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  • Universitt fr Bodenkultur Wien

    Institut fr Botanik

    Chemistry, colour and brown-rot decay resistance of larch heartwood and FT-NIR based prediction models


    Mag. rer. nat. Notburga Gierlinger

    Wien, im Juni 2003

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    Extractives and lignin content of a total of 293 larch trees were investigated to understand

    the variability existing in larch wood resources in Europe, with respect to species,

    provenances, sites and age classes, and to find linkages with brown-rot decay resistance. A

    central task was the establishment of new methods for a rapid and non-destructive

    determination of chemical and biological parameters in larch heartwood. In this regards the

    feasibility of Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR) combined with

    multivariate statistics, and of colour measurements (CIEL*a*b* system) to predict these

    parameters accurately was explored.

    Amounts of different heartwood extractives (acetone solubles, hot water solubles, total

    amount of phenols) were shown to be highly variable within the investigated set of larch trees

    and strongly influenced by tree age and origin. Old trees (>150 years) from high elevation

    sites had significantly higher amounts of extractives compared to young plantation trees (38

    years) of the same provenance. A general linear increase of extractives content from pith to

    the heartwood-sapwood boundary was observed in the old trees; significant higher amounts

    present in the outer part compared to corewood. Phenols content seemed to be species

    specific: higher contents were measured in Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) and hybrid larch

    L.x eurolepis), compared to European larch (L. decidua). A strong relationship was observed

    between brown-rot decay resistance and the amount of phenols (r = 0.63 to r = 0.88 according

    to origins). In addition, the reddishness of heartwood was strongly correlated with the amount

    of phenols (r = 0.84) and with decay resistance (r = 0.63). Results on the usability of colour as

    an indicator for phenol content and decay resistance were encouraging.

    FT-NIR spectroscopy has proven to be accurate and rapid in determining larch heartwood

    extractives, lignin and natural durability. Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression models were

    established and validated by cross- and test set validation. Applying data pre-processing

    methods (e.g, first Derivative and Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC)) and selecting

    appropriate wavenumbers improved the calibration models. This work demonstrates that a

    rapid and accurate prediction of extractives and brown-rot decay resistance through FT-NIR is

    possible, which will open new research opportunities as well as new fields of industrial


    Keywords: Larix sp., heartwood extractives, phenolics, lignin, natural durability, brown-rot decay, wood colour, Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR), Partial least square regression (PLSR)

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    Der Extraktstoff- und Ligningehalt von 293 Lrchen wurde bestimmt, um die in

    Europa vorhandene Variabilitt dieser Parameter hinsichtlich Art, Herkunft, Standort und

    Alter abzuschtzen, sowie Beziehungen mit der natrlichen Dauerhaftigkeit aufzufinden.

    Zentrales Anliegen der Arbeit war die Entwicklung von Methoden zur raschen und przisen

    Bestimmung chemischer und biologischer Parameter in Lrchenkernholz. In diesem

    Zusammenhang wurde die Fourier-transformierte Nahe-Infratospektroskopie (FT-NIR) in

    Kombination mit multivariater statistischer Auswertung sowie die Farbmessung (CIEL*a*b*

    system) auf ihre Anwendbarkeit getestet.

    Die Extraktstoffgehalte von Lrchenholz sind sehr variabel und werden sehr stark vom

    Alter der Bume, der Position im Baum und der genetischen Herkunft beeinflusst. Im

    Kernholz alter Bume (>150 Jahre) wurden signifikant hhere Extraktstoffgehalte gemessen

    als in jungen Plantagenbumen gleicher Herkunft. Eine betrchtliche Zunahme an

    Extraktstoffen vom Mark bis zur Kern- Splintholzgrenze konnte in den alten Bumen

    nachgewiesen werden. Der Gehalt an phenolischen Inhaltsstoffen war artspezifisch: das

    Kernholz japanischer Lrchen (Larix kaempferi) und Hybridlrchen (L.x eurolepis) enthielt

    signifikant hhere Mengen an phenolischen Inhaltsstoffen als jenes europischer Lrchen

    Eine hohe Korrelation wurde zwischen dem Gehalt an phenolischen Inhaltsstoffen und

    dem Masseabbau durch Braunfulepilze (Poria placenta und Coniophora puteana)

    festgestellt (Korrelationskoeffizient innerhalb der untersuchten Herknfte: r = - 0,63 bis r = -

    0,88). Farbmessungen zeigten, dass die gemessene Rottnung (a*-Wert) mit dem Gehalt an

    Phenolen korreliert und somit auch indirekt mit der Pilzresistenz. Die Ergebnisse der

    Farbmessungen zur raschen Beurteilung von Lrchenkernholz hinsichtlich phenolischer

    Inhaltsstoffe sowie Pilzresistenz waren vielversprechend.

    Die Kombination von FT-NIR Spektroskopie mit multivariater Datenanalyse erwies

    sich als zukunftstrchtige Methode zur raschen und sehr przisen Bestimmung von Extrakt-

    und Ligningehalten und der natrlicher Dauerhaftigkeit. Mit Datenvorbehandlung der

    Spektren (z.B. 1.Ableitung und Streukorrektur) sowie Auswahl geeigneter

    Wellenzahlbereiche konnten die Schtzmodelle entscheidend verbessert werden. Diese Arbeit

    zeigt, dass die rasche, genaue und zerstrungsfreie Bestimmung mittels FT-NIR

    Spektroskopie mglich ist, was sowohl neue Mglichkeiten in der Forschung, als auch neue

    industrielle Anwendungsbereiche erffnet

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    The thesis is based on the following publications, which are referred to in the text by Roman


    I Gierlinger, N., Schwanninger, M., Hinterstoisser, B.,Wimmer, R., 2002. Rapid

    determination of heartwood extractives in Larix sp. by means of Fourier transform near

    infrared spectroscopy, Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 10: 203-214.

    II Gierlinger, N., Jacques, D., Schwanninger, M., Wimmer, R., Hinterstoisser, B., Pques,

    L.E. 2003. Rapid prediction of natural durability of larch heartwood using FT-NIR

    spectroscopy, Canadian Journal of Forest Research (in print).

    III Gierlinger, N., Schwanninger, M., Wimmer, R., Hinterstoisser, B., Jacques, D., Pques,

    L.E. 2003. Estimation of extractives, lignin and natural durability of larch heartwood

    (Larix spp.) by FT-NIR spectroscopy, 12th International Symposium on Wood and

    Pulping Chemistry, Madison, USA. Vol. III, 51-54.

    IV Gierlinger, N., Jacques, D., Marchal, M., Wimmer, R., Schwanninger, M., Pques, L.E.

    2002. Heartwood extractives and natural durability of larch relationships and their

    prediction by FT-NIR spectroscopy, In: Proceedings of Improvement of larch (Larix sp.)

    for better growth, stem form and wood quality, Gap Auvergne & Limousin. INRA,

    Olivet Cedex : 414-421.

