, with a medium body.

Sarah Hughes Sedgley, West Midlands 1987Brambling Cross 4.6%

A single hop beer using the English Bramling Cross hop.Light in colour, soft sweet fruit on the nose and a dry finish.

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Dark Ruby 6.0%A dark ruby strong ale, with a gravity of the milds of yester-year. A good balance of fruit and hops, leading to a pleas-ant lingering finish.

Settle Settle, North Yorkshire 2013Signal Light 3.4%

Pale and delicate, zingy and spicy.

Signal Main Line 3.6%Fruity, subtly sweet session ale.

Shed Pewsey, Wiltshire 2012Forking Ale 4.2%

American style pale ale brewed with lightly roasted maltsand Citra hops giving a light citrus and tropical fruit nose tothis refreshing ale.

Before The Storm 4.3%Dark ale with malt, fruit and chocolate in the aroma. Com-plex mixture of toffee, fruit and roasted barley with asmooth bitter-sweet finish.

Sinclair Stromness, Orkney 2002Atlas Latitude 3.6%

A straw coloured session beer made from Maris Otter andLager malts with Styrian Golding hops for aroma.

Atlas Nimbus 5.0%A soft, delicate pale coloured beer inspired by the Kölschbeers of Cologne with the addition of 5% Malted Wheat tothe grist.

Steel City Sheffield, South Yorkshire 2009Alestorm 4.5%

Brewed with Columbus, Warrior, Galaxy and Riwaka hopsfor a massive tropical fruit flavour.

Metal Fatigue 4.6%Dark wheat beer with Columbus and Galaxy hops.

Stewart Loanhead, Midloathian 2004Copper Cascade 4.2%

Deep red, full bodied beer made with North West AmericanCascade hops, a hop with a spicy, floral, blackcurrant char-acter.

Ka Pai 5.2%Four types of New Zealand hops give passion fruit, mangoand cinnamon aroma, initially sweet with long lasting citrusbitterness.

Stocklinch Stocklinch, Somerset 2012Ramblers Gold 3.8%

Very refreshing light golden beer, with a slight aftertaste ofgrapefruit.

Scallions Ketch 4.2%Mid brown best bitter, hint of chocolate, with a lingering


Black Smock 5.2%Dark beer with a strong rich taste of chocolate liquorish andcoffee with a hint of blackcurrant.

Sunny Republic Winterbourne Kingston, Dorset 2012Beach Blonde 3.7%

Refreshing and hoppy Pacific pale ale with aromas ofgrapefruit and lychees.

Huna Red 4.2%New age red ale brewed with five malt, citrus hops and hi-biscus flowers.

Hop Dog 5.5%Citrus dominated IPA with a slight astringency in the first sipthat warns you of what’s about to come and an enduringbitter finish.

Shark Head 5.0%Well hopped Friesian pilsner brewed with German Spalthops, Cascade and Citra. Lagered for three weeks.

Surrey Hills Dorking, Surrey 2005Shere Drop 4.2%

Pale in colour, with a subtle hint of grapefruit and lemon inthe aroma. The beer has a long moderately dry finish.

Greensands IPA 4.6%A hop monster. Despite a relatively modest ABV for an IPA,this beer delivers an explosion of hops in every sense.

Talke o‘Th’ Hill Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire 2011Pithead 3.4%

This is a traditional bitter brewed with only British ingredi-ents.

First Porter Call 4.6%Porter hopped three times for bitterness, flavour and aromawith traditional English Fuggles and Bramling Cross.

Tavy Ales Roborough, Plymouth, Devon 2012Best Bitter 4.3%

Full-bodied chestnut brown beer with a well-rounded com-plex malt flavour and early bitterness.

Ideal Pale Ale 4.8%Pale golden beer loaded with citrus flavour, balanced bit-terness and body.

Tavy Porter 5.2%Dark stout beer with a roasted, bittersweet flavour and anintense chocolate finish.

Long Man Litlington, East Sussex 2012Long Blonde 3.8%

Distinctive hoppy aroma and crisp clean bitterness on thefinish. Smooth light and refreshing.

American Pale Ale 4.8%Made using US hops, this triple-hopped APA has a pleasant

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citrus fruit aroma and characteristic robust bitterness.

Thornbridge Bakewell, Derbyshire 2004Wild Swan 3.5%

White gold in colour with aromas of light bitter lemon, ahint of herbs and a subtle spiciness. A great refreshing beer.

Black Harry 3.9%Fruity aroma with notes of raspberry, a light creamy bodyand a long nutty finish. Dark, refreshing and very drinkable.

Lumford 3.9%Golden beer brewed using a wealth of New World hops,giving aromas of tropical fruits and berries, a clean andcrisp flavour.

Jaipur 5.9%A citrus dominated IPA, first impression is soft and smoothyet builds to a crescendo of massive hoppiness accentuatedby honey.

Seaforth 5.9%This English IPA is named after the second ship that took theoriginal IPA to India. A nose of fruit and berries.

Three Castles Pewsey, Wiltshire 2006Turret 3.7%

A brown session ale, initially quite sweet and fruity with amoreish aftertaste.

Wilder & Milder 3.8%Brown colour, well balanced mild with sweet liquorice andcaramel flavours in the taste.

Spring Daze 4.1%A blonde beer with stacks of ripe juicy flavours, releasing avibrant fruity aroma, giving a dry finish.

Three Kings North Shields, Tyne & Wear 2012Billy Mill Ale 4.0%

New beer - no tasting notes available.

Shy Bairns 4.4%A bitter with clean bitterness from Magnum hops with mildspicy aroma from two late additions of Williamette hops.

Tiny Rebel Newport, Gwent 2012Cwtch 4.6%

Welsh red ale, brewed with six malts and two US hop vari-eties.

The Full Nelson 4.8%Pale beer brewed with Nelson Sauvin hops from NewZealand. Strong grape flavours are complemented by thesweet Munich malt.

Dirty Stop Out 5.0%Smoked oat stout, complex, dark with hints of smokiness.Nine malts with a firmly hopped back bone make this a veryself assured stout.

Hadouken 7.4%

IPA, hopped with a combo of three American varieties.

Toolmakers Sheffield, South Yorkshire 2012Toffee Hammer 4.1%

Bronze, well-balanced bitter with caramel and chocolatenotes.

Biscuit Joiner 4.3%Light, hoppy beer with a clean dry finish.

