

םיניינעה ןכות OPENING LETTER ......................................................................................................... 1

םילכ רשכה ...................................................................................................................... TEVILAS KEILIM WHEN THE MIKVAH IS CLOSED ........................................................................ 2 KASHERING A DISHWASHER .................................................................................................. 7

חספ ................................................................................................................................ MECHIRAS CHAMETZ .......................................................................................................... 3 BIUR CHAMETZ .................................................................................................................. 9 KITNIYOS ........................................................................................................................ 11 CHAMETZ SHE'ENO BIRSHUSO ............................................................................................ 12 BUYING CHAMETZ IN ADVANCE ON CHOL HAMOED ................................................................ 40 PESACH SHEINI ................................................................................................................ 58

םיגהנמ ............................................................................................................................ TAANIS BECHORIM ............................................................................................................. 3 COMMUNAL CUSTOMS IN DIFFICULT TIMES ............................................................................ 8 NAMING A BABY GIRL ....................................................................................................... 15 SHIR HASHIRIM ON CHOL HAMOED PESACH .......................................................................... 20 SAYING KOL DICHFIN AT THE SEDER ..................................................................................... 27

רמועה תריפס ................................................................................................................... HAIRCUTS ON CHOL HAMOED AND SEFIRA ............................................................................ 22 AVEILUS OF SEFIRA ........................................................................................................... 48

תוכרב/הליפת ................................................................................................................... KRIAS HATORAH .............................................................................................................. 13 HALLEL ON PESACH NIGHT ................................................................................................. 16 TEFILLAS TAL ................................................................................................................... 16 TZIRUF TO A MINYAN ........................................................................................................ 18 AANIM ZMIROS ............................................................................................................... 35 DAVENING FOR THE SICK .................................................................................................... 36 MAKING UP KRIAS HATORAH AFTER THE CRISIS ..................................................................... 53 BIRCHAS HA'ILANOS VIRTUALLY ........................................................................................... 56 BIRCHAS HAGOMEL ........................................................................................................... 57


ISSUES IN KRIAS HATORAH .................................................................................................. 70 MAFTIR ........................................................................................................................... 70 MECHITZA FOR AN OUTDOOR MINYAN ................................................................................. 72 INYANEI TEFILLAH ............................................................................................................. 79

שפנ חוקיפ/הלוח .............................................................................................................. SICK IN ISOLATION .............................................................................................................. 4 PIKUACH NEFESH ON SHABBOS ........................................................................................... 10 TRIAGE IN MEDICAL DECISIONS ........................................................................................... 29 SAFEK SAKANAH ON SHABBOS ............................................................................................ 47

החפשמה תרהט ............................................................................................................... SHOWERING AFTER THE MIKVAH ........................................................................................ 21

תוחמש ............................................................................................................................ WEDDING WITHOUT A MINYAN ........................................................................................... 23 JOINING A SIMCHA VIA ZOOM ............................................................................................. 28

תולבא/תמ ....................................................................................................................... TAHARAS HAMEIS ............................................................................................................. 25 TEMPORARY BURIAL .......................................................................................................... 31 INYANEI AVEILUS .............................................................................................................. 31 BURIAL ON SHABBOS/YOM TOV .......................................................................................... 45 ANINUS AND AVEILUS WITH DELAYED BURIALS ....................................................................... 50 GUIDANCE FOR THE CHEVRA KADISHA DURING CORONA .......................................................... 74

בוט םוי/תבש .................................................................................................................... EIRUV TAVSHILIN .............................................................................................................. 24 EIRUV CHATZEIROS ............................................................................................................ 24 DOCTOR RETURNING HOME FROM HOSPITAL/WOMEN RETURNING HOME FROM MIKVAH ON SHABBOS/YOM TOV .......................................................................................................... 37 TOSEFES SHABBOS ............................................................................................................ 60

וריבחל םדא ןיב ................................................................................................................. TZEDAKAH ....................................................................................................................... 42

תועובש ........................................................................................................................... EARLY SHABBOS ON THE SECOND NIGHT OF SHAVUOS ............................................................. 63 MINHAGEI SHAVUOS ......................................................................................................... 73

םירצמה ןיב/תינעת ............................................................................................................ DAVENING ON SHIVA ASAR B'TAMUZ ................................................................................... 75


MOURNING CUSTOMS OF THE THREE WEEKS ......................................................................... 76 LAUNDERING CLOTHES DURING THE 9 DAYS .......................................................................... 77 DAVENING ON TISHA B'AV ................................................................................................. 77 WASHING HANDS ON TISHA B'AV ........................................................................................ 88 SHOMER PESA'IM HASHEM ................................................................................................ 89

םיארונ םימי ...................................................................................................................... DAVENING ON YOMIM NORAIM .......................................................................................... 78 SHLIACH TZIBBUR DAVENING FOR MULTIPLE MINYANIM ......................................................... 90 INYANEI ROSH HASHANA V'YOM HAKKIPURIM ....................................................................... 95 THE PLACE OF MINHAGIM .................................................................................................. 98 BOWING ON ROSH HASHANA AND YOM KIPPUR .................................................................. 100

תוכוס .............................................................................................................................. INYANEI SUKKOS ............................................................................................................... 92 REMAINING IN THE SHUL FOR YIZKOR ................................................................................. 101 HOSHANOS AND HAKAFOS ................................................................................................ 102 INYANEI SIMCHAS TORAH ................................................................................................. 104

הכונח .............................................................................................................................. LIGHTING CHANUKA CANDLES IN SHUL ............................................................................... 105

םירופ .............................................................................................................................. INYANEI PURIM .............................................................................................................. 106

An Open Letter from Dr. Daniel Berman and Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt The Corona Virus causes Covid-19, a very dangerous and contagious infection, far more dangerous and contagious than the flu (influenza). Not only individuals with pre-existing conditions are vulnerable. Anyone over age fifty, although robust and healthy, is vulnerable to potentially life-threatening complications. Additionally, as the Corona Virus continues r”l to (over)tax our healthcare system, we face the catastrophic prospect of not being able to provide life-saving treatment. This shortage would affect all patients with all serious conditions, not only those infected with the virus. The following sentence is difficult to fathom because no one alive today has ever experienced anything of this sort. Nonetheless, it is abundantly clear: We are currently confronted by communal sakonas nefoshos (danger to life) of the highest order. Communal gatherings have contributed to the explosive, exponential spread of the Corona Virus. Accordingly, at the present time any communal activity or gathering in any venue is highly dangerous and literally, potentially life-threatening.

Dr. Daniel Berman Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt

Psak Halachah from HoRav Hershel Schachter shlit”a

The mitzvah to safeguard and preserve life overrides all mitzvos haTorah. It is not a midas chassidus to ignore saconas nefoshos. On the contrary, it is expressly and strictly forbidden. In the words of the Ba’alei ha Tosfos “domov be-rosho”; such an individual is culpable for any loss of life r”l that ensues.

In light of expert medical opinion regarding the current catastrophic danger, the following

measures are halachically required and must be adhered to by all. x Everyone should daven privately (be-yechedus). No minyonim should be formed in any

venue. x Weddings should be celebrated with a quorum of ten, no more (minyan m’tzumtzom). x Brisin should be performed and celebrated without a quorum of ten (minyan). x Funerals r”l must also be curtailed to a bare quorum of ten. x Bar and Bas Mitzvah celebrations should be postponed. x Yeshivos should be closed immediately In the merit of the sacred mitzvah of attempting to preserve and protect life and our

teshuvah (repentance), both communal and individual, may HKB”H (the Holy One, blessed be He) send the yeshuah (salvation). Rav Hershel Schachter

Typewritten Text
Posted on on March 15,2020 - 19 Adar, 5780
Typewritten Text

-A.+: -.@7-B A2;* 6254 C52*1

.99C2B /“1: 4“@ ‘2: <.: ,“.2 ;“.B ‘2; ,0:=5 .* B7CB-5 -C; -/ -9@B .254 52*1-5. -.@75 C455 ,0=7B 27 .6254 C52*1 622@57 .7?; ;2@=-5 -7A;- A2C-5 82) 554 3A,* AB)] .-7A;- A2C-5 B2 ,-.?7- 622@5 )“)B ,“-;B*, ,-9C7* 2A495 6+ 52@-B 5“/ .9*A 6B* 2“9 A5,) 8-4- 8A-) A“A- *C4 8.A)- ;.:9* 2-2. A=:*. .[.“1 2“:A 8)?- 2*@;* ‘:* 4“B7 ‘2; ,-.?7 8.49- 87B )A*C:7. .[6254 C52*1 ‘:* ‘2; ,-9B -)7 29=57B 625.,+- 82* ‘07 -/* B2.] ..* -4/ A*4B +“;) 254- A2@=7* .29=* .2-2B 892;* )5. 19A192)- 3A, -B5B 62;7.B* 2+:, )A*C:7. ,‘.4. C.,;5 62AB4 .2-2 6-7 629B. ,-B5B 29=* A2@=-5


65*.15 .4A1?2 .A472 6). ,6254 C.;25* 5; 2“* A.:2) 82) 24 ,>70- 254 C) A.475 )5B A-/25 625.,+- .?;2 69.@C4 629B* 2,4 ,>70- 6; ,02 2A495 62B,0- 6254- C) A.472B *A-7 B@*5 AB=) ,.?A2 6) ,./ -9B. .2A49-7 C.9@5 *A- A/.0B4 =“-.; 6254- C) C.9@5 A./02 )5B ,2A49- 87 >70- C) -A/0* C.9@5 *A- A/.0B4 ,1“.2- A0)5B 8.49- 87. ,-52*1 6242A? .2-2 )5B

.6C5.42* -2-2 )5 /) <)B C.AB=) C722@. ,,27 65*.15 625;*- .*220C2 /) 24 62B,0-

Aside from the mitzvah of performing Tevilas Keilim, there is a prohibition to use metal and glass dishes and utensils prior to their immersion in a Mikvah. In these days where the Coronavirus has closed many mikvaos and it is not possible to use the regular community keilim mikvah, a reasonable e! ort should be made to " nd a natural body of water (ocean, pond, river etc) where utensils can be immersed. Please note that when using a natural body of water, care must be taken to immerse the item in its entirety below the water. If it would be overly strenuous to travel and immerse the utensils in such a body of water, one should try and use disposable utensils whenever possible relying on the opinion of Rav Moshe Feinstein that disposable aluminum utensils do not require tevilas keilim. If these options are not available, the Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 120:16 permits one to transfer ownership of the vessels to a non-Jew in order to relieve the obligation of tevilas keilim and the prohibition of using the utensils prior to immersion. However, this is not necessarily a reasonable option at this time when people are committed to maintaining standards of social distancing.# erefore, since we are facing a unique situation of great need and limited options, it is permitted to use utensils that have not been immersed a$ er renouncing ownership of the utensils. When declaring the utensils as ownerless one must:

• Have full intent that they are truly declaring the items as truly ownerless and that if someone were to take the item before the original owner were to reclaim them they would be willing to let the item go.

• # e declaration must be to 3 people who live in your neighborhood, so that one of them has the ability to potentially acquire the item and two people could be witnesses to say that the other person did not steal the item. 2 of the people should be valid Halachic witnesses.

• # is doesn’t have to be done in front of 3 people. It can be declared over email or social media to 3 people.A$ er declaring that the items are ownerless you should move the items out of your physical house or apartment and let them remain outside for a few minutes where someone could potentially come and take them.Because the above approach is due to the di% cult and pressing circumstances that we are currently facing, once a Mivkah, or an opportunity for immersing the utensils, becomes available the individual must take the items to be immersed without a blessing before using them again.

62A.4* C29;C 829;*

.+-9 A*4B .9297/* 622@ )5 C.9;C-5 62A.4*- +-97B *C4B (+"7@ '2: 0".)0 .-25) C.A.*+) 5"/ 82@9- *A- '.BC* 2C2)A .95?) 62B.;B 6.2:- -2- )5 (+-97 6;17 .52=)) C.9;C-5 *.20 -2- .52). .629;C7 )5. )C4:7 6.2:* 62=CCB7 54-B C.,=5 8.49- 87 4"; .-7.,4. 62/.=C >27. C.9./7 C?@7 @A )5) ,-.?7 C,.;: C7)* 62B.; 82). 52).- ,-524) A2C-5 @2=:7 ,"2* A@** (-=.;C- -,B* .)) :.17* )-2. 0:= 5; 6-2A.-5 62:1 -*A- 69.@C4 629B*B 25 -7.,74. .,"4; -@,?* C29;C-

../ -9B* <) .B;2 -44. ,6.2:* 8.=51- 3A, <CCB-5 .+-9 A*4. ,8:29

Regarding the Fast of the Firstborn, Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Henkin wrote that in our time the custom of "rst-born sons fasting no longer exists because everyone participates in a siyum. #ere is clearly no mandate to fast since we "nd people don’t participate in an actual Seudas Mitzvah and instead, following the siyum, they simply partake of some juice and cookies. #erefore, Rabbi Henkin felt it was proper to give tzedakah to take the place of the custom of fasting. In past years those people who are traveling on Erev Pesach have partici-pated in a siyum over the phone or internet. #e same practice can be relied upon this year when we are not gathering together because of the Coronavirus.

>70 CA247

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

.*"-;*- ,25 .5B 254 *A- A.:72B 892;*.

A14B 2*?="BC A,) 0"4

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

,.,2** -5.0

C507 .) 8.)42,7 5*.:- -5.0 ).- 3) ,*.1 6.2- 3B7* ,.,2** A)B2-5 *220 -5B77- [email protected]. 62)=.A- C;, 2=5B 27 6.2- 54 3B7* 352 ).- 6)B @=C:-5 6.@7 B2B 62724:7 .*?7 C) 62A247B 62)=.A- C;,B 34 2,4 ,; CA0) B=9 /) ,5"A C;,5 .7?; C) ,*)2 )7B BB0 B2. ,B77 C.B=9 C94:* -2-2 ).-B .C0=B7 29* 6; 00.B5 .) A*,5 25* *.1 .7; 0.C= 19A192)- C) 029-5 .52=) .) ,*.1 6.2- ;?7)* 8.=51- 5; .25) AB@C-5 62*220. 62AC.7 .C0=B7 29* 2A- -B7 C.A+) '.BC*. .[('2 C.) '1 '2:) 8)?- 2*@;* ':* -)A.] ,.*?7 A0) @.,*5. .0.A C) @/05 2,4 *.1 6.2- 3B7* C722@B4 C.B=9 C94:4 .92, 8.;+BB ,-;A 0.A 29=7 -", (:*4) C29;C5 2"BA 2A*,7 024.- (-": '2: /";-) )"0) BB0 6B 82)B4 .52=), ,5"/ 0"A+- .9@/ 6B* A7) 5"/ @2'?22*.5.: ,"2A+- .9*A. .C.72. 5.=2 .) A-9* ;*12B C.AB=) 2C27) 8.;+B BB0 B2B )42- 54 4"). ,<.+- 54 C94:4 .92, 8.;+B BB0B ,C.B=9 C94:4 .92, ),2A+ 8.;+B7 52?-5 ,-/ 62)=.A-B ,-5.0 54. .[('- C.) '2 '2:) 8)?- 2*@;* ':*. (/"1A '7;) *A- B=9 ':* -)A.] ,5"9- 54* A2C-5 B2 4"+ AB@C-5 .C0=B7 29* 62*220. 62AC.7 4"+ ,-94: @=: C.2-5 .*?7 0C=C2. *.1 6.2- 3B7* .250 @/0C2 )7B 62BB.0

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C.A75 ,*.1 6.2- 52*B* .7?;* A)B2-5 *220 ).- )9.A)@- C507 5B *?7- C707 3) ,-"* -5.0 .92) ).-B 27 697) >7B .* 82)B 87/ 54 6.@7 547 ,6-25) ;+;+C7. .C0=B7 29* 6; ,0)C-5 @@.CB7 ).-B 55+* *).4. A;?7 *?7 -/B

.62*.1 6272. C.C*B 5505 A2C-5 6.@7 82) C.B=9 C94: 5B

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

.8.=515 -*B@-- 25* A,: 3.A;5 54.2 )5 B77B .,*5 A+- )7.: A.*; ).- A*.,7- 4")) .A,: 3.A;5

@=: 6;17 A.:) -/ A*, -5B77- 5B C.)2A*- ,AB7 2=5B C.2- 1".2 5; 65?) .).*2B 6-29* 5; 62..?7 62A.-- 6) 62AC.7 6-29*B .=.+5 -94: 6A.+ -/. 8B;7 ,27CB ,0)5 -7., -/ -75 )- .)".) ,.*4 C.?7 6.B7 +"-4* 82) -94:

.)".) ,.*4 5.12* 6.B7 -/* 82). 6-7 C.2A+:- C) )2*0-5

If the government or a physician has decided that an individual must remain in isolation over the course of Yom Tov and this individual has a psychological condition where physicians who know this patient have determined that there is a possibility that this person being alone over the course of Yom Tov would be in a situation of pikuach nefesh (possible suicide) if the individual was not able to com-municate or speak with family members, then the family members must reach out to this person over Yom Tov to speak on the phone or use the internet by leaving a connection open from before Yom Tov. Rav Moshe Feinstein has decided that, in certain circumstances, psychological danger is consid-ered life threatening. Rabbi Soloveitchik went further and noted, in the name of his grandfather Rav Chaim Soloveitchik, that even if there is a concern that someone will lose his or her mind even if their life is not in danger, that too is considered a case of Pikuach Nefashos.

If a person is physically ill and alone and the physicians have determined that there is a possibility of the condition deteriorating further to a point of being life threatening, then the family must remain in contact using electronic devices with that person over the course of Yom Tov in order to check on the person's well being.

If a parent who is ill lives outside of Israel and the parent has a non-Jewish aide then the children who live in Israel are allowed to call the non-Jew and speak with the non-Jew when it is Yom Tov outside of Israel and not Yom Tov in Israel in order to check in on the parent. !ose family members in Is-rael can also ask the non-Jew to show the parent a live screen of the family so that the patient can see that his family members are safe and healthy. It is also proper to tell the non-Jewish aide in America that if the patient is upset or concerned over Yom Tov and the patient would like to speak to family members, then the non-Jew should remind the patient that it is Passover or the Sabbath and that a"er the Sabbath and holiday is over they will certainly be able to speak on the phone.

However, if someone is not as ill as described above, however they must be con#ned and alone be-cause of the circumstances related to the Coronavirus then they may not use any electronic devices in order to connect to family members on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Although it is painful and sad to be alone and people want to be with family and friends, this is not a sakanas nefashos, a life threatening situation, and there is no place at all to allow the violation of Shabbos and Yom Tov.

If a person were to leave the phone on before before Yom Tov and conduct a Pesach Seder from their home so that others can follow along (like Baalei Teshuvah who may not know how to run a Seder)

there may be reason to be lenient under great and pressing circumstances. However, to leave a com-puter screen on and to have people watch and connect over the internet is a greater concern of violat-ing Shabbos and Yom Tov since it creates images and pictures when the people move. Another pos-sible suggestion for those who are unfamiliar with the Pesach Seder is to create videos of how to run a Pesach Seder and in the weeks leading up to Pesach people can watch and learn from this video in order to know what to do when Pesach arrives. However, the video may not be played over Shabbos and Yom Tov. If the individual in need of help is handicapped and these preparations from before Yom Tov are not su$cient then they should rely on listening to the live Seder over the phone.

If the government and medical professionals have said that it is not safe for parents and children to be together then children may not visit for Pesach, even at the insistence of the parents. Not listening to the parents in this situation is not a violation of Kibbud Av V’Em.

A14B 2*?="BC A,) 1"4

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A“;B).. B“2, CAB4-

82,, ,1“-, (6-A,.*)- 6B* 5“-** ,“: 0“4C ‘2:) *“9B7- *C4. ,5.,+- C*B ,27C )2- .? CBA= C*B -1.B= -9B* ,82,7 254 25.;2+ 82, ;2=.7 C.17 ‘=*. .0:= 29=5 6254 6252;+7 ,27CB ,.? ‘A=* ;2=.7 (-5;+- .922-,) -=21B. -@2A7 554- ;5* )A.:2)*, .9,75 @.:=- .C.)7. ,627* .A2*;C B)* ).*2 )5 AB) 54. ... B)* ).*2 AB) A*, 54 ,-7B *.C4. /“; ‘7+) -5;+-* 2+: ,27C. ,;5* )AC2-* ).- A*.,7- -7BB (.? ‘=,) -=21B. -@2A75 ,.+9* ,.15.= 34 .;5.*4, ).- A2=B ,5:- 3.C 5). C.9=,- 3.C 5) 620C.A- 627-7 2.A2; 2“; ;5*9 (C.=2A1- .)) >70-B A“;B).. B“2,*. .(..; <, 5*.@7 ,(-5;+- -5 -52;.7 )5B) :A0 5B A7.0 5B C*.A;C B2 .5) 62A2B477 -74*B <). .8=.)- .C.)* A2B4-5 AB=)

.:A07 .992) *.A-. ,A7.0- *.A =“; ;*@9 254- 2=.)B 62@:.=- 5?) ,@“21:)5= 5B 254 52;+-5 )5B (C.=2A1 A)B 829;5 )5. >70, )A7.0 6.B7) A270-5 -?A 5“/ =“7A ?“-+-B 8.49. A270- .C;B*. .0:=5 <) @“21:5= 254 6252;+7B ).- 5*.@7-. ,-5*@C9 )5B -)A94. ,.C;?- -1B=C9 )5 -B;75 ):=.@* ,.)7 629191@ 62*@9 62.B; .2- ).-- 87/*B 29=7 62+5/7-. C.=4- .* 6272B7B 5:- 52;+-5 )5B =“7A+- 5*) ,(0“2: )“9C ‘2: 0“.) ;“.B5 )“7A ‘2;) -A*4. -=9* .74 ,629191@- 62*@9- 3.C7 82;*- 54 C) A@95 )“). ,5:*B C24.4/ .* 82) 6) ,A“;B).. B“2,- 52;+-5 AB=) A2=B. ,629191@ 62*@9 6.B ):=.@* -7B 82). ,84 62B.; 82) .9297/* 2.B; 254- 29=.,7 @50 @A 6) .52=). ,0:=5 C24.4/ 254 A2B4-5 )5B (.“4 ‘;: )“9C ‘2: )“7A) 62/94B)- +-97B

.5“9- 5; 3.7:5 8.49- 87 .92) 69.@2C4 629B*. C.5.@ -74 5; C,:.27 -/ 8=.)* -5;+- 84) ..A2B4-5 82) C24.4/7

Regarding the use of a dishwasher that was used for Chametz. If all of the material of the walls of the dishwasher are metal, even though the metal may contain a certain percentage of porcelain, since the metal is the majority we can kasher the dishwasher for Pesach. (Ashkenazim have a Minhag to not kasher glass utensils for Pesach, therefore even if only part of the inside wall or door of the dishwasher consists of glass Ashkenazim would not kasher). To kasher a dishwasher one must ! rst wait 24 hours without using the dishwasher. " en one should run the empty dishwasher on a full cycle. " e cleaning cycle should be run with just water burning hot water and no detergent. (If many people in the home are using hot water at that time then the water in the dishwasher may not be hot enough).

" e custom for Ashkenazim is that a kashering should only be done in order to remove the status of something that is Treif or Chametz. However, this should not be done in order to make a vessel that is dairy into Pareve or a meat vessel into Pareve.

In general, the kashering of a dishwasher in this manner relies on a number of leniencies and in years where there is no great need one should not rely on this approach.

@0,- C;B* A.*?- 2+-97

,*“?.24. 0:=- 54 -A.7B C.?7 @A 5.4)5 @,@,5 ,>70, )A7.0 6.B7 ,C.,2:0 C.,7 -74. -74* .+-9 C.A.,- 54 3B7 89*A,7 *2207 *.1 +-97B (:)= 62A,95 8“A- )2*-B) ‘:.C- 25;* C;,4 )2- (,“2A ‘2:) ,“.2 ;“.B* C5*.@7- -12B-. 2C;*B- - -“*@- ;2*B- C.;.*B ‘+ - C.*.C4 <.: ‘7+ -.B-) A.*2?- C;.*B B2. ,202- C;.*B B2B .74. ,A,9 6;17 2+-97* A-/25 *22.07 ,-52-@ ./2)5 322CB7- ,202 54. .A.*2?- +-97. ,202- +-97 B2 4“.74 (‘.+. 625B.A2 C.9* 64C) B“22; 84) .,“** -AC- 32A? )*-5. 8)47 .C+-9-7 .* A./05 -?.A. C.,2:0 C,7 .7?; 5; 5*@B ,202. .-52-@- -C.) ,.25)7 8*.7 -/ ,.C+-9-7 54. 547 .* A./05 -?.A .92). ,C27;=-,0 @0,- C;B ;A2) 6)B (,“2A ‘2:5) -**A7 5.+,* C.,2:0- C,7* .C+-9- C.1B=. ,A,.9- C9.4 A0). ,)“9* 8.B5 A0) 3.5- 62A,9*, ,-520C457 “.A,9“* 5.54 -2- -/ 54B ,69.@2C4 629B4 C.2-5 6C.7,@5 62A*,- .A/02B45. ,62A,9 CAC- -/5 ?“) )5277. ,84 +.-92 AB=), )42-, ,-C2- .2- ,5.4)5 -?7 @2=:7 -2- )5B CA.?* C9B*B C.7.@7- 54* .+-9 1“-7. .6C.,2:0 C,7*. 6+-97* 32B7-5 6C;,* C.52-@- C;,* -2- )5 ,“-;B*B .25)7 A*,- 8*.7. +-97 6;17 @A 4“+ ).-, ,C.291@ A2C-5 ,02 62?*@C7 625.,+- ‘7; ‘- ‘*.0 -A.:7 ‘.@* -)A.] ,,“-;B C7)* B2B ;.*@5 2,4* @A -2- 629*A- C.?*@C-. ,A.:2)* +.-95 -520C457

.[*“2 5; .C0=B75 A/0 )5. ,-9B 5; >A)* ,.755 @A)2 ).97 ;:9 ,0) A.0*B ,-9B 62;*A) 29=57 -2-B -B;7 2C;7B. .?;2. ,-/* A-/25 -2- @A)2 ).9* .C0=B7 +-97. ,:“@)A*;+* 62A-/9 .2- )5B -7B .C0=B7 5?) 5.4)5 0A4.-. ,0:= 5; (C.,2:0 C,7 .)) A,9 5*@7 ,202B4 C29B. ,5“9- -**A7 5.+,4 ,),0 .8.49 -/ 82) 2C;,5. ,62A,9 CAC- -B;2B .5 ,(322CB7 ).- -25)B) -52-@- +-97 .) -0=B7- +-97* 5*) ,-AC- B@*5. ,“*5 ).*5 ).- 5.42 ,A,9--5;* ).-. ,.7?; A,9--5;*B 892;*, ,A,9- 5; “625)B9“B ,27C ).- ‘7+- 8.B5. ,-AC- B@*5 625;*- .992) ,A,9--5;* -/- ,202- 82)B

.-AC-- 6-7 B@*5. 6-7 5.)B5 ,“2*5 ).*2 ).-B C.2- 5*) ,-92*+ C524)5 AB* C524) 82* C.;B BB .74 6292C77B ).- 1.B=- +-97-B ,-AC- 32A? 82) *“?.24 54. ,(+“@: 1“= ‘2: ,“.25 C“=* ,“.- :“0) ,A2C-5 AB=) A*4 )75;* B.027 .5 B2B )2A*, ,89*A, 82, .52=) .92). ,+-97 @A

.5“9- 27;1 2AC 29-7 ,-AC- 32A?B .9;7B )5 65.;7 5.,+ ,“-;B*B ,:“@)A*;+ +-97* -“-.