    V Gierlinger, N., Jacques, D., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R., Schwanninger, M., Rozenberg,

    P., Pques, L.E. Colour of larch heartwood and relationships to extractives and brown-

    rot decay resistance, Trees (accepted)

    VI Gierlinger, N., Jacques, D., Schwanninger, M., Wimmer, R., Pques, L.E. Extractives

    and lignin content of different species and origins of Larix sp. and relationships to

    brown-rot decay-resistance, Trees (in review)

    VII Gierlinger, N., Wimmer, R., Radial distribution of heartwood extractives and lignin in

    mature European larch, Wood and Fiber Science (in review)

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    1.5 AIM OF THE STUDY 13


    2.1 WOOD MATERIAL 14
















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    PAPER I 29

    Rapid determination of heartwood extractives in Larix sp. by means of Fourier transform near

    infrared spectroscopy

    PAPER II 42

    Rapid prediction of natural durability of larch heartwood using FT-NIR spectroscopy

    PAPER III 61

    Estimation of extractives, lignin and natural durability of larch heartwood (Larix spp.) by FT-

    NIR spectroscopy

    PAPER IV 68

    Heartwood extractives and natural durability of larch relationships and their prediction by

    FT-NIR spectroscopy

    PAPER V 78

    Colour of larch heartwood and relationships to extractives and brown-rot decay resistance

    PAPER VI 95

    Extractives and lignin content of different species and origins of Larix sp. and relationships to

    brown-rot decay-resistance

    PAPER VII 114

    Radial distribution of heartwood extractives and lignin in mature European larch

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    1 Introduction

    1.1 The genus Larix

    Larix occurs in boreal circumpolar lowlands in Alaska, Canada and Russia, and at

    moderate to high altitudes in the mountains of North America, the Alps of Europe, Mongolia,

    China, Korea and Japan (Figure 1). The genus comprises a dozen taxa, among them the well-

    known species L. decidua (European larch), L. sibirica (Siberian larch), L. occidentalis

    (Western larch), L. laricina (Tamarack), L. lyallii (Alpine larch), L. gmelinii and L. kaempferi

    (Japanese larch). Larches can grow up to a height of 54meters, may have a diameter of over

    1.5meters and their life can exceed 600 years. Larch wood is appreciated for its good

    mechanical properties, its colour and texture and also for its high natural durability (Knuchel

    1954). It is used for pulp, framing timber, roof tiles, flooring, log houses, posts, poles, railroad

    ties, mine props, wharves and pilings.

    In Europe, Larix decidua Mill. (European larch) has a scattered natural area and is

    present in four geographic zones (Alps, Sudetan Mts, Carpathian, Central Poland ), where

    local European larch got sometimes the status of subspecies or varieties (Biswas and Johri

    1997). Larix decidua is appreciated for reforestation throughout Europe, southern Canada and

    the northeastern United States, because of its fast growth and high quality timber. Beside L.

    decidua, Japanese larch (L. kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr). and the hybrids between European and

    Japanese larch (L. x eurolepis Henry) play a role (Langner and Reck 1966, Chui and

    MacKinnon-Peters 1995). In several international larch provenance experiments the

    Figure 1 Geographic distribution of: 1. Larix laricina, 2. Larix occidentalis, 3. L. decidua, 4. L.sibirica, 5. L.

    gmelinii, 6. L. kaempferi (from Biswas and Johri 1997)

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    performance of different European and Japanese larch provenances was investigated (e.g.

    Schober 1985; 1991).

    The eastern races from the Sudetan Mts, Tatras and Central Poland and the Japanese

    larches, showed on average better height growth performances than the alpine larches. A

    reverse trend is usually found for stem straightness. A SW-NE gradient was also found for

    some wood properties like heartwood proportion and stiffness, while density parameters

    showed more limited variation (Pques and Rozenberg, 1995). Bole canker (Lachnellula

    willkommii) was found more often in alpine larches compared to Sudetan, Tatras and Polish

    origins (Schober 1985). Japanese larch and hybrid larch were canker resistant. (Sylvestre-

    Guinot et al. 1983). Relatively little variation in stem form and growth was found among

    Japanese larch origins, which may be due to the five times smaller natural area compared to

    the Alpine origins (Schober 1991).

    1.2 Natural durability, heartwood extractives and wood colour

    Natural durability, or decay resistance, is defined as the ability of wood to resist

    biological degradation (Eaton and Hale 1993). Prior to the invention of artificial wood

    preservatives people were fully aware of differences in the natural durability between tree

    species and different parts of the stem. With the arrival of powerful synthetic biocides, such as

    copper-chromium-arsenic (CCA) the importance of natural durability declined (Zabel and

    Morrel 1992). Meanwhile, increased public awareness for environmentally friendly products

    again led to increased interest in the natural durability of wood.

    Knowledge about natural durability comes from experience, from observation and

    from systematic field tests with different wood species in ground contact, carried out already

    in the 1830s by G.L. Hartig (Eaton and Hale 1993). Later, field tests were supplemented with

    laboratory testing by exposing standardized wood blocks to infestation of certain white and

    brown rot fungi. Field and laboratory tests have led to a worldwide data collection on

    durability of wood species (Willeitner and Peek 1997). Both test types went down to several

    European standards (EN 113, EN 350, EN 252) and today natural durability is defined in a

    five-class system ranging between 1 (highly durable) and 5 (non-durable).

    Decay resistance is restricted to the heartwood of the tree, which is the inner part with

    lower moisture content, often a darker colour and a reduced permeability. Heartwood tissues

    have ceased to contain living cells and reserve materials have been removed or converted into

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    heartwood substances. Heartwood extractives are comprised of a heterogeneous group of

    chemical compounds, including terpenoids, tropolones, flavonoids, stilbenes, and other

    aromatic compounds (Scheffer and Cowling, 1966). The significance of heartwood

    extractives for natural durability was already demonstrated by Hawley et al. (1924). Many

    studies about the chemical structure, toxicity and specificity of various heartwood substances

    followed (e.g. Rudman 1963, Celimene et al. 1999, DeBell et al. 1997, Schultz et al. 1990,

    1995; Scalbert 1991). Compared to commercial biocides, extractives and their isolated

    components have poor fungicidal activities (Smith et al. 1989, Rudman et al. 1963, Celimene

    et al. 1999). It is proposed that some species with durable heartwood may contain multiple

    low-toxicity extractive compounds that interact synergistically, by possessing fungicidal

    activity and being excellent free radical scavengers (antioxidants) at the same time (Schultz

    and Nicholas 2002). This hypothesis is also supported by the observation that white and

    brown rot fungi most likely use some type of free radicals for the initial disruption of cell

    walls (Backa et al. 1992, Tanaka et al. 1999). Besides the total extractives content, the micro-

    distribution of extractives may also affect the biocidal performance (Hillis 1987; Kleist and

    Schmidt 1999). Extractives are located mostly in rays (Hillis 1971), but may also form

    coatings on cell walls and pits, and penetrate cell walls. In Larix sp. large amounts (up to

    30%) of arabinogalcatan, a heavily branched polysaccharide based on arabinose and galactose

    are found in the cell lumens (Ct et al. 1966). Arabinogalactan can be removed easily with

    water and may be metabolised by fungi, rather enhancing the decay process than inhibiting it

    (Srinivasan et al. 1999). Resin acids are found only in small amounts (0.1%, Viitanen et al.

    1997) and flavonoids up to 3.5% (Babkin et al. 2001, Giwa and Swan 1975, Hegnauer 1962).

    Srinivasan et al. (1999) found no correlation between hot-water soluble or methylene-chloride

    soluble extractive content and mass loss after wood decay of 75 year old tamarack (Larix

    laricina) trees, whereas Windeisen et al. (2002) reported a close relationship between

    extractives content and weight loss for hybrid larch.

    The colour of heartwood depends widely on chemical components interacting with

    light i.e. the presence or absence of extractives (Hon and Minemura 2001). Consequently,

    heartwood colour has been related to the amount of extractives and to wood decay resistance

    in some species (Hiller et al. 1972, Nelson and Heather 1972, Wilcox and Piirto 1976).

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    1.3 Variability of wood properties and the need for rapid


    Wood is a highly variable material. Parameters differ widely according to species,

    geographic origins, sites and positions within trees. Little knowledge exists on the variability

    within species, while a great deal is known about chemical properties affecting various

    products. Investigations on wood extractives of Pinus sylvestris revealed large variations

    between individual trees and a strong genetic control, which consequently provides excellent

    opportunities for genetic improvement (Fries et al. 2000, Ericsson et al. 2001). Concerning

    heartwood extractives, in Larix a high variability has been observed within and between trees

    (e.g. Ct et al. 1966, Dix and Roffael 1997, Gierlinger et al. 2002), but no detailed results

    about genetic or environmental influences are available to date.