Traditional Scottish Ales Throsk, Stirlingshire2004

Ben Nevis 80/- Ale 4.0%Traditional Scottish ruby red IPA brewed to produce a fullbodied rich malty flavour and has a lightly hopped after-taste.

Glencoe Wild Oat Stout 4.5%Traditional Scottish stout with a toasted oatmeal flavour.Lightly hopped with a complex roast malt aroma and asmooth aftertaste.

Tryst Larbert, Stirlingshire 2003Brockville Pale 3.8%

Three British hop varieties balance with pale malts to besmooth and easy on the palate, with a mix of fruit and malt.

Raj IPA 5.5%A full-strength traditional India Pale Ale.

Twisted Oak Wrington, Somerset 2012Fallen Tree 3.8%

Light fruit notes and a notably bitter finish.

Spun Gold 4.5%Golden ale with a medium bitterness. Plenty of late hopshave been added to give a floral and fruity finish.

Old Barn 4.5%Ruby ale made with four different malts. English Fugglesand Bramling Cross hops provide a distinctive fruit and spiceflavour.

Tyne Bank Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2011Jamaica Mild 3.8%

Rum and raisin mild.

Pacifica Pale 4.0%A blend of Galaxy, Cascade, Summit and Pacifica hops givelight fruit characteristic to this pale ale.

Upham Upham, Hampshire 2009Punter 4.0%

Rich ochre in colour, with hints of syrup and toasted grain.The earthy richness on the palate brings a hoppy, dry finish.

Stakes 4.5%A beer with a kick. Strong, rich and smoky flavour with aro-mas of caramel.

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34 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

Tipster tbc%New beer - no tasting notes available.

Wadworth Devizes, Wiltshire 1837Horizon 4.0%

Golden ale, hoppy and citric.

Red, White & Brew 4.0%Well balanced golden ale with fruity undertones.

6X 4.3%Mid-brown in colour, malty and fruity with balancing hopcharacter.

Bishops Tipple 5.0%A golden brew with an intriguing aroma from the delicateSaaz and spicy Styrian Goldings hops.

Swordfish 5.0%With a gentle rum aroma, this is a full-bodied ale with abase of crystal malt and Fuggles and Goldings hops.

Waen Penstrowed, Powys 2009Sick and Twisted 6.0%

A collaboration with Downlands Brewery, containing cocoaand coconut.

Chilli Plum Porter 6.1%Dark velvety smooth porter with luscious plum flavours anda chilli warmth.

Weighbridge Swindon, Wiltshire 2012Best Bitter 4.3%

An aroma of malts and a touch of damson fruit. Flavour issweetish tangerine hops with a hint of lime.

Aunt Sally’s Old Ale 4.5%Mahogany coloured with a light roastiness in the aroma anda hint of tart fruits. Flavour with some caramel, more fruitand a bitter finish.

Weird Beard West London 2013Black Pearl 4.5%

This milk stout is chock full of roasty malts, milk sugar, Perlehops and aged on Zamorana coffee beans.

Fade to Black 7.4%Darker than a Metallica album cover and hoppier than abox of frogs on pogo sticks!

Holy Hoppin' Hell 9.4%Double IPA brewed with the same grain each time, but thelate hops will be whatever they think will wreak most havocon your palates.

White Dog Eastwood, Nottinghamshire 2012Growler 4.2%

Special pale ale.

Scooby Brew 4.2%American pale ale.

William Worthington Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire1994

Red Shield 4.2%Light golden ale, floral/citrus aroma, zesty flavour. Refresh-ing but not too bitter with subtle malted wheat biscuittaste.

Spring Shield 4.2%Light golden, citrusy aroma and taste with a small amountof wheat malt to lighten the taste and give a subtle biscuitytaste.

White Shield 5.6%Fruity aroma with malt touches. Fruity start with hops butthe fruit lasts to a classsic bitter finish.

Williams Bros. Kelliebank, Alloa 2003Fraoch Heather Ale 4.1%

A light amber ale with floral peaty aroma, full malt charac-ter, and a spicy herbal finish. Brewed with heather andbogmyrtle.

Wold Top Driffield, East Yorkshire 2003Spring Fling 4.3%

Wold grown malts and Willamette hops give this strawcoloured beer a crisp bitterness with a hint of citrus aroma.

Wold Gold 4.8%Continental style beer, with a heady mix of Wold grownbarley, wheat and caramalt hopped with Goldings and Styr-ian hops..

Wolf Attleborough, Norfolk 1996Wolf In Sheeps Clothing 3.7%

Traditional Norfolk mild has a malty aroma with fruity un-dertones. Lightly hopped with Fuggles and Goldings.

Wolf Ale 3.9%Goldings and Challenger hops combined with locally grownmalt make this a glorious full bodied brew.

Sirius Dog Star 4.4%Fruity red ale.

Tazmanian 5.0%Strong IPA brewed with Australian hops.

Yorkshire Hull, East Yorkshire 2012Mutiny 3.6%

Based on a 1750 London porter recipe, soft on the palate,providing a chocolate taste and subtle coffee aroma.

Supernatural Blonde 4.1%Citrusy pale ale brewed with a blend of Chinook, Cascadeand Cascade hops from the USA plus added fruit.

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36 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

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19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 37

Our SponsorsMany thanks to all those who have sponsored aspects of this year's festival.

T shirt sponsorsBreweries – West Berkshire Brewery, AndwellBrewery, Binghams Brewery, Sherfield VillageBrewery, Milk Street Brewery

Pubs – The Alehouse Reading, The Nags HeadReading, The Bird in Hand Knowl Hill

Other sponsorsFestival Glass Sponsor – Wadworth Brewery

Stage Sponsor – Red Squirrel Brewery

Meeting point – Ascot Ales

Volunteer Staff Sponsor – Ascot Racecourse

Tombola – Londis, Zerodegrees

Beer bays – West Berkshire Brewery, Real AleDatabase, Two Bridges Brewery, The Fox & HoundsCaversham, The Retreat Reading, Art Brew Brew-ery, Hogs Back Brewery, Wild Weather Brewery,Braydon Ales, Loddon Brewery, Chiltern Brewery,Two Cocks Brewery, Longdog Brewery, WhiteHorse Brewery, Downland Brewerys, Ascot Ales,Downton Brewery and XT Brewery.