Regarding the observance of Minhagim and stringencies during times when keeping these practices are di# cult. Generally, if one wants to discontinue observing one’s Minhagim and stringencies it would require annulling the vow, Hataras Nedarim. However, if a person is in a situation where they would like to continue following their customs and now circumstances have made it di# cult to keep the Minhag for the time being, then it is understood that under di# cult circumstances the practice of the stringency should not apply. " erefore, one can suspend the practice of the custom or stringency without annulling the vow with Hataras Nedarim. When the circumstances return to the way they were before the crisis then the individual should continue practicing their customs as before. It is important for individuals and families to ask their rabbi what is a Din (a real law) and what is a Minhag, a custom.

>70 A.;2*

62)* 54-. ,-5.,+ -A.,7 62B.; C.52-@ -74*. .-=2AB* ./ -.?7 622@5 (62)9C- 87/7 A*4) .+-9 69.@C4 629B-B4 .7?;5 -A.,7 -B;2 ,0). ,0) 54 6). ,62B9) CA.*0 <:)C-5 )2- -94:B ,./ -9B* 84) .-4.C 5) 6?70 C) 62@A./. ,>.0*7 .29= 5; >70- <AB2 @AB C.AB=) C722@ -91@ -A.,7* ,,.;. ,-=2AB 5B C.94:5 6.A+2 )=.+ -/B B.05 B2 62,.-2-7 ,0). ,0) 54B 62A49- 6294B- .)A2 )5B ,C.27B219)7 A-/25 6242A?B ,.;. .-524)5 2.)A 822,; A)B2 629=*7. C=42) )5 .52)4. ,.95B C,- C707 A;?-* 62=CCB7 .9) 82) .52)4. ,A*, 6.B -A@ )5 .52)4 ,2*7.=* .?70 C) <A.B

..5.4 65.;- 54 CA?* .95

A.475 025B4 *A- C) .972 A)B- 5;. ,(-.?7- 6.2@5 C2/4* 2+: 82,- A@2;7,) >70 4"4 C2*B-5 )5B )2- -?;- 25.). (620:=, 29B ="A -9B7*) -,.-2 'A, 627404 5"22@ 82,- A@2;7, ,-=2AB* )5B .C2*BC C.?7 622@5. ,6A.*; C2**B )5:)- 3.C 5) -50- 2C2C= C) 62@A./B4 C*B* C.2-5 50 =";B4 62B.;B .74 C.B;5. ,A*, 54* .CC*B-,

.625 5217 .) 0.A5 -A./. AA=75 -7., -/. ,627- C) 62=1.B. ,):4-

It has been our custom that Chametz should be destroyed on Erev Pesach by burning it. Many communities have made controlled public Chametz burnings for the sake of ! re safety. However, during these times it is not safe to gather. On the other hand there is a real danger of people making their own ! res on their property. In addition, when people make small ! res the heat is not intense enough to burn the Chametz all the way to the center and sometimes people are le$ with edible Chametz that they did not realize was still there. Finally, we must also be careful of the public perception that Jews are going about their business as usual and conducting their a% airs in public while the rest of the world is con! ning themselves to their homes. It could appear as if the Jewish people are not sharing the burden and pain with the rest of humanity because of our religion.

Perhaps the best advice would be to limit the amount of le$ over Chametz we have in our possession on the morning of Erev Pesach. And the small amount of Chametz (no more than a k’zayis is needed) should be crushed into tiny particles, so as to not clog the plumbing, and & ushed in the toilet. " is would also ful! ll the directive of Chazal.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 0"A

C*B -0.,B B=9 0.@=

0"-2** A)B-5 625.05 620297 82) ,B2 625.0 4"4B 6.2-. ,)"9.A)@- C507* -50B 29=7 0"-2** /=B.) -52-@-7 ,0) .C.) 0@2. ).*2 .C0=B77 ,0)B 892;*. ,-C2*- 6C.) 6205.B A*4 ,)=AC-5 .520C-B 62B2+A7B7 )5) ,.)2A*2B ,; 29*7 ,0) A)B2B 554 322B )5. ,C*B- 6.2* 0"-2*7 .-.A1=2B C.AB=) C722@B -0=B75 .;2,.- 2B270- 6.2*. .-C2*- ;:.9-B C.AB=) C722@ 24 A";*.)* .) 2:@1* ;.:95 ).- -94: 6+. ,B";7 .5 3.7:* .) 0"-2** -7B -0=B7- ;,.2B) .5B C29.47* C*B* ;:2 .C2* 29*7 ,0)B )5) -?; 82). ,CA)77- -507-7 62@,20* C29.47- C) )527 6,.@- -7- - C;4 625.0- 2C* 24 ,B"?.7 ,; 0"-2** -7B .A)B2B 322B )5, ,-C2*- .9)2*2. (5"9- -507- -* 82)B .* C*B- C) 5505 -0=B7--8* ).- *22.07. AC.7 -A2A* C25*. ,).- ="94: @=:B 1.B= -)A9. ,62;+.97 24- C.7.@7- .,2* 0C=7- C:94-* C29.47- 82'+9; C) 0C=2. ,8929B7 22.9B5 AB=), 2)7 54. ,.C2*5 -A/0* -5.0- C) )2*-5 7"; 6.@7 B2 C.1B= =";. ,A.C=4 5; 62?0.5 )5) 0C=7 6.B 62:2947 )5 C.B,0- C.29.47-7 -*A-*B C;4. .C25)7B- 5"@)9* )5) 52+A4 ;*?)- B)A* )5 A.C=4- 5; >.052B >;225 B2 ,2.92B 4"4 .992) C25)7B- ,2-7 ;*?)* >.055B A7.5 '.BC4) -A;*- C4)57 -..-7 )7C:7 82'+9;- C02C=, ,2.92B 2"; C.B;5 B2 82'+9;- C) A.+:5 32A?B4. ,(knuckle) C50+ -*47 829;5 '7+* A4/94) 89*A, )5) -92) )5277. ,554* 60= 8)4 82) 5*) ,-*47 - .CA2+:*. ,(5"/ -2,*.; 640 84. .)A2C2-5 5*.@7 ,)7 5.,+ 3A.?. -*.A7 ,:=- 6.@7*, ,C.*B, C.*B5 .-..B7 ,2.92B 2"; -B.;B -7. ,(C4C7 5B

.C.B;5 0A4-- 87 84 ,0:= 5B 1".2* 0"-2*7 AA0CB2B 275 9"-.-

During the current Coronavirus epidemic, a person who was discharged from the hospital on Shabbos or Yom Tov may return home since it is not advisable to remain in the hospital longer than necessary. Since it is potentially dangerous for the patient to get into a taxi or an Uber, a family member may drive on Shabbos to bring the patient home. However, every attempt must be made to minimize the amount of chilul Shabbos involved whenever possible. ! is means the car should be turned on with a shinui (in an unusual fashion) by turning the key with one’s weaker hand, or by pressing the button with one’s knuckle. When turning o" the engine it should also be done with a shinui. Additionally, a shinui should be used when opening and closing the car door. However, a shinui or any deviation from safe driving practices should never be used in the actual operation and driving of the car.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?)A@2. '= @"B;="BC 8:29 '*



,C.291@ 6; AB.;7- *50 6.2* ="4 C.CB5 32A?. :2/2, /"9.A@- C5077 5*.: .9*B .AA2* 62)=.A-B ,0)7 2C5)B9.0:=* 5"9- *50- C.CB5 .5 AC.7 6) ,'*. ,AB.;7- *505 AB* 82* C.;B '. 82C7-5 32A? 6) ,') ,C;,5 -?.A.

829;5. .C0) -;B* 2+:. ,C.;B '. 82C7-5 ?") +"-4*, ('+ @": 1"= '2: C"=* .2A*, .)*.-B) :"0- 2A*, ="; -)A9. 2+: A*4 ,25.0 C?@ -7B B2B 54, (+"9C 2":A 0".)5 )"7A* )*.-) 62/94B)- +-97 @A 4"+ ).-B ,0:=* C.291@

.:"*)B -5.0 C920** -5.0- -2-2B )@.,* ?"). ,+-97- A2C-5

62?.A. ,.502 )5B 2,4 62)2A* AC.2 .2-2B 6+/7 C) @/05 62?.A -*A-. ,)"9.A)@- C5077 62+),.7 .95.4B .5) 6272*. 5"/ -2,*.; 640 8.)+-B ,0:= *A;* 2;*7 )5 ,A2C-5 B2 279 ,C.291@ 5B C*.A;C 6-* B2B 6292712. 5B C.5.5+ C0@5 A*,B 1.B= -)A9 4"+ 0:=* .52=) )5) ,0:= *A;* )5. ,)=.+ 0:=* @A A.:)5 82) 62/94B)- +-97 2=5 .52=)B *C4 6;17 89*A,7 .52=) .A:)5 322B )5. .*54- C524)7 5:=9 C920** 8-. ,C.5.5+* 554 6;1 82) 627;= -*A-, .AC.7 -/ -)A7 2A-B ,-/ A0) -/ C.5.5+ -*A- 54.). *B.2* )@., .922-, (89*A,7 A.:)5 B")A- C;,4 -/* 5"22@,4) -2*B0) C0) -5.5+ ;5.** 5*) ,C.291@ .) 62/.+) 54.)B .74 654.). *B.2 ).-B A0)7 -2)A-. ,-524)7 5:=9 )5 -/ -2,2, 2*+5B

.-2*B0) 8)4 A7.5 322B )5. ,-).=A 6B5 -;5.* @AB A*,- A.A* 2A- ,6.25 (B5B .))

)5, -/* 5"22@ ,') ,-524)7 -5:=9B -25; A7.5 322B )5. ,C.291@- 047 *.1 6;1 -5.5+* B2 6) .52=)B -)A9 84) ,+-97 )5) .92) C.291@, A.:2)- 54B -)A9 82, 87 A*. 82, 87 A*. .1"@: *"9B7* B"22; ,*.A* ).- 51*. 62BB 892;* 2*@;* ':* '2;. .-B@- -507* -502 )5B 2,4 .+/7 -/* @/05 -?.AB 8)4 ."@. ,5"94. ,A2C-5 B2 A*4 25.0 C?@7 6.@7*. 54 62A2C7B ,)=AC-5 -?.A. :"*)B -5.0 A*4 ).-B 274 .92, ,:"*)B -5.0 C.2-57 .7?; C) ;.975, (,"9 '7;) 8)?-

.[('. '2:) 2*?- >A) ':* '2; ,A*) C94: ="-45 -2-2B )@., 892;* 89*A, -4)57 A2C-5 5*)] 89*A, C.A/+-

If a patient with Crohn’s Disease needs to drink enriched milk that contains kitniyios: a) Must he wait 6 hours a! er eating meat in order to drink this milk? b) Can this milk be consumed on Pesach?

Regarding the issue of waiting, the Crohn’s patient must only wait 1 hour between eating meat and drinking his milk. Regarding the issue of kitniyos, the custom of Ashkenazim to refrain from eating kitniyos is suspended for an individual who is slightly ill, even if they are not ill enough to be designated as a choleh sh’ein bo sakanah.

Additionally, during these times when people are trying to strengthen their immune system one may also take vitamins and medication that contain kitniyos on Pesach. " is would be the case for medicine that is swallowed or chewed, even if the medicine has a pleasant taste. " ese vitamins and medications, containing kitniyos, can be taken prophylactically, as a preventative measure, even before the individual feels ill. If there is actual chametz in the ingredients the halachah might be di# erent, please consult with the kashrus organizations to determine the status of your items.


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?)A@2. '= @"B;="BC 8:29 '*

.C.BA* .92)B >70

,.5B C.5;** .-B7 A:0 .C.BA* .92)B A*,*, ,.B2,@-5 2") 6-29B 625;*- .B)2C9 )5. 5/+B (.1: @"*) 0".2A4 5"22@ ;,.2 .92)B =";) ,-,*) )5. ,.C.BA* -92) )*2B0 -5/+ @AB 7"** *C4 )"*12A-. .'.4. .A475 )5. .A2@=-5 5.42 .92). -)A9 ,(4".9*. ,"*)A* B"22; ,62* -92=: - )"- C.5097 +"= '2;) @5.0 6"*7A-B 0299 .52=). .-,*)- 5B -7.@7 047 .5 A.:). ,CA0) A2;*B .C2** .) ,.5B ,AB7* .5 B2B .?70 A4.7* 5*) ,-7.@7 ;,.2 .92)B - -,*)* )@., .922-, A./02 -94:- A.*;CB A0)5, ,.C.5;*7 ;A+7 -/ 82) ,>70- 6.@75 ;2+-5. .C2*7 C)?5 )C.457, )92,7. -94: BB0 A.*; 8.,@=* @2/07 A7.B-B A0)7, ,A.+: .C2*. A7.B- C2** )?79- 8.,@=5 -7., -/ -75 )- ,.C.7,@5 *?7-

.)5 -", (.;) @"* ':.C- 4"B74. ,.C.BA* *.B0 A2=B ,625;*-

;,.2 .92) C;4. ,0:=- A0) 62A0)5 A.475 .C;,*B ,8")/;7)7 -9@B >70 5B -A.0: .5 B2B ,0)7 2C5)B9 /"2;4. A4.7 *A-B -;B* =";* - C;4 25.) .) ,CA0) A2;*B '* 8:07* .) ,C29.5= A2;*B ') 8:07* 6) ,>70- 6.@7 A.A2** .52=) ,,2@=7- 5B .C.BA*. .5B *.B0 8.,@=, ,)2;* -/ 82), -)A9 ,29B- 6.@75 ,0)- 6.@77 3A,* ).- - >70- C) 6.@7* .) )?79 >70-B ,C.@=:- '+- .5) *.C42 >70- 6.@7 C) 1A=5 .+-9B -)BA- A1B*. ,@.2,* .7.@7 ;,.2 .92)

.3A,* .) ,(8")/;7) 5B) '* 6.@7* .) ,')

With regard to people who have chametz in an o$ ce that is currently inaccessible, there is no problem with including such chametz in their sale. " e Ritva explains that the problem of inaccessible chametz only applies if the chameitz was stolen, and even those who disagree, would concede that when the location of the chametz is known, it remains fully in the possession of its original owner. " is is akin to a guard watching chametz in a locked facility. Since the guard is protecting it on behalf of the owner, there is nothing lacking in his ownership and his ability to sell it. " erefore, one should make sure to include in their sale of chametz, all chametz that is in their possession, including the chametz which is presently inaccessible.

I have been asked a similar question from someone who has plans to sell chametz on Amazon and it is currently being stored in one of their warehouses. Even though he does not know precisely where the chametz is located he can still sell the chametz and it is considered to be completely his and in his possession. In the authorization form, where we customarily specify the location of the chametz, if he is aware of the possible locations of the warehouses, he should mention them in the document.


-A.C- C)2A@

62A.?;- 62,2025 2),4B .?;2B B2. ,(:+4) -52+7 -9B7* A).*74 -AB;7 C.0=* C722@C7 -92) -A.C- C)2A@ C.?7.C.4A* 25* B7.0 3.C7 -BA=- C) ).A@5 (8297 25*) 6C2**

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

.6.54 -/* 02.A2 )5 ,C"-A@ 5B 6.2@ -/*

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

.1.B= -)A9 84 .3=2-5 )5. ,C".7B*

).- )A@2B 2,4 :"94-2** 62)A.@ A.*?-B -;B- 8..45 .5 B2 8297 .* 82)B A2;* A,- ,202-B *C4 -7B 8"*)A-B <). -/* 82), ,62@:.=- C;,5 2A7+5 -0,9 -/ 54B 1.B= -)A9 25 ,6,.@7 .9*C4B .74 )5,. ,-;B- -C.)* .C2** C.,202*

.6.54 5B 6.2@

! e mitzvah of Kerias HaTorah can only be ful" lled in the presence of a minyan (Mishnah Megillah 23a). Some have suggested that it is worthwhile for those who are con" ned to their home and will be davening without a minyan to at least read the Parshas HaShavuah from a Chumash without making the blessings.

! e Kesef Mishnah cites the Teshuvas HaRambam who wrote in his youth that the mitzvah of Keriyas HaTorah can be ful" lled even with a Sefer Torah that is invalid. ! e Rambam later retracted this position in his Mishneh Torah. Nonetheless, if a mistake is found while reading the Torah, even though we replace the Sefer Torah with another one which is valid, the Mahari Beirav ruled that we need not reread that which was already read. Since it was done already, we can rely on the position


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A14B 2*?)A@2. '= @"B;="BC 8:29 '*

of the Rambam from his youth. Similarly, the Rema quotes an opinion that in times of di# culty we can read from a Sefer Torah which is invalid, even with a blessing. However, the Mishnah Berurah disagrees and does not permit this. Even according to the Rema who quoted an opinion that this is permissible, it would only apply to reading in the presence of a minyan but not to private individuals reading in their own home, and therefore one would not accomplish the mitzvah of Keriyas HaTorah in any way by doing so.

Nonetheless, some feel that by reading the whole parshah, even without a minyan, they are accomplishing a zecher to the mitzvah of Keriyas HaTorah. ! e rule in the Gemara is that we permit one to do a zecher to a mitzvah if one is unable to ful" ll the actual mitzvah unless we are concerned that a misconception (kilkul) will be created. For this reason, the Gemara tells us that during the Second Beis HaMikdash the Tanaim permitted the women to perform imitation semicha on their korbanos by holding their hands on the head of the korban without leaning on the animal.

Others have raised the suggestion that since presently we are not attending minyanim and not hearing Keriyas HaTorah, we should also not be obligated to perform the weekly mitzvah of shnayim mikrah ve’echad targum (to read the parsha twice with one commentary). ! e language of the Gemara Berachos (8a) is that shnayim mikrah must be done “together with the community”, and today there is no local community reading Keriyas HaTorah in shul. ! is is incorrect, and in fact just the opposite is true. ! e opinion of the Ra’avan is that the requirement of shnayim mikrah was speci" cally formulated for those who are alone and can not attend shul to hear Keriyas HaTorah. While the accepted opinion is not like the Ra’avan, and even those who attended shul and heard Keriyas HaTorah must still perform shnayim mikrah, all would agree with the Ra’avan that the obligation of shnayim mikrah should still continue to apply even when the local shuls are closed.


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A14B 2*?)A@2. '= @"B;="BC 8:29 '*

C*5 6B C)2A@

.) ,-9.B)A- C*B* )@., 6) - 62+-97 22.92B -74 -/* B2. ,-A.C5 -225;5 AB@* 6B C*5 ).A@5. 3A*B 27 A7.5 .+-9 .92C** 62A.?; .95.4 24 A.*?* C"-A@ .95 82)B 204.9- *?7*. .@0?2 C097 '.BC* 3A.)* '2; ,-".** - 5.0- C.72* .52=) ,6C*5 6B 62A.-- 62;*.@ )5) ,-94:- 87 )?9B A0)5 ,; 82C7-5 82). ,*4;7 -/ 82)B ).- 1.B= A*, ,C.,2,** -

.-7B* -5 62)A.@.

.54.2B 2,4 - 2"7.C 6B .5 ;.*@5 8.49- 87B ="7A+- *C4 A*4 4"+ -94: BB0 -/2) 29=7 .C2A* C20,9B 8** <). 6; AB@* .5 8C29 6-A*) 5B .7B 24] C2A*- C;B* 8*5 6B ).A@5 -B7 -17 ':* )*.-B +-97- 24 ..A.*; 55=C-5

.[(,";@ '7; ,".20) 6-A*) C7B9 ':* '2;.] ,-97/* 622@C-5 C,7.; -527-B 257A.9 *?7* .922- [C2A*-

With regard to the issue of naming a daughter while quarantined in our homes, the usual practice is to name a baby girl in shul a$ er the father receives an Aliyah to the Torah. ! ere are several di% erent customs with regard to the speci" cs of the naming. Some have the custom to wait until Shabbos, while others give the name on the next Monday or ! ursday. In our current predicament where we are unable to have Kerias HaTorah, the parents should simply decide on a name and begin calling their daughter by that name.

Even when naming a baby boy, if his Bris Milah is delayed due to health concerns, Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l suggested that the baby should be named immediately so that people can daven for him. ! e practice recorded in Mateh Moshe to name a baby boy at his bris, which is derived from Avraham Avinu, who was given a new name at the time of his Bris, would only apply under normal circumstances when the Bris will be done soon a$ er the baby’s birth.


0:= 525* 55-

,A.*?* .55=C-* )@., .922- ,(/"=C 872: <.:) A*07* A).*74 62+-.9- .5)5 C2*A; C52=C A0)5 0:= 525* 55- CA27) @": )";AC -4.90 '5-5) )"A+-* ="; 5"/ .9*A A)2* AB)4 ,322B )5 55-, -/- 829;- 54 C.,202* 6255=C7 6) 5*) 6) ,A.*?* 6255=C7. ,02* 62)?79- 62B9) -AB; 5B -0=B7 B2 .52=). .(*4A '7;) *A- B=9 ':* 829;- A).*7. ,()"4 55-- C) A7.5 829; 82) 4"+ ,A,:- C;B* AB)7 62B9) AC.2 -52=C- C;B* -7B 82). ,,02* A,:- C) .B;2 65.4

.A,:- C;B* 4"0) 55-- .A7)2B -7 @2=:7. ,(*A- B=9* B"22;) ):29 27.:A2= C=:.C 8)4 82)B 6227;=

With regard to the Hallel that many shuls have the practice of reciting on the Seder night a! er Ma’ariv, this practice is only for those who will be davening with a tzibur, and not at all relevant to those who will be davening alone, without a minyan. Even a large family that has a self contained minyan, but will be having the Seder together, should not recite this extra Hallel at the conclusion of Ma’ariv. " e extra Hallel a! er Ma’ariv is only recited when there will be a larger crowd for Ma’ariv and additional pirsumei nisa (publicizing of the miracle).

51- CA4/-5 AB@* 62A7.)B 1.2=-

B05*B -52=C- 3.C* )5B) .A7.)5 2)BA 2),.B <) ,C.,202* 55=C7- 5*) ,A.*?* )5) .A7.)5 +-9.- )5B 1.B= -)A9 51 8C.) -5)B 82* B2 5.,+ 5,*- -9-. .A.*?* )5) +-9.- )5 24 ,.A7)5 +-97- 047 *.20 34 5; 82) 5*) ,-?A2 6) (.5B '- 2A)C C.9B5, ,('- C.) -52=C 3A;*) *A- 2929=7 ':* .9*A 6B* 4"B7 '2; ,(0.A- *2B7) -A4/-5 (-4A*5 A17. 5B A.*? B2 )7C:7 ,C;4 .9*?7*. ,.7?;7 C.9B5 2)BA ,202- 82). ,A.*?- C.BA 892;* (51- ,2A.75 0.A- *2B77) A7.5 .925?) 322B )5. ,CA0) -A2A* .95 82) 3) ,.95B A.*?- -/ 82) 3) ,,02* 6255=C7B ).-B 6.@7 -/2)* -AB; ,0) 54B -)A9 ,-A2A* C25* )5277. ,A.*?- .C.) .92B A*4B ,; A.*+ -C) C4A**B 0:.9- C) C.9B57 62,202- .92C72B 627B+- C.72*B 275B.A2-7 .)2*- (-70- C.72* -", C520C* :+) C29;C* ':.C- 24 ,51- ,2A.7 A7)2 <:.7 55=C7- 82,- A@2;7 6) <) ,)5277 2/) ,A./05 ?") ,*;2,* ,51- ,2A.7 A7)B )5) 6B+- ,2A.7. 0.A- *2B7 A7.5 04B 6) 62,202- 54B - )=.+ -/. ,51- ,2A.7 A24/9B -7* 62)?.2 ,*;2,* ,<:.7* '.4. 0.A- *2B7 822,; A7.5 6242A? .922- 32A? '- 2A)C 5B 0:.9-.) '- 2A)C 5B 0:.9- C) C.9B5 C4A?9- A.*?- C150-4 B7B2 - <:.7* 51- ,2A.7 62A7.)