    Decay resistance of larch wood is reported to be highly variable, ranging from non-

    durable to moderately durable (class 5 to 3, EN 350-2, Viitanen et al. 1997, Morell and

    Freitag 1995, Srinivasan et al. 1999, Nilsson 1997, Jacques et al. 2002). This apparent

    variability of results may arise from problems that are linked to differences in test conditions

    and to the reliability of the testing method itself, but is primarily linked to the variability

    described across sites, species, genetic origins and within and between trees, (Eaton and Hale

    1993, Nilsson 1997, Van Acker et al. 1999,2003, Jacques et al. 2002). A higher decay

    resistance was reported for older larch trees (Viitanen et al. 1997) and the outer heartwood is

    more durable compared to the inner one (Jacques et al. 2002). Venlinen et al. (2001)

    showed that the genetic control of decay resistance in Siberian larch is moderate.

    Further research about the variations of wood properties, their control, and their effect

    on the quality of the end-product is needed. Methods, which allow a rapid and accurate

    determination of wood properties are necessary to investigate high numbers of samples and in

    several studies non-destructive methods are wished. In industry, rapid methods for wood

    classification are required for better utilisation and higher competitiveness.

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    1.4 Near Infrared spectroscopy

    The history of near infrared (NIR) began in 1800 with Herschel, who found light

    radiation beyond the visible spectrum (Barton 2002). But the expansion of NIR spectroscopy

    did not start before the 1950s, from the agricultural realm into pharmaceutical, industrial,

    process control, food processing and remote imaging spectroscopy. Over the last few years

    NIR spectroscopy together with the chemometric approach and multivariate data analysis has

    led to numerous applications for different fields of science and industry. There are several

    advantages of utilizing the NIR wavelength region: firstly, the rapidity of NIR measurements

    facilitates the collection of descriptive data and is a prerequisite for creating control systems

    working in real time. Secondly, since there is no need for sample preparation, the technique

    should be applicable to virtually any type of sample.

    The NIR spectrum extends from 12800 cm-1 (780 nm) to 4000 cm-1 (2500 nm).

    Absorption bands observed in reflectance spectra of wood arise from overtones and

    combinations of vibrations of C-O, O-H, C-H, and N-H bonds. These absorption signals from

    the various constituents are similar and highly overlapping and no distinct absorption bands

    can be observed that can be directly related to the chemical abundance of a single wood

    constituent. The many overlapping signals result in a spectrum with broad peaks, making it

    difficult to interpret compared to the conventional mid-IR spectrum. NIR spectroscopy

    therefore must include chemometrics and the reference analysis as part of the comprehensive

    set of techniques. Multivariate calibration is a discipline that focuses on finding relationships

    between one set of measurements, usually easily or cheaply acquired (as it is the case with

    NIR spectra), and other either expensive or laborious measurements. For the establishment of

    regression models from multivariate data, Partial Least Squares Projections to Latent

    Structures, PLS, is a very suitable projection method (Antti 1999, Geladi 2003). In order to

    find out how well the model is performing in making predictions, the model has to be

    validated. For internal cross-validation procedures one group at a time is kept out of the

    model before the model predicts it, whereas in external test-set validations a number of

    samples is kept out of the calibration model to use them solely for validating the predictive

    ability. Spectral filtering together with other types of data pre-treatment is often essential for

    deriving a properly working multivariate calibration model. Traditional methods of pre-

    treatments in order to remove variation in spectra not related to the investigated properties are

    base line correction, normalization, first and second order derivatives or Multiplicative Scatter

    Correction (MSC), to mention just a few.

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    From the early 1990ies several parameters related to wood chemistry, i.e. pulp yield,

    cellulose and lignin content (e.g. Wright et al. 1990, Michell 1995, Schimleck et al. 1998,

    Schwanninger and Hinterstoisser 2001, Easty et al. 1990) as well as wood extractives

    (Schimleck et al. 1997) have been estimated by NIR spectroscopy. Furthermore, studies have

    shown that NIR spectroscopy is also capable to determine physico-mechanical properties,

    including basic density (Thygesen 1994; Schimleck et al. 1999), mechanical strength

    (Hoffmeyer and Pedersen 1995, Gindl et al. 2001) and stiffness (Schimleck et al. 2002).

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    1.5 Aim of the study

    The aim of this doctoral thesis was to explore the feasibility of FT-NIR spectroscopy

    for determining rapidly and accurately biological and chemical parameters of larch heartwood

    and to address so far un-answered questions associated with the chemical composition, natural

    durability and colour of larch heartwood. In this context the following main hypotheses are

    stated as questions:

    1. Is it possible to predict heartwood extractives, lignin and natural durability of larch

    by means of FT-NIR spectroscopy accurately? The aim was to develop calibration

    models based on NIR-spectra of wood meal and solid wood surfaces to predict rapidly and

    accurately a large number of samples. (paper I-IV)

    2. To what extent can pre-treatment of spectral data and wavenumber selection lead to

    enhanced multivariate modelling? Calibration models with different types of data pre-

    treatment and wavenumber selection were established and intensively validated and

    evaluated to find the most suitable prediction models. (paper I-III)

    3. Does the colour of larch heartwood provide information on the extractive content

    and natural durability? Heartwood colour is an easy to measure parameter and may be

    used as an indicator for extractives and natural durability in larch heartwood (paper V)

    4. Are there significant differences in the extractive and lignin contents among different

    larch species, origins and age classes ? What is the variability of heartwood

    extractives within the genus Larix? With a set of nearly 300 trees grown on six different

    sites, which circumvented Larix decidua, L. kaempferi and L. x eurolepis, different origins

    of L.decidua, young plantation trees as well as old natural grown trees, the question of

    variability was properly addressed. (paper VI, VII)

    5. To what extent are extractives and lignin concentrated in wood of old grown trees

    from pith to the heartwood-sapwood boundary? A detailed analysis of extractives and

    lignin was performed with 25year increment blocks of old-grown trees to find out about

    radial trends from pith to the heartwood-sapwood boundary. (paper VII)

    6. How strongly is the extractive content correlated with brown-rot decay resistance in

    larch heartwood? The widely anticipated relationship between extractives and brown-rot

    decay resistance was quantified for larch. In case of a strong linkage, extractives may be

    used to predict the decay resistance of larch heartwood. (paper VI, IV)

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    2 Material and Methods

    2.1 Wood material

    A total of 293 larch trees of different species, origins and age classes were available

    from 4 plantation sites and 2 natural stands within the framework of the EU-FAIR funded

    project CT98-3354 Towards a European Larch Wood Chain (Figure 2, Table 1 and 2).

    Table 1 Description of the 6 sampling sites (The two native sites are shaded in grey). (a.s.l. = elevation

    above sea level)

    Figure 2 Location of the 4 plantation sites (+), the two native stand (*) and origins of the Sudetan (Ruda, Zabreh) and Central Poland provenances (Blizyn) (o).

    Most of the trees originated from several replications of a IUFRO (International Union

    of Forest Research Organizations) provenance trial in Belgium, Germany and France, with

    European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) origins from the Alps (Montgenvre, Langau), the

    Sudetan mountains (Ruda, Zabreh) and from Poland (Blizyn) (Table 2, Figure 2). In addition,

    1 Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) origin (Ina) and 2 hybrids (L.x eurolepis) were included. In

    summary 13 different groups of larch wood were analysed (Table 2). The Hybrid larch trees

    grown in Clanna (Wales, GB) showed the widest growth rings, with mean ring widths almost

    twice as wide (7.8mm) compared to the other plantation trees (3.9-4.7mm) (Table 2). The old-

    growntrees had significant smaller ring widths: 1.5mm for the trees from Langau, and 0.9mm

    for the trees from Montgenvre. All samples were included to study colour, extractives and

    natural durability of heartwood (paper V). In the papers I-IV on NIR spectroscopy only

    selected samples were chosen to span the whole variability. For paper VI only trees grown on

    Site Latitude and




    Clanna 5143N, 235W 90

    Coat an Noz 4831N, 325W 200

    Nassogne 5005N, 520E 320

    Elm 5200N, 1003E 205

    Langau 4749N, 1510E 1050

    Montgenevre 4456N, 644E 1800

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    the plantation site in France (Coat an Noz) were selected and for paper VII only a part of the

    old trees.

    Table 2 Site, origin, species, number of trees, age and ring width (RW, mm) of the sampled groups of

    larch trees.