Media partner – Reading Post

Games – Vale Brewery & West Berkshire Brewery

Membership Stand – Butts Brewery, HogsbackBrewery

Wine Bar – Stanlake Park Vineyard

Cider Bar – The Alehouse Reading, Tutts ClumpCider

Meeting Point – Ascot Ales


If you are looking for some book bargainsthen pop along to the Stand.

Amongst those on offer are:

Save £3 on the 2013 Good Beer Guide:£12.99; cover price: £15.99 (members: £11)

Save £15 on Appetite for Ale: £4.99;

Cover price: 19.99 (members: £4)

And of course, there are some great tee shirts to chosefrom including the 2013 souvenir Festival tee shirts(pink, charcoal, maroon & blue) - and there are shirts

from breweries too.

And if you are feeling cold, we haveFestival sweatshirts and hoodies.

But of course, you can't forget the other sundryitems including bar towels, playing cards, key

rings and cuddly toys!

Something for everyone.

Our Sponsors

Specialists in niche publishing and graphic design solutions.

We are proud to publish this programme on behalf of Reading and Berkshire CAMRA Branches.

Orchard House Media

Tel: 01733 211001

Page 38: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

38 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

We have an excellent line-up of foodtraders as always, with some newcomersand some returning favourites, along

with a range of other stalls.

Food Traders

Yuley's BratwurstTraditional 9½" or 20" German Bratwurst cookedover a charcoal BBQ. Also exotic burgers includingkangaroo and wild boar.

Sukanya Thai CuisineAn exotic combination and blending of spices andherbs, offering the magic of Thailand to the festi-val.

Crusty PiesServing British pork pies, pasties and sausage rolls.Also traditional pork scratchings, samosas, Scotcheggs and onion bhajis.

Olives & ThingsFreshly prepared olives in homemade marinades,along with pickled garlic and other delights.Freshly stuffed pitta breads with a choice of fill-ings.

Food Yule LoveHog Roast

CAfe2UFresh Espresso Gourmet Coffee.

Pipers CrispsBritain’s tastiest crisps using real flavours sourcedfrom people passionate about quality.

Tutti FruttiDelicious hand made gelato, cakes, chocolates,soup and sandwiches.

Other Stalls

CAMRA ProductsOfficial festival T shirts plus a full range of otherclothing, books, bar towels, playing cards, keyrings and even cuddly toys.

CAMRA MembershipCAMRA has almost 150,000 members and hasbeen described as Europe's most successful con-sumer group. Benefits include Wetherspoonvouchers and cut-price admission to beer festivalsacross the country, plus a range of other advan-tages exclusive to members.

PewterscribeEngravers - Get your festival glass hand engravedwith your name.”

Smart TsOfficial supplier of T shirts to the festival, showingtheir own extensive range.

Food and Stalls

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19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 39

Page 40: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

Award-winning, family Cider makers since 2006

[email protected]

Tel: 0118 974 4649or 07836 296996

40 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

Langham Brewery is excited to launch itsbrand new 6% Black IPA ,

Black Swallow, at this year’s 19th Reading Beer Festival!!!

Visitors always welcome to the brewery for tour and taste.

Shop open Monday to Saturday!!

01798 860 861 • The Old Granary, Langham Lane,

Lodsworth, West Sussex GU27 9BU

Every Autumn we press individual varieties oftraditional cider apples such as Knotted Kernel

and Sweet Coppin. They are grown to Soil Association Organic Standards on Herefordshire

Farms like Hays Head and Gattertop. We blend throughout the year.

Enjoy Dunkertons Cider after the festival too!!

Look out for our Black Fox Cider, medium drylightly sparkling 500ml. It retains the flavour

and finish of the original draught and is equally delicious.

DUNKERTONS CIDER COMPANYPembridge, Herefordshire HR6 9EDTel: 01544 388653 email: [email protected]

Page 41: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

Once again Reading Beer Festival has one of thelargest ranges of real cider and perry in thecountry. Over 160 different options will be

available over the course of the festival, with a smallnumber being held back until Saturday to maintainthe variety in the later days. These are markedprominently in the list below with SAT.

The poor weather in 2012 had a profound effect onapple and pear crops, with many producers strugglingto maintain production quantities. Coupled with thecold winter, and many producers are either findingthat they have no stock available, or that fermenta-tion has not completed yet. Please bear in mind thatthe details in this programme are subject to change.For the most up to date information please refer tothe cask end labels on the bar, or ask a member ofour volunteer bar staff.

Cider is fermented apple juice and perry is fermentedpear juice. Depending on the style, cider can be madefrom a mixture of dessert apple varieties and cookingapple varieties, or from specialist cider apples. Ciderapples are smaller and harder than cookers or eaters,but produce excellent juice for cidermaking. Perry isoften made from specialist perry pear varieties - unsuitable for eating - but eating varieties have beenknown to be included. Most ciders and perries are acareful blend of several varieties, but some use justone single variety. These are noted as “SV” after theirname in the list.

For the eleventh year the festival will host CAMRA’sNational Cider and Perry Championships. We are also

running the South of England regional cider competi-tion, covering the area from the east coast of Kent toDorset, up to Buckinghamshire and everything in between. The regional winner will be announced onFriday afternoon and will go through into the national championship judging. The national cham-pion ciders and perries will be announced at about3.30pm on Saturday. If you are free during the Fridayafternoon session then you can volunteer to takepart in a judging panel. The only qualification is likingcider or perry.  If you want to join in, go to the ciderand perry bar and you’ll be allocated to a panel andgiven a time for judging. Each panel takes about 45minutes.

Once again we are lucky to have a number of localproducers, who are all making their ciders and perrieswithin 30 miles of Reading. There have been a number of changes since last year, with Upton cider ceasing production, and Wyatt’s being unable to sourcesufficient fruit. However, these losses have been com-pensated by some new entries. Local producers are indicated with green highlighting in the list below.

Perries are highlighted with a yellow background tohelp you spot them. The cask end labels also distin-guish between cider and perry - green for cider andyellow for perry. As always, if you’re not sure whereto start with such a range and choice, talk to the volunteer bar staff, who'll be happy to advise.