.(,"4A '7; 8)?- 2*@;* ':* 4"B7; ,<A.0* @A ,627B+ )425 2")* >2@*. ,.95B 8"2B=;:A;=- 6; 62)C-5

" e Piyut of Tal which is recited on Pesach was only instituted when davening with a tzibur and not when davening alone. One can certainly recite it if they wish, but there is no mandate based on the existing custom to do so.


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A14B 2*?)A@2. '= @"B;="BC 8:29 '*

Rabbi Soloveitchik maintained that in order to change the manner in which we describe Hashem from “One who brings the rain” to “One who brings the dew” we require the authorization of the community and therefore an individual may not undertake to make this change himself. However, since there is no existent tzibur davening together at this point each individual should recite Morid HaTal in their private Mussaf prayer on the # rst day of Pesach. When all of the individuals across the Jewish world recite Morid HaTal in their private Mussaf this will create a “resolution of the community” that will be e$ ective in changing the Nusach of our seasonal description of Hashem. However, from Mincha of that day and onward, those who daven Nusach Ashkenaz will stop saying Morid HaTal and those who daven Nusach Sefard will continue to say it, each one according to their custom.


82975 <.A2?

.?AB B2 ,.5) C) .5) 62).A 6C?@7B 8=.)* 2,,-) C.4.7: C.:=A7- 54. ,C:=A7- 5; .C2** .,*5 55=C7 ,0) 54B4 6.@7*B @2:-B (/"9 @": -"9 '2:) *"9B7- 2A*, ="; ,>"B- CA/0. ,-B.,@*B 62A*, A7.5 -AB;5 62=A1?7B A7.5 .51*C2 )5B ,6B .9.B5 6.2:. ,)",20- 6B* ."1 @":* C";B-7 -0.@5 -/ @":* .9.B5 .5@-5 B2B AB=) @0,-

.-B.,@. B2,@ A7.57 6.2 62;*A)

6) -/* @=C:9 )"*BA- '.BC*. ,8.72/ 829;5 (.9) C.4A* -9B7* ;2=.7- 82,- 5; ,:.27 54-, ,,.)7 -B@ ./ )5.@ 84) '7+- 54 C.1B=7. .(+"9 C.) -"9 '2:5 *"9B7-5 ?"-;B '2;) .@"*B*,5 <) 322B .5) C) .5) 62).A 6C?@7 5B 82,- 82, .5 82) 6B* 8.72/B 29=7 ).- -AB;* 8.72/ 829;5 )5.@-. .,0) A,0* -AB;- 54 .-2B 892;* @"*B,5B ;7B7

.(0"? '7; 2*?- >A) ': '2;) @"*B*,

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

.C.;A4-* C.A2C: B2 627;=5.

A,0* 6255=C7 -97B B2. ,625.,+ 4"4 )5 -7B 62A,0-. [69.@2C4 629B-B4] 5*)- C2** 8297 62B.;B4 627;= -*A-. .8.49 -/ 82) .1.B= =";. ,.5) C) .5) 62).AB 34 5; 6247.:. ,29B- A,0* -;*B. ,0)

,;@A@5 CA*.07 62B95 62A*+ 82* C5,*7- -?207-. ,9"/;* 62)?79 6-7 -B70. ,:"94-2** 62B9) -AB; B2B4 84..-AB;5 62=A1?7 692). ,62A,0 29B4 2*2B0 4"+

82). C.2-B A7.5 6.@7 B2 ,(-52+7 ':7 B2A) 2:) 2*A C;,5 62A2707 -520C45B ,-AB;* -52+7 )A@74 *B0-5 829;5 .2+: 24-*, 5"2 ,62;7.BB -AB; 6B B2 :"4.: 2A-. ,):29 27.:A= 6;17 )5) (-AB; 6242A?7B) @"*B*, 82,7 -/ *"2: -"9 '2:5 5"-* -.B-.] .):29 27.:A=, -AB;5 C.=A1?7 4"+ 62B9B (62A.= '5-5 )"7A* -)*.-) -;2, B2B .74. )A@75 <)B 62A*.:- C;,4 0299 .52=). [.-,.97 <.A2? 829;5 @"*B*,5 -52+7 82* @505 6.@7 B2B +"7A=7 )2*-B

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]��

@=:4 *B0-5 .52=)B (-,9 ':7 B2A) )"*BA* -;2, B2. ,62*A4 2*2B0 )5 62B9, 1"- ,C.=A1?7 62B9- 82) -52+7 62B9- 82) 279 (62A2/9 29B ="A A2/9 '7+* A).*74 ,/"5/ 624.7:- )"9* 62B5B -7B B2B -/* 2.5CB) A"-A* -)7.1 ,27C )5) )2:-A=* .2-2 )5B 62B9- C.;29? 5; AC.2* -,2=@- -45--, ,[/"? '7; 2*?- >A) ':* 4"B7;] C.=A1?7

.):29 27.:A=5 -/* 2+: A2=B. ,<.A2? 892;* )5, 5"2 62;7.B- 62A,0 29B* -AB; 6B B2 6) 5*) ,);9?*

@=: 5B )@2=: @=:5 :942-5 8.49 .92) 24 6-2A.0)7 .) 62C*- 29=5B 0.C=- 01B* 629297 C.B;57 ;.975 8.49- 87. .A.*2?* 55=C-5 2,4* -94:

Ten men who are standing on di!erent porches cannot be joined together in order to constitute a minyan even though they can all see each other. In order to constitute a minyan for Devarim She’bekedusah (like Kaddish and Kedushah), the ten men must all be standing in the same room. (It should be noted that in smaller spaces, such as a shiva house, care should be taken to make sure that ten men are davening together in the same room. If less than ten are davening in one room and less than ten in an adjacent room, even though they can clearly see one another, this would not constitute a minyan. In order to create a minyan there must be ten participants davening in the same room.)

It should certainly be discouraged for people to make a minyan outside on the lawn even if they maintain the minimum distance recommended by the health department. One should not place himself even into a situation of a doubtful sakanah in order to daven with a minyan.

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A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 '-


A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 '-

0:= 7"-.0* 62A2B- A2B C)2A@

C)2A@* A"-A* C.7) ', .9A2*;2 )7B 892B220 @A 1"7 ,65.;- 62B@7 -9-, .A.*2?* +-9.- @A +-97-B 1.B= -)A9 ,)"A+- 6B* ;.,2. .0:=. C.4.: 7"-.0 C*B* C.52+7-. C*B 54* C.A1=--. -A.C- C)2A@* )5. ,C*B* AC:) C52+7 5*) ,892B220 ,202- C*.0 B2B 6.@7* )@.,, ,'.4. 62)2@* 54- 82). -52+7- )A@7* 62*220 54- - )2- '7+- 8.B5, 5505 .).*2 )5. 6.2- C*BB .A2*05 A24/2 ,0) 54, ,892B220 )5 ,A.*2?- C*.0 @A 8-B C.52+7- A)B. C.A1=-. C"-A@*

.-04B C707 C*B- C)

B2B =";)B ,A7.5 52+A -2- 5"/ .92*A ;.,24B )5) .-52+7- C) ).A@5 ,202- 2)BA. ,A.:2) -/* 82)B ).- 1.B= A*, 84) ':.C* .A.@7 C.1B +-97 829;] ..* +.-95 62*22.07 )5. ,C.1B +-974 .92, ,6.2@ .* 82)B 54 ,+-97 -/2)5 62922.?7 627;1 CA*.0 '2;] 5"/ :"7A+- .2*)7 5*2@ -)A94 -/ 829;. .[6"9-+ C.2C.) 8- 8- +"-97 C.2C.)B *C4B C"A '.BC*. (.*) *"* -)57 )2-B ,C.A?9-7 ).- 0.@5 ,6.2@ 6.B 6-* 82)B C.29.7A? +2-9-5 - -/ A*,B A7.) -2- .92*A. .[-"4 3A4 -A2@0

.[8297 25* C"-2A@ 829;5 4"B7 -.B-.] .*A- 2929=7 ':5 -7,@-*. (,"4 '7;) *A- B=9 ':* -/* 4"B7; .C.297A?

*5.5 5.125 /"*2A 8@2CB -75 27, )5, ,<2:.-5 -)A9 (="BC 8:29 '* )A@2. '= @"B;) C"-2A@ 829;* .9*C4B -75 AB@*. .(.)7 -4.:) -B2A, )2;*, 5547 ,-5 82) BA., )2- 8.2? *2C4 )A@. ,3.A) 87/ .9*A.0* -2-2 B,@7-, ,B,@75 A4/ -;*B 54 )5, )42- 24 ,[)*A.0 -2927 @2=9 )752,, )7;1 )5.5] )?79* 62+.AC) 82)B4 (8.7A .) B2A=) A0) 2A= 0@25 ,": -2- 84. C"-A@ C.?7 5*) ,C.4.:- +0* C+-.9 @A ./ -.?7. ,62927 ', .512 )5 ./ -9BB ,(:)5-.)5 -4.: '7+) +.AC) CA.C 04CBC

.'.4. 04CBC )5B 5B BB0 8)4 82). ,A=:7 - C.;.*B 5; -2-2 @A C;4 15.B- A*,-. ,;.*B 54* C+-.9

" e custom to read Shir HaShirim on Pesach was clearly instituted only for a tzibur. It is for this reason that Chazal did not forbid reading Shir Hashirim and Koheles on Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos and Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach. Since each individual is not obligated to read Shir Hashirim and Koheles on their own we are not concerned that one person might inadvertently carry a Megilla with them in a public domain, for others will remind him that it is forbidden to carry on Shabbos. However, when Purim falls out on Shabbos, Chazal did forbid reading Megillas Esther because reading Megillas Esther on Purim is indeed an individual obligation, and therefore we are concerned that one person might make a mistake and carry a Megilla where it is prohibited. Chazal did not extend this decree to the other Megillos because the custom to read them is fundamentally di! erent as they are communal practices and not individual obligations.

Nonetheless, there is nothing prohibited about reading Shir HaShirim on Pesach without a tzibur. However, Rav Soloveitchik o# en spoke about the distinction between bona$ de minhagim and “ceremonies.” One should be conscious of the fact that such a reading would not constitute a ful$ llment of the actual minhag.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected] ��

62B9 C52*1 A0)5 C05@7

'2: ,"2A- C".B '2;) ,"2A ':.C-7 ('+ C.) -"9BC '2: )"0 ;.A/ A.) C".B. 0"5B '2: -,9) ;.A/ A.)- 5)B -/ A*, C) ;A=75 51*7 -/ 89*A,7B ;7B7 (:+2 C*B, @"=) 2"BA7, ,-.@7* -5*1B A0)5 05@C-5 CAC.7 -B)- 6) (+"; 32B7-5 ;.A/ A.)- 1250- ,6;1 ./ )A7.0* 82)B *2B-B =";). .-5;*5 -A.:) C.2-5 CA/.0 <)B 5"2 25.). ,-C52*1 05@CCB 8=.)* C422B @A )A7.0-B 62A*.: B2B <). .()"A 2":.:) ,".25 )"7A* )*.- 84. ,-/* ':.C- 25;* CA7.0* )5 (."? '2: *"0 ,".2) 7"A+)- '.BC7 84) .A270-5 6.@7 82) *.B -C2*5 CA/.0B4 5*) ,-.@7- .*B 829*- .C.)* -/ 54, -)A9 84) .()"4 '2: /.+) C92+ ':* -/* 4"B7 2;.) )*- B7B *A;- ,; 05@CC )5B A270- 5"/ ).-. ,84 ;7B7 87 ,204.9- .9*?74 -94:- C;B*. ,7"A+)* 6B A).*74 ,"2A ':.C- @,? 2),.* 82,- A@2;7, ,).- )A7.0 @A C7)* -B)B 7"A+)* ,.; B"2;. .-94:- 29=7 6C2*5 .A/02B4 ,27. <42C .05@C2B 32A?-5. ,./ )A7.0 5; AC..5 8.49-.5@-5 0A4-- 87 ,",29*B ).- 0".5@ 2),.* ,"2=5. .5@-5 B2 4"+ 65B 6.2 >0AC-5 )5B 5.*:5 54.C )5B C2:291:2)

" e Rema records the position of the Ohr Zarua in the name of the Ba’alei HaTosfos that a woman should not take a shower soon a# er using the Mikvah, since this would undermine her original immersion. While some poskim claim that this ruling is only applicable to showers that take place in the mikvah facility itself, Rav Moshe Feinstein z”l asserts that she may not shower at all until the following evening. Nonetheless, it seems that the position of the Ohr Zarua is only a stringency (chumrah) and therefore in light of the current situation involving the Coronavirus it is advisable to forgo this stringency, and require that each woman shower immediately upon returning home from the mikvah.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 '-


A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 '.

-A2=:*. 7"B.0* CA.=:C

82) 554 3A,*B <) ,7"B.0* .0C=2. 0:=* 829;- A,C:2 6). ,-5B77- 6;17 C.A.+: C.A=:7- 54 @A)2 ).9* 6.24 A).*7 /) (5+A- 6,.@ 052+ )5 1"7 .5B :9.)- C.,.) 62;,.2 6294B- 54B) 04.7, :9.) )42), )42- ,,;.7* 8205+7

.,;.7* A=C:-5 AC.7B ;".B*. '7+*. -9B7*

="7A+- ,A7.;* +"5 ,; C.5*) C?@7 .+-9B .5)5 <) ,A22) 0"A 6,.@ -A2=:- 272* 0:=- A0)5 829;- A,C:2 6)*. +.-9* 520C-5. ,-9B5 -9B7 .+-97 C.9B5 AB=) ,3A.? B2 6)B (1"9@ '2: )"0 0".)) 7"A+)* 5.,+ B.,20 *C4 5"/

.5*@C9 6) 2"). ,5.,+ '20 ).-. .A22) 0"A7 C.5*)- C?@7

,.2A*0 .* .A;+2B7 A=C:-5 AC.7 B,.0 *"2*, 5"22@. B,.0 *"2 C920*4 ).- -A2=:, C.5*) A,+B A7) 5"/ .9*A 84) ,".2) 7"A+)*. ,(-9.A0)- CA.=:C7) 62B,0 '+ .A.;2BB *C4 (,": ?"B) ,".25 )"7A*. .[)"?@ '7; *A- B=9 '2;] A.;B-7 5=4 – .922- -A;+ A.;2B. ,2?0. B,.0 54 A=C:-5 62+-.9 .2- )"7A- 272* )7C:7, ,A2*:- (."9@ '2: +"0

.62B,0 '* 82C77* 2+:, )A*C:7 ,B,.0* 6;= A=C:-5 .+-9 -*A-B ,.997/* 5*) ,52+A-

Currently, local authorities have closed barber shops due to the Coronavirus, making it impossible to have one’s hair cut before Pesach. Normally, hair may not be cut on Chol HaMoed. However, should the situation be resolved during Chol HaMoed, it will be permissible to do so this year. Halacha provides for an exception in circumstances where an obstacle, that was obvious to all of the people in the neighborhood, made it impossible for an individual to have his hair cut before Yom Tov.

In the event that the situation continues into the days of Se! ra, but ends before Rosh Chodesh Iyar, even those who normally observe the customary mourning during the “! rst days” of Se! ra may cut their hair, provided that it has been at least two months since their last haircut.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected] ��

-AB;7 C.0=* 82).B29 <:.9) 892;* -B) B,@5 -9-. ..A*05 ,0)7 -507- .A2*;2 )7B ,,0) 6.@75 62B9) CA.*0 <:)C-5 )2- -5.,+ -94: 2":.: ;"-) ;".B) 82:.A) C4A*5 -AB; 6242A?7 -520C45 .82B.,2@ A,:7. ,A*,- 6.2@5 62,; 29B (-54-. 8C0- 5; 629.B)A- .@509B (,"@: *": '2:) B"* '2;. .)*.42;5 -AB; 892;* 82).B29 C.4A*5 84) .5@-5 B2 ,"-;B* 5*) ,(,"5 .) ,-5;*5 CAC.7 -B)- '2-C )5 8297 )5*. ,-4A* 25* - .1.B=4 -/* -9..4- 6) ,-5;*5 -A.:)B -4A* )5* -54 82,* .C.*4;7 )5 C.4A*- ,82).B29- C.4A* 3A*5 .54.2 )5 6). ,-=.05 :94CB ,; -5;*5 -A.:) -:.A)-B )2- -9..4-B -A.)45. .29B- ,?-4 62@:.=- *.A C;, 84B 82*-B (/"@: C"=* -7B 822.?B ,."9 '2:* ;"-) )7@) 2"*.9* 2C2)A. C251 :.A=5) -=.0 ,8;@;,)* C.B;5 ,62@:.=- *.A C;,4 +.-95 ).- 8.49- 87 ,C204.9- -94:- C;B4 5.,+ ,"-;B* .*4;7 2),.* A*,- 6.2@5 62,; '* 84) .AB=), 2)7 54* -94:* 1;75 2,4 ,-AB;* )5B ,,.02. ,(84 62+-.95 - 6-29B 5;

.-B;75 '5- )92,5 @2:- 84B (/": '2: )"0) -45- @7; ':* 5"/ 8221B,5.+ '2*.1 A"A- 8.)+-5 2C2)A C;4.

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

[.-,+)- 87 82,75 82). ,BA,- ,"; .A7)9 @A 275B.A2- 2A*,B 5"2 25.) 84) .-=.0- )5.

Currently, it is very dangerous to gather in crowds due to the contagiousness of Coronavirus. ! is presents a problem, since kiddushin (which sets in motion the process of marriage) requires the presence of two witnesses and a knowledgeable o" ciating rabbi, in addition to the bride and groom. Ideally, there should also be ten men present for birchas eirusin, the blessing on the kiddushin. However, we can be lenient regarding the requirement of ten men in pressing circumstances, such as the current situation.

However, the presence of ten men is necessary in order to recite birchos nisuin, the sheva berachos under the chupah. Furthermore, the rule is that a bride is forbidden to her groom until the birchos nisuin have been recited. ! e Rishonim debate whether this is meant literally, or it means that the bride is forbidden to the groom until she has entered the chupah with him, even if the birchos nisuin were never recited. ! e Nodeh B’Yehudah notes that the majority of authorities agree with the latter approach. It would seem that in the current, dangerous situation it is proper to follow this opinion. As such, the wedding should consist of a badekin, chupah, and yichud - all with less than ten men present, in order to minimize the risk. However, the presence of two witnesses is mandatory under all circumstances.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 '/


8252B*C *.A2; *A;5 A2;- *A 5; -.?7B (/": /"4@C) 0".) ;".B* A).*7. ,0:= 5B 629.B)A- 62725 8252B*C *.A2; 6242A? 5".0* ./ -9B C.4/5 82) -520C45. ,62A0) 2"; A2;- 29* 545 (52B*C-. C=-) C.4/5 32A?. ,'.4. 04BB 27 .25; 3.7:2B 2,4 .A2; 29* 54 5; -520C45B ,(2": .":B '2: 0".) ;".B '2;) .CB) 2"; )5 6+. ,6-2*) 805B 5; 624.7:- 625.,+ .52=) .) 6291@- .29* 2"; @": *"9B7) .922-, ,(-7B )"7A) *.A;* 5@27- 2A*, 5; 6247.: ,*;2,*. ,(B"2;) AB=), )42- 6-29B 2A*,5 B.05 B2

.27, ,*;2,4 ,"-;B. ..CB) 2"; 84. .2*) 805B 5; 37.:- 5.,+ (1":

6;17) B";* C.2-5 50B 1".2* (-097- +5= A0)5 <42C) 6,@.7* C*B 5*@5 .A2; +-97 '2-B (/"4@C '2:5) )"+7 '2;. -7B ':.C- )5-. ,.* 62)?79 .9)B *?7* 620A.) -25 2;5@7. 52).- A7.5 322B 2)7, @=@=5 B2, <). .B"; ,(52).- 2A7+5 )024B )5, )C527 -/ .95?). ,)024B, )C527 ).- 6) '.4. 52).- A7.5 322B @A, .*C4 (52).-, )2+.:*) 620:=* '2;.) ,)024B, )C527* 2.5C )5B 8=.)* CA0) 3A,* ':.C- C22B.@ *B22B -..)50 6"A-7* B"2; 84) ,620A.) .).*2B

.('1 '2: 2*?- >A) ':* -/* 4"B7

It is incumbent on the Rabbi of a community to establish an eruv tavshilin on behalf of his constituents, to provide for those who inadvertently fail to do so. !is process includes having a third party acquire the components of the eruv tavshilin on behalf of the members of the community. Ideally, this third party should not be a member of the Rabbi’s immediate family. In a pressing situation such as this year where people are social distancing, the Rabbi may have his wife or children (over the age of bar/bas mitzvah) acquire the eruv on behalf of the community.

C.A?0 2*.A2; 1"C) 0".) ;".B*. (:*5) 82*.A; '7+* A).*7. ,C.?7- C:=.@ 892;* ,="-.?. C.?207- 5; <:.9 ,*.A2; -* B2B -A22; 54* 2C* 54B ,@A)2 ).9* 8)4. ,)C22A.), '2) 5; A.*;5 25*7 B"-2** 654.)5. C.?7-5 ;2+-5 62=CCB7- .54.2B 892;*, (,": /"BC C9B*B (/"1 '2: *"0 0".)) 2*? A- '.BC '2;. .654.)5. 6-25) ;2+-5 62=CCB7-7 ,0) 6.B5 )") ,62A.+: C.2:94 54 3) .*12- B"22; ,654.)5. C.?7- C:=.@5 ;2+-5 6C.AB=)* '2- )5. ,B"-2* 87/* (6212A*- 6;17) '25B.A2* A?.; '2-

.C.@, -74 5; 9"4-2*5 :9425. C.0C=7- C) 5*@5 AB=) 2),.*, ,.95?) 322B )5 -/

An eruv chatzeros is an integral aspect of making an eruv for the community. !e purpose of the jointly owned food is to indicate that it is as though everyone who owns a share of the food is living in one area. Usually, the shared food is a box of matzah that is kept in the shul. Perhaps, during these times where the shuls are closed, we cannot say that the matzah is a shared communal food since it is inaccessible. However, this is incorrect because, theoretically, one could take a key and open the shul for a few minutes and get the matzah.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 '/


(C.=:.- 6;) 62C75 -A-1

3A;* *".0 '2;.] .'.4. '7+* BA.B -/5 .92?7 )5 C7- CA-1 2929; 54B ()B2,@ )A*0- C.+-9-5 .C7,@-*) *C4 )"40- 2)7 2=5 ,).- )C22A.), 82, 2),.* C7- ,.*4. ,C7- ,.*4 6;17 54- ,C.B;5 .+-9B -7 54 3) ['1 C.) ,C7- CA-1 ,62205 ."@. ,6,.*4* 62*22.07 62C75 <)B ,C.2A*- ,.*4 5B -.?7- )2- )2-. ,-*.0 )712 -5, (.+ -1.:) ;"A4 5"22@, )12B= ,CA)77- -507* .;+922 .CA-1* 62@:.;-B BB0 622@. ,-=+7- C;B* C7B 27 84) .') 65?* )A*9 6,) 54B C@*,7 -507 5B -A@7*B ('1 @A=) 6220- AB+ ':* *C4. .+-975 ."@ ,4"C-45 -0., ="94: 5B )@2=: @=: .52=), 8.49- 87 845. ,-94: BB0 545 -"-. .,"4; C2729=- -A-1- 82B.; 82)B 2),. ,C2729= -@2,** -94: BB0 B2B4 5"A <). .C7- +"; 8.A)* 6242A4C- .0292 @A )5) ,-B*5-- C) )A*0- .B;2 )5 84. .C;4 -A-1 C.B;5 )B2,@ )A*05 82)B 8.49- 87 +"-4 54*. ,8+.-4 A-/25 .;,2 @"0 54 )5 ,-/* C.A27B- 54*. C.@0A-- 54* A-/25 62,2025 AB=) A2=B,

.+.5= )5 +2-9-5

,.C2* 8.- 54 )2?.-5 62*22.07B (/"9@ '2:) ,".2* A).*7 C"5 5; A.*;5 )5B 2,4*B ,(*";@ '2: 0".) )"0) 7"A+) '22;. 62*22.07 )5B ,B7.07 AC.2 /*/*2 5) /*/*7-, 5"22@ ;"7 622@5 5*) ,A.*;5 AC.7 ,-94: (5B :": .)) @=: 6.@7* @A. 9"--, -)A9. .-"A* A=.B C.?7 829;5 7"A+)* 6B @:= 84. .-94: @=:5 .) 25.05 :9425 )5B B"4. ,*A 8.- )2?.-5

.-A-1- 829;5 ().- ."@ 25.).)