    Site Origin Species-variety N Age RW

    Clanna GB Hybrid L. x eurolepis 36 39 7.8

    Montgenvre L.decidua alpica 18 38 4.3

    Ruda L.decidua sudetica 20 38 4.1

    Zabreh L.decidua sudetica 19 38 4.0

    Ina L. kaempferi 20 38 4.1

    Coat an Noz F

    Hybrid L. x eurolepis 29 38 4.7

    Langau L.decidua alpica 20 38 4.6

    Ruda L.decidua sudetica 20 38 4.6

    Nassogne B

    Zabreh L.decidua sudetica 20 38 4.6

    Ruda L.decidua sudetica 29 38 3.9 Elm G

    Blizyn L.decidua polonica 20 38 4.1

    Langau A Langau L.decidua alpica 26 160 1.5

    Mont F Montgenvre L.decidua alpica 27 237 0.9

    2.2 Chemical analysis

    For the chemical analysis small and clear heartwood samples were dried at 50C and

    ground with a cutting mill (Retsch, SM1) to pass a 200m screen. About 3 g air-dried wood

    meal (100-200m particle size) was extracted using the fexIKA 200 solid extractor.

    Extractions were carried out with acetone (Carl Roth, 5025.2) for 6 hours followed by another

    6-hours of hot-water extraction. Extractives were gravimetrically determined according to

    TAPPI T204 om-88 standard (% based on dry wood) and water content according to TAPPI T

    264 om-88 / 8.2. Total phenols content was determined in the acetone and the hot-water

    extracts for 115 trees by a modified Folin-Denis assay (Swain and Hillis, 1959). The

    flavonoid taxifolin (3,3',4',5,7-Pentahydroxyflavanone) was used as a standard (Sigma

    Aldrich, T4512). Analyses were carried out fourfold on a LKB Biochrom 4060 UV-VIS

    spectrophotometer and the mean calculated. The total lignin content (Klason lignin plus acid

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    soluble lignin) was determined according to Schwanninger and Hinterstoisser (2002) and the

    moisture contents according to TAPPI T 264 om-88 / 8.2.

    2.3 Wood decay tests

    Wood decay test were performed at the Centre de Recherche de la Nature des Forts et

    du Bois in Gembloux. Detailed description of the method and results is given in Jacques et al.

    (2002). The decay resistance data were used in papers II through VI.

    2.4 Colour measurements

    Colour measurements were performed on dried wood powder (< 100m) with a

    Phyma Codec 400 Vis spectrometer. The reflection spectrum was acquired from a measuring

    spot of 12mm in the 400-700nm region. The recommended CIE (Commission Internationale

    de l` Eclairage) color parameters L* (lightness), a* (along the X axis red (+) to green (-)) and

    b* (along the Y axis yellow (+) to blue (-)) were calculated and an average value of three

    measurements per sample was used in the further analysis.

    2.5 NIR-spectroscopy and multivariate calibration

    FT-NIR spectra were recorded on a Bruker FT-IR spectrometer (EQUINOX 55)

    equipped with a NIR fibre-optic probe measuring the diffuse reflected light on a 9-10 mm2

    spot. A germanium-diode detector with a cut-off wavenumber of 5100 cm-1 was used and the

    measurement spectrum ranged between 10000 cm-1 and 5100 cm-1. The thermoplastic resin

    Spectralon served as a reference. Each wood powder sample (

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    3 Results and Discussion

    3.1 Rapid prediction of chemical and biological properties by

    means of FT-NIR spectroscopy

    In article I the prediction of heartwood extractives by FT-NIR spectroscopy was

    investigated in detail. Besides cross and test-set validation the established models were

    subjected to a further evaluation step. Extractives and phenols content of additional samples

    were predicted and outliers detected through Mahalanobis distance calculations. Models based

    on the whole spectral range and without data pre-processing showed good model statistics in

    cross validation and test-set validation, but failed in the evaluation test, which is based on

    spectral outlier detection. But selection of data pre-processing methods, manual and automatic

    (Martens Uncertainty test) restriction of wavenumber ranges considerably improved the

    model predictability. It was possible to reduce the number of principal components by using

    the first derivative and Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) without losing predictive

    power of the model. With models using maximally four principal components the number of

    outliers in the evaluation step remained limited. High coefficients of determination (R2) and

    low root-mean-square-errors of cross-validation (RMSECV) were obtained for hot water

    extractives (R2 = 0.96, RMSECV = 0.86%, range = 4.9% - 20.4%), acetone extractives (R2 =

    0.86, RMSECV = 0.32%, range = 0.8% - 3.6%) and phenolic substances (R2 = 0.98,

    RMSECV = 0.21%, range = 0.7% - 4.9%) from wood powder. The models derived from

    wood powder spectra were more accurate than those obtained from solid wood surfaces.

    From a rapid prediction of extractive contents by FT-NIR spectroscopy predictions on

    the decay resistance of larch heartwood are possible, because of the strong correlation

    between natural durability and extractives (shown in paper IV and VI). This method is an

    attractive, very fast alternative to the estimation of decay resistance and beside models for the

    prediction of extractives, calibration models using results from wood decay tests as reference

    data can be established (paper II, III and IV). Partial Least Squares regressions between the

    data sets of relative decay resistance (x-values) and the FT-NIR spectra were calculated. The

    usefulness of Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) was clearly demonstrated in PCA

    analysis and also in the improvement of the PLS-model statistics (paper II). High coefficients

    of correlation (r) and low root mean square errors of prediction (RMSEP) were obtained for

    cross-validation based on wood decay tests with Poria placenta (Fr.) Cooke (r = 0.92,

  • 18

    RMSEP = 0.077, range 0.27 1.13) and Coniophora puteana (Schum.: Fr.) Karst. (r = 0.97,

    RMSEP = 0.078, range 0.07 1.58).

    NIR spectroscopy has proved to be a reliable tool for the prediction of natural

    durability (II, III, IV), lignin (III) and extractives (I, III). Larch heartwood quality may be

    comprehensively characterized by simultaneous estimation of different parameters using

    different calibration models. Although the development of calibration models is labour-

    intensive, once established they allow acquiring data non-destructively within minutes and to

    process high sample numbers. Since spectra can be taken from small samples it is possible to

    measure increment cores. Therefore, this seems to be particularly suitable in forestry and

    wood studies, where large numbers of wood samples must be analysed non-destructively. In

    tree breeding programmes, often hundreds of genotypes need to be surveyed, and in

    silvicultural studies intensive surveys of wood resources may be required to test different

    treatment effects. Venlinen (2003) investigated in his thesis genetic parameters for

    pinewood and reported encouraging results on the testing of wood durability by electrical

    impedance spectroscopy.

    3.2 Colour of larch heartwood: an indicator for heartwood extractives and brown-rot decay resistance?

    A total of 293 larch trees were included in the analysis about heartwood colour (paper

    IV). From the three colour parameters L (lightness), a* (red to blue) and b* (yellow to green)

    the a* value revealed to be the most important parameter. Value a* (describing the

    reddishness of the samples) turned out to be higher in Japanese larch (Ina-F) and in the

    hybrids, compared to the young European larch trees. Moreover, the old-grown trees from

    high-elevation European larch stands (Mont-nat, Lang-nat) had higher a*-values than the

    young ones of the same origin grown on plantations (Lang-B, Mont-F). Strong relationships

    were found between phenolics and reddishness (a*), and also between decay resistance and

    reddishness (Table 3). High correlation coefficients were observed throughout, across the

    origins as well as within most of the origins (Table 3). The rather high correlation found

    between a* and wood decay resistance in larch was clearly indirect, based on the strong

    correlation between a* and phenols and the relationship between phenols and decay resistance

    (paper VI). Larch heartwood colour differences between origins and sites are associated with

    differences in the amount of phenolics and decay resistance, and might therefore be indicative

  • 19

    for both. Phenol content and decay resistance predicted with Partial Least Squares regression

    models based on colour variable a*, were of lower quality (higher errors) compared to the

    prediction by NIR-based models (I- IV). In the colour models the root mean square error of

    cross validation has more than doubled to 0.54% (range 0.3-4.7%) for the prediction of the

    phenolic content, compared to 0.21% in the NIR-model. Nevertheless, these first results on

    the prediction of phenolics and wood decay resistance through colour analysis are most

    encouraging. Prediction might be further improved through multivariate calibration models

    utilizing the whole visible spectra.