Paul Scrivens Cider Orderer

16th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 41

Cider and Perry

146 Cider Hampshire Hampshire Heritage 6.5% SATMild West 6.0%The Medium One 6.6%

Abrahalls Worcestershire Thundering Molly 5.2%

Ampleforth Yorkshire Ampleforth Abbey 6.5%

Barbourne Worcestershire

Perry 6.0%

Barkers Worcestershire Cider UnknownPerry Unknown

Batcheldors West Sussex 'J.B.' Cider 7.5%

Berry Farm Devon Cider 6.0%

Biddenden Kent Bushels 6.0%Strong 8.0%

Bottle Kicking Cider Leicestershire Scrambler Unknown

Bridge Farm Somerset Medium 6.5%Perry 6.5%


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Broadoak Somerset

Perry 7.5%

Broomfield Kent Medium Unknown

Burnards Cider Norfolk Monty’s Double 4.6%Three Sheets t’ Wind 6.0%

Burrow Hill Somerset Medium 6.0%

Butford Organics Herefordshire

Perry 6.0%

Chafford Kent Hellishly Strong Unknown

Chants Somerset Badgers Spit 6.0%

Charnwood Leicestershire Appley ‘Av Another Unknown

Chiddingstone Kent Medium Sweet 7.5%

Chucklehead Devon Medium 7.0%

Cider by Rosie Dorset Cider Unknown

Ciderniks Berkshire Producing in Berkshire since 2003. Primarily uses local coo

ers and eaters, but Dab Hand uses Dabinett cider apples.

Combe Raider 6.5%Dab Hand 6.5%Kingston Black SV 6.5%

CJ’s Gwent Surprise Unknown

Cornish Orchards Cornwall Cider 4.8%

Cotswold Cider Oxfordshire No Brainer 6.0%Yellowhammer Carnival 6.0%

Countryman Devon Medium 6.0%Sweet 6.0%

Cromwell Cambridgeshire

Perry Unknown

Crossmans Somerset Sweet 6.0%

Dorset Nectar Dorset Dabinett SV Unknown

Double Vision Kent Medium 7.4% SAT

Impeared Vision 7.4%

Dove Syke Lancashire Ribble Valley Gold 6.2%

Cider & Perry List

42 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

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Dunkertons Herefordshire Medium 7.0%

Sweet 7.0%

Perry Unknown

East Stour Kent

Perry 5.8%

Grays Devon Medium Sweet 6.5%

Green Valley Devon Medium 6.8%

Greggs Pit Herefordshire

Blakeney Red SV 6.0%

Thorn SV 6.0%

Gwatkins Herefordshire Stoke Red SV 7.5%Yarlington Mill SV 7.5%

Perry 7.0%

Gwynt Y Ddraig Glamorgan Black Dragon 7.3%Celtic Warrior 5.5%Welsh Warrior 6.0% SATPerry 4.5%Pyder 6.0%

Hancocks Devon Sweet 6.0%Medium 6.0%

Hecks Somerset Port Wine 6.5%Perry 6.5%

Hogans Warwickshire Pickers Passion 5.3%Vintage Perry 5.8%

Hunts Devon Medium Sweet 6.0%

Jonty’s Norfolk Early Night 6.5%

Jollydale Lincolnshire Dry Unknown

Kent Cider Company Kent Experimental Blend No 23 Unknown

Kingswood Kent Brain Bitter Unknown

Lambourn Valley Berkshire Roy Bailey continues to make small quantities of cider inWest Berkshire, having largely given up commercial prduction.

Vintage 2011 Unknown SATVintage 2012 Unknown

Little Orchard Company Oxfordshire Kentish UnknownWest Country Unknown

Little Red Rooster East Sussex Medium 8.4%Sweet 8.4%

Lulworth Skipper DorsetMedium Unknown

London Glider Greater London Medium Dry UnknownPerry Unknown

Marshwood Vale DorsetDry Unknown

Merrymoon Kent Lunatickle Unknown

Minchews Gloucestershire Cider UnknownPerry Unknown

Moores Gloucestershire

Perry 6.0%

Moorlands Farm East Yorkshire Medium Sweet 6.4%

Mr Whitehead’s Hampshire A founding member of Swamp Donkey Cider, Angus Whithead decided to expand and set up on his own in 2003.

Cirrus Minor 5.0%Heart of Hampshire 6.0%Devil's Device 8.4%Russet SV UnknownPear Light 3.8% SATMidnight Special 5.0%Novo Pyrus 7.0%Rum Cask 7.0%

19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 43

Cider & Perry List


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44 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

Cider & Perry List

New Forest Hampshire Medium 7.0% SATSweet 7.0%Kingston Black SV 8.0%

Newton Court Herefordshire

Perry 5.6%

Oakwood East Sussex Organic Cider 6.0% SATOrganic Perry 5.0%

Olivers Herefordshire

Perry 6.0%

Orchards of Husthwaite North Yorkshire Gold Unknown

Orgasmic Herefordshire

Parton Perry 5.0%

Parsons Choice Somerset Sweet 6.0%

Perry Bros. Somerset Vintage Medium 6.0%Vintage Sweet 6.0%

Pete’s Pollock’s SurreyPete Connor and Martin Pollock have been making cider in Guildford from local apples since 2009

Surrey Cider Unknown

Pine Trees Farm Kent Dudda's Tun 7.5%Pear O'Dudda's 5.5%

Pookhill East Sussex New Season 2012 6.0%Rum Reserve 8.0%

Portslade East Sussex Wild Thing 7.5%

Potton Press Bedfordshire Cox SV UnknownHappy Medium UnknownSweet Spot UnknownPerry Unknown SAT

Pure North Huddersfield Fusion 6.5%Valley Gold 6.0%

Raglan Cider Mill Monmouthshire Medium UnknownPerry Unknown

Radnage Cider Buckinghamshire Introducing the first commercial cider from John Scales, publican at the Crown, Radnage. It is a blend of locally sourced apples.

Cider 5.5%

Red Dog Oxfordshire Mark Powell makes Red Dog cider in Benson, South Oxfordshire, starting with a commercial production of 1500 litres.

Cider Unknown

Rogers DorsetFarm Hand’s Reward Unknown

Richs Somerset Legbender 6.0% SAT

Rosie’s Clwyd Black Bart's 7.2%

Ross On Wye Herefordshire Dry 6.0%Medium 6.0%Perry 6.0%

Salthill Cider Berkshire Greg Davies makes Salthill cider in Slough using 100% juice from unwanted apples in the local area.