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

.[(C?@7* -5.0 @A )5) ,*4B75 51.7- -5.0 -2-2B -9.4- 82) C.:.4 ;*A)* <)B ,*"9 C.) ?"-;B *";C

*"2= B2A 7"05 '2;] ,'.), ;"7 -/B )2- C5*.@7- -12B- (,"* 2+.A-7 >.0) 62C7 A)B* -A.*@ 5B 82,- A@2;*. *127 2=5) 554 -)A9 .92). .-=2+7- C;B* .52=) ./ -.?7 51*5 8.49 .92). ,[+"7@ '2: ,".2 +"0 7"A+). 5*) '5-7 .-A.*@ 5B '.), -.?7- C) 8251*7 /"2;, ,84 C.B;5 -*.0 82)B B"4. ,62C7- C) <.AB5 AC.7 -2-2B (C;4 .92C.;2,2 .5) 2"; -+-9.- C.9.A0)- 629B* 62C7- C=2AB. (*"; 2":.: +"0 A/;20)*. ,,"2@ '2: *"0 52;.-5 ,757* A).*74) A*,* -2-2B <). .65.;- C.7.) A)B5 C.7,2-5 -C2- @A 6C9.4. ,(-9.7)- 2A@2; A)B*.) 62C7- C220C* .927)- )5B

.-.?7- C) 622@5 67?; C) 02A1-5 6- 62*22.07 2),.* ,-52+A -9B* AB)7 @"0- 2B9)5 )0A1 AC.2 -*A-

82)B <). .622@C-57 AB*- 5.42; C) 62;9.7B -/4B 8=.)* C7- C) A.*@5 A.:)B (+"7@ '2: ,".2 +"0) 7"A+)* '2;. 62:47B C;4. .5.42;- *4;C2B 6.A+5 A.:) ="4; 5*) ,()"7A* A4/94) AB*- 5.42; C) A-75 2,4 ,2: 3.=B5 .9+-97 AB*- 5.42; 622@C2B 8=.)* 6C.) ;.A@5 ="-45 .) 62@B- C) A2:-5 @"0- 62*22.07 @21:5= 5B 62@B* 62C7-

.C@*,7- -507- 29=7 -A2C2 C.A2-/* -/ 54* .@,@,2. .52+A4

>.0 ,A*@- C22A4 .52=). ,625)AB2 2,2 5; -A.*@- 54 C.B;5 62,2=@7 .2- ;".B- 87/*B (."4@C '2:) 0".) '2;.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected] ��

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

.95?). .C7- ,.*45 ;+.9* -/4B A.,2- -2-B 2A- .A*@- C22A4* - 6277; .* .@:;C2 /)B ,8.B)A 1".2* C7 5B -A@77 A.*5 C7- C,A.-* 554 3A,* 62,2=@7 .9)B -7 6+B 1.B= -)A9. .-/ A.,2-* @,@,5 -520C45 .52=) 554* +.-9 )5 ,2=@-5 8.49- 87 69.@2C4 629B-B4 2),.*. .A.,2- CA.C* @A -/ 54B ,625)AB2 2"; )@.,* -2-2B A=;* A.*- 2.527*. 2"; @A )5) ,62,2,2-. -0=B7- 2,2 5; .B;22 )5 )@.,*B ).- 8.49- 87 .929=5B -)A.9- -=2+7- C;B* 84) .-/ 54* 54* -A2C2 C.A2-/* @,@,5 AB=). AB=) A2=B, <). .-94:* 1;75 2,4 - /"92B)7 2"; 84 C.B;5 6252+AB 625;.=- ,@,@,5. A-/25 .;,2 -0=B7 54 )5 ,-/* .@:;C2 C2** ,02* 62A+B -0=B7- 29* @AB 8.+4 ,C.A27B- 54*. C.@0A-- )")B A7)9B ,.=.+*B -.?7 -992) (-A.)45) C7- CA.*@ C.?7, .5"94. ="5 -/* +2-9-5 8.49- 87 .1.B= ="; 845 -722@C9 A2=B ,625;.=- 2"; .722@C2 -A.*@- 2929; 54B A,:9 6)B ,-)A9 .1.B= 2"=;. ,62A0) 2,2 5; -722@5

.C7- ,.*4 C.?7* A.,2- 829;5 @A ).- 8)4 A*.,7- 54. ,-.?7-

A2=B C7- ,.*4 C.)A-5 2,4*. ,-A.*@* <CCB-5 @"-2*5 6245.-- A=:7 C) 6+ AB=), 2)7 54* 1;75 8.49- 87..6"./* 19A192)- 2,2 5; <CCB-5. C2** A)B2-5 AB=)

.*.1 AC.2- ,?- 5; 62A.,2-- 54. C.?7- 54 C) 622@5 -4/9 .C.7,@5 65.;- *?7 A./02B4 ', C.?A*.

A14B 2*?.? '= @"B?7 ="BC 8:29 '2


82=4, 54

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

.B)A7 C2*- 29*5 84 A2*:-5

At the beginning of the Pesach Seder, we invite all impoverished people to join us for the meal (ha’lachma anya). Although one would surely not allow guests into his home during this dangerous time, these words should still be recited at the start of the Seder. !e reason we announce this invitation is in remembrance of the practice when the Beis HaMikdash stood. !en, Jews would invite anyone to join them in eating the Korban Pesach. Our recitation of these words today, is not meant as a true invitation, as is clear from the fact that we don’t open the doors and announce it in the streets for guests to hear. A"er the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash, there was an additional prayer added, that we return to the land of Eretz Yisrael. It is recommended to explain this to those at the table before reciting this paragraph.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?.? '= @"B?7 ="BC 8:29 '2


6"./ 3A, -07B* C.=CCB-

)".) C.*2C7 50-) @.92C- 6B C) ).A@5 2)BA 6"./ 3A, A0) 6.@7*B .,49 5B C2A** <CCB7- )*:-B )A*C:7 54 .BA, ,27C 5"/0B <).) .8.49 .92)B )A*C:7 @.92C- 29=* )5B B,2@ AB) C4A* 3A*5 5*) ,('.4. -/- ,52- C) 622@ C) 622@ - A7)2 3)2-. ,[(.14) C.097 '2;] ;*?)* 62)A7. .C.) 62).AB A*,* ).- A*.,7-B - "-/-" 62@.:=- 8.B5

(.-/* ,2=@-5 82) C)/- -920C- 0:.9 2*+5, -)A9 84) ..29=5 .992) @.92C-. ,-/- ,52-

)"@7* )?79- )*: B2. ,(AC.2 .)) 62=CCB7- -AB; 6; )"@7* C.4A*-;*B C07B 62++.0 6) .52=)B )A*C:7 84. 82) 6) B"4. .-07B- 25;* 6; ,02* <CCB7 .992) -B;75 2A-B ,C.4A*-7 C0) 3A*5 2)BA .92)B ,6"./ 2"; <CCB7. :"4.: 7"47 ,-B.,@*B A*, -/ 82)B 0299 .52=) ,6"./ 2"; 65.4 C) 62=A?7 @A. ,-AB; -54-. 8C0- 6.@7* -7B

.-07B* ,02* 62=CCB7 -AB; 6B 82) - -B;75

If a grandfather is participating in the bris milah of his grandson via Zoom, it is permissible for him to name the baby. However, he should not recite the bracha of “asher kidash yedid m’beten” via Zoom.

Similarly, one who is participating in a wedding (or a Sheva Brachos) via Zoom may not recite any of the Sheva Brachos, since he is not actually together with the baalei simcha. If there is no group of ten men present at the wedding, rather everyone is joining via Zoom, they certainly may not recite the Sheva Brachos.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?.? '= @"B?7 ="BC 8:29 '2


(C.A-*-. C.=:.- 6;) C.B=9 C5?-* -72,@ 2),.5 *.A@B ,0)5 6) ,.C.) 8C25 275 ;.*@5 6242A?. ,,0) A.125219. @A B2. ,)"** 625.0- C2*5 625.0 29B .)* 6) 872: ,".25 6-A*) C7B9 822;] .@=: 29=7 2),. 820., 82)B )12B= /) ,52;.2 6) @=: @A B2B 29B5 .) ,52?-5 AB=)B @=: @A. ,-5.0. +5=.7 8@/ ).-B =";) ,A.125219.5 8.B)A- C) .A*20 A*4. ,-/ A0) -/* .)* 6) 5*) .['* C.) *"9A

.B=9 29=7 B=9 820., 82)B 82,- A7)9 /"; ,A2;?. )2A* .2A0) )*-. ,5.=21- .5 52;.2 6)

,62)2A* 62A2;? 625.0 ,.; 0"-2*5 .)2*2 62CB--;B ,.;*B B)A7 62;,.2 A*4 -520C 84.:7- 8@/- )*B -;B* 6) 84) .95 82). ,)"** .)* C920** -/ <)B -)A9 ,625.0- 54 A.*; /"A.125219. @2=:7 82)B A*,- A.A*. ,6.2 54* -A.@ 84 24

.A2B475 84.:7- +5=.7- 8@/- C) -520C457 A*05

)"A+-* '2;. ,'.4 6,.@ 0"C A/77B -7B )C2) <.:*5 ,C.B=9 C5?-* C.72,@ A,: )*.- (+"2 <,) C.2A.- <.: -9B7*. 6272,@7B ).- -/* ;*.@-B -)A9. ,85=5=5 6,.@ 8A,:-B (-:+ C.2A.-) 275B.A27 )2*-B 0"2 @": )"9A 872: ,".25 25* -9B7- 2554 2"=; -B;7 C.B;5 -B@B (,"; 872: *"0 7".0) 7"A+) '2;. ,AC.2* .5 -42A? -52-@-B -/ C) 52?-5 AC.2 62722@7 62A*+B ,1"- )7C:7. ,C.20-5 -B)5 6,.@ B2)-B -9B7* -7B )C2) 24-, 1"- )7C:7.) 5.,+ 8.2; 62A*+- AB)7 AC.2 C..?7*. -A.C* C.@:.;B 62B9 -*A- B2 .997/*. ,+"/-B ;"77 C.A.1=B ,62B9- AB)7 C..?7 27 ;.*@5 ,.)7 -B@ /",. .(-52-@- A.*;* AC.2 02.A9 -/ C.72,@ A,: 2=5B -09-- 5; 62,:.27 -9B7- 2554. ,'.4.

.-9B7- 2= 5; +.-95 )5B 62@:.=- 5?) 5*.@7- -/ 6;17. .('.4. C2/0 2)7,) 277 AC.2 -52-@5 3A?9

A2;?* 5=19 6) AC.2 02.A9B ,545 A.A* .7;1 -A.)45 ()2A* A2;?5 ,.+9* 84.:7. +5=.7 8@/ 5B) 5"9- 8.*B0- 5*) ,.; @A -202B 8@/-B 85 )725 8)7, ,B70 @A +5=.7- 8@/-. -9B 62;*A) ,.; -202 A2;?-B -/* -9.4- 82). .)2A*- ,('.4. C2/0 2)7,) ,.5B -9B- 62;*A)* A2;?- 6.AC2B -7 AB)7 AC.2 629B- B70 8C.)* C.B.9)5 6.AC2 )5 629B B70 6). (B,.0 *"2 AB)7 C.0= ,'54) ,-;B 220 ,.; '202 @A ,A.125219.- .5 52;.2 .52=) ,-5.0- 8@/- 5?)B ,-/* -9.4- )5) 2"=; 8.*B0 -/, )12B=. ,(B,.0 *"27 AC.2 5B C.20 '54) ,65.; 220 .5 @29;2 - )2A*- A2;?- A.*; A.125219.- 52;.2

..72,@-5 B2 845. ,-;B 2207 2=2,; 65.; 220B ,82,

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For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

29=7 -5.0- 220 A?@5 .7A+ 627;= -*A-B 2),.*. ,6C;2,2 *127. 6C5.42 *127 2=4 625.0* .5=1 A., 54*. ,C.A.,-.)=A2 )=A., 4"-/+* 5.54 -/ 54 3) ,6C;2,2 2.@25

62)=.A- 62*22.07. ,)"** .)*4 692,B -)A9 /")/* .)* .52=) ,0"-2*5 625.0 -*A- .).*2B B)A7 62;,.2 .9)B C.2-. .5"94 C.B;5 )5) CA0) -A2A* 6-5 82). ,AB=) -/ 6) - -.B* 65.4* 5=15

627., 6-7 629BB 62).A 6272 -74 A0)5 6). ,A.125219.5 ,*5 .C.) 62A*07 0"-2*5 )*- -5.0 54B ).- +.-9- C;4. )A*C:7. ,,0) A2B475 6-29B C) 62A*07. ,.5B A2B47-7 ,0) 54 6C.) 62A2:7 ('.4. 6-2C.72B9*. ,6-*.+* ,6225.0*) C?@ 25.) .) ,/.0) AB;-B70* 25.)) C.77 .52?-5 C.AB=)- /.0) C) 621;77 ,,02* (AC.2 .)) 629B 62A*07B -/*B ,.5B A2B47-7 -5.0- C) 62A2:7B )=.+ -/*B ,A7.5. 8.;15 82,- 5;*5 B2. ,(-/* -A.A* -;2,2 62)=.A-5 82) 24 ,AC.2 ,B=9 29=7 B=9 .920,B )?79. ,.CC27 C) *A@5 6.A+2 )=.+ -/B C.2-5 5.42. ,-5.0 ,.; 6; ,02 A0)5 .C.) 62A*07. 24 ,8.49 -/ 82)B -)A9 84) .87/ A0)5 .).*2B 62A0)- 62*.A7- 625.0- 54 C5?- A.*; -/ -5.0 5; 0?AC )5 5; .9A*;B ,A2B475 .,*5 ,0). ,0) 54 A*05 ,5"94 +.-95 3A1?9. ,62=:.9 625.0 -*A- ,.; /"0)5 .).*2B B)A7 62;,.2 .9)B A0)7 @A ./ C.;2*@ ,'* -5.05 '* A2B47. ,') -5.05 322B ') A2B47B -520C457 .9;*@B -7 ,,02* 6-7 -74 <A?5 4"0). -5.0 A.*; A2B47- .C.)* B7CB-5. ,.5B A2B47-7 ,0) 54 A2:-5 ,-520C457 .9C;,* -2- 34 24 ,6272 -74 5; -C2- 65.4* 5=15 .9) 62*22.07 )5277. ,)"** 65.4 .)* .52)4 -/- *?7- C) 8.,5 B2B -)A9. .0"-2*5 ;2+- )5 ,.;B A0) -/ -5.0 5; 0?AC )5 5; 62A*.; .9) 82), ,B=9 29=7 B=9 820., 82) 6.B7 -/* 82). ,52?-5 AB=), 2)7 54 52?-5. -.B* 5; 60A2 ',. .AB=), 2)7 54 52?-5 52;.7 24- 8=.)* )"** 625.0- 54* .95.=21 62A,:7 .9) 34 )5) ,62A0) 52?-5 7";

.5)AB2 .7; 25.0 54

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 )"2


C7- 2.92=

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..C.9=5 7"; -520C457 .-.A*@B .) ,2")* .A*@5 7"; .-.9=

A family who is currently unable to use their burial plots in Eretz Yisrael due to the coronavirus, may perform a temporary burial in Chutz L’Aretz and when the situation permits, the body may be disinterred and moved to Eretz Yisrael as is indicated clearly in the Shulchan Aruch.

C.5*) 2929;*

AB@* 19A192)-. 8.=51- 3A, C.94-- 54 A,:5 625B- A*4. ,-A.*@* <CCB-5 @"-2*5 ;.:95 5*)- 5B .C;,* 82) 6) .) .'.4. 55=C-5 *220. ,.5B -;*B- -50 A*4. .C.929) -75B9 62=C45 .-.A:7B7B 82,- 50 /) ,'.4. @"-2*. @"0-5

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(.84 .+-9 )5B -7.,74.) .6-25; 89.)

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.6-25; C.929)

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.5"9- 29B- ,?-4 ).- 1.B=- +-97-B 25 -7.,74.

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For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

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email protected] -/* B2 6) C2),. -;2,2 )425, 6.B7 )5) ,AB=), 2)7 54* 5@-5 B2B 29=7 -/ 82). ,C.52*)* *220C-5 2,4*

[..2B4; C.52*)- +.-29 .520C2 )5B ,=";* C.?0 A0) -A.*@- C) .A7+ 6)B 82,- C.2-5 32A? -2- 4")

*B09. ,8)45. 8)45 -5.; 2;2*B- 6.2. ,4"42- C?@7, 5"22@ ,.5B 2;2*B- 6.2 ).- 8:29 ,"2. ,8:29 '0* .C.5*) 520C-B 27 .+ ,62B5B 51*7. (C.?7- +05 ,.+29* ,0:=- +0) 1".24 *.B0 C.?0 A0)5 )5277. ,6.2- .C.)* 62B5B- 520C- A*4 .52)4 '.BC* A).*7. ,.2A*0 .* .A;+2 5B *?75 ;2+- A*4 6) A=C:-5. 05+C-5 .5 AC.7B 0"*2 3.C4 .92, ,62@:.= -74 C;,5. @2=:7B (-"4 '2: ,".2 )"0) A7.) ;2*2 '2;. ,05+C-5 62B,0 '+ 82C7-5 ?") ,6.2 54* 6205+7B .5)5B ,629.A0)- 25.,+ :"1B ,5"9- 629.A0) '07 829;5 ,.; B"22;. ,[62B,0 '* @2=:7, ="7A+- C;,4 ).- 5*.@7- ,CA.=:C 829;5.] 6272 '0 5@-5 )5B 8.49- 87B. ,(62B,0- 62:.=,- 54* [email protected] A*4.) ,7"A+)* ="7A+- 4"4. ,(,"5 @": 0"7@C) -/* *"9B7* B2 3A.? 6.@7*B ,,.; B"22; 3) .62B5B 82,- .977 51*C9B 2+: )5. ,7"=* 6275B 6.2 62B5B .A*;2B ,; C05+C. CA.=:C*

.6252@7- ,"; 3.7:5 B2 5.,+

5B 8.B)A 6.2* 5*)-B ('.), ') 6.2 C.52*)B ,A=: '40. 629.)+- C12B4 .-5 C25,) 62/94B) 2*+5B 62@:.=- *.A C;, .,.-C27- 6.2 .992) .52=) 8252=C 0297 .92) -;*B-

554 3A,*B <) ,-70- >9- A0)5 ,; (-520C45) 6029-57 82C7-5 8.49- 87 ,8252=C 620297B -;*B- 5B 29B- 6.2*. .- ,(-*/*) >9- A0)5 ,; 4"42- C?@7 A7.5 82) -520C45B (.4) -52+7 -9B7* A).*7, ,'.4. A242B7 8252=C- 5; 3A*5 AC.7 8)?- 2*@;* ':* -/* 4"B7 '2;. ,;".B* -A2C: -/* B2.] ,-525* 4"42- C?@7 62A7.) 6) )"-.C* '07 -/ C.5*) '5-*. ,).- (.)4) @".7* '7+- 8.B5. ,2;2*B- 6.2* C2A0B A0)5 ,; 4"42- C?@7 A7.5 )5B ,A270-5 .+-9 -B;75. ,[/"2 '2: 8"A* B"22;. ,C)/- --.7C- 8.B5- 82*-5 8"A* 822;5 .922? 8.25+- 5; -7B. ,8252=C 029-5 AC.7 ,554* 29B. ,352). 29B7 ,4"42- C?@7, '2A7) 29B- 6.2- 5B A@**B )5) ,629.B)A- 6272 29B 8252=C 029-5 A.:) 5*) C7)*B A)2*B (-4.:5)

.-70- >9- A0)5 ,; 4"42- C?@7 A7.5 82) -520C45.

.@509 ,).*5 62,0=7 6294B-B C.AB=) C722@B -=+7- C;B*. ,.5B7 5.4)5 A.:) 8.B)A 6.2* -9.B)A -,.;: 5*) .. ,625*) 6.029 C.?77 @50 -..-7 -)A*- C,.;:B .92*-B B2, ..5B7 5.4)5 5*)- A.:) 822,; +"-4* 6) - A*,* 629.A0)- .).*2 )5B ;,.2B 6.@7* 5*) ,6-5B -.?7- C) 622@57 C.AB=)- C) 62A0)-7 ;9.7 ).- -/* 24 ,.5B7 5.4)5 5*)- A.:). ,5*)- 5B C.5*)- +.-297 @50 -/B .92*- 62A0) 84) .6294B-7 -.?7 6.B 51*7 .92), ,.5B7 5.4)5 .5 AC.7 -2-2 /) - .).*2 )5 62A0)B B)A7 ;,.2 .52=) ,/"2=5. ..7?;5 54.) 824-5 .52=) 5.42 .92)B 34 2,4 ,; 5*5.*7 4"4 ).- .52)4 C.)A-5 -/7 .1.B= =";. ,7"B.0* 6+ -)A*- C,.;: 62B.; ,62@:.=- *.A C;,5 -9-. ..5B7 5.4)5 A.:) 822,; ,54.) .5 )2*-5 ,)5277. .6294B-7 625*)- 6.029 C.?7 5.12* 82,7 )5) ,7"B.0* -;*B 2+.-29 82), ,C.5*) 2+.-297 -/ 82, 82)B 024.-5 B2 8.49- 87. [.."? '7; /.+) C92+ ': '2;] .5.4)57 5*)- 5; A.:)5 82) ,'2-2B 6;1 -/2)7 - .).*2 )5 62A0)B B)A7 ;,.2*

.,27. <42C 5.4)5 -,.;: 5*)- C2*5 0.5B5 62,2,2-. 62*.A@- .A,:2B


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

1. A mourner who will not attend the burial is no longer an Onen once he has completed all necessary phone calls and e-mails regarding arrangements with the Chevra Kadisha and cemetery. Shiva begins at this point. However, if the mourner who will not be personally attending the funeral, will still be involved in letting others know where they can watch or listen to the funeral and burial, then this is considered to be “involved in the burial process” and he would therefore remain an Onen until a!er the kevura.

[However, it is not clear what the status should be of a mourner who will not be communicating with others about how to attend or watch the funeral, but will personally be watching or listening to the funeral.]

2. Shiva ends for a mourner immediately prior to Chatzos on Erev Pesach. If Shiva did not begin before Chatzos (i.e. burial did not take place until a!er Chatzos), the common practice is that the mourner does observe Shiva at that time until Pesach begins. (It is questionable whether this practice is correct because there is room to argue that the shiva shouldn’t begin until a!er Pesach).

3. "e common practice for Asheknazim is that one does not wear te#llin on the #rst day of Shiva, even if the #rst day of Shiva follows the day of the petira.

4. On the second day of Shiva, it is best for the mourner to put on his te#llin a!er ha'neitz ha’chama (sunrise).

5. Normally, a mourner may not prepare his own food for the #rst meal a!er the funeral. "ere are two reasons suggested for this prohibition. First, since part of the mitzvah of comforting the mourner is to provide food, by eating his own food, the mourner is preventing others from ful#lling their mitzvah properly. Second, by taking food from others the mourner is demonstrating his aveilus. It is a demonstration of mourning to show a lack of self-su$ciency to the point that one can’t prepare his own food. A practical di%erence between the two approaches would be whether the mourner may eat from his own food on Chol Ha’Moed when we don’t observe practices of mourning, though there remains a mitzvah of comforting a mourner. Since we generally assume that even on Chol Ha’Moed a mourner cannot eat his own food for the #rst meal, it seems that we assume the #rst explanation of this halacha to be correct. Consequently, in a situation such as the current one, where comforters are unable to come to the house due to social distancing, the mourner may eat his own food. He is not preventing others from doing the mitzvah of comforting him since they are unable to do so in person anyway. It would certainly be proper for the community to arrange for a meal to be delivered to the mourner’s home right away.


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6. If Shiva concludes on the morning of Erev Pesach, the period of Shloshim begins immediatly and ends at chatzos on Erev Pesach. "e Avel now begins the period of “Twelve Months” for a parent. Normally, one in this category of Aveilus may shave a!er eight days if he usually shaves daily, as this is considered, “yiga’aru bo chaveirav.” However, because in this situation the Shloshim ended on Erev Pesach (while in reality thirty days have not yet passed), there is a dispute among the poskim as to whether it is permitted for the mourner to shave. "e major poskim recommend that one be stringent on this matter, but Chacham Ovadia Yosef concludes that if a person feels there is a great need he may rely on those lenient opinions who say that Shloshim is no longer in e%ect at all and one would be permitted to shave.

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 )"2


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

C.A27/ 62;9)

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

.[.":A '7;. ,1":@-0":@ '7;) *A- 2A*, ':*. ,(0";-/"; '7;) *A- 2929=7 ':*. ,(0"=@ '7;. ,*":@ '7;)

One who is davening alone does not recite Anim Zemiros for a variety of reasons. It seems that the custom to recite Anim Zemiros on Shabbos or Yom Tov was only instituted when davening with a minyan. Additionally, Rav Soloveitchik suggested that the recitation of Anim Zemiros constitutes a Davar She’bekedushah, just like Kaddish and Kedushah, which demands the participation of ten men in order to be recited. !is is re"ected by our custom to stand for Anim Zemiros and our practice to recite it responsively.

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 )"2


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-5.0- 5; -52=C

'2: 0".) ;".B5 C";B '2;] 629.A0)- .*C4 ,A1=9 A*4B C.AB=) C722@. ,.929=5 -5.0- 82). ,84.:7 -5.0 A.*; 55=C7- @": )"7@ '2: ;"-)5 C"= '2;. ,1"2@ 2":A 0".)5 6220 C.0A.) '2; ,84.:7 -5.05 6C: -5.0 82* B2 5,*-. ,+"@: 0"=A ).- -B;75 6) .52=). ,627B- 87 .25; .70A2B A7.5. 55=C-5 8.49-. .627B- 87 B".=A .5 .05B2B B@*5 8.49 .92)B [0":

.62*A 6270A* 62C7 -207 - 62A7.) .9)B .74 ,6270A5 32A? 4"+ ).- 6220* ,.; .992) A*4

625.0 A.*; 55=C-5 8.49 )5B ,5.0 5B 3A.*,4 C*B 5B 3A.*, )-2 )5B ,A*, A*,. 32?=0 ).?77 '2;B2, )A@7 .9,75. .8.?A5 .2-2 A0)5 -,27;- C52=C* <2:.-5 AC.7. ,2AB, 2": 0"=A '2: 0".) '2; ,84.:7 -5.0* 5*) ,1".2.B*

Even though we typically should not daven for cholim on Shabbos or Yom Tov, when there is an imminent danger it is permitted. !erefore, if necessary, a te"llah for a choleh can be inserted in our Shabbos and Yom Tov prayers at the conclusion of the Shemoneh Esrei.