    Table 3 Pearson correlation coefficients between reddishness (a*), phenolics (PHE) and relative decay

    resistance (x) by analysing all trees, averages of the origins and the origins separately.

    PEARSON CORRELATIONS r (a*-phe) r (a*-x)

    Trees (n = 293) 0.84** -0.63**

    AV of origins (n = 13) 0.93** -0.82**

    Ina-F 0.69** -0.62**

    Hybrid-F 0.85** -0.70**

    Hybrid-GB 0.88** -0.62**

    Ruda-D 0.72** -0,27

    Ruda-F 0.78** -0.45*

    Ruda-B 0.82** -0.27

    Zabreh-F 0.79** -0.45

    Zabreh-B 0.81** -0.63**

    Blizyn-D 0.76** -0.72**

    Langau-B 0.81** -0.59**

    Montgenvre-F 0.70** -0.66*

    Langau-A_nat 0.65** -0.48*

    Within origins (n = 18-35)

    Montgenvre-F_nat 0.61** -0.34

    3.3 Variation in the chemical composition of larch heartwood

    A great deal is known about differences between the chemical composition of

    different tree species, but only scarce information exists about the degree of variability within

    species. In Larix sp. a high variability in the extractive content was observed (Table 4). Hot

    water soluble extractives (HWE) ranged from 3.1% to a maximum of 27.0%, the coefficient

  • 20

    of variation (CV) was 46% (Table 4). A similar range was reported e.g. by Viitanen et al.

    (1997) (3.2 20.5 %) and Srinivasan et al. (1999) (7.3 26.8%). Almost the same coefficient

    of variation (CV=45%) was observed for phenols (PHE), with amounts ranging from 0.3% to

    4.8%, with a mean of 2.2%. ACE consisting mainly of PHE showed similar values. The

    especially high extractive contents present in larch heartwood resulted in considerable

    differences between lignin content based on extractive-free dry wood (average = 29.3%) and

    lignin content based on non-extracted dry wood (average = 26.1%, Table 4). Lignin (LIGexf)

    content was generally less variable (CV = 3.7%) compared to heartwood extractives.

    Table 4 Descriptive statistics of chemical properties in larch wood (n= 293 trees, SD = standard deviation,

    CV = coefficient of variation, HWE = hot water extractives, ACE = acetone extractives, PHE = total

    amount of phenolics, LIGexf = lignin of extractive-free dry wood, LIG = lignin of dry wood)


    HWE (% ) 10.2 4.7 46 3.1 27.0

    ACE (%) 2.2 0.7 32 0.8 4.3

    PHE (%) 2.2 1.0 45 0.3 4.8

    LIGexf (%) 29.3 1.1 3.7 26.5 32.3

    LIG (%) 26.1 1.2 4.6 22.4 29.6

    In paper VI differences between origins and species of even-aged trees grown on the

    same plantation site were analysed. No significant differences were found for the hot water

    extractives, whereas the total amount of phenols was significantly higher in L. kaempferi

    (3.6%) and L. x eurolepis (3.2%), compared to L. decidua (2.1%) (VI).

    Besides the comparison of origins, differences between young plantation trees and old

    trees from high elevation were of great interest. Figure3A-D shows the same two European

    larch origins (Langau and Montgenvre) grown on plantations and at high elevation sites

    (native rang). Extractives content of trees from the origin Montgenvre were significantly

    higher (p < 0.05) compared to those from the origin Langau. This was observed for both,

    young plantation trees and old trees grown at high elevation. For ACE differences between

    the two origins were greater than between the young and old trees (Fig. 3A). These results

    demonstrate again the origin effect on the extractive content. For HWE and PHE significant

    differences between young and old trees were evident, amounts of HWE doubled in the old

    trees (Fig. 3B, 3C). The trees of the high elevation site Montgenvre had the highest amount

    of extractives of the entire sample set. This may be due to the high age, high elevation and

  • 21

    additional stress through periodic infestation of the larch bud moth (Zeriaphera diniana

    G.N.). For LIGexf no significant differences were observed between the two origins, but

    significant higher amounts were found in the old trees (Fig. 3D).

    Figure 3A-D: Comparison of mean values of extractive and lignin contents of old trees grown on high

    elevation with young trees from plantations from two European larch origins (Montgenvre = squares,

    Langau = triangles)

    The radial distribution of extractives and lignin was investigated with blocks of 25

    annual rings prepared from the old grown trees (paper VII). A gradual increase was observed

    for all extractives from pith to the heartwood-sapwood boundary. The acetone extractives and

    the phenolics increased between 1.2% and 2.2% per 100 rings increment, while the hot-water

    extractive content rose around 5% per 100 years (paper VII). Calculations showed that within

    10 cm radial distance phenol and acetone content doubled, while hot-water extractives took

    between 20-30cm to double concentration (paper VII). In Figure 4A-D the amount of

    extractives and lignin of the inner part (ring 1 25) is compared with an outer part (ring 75

    100). Significant differences were found for extractives, PHE and ACE doubled, and lignin. A

    comparison of Figure 3 and 4 clearly shows that the differences observed within the old trees

    (inner and outer parts) had similar trends to those observed between old and young trees.







    young old


    E (%


    A 0






    young old


    E (%


    B 0





    young oldPH

    E (%


    C 22






    young old


    exf (



  • 22

    Figure 4A-D: Comparison of mean values of extractive and lignin contents in the inner (core) part (ring 1-

    25) with the outer part (ring 75-100) of old trees from two European larch origins (Montgenvre =

    squares, Langau = triangles)

    In general, observed variation is the result of a dual and interactive control through

    specific environmental and genetic factors. The situation is complex and the effect of

    environmental conditions, including silviculture, soil and climate, and of genetic factors

    cannot be clearly separated in this study. As mentioned above a huge variation was found

    among the investigated larch groups, but to give definite answers on the effect of

    environmental and genetic factors, proper experimental designs are needed. In this study

    significant differences in the phenol content were found between Japanese and European

    larch, suggesting a clear effect of the species. The amount of hot water solubles did not show

    such a species-specific behaviour. The strong effect of cambial age on all extractives (ACE,

    HWE, PHE) and LIG was clearly visible in the comparison of young plantation trees with

    high elevation grown old trees, and in the radial increase from pith to heartwood-sapwood

    boundary in the old trees. Posey and Robinson (1969) examined 480 Pinus echinata trees of

    different ages growing under a variety of conditions and concluded also that age influences

    extractives content more than any other variable.







    in out


    E (%


    A 0






    in out


    E (%

    )B 0






    in out



    C 22






    in out


    exf (



  • 23

    3.4 Relationship between heartwood extractives and brown-rot

    decay resistance

    Heartwood extractives play a key role for natural durability, beside lignification and

    growth characteristics (Zabel and Morrell 1992). The influence of extractives on durability

    depends on their type, concentration, chemical stability and resistance to microbial

    inactivation (Hart 1989). The decay-resistance of tamarack (L. laricina) was not related to

    extractives content (hot-water-soluble and methylene-chloride-soluble) according to

    Srinivasan et al. (1999). Methylene-chloride-soluble extractives were apparently at too low

    concentrations (0.7) was found between extractives contents

    (cyclohexane-ethanol (2:1)-soluble together with ethanol-soluble) and natural durability. In

    our study the total amount of phenols was strongly linked to decay resistance (paper VI).

    Recently, a significant relationship between decay-resistance and the total amount of phenols

    was also reported for pine (Harju et al. 2003).

    HWE consists mainly of the heavily branched polysaccharide arabinogalactan (Ct et

    al. 1967). Srinivasan et al. (1999) suggested that arabinose and galactose sugars might be

    easily metabolised by fungi, which should rather enhance than inhibit the decay process.