Dry UnknownMedium Unknown

Sandford Orchards Devon Old Kitten 6.0%

Seidr O Sir Radnorshire Medium Unknown

Severnsider Gloucestershire

Perry Unknown

Sheppys Somerset Medium 6.0% SATSweet 6.0%

Shiny Barrel Radnorshire Dave and Kay are based in Aldershot, and mature their ciders in oak barrels

Cider 6.4%

Skidbrooke Cyder HampshireFarmhouse Sweet 5.5%

Springfield Monmouthshire Red Dragon 7.1%

Page 45: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

Swallowfield Herefordshire

Perry Unknown

Tardebigge Worcestershire Cider Unknown

Thatchers Somerset Cheddar Valley 6.0%

Troggi Monmouthshire Cider UnknownPerry 6.4%

Tutts Clump Berkshire Tim Wale makes cider in Tutts Clump using eating and cooking apples from within West Berkshire, and cider apples from Somerset and Gloucestershire

Berkshire Diamond 4.5%Five Counties 6.5%Repress 3.5%Royal Berkshire 7.0%Rum Cask 7.5%Scrumpy 5.5%Traditional Farmhouse 6.0% SATFarmhouse Perry 6.0%

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Cider & Perry List


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46 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

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19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 47

Twisted Cider Dorset Misty Medium 5.5%

Misty Sweet 5.5%

Virtual Orchard Buckinghamshire Hard Core UnknownSingle Varietal Unknown

W M Watkins Monmouthshire

Perry Unknown

Welsh Mountain Powys Bittersweet 7.5%New Season 7.5%

West Milton DorsetCider Unknown

Whin Hill Norfolk Standard 6.4%Perry 6.0%

Wilkins Somerset

Medium 6.0% SATSweet 6.0%

Winkleigh Devon Autumn Scrumpy 7.5% SATSams Medium 6.0%Sams Sweet 6.0%

Woodley Sider Berkshire Simon Vaughan started making small-scale cider in 2007, using apples from his own garden in Woodley.

Cider Unknown

Woughton Orchard Buckinghamshire 7 7%

Yellowcoate East Sussex Cider 5.5% SAT

Cider & Perry List

Page 48: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

A t the Reading Beer Festival we have a selection of award-winning wines fromBerkshire, Oxford, Shropshire and Sussex as

well as a wide variety of Country wines (winemade from other fruits; sugar-rich vegetables andeven leaves/bark from trees!). These tend to be abit sweeter, ranging from medium dry all the wayto dessert wines, bringing us nicely to the everpopular mead. A honey wine that has been produced since the dawn of time…

Poor harvests have meant that many of thesmaller vineyards and wineries have sufferedwhich has somewhat limited the range we haveon offer this year. Happily though the quality ofthe wines we have is still excellent and I am confident that you will find something to tickleyour taste-buds! I am pleased to announce that,once again, the wine bar is sponsored by StanlakePark, our most local producer. It is a short walkfrom Twyford station, in the grounds of a beauti-ful manor house. Well worth a visit!

I hope that you enjoy our wine and if you haveany comments or suggestions please feel free tolet me know.

Cheers!Dan Cane-Honeysett

Wine Bar Manager and Orderer


Bolney, SussexLychgate WhiteWhite Medium dry. Grapefruit tones

Chiltern Valley, OxfordshireSpecial CuveeWhite Dry. Oak aged white

Stanlake Park, BerkshireHinton GroveWhite Off-dry. Aromatic white wine

Kings FumeWhite Off-dry. Soft and oaky with a smooth butteryfinish

MadeleineWhite Medium dry. Floral notes with hints of apricotand lime

BacchusWhite Dry. Rich and zesty with delicate fruit and sub-tle complexity

RegattaWhite Dry, crisp and fresh. Perfect with seafood

Wroxeter, ShropshireRoman VillaWhite Medium dry. Hints of melon and orange peel

PhoenixWhite Dry. Floral aromas with a crisp, dry finish

Noble RomanWhite Medium dry. Fruity and delicious

Shropshire GoldWhite Medium sweet. Floral notes and an initialgooseberry taste followed by apricots and melon

Bolney, SussexBlanc de BlancSparkling White Dry with yeasty undertones

48 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

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19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 49

Stanlake Park, BerkshireHeritage BrutSparkling White Dry sparkling wine. Crisp and refreshing

Wroxeter, ShropshireSparkling WhiteSparkling White Medium dry. Zesty with a smooth,fruity aftertaste

Stanlake Park, BerkshireRose SuperiorSparkling Rose Medium dry. Sparkling rose with a su-perb fruity flavour

Bolney, SussexBolney RoseRose Medium dry. Light with strawberry and rosepetal aromas

Chiltern Valley, OxfordshireBlushRose Dry with a long fruity finish, created especiallyfor the discerning

RoseRose Off-dry. Crisp and fresh

Stanlake Park, BerkshireEnglish RoseRose Medium dry. With sweet berry aftertaste

Pinot BlushRose Medium dry. Crisp and fresh with an intenserose petal aroma

Wroxeter, ShropshireRoman RoseRose Medium dry. Floral and raspberry aroma with adry finish

Bolney, SussexLychgate RedRed Medium bodied. Berry fruit flavours

Stanlake Park, BerkshireRuscombeRed Medium bodied. Hints of blueberry and redcur-rant

Wroxeter, ShropshireRoman RedRed Medium bodied. Redcurrant and raspberryflavours

Rondo RedRed Light purpley hue with hints of blackcurrant


Cairn O'Mohr, PerthshireAnniversary CitrusCountry Medium sweet. Celebrating the 25th An-niversary of the winery a mixture of oranges, lemonsand grapefruit

RaspberryCountry Medium sweet. Fruity raspberry with bite

RhubarbCountry Medium dry. New for this year!

Spring OakCountry Medium sweet. Lemons, bananas, melons,grapes, apples, rhubarb

StrawberryCountry Medium sweet. Strawberry, apricot, gin-gery, rich and full

Callow Hill, WorcestershireApple & BrandyCountry Medium dry. Invigorating and refreshing

ApricotCountry Medium sweet. Intense apricot sweetness

Blackberry & ElderberryCountry Medium dry. Tangy with berry aftertaste

Crabapple & WhiskyCountry Medium dry. Tangy but beware - it's strong

Blackberry & DamsonCountry Medium dry. Full-bodied with hints ofvanilla. New for this year!