When davening at home for someone who is dangerously ill, and there is the possibility that the choleh has already passed away (Heaven forfend) without our knowledge, we should not pray for a refuah sheleimah (a complete physical rehabilitation) but rather for divine mercy. Since under all circumstances divine mercy is appropriate and necessary (even if the choleh has already passed away).

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 *"2


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

1".2*. C*B* 625.0- C2*7 A/.0- )=.A 1".2*. C*B* -.@7- 87 CA/.0- -B).

.-.@7- 87 -CA/0* 62AB.=* 05@C-5 54.CB 2,4 ,B"?.7 ,; 5.*157 82C7CB 2),4 25.) ,C*B* -C52*1 525 50B -B)- .)

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6;1B =";) ,1".2* <) A.:) C*B* A.:)B 54. .C*B* .A/+B 6295*- CA/+ 6;17 89*A,7 @A A.:) -/ A*, 8"*7A5. CA/+ 6) 629.A0)- '07 )2*- (/"2 '2:) )"@;A '.BC*. (.B=9 54.) 6;17 AC.7 2),. -/ C"-7,) 1".2* 322B )5 A.:2)- )5B 8=.)* ,6270 627 C?@7* @A B7CB2 6) 5*) ,62AB.=* .52=) .) ,(C,5.: ,24) B77 6270 627* C+-.9 @A 6295*-

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.="94: BB07 ;.975 - 8)4 B"4. (*"9 '7; 2*?- >A)* 3A.)* -/* 4"B7;) :"*)B -5.0 6.@7* <) 2.92B 2"; CAC.7

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.89*A, 6292,* 3) ).- A*.,7- 54B ,:"*)B

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2,4 6270 627 C?@7 .:294- @AB) ,62AB.= AB)7 C.0= 6-B 627* @A )5 05@C-5 AC.7 '2-2B 5"2 ,./ )5.@ 5*@9 6). C.AC.7 C.A/+- 54. ,-A/+ C920** @A )2- 8270* -?20A, ,AC.7 -2-2 4"+ - 62AB.=* .52=) )5) ,(C.A2A@- C) A2:-5


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

.).- ."@ -A.)45B ,84C:-57 ;") ;.975 -?.A* B"4. ,:"*)B -5.0 A.*;

627* 05@C-5 .5 @2=:7 6), ,5"2 2),.* 84. .62AB.=* 05@C-5 .5 5@29 ;.,7 ,C.A2A@- C) A2:-5 .5 @2=:7 6) 84) 627* 05@C-5 .5 @2=:7 6), ,5"2 2),.* 84. .62AB.=* 05@C-5 .5 5@29 ;.,7 ,C.A2A@- C) A2:-5 .5 @2=:7 6) 84).2"0)54 5B 8=.)* 627- 5.B2* C4)57 C.B;5 5@-5 .95 -7 ,.2"0)54 5B 8=.)* 627- 5.B2* C4)57 C.B;5 5@-5 .95 -7 ,6299.?6299.?

-5 A2C-5 -)A9 .92) -A.)45 ,-94: @=: BB0 ;.975 2,4* 05@C-5 -?.A. ,-C2*5 CA/.0. C*B 525* C5*.1- -B)* 84) .+ )5B A-/2-5 -42A? 1".2 525* C5*.1- 84. .B"?.7 ,; 5.*157 82C7-5 -,2* -A2A*- 2A-B ,,2 A0)54 5B 8=.)* 627 60-5 6,2* -A2A*- -C2- )5B ,(1".2* .)) C*B* 6C2*5 62A/.0B C.0). )=.A* )@.,. .5"9- 6;1- 87 6270 627* 05@C-5

.-94: AC.2 B2 625.0- C2** 62A)B9B 87/ 54 24 ,(1".2 2)?.7 .)) B"?.7 ,; 82C7-5

;.975 C*22.07 2),.*B ,(1".2* .)) C*B* A@2; 54 05@C-5 )5B -7?; 5; A270-5 -B)- 1250CB 8.49 .92) 2),.* -/ 5*) C.A2A@ C) A2:-5 2,4 6270 627 C?@7 @A :294-5 ,5"94 +.-95 -5 -B@ 6) 1".2*. .AB=), 2)7 54* -94:7 -7?; C) -?20A )2.- 2),.* .997/*. ,554* 1".2* C+-.9 -92) 6295*- CA2/+B ,':.C- C;, ="; 5@-5 6.@7 B2 2),.* ,6299.?- 627-

.82,- A@2;7 AC.7. ,B=9 545 -.B- A*, 8270*

.5.75 AC.7 6) 629.B)A- .@509 ,-27270 32=CB), )@.92 ).--* (.0:-:/:) 82*.A2; '7+*, :85-5,4 .A.@7 -/ @.520.] '2:) *"9B7 '2;. ,="94: @=: 6;17 -527- A0)5 <42C 627 .A.*; 5B*5 C*B- C) 5505 3A1?2B B)A7 ;,.2* -520C45 )5B (:,5@ C*B) 8"*7A- ,+9 62@:.=- *.A. (<"2A- 2=,* .+9 C*B) -"/A- C;,4 ;2A4-B (?"-;B* /"1 @": )"5B ':* -/* 4"B7 '2;.) .62A.:2) C220, 5B *?75 .7?; C) :294-5 A.:)B 554- )5) ,-C;B. -7.@7 )5) -.?75 82) A7.5 2),. 29)B, .) @505 32A?. ,-.?7 6.@7* .52=) +-.9 -/ 554 6) ,-"/A* -A2C: -A.)45 -/* B2B ,)";@ '7; *A 2A*, 845. ,C*B* :2947 6+. 2),.* /"A- ,0"-2*7 .) -.@7- 87 62A/.0* ,8)4. ,C*B* .) 5.0* ;") :2947 29)B, .) ,@=:7 ,)C22A.), -4)57 -/, 62977: @0B5 )@., .)5, ,,.; B"22;. (.-.?7 6.@7* -C2- -.@75 -C425-B =";) ,A270-5 6242A? C.0,5 .,2* -A2A*- -C2-B 8)4 ,.7?; C) :294-5 A.:) 279 C*A.;7 -92)B A?0 .) C257A4 3A, 8.74- )2*-5 .52=) )5) .)) )=.A- 2*+5 5*) .B"?.7 ,; -C52*1 C) C.0,5 -B)- ,2* -A2A*- -C2-B ,8)4 84. ,A075 ,; -97/* -527- C) *?75 .:94.- 4";* )5) ,;") .:294- )5 6- 2A- ,A0) 87/ ,; 0"-2** 6C.A2B C.0,5 6,2* -A2A*- -C2- )5B (C.0)- ,2.92B 2"; )C22A.), -4)57 .922-, ,AC.7 .29B* :.;55, ('/ ';:) ;".B* -7B A).*7, <). .AC.7 845 62A.:2) C220, 5B A.7+ 2.92B .922- .29B* :.;55, ()) ,B77 -7., .92) ,2.92B 2"; 6270- 627- /A* C) 0.C=5 ,8,2, 8.,9 B77 .922- -A.)45. ,-.?7 .)5 -97/* -52*1B .1250- 629.B)A- *.A, (*). ,('+ C.) -02C= 1"5+) '2;) ,5;=9* <) )5) .5B -5.;=* @A )5 - A?0* -4A,4 -)?.-7 2=1 52@ 2.92B 2";B )C22A.), -4)57, ,-97/* -527* ).- A*.,7-B ,;".B-. '7+- 8.,95 ,,.+9* -52*1* 4")B7 AC.7 345. ,A075 ,; -527- A0)5 .,2* -A2A*- -C2- )5, 892A7) -/ A.:2)- 2=54. ,C*A.;7 -92)B A0)5 -,2* -C2- -A2A*-. ,-.?7 .)5 -97/* -52*1, -45-5 62A*.: ="-.A. ,-97/* -52*1 C7)* .95 82) /"-/*B -97/* 8270 C?@7 :294-5 .) 89.?* 05@C-5 829;5 5*) .62A.:2) C220, 5B *?75 -7?; C) -:294- )2- .52)4 *2B0. ,-C52*1 C)

[.A.:2) C220, 6.B -7B 82) ,C.A2A@- C) A2:-5 1".2*

If a woman is scheduled to go to the mikvah on Friday night, she has two options regarding the concern of washing a!er immersing in the mikvah. Either she may shower in cold water, or, she may consider postponing her visit to the mikvah until Motzai Shabbos so that she will be able to shower comfortably in warm water.


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A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 *"2

If a woman goes to the mikvah on Yom Tov, and takes a shower when she comes home, the temperature of the water should not be hot or even lukewarm, but it does not have to be entirely cold. Rather, she may turn on the hot water a little bit to remove the chill of the cold water.

Doctors and nurses returning home from the hospital on Yom Tov may take a shower in water which is lukewarm or even hot. !is can be permitted for doctors and nurses returning home on Shabbos as well, provided that they turn on the hot water in an unusual fashion, (with a shinui), by using the back of the hand or the elbow.

!ese leniences only apply to medical personnel who were required to be in the hospital on Shabbos or Yom Tov. (However, a woman who went to the Mikvah on Friday Night had the alternative of waiting to use the Mikvah on Motzai Shabbos, and we therefore would not be lenient in that case.)


62A49 5?) 0:=* >70 C229@ (825;1B)* .?) 827/-5+0- A0)5 ,; >70- C) .5 .05B2 )5B 8=.)*

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.'.4. .:42 )5 6+. '.4. .:2942 )5B ,34 5;

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected] ��

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

,;".@* 2"** A*.; 0:=* >70 -9.@- 84) .7"*)B .)5 2.-, ,[email protected] .92) 5*) .2"** A*.; 0:=* .C.BA* >70 --B7- .* ,="7B.0* C.90- 5;* 5?) AB@C7-. .(*"? '7; ,/.+) C92+ ':* -/* 4"B7 '2;. ,+"5- 7".0 '5-7 )"= 6"*7A) [email protected]. 2C2*5 -905BC. C0) ):=.@ C.9@5 -?.A 29) A7.) -9.@-. ,(cereal) /".2A2'? 5B C.):=.@ ,".2 C.90* .5 B2B .5 A7.) -5-.

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.A.:) -/ AB) ,+0- A0) A.*; >70- C) C.9@5 -?.A

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 ,"2


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

C.77 52?C -@,?.

6"*7A '2;. ,-07B C.?7 B2 1".2 54*, ,-@,?- 829; ).- ./ -52=C* A@2;-. .8297 )5* <) A7.5 AB=) 2),. A.4/2 C52=C

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.-@,?5 .75B )5B -7 54

-9.@ .52)4 *B09 5;.= A4.B, ,625;.= C.A24B5 -)9.) 82) 34 ,62,*;5 -)9.) 82)B .74B (+"5: /"4A) 7".0 ;".B '2;.

,-)9.) .* 82) .7?; ,?7B =";)…:.: 6; 5;.= A4BB 27B ,,"-C7 )"7A- -7B <2:.-. ,(6"*7A-7 A*07) 87/5 .C.)

.'.4. :.:- A4B5 )* -7 62A;B7. ,-)9.) .* B2 -7-*- ,?7

A.*; -/ 625*@7B 827.5BC-7 622.:7 /.0)B ,0:=5 629.57* C.,0.27 C.294C 625-97B -5)* ,,",9* 9"-.-, -)A9.

5B /.0) -/2). ,-0A1- A.*; -74 A;B5 6242A?. ,8.57* C.B7CB-- A.*;. 8254.)- A.*; - C?@7. ,6C5.;=. 6C0A21

62*22.07 -74. ,6-5 ;2+7 A*4 /.0) -74. ,(-=+7- C707 C.94-- 54 .@:=9B 6,.@) .0A1 A*4 -0A1- 5B 4"-:-

*A 8.- .752B A*4 24 ,5.,+ ,:=- C294C- 25-97 .,2:=2 2),.*. ,6.54* .9-9 )5B (C.0.@5-) 62=CCB7- - 620A.)5 *2B-5

,-5B77- 6-5 65BC 6-5B ,:=--7 -74 C.)A5 6242A?. ,-7.)7 -/7 )?2 )5. ,C294C- A.*; C.;@B- -74. -74*

B2 62972: '+, (.1; C.7*2) '7+* A).*7 -9- ,62=CCB7- 545 625.,+ 627.4: *2B-5 62*22.07 6-B )92,5 )?2 6) .52=).

B"* ,'* '2: ;"-)) 2,.-2 .992) 25.) .2A0) -@2,* 32A? ,.5) C.,77 .5 A:0B 27. ,62,:0 257.+. 629B22* 62970A ,./ -7.)*

C) 6-5 C;,.-. (:5 7"*) 5"/A A7)74. ,.A*05 6,) 82*B 62929;- 54* 82,- CA.B7 629=5 C455 ,27C .92.1?9. .(-"@:

6)) 6-5 AC.5 ,.95B 0";** -@,? C.?7 622@5 (627;=5) 2),4. .82,- CA.B7 629=5 ./ - 8.B;2 AB) -B;7- C). ...3A,-

2),.* ,A-- C) 82,- *.@2 C920** ,62=5)- ,:=- 5; -A.C-292, 3.A;5 C0C. ..95 62*220 6-B *.0-7 (-@.?7* C7)* 6-

-?07 8.77- @505 2),4B 62A7.) ,27C )5. ,AB.2 ="; @:= .922- -AB=- 829;, ,AB.2 2"=; -AB= ./2) C.B;5 8.49 AC.2

2),.*B ).- ."@. .[(5"@ '7;) /.+) C92+ ':*. ,(/":A '7;) *A- B=9 ':* -/* 4"B7 '2;] AB.2- 2=4 @A )5) ,-?07 5;

..95B ,:=-- C) 625-97- 87 ;.*C5 C.)4A;5 C455 ).- A.:)

82)B C.;.*B- 54 A.*; .752B A*4B ,.725- A4B 27, C) 6-5 .A2/02B C.*2B2-7 .;*C A*4B 62A.-- 87 B2B 2C;7B.

3)2-. ,62=:4 @2=:7 6-5 82), ,C;4 62,757- CA.4B7 65B5 C.5.42 C.*2B2- 82), ,84C2 )5 -/ A*,. ,C.*2B2* 62A.;2B

6242A? 2),.*. ,.,2:=- 54- )5- .C204.9- -A?* ,-427C A:.07 C.*2B2- .A+:22 )5- ,62=:4 .A2/02B 6-7 ;.*C5 AB=)

.'.+. -5.; .B;2 )5 5)AB2 C2A)B. ,-=+7- A?;CB45 54. 547 .51*C2 )5B ,-A.C- C.,:.7 C) AB=), 2)7 54* 3.7C5


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During these times when we are unable to gather in shul it is important to know that Yizkor may be recited without a minyan. However, it is even more important to understand and remember that the main function of the Yizkor recitation is to serve as a context in which to pledge to charity in the merit of deceased loved ones. As the Rambam (Hilchos Yom Tov 6:17) tells us, the true way to experience Simchas Yom Tov is through helping and donating to the less fortunate among us (see “True Simcha” on !is is even more critical at the present, as the Tanach teaches tzedakah (charity) is one way to bring salvation from death. In particular, those who were willing to spend thousands of dollars in order to celebrate Pesach in hotels with their families should certainly donate the money which they did not ultimately spend to charity.

!e current crisis presents many issues of Jewish civil law and con"icts between parties as to issues of payments and refunds. !ere will be many factors for a Beis Din to evaluate. In general, proprietors of Pesach programs are paid both for the experience and goods they provide, and for their own expenses invested in preparing the program. When the program is canceled due to events outside their control, as in this situation, a Beis Din will have to assess how much of the money should be refunded and how much is justi#ably kept to cover their own losses and to compensate them for the e$orts already expended. A Beis Din will also factor in how much #nancial aid will be provided from the government or from insurers when calculating the reimbursement, among many other considerations.

Even if the letter of the law demands the proprietors do refund large sums of money, the program participants should keep in mind that the Jewish people are identi#ed by mercy and compassion, and are commanded to go above and beyond in being sensitive to the needs and struggles of others. Sometimes, it is appropriate to demonstrate this mercy by forgiving a debt when it is clear that the debtor is truly struggling #nancially. As opposed to going to Beis Din to demand the full amount that is due to him, one should request of the Beis Din to make a just “psaharah”. (!is does not mean “compromise” in the usual sense, such as assuming that the debt should be split in half. Rather, the just resolution is determined based on each scenario, with all its factors.) It goes without saying that it is prohibited to go to secular courts to retrieve money from another Jew.

Regarding payments made to yeshivos and children’s schools, some parents have demanded refunds of tuition money. !is is certainly an improper approach. !e schools and yeshivos already cannot pay the salaries of the rebbeim and teachers. If we ask for reimbursements and remove our support, the schools


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will shut down due to the current and impending #nancial challenges. Rather, we must do our part to support the schools and yeshivos to the best of our abilities in order to ensure that they will be available to serve our communities when the epidemic comes to an end. Doing so would be considered tzedakah, for all purposes, and would certainly represent the attitude that our tradition demands at all times but especially in times of crisis and danger.

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 ,"2


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1".2*. C*B* C7- CA.*@

A.0*5 6242A?B 1.B= -)A9 ,.=.+ C) .=AB2 (.C.7 6.2*) C*B* C7- C) A.*@5 .0292 )5B 54B ./2A42 C.92,7 -/2)* 6)

.(.@) 82*.A2; '7+; ,C*B* 62A49- .-.A*@2B 6-5 C.BA-5. ,;A- 1.;7*

82) 554 3A,*B <) ,)5277. ,6.@7 ,.; 6-5 82) A*4B ,; ,6-5B -)=@---2)C* 62C7 -*A- 4"4* 62)57 -2..5-- 2C*

4"B7 ;";. ,."; '2: +"0 0".) ;";. ,('2 <9;) *"4@ '2: )"0 0".) 7"A+)* -/7 '2;] 1".2* 62C7 A.*@5 62+-.9 .9)

C..55 AC.7B (.": ."4@C) ;".B* A).*7. .'7+, )92,4. ,1".2* A.*@5 .4A1?2 -C; C;5 ,[(1"=@ '7;) *A- B=9 ':* -/*

)C.52/ )42), ,*4A* *.4A5 )5 5*) ,5+A* C455 )@., .922- 84) ,6.0C5 >.0 .52=) 29B 1".2*. ,6.0C- 3.C @A 8.B)A 1".2*

5; *.4A5 62AC.7 629A*@- @A. ,C7 5B .2*.A@) .52=) 2)@, ;7B7. ,(/"5 @": -7B *"9B7) .25+A* -425-7 2=1 1".2,

29*B <2,;B .9*C4 A*4 ,6.24 .95B *?7* ,C7)*. ,89*A -.2..B 5.04, ,29B 1".2* (+"4 @": *"9B7) *4A*. -92=:-

82, -0=B7- 29* <) )5277. ,-94:- 29=7 ,/"92B)7 2"; 62B.;B 6207.7- 625;.=- @A ,-A.*@- C) .B;2 )5 -0=B7-

.5"94. ,29B 1".2* <) *4A* ;.:95 6-5 82). ,6-5 62.57

AC.7 /) ,29B 1".2* (A=;* .2.527. ,A*@5 C7- C,A.-) -A.*@- C) .B;2 6-B )@.,* 62,2=@7 -0=B7- 29*B -A@7*.

554 3A,*, <). ,(A*07* .":) 29B 1".2* 6C2*5 A./05 6+ 6-5 AC.7. ,C.):A= '+ 5B 6.0C5 >.0 .52=). ,*4A* ;.:95 6-5

,6C2*5 .A/02 )5. -7B .A)B2B 8.49- 87 ,-A.*@- 6.@7* 62,.-2 *B.7 -7B B2B 54B ,(-"5 @": 6B) *"9B7-4 62+-.9

.*4A* 67.@75 A./05 <) 629A*@5 AC.7. ,-94:- 29=7 ,).- ;979- 87 -/ A*, C;4 .9*?7*

Due to the highly contagious nature of coronavirus, there are certain governments that have mandated either immediate burial or cremation (this is not the case currently in the United States). Under those circumstances, every e!ort should be made to avoid cremation. "erefore if a Jew would pass away on Shabbos, the burial should be done immediately (on Shabbos) by non-Jews.

In addition, the storage facilities of many funeral homes in New York (and elsewhere) are currently #lled to capacity and have raised concerns regarding the upcoming Yom Tov. Under these tragic circumstances, we must allow that the burial be performed on Yom Tov. Relatives who wish to participate would not be permitted to walk beyond the techum, nor would they be allowed to accompany the hearse in a car.


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On Yom Tov Sheini, it is theoretically possible for Jews to be involved in the actual burial, and in that case they would be permitted to join in the car and travel beyond the techum. "is would only be relevant for those who would be physically involved in the burial (digging the grave, lowering the castket into the ground and #lling in the grave with dirt). No one else including close family members would be allowed to travel to the cemetery.

Ordinarily, one who travels to a cemetery on Yom Tov Sheini for a burial, would be required to stay in a local Jewish home for the remainder of Yom Tov, but due to the current necessity of social distancing, this is impossible. "erefore, they may return to their homes on Yom Tov Sheini.

However, due to the current danger, it is strongly recommended that all burials be done by professionals with the use of machines. Accordingly, the family members would unfortunately not be present at the burial on Yom Tov.

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 ,"2


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C*B -0., -94: @=:

29*5 62BA7 82) 6+. ,2;*,4 65.4* 5=15 C.20). 62)=.A @2=:7 82). ,6C.,+ 54 5; 62)57 625.0--2C*B C;4B ,;.,2 A*,

-5.0- C0=B77 (62)=.A -74 .)) )=.A AB@C2 6)B ,6B )?7-5 6-5 )2- -94: 6+. ,625.0- C2** 6B A)B-5 -0=B7-

B2 )5277. ,.B;2 84B C.AB=) AC.2 B2B ,622.:7 -5.0* 5=15 6/A/5. ,C.20)- 6; .) -7B, )=.A- 6; A*,2. ,0"-2* 5)

C) 625507 9".@= 5B C.AB=) 5B :":* .52=)B ,'7+* A).*7. ,6220* A)B2. ).-- -5.0- -202B C.AB=) AC.2 C?@

(C.20)5 .)) )=.A5 8.=51- 3A, .AB@C2 (.2,2,27 .)) .C0=B77 62)=.A -74B A,:5 ,C.B;5 8.49- 87 84. ,C*B-

.1".2*. C*B* .52=) )5) ,5.0* @A )5 ,0"-2*7

O!en, a patient’s chances for survival are signi"cantly increased when someone is advocating on their behalf, especially if this advocate is himself a doctor or medical professional. In the current situation, family members are usually not allowed in the hospital, both due to overcrowding and to concerns about their own safety.

#e halacha is that we violate the laws of Shabbos even if there is only a slight chance that it will save a life. If family members - especially medical workers - would call the doctors or nurses tending to their loved ones to check in and to discuss the situation, it may lead to greater care and concern for the patient, thus increasing the chances of survival. #erefore, the family should arrange that these communications be made, even on Shabbos and Yom Tov, in order to advocate for the patient in the hospital.

A14B 2*?="BC 8:29 ,"2


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-A2=:- 272, C.5*)*

5..29* - 62B5B* ,-*.A7 5..29* 5*)- +.-92B .9@C -;*B*, ,B2 C.5*) 2+.: '+, (+":A '7;) 8)?- 2*@;* ':* 4"B7;

32A? '2-B -77 AC.2 A*4 -/ AB) ,25.05 .) A;?5 C7A.+ -;*B*B C.5*)- +.-29B4. ,62+.9;C 1.;27* - 0"*2*. ,C?@7*

(5"2A-7 '.BC 2"=;) ,";B '2: <.: ,".25 )"7A; 84. .:291:2) 82, ,.:2 .-/.] ,-;*B 292, 5; A.*;5 AC.7 A*4 /) ,C.2-5

:*45 )5B. >.0A5 )5B) C.5*)- +.-9B - )2- -9.4-B ,B"-.A;* -7B A)2*. ,C.5*) /) 62+-.9 82)B B2 -=+7- C;B*B

.0"*2* 84. ,62B5B* 84. [(-A.C C;, ':* B"22;) 25.0 2,25 )2*2 (.2,+*

82)B ,-7B 2"BA*. ,'.+. C,*; )5 AB) C0C (.)2) 824A; '7+* .A.@7 C.52*) 87/* -@2/.75 *2B@-5 )5B +-97-B -)A9.

B"22;] 62+.9;C 1.;27 CA.C* .922-, B,0 *"2 .74 .A,+ -A2=:, C.52*)- +-97. .(./) 8212+ '7+ '2;. ,'.4. -A2B AB 6,)

6-5 6.A+2 -@2/.75 .*2B@2 )5B -7 ,)"9* -74 5?). ,A;?* 2.AB 65.;- 54B ,",9* 5*) .[,":A '7; 8)?- 2*@;* ':*

.(.7?;5 8+95 82*. -@2/.75 *2B@-5 82*) ,-/ C.5*) +.-29* 8..47-7 AC.2 A*4 -/B 5"2 ,C.*?;5. B=9- 8.)4,5

A)B <) 5.545 +-97- C) .*20A- 4"0). ,62,.@2A 2,25 -)2*7 554 3A,*B -@2/.75 @A -520C45 -2- -/ +-97B -)A94.