    Opposite to Srinivasan et al. (1999) and in accordance with Viitanen et al. (1997) a

    relationship between non-phenolic substances (arabinogalactan, comparable to HWE) and

    wood decay was observed (paper IV, VI). Although higher HWE often goes hand in hand

    with higher amount of phenolic substances, the high correlations with decay-resistance may

    not be due to this fact only. An influence of NOT PHE on decay resistance is suggested, as

    correlation coefficients between mass loss and NOT PHE were often similar or even higher

    compared to those between PHE, NOT PHE, PHE and mass loss. The possible role of

    arabinogalactan in wood decay of larch wood is not understood at this point. Perhaps the

    arabinogalactan-filled lumina may not primarily enhance growth by being a nutrient resource,

    but act as barriers for hyphal growth in the wood structure. The isolation and characterization

    of larch arabinogalactan was the topic of several studies, e.g Odonmazig et al. (1994) or

    Ponder and Richards (1997); however, its functionality in the heartwood has been barely

    understood and discussed. Ct et al. (1966) concluded that a possible role of arabinogalactan

  • 24

    in larch remains entirely obscure and these authors assumed that it might be the product of a

    blind alley in plant evolution.

    Beside extractives, lignification is often discussed as an additional factor in decay

    resistance (Zabel and Morrell 1992). Harju et al. (2003) found no differences in lignin content

    between decay resistant and decay-susceptible pine trees. Lignin seems to be of minor

    importance in decay resistance of larch wood too (paper VI).

    4 Conclusions

    The studied material encompassed many contrasting larch wood resources and gave

    insight into the great variability for heartwood extractives in larch trees prevalent in Europe.

    The amount of phenolic substances revealed to be a key factor in brown-rot decay resistance

    and it was strongly influenced by species, origin and age. The reddishness of the heartwood

    allowed a rough estimate of the phenolic content and thus of the natural durability; FT-NIR

    spectroscopy enabled very rapid and accurate determinations. The contrasting sample set

    allowed including a high span of variability in the calibration models, which should therefore

    be well suited for the the prediction of new larch samples in future projects. To gain insight

    into the possibilities of improving decay resistance of larch heartwood by forest tree breeding,

    genetic parameters of decay resistance and of phenolic contents need to be known. FT-NIR

    calibration models will be quite useful in such studies. Using a fibre-optic probe, sample

    preparation is restricted to grinding or sanding and with the established calibration models

    determinations are available within a few minutes, even on increment cores directly extracted

    from standing trees. This will lead to a better knowledge of how extractives and natural

    durability are controlled by genetics and the environment, as large numbers of samples can be

    processed accurately and non-destructively. FT-NIR spectrocopy may break new ground for

    optimising wood utilisation: Trees with potentially durable wood may be selected early off-

    line in the forest and sawn timber may be graded on-line during the conversion process.

  • 25

    5 Acknowledgements

    Most of the work reported in the thesis was done within the framework of the EU-project

    TOWARDS A EUROPEAN LARCH WOOD CHAIN (FAIR-CT98-3354). Financial support for

    almost three years and a unique sample material were the basis, enriched by the continuous

    support, valuable comments, discussions and encouragement of the task coordinator Rupert

    Wimmer, the coordinator Luc E. Pques (INRA, Orlean), and the co-workers of task 1

    (wood quality). I am deeply grateful to my supervisor Rupert Wimmer for his support during

    the last four years, especially recently, to finalise the thesis. Thanks to Luc for his

    encouragement, his valuable inputs and for correcting most of the manuscripts. Thanks to the

    Centre de Recherche de la Nature des Forts et du Bois in Gembloux (Dominique Jacques)

    for giving permission to use the data on brown-rot decay resistance.

    I would like to thank Michael Grabner and Wolgang Gindl for answering thousands of

    questions a biologist asks when beginning to work on wood quality, for the help on wood

    processing and many discussions that led to new approaches. Without Barabara

    Hinterstoisser and Manfred Schwanninger (Institute of Chemistry, BOKU) the very

    interesting work on FT-NIR spectroscopy would not have been that fruitful. Thanks to

    Manfred for being available 7 days a week, for helping me acquiring and analysing spectra,

    for providing precise lignin data, for valuable inputs, for correcting the manuscripts very

    quickly and providing a lot of literature about spectroscopy. My warmest thanks are due to

    Sabine Rosner, for scientific help and for brightening up the hours at the institute. I would

    like to thank the Institute of Botany, its former head Prof. Hanno Richter, and its acting head

    Prof. Karl-Georg Bernhardt, for giving me the opportunity to accomplish the work at the

    Institute. Prof. Alfred Teischinger, head of the Institute of Wood Science and Technology at

    BOKU, is thanked for his agreement to utilise the colour measuring device.

    Financial support from the Austrian Science Foundation (project THE CAUSES OF NATURAL

    DURABILITY IN LARCH P15903) during the finishing period of the thesis is acknowledged.

    Finally I would like to thank Didi, my family and friends for their support and encouragement

    while working on this thesis.

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    Rapid determination of heartwood extractives in Larix sp. by means of Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy

    Gierlinger, N., Schwanninger, M., Hinterstoisser, B.,Wimmer, R.

    J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 10: 203-214. 2002

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    Rapid prediction of natural durability of larch heartwood using FT-NIR spectroscopy

    Gierlinger, N., Jacques, D., Schwanninger, M., Wimmer, R., Hinterstoisser, B.,

    Pques, L.E.

    Canadian Journal of Forest Research: in print.

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    Rapid prediction of natural durability of larch heartwood using

    FT-NIR spectroscopy

    Notburga Gierlinger1, Dominique Jacques2, Manfred Schwanninger3, Rupert

    Wimmer1, Barbara Hinterstoisser3, Luc E. Pques4

    1 Institute of Botany; BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Gregor-Mendelstr. 33, A-1180 Vienna 2 Centre de Recherche de la Nature des Forts et du Bois, Avenue Marchal Juin 23, B-5030 Gembloux 3 Institute of Chemistry; BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Muthgasse 18, A-1190 Vienna 4 INRA, Unit dAmlioration, de Gntique et de Physiologie des Arbres forestiers, F-45166 Olivet Cedex


    The feasibility of Fourier-transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy to rapidly

    determine natural durability of the heartwood of larch trees (Larix decidua Mill. and L.

    kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr.) was investigated. FT-NIR spectra were collected from solid

    wood by means of a fibre-optical probe. Basidiomycetes tests (European Standard EN

    113) using Coniophora puteana and Poria placenta were carried out on larch

    heartwood, with pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris) used as a reference. The relative

    resistance to decay (x-value) was calculated and durability classes estimated according

    to European Standard (EN 350-2). Partial Least Squares regressions between the data

    sets of wood decay tests (x-values) and the FT-NIR spectra were calculated, it was

    found that Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) considerably improved the model

    predictability. High coefficients of correlation (r) and low root mean square errors of

    prediction (RMSEP) were obtained for cross-validation based on wood decay tests

    with P. placenta (r = 0.92, RMSEP = 0.077, range 0.27 1.13) and C. puteana (r =

    0.97, RMSEP = 0.078, range 0.07 1.58). Overall, NIR spectroscopy has proven to be

    an accurate and fast method for the non-destructive determination of natural

    durability, which might be highly relevant for intensive tree breeding programs and for

    efforts to optimise wood utilization.

    Keywords: Larix sp., heartwood, natural durability, wood decay tests, PLSR, FT-NIR, fibre-optic probe

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    The ability of tree species heartwood to resist biological degradation is called its

    natural durability or decay-resistance (Eaton and Hale 1993) and is an important wood

    quality factor essential for environmentally friendly exterior timber uses. Knowledge about

    natural durability may come from practical experiences of end-users, from field tests in

    ground contact or from standardized laboratory tests (Willeitner and Peek 1997). To compare

    natural durability of different wood species a classification based on the computation of a

    relative resistance has high practical meaning. This measure is expressed in a five class-

    system, with classes ranging from non-durable (class 5) to highly-durable (class 1)

    (Bellmann 1988a, European Standard EN 350- 2).