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19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 51

Wines continuedCallow Hill, WorcestershireDamson & BrandyCountry Medium dry. Wolf in sheep's clothing

Damson PortCountry Medium dry. Elegant and refined

ElderflowerCountry Medium dry. Tangy citrus flavour, lovely ona hot summers day

Mirabelle PlumCountry Medium sweet. Golden hued wine madefrom a French variety of plum

PlumCountry Medium sweet. Fruity plum but still quitelight

Plum & BrandyCountry Medium dry. Rich and sumptuous

Mirabelle & DamsonCountry Medium sweet. Sweet initial taste balancedwith a rich, buttery aftertaste

StrawberryCountry Sweet. Succulent strawberry aroma andtaste, delicious

Lyme Bay, DevonBirchCountry Dry. Light, dry and delicate

BlackcurrantCountry Medium sweet. A sweet, scented wine withthe full fruity flavour of dark berries

GingerCountry Medium sweet. Initial sugary sweetness fol-lowed by subtle, but fiery, ginger

RaspberryCountry Medium dry. Crisp but full of flavour

SloeCountry Medium dry. Real cherry aroma and fullblack fruit flavour

StrawberryCountry Deliciously sweet. Lovely with ice-cream oras a spritzer


Christmas MeadMedium sweet Medium sweet. A rich, smooth honeymead blended with festive spices

Traditional MeadSweet Sweet. Perfect with dessert

Westcountry MeadMedium sweet Medium sweet. Honey but with a dry,tangy, finish

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Page 52: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

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Page 53: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 53

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Tel : 01458 210050Mob : 07809 056855

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Church Road, Cookham Dean SL6 9PDTel 01628 482905

Page 54: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013
Page 55: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

Bottled Beers from the USA

Anchor Brekles Brown 6.0%Anchor Brewing CoFlavoursome brown ale with hints of citrus

Anchor Porter 5.6%Anchor Brewing CoHighly hopped, with rich chocolate, toffee and coffeeflavours

Brooklyn East India Pale Ale 6.9%Brooklyn BreweryAn aroma of hops, lemongrass, pine and citrus fruit; robustly bitter with a warming malt palate and clean hoppyfinish

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout 10%Brooklyn BreweryImperial stout with a deep, dark chocolate flavour

Flying Dog Doggie Style 5.5%Flying Dog BreweryA pale ale, with a citrus hop character balanced with maltyundertones

Flying Dog Doggie Style 5.5%Flying Dog A pale ale, with a citrus hop character balanced with maltyundertones

Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter 9.2%Flying Dog Roasted chocolate, coffee and vanilla malt flavours balanced with a unique hop bite

Flying Dog K9 Cruiser 7.4%Flying Dog An warming English-style strong ale with roasted, nutty andspicy flavours

Flying Dog Raging Bitch 8.3%Flying Dog Sweet malt-bodied Belgian-style IPA with pine and grapefruit hop notes

Flying Dog Wildeman 7.5%Flying Dog Saison with citrus and spice aromas, followed by a sharphop bitterness

Goose Island Pepe Nero 6.0%Goose Island Beer CoA dark Belgian-style saison, brewed with black peppercorns

Goose Island Honkers Ale 4.3%Goose Island Beer CoEnglish-style bitter with a fruity hop aroma and a rich maltmiddle

Goose Island IPA 5.9%Goose Island Beer CoA hop lover’s dream with a fruity aroma, set off by a drymalt middle, and long hop finish.

19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 55

Foreign Draught and Bottled Beers

Once again we are showcasing a range ofbeers from the United States of Americasourced via Vale Brewery and as always, we

have many favourites from Belgium and TheNetherlands alongside a number of newer andrarer brews enthusiastically hunted down by Graham at Bierlijn in Amsterdam. Additionally, ourfriend Olaf Schellenberg has trawled around hisnative land to bring you an excellent selection ofGerman brews.

The beers have been ordered to offer a good representation across the various styles and pro-vide a range of strengths. Not all German beer islager, Belgium has a lot more to offer than fruitbeers and Trappist brews, and the Americans arenot all about hops.

Please remember that all bottled beers are avail-able for you to take home to drink. There is a deposit of 20p on the bottles, as this is a cost we

incur if we do not return the bottles to the suppli-ers. Please do not open bottles at the festivalwhich have been purchased for take-away, as thisinfringes the terms of our licence.

As always, the beer list is subject to change as itis unrealistic to expect that all 150 ordered willarrive. Not all draught beers will be available atany one time owing to space restrictions: cask endlabels will clearly indicate what is currently beingserved. Our team of volunteers, many of whomreturn year after year, are knowledgeable andfriendly and will be only too happy to explain thevarious styles and suggest beers to suit your taste.

We sincerely hope you enjoy sampling the beersas much as we did selecting the range.

Sue and John ThirlawayForeign Beer Orderers


Page 56: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013

Hop Ottin’ 7.0%Anderson ValleyA citrusy IPA with grapefrut and pine flavours

Milk Stout 6.0%Left HandSweet and well-rounded

#9 5.1%Magic HatDry, crisp and refreshining, with a flavour of apricots

Draught Beers From Germany

HELLES (BLOND)Andechs Spezial Hell 5.0%AndechsPale beer, lightly flavoured, from a monastery south of Munich

Andechser Hell 4.9%AndechsMildly malty with a light bitterness

Augustiner Edelstoff 5.6%AugustinerSparkling golden beer, hoppy with a touch of maltiness

Augustiner Helles Lagerbier 5.2%AugustinerA sweetish taste with hoppy aromas

Hacker Pschorr Oktoberfest 5.8%Hacker Pschorr Brewed using caramelised barley and Hallertau Hops

Herren Pils 4.6%KeesmannClassic German Pils

Hofbrau Oktoberfest 6.3%HofbrauRich, full-bodied and bitter

Keesman Heller Bock 6.2%KeesmannA very nice hoppy heller bock with plenty of character

Paulaner Oktoberfest 5.8%PaulanerFull-bodied with a hint of malty sweetness

Silberbock 7.0%Trunk (Kloster Vierzehn Heiligen)Blond bock bier

Spaten Oktoberfest 5.9%SpatenRoasted malt flavour, balanced with the perfect amount ofhops

Tegernsee Spezial Hell 5.7%TegernseeVery pale, lightly malty with a dry finish

DUNKLES (DARK)Andechser Dunkel 5.0%AndechsRoasted malts with a touch of caramel

Klosterbrau Bamberg Bock 7.0%Klosterbrau BambergLight and sweet

Klosterbrau Bamberg Braun 5.7%Klosterbrau BambergLight malty brown beer

Klosterbrau Bamberg Schwarzla 4.9%Klosterbrau BambergBlack lager with lightly malty aroma