A*4 -/, ,A@2; 54 +-97- 554* -992) -"@2/.7 5"@2:;5@B ,5"/ ,.9*A 5?) C.5*) '5- .,75B -5)7 2C;7B.] -@2/.7 2929;

)5B 8.49- 87 ,B=9- 8.)4, C707 -@2/.75 *2B@-5 620A4.7B 62B2+A7B4. .[-07B 5B )5. (1"A)) C.97) 5B 829;

.(,"2: )"2= 62,;.7 -75B C.425- '2;.) 62,.@2A 2,25 )2*7B 8.B)A- +.:7B -@2/.75 *2B@-5

C.?77 @50. ,C*B ,.*45 C.A27/. 629.+29 A7/5. A2B 254* 8+95 AC.7 C*B C5*@5 3.7: -097 A0)5 C*B *A;*, A*C:7.

,-9.;7 ).-B4 C*B5 :942 )5B A,:5 ).- [)"A+- CA,+- 2=5 ,C*B- C:294 6,.@ 5.0* 62B.;B C.94-- 54 ,.922-,] ,.*4

.554* 4"+ -/ (204.9- *?7*) C*B *A;* -92+9 C?@7 ;.7B5. ,(:7) 82*.A2;* )C2),4

82). ,8..47-7 AC.2 A*4 -/ ,C?@7* .52=) ,B=9- 25.05 C7)* 6.A+2 -@2/.75 -*B@---2) 6) ,B77 -;*B 3.C* .52=) 84.

.A.:2)- 554* -/

In each of the three stages of mourning, Halacha mandates decreasing levels of stringency. During Shiva one refrains almost entirely from personal grooming and during Shloshim to a lesser extent. During the twelve months of mourning for a parent, one refrains from certain forms of pleasurable activities. Poskim explain that the respective guidelines of each period are suspended when they will cause undue pain or illness. For example, prohibitions against bathing or laundering must be suspended when a risk of contagious disease will ensue.


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!e custom to refrain from listening to music during the twelve months of mourning is based on the restrictions against pleasurable activities during this period. !e laws of Se"ra are patterned a#er these restrictions. !e original minhag to avoid music only applied to dancing music. Later, it was extended to include even other forms of music as well.

During this time of global su$ering, it would appear that for some individuals, refraining from listening or playing music may leave one in a state of sadness or emotional distress. !is would appear to reach beyond the intent of this restriction. If the motivation to listen to music is not to put oneself in a cheerful mood but rather to ease the tension or pressure in one’s home, and to help bring oneself back to a normal disposition, that would be permissible. One should still avoid listening to very cheerful music.

!e same would even apply during Shiva, in rare instances when listening to music is necessary to avoid a depressed state of mind.

A14B 2*?2927B CBA= @"B?.7="BC 8:29 -"4


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C.5*). C.929) 82,*

627;=5. ,6227.2-6.2 3.C 65.4 C) A.*@5 6C5.42* 82)B ,; (-=+7- C707) 62A1=9 -*A- 4"4 B2 C.A22; -74* ,-".;*

,+"-4*, -)A9 .1.B= =";. .-2..5-- 622@CC 2C7 B)A7 ;,25 )"). ,-A.*@- 5; AC.2 .) 62;.*B-;.*B 82C7-5 6242A?

@A. '.4. 6242A4C- .927/- A*4. ,@"0- 6; .AB@C- A*4 24 ,-A.*@- 829;5 -7.)7 C.B;5 62*.A@- 5B 6C5.42* 82) C;4B

8C29 )5. -:2=C* C7B 27B (-": )"7B) ,".2 ;".B* BA.=74 .92,B -)A9 '2- ,-A.*@- A.C ;2+2B ,; 82C7-5 6242A?

.'.4. -:2=C* C7- .*.A@ 6) 84.…6-25; 50 )5 C.5*) 6+. ,C.929) 62*.A@- 5; 50 )5 ,-A.*@5

2C7 @.2,* 62;,.2 5*) ,(-5B77- 6;17) C.;B 0"7 82C7-5 6242A? 6)B ,2"*.9- 6B* (*"4 @":) C"=* B"22;.]

82, ,27 6-25; 50 A2=B. ,-22.5-- 6.@7. 87/ 5; 62*A5 ;2,.-5. ,'.4. 8.A). 6242A4C 824-5 A*4 6-5 B2 ,-22.5-- 622@CC

[.-A.*@- 24A?* @:;C-5 .2B4; A*4 625.42 24 ,C.929)

,62B5B. -;*B ,27 .5 629.7 ,A.?7* A2;- -C2-B 2=5 A0) C2** .-.9C9. 8.A)* C7- .9C9 6) (,": -";B) ,".2 '2;.

,(-"@:) 3"B* B"22;. .,27 C.5*) 6-25; 50. ,-A.*@4 2.- 8.A)- C72C:. ,A.?7- A0) @"-2** .A*@5 6C;,B =";)

-2-CB B)A7 62;,.2 (-=+7- C;B*) ,",9* 84) .A0) 829;* .-.A*@2 )5 A2;- ,45C 6) 2A-B….A*@5 .B)2C94 2.-,

.-:2=C* C7 5B -A@75 2=1 27,, -)A9. ,6.2 -/2)* ,.; ;.,2 .92)B )5) ,-A.*@

.62B5B. -;*B 62520C7 C..557 6-29= .A/02B C;7….A*@5 CA0) -92,75 C7- 0.5B5 84A,B 27 (*": -";B) B"22;.

A./05 ?"). ,8C.5*) @2:=-5 6242A? 82) ,3.A) 87/ -A.*@5 8C29 )5. ,C7- :=C9 4"0) 6) .52=)B (/":5) )"7A* B"22;.

62A495 .-.A:7. ,1".2 *A;*B (872:- B)A -7B) A"7+, '2;. .@2:=-5 ?") ,,27 520C-5 692,B A0)7, ,4"0) 5*)C-5.

A2;5 8C.) 6205.B .52)4 .92, ,A2;5 3.7: @"-2* 6) .52=) ,.CA.*@* 1".2* ;22:5 )") 5*)-5, 8.24. ,1".2* .-.A*@2B

.C;, C) C.9B5 5.42 5*)-B ,A7.54) ..-.A*@B .A7)2. 62*.A@- .A/02B ,; .25; 625*)- 5B 6C;, A2;5 3.7:*,…CA0)

,-A.*@* @:;C-57 A7+ )5 822,;B )?79. ,A2;5 3.7: ).- @"-2*B A0)7 ,-A.*@* <CCB-5. 8.A)- A0) ;.:95 A-75.

-/ 322B )5 ,6".4;5 .-.A:7B -4B05 3.7: 1".2 *A;*. (.-A.*@* C.@:;C-- A7+ ,A7.54 ,55.+- C72C: 829; .-/,

352 )5. ,C2** -5?) A)B2B 8*-7 -B@*. ,C2** -5.0. -9@/ 6)-. ,-=+7- C707 A1=9 *)-B 8.,9* ,-)A9 /"2=5. .(5"4;)

-A.*@-. ,),2A)5=* A+. 8@/ .7?;* ).- CA1=9- 8*B A.2?* 84. .-;*B- C.5*) <42C -520C7 +"-4*, ,-22.5-* <CCB-5

2/) ,@"-2*5 C455 62B95 620297 )5B ).- -52-@- +-97B .) ,(-=+7- ;?7)*) ;.:95 .04* 82). ,@A)2 ).9* 622@CC

8297 .452B 62BA7 @AB 6.@7* 84. .-A.*@* -C.@:;C- -A7+ A*4B ,-;*B, C.5*)- -520C7 62=C45 .-.A:7B7

<CCB-5 5.42 .92). ,C2** A)B9 -0=B7- 29*7 ,0). ,(-=+7- 55+*) AC.2 )5. -22.5-- 5; @"-2*5 62A*+ 5B 6?7.?7

.<42C -;*B- .A.*; -520C7B 1".2;* 62A495 .-.A:74 .92, 2/) ,-2..5*

-7B ;".B* A).*7 ,<42C -;*B, C.5*)- -520C7B ('.4. 1".2* .A*@5 7"; 1".2;* 62A495 .-.A:7 5B) A.2?- .C.)*.

.-;*B- AC2 C) 51*7 1".2-, (1"?B 2":.:)


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<.:*5 )?2 6) .52=) -;*B- +.-29* A*4 520C-. ,-=+7- C;B* ;.:95 .0.4* 82). ),2A)5=* A+ 8@/- 8*-B A.2?*.

-/ @:; '2- C.A.,- 54 3B7B ,2")* -A.*@5 C7- 05.B* .74 ,)2;* -/* 82) ,-A.*@- 6,.@ C75B9 '2-C .5B -;*B-B

.-A.*@- 6,.@ 65B9 -;*B- +.-29 '2- 627;= -*A-. ,C.;.*B -74 --.B

4"0). ,,27 C.5*) +-9. ,CA0) A2;* .*.A@ C) 62A49- .*5?B .-.;2,.-B 27, (.": -";B) -7B A).*7- 82,5 27, )5.

82), .-A.*@- 6,.@ C.5*) +.-95 )")B 2A- .A*@2B7 -9.7. A/.0. ,.5 -C5; )5 C.5*) -C.) ,-*25?* ,7.; 822,;B .5 ;,.9

82* 5,*- B2B -2)A-.) ,-;2,2 -7B '2-CB ,; C.5*) C*.0 82). ,C.;1* .-.;2,.-, ).- )92A0) )7;17 6C-, .8.49 -/

C.;1* -;2,2. (.,,+: C.A;- >*.@ ':*. ,,4C *"* 62A.;B >*.@ ':* .".)A+- 2A*, -.B-. ,[email protected] -;.7B5 -*.A@ -;.7B

520C-. A*@- 6C:9B A.*: '2- ,()": -";B) -7B )"7A -.B-. .-* *220C9B 6,.@ C.5*) +-9B )?79. ,-;2,2 -992)

.5 '2- ,-"4: 7"B '2: ;".B5 822? )"BA-7 8.25+* -7B. .B,07 C.5*)- 520C7. A/.0 ,-;1B .5 ;,.9 4"0). ,5*)C-5

625B-B )=.+ -/* 5*) ,-;2,2 -992) C.;1* -;2,2. ,-;2A@* C*2207 -;2,2B ,'.4. C7 4"0). ,.25; ;A@. ,<5;C9. -5.0

'.4. ,27 520C-5 692,B A0)7, ,(/": -";B '2:*) )2,-5 )"7A- 4"B74. )2;* 82) -A.*@- 6,.@ .C.5*) +.-29

A.2?* ,-A.*@* 5=15 )@2A7)5 ;:CB 322B )5. ,@A)2 ).9*B -20) CA21= 5; 2")* -A+- -B)5 .;2,.-. ,-=+7- ;?7)*.

'2;. .-;*B- +.-9* <42C 62520C7B ,5)=A A"+- C;,4 (.997/*) 5*.@7-. ,)A2=B 5)=A A"+- .9C0. *"2?9- .@509 -/4B

.0"= 2":.: *"0 (82@5)..) 8A-) 8@/ '.BC

-2-2 -/, ,)2:-A=* 84 C.A.-5 322B )5 .1.B= =";. ,'07 3-* )92,5 :"7A+- C;A4- ()":A '7;) 8)?- 2*@;* ': '2;.

@":) )"A+-** -7B A).*74 ,82A,-9:, @"= '7+* /", A.@7. ,(2": *"7A '2:) ,".2 ;".B '2; ,62*A5 -.7C- @:=

':* -7B.] .6,@.7* -;*B- A.7+5. ,A.02)* 520C-5 ,:",AC* .52=) )5.@5 C.5*) @=:, A7.5 :"7A+- C;,. .()"4

)5B =";) -;*B 5B 8.B)A 6.24 -5.; 8.A0) 1".2, C.2.5+ 5B 29B 1".2, C.*.C4 B2A 8"*7A* -"4B 2C)*- 8)?- 2*@;*

.9:=C* ,6,@.7* A.7+5 .52=) 5@-5 ,27C 3525 .922- )5.@5 C.5*) @=: 829;, A)*C7 .[-;*B 5B +.-29 6.B .* .+-9

-97/B -*.BC*) -/* 8.,5 B2B -7 .9*C4 A*4. ,C.?0 A0) =";* C7- C) .A*@* .99.2,5 7"9. ,6,@.7* -520C- -;*B-B

.(8:29 )"2

In some areas, due to the large number of funerals because of coronavirus, there is a backup in the ability to conduct burials. Unfortunately, there have been many cases where a burial cannot be performed for a number of days, even though everything for the burial has already been prepared and there is nothing le! for the relatives to do with regard to the burial. If this is the case, the relatives are no longer to be considered to be in the state of an aninus, nor are they yet considered to be in the period of aveilus (halachic mourning).


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

If the date of the burial is known, but the mourner does not have the ability to participate, due to travel restrictions, or any other similar consideration, the aveilus should begin immediately. In extraordinary circumstances it may turn out that the shiva concludes before the burial is able to take place. "is is unusual, but halachically possible.

A14B 2*?2927B CBA= @"B?.7="BC 8:29 -"4


-=+7- A0)B C*B* C"-A@

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

.-=+7- 6.C A0)5 -9.B)A- C*B* C.2BA=- 54 625B-5

2C* A)B*. ,(8297 -7B '2- )5*) 62A=) 2A;B- C5.@4. (C.A,: '*7 AC.2 829;5) )"+7-4 5@-5 6.@7 B2 82,- A@2;7 84) ..4.7:2B -7 5; 6-5 B2 2),.* C.2:94

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

."A21=75" -.?7-A*- A.0*-5 C.A@5.

6.@7 B2 ,') C*B* 65.4 C) C.A@5 62?.A 692). ,.A:20B C.A,:- 54 C) 625B-5 5-@- .724:2 6) C.2:94 2C* A)B* 84. C*B* 84. ..A:20B C.2BA=-7 C0) ,29B*. ,;.*B- CBA=* 62).A@ '/ 8.B)A* C.A@5. ,62A=: 29B )2?.-5 ,5"94 +.-95 C0) ,.; 29B* C.A@5 4"0). ,;.*B- CBA=* 62).A@ '/ 8.B)A* C.A@5. ,62A=: 29B )2?.-5 ,(-=+7- 6.C A0)) -29B- C422B- -A1=-- C) @A C.A@5 8.49- 87 4"+ +"-4*. ..A:20B -7 54 C) C.A@5 .725B2B ,; ,'.4. .A:20B C.2BA=-7 )*- -5.;5 ).A@5. 8.B)A- A=:*B 62).A@- '/ A7+ A0) B2,@ 2?0 A7.5 8.49- 87 ,.B;2 84 6). .29B- A=:-7B -)2A@5

.A21=7 CA.C*

.625B-5 ?") C.2BA= ',7 ') C.A@5 .A:20 6)B *C4B '* @": -"=AC '2: *"9B7 '2;.

(/"1 '2: )"0) *"2?9-5 A*, *2B7 '.BC '2; ,-2,.- C,.;:5 AB@* ,*A; -/2)* .A:20B C.2BA=- C) C":7 ).A@5 6C:. ;7B7 25**7, ,-/ 82, +-.9 2C7 ,()C22A.), )2-B) -A.C- C4A* 829;5 '.A2-. 25**- 82* '07 B2B -)A9,] .8.49 -/ 82)B 625.;- 54 .4A* A*4B -7 5; <:.9*) C"-A@ C;B* C"-A* ="-.; 624A*7B -7. ,C"-A* 3A*5 *22.07 ,202 54 6.2 54*B C"-A*. ,89*A, @A -/ - C"-A* 2"4* 3A*7 ,202. ,202 54B -7, ;7B7 '.A2- 2=5 .52). ,89*A, -9@C A*4 -/ ,(A@* .C.)*

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected] ��

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

,C"-A* 3A*5 '.), *.20 '2-2 '.A2- 2=5 ,*A; -/2)* A.*?* -A.C* .)A@2 6) ,)5277. ,A.*?* C"-A@5 AB@* )@., .922- '.), C"-A@ A0)5 <42C A.*?* (.A:20B C.2BA=-) ).A@5 AC.7 '2-2 @A. ,-51*5 -4A* C920** C.4A*- .2-2 ,25**- 2=5 .52). 2"7.C 3.7:* )5B ).A@5 5*) ,3.7:* 6,.@7 .A7)B C"-A** ()C22A.), -*.0- 2*+5) @2=:7, ,C.4A* 25*. ,'-. '** C":7 ).A@5 .+2-9-B 62,2:0 C?@7 +-974 )5, -/. ,)A2=B 5)=A A"+- .9C0 C.*.BC* -"4. [.)2;* '2-C ,C"-A@ A0)5

.-4A* 25* ,8*.74. ,()B9 '=7) 62)2B9- CBA= -9B 54* 8:29 B,.0*B 629.B)A 6272 *"2* A.*?*

-52+7 ':7 <.:*, ,6.54 -/* .02.A2 )5 ,'2-2B *A; -/2)* A.*?* (.A:20B C.2BA=-) C":* C.A@5, ,<2:.-5 -)A9 6+. 6B - 29B* 62@2:=7B 6.@7. ,29B* 62A.@ 6B ,-097* C*B* 62@2:=7B 6.@7 ,7"A, )*25), ,62)9C- .@509 (:)5) 4"C-4 C)2A@ .A7+2B -C2- 62740 C9@CB ,A7.54 .-)*- C*B5 62A.@ 6B - 2B270* 62@2:=7B 6.@7. ,2B270* 62A.@ 62A.@ 6B ,C2A0B C*B* 62@2:=7B 6.@7, ,-,.-2 'A4 5"22@ )92,5 3) .(2") +-97 2=4 - 629B '+ 3B7 .)) -9B- 3B7 -9B- 3B7 C.C*B* 4"C-4 C)2A@ A.7+5 -C2- 62740 C9@CB ,A7.54 .-)*- C*B5. ,2B270*. ,29B*. ,-097* C*B -C.)*.5.0- C.72* )5. ,C.C*B* C.75B-- 54 C.B;5 8.49- 87 ,.A:20B C.2BA=- 54 625B-5 A.*?- 62?.A 6). ,(629B '+ 3B7 .))

6A*05. ,6.2- 5B ./. -A*;B C*B- 5B ./ ,C.2BA=- '* (-=+7- 6.C A0)5B) -9.B)A- C*B* .)A@2 6)B 4"B75 AB@*. -BA=- 54 C) 8.B)A- -5.;5 ).A@5 (0"4 '2: 0".) 1"0 )"2*2*) 5"/ -2,*.; 640 4"B74 +.-95 <2,; )C7:7 ,2;2*A* '+ .)A@2 6). ,554 625B-5 C7)* 62*22.07 82) ,52;5 .9A4/-B 62A=) 2A;B- 2A*,5, ,6.2- '=*B 29B ,; -A*;B C*B7B ,C.A0) C.2BA=7 -)2A@* 62=2:.7B 6;= 54*. ,6.2- C*.07 6.54 .9)A@ )5B )?.2 ,-A*;B C*B7B -BA=* C.75B C.25; '7+* '2+ '* B2B ,C*B* 50 )5B CA?; 2927B* ,C.52-@ -*A-* +-97- 84. .6.2- C*.0 5B -)2A@- 6.C A0)5 84 62B.; ,27C 54 A0)5 ,; ).A@5. AB;C AB;7 8.B)A- -5.;* 520C-5 .+-9 845. ,A.4*- 547 .) AB;C AB;7 520C-5 6) -52+7 <.:

.)4- 9"-. ,A.4*-

Due to the Coronavirus crisis we have missed many weeks of Torah reading in shul. !ere is no requirement to make up the missed parshiyos under these circumstances, but if a shul decides that they would like to make up the missed Torah readings from the previous weeks, there is value in doing so. !ere are two possible approaches:

If the congregation wishes, they may read all of the missed parshiyos on the Shabbos they return to shul. A"er #nishing the seven aliyos of that week's laining, a second Torah should be used to read all of the missed laining in one session.

If this option is too burdensome for one Shabbos, the congregation can divide the missed parshiyos into multiple weeks. Each week a"er the return to shul, two Torahs can be taken out. !e #rst Torah will be used for the seven aliyos of that week's parshah and the second Torah will be used to read the entirety of a missed parshah in one single reading. When the “make up” parshah has been completed the Ha"arah


A14B 2*?2927B '= B,.@ C*B *A;="BC 8:29 +"4

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

should be read from the “make up” parshah because the custom is to read the Ha"arah based on the last Torah that was read from.

In the above cases, a"er the reading from the #rst Torah is complete the second Torah should be placed on the Shulchan and the Kaddish should be recited. !en the ma"ir aliyah should then be called up to read the “make up” parshah from the second Torah.

Additionally, if a bar mitzvah boy was unfortunately unable to read the parsha he prepared in advance, the situation can be recti#ed by allowing him to read the missed parshah and Ha"arah on a later Shabbos. When the shul reopens, the congregation should take out two Sifrei Torah, and use the #rst Sefer Torah for the regular weekly parshah, and the second Sefer Torah for the missed parshah prepared by the bar mitzvah boy. Since the general practice is that the Ha"arah follows that which was read in the last Sefer Torah, he will now be able to read the Ha"arah that he prepared originally. !is procedure is not obligatory and therefore may only be performed with the prior permission of the congregation.


6"./ 3A, C.952)- C4A*

A).*7. ,[C27A)* (:+7) C.4A* '7+- 8.B5* -"4.] ,'.4. C.952) -)A. 8:29 272* )?.2- ,)2- (."4A '2:) 0".) ;".B* 8.B5- ;+.9* .92?7 +"-4. .82*5*57 C.952)- 822,;B 87/- C520C* )5) 8:29 B,.0* )@., .)5B () @": 6B *"9B7 '2;) 62@:.=*

.;.A@5 *220B '.4. .9*A.0* B,@7- C2* -).A5

,(C.*?; 5B 627;=5. ,-07B 5B 627;=5) C722.:7 -,7* C.B+AC- B2 ,B77 .29=5 )?79B -7 62292;* 62).AB4 -9-. 54C:7B 27* .74 -,7 -C.)* )5 5*) ,-9.7C* 54C:7 @AB 27 AB)7 C.B+AC- AC.2 B2B <) ,6"./ 3A, -).A* 4")B7 -).A4 .92, 6) )92,, )@=:4 .9.,5 B2B -/* *C4 (/"2 '2: ,"0 C;, -.02) 5"/ '2,*.; 640 8.)+- '.BC*. ,B77 .29=5B -7*

[.20 A.,2B* -"2/2.51* C.54C:- '2- 5*) ,6"./ '2- )5 822,; .97/*] .5")

5* @=:B ,'*. ,89*A, @A -;2A@ ,'), ,,".2 <.: C"=* A).*74) 5@-5 -;2A@ @=:. C.2-B ,5*.@7 /"=;B 25 -7.,74. 6.2 ,"75 3.C 4"0) 6). .;A.@ .92) ,6.2 ,"75 .A*; A*4B =";) ,6"./ 3A, 5C.4- C) -).A- )5277 ,().- '.), C20BC 6.2 ,"75 .A*; )5 822,;. ,-22)A4 6"./ 3A, .C22)A C*B09 )7B 24 ,;A.@ .92) 4"+ - B,@7- 6.@7 5?) A@*5 .25+A* ).*2 AB)7 -C.0= 6"./ 3A, C.B+AC--B ,8)4 50 @=:- .C.) .1.B= 2"=; ,,",9* 9"-. .629..24- 29B5 5@-5 6245.-. ,/)7

.3A*5 )5B ,A7.54 ,5@-5 C.4A* @=:B A7.5 .95 B2. ,.292; .7* -22)A-

A special bracha is recited by one who sees the blossoming of the trees in the month of Nisan. While it is clear that this bracha is recited only upon seeing an actual tree, and not a picture, it is possible that seeing a real tree live through the internet may qualify. However, since this matter is di!cult to resolve conclusively, it should be treated as a safek, and in accordance with the general principle of safek brachos l’hakel, a bracha should not be recited when seeing a blooming tree on Zoom.

Similarly, the Gemarah rules that one who sees the Churban Beis Hamikdash for the "rst time in thirty days, is obligated to tear kriyah. In the area of kriyah, a safek is also treated leniently, and therefore, one would not rend his garments when seeing the Churban via Zoom. However, the policy of leniency would also mean that we acknowledge the possibility that the Zoom viewing was signi"cant, and thus one who visits the churban in person within thirty days of that viewing would not rend his garments.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?2927B '= B,.@ C*B *A;="BC 8:29 +"4


6"./ 3A, 57.+- C4A* 3A*5

,"757 AC.2 82C7-5 8.49 )5B -")A7 )2*- (0"@:) *"9B7*. .2"+ 3.C 3A*5 8.49- 87 -520C45B (.": 1"2A) *C4 A*07-

,(-94:- 29=7) ,02* -AB; <.:)5 A.:). ,C,7.; -7.@7* 822,; -=+7-. -"4 6.2 ;2+- A*4 6)B ,-)A9 4"; ,3A*5 6.2

)5) ,(,0) A,0* 65.4 .2-2B 32A?9B) -B.,@*B A*, CA.C* -AB;5 3A.?- 82) ,.1.B= =";, ,),0 ,6"./ 3A, 3A*5 B2B

24-* ,(5")@ :"9A=9.@* 8.=51- 3A, .)) 6"./- 3A, .5 62*2B@7 -AB;- 54B C.2-. ,62*A* -2,.-. ):29 27.:A= CA.C*

)"@;A7 )2*-B ,)"2. -", 5"-** B"22;. .5") 62*4;7 -AB;- 6) 629.B)A- '07 (+":*) )2*- A*07-, ,.;. .2+:

07BB ,.*-.) .) .*.A@) A0)7 ;A+ )5, ,-51*5 .C4A* 82) ,,*;2,* .52=) )?2 )5B -AB;7 C.0=*B 62A*.:-5 .52=)B

-51*5 -4A* 6.B7 -/* 82). ('7+-7 -7B ;".B* A).*74) 3A*5 2)BAB (0"2 @": 6B *"9B7 ,.C5?-*. .C).=A* ).-

.-2=.+ .-2) B"4 ,(-7B )"7A)

Birchas Ha’gomel is meant to be recited in the presence of a minyan. It is best to recite this bracha within three days of recovering from a potentially life threatening situation, and it is improper to delay beyond thirty days. If it becomes clear that due to the danger it will be impossible to be in the presence of a minyan within thirty days, then one should recite the bracha over Zoom or phone conference with ten men watching or listening. !is is possible because the requirement for a minyan is not the same as for te"lah b’tzibur or krias haTorah, which are devarim shebikedushah and require a minyan gathered in one place. In the case of Birchas Ha’gomel, the purpose of the minyan is to publicize the miracle, and this can be accomplished even if the ten individuals are listening without being present in one room.