    Natural durability of larch (Larix sp.) wood is described as being highly variable,

    ranging from non-durable to moderately durable (class 5 to 3, EN 350-2, Viitanen et al. 1997,

    Morell and Freitag 1995, Srinivasan et al. 1999, Nilsson 1997). This apparent variability may

    arise from problems that are linked to the size of the sample tested and the reliability of the

    testing method itself, but is also clearly linked to the large variability within and between

    trees, variability across sites, species, genetic origins and with tree age (Bellmann 1988b,

    Eaton and Hale 1993, Nilsson 1997, Van Acker et al. 1999, Jacques et al. 2002). Among end-

    users larch heartwood is valued for outdoor applications, even though high variability in

    timber performance exists. More detailed investigations about the level and variance of larch

    heartwood and its natural durability are needed and could be of benefit in tree improvement

    programs as well as optimizing wood utilization.

    The significance of wood extractives for natural durability was demonstrated as early

    as 1924 (Hawley et al.), and it has been a repeatedly discussed topic in the literature (e.g.

    Rudman 1963, Reyes-Chilpa et al. 1998, Celimene et al. 1999, Schultz et al. 1990, 1995,

    Schultz and Nicholas 2000). Additionally, the wood density, the lignin quantity and its type

    may also contribute to the susceptibility of the heartwood against attack and spoilage by

    different bio-deteriogens (Eaton and Hale 1993).

    Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has shown utility to be a powerful and rapid tool to

    estimate parameters related to wood chemistry, i.e. pulp yield, cellulose and lignin content

    (Easty et al. 1990, Michell 1995, Schimleck et al. 1998, Schwanninger and Hinterstoisser

    2001, Wright et al. 1990) as well as wood extractives (Schimleck et al. 1997, Gierlinger et al.

    2002). Furthermore, studies have shown that NIR spectroscopy was also capable to determine

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    physico-mechanical properties, including basic density (Thygesen 1994; Schimleck et al.

    1999), mechanical strength (Hoffmeyer and Pedersen 1995, Gindl et al. 2001) and stiffness

    (Schimleck et al. 2002, Thumm and Meder 2001). It may be concluded therefore, that since

    all factors influencing natural durability, i.e. heartwood extractives, lignin and density, may be

    successfully determined by NIR spectroscopy, it may also have the potential to rapidly and

    non-destructively predict natural durability.

    Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of FT-NIR

    spectroscopy as a method to estimate the natural durability of larch heartwood. Durability

    classes after inoculation with Coniophora puteana and Poria placenta were determined

    according to European standard EN 350-2 using wood from plantation-grown European and

    Japanese larch, and the obtained dataset was utilized to establish calibration models with

    acquired FT-NIR spectra.

    Material and Methods

    Forty-year old larch trees, planted on sites in Germany, Belgium and France were

    sampled in this study. The trees were part of an European provenance trial with selected larch

    provenances planted out across Europe (Table 1). Groups of European larch (Larix decidua

    Mill.) trees were selected out of a greater investigated sample pool (described in Jaques et al.

    2002) to provide a high variation of decay resistance of even aged plantation trees.

    Additionally Japanese larch (L. kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr.), which proved to have higher decay

    resistance (Jaques et al. 2003) was added to the sample set (Table 1). From each tree a two-

    meter log was cut at breast height upwards and from each a central board was sawn. A set of

    24 samples was prepared from each tree, half taken from the inner and the second half from

    the outer part of the heartwood. Sixteen samples were submitted to natural durability tests and

    8 were used as standards for calculating reference dry matter. Samples (50x25x15mm) were

    all planed and placed in a standard climate chamber to equalise at 12 % wood moisture

    content prior to fungal inoculation.

    Wood decay tests

    Natural durability of solid wood was performed according to European Standard EN

    350-1. A total of 608 larch samples and reference samples of Pinus sylvestris sapwood were

    tested. For each tree, 8 samples were inoculated with Poria placenta (strain FPRL280) and

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    another 8 samples with Coniophora puteana (strain FPRL11E). After exposure for sixteen

    weeks mycelium was removed from the samples prior to drying at 103 C to a constant

    weight. The mass loss was calculated and divided by the mass loss of the pine reference,

    resulting in a ratio called x-value as suggested in EN 350-1 (Table 2). Average values were

    calculated using 2 in vertical direction adjacent samples (containing the same annual rings),

    leading to 4 values per tree and fungi (4x38trees = 152 samples for NIR spectroscopy).

    FT-NIR spectroscopy

    FT-NIR spectra were recorded on a BRUKER FT-IR spectrometer (EQUINOX 55)

    equipped with a NIR fibre-optical probe to measure the diffuse reflected light on a 10 mm2

    spot. A germanium-diode detector with a cut-off wavenumber at 5100 cm-1 (1961 nm) was

    used and the measurement spectrum ranged between 9970 cm-1 (1003 nm) and 5100 cm-1

    (1961 nm). The thermoplastic resin Spectralon served as a reference. With a spectral

    resolution of 20 cm-1 (636 data points), one hundred scans per spectrum were acquired and

    averaged. Four spectra were acquired of cross sections of 152 samples from freshly cut

    surfaces of the oven-dried standard samples, which have been used for calculating the

    reference dry matter but not for the decay tests. Spectra were measured equally spaced in

    radial direction along the centreline of the transverse plane and the average spectra were used

    for calibration.

    Data analysis

    Chemometric modelling was performed with the UNSCRAMBLER software package

    (Version 7.6, CAMO ASA). For pre-processing the algorithms of full multiplicative scatter

    correction (MSC, the mean spectrum of the calibration set used as base spectrum), of the first

    (1.Der) and second derivative (2.Der) were applied. Spectra were processed (smoothed and

    derived) according to Savitzky and Golay (1964) by means of a 9-point smoothing filter and a

    second order polynomial. Wavelength selection was done manually as well as automatically

    by means of the Martens Uncertainty test (Westad and Martens 2002), to eliminate

    unimportant variables to simplify the models and making them more reliable. Calibrations

    (CAL) were developed using partial least squares (PLS) regression. The average NIR spectra

    were regressed against the natural durability data and by means of full cross-validation (CV)

    with one sample omitted a significant number of PC-components (principal components or

    factors) were obtained. The root mean square error was calculated for the calibration samples

    (RMSEC) and for the predicted samples (RMSEP, %RMSEP = RMSEP/mean).

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    Variation of natural durability

    Table 2 gives relative frequencies of natural durability classes according to EN350-1.

    For P. placenta almost half of the samples were classified as slightly durable, 30% were

    moderately durable and the remainder (20%) were non-durable. Mass-losses after exposure to

    C. puteana resulted in an even more scattered picture with 10 % being very durable on the

    one side, and 12% non-durable on the other side of the scale, while the majority (42%) was

    classified as moderately durable.

    The relationship between the x-values obtained from the two fungi is shown in Figure

    1: a correlation of r = 0.61 and an axis intercept of 0.22 between the two x-values is noticed.

    In some cases the two fungi led to a classification differing often in one or two classes, also

    seen by the axis intercept. As seen in Figure 1 large variation was found between and also

    within each provenance. The provenances Ina (Japanese larch) and Blizyn (European larch)

    tended to lower durability classes (meaning higher durability), whereas samples of the

    provenance Langau (European larch) had the tendency to be classified as not or slightly

    durable (Fig. 1).

    Variation of NIR spectra

    The NIR diffuse reflectance spectra of the samples from the same durability classes

    were averaged. As shown in Figure 2A-B these averaged spectra demonstrated a considerable

    baseline shift, especially between 6300 cm-1 (1587 nm) to 5100 cm-1 (1960 nm). For the P.

    placenta samples the baseline shifts were more distinctive than for C. puteana and a clear

    differentiation of durability classes is shown. After multiplicative scatter correction (MSC)

    differences were reduced (Fig. 2C-D), however, closer examination of the 6300 cm-1 (1587

    nm) and 5300 cm-1 (1887 nm) region is still indicating a clear association with the durability

    classes for the P. placenta group as well as for the C. puteana ones (Fig. 2C-D).