Quirinus Doppelbock 7.0%TegernseeSweet, rich and malty

Trunk Export Dunkel 5.3%Trunk (Kloster Vierzehn Heiligen)Malty dark lager from Munich area

RAUCHBIER (SMOKED)Rauchbier Marzen 5.2%Aecht SchlenkerlaContains malt which has been smoked over beechwood

Rauchbier Urbock 6.5%Aecht SchlenkerlaA stronger version of the Marzen

WEISSBIER (CLOUDY WHEAT BEER)Andechser Dunkles Weissbier 5.0%AndechserDark and delicious with a wheat and barley character

Andechser Helles Weissbier 5.5%AndechsCloudy wheat with citrus notes

Greif Weisse 5.4%GreifAroma of bananas; sweetish flavour with a light fruitiness

Karg Weissbier Hell 5.1%Karg Pale, fruity wheat beer

Foreign Beers

56 19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival

Page 57: Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival Guide 2013


HELLES (BLOND)Augustiner Edelstoff 5.6%AugustinerSparkling golden beer, hoppy with a touch of maltiness

Augustiner Helles Lagerbier 5.2%AugustinerA sweetish taste with hoppy aromas

Brotzeit Seidla 4.2%Göller A breakfast beer! Malty with citrus notes

Edel Pils 5.2%KneitingerClassic German Pils

Früh Kölsch 4.8%Fröh Classic thirst-quencher from Cologne

Reissdorf Kölsch 4.8%ReissdorfRefreshing; an excellent example of the Cologne beer style

Schlöberla 5.2%GreifNew amber-coloured Landbier

Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest 5.8%Hacker-PschorrBrewed using caramelised Barley and Hallertau Hops

Tegernsee Spezial 5.7%TegernseeVery pale, with light delicate malt flavours and a dry finish

DUNKLES (DARK)Augustiner Dunkel 5.6%AugustinerToffee and fruit aromas, with a bitterish raisin-like finish

Schwarzbier 5.2%KöstritzerBlack pils with gentle notes of coffee, chocolate and vanilla

RAUCHBIER (SMOKED)Rauchbier Eiche 8.0%Aecht SchlenkerlaContains malt which has been smoked over oak

Rauchbier Marzen 5.2%Aecht SchlenkerlaContains malt which has been smoked over beechwood

Rauchbier Urbock 6.5%Aecht SchlenkerlaA stronger version of the Marzen

Rauchbier Weisse 5.2%Aecht SchlenkerlaLightly smoked wheat beer

Spezial Rauchbier Lagerbier 4.6%SpezialVery lightly smoked - more delicate than the Schlenkerlabeers

WEISSBIER HELL (CLOUDY BLOND WHEAT BEER)Andechser Helles Weissbier 5.5%AndechsCloudy wheat with citrus notes

Augustiner Weissbier 5.4%AugustinerDelicately spicy taste

Göller Weisse 5.3%Göller Sweet and golden with an aroma of bananas and cloves

19th Reading CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival 57

Foreign Beers


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Greif Weisse 5.4%GreifAroma of bananas; sweetish flavour with a light fruitiness

Gutmann Weissbier 5.2%GutmannPale, highly-yeasted, with a fruity spicy aroma and flavour

Karg Weissbier Hell 5.1%Karg Pale, fruity wheat beer

Schneider Weisse Hell Tap 1 5.3%SchneiderWith aromas of bananas and cloves

WEISSBIER DUNKEL (CLOUDY DARK WHEAT BEER))Andechser Dunkles Weissbier 5.0%AndechserDark and delicious with a wheat and barley character

Greif Dunkles Weissbier 5.4%GreifSpicy with a moderate sweetness

Gutmann Dunkles Weissbier 5.2%GutmannHints of banana and spices

BOCK BIER (STRONG BEERS)Karg Dunkles Weissbier 5.0%KargDark, chocolately and very more-ish

Aventinus Tap 6 8.0%SchneiderDark, creamy wheat doppelbock with a rich spicy flavour

Maximator 7.5%AugustinerWarming, dark doppelbock

Schneider Hopfenweisse Tap 5 8.2%SchneiderA hoppy collaboration with Brooklyn brewery


DARK / DARK AMBERBlack IPA 8.0%Emelisse Aromatic, complex and very hoppy yet well-balanced

Bravoure 6.5%Dochter van de KorenaarAn amber beer with a slightly smoked taste

Columbus 9.0%'t IjHoppy spicy amber, sweet with a bitter aftertaste

Embrasse 9.0%Dochter van de KorenaarFalling somewhere between the triple and stout categories,this is a very malty, brown brew

Emelisse Dubbel 6.5%EmeliseA typical Belgian dubbel, malty and sweetish with caramelnotes

Emelisse Rauchbier 7.0%EmeliseA smoked beer, malty sweet, with hints of ham in theflavour and nose

Gouden Carolus Classic 8.5%Het AnkerDark, complex and fruity with a burnt taste

McChouffe 8.0%Duvel MoortgatDark and fruity Scotch Ale brewed in the Ardennes

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Petrus Dubbel Bruin 6.5%BavikMalt and caramel in the flavour, with some sweetness

Red IPA 6.5%EmelisseFruity, hoppy copper-coloured IPA

Reinaert Amber 7.0%ProefbrouwerijSlightly spicy, fruity, with notes of caramel, malt and but-terscotch

Reinaert Grand Cru 9.5%ProefbrouwerijDark amber ale, very spicy and aromatic

Roste Jeanne 7.0%StruiseRed beer with malty, spicy flavours

Ryck Special 5.5%De RyckSlightly cloudy, malty, with a fruity and hoppy aroma

Straffe Hendrik Quadrupel 11.0%Halve MaanA pure dryness combined with a rich and complex fulness,flavoured with just a hint of fruit

Troubadour Magma 9.0%ProefbrouwerijAn award-winning cross between a triple and an IPA

Vicaris Generaal 8.8%ProefbrouwerijRoasted malt flavour, suggestive of a Christmas beer

Willem Bever 7.0%RamsesSpicy and malty, this chestnut brown dubbel has notes ofblackberries

BLOND / LIGHT AMBERArend Blond 6.5%De RyckRich, spicy, smooth and slighly sweet

Belle Fleur IPA 6.0%Dochter van de KorenaarDelicately hopped with a lovely fruity body