For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?;A.?7 ;2A/C '= B,.@ C*B *A;

="BC 8:29 '5


29B 0:=

.A22) ,"2 6.2* 29B 0:= C*A@- AB)2. 3.7C2B 629*A -74 .25) .9=B ,2")* -5B77- B)A5 05B9B *C477 @C;- 2C2)A

-4/9. 29B 0:= 6,.@ -A-7* -9*2B A"-2 ,620:=- 29B 82* -/ *C.4 29). ,5"/. *C4B (+"2 C.) ="B -.?7) 0"97 '2;.

@"7-2* -9*2 6)* ,2)9C, )C+.5= ).-B ') '5- -2-B 27 '= 275B.A2* 2C2)A *A /"0) *.B .87). 87) 29B- 0:=- -B;9.

2A-B ,62-.7C 0"97- 2A*,. .5"4; '.4. .*2A@2 )5, A7) ,0. 29B 0:= 5)AB2 .*2A@2, A7) ,0, ,29B 0:=5 8.B)A 0:= 82*

.992) 29B 0:=, 5"22@ -45-5, (,"- ="@7 /"=) 6"*7A- 2"=; (*"2 C.)*) -.?7- -C.)* -7B 4"B7* .7?; 2A*, AC.:

C*A@- -7B -C2- )5B 54. ,A.*?- *.A 2"; -A-1* 8.B)A 0:= C*A@- A0)5 B,.0 .A,+ )5) ,(A22) ,"2) 0.5* ;.*@ 6.2

,(/"-/*) A22) ,"2 6.2* 8.90C A7.5 ).- /94B) +-97. .29B 0:= 82, 554* -7B 82) ,A.*?- *.A 2"; -A-1* 8:29 ,"2* 0:=

127B-5 .+-9B ,A=: +-97. .A@2; 54 29B 0:= C920** -/ 6.2 82) ,'.4. -A-1* 8.B)A 0:= C*A@- -722@C- )5B A0)7,

':*. .A.7)4. ,554 29B 0:= C7)* .992) 5*) ,B,@75 A4/ CA.C* @A ).- (,70 2,B* -/ 54 A4/94) A22) ,"2 6.2* 8.90C

B)AB -.@9. .554 6.2@ .* 82), ,(.997/*) A22) ,"2* -?7 C524) +-975 ,+9C- )"./0-B )*.- (/“? ‘7; *“0) .9*A C.0A)

6B5 10B9B 0:=. ,82,4 )5B -2-2 .-.*A@2 6). ,-*,9* )* .92) 0:=-, ,29B 0:=- C*A@- AB)2 )5. 3.7C2 )5 -5B77-

.(.+:) 620:= -9B7* A).*74 ,).- 5.:= -9B- C.72 A)B* 0:=

,-/4B 82, 82), ,29B 0:=* -?7- 54)2B ,-C;B* -?7 /) 54) )5. ./ -9B 0:=* -5.0 -2-B 27 54B ,.?;2 62A0)B -7 -.7C 84.

5.4)5 32A? ,29B 0:= )2*7- 54B -/ @A )5) ,B,@7- 87/* .52=) - -?7 C.?75 827.5BC -2-2B ,-/4B A*, .9;7B )5 65.;7.

.--7C) ,-?7- 5; 827.5BC C.B;5 322B -7 ="@ .95 82) 822,;B /"-/* 5*) ,)0:=, )A2B4- CA.C* A.A7. -?7 .C)

A group of rabbis in Israel recently made a request of the Prime Minister to support their e!orts to bring a Korban Pesach on Pesach Sheini, the 14th day of Iyar. "ere is a disagreement in the Talmud Yerushalmi whether a Korban Pesach is brought on Pesach Sheini if the Beis Hamikdash is rebuilt between Pesach Rishon and Pesach Sheini. "e Rambam rules based on the Talmud Bavli that the Korban Pesach is only brought on Pesach Sheini if the majority of the Jewish people already brought the Korban Pesach on Pesach Rishon in a state of purity.

Since, in the absence of a Beis Hamikdash, no Korban Pesach was brought on Pesach Rishon, there is no signi#cance to the “holiday” of Pesach Sheini, and indeed the Minhag Ashkenaz is to say Tachanun on the 14th of Iyar. Minhag Sefard is to omit Tachanun on the 14th of Iyar, but this is only as a remembrance to those periods when the Beis Hamikdash was in existence and the Korban Pesach would have been brought on that day. However, all would agree that there is no possibility of bringing the Korban Pesach on Pesach Sheni when there was no Korban Pesach on Pesach Rishon. Accordingly, while we all pray for

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a speedy redemption and the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash, my hope is that the government will not allow the bringing of the Pesach Sheini, as it will not be a valid korban.

Similarly, the Chazon Ish was opposed to the practice of eating matzah on the 14th of Iyar. Some have advised those who were ill and unable to eat matzah on Pesach to eat matzah on Pesach Sheni. However, this is incorrect, as the mitzvah of eating matzah is limited to Pesach Rishon and can not be made up on Pesach Sheni. Even in the time of the Beis Hamikdash, matzah was only eaten on Pesach Sheini in conjunction with the Korban Pesach. Certainly nowadays, in the absence of the Beis Hamikdash and Korban Pesach, there is no bene#t to eating matzah independently on Pesach Sheni.

A14B 2*?="BC A22) ',


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C*B C=:.C

C=:.C 5*@5 .+-9 )5 -9B- 54 3B7B <). ,6.2* C.;B -74 @:;C-5 -7* 6-5 82). 6-2C* 3.C* 62A+:9 -*A- .5)- 6272*

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-B)- ,62+-97 A)B* .74 /) ,+-97 C707 6,@.7* C*B 5*@7 5;*- 6)B ()": '7; ,)"0) -B7 CA.:7 ':* 2C2)A

C.;B '+ C9C7- .) ,:"@)A*;+. C.291@4) -52-@- 2+-97* 322B @A -/ 829;, -)A9 '2- .1.B=*. ..2+-97 5*@5 C*22.07

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62A,9 5*@5 .7?; 5; 625;* ,202. ,202 54. ,(89*A,7) A,9 6;17 *2207 +-97 ,,202- 2+-97* 5*) (.1"5 @0?2 C2* >*.@*

..CB) C) 62*2207 5;*- 2+-97B )729 C"42-7. ,62+-97 5*@5. ,C.;.*B.

C=:.C 5B +B.7 B2B (:-5) C*B '7+- 3.C7 A)*C7 /) ,(,202 -/2) @A )5.) 6,@.7* C*B- C) 5-@- 5*@ A*4 6) 84)]

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62?5.0 A.*?- 82) ,B"?.7* *"1 50B4B ,()"7A* *": /"9@C) *"1 '5- -.B- ,A.*?- 5B C*B ':.C 5B -/4B +B.7 B2

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-@5,-- 829;, ,B2,@ 2?0 A0)5 :"94-2* 5B 0"9- @25,-5 .+-9 )=.A2)* .9*A 5B .7.@7*.] 5*@CC B2,@ A0)5 B"?.7*

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.A7+2B A0)5 ,; A)B9 <.A?-. ,(C2*A; C520C*) .4A* CA27) C;B* ,02 .=A1?9. ,A.*?* -5,*- )"5 822,;B 29=7 ,[)5

[(..2A.;B* 5"/ .9*A A2*:- 84) .A.*?- 5B -2A0)5. -29=5 C*B ':.C 82,7 -/. .:"94-2** -5,*-- A7.5

B2 .1.B=*. ,()C22A.),7) .,*; CC2*B 554* -).B9 .CB)B B,05 5"/ 8.)+- -?AB (0"5 '2: +"0 0".)) 7"A+)* 2C922;.

-C* -992) -7-*-B ,.C7-* CC2*B 5B 625;*- 5; 82, B2, [.)0,. ,A0) @.520 ;2?- -7B 7"A+)*.] 6-292* @505 6.@7

'.,@ 6B5 .5*1 )5. .57 )5B .2,*; CC2*B* 84. ,(2"94B7 '.BC* A).*74) 6291@- .29* CC2*B* 84. ,C*B- CA27B* )*.20

5;*-B A7.5 322B -7 3) ,)2:-A=* .52=) C*B* 67?; C4)57 62B.;. ,C*B- CA27B* 62*22.07 )5 67?;* 6-B ,4";

)2- CA-/.7. ,)2- )*.20-C* .CB) )5-, ,(.A.*; -4)57 6.B -B;C )5B) .CB) CC2*B 5; A-/.7 (6,@.7* C*B 5*2@B)

.57B 629;94- .2,*; CC2*B 5; A-/.7 8.,)- 82), ,(C*B '5-7 4"=:) C.+B-* ,"*)A- 4"4. .C*B* -7?; CC2*B 5;

..7?; CC2*B 5; A-/.7 ,*;-B A0)7 ,4"; CB.,@ 6B5 .5*1.

29) 2A- ...2A.70. 2A.B 6) -7 ,62B.A= 6425; .9) 825*.@ 62@.,? 62A7.) ,62,2 ':7 <.: 89C, )-5 ,-7., A*,- -75.]


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.A7)C ,C;, 6-* 82)B 2A.70. 2A.B* 6CA7) 6) ,)5 6-5 A7) ,8@/9* *220 )-)B 82, .92) ...2C7). 2,*; ,8@/9* *220

5B .B2,+ @25,2. 352. .*A .9129@2 )7B) 89*A, -9@C @A -/B 82*- (.,) @"* B2A 2A2)7*. .'.4. C;, 8-* B2B -7)*. ,*;*

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[.C*B* .2,*; CC2*B 829;5 )4- 9"-. ..2@/9 CA27B* *22.07 8.,)-B A7.5 )A*C:7

2":A 0".) ;".B* -"4.] ,8.,)- A-/.7 4"+ 5*1. 57B ,*;- 5; .52=)B *C4 2A-B ,84 -92) )2,-5 6"*7A- C;,B <).

.2,*; .5502 )5B C.)A5 ).- 8.,)- C.2A0)B ,.7?;5 -B.; .) .*A5 -4)57 -B.; 82* -/ ,*;* 5,*- 82)B -)A9 84) ,[B",

,.A.*; -4)57 -B;2 )5B .25; A-/.7 @A 8.,)-B ,62@507 .9) *B.C A+ ).-B .12@5. .A24B* @A. ,554 C*B- C) 629;94-

5*) ,.A.*; -4)57 -B;C )5B A-/.7 5;*-B .CB)* A7.5 5*) ,)2:-A=* .52=) -4)57 C.B;5 .5 AC.7 ,.7?;5 .52),

.-/* @505 C"42-7 ,.C.2A0)* -/ 82) -7?;5 -B.;*

4".74 ,(5"9- 6"*7A- C;,5) .5*1. .57B .2,*; CC2*B 5; A-/.7 8.,)-B .74B ,="7A+- 8A7 5B .B.,20 5*@9 6).

5;*- *22.07B ,629;94- .2,*; 82,, )27., -/ 82, '2-2B 5"? )7C:7 ,C*B- C) 550C )5 .CB)B C.)A5 A-/.7 5;*-

1*7- C,.@97 -/ 82, ;.*@5 .95 B2 )5277. ,)*.20-C* )2-B A0)7 ,.4A?5 )5B .52=) C*B- C) 550C )5 )2-B C.)A5

C) 5*2@ ).- @AB C.2-. ,.4A.?5 )5B .) .4A.?5 82* @505 82) .1.B= ="; 5*) ,C*B A.7BCB C.)A5 .25;B ,(.5B )5.) -5B

.6.54* A*.; 5;*- 82). ,A.:2) 6.B -4)57 -C22B;* 82) ,)2- )5. ,6,@.7* C*B-

8252=C 029-5. 55=C-5. C.4A* 3A*5 ;,.2 .92)B 87/ 54 2A49 A22+5 ,"*5 A.:)B *C4 (+": '2: ,"0) A/;5) C097 '.BC*.

*220C2B 627A.+ ,.C.) 6A22+* - 6-. ,-5) 54* *22.07 .992) A22+C- )5B 87/ 54 2A-B ,A.; 29=5 5; -/* .A*;2 2A-B ,'.4.

-/* .5B 4";- C) A22+ 8.,)- 6)B ,A7.5. @505 6.@7 B2 /"2=5. .,75 )5 822,; 2A-B ,8722@5 .C542* 82). ,C..?7- 54*

)5B 2,4 ,5"9- )"097- CA*:4. ,C..?7- A)B 54 5;. C*B- 5; A.7B2B C.)A5 .C.2A0) -/ 2A- ,5.*15. 5.75 .;94BB

.)) .7)B )5) ,.7?;* A22+C- )5B 29;94 ,*;*B A7.5 6.@7 B2 /"2=5. ..5B C.2A0)- -/ 82) .CB)* 5*) .;"9=5* A.*;2

..A22+ ).- )5 2A-B ,C*B- C) .,*; CA27B 5; 2)A0) 8.,)- -2-2 )5 4"+ ,C29;94 -0=B 6B5 -A22+C- (.5B )C*:-

)5) ,.A22+ )5 8.,)-. ,).- 3C7) 8*, ,-B)4 C..?7* *220B 29;94 ,*;) 2)@ )5 )@.,* A+-. 3C7) 8* B=92., )A@ ,/"2=5.

2A*,B ,5"9- 6"*7A- 5; -9B7 ,2+7- 5B .C22B.@ 2-./. ,(*B.C A+4) 9"* C..?7 '/ .25; 5*2@ @AB 5A; ,*;) )@., 2)@

.'7+* A).*7- ,+94 6- 6"*7A-

In recent weeks, many individuals who are con! ned to their homes have begun to accept Shabbos much earlier than the standard candle lighting time, even though they rarely did so in the past. In some situations, the husband accepts Shabbos before the wife has completed her Shabbos preparations.

A wife does not have to follow the customs of a husband that are based on individual practices or stringencies. " is is in contrast with a custom that is associated with a community (e.g. kitniyos or


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gebrochts), in which case the wife must follow the custom of the husband. " is is because it is not proper for the husband to be considered a member of one community while the wife associates with a di# erent community, as a married couple ought to be part of the same community..

Bringing in Shabbos at a speci! c early time is a personal acceptance, not a communal custom. Accordingly, if the husband accepts Shabbos before the wife does, then the wife can continue to do melacha until she accepts Shabbos. In addition, she may even do melacha that will bene! t the husband during this time.

" ere is, however, a concept of communal tosefes Shabbos. If the community already accepted Shabbos it would be binding on all the individual members of the community.

A14B 2*?="BC A22) ."4


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C.;.*B, '* 525 C2*A; C52=C 87/

C.;.*B 5B 29B 525* ./ -9B 82,- -7 ,4"-)? ,; C.;.*B 525 C2*A; 55=C-5 520C-57 82C7-5 .+-9 C.7.@7 -*A-*

.C*B ).-B

525 55=C-5 62,@-5 )5B – )297A+ 2)?.2 5?) >.=9 822,;B +-97- A24/- ('. C.) 0:= 5B C.52=C- A,:) 5"2A-7 ':*

<42CB .BB0B 29=7 ,'* 1".25 ') 1".27 62B9- .9242. .5B*2 )7B ,BB07 (4"-? '22-,) "14)9" 6,.@ +"B 29B 1".2

)5 C.7.@7 A)B* .4"-? A0)5 ,; (C2*A; C52=C C520C) .4A* A7.5 62520C7 82). ,9"4-2*7 62,52- 6; 5;*- ).*2

C.;.*B 5B 8.B)A 1".2 525*B ,+"-94- 5; (,"?C '2: 0".)) +"7A=- @509 C.;.*B 5B 29B 1".2 525* @A. ,84 .+-9

29B 525* <) +.-95 B2 84B *C4 +"-94*. ,;.,24 ,C.727C 6;17 4"-? ,; C2*A;* 520C-57 (C.52-@- *.A*) 8292C77

2A-B – B.05 82) )5277. ,C.;.*B 5B ') 525* ;"-=: 62A=.: 82)B 29=7 – .25; @509 +"7A=-. .)7.2, )@2=: 6;17 – .-A2=:- 54 -A7+9 A*4

('4 '2: C.=:.-) -75B 829* ':* 5"/ )952..7 8-4- -75B 'A 8.)+- 2A*, 2"=; A7.5 -)A9 -2- +"-94- C12B A.)2**.]

645 -2-2 B,@ )A@7 -/- 6.2- 6?;* 6C)A@. (C.;.*B 2*+5) *2C4, )A@, ,(A.7) 'A=5) A*, @7;-* *"2?9- *C4 84.

322B A2=B /"2=5. ,C=:.C- 87/* )5. ,1".2- 5B 6.2- 6?;* B.,2@ .A7)2B 892;* C.;.*B* )@.,B ,A7.5 .C9..4 ,'.+.

.) ,822- 5; B.,2@ .)) B.,2@ A7.5 )5B )7.2, )@2=: 6;17 A270-5 8.49- 87 279 C.;.*B 5B 29B 1".2* <)B A7.5

,82729* C)B7- 2A*,4) C.727C 6;17 82C7-5 +-97- 82). ,4"-? ,; (629.B- 62+-97- 2=5 ,-52=C* B.,2@ .52=)

[.29B 1".2* 322B .92)B (+"7A=- C9;14) A7)9B (,"?C 2":A )"+7* ,".-

805B- C) A,:5. 824-5 AC.7B )12B= ,2B270 6.2* 8252B*C *.A; 62B.;. ,2BB 6.2* 50 C.;.*B 5B 1".2B C.2- ./ -9B*.

C.2-. ,C.727C ,?7 8.,5 B2 @A. ,./ -9B* 322B )5 5"9- 5"2A-7- +-97B )12B= )5277. .C*B5 8.B)A 1".27 '.4. 5B*5.

2A*,5B =";).] .5"9- +"7A=- 2A*, 2"=; 5@-5 6.@7 B2 ,B77 82, .992). (.1.B= 2"=;) ).- +-97 @A ./ -+-9- 54B

2C;7BB 25 -7.,74. ,)2- )C47:) CA.C* 3) )BA,-. ,+-97 )5) .92)B ).- 5*.@7- ,-/ ).- )C22A.), 82, *"2?9-

[.)9C .74 62@.:=* BA., -2- *"2?9-B -/* 5"029 -2- )5 6220 >=0-B 5"/ 87B2= 329;- A"A- A".77 6;=

AC2-- 54, ,6,@.7* C*B 5*@5 .A2;* +-97- -2- 8252B*C *.A2; 62B.;B 1".2 54*B (/"4@C 2":A) )"+7 '2; ,-*A,).

*"9B7- >;2 84.] 52).- 322B )5 6.2- <.: 5B -4B05 3.7: 5B*7*. ,52).- 6;17 ).- C*B5 1".27 5B*5 ()C22A.),7)

[.+"7A=- 6B* (."9A '2:5 5"-**)

A-/9B 54 ,4"0) C2*A; 55=C-5. -520C 5.4)5. B,@5 2)BA ,6,@.7* C*B 5*@5 -?.A- ('- @": )";A) )"+7- C;,5.

A.*: '2- )5 )"A+-B .)2*- (/"2@ '2:) *A -B;7*. .C2*A; C52=C. B"@ 87/ 29=5 -;B 2?0 3.C .C,.;: 520C-5 )5B

B.,@ A7.5 5@-5 82), ;7B7. ,:.4- 5; -B.,@ A7.)....B";* C*B 5B 25? *A, ,)2- (:/4) C.4A** '7+- 8.B5, ,84

,(:0:) 620:= '7+- ="; -/ 829; A2*:- (?"-)2- A.;B*) 5"/ .9*A. .6,@.7* C2*A; 55=C- 4")) (B";*) 2".;*7


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62,.7 54- 7"47 ,645 -2-C CA?;. ') ',5 CA?; 5B 62@.:=- 29B 6; A,C:-5 3)2- 1".2* 2"A. )"A .@509B =";),

.2?0 892;*, ;B.-2 'A '2B .)2*-*) 1"2 '5- 1".27 ."= 6"*7A '2;. ,+9.; C*B5 C)A@. ,1"7 ,645 279 892;*, C*B*

,6254.). 6-2C*5 62A/.0....-A.C* 62A.@. 6255=C7....C.2:94 2C*5 6;- 54 62724B7 A@** ,C,- ).- 34 (645 .2?0. ',5

5.4)5 6-2C*5 62A/.0. -097- C52=C 6255=C7 6.2- C.?0 A0). ,6.2- 2?0 ,; 629.B. 62A.@ C.BA,7 2C*5 6245.-.

,645 .2?0. ',5 .2?0 5B -/ 829; A,:5 6242A? 34B 5":, ;7B7. ,2"- C*B7 5"=* 6+ *C4 -5)- 62A*,4. .'.4. C.CB5.

6254.) 4"0). -097 6255=C7. ,6254.) 4"0). ,A@** 6255=C7 ,6254.) 4"0). ,1".2.B 525 C2*A; 6255=C7 -520C*

2".;*7 5.4)5. B,@5 AB=)B ,5"9- )"+7- 2A*,4 )5, -/. ,(62@:.=* -/7 822; ,-097 A0)5 )@.,* ,C2B25B -,.;:)

(*A- B=9 ':* -/* 4"B7 '2;.) .847 A0)5 C2*A; 55=C-5.

C2*A; 5B B"@ A7.5 )5B 62@,@,7 .2- )=.A2)* C.*2B2- 29*B (5"/ @25A)+ 60.A2 A"A- A".77 25 -7.,74) 2C;7B.

,(C.4A* B2A) B")A '2; ,A.*?- 6; ,02 ;".7B- 62A7.) .2- @A. ,B"-2* *"-;*- 6; A.*?* .55=C-B4 -2C.4A* 6;

6; B"@ A7.5. ,5.4)5. B,@5 ,+5=- A0) C2*A;, ;".7B A7.5 ,6,@.7* C*B 5*@5 -?.A* <) C.B;5 AB=) 34.

6,.@ -72;1 829;5.] .B"@ 87/ C520C5 3.7: -;B 2?0 3.C -,.;:- 520C-5 )5B A-/2. ,4"-? A0) (;"-=:.) -2C.4A*

[.(C.4A*, @"=) C.29B7- 5; )"@;A ':.C '2; ,C2*A; 5B B"@

.52=) C*B C,.;: 520C-5 6-5 AC.7B 2"*- *C4 ,-2C.4A*. B"@ 6; C*B 525* 6,@.7* C2*A; 55=C-5 62+-.9- .5)5 84)

(C.4A* B2A) ':.C- C12B 5; 3.7:5 6- 62)BA ,B"@ 6,.@ 5.4)5 )5B 89*A, A.:2)- 829;5, ,B"@ 87/ 29=5 -;B 2?0 3.C

A0) ="-.; C.A@5. A./05 62A2707B ).- B"@ 5B )C22A.), -.?7- 829;5 @A. ,C)? 29=5 .)A@B -7* B"@ 0"22 A*4B

27 5; .5 B2 24 ,.,2* C.075 82) -/* 5@-5 +-.9-B ,*C4 (. @": /":A) *"9B7*. .':.C- 5; [email protected] C;,5 B.05 ,C)?

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)@., .) 2".;*7 -,.;: C.?7 622@5 AB=) 6) 1".2. C*B 54* .@509B ,,; -", (:1?) 620:= 2*A; 'A= B2A ':.C '2;.

C*B 5*@5 … 5.42 -097- +5=*. … (C*B *A;*) C2*A; 55=C-5 6272,@7B ,('* ';: /":A '2:) ;".B '2;. .3B0CB7

C.C*B A)B* <)B ':.C*B -;,- -C.)5 B.05 8.49 -520C45B ('- @":) *"9B7- -7B *C4. .,27 5.4)5. C2*A; C52=C*

54 A).*74 ,-?2*47 AC.2 .) ,-?2*4 ,C2/4) C= C?@7 A2)B-5 6242A? )5277. ,2".;*7 -,.;: C*.0 2,2 62)?.2 82) 1".2.

.-525* -,.;:- <.:* -54)5. ('* '2: ;"-)0 ,5"/ 8905) @0?2 A"+-5 ,@0?2 A)* '.BC* -/7 '2;. ,62@:.=* -/

2),.* ,C.;.*B 5B 29B 525* '2=) – +"7A=- 2=5 – .) ,6,@.7* C2*A; 520C-5 29B 1".2 54* 6252@7- .5)5 <) 84)

.(8252B*C *.A2; -B;9 2A-B ,-/* -2;* 82)B )12B= A.7)4 ./ -9B*.) ,29B 1".25 ') 1".27 824-5 )5B A-/25 6242A?

2*A;* .95?) +.-94 ,-097- +5= A0)5 <42C – 2AB=)- 6,@-* 2"7.C 29B 1".2 5*@5 – '2-2 ./ )2;* A.C=5 ,0) 8=.).

1".2 554* -7B 82) – 8.B)A 1".2 5B 1*7- C,.@97 24 ,8.B)A- 6.2- <.: A.*; 8.B)A- 6.2* 824-5. ,>2@*B C.C*B

AC.7B ,A7.54] .8.B)A 1".2 5B 6.2- .C.) <.:* .54)2B -7 A.*; '2- ?"-0) 8.B)A 1".2* .924-B -7 54B )?79. ,29B


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[.-;2@B- 6,.@ ,.; .C.) .54)2 6) 8.B)A 1".2* @A7- C) 60-5

-45-5 )2*- 4"=;). ,(,70 2,B* 3A.)* -/7 '2;) 4"-.27 >.0 1".2. C*B 6.B5 C=:.C 82, 82) 6"*7A- C;,5 -9-.