    Spectral variability in respect to the durability classes was also investigated through

    principal components analysis (PCA) (Fig. 3A, 3B). The scores plot using unmodified spectra

    (Fig. 3A) showed no patterns within the samples, whereas after applying MSC to the spectra a

    separation according to their durability classes was observed (Fig. 3B). Beside principal

    component (PC) 1 vs PC2, where the best separation was seen, also PC2 vs PC3, PC3 vs PC4

    and PC1 vs PC3 were investigated.

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    Calibration models for the estimation of natural durability

    A summary of the calibration models established with the relative mass-loss data from

    P. placenta decay tests is found in Table 3. The calibrations were highly acceptable (r = 0.86 -

    0.92) and it is shown that data pre-processing, especially MSC significantly improved the

    calibrations: r-values increased from 0.84 to 0.92 (CAL), 0.82 to 0.91 (CV) respectively,

    whereas root mean square errors improved from 0.098 to 0.073 (CAL), 0.103 to 0.077 (CV)

    respectively. The positive effect of MSC as shown in the PCA analysis was confirmed by the

    improved model statistics. Automatic wavenumber selection with the Martens uncertainty test

    has led to comparably good test statistics, accompanied by a reduction in the number of

    principal components (PC) required from 6 to 4. The wavenumber range between 6300 cm-1

    (1587nm) and 5100 cm-1 (1960nm), which exhibited the greatest differences between the

    average spectra of the durability classes (Fig. 2 A-D), resulted in a poorer calibration than

    using wavenumbers selected through the Martens uncertainty test (Table 3). However,

    compared to models without data pre-processing with the entire wavenumber region included,

    model diagnostics (r, RMSEC, RMSEP) were even better, although only one principal

    component was necessary (Table 3). Calibration models established with the mass-loss data

    from C. puteana showed similar performance (Table 4). The improvement of the models after

    applying MSC was even more drastic: r values increased from 0.79 to 0.97 (CAL), 0.76 to

    0.97 (CV) respectively, whereas root mean square errors decreased from 0.191 to 0.072

    (CAL), 0.201 to 0.078(CV) respectively.

    NIR-predicted versus laboratory-determined x-values are shown in Figs. 4A-B. The

    results were obtained from cross-validation models using the entire wavenumber range and

    after multiplicative scatter correction (MSC). Figure 4 showed once again the broader range

    for x-values obtained from C. puteana tests and the superiority of this model compared to the

    model based on P. placenta tests. In most cases, the predicted and true durability classes were

    the same and the models fitted very well data for all four provenances over the whole range

    (Fig. 4).


    As Vittanen et al. (1997) demonstrated, natural durability depends among others on

    tree species, tree age and the within-tree position (e.g. inner vs. outer heartwood). This was

    recently confirmed by Jaques et al. (2002) with a large sample set, who besides the higher

    natural durability of Japanese larch compared to European larch, also noted huge variability

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    across provenances, among and within trees. The large variation found in this study is due to

    different sources including species (European and Japanese larch), provenances (confounded

    with sites) and also the variation observed between and within trees (inner and outer part).

    The calculated average durability classes, class 4 if based on P. placenta and class 3 if based

    on C. puteana, were well in agreement with results from Vittanen et al. (1997). If attacks of

    various fungi result in different durability classes, the score obtained for the most aggressive

    fungus may be used (Van Acker et al. 1999). In our case, C. puteana was most aggressive and

    produced at the same time more variable decay results.

    Differences in the average spectra between 6300 cm-1 (1587 nm) and 5300 cm-1 (1887

    nm) are associated with the durability classes (Fig. 2C-D). This region includes 1st overtones

    from C-H stretch of =CH2, methyl groups, methylen groups and aromatic substances and O-H

    stretch/C-O stretch 2nd overtone combinations, present in all main components of wood (e.g

    cellulose, extractives and lignin) (Shenk et al. 2001). For natural durability especially

    heartwood extractive play a major role and for larch wood a strong correlation between the

    total amount of phenols and the x-value was found recently (Gierlinger in preparation). The

    flavonoid taxifolin (3,3',4',5,7-Pentahydroxyflavanone), which is known to be a major

    phenolic compound in larch heartwood (Hegnauer 1962), shows strong bands within the range

    from 6300 to 5300 cm-1 (1587 1887 nm) (Gierlinger et al. 2002).

    Statistics for both fungi demonstrate that good calibrations can be obtained to predict

    wood decay and confirm the assumption that calibrations can be used to rapidly predict

    natural durability. Correlation coefficients were as high as 0.97 and comparable to those

    obtained from NIR- models to predict extractive contents (Gierlinger et al. 2002) and wood

    density (Thygesen 1994). In this study only two replicated tests were used for the calibration

    and improvement may be gained by increasing the replicates for calibration data. The

    accuracy of laboratory reference data is a crucial factor for the quality of NIR prediction

    models. Although the accuracy of biological wood decay tests is poor compared to chemical

    analyses, surprisingly good results were achieved in this work. Coates (2002) demonstrated

    that NIR spectroscopic calibration equations might produce predictions at higher accuracy

    than laboratory reference values from the calibration set.

    In a previous study on NIR-based calibration models for larch heartwood extractives

    the restricted wavenumber range below 7500 cm-1 (1333 nm) turned out to be well suited with

    no relevant information lost and reduction of number of factors (Gierlinger et al. 2002).

    Similar restrictions in the calibration model for natural durability did lead to significant

  • 50

    information losses resulting in reduced power of prediction. With automatic restriction by

    means of the Martens Uncertainty test only few single wavenumbers were removed, which

    turned out to be more appropriate.

    Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) reduced differences between averaged

    spectra and improved the relation to natural durability classes as well as the model statistics

    for both fungi. Predicting basic density Thygesen (1994) found that MSC did not provide a

    consistent improvement. This may be explained by the influence of wood structure on density

    and that scatter in that case is not interfering, but provides additional information. MSC only

    slightly improved calibrations developed to predict the extractive contents of larch heartwood

    (Gierlinger et al. 2002), because scatter effects on wood powder samples are minor. In this

    study the PLS regression calibrations predicting natural durability of solid wood samples were

    substantially improved by MSC. As natural durability is strongly influenced by extractives,

    the chemical information may be of primary importance and may be improved by removing

    scatter effects.

    NIR spectroscopy has proved to be a reliable tool for prediction of natural durability.

    For a comprehensive prediction of the bioresistance of larch heartwood, NIR models could be

    developed by taking into account several test fungi, laboratory and field decay tests. Although

    such calibration models will be labor-intensive, once established, they will allow acquiring

    data non-destructively within minutes and to process high sample numbers. Since spectra can

    be taken from small samples it is possible to estimate natural durability even from standing

    trees by taking increment cores. Therefore it seems particularly suitable for several forestry

    and wood studies where large numbers of wood samples must be analysed non-destructively.

    This is particularly true for tree breeding programmes where hundreds of genotypes need to

    be surveyed non-destructively, for silvicultural studies with the necessity to test effects of

    different treatments, or for intensive surveys of wood resources.


    Partial Least Squares regression calibration, based on FT-NIR-spectra and reference

    data of standardized wood decay tests, were successfully applied to estimate the natural

    durability classes of larch heartwood. The optimised and verified calibrations could be put

    into practice for the forest and forest-products industry to efficiently determine natural

    durability. This will lead to a better knowledge on the environmental and genetic control of

    natural durability variability by measuring quickly large numbers of samples accurately and

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    non-destructively. It may break new ground for selection within tree breeding programs and

    for optimized wood utilization. Potentially durable trees may be selected off-line or on-line

    during the manufacture process, the latter could become reality with spectral cameras,

    operating in the NIR, becoming more readily available.


    The research was funded by the EU-project "Towards a European Larch Wood Chain

    (FAIR 98-3354) and the research project The causes of natural durability in larch (P15903,

    Austrian Science Fund). We thank Dr. Wolfgang Gindl (Institute of Wood Science and

    Technology) enabling the analysis using the Unscrambler software.

    References Bellmann, H. 1988a. Relative Resistenz