Bink Blond 5.5%KerkomLots of malt and hops and a bitter finish

Blikken & Blozen 8.5%MolenRefreshing hoppy Saison

Cazeau Saison 5.0%CazeauRefreshing, hoppy and bitter, with added elderflowers

Chica Americana IPA 7.1%Rooie DopOrange and lemon flavours, with a massive foaming head

Cuvée Des Trolls 7.0%DubuissonHazy blond with a hint of orange peel

Duvel Triple Hop 9.5%Duvel MoortgatAn extra hoppy version of this well-known strong blond

Eem Bitter 6.8%Eem Citrus notes, a slight sweetness followed by bitterness inthe aftertaste

Eem Blond 6.2%Eem Top-fermented, with three sorts of malt and various hops

Emelisse Blond 6.5%Emelisse IPA brewed with American Cascade hops, producing aherbal flavour

Gouden Carolus Hopsinjoor 8.0%Het AnkerFive kinds of hops are used, giving spicy notes and a slightlybitter aftertaste

Hopus 8.3%LefebvreHoppy and bitter with a white, creamy head

Houblon Dobbelen IPA Tripel 9.0%Duvel MoortgatBitter and fruity unfiltered IPA

Ignis et Flamma 7.0%StruiseDry-hopped, citrusy IPA

Jopen Hoppenbier 6.8%JopenBrewed to a recipe from 1501, a spicy hoppy blond

Klein Duimpje American Pale Ale 6.5%Klein DuimpjeFruity, hoppy IPA with an aroma of pine trees and grapefruit

La Chouffe 8.0%Duvel MoortgatExcellent fruity blond

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Razende Swaen Triple 8.0%LeckereDark blond triple with predominantly malty taste

Saison Voisin 5.0%Brasserie des GéantsAn amber coloured beer, refreshing, with fruit and citrusaromas

Saxo 8.0%CaracoleBelgian Strong Pale Ale with light citrus notes

Shark Pants 8.7%Struise / Three Floyds CollaborationBelgian / US collaboration IPA with lots of hops!

Smiske 7.0%SmisjeRefreshing, hoppy blond

Steenuilke 6.5%De RyckSlightly cloudy, flavoured with herbs from the Flemish Ar-dennes

Stille Nacht 12.0%De Dolle BrouwersDry-hopped, dark and sweet, with a bitter finish

Straffe Hendrik 9.0%Halve MaanDry triple, with a delightfully complex flavour, from theHalve Maan brewery in Bruges

Vicardin Tripel Geuze 7.0%ProefbrouwerijFruity, refreshing Summer beer with added geuze

Vuur & Vlam 6.2%MolenDry-hopped IPA with a deep, rich flavour

Westoek XX 8.0%StruiseMedium sweet, spicy with hints of citrus

Xtreem Centennial 6.7%EemHoppy, fruity IPA

XX Bitter 6.2%De RankeFamous for its bitter, strong flavour

FRUITAppelke vur d'n Dorst 5.6%Sint ServattumusBrewed with 13.8% fresh apple juice

Bacchus Framboos 5.0%Van HonsebrouckRaspberry beer based on Bacchus Old Flemish Brown,sweet/sour and thirst-quenching

Bananatana 7.0%Drie HorneWhole bananas and sultanas fermented in amber ale

Besselaer 7.0%Drie HorneWith various red and black berries

Du Cassis 3.0%Brasserie des GéantsUnsweetened, with real blackcurrants added

Echte Kriek 6.8%VerhaegheFlemish red-brown ale with real cherries added

Kasteel Rouge 8.0%Van HonsebrouckKasteel bruin with cherries added. A fully flavoured beerwhich is neither sweet nor sour. Highly recommended.

Kerselaere 6.5%Drie HorneHazy red fruit beer with real cherries

Mashing Pumpkins 9.0%SNAB / Jopen collaborationSpicy orange-coloured pumpkin beer

Mangootje 7.0%Drie HorneA mango beer, slightly sweet

HONEYBieken 8.5%BoelensBlond honey beer, malty with a floral aftertaste

LAMBIC(Spontaneously fermented beers, often sour. Our volunteer bar staff will be delighted to advise you)

Boon Geuze 6.5%BoonClean refreshing geuze, not as sour as some

Boon Geuze Mariage Parfait 8.0%BoonMildly sour with hints of vanilla and cloves

Boon Kriek 4.5%

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BoonA sweet and sour blend of lambics fermented with real cherries

Girardin Framboise 5.0%GirardinSweet and sour, with real raspberries

Girardin Geuze 5.0%GirardinA traditional filtered geuze, not too sour

Girardin Geuze Fond 5.0%GirardinRefermented in the bottle; has a citrusy tang

Girardin Kriek 5.0%GirardinSour, with real cherries

Lindemans Apple 3.5%LindemansNot sour, but with a slight tartness

Lindemans Cassis 4.0%LindemansRichly fruity and refreshing

Lindemans Framboise 2.5%LindemansA clean natural brew with undertones of raspberries and awonderful aroma

Lindemans Pecheresse 2.5%LindemansLow gravity, thirst-quenching sweetish lambic containing30% peach juice

PILSIj Plzen 5.0%'t IjHoppy, fruity aroma. An aromatic beer with a refreshing bit-ter finish

Leckere Pilsener 5.0%De Leckere Slightly citrussy Dutch Pils

STOUTS AND PORTERSBlack Albert 13%StruiseAmazingly complex Imperial Stout. An excellent beer!

Bronckhorster Nightporter 8.0%RodenburgBrewed with peated malt; distinct chocolate and coffeeflavours

Dolle Extra Export Stout 9.0%De Dolle BrouwersChocolate and coffee notes; slightly tart on the tongue

Hercule Stout 9.0%EllezelloiseBlack, creamy smooth stout - highly recommended

Klein Duimpje Smokey Porter 7.0%Klein DuimpjeFully-flavoured, with smoky roasted malt

TRAPPISTOrval 6.2%OrvalGolden-coloured Trappist beer with a unique flavour. Inshort supply but we hope to have some.

Rochefort 8 9.2%RochefortDark, fruity, sweet and complex

Rochefort 10 11.3%Rochefort Fantastic dark and complex nightcap with hints of bananaand chocolate

WHEATEmelisse Witbier 5.0%EmelisseGerman-style wheat beer from a Dutch brewery

Witte Vrouwen 5.0%Leckere Slightly sweet wheat beer, Belgian-style, brewed in theNetherlands

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