C7,@- 82, ,;".B* 5*.@7- 2=4 3) .C*B C=:.C 82,5 A.B@ -/ 82), 5":, 2A- ,B";* C*B 5B 25? *A, '7+- 82, C)

- .A,+ (C*B ':.C 5B) -/ 829;. ,(*"@: /":A *"9B7 '2;) C*B C=:.C 829; 5; ,:.27 -;2@B- 29=5 B";* C2*A;

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C=:.C C.2-5 322B )5 ,(:,2@) C*B* '7+- 2=5 ,8.B)A 6.2* 50B 1".2* ,)5277. ,[62C=B* )1*5 82,7 -=* -5*@ .52=)

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1".2 A.*; -/ C) -B.; 29)B ,CAC.7 -A;*-- C4)57 ,C2** 3B0 C?@7 A*4 B2B C.2- ,A7.54 ,[,"2@C '2: 0".)

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For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

.'.4. :"94-2*7 6).* ,; 29B 525* 62@25,7 692)B 62B9) 62+-.9B -77 -.?7 AC.2 ).- -*A,).

,8.B)A 1".2 ).- 822,;, ,-A2C:4 -/, ,2".;*7 C.A9- 5; 3A*5 )"), (-"7@ '7; +"0) -B7 CA.:7 ':* 2C)?7 C;4.]

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.8.B)A 1".2 822,;

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@A ,C*B* B"?.7 5B 25?* ,8)4. ,-.?7 6.@7 ).-B ,(1".2 C=:.C .)) C*B C=:.C 829; 29=7 AC.7 @A (-;2@B-

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.8.B)A 1".2* -097- +5= A0)5 6,@.7* (.9CA0* -C)) C2*A; 55=C-5 62,@-5


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! e Maharil cites the custom of German Jewry in his time to daven Maariv at the start of the second day of Yom Tov only a" er Tzeis Hakochavim (the halachic evening). ! e reason for this practice is to avoid a situation where the women would begin preparing for the evening meal while it is still the # rst day of Yom Tov, anticipating the return of the men from Shul. Should the meal not actually begin until a" er sunset, this would essentially be preparing on the # rst day for the second, which is forbidden. Not all communities follow this custom.

For those communities who do not follow the aforementioned custom of the Maharil, one who davens maariv early on the second night of Yom Tov must be careful not to begin preparations for the second day of Yom Tov while it is still the # rst day of Yom Tov (i.e. before Tzeis HaKochavim). However, if one accepts to begin the second day of Yom Tov early, immediately a" er the Plag HaMincha (which is 1¼ halachic hours before sunset) as many do in the summer months, it is permitted to prepare in the early a" ernoon of that day for a meal later in the same day - provided that the food will be eaten before sunset - since it is still technically considered the # rst day of Yom Tov. Accepting the second day of Yom Tov early does not transform the current day (the # rst day of Yom Tov) into the second day of Yom Tov.

On the # rst night of Shavuos, we follow the opinion that Yom Tov should not begin until a" er Tzeis Hakochavim in order to ensure that all 49 days of Se# ras Ha’Omer are considered “complete” and counted in their entirety. ! ere are di% ering practices whether this refers to starting maariv a" er Tzeis HaKochavim or simply reciting kiddush at home a" er Tzeis HaKochavim. ! e Knesses HaGedolah contends that on the second night of Shavuos, we should also wait until a" er Tzeis Hakochavim before beginning Yom Tov, however, the Pri Megadim argues that this is not necessary since the days of Se# ras Ha’Omer have already been completed.

When accepting Shabbos or Yom Tov early, it is recommended to eat a k’zayis of bread a" er Tzeis HaKochavim, in order to ful# ll the mitzvah of eating the Yom Tov meal on the actual day of Shabbos or Yom Tov (see the Mishnah Berurah 267:5).

! is year, since we will be making an Eruv Tavshilin on ! ursday, one can certainly cook and prepare on Friday for the second day of Yom Tov which is also Shabbos. When accepting Shabbos and Yom Tov early, one should be careful not to begin the meal once it is within a half hour of the time for reciting the evening Shema (i.e. Tzeis Hakochavim). If one davened Maariv already (a" er Plag HaMincha) according to some opinions it would be permitted to begin the meal even within a half hour of Tzeis


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Hakochavim. However, since this is a matter of signi# cant dispute it is preferable to avoid this situation and begin the meal earlier.

In order to ful# ll saying the Shema together with the blessings in its ideal time (a" er Tzeis Hakochavim) when making early Shabbos or early Yom Tov, some have the practice to recite only the Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv following Plag HaMincha, and the Shema with its blessings (and Se# ras Ha’Omer) only later, a" er Tzeis HaKochavim. Since one has already davened the Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv, it is permitted to begin the Shabbos or Yom Tov meal, provided that there is more than a half hour before Tzeis HaKochavim.

[O" en, the Shul calendar gives a time for Tzeis HaKochavim which includes extra time for Tosefes Shabbos. With respect to this law of not beginning a meal within half an hour of Tzeis HaKochavim, we should ignore that extra amount of tosefes and only calculate based on the actual time of Tzeis HaKochavim. Regarding the true time of Tzeis HaKochavim, there are varying opinions.]

A14B 2*?="BC A22) ."4


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C.;1* +-97

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5.072 )5B 62740 .9@C '.5B 24A, 29=7B <). .C.25;- 54 C) 5*@2B <2,; .1.B= 2"=; ,8-4 .992) )A.@-5;*- 6) <).

)024B )5, )C527, 5"2 ,*?7- C) *12- 6292*7 54-B .95B A.2?* ,(82@/29- '=* A).*74) ,8.B)A )A@-5 .,.*4 5; 8-4-

.:"94-2*7 629-4- 54 .)?2B 3A.?- 87 82). ,89*A .* +"5 -/4

,; C.C*B -74 ,.; 82C7-5 8.49- 87 (352). )BC 24 '=7) .A:0B C.A,:- 54 5; 827.5BC C.B;5 5-@- .?A2 6).

CA.C* ()BC 24 '=) .A:0B '=* A21=-5 A0) C.5;-5. ,2,,-) )", 3.C ,.7;5 629B5 AC.7 '2-2B 62)=.A- .;*@2B

;?7)* <2:.-5. ,.A:0B -7 54 ).A@5 62*22.07 82)B ).- 5*.@7- )7C:7 82,- A@2;7, ,(C.25;- '/ A0)5) -=:.-

825+,7 82), ,82,4 )5B -/ )7C:7 ,.95 8C9 AB) C4A* 6,.@ ,)BC 24 '= 54 ).A@5. A=:- 5.5+5. A*,7* '= 5B 2;2*B

-)2A@4 *B09 -/, 5"2.; )7C:7 ,62;7.B- C;, 5*5*CC )7B - ;".B* ;2=.7- 6;1- 5; <:.9. ,(,"7@ '2:) -A.C*

)"7A '2;] C.25; -97B 54 5*@2B -=:.- C.B;5 8.49 )5 -/ )7C:7 ,C.25;- '/ 54 5*@2 )A.@-5;*B 87/*. .-*C44 )5B

.74) A*,7* '=*B 29B ,; ).A@5 32B72. )BC 24 '=7 -9.B)A- -225;- 520C2B A*C:7 )5 4"+ )7C:7. ,[*"=A '2:5

A=:5 (C.7B) ,0) A=:7 C0) -225;5 ).A@5 32B7-5 )5B - 629.A0)* 5*.@7 -/, ,(5.0* 50B CA?; 2927B* 62+-.9B

62A0)5 ).A@5 (C.)2A*- 27;17) AB=) '2-2B A0)5 5*) ,-*C44 )5B -)2A@4 *B09 4"+ -/, ,(A*,7*. )A@2.) 29B

4"0). .-A1=-5 )BC 24 '= ).A@5. ,@"0 A7.5 847 A0)5. ,05B '=* (5B75) C.25; '/ ).A@5 AB=) '2-2 ,-A.C5 C.5;5

827.5BC- C.B;5. '.4. ,5-@2. '= C) -A1=-5 ).A@5. ,@"0 A7.5 ,;.*B- '=* C.25; '/ ).A@5 ,0A@ '= C*B* (5B75)

.);7@ );7@

A14B 2*?="BC A22) ."4


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

B.,@ 3907 '2-. -021*- 625220- -907*, ,A"7. -).? -.A; ,?7 -907- CB.,@ 892;* ,-924B .97; B2B 6;= 54*, ,-/ @.:=7 .92*- 5"/A

.@509 625220- -907*. ..,+94 -924BB ,C"C. -52=C C;B* 9"-.-. ,'.+. 352?-5 3907 *A@* 35-C7 ') ', 24 ,-A.C-

2* 54, -45-5 82*- (-7B) )"./0*. .-9074 *B0-5 ,0) 6.@7* 892;* 625220 -74 (82*.A;, @"=: 0"A ';) 275B.A2*

.82975 <A1?-5 622.)AB 625220 -AB; B2 6) ,A7.54 ,)2AB )C924B -AB;

)"0 0".) 7"A+) ';.] C*.A;C* 62A*+. 62B9 .2-2 )5B -52=C5 -907- CB.,@ 82,* 5.54, )?C 24 '=5 B".@52* B"22;.

)"-7 ,759 )", 5B -/ A.;2B, ,82*- ()"+7- 5;*7) 89;A C2/- A.)** -7B. ,.5)7 .5) )", C@0A- 892;* )5) ,[1"5 '2:

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*";A-. B"A-7 ;7B7, 62;+9, +"2=: -9B7 '2;. ,C2B270- -7)- 3.C )5) ,29B5 ,0) )", 3.C .2- )5B [(:)5) C.4A*

.C2** C.,202* 55=C7- A*+ .52=)B -)A9 -2- .1.B= =";. ,55=C7- 5B ".7.@7" -/B ,).- )C22A.), )", A.;2B, -7B

4"=;). ,C.,202* -52B 84B7* -55=C- -90B ;7B7 .1.B= =";, ,.C.0)5. .7)5 .) .CB)5 )", 3.C 55=C-5 .5 82)

.8-4- 25;5 )", 3.C 55=C-5 )5B -A-/9

.+-9 :"94-2**. .-/* A-/25 B2 ,<CCB-5 .?A2 62B9- <) )7C:7. ,62C*5 >.07 C"-A@5. -52=C5 629297 A,:5 .520C2B4

.92,B ,89*A,7 A.:) .:A.=5B ,CAC7- -?207 C920** -/ 82) 5*) ,-?207 279 892;* )5) ,)", C@0A- @2=:7 )5B @,@,5

,2)A; 5-) 5; <2:.74 *B09 C*B* .:A.=-B ,)75;* C.;29?5 -?2074 *B09 @A )5) ,C*B* -520C7 2)A; 5-) -B.;4

)5) ,)@., .)5 ).- A7)@, ,640- CBA, C;B*, ,'- @": ."1B 0".)5 *"9B7 '2; ,C.;29? C?@7 C2** 629=* B2 A*4 24

A.*?* 55=C-5 <:)C-5 .520C2B4 -?207 32A?-5 -B@ 82,- A@2;7, <). .(5"/ ,.9*A7 2C;7B 84) -52=C- C;B* 9"-.-,

6255=C7B4 -/* A-/25 8.49- 87. .825.0, *"=: -9B7 '2; ,62927- C) -@074 -)A9 )-2 )5B A-/25 6242A? 7"47 ,>.0*

.62B9-7 )", 62A*+- .@20A2B -9.C0* .) C.4A* ;*B*

Davening creates a place of kedushah where the Shechina rests. It is considered a lack of sanctity if men and women daven in the same location. ! erefore, when davening outdoors, if the women would like to participate as well, and a mechitzah is not available, there must be a separation of four amos between where the men and the women are standing. Similarly, even when one is davening in their home alone, the men and the women should be four amos apart. ! is would obviously not be su" cient to satisfy the requirement to have a mechitzah in the shul which demands a bona # de partition.

A14B 2*?="BC A22) ."4


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

C.7,@). C.A 620A= C09- +-97

620A= 62B-5 .+-9 ,['.+. .;A2 5) A@*-. 8)?- 6+ *2C4,4 ,620A=. *B; -7B '2-B] :"- ,7;75 A4/ C.;.*B 5B 1".2*

A).*7) ,"7-2**. ,A-- +";7 -A:79B ,-A.C- C5*@5 A4/ ,-72* +";7 -A.C- 87 62)A.@ 24 ,-72*5 *2*:7 :"94-2**

*2*:7 620A=- 627B. ,A-- +";4 *2B0 ,"7-2* 01B 54 24 ,C"-A@5 -72* ?") ,-A.C ,.755 ,0.27 .5.4B (629.A0)*

0.1B5 5*) [.2 @": ,"?C '2: *"9B7* )*.74 ,+-97- 512* )"A+-B )2*- (+"2 '2;: )"5@ 554) )"220*.] .,"7-2*5

,5"2A-7* )5. 62+-97 C.-+-* )5 A4/9 )5 -/ 1A= ,-7B )"+7*. (+": ,"?C '2:5) )"7A* A4/9 84B <) ,4"+ C2** 62*B;

-=+7- C;B* C;4B <). ,-07B. +9.;. ,.*4 6;17 1".2 A)B. C*B .74 @A. ,84 .+-9 )5 -*A- C;4B 25 -7.,74.

.:"-;75 A4/ 6.B7 -/* 82). ,A-- +";4 *B09 C2*- 82) ,C2** 6255=C7

,)425 '2), )12B=. ,8297 -7B 82)B4 ).A@5 +-97 6;17 *.20 82). ,A.*?* )@., .922- C.A C52+7 C)2A@ +-97B )A*C:7.

.3A*5 .5 82)B 1.B= -)A9 <5@- 3.C7 )A.@- ,202- <) 5*)

5*) ,C.,202* .A7.)5 +-97 6;17 *.20 82)B 1.B= 'A9. ,A.*?* .A7.)5 +-9.- @A .1.B= ="; ,C.7,@) 1.2=- A7.5 6+.

-@ 1.2=4 ,-A7/. -A2B -/ )5) ,C27A) 8.B5* 62A247 CAB- 24)57 82)B A7)9B -52=C -/ 82), ,)425 '2) 8)4 6+B 'A9

.-AB; 25* .52=) .A7.)5 .+-9B ,C*B* 62A7/7B 65; 8.*A

A14B 2*?="BC A22) ."4


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

-9.A.@ 2C7* )B2,@ -A*05 C.4A,-

5.42; ;9.7 /",. ,62AA.=C7 )5B (-=+7- 29=7) @21:5= 5B 62@B* 62C7- C) 62A*.@B B2 C.7.@7 -74*B .9;7B .)

87 C7- C) 2A7+5 )2?.-5 .) ,8.49- 87. .8.49 -/ 82)B 5"/ ="7A+-7 .9)*- A*4. ,AB*- 5.42; A0)7 ="4; .) ,AB*-

.@B- C) ;.A@5 ="-45 .) ,@B-

--A-1 6-* .B; @"0-. ,.A1=9 C.)7 -74. -74 629.A0)- 62B,0- 29B 3B7B ,'202B ,8-)/ 8905) A"A-7 .9;7B .*

87 4"; ,-509 )5 6-7 ,0) <). ,(PPE) 2;*,4 62,0.27 6252;7 62B*.57 .2-B -/* 6C.)2A* 5; .A7BB 8=.)* ,82)?05

-C?@7 C22B;* ="4; +.-95 .520C2 -C;7B ,(-94:- 29=7) 554 -A-1 6.B C.B;5 )5B .@,@, 8)4 ,;B -5)5 8.49-

.62,0=7 .2-2 )5B ,*5*. ,-A-1

6-5 .)A2 ,C.0) .) ,)=.A .)B ,5@* A,:5 AB=) ,.5)- 62,0.27- 6252;7* B*5C-5 32) 62;,.2 -A*0- 2B9) 82) 6). .+

.-/ C) A,:5 3)2- 6"./ 3A, -A*0- 2B9)5

87/* A1=9- 5B -=*. <)* -9C.4- C72B 8.+4 ,6:A=2 8-)/ )"AA-B C.A-/)- 54* A-/-5 .@,@,2 ,-A-1- C) .B;2B4. .,

.-7.,4. ,6220- 5; 5.=257 625/.9 ;.975 -A-1-

A14B 2*?="BC A22) ."4


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

/.7C* /"2

62BB.0 -*A- ,.95?) C)?79 822,; -=+7-B C.2-. ,C29;C- 622@CC ,@"7-2* -9*22 )5 822,; 6) ,)*- :09= ':5 '- 6.2*

.62)=.A- C?;4 ,>.0* 55=C-5 62=2,;7. :"94-2** 629=* 55=C-5

4"4 )5 C.AB=) C722@ ,C.CB5 A.:) C29;C- 6.2*B C.2-. ,>2@* ,.)7 60 ).- (554 3A,*) A2.)- +/7 @A)2 ).9 A2;* 84)

A.:75 62*22.07 82)B 1.B= -/ 5*) ,A.*2?* 55=C-5 )2- -5.,+ -5;7 2),.*B <). ,(8"B2A,22-2,) C.B*22C- 5B [email protected]

.C.,202* 55=C-5. C2** A)B-5 <2,; ,25.0 BB0 6.@7*. ,34 5; B=9- C)

Should the Beis Hamikdash not be rebuilt, we will fast on Shiva Asar B’Tamuz. As a result of the ongoing danger of Coronavirus, there are many who are still uncomfortable davening indoors, and have been following the medical recommendation to convene in outdoor venues.

Although davening with a minyan has great value, it does not take precedence over safety, or over the importance of fasting on Shiva Asar B’Tamuz. As there is a clear concern of dehydration when spending time outdoors in the hot summer months, if one feels that as a result of their davening outdoors they may be required to drink on Shiva Asar B’Tamuz, it would be best to daven at home without a minyan. In areas where the heat is signi! cant, it would be best not to conduct minyanim at all under these conditions, as they would place people in a position of either endangering their health or of compromising the fast.

A14B 2*? ="BC /.7C ."1


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

62A?7- 82*, C.5*)

.A,+ ,*) 0“A ,; /.7C* /“27, C.5*). ,-45-* +B.7 -/2) 6; 62)C7 ‘2-2B 892;* ,+-97 54*B ()“A+-* 2“=;) ,:22 .9*A

)5. 627.2@ 6-B B)A- C=21;. -17- C22=47 >.0) -;*B4 .92, ,)92,7 - *“1*. ,62B5B4 .A,+ ,6272- ‘1*. ,B,.0 *“24 )“7A* 7“A+)- C9*- 2=5. ,.2A*0 .* A;+2B ,; 5B *?75 ;2+- A*4 6) CA.=:C* 5@-5 B2 *) 0“A ,; ,)5277. ,(62A.:2)

.)) ;.*B* 6;= 69@/ 6205+7B -5)5. ,CA.=:C5 CA.=:C 82* (554 3A,*) 6292C77B 87/- 5=4 82C7-5 .922- -/ 829; A,+

.(@“2B 6“A-7 ‘.BC* A*4 A4/94.) CA.=:C 829;5 )“7A- A24/-B 62B,0 ‘+7 C.0= -*A- -/ 87/ ‘2-2 ,(;.*B* =“4

).-B 27 5*) ,07B5 2,4* )2- -*B@-- C254C 6) )@., .922-, 1.B= -)A9. ,B,.0 *“2* )“@2:.75 *2B@-5 )5B .+-9.

/.7C) C;4. .+-97- 554* -/ 82) ,.25;7 .C.*?; C) 0@=5 2,4* )“@2:.75 *2B@-5 -?.A. ,C.*?;. -A.0B -A7 5B *?7*

.-/* 5@-5 B2B -)A9 ,-A.0B -A7* 622.AB -*A-. ,.5.4 65.;- 54* -1B=B -=+7- C707 A;?* 2.AB 65.;- 54B (=“BC .=“BC 8:29 -“4 -/* .9*0A-B -7 ‘2;. .(:7) 82*.A; ‘7+ -.B- ,-/4B *?7* ).-B4 C*B5 :942 )5B 2,4 B“;* 1A=*.

! e period of mourning beginning on Shiva Asar B’Tamuz (! e ! ree Weeks), is patterned o" of the classical laws of Avelius when mourning a deceased parent. When mourning the loss of a parent, we have a custom to abstain from listening to joyful music. However, one would be allowed to listen to music if they felt it was needed to help assuage their personal feelings of anxiety or depression. At the current time due to the ongoing pandemic, the entire world is in a state of uncertainty and concern. One who feels compelled to listen to music in order to help alleviate their tension or pressure would be allowed to do so. ! is would especially apply to Erev Shabbos, when listening to music would create a positive frame of mind in anticipation of Shabbos.

A14B 2*? ="BC /.7C ."1


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

6272- '1, C.5*)6272- '1, C.5*)

-?.A. ,6.2 54* 0"-2** )?79- )=.AB 1.B= -)A9. .62B5B* .74 ,62,+* 62:*47 82) 6272- '1*B ,).- 62/94B)- +-97

'.BC7 ()"2 ';: ,";B '2: ,".2) )"7A- A24/-B .74. ,AC.7 2),.*, ,)9.A)@- C.@*,- BB0 29=7 .2,+* C) :*45

:.*45 ,-/ 829;5 ).- .5)- )"2- C9.4B ,6"BA-7* B"22;. ,-;*B C.5*) 62+-.9 82) -=+7- C;B*, )"2, 5"2A-7

.="BC 8:29 -"4 -/7 4"B7 '2; [.-507- C.@*,-5 BB.0B A0) 9"-.-, ,)=.A )@., .)5.] .62,+*-

Ashkenazic custom is to refrain from laundering clothing from Rosh Chodesh Av through Tisha B’Av (the Nine Days). A medical professional or anyone else who is concerned about the spread of infection on their clothing, may launder their clothing even during this time period.

C.52=C- [email protected]=C- A?@5

.;2?-. ,(.95?) C)?79 822,;B) -507- CA*;- BB07 ,02* -52=C- 87/ AB=), 2)7 54* 1;75 62?.A C.2:94 2C* -74*

4"0). ,.C2*5 ,0) 54 352. ,6.C2 B2,@ .2A0)5. ,.925; A7.5. ,C2*A; C52=C A7+ A0)5 5*@CC B2,@ A7.5 B2 *"1 525*B

84B 629.A0)* A).*7 5*) ,C.,202* B"-B .) C5-@ A7.5 +-97 )425 .1.B= =";, <).] .6"./* C.9@- .A7)2. -42) .)A@2

,C.92@- CA27). -42) C)2A@ A7+ A0)5B B2,@- A7.5 )5B A-/25 6242A?. ,-9.49 -;?- )2-. [.C.,202* -42) ).A@5 .+-9

.,0) 6.@7* -AB; )425, A0)7

87. ..C2** A*4 -2-2 ,0). ,0) 54B4 ,6"./ 3A, ,02* 4"0) C.92@- 54 A7.5. ,A@** *"1* C2A0B C52=C A.7+5 .;2?- 84.

.84 +2-9-5 8.49-

A7+ A0)5 6A7.)5. C2A0B, >"B- CA/0 A0)5 <42C C.025:- CA27) 127B-5 ,/.7C* /"2 6.2* C.52=C- A?@5 .;2?- 84.

A*,4 692, 6) 629.A0)- .@509 ;.,24B ,C.,7 +"2 /) A7.5 )5B 8.49- 87. ..C2** '2-2 A*4 ,0). ,0) 54B4 6"./ 3A, -52=C-

.-/* A270-5 ).- 5*.@7-. ,-AB; 32A?-5 -B.,@*B

AB=) ,C.,202* 6C2** 65.4 .55=C2. ,6.0- -*.+ C707 .502 )7B /.7C* /"2* 62BB.0. ,>.0* -AB;* 6.2 54* 6255=C7B .5).

'2: )"0 C;, -.02) 5"/ '2,*.; 640 C;?-4 +.-95 AB=) 9"). ,5"94. ,C.,7- +"2 C17B-*. 6"./- 3A,* C.025:- A7.5 6-5

.81@ 4".2* 62+-.9B .74. ,(60 4"4 '2-2 )5 )7C:7 /) 24 ,A.*?* 55=C-5 .452B) -097- C52=C5 AB@* C.025:- A7.5 (."7

! ere are many communities who have been curtailing their te" llah b’tzibur in order to limit the amount of potential exposure between participants. On Tisha B’av, they may daven maariv and shachris b’tzibur and then continue as a community with the recitation of Eicha and Kinnos via zoom in each individual home.

A14B 2*? ="BC /.7C /"2


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

-"A* 9"4-2** C.52=C-

6272* .2C.,+ 54 5; )57 :"94-2* 554 3A,*. ,(-=+7- C;B*) C.7) ', 3A;* (29B- 87 ,0)) 62@0AC7 C.)2A* 27;17

8297- A.7+5 2,4*. ,;BC -;B* 52+A 8297. ,;*B -;B* -74B- 5B 8297 ,629297 '* C.B;5 .4A1?2 )7C:7. ,62)A.9-

62:=,9- 621.2=- 54 A7.5 .+-9B 629B C.)7 -74. -74 A*4 -/B <). ,621.2=- 54 C) 127B-5 .4A1?2 ,87/* 8.B)A-

2,4* 62A,9 CAC- .52=) ?") ,5.,+ ,"-;B B2. ,(65.;- 54* CAA.B 822,; -=+7-B) +"-4*, 1.B= -)A9 ,A./07*

,2* /0.)-7 >.0) 621.2=- C) A7.57 127B-5 '2- 5"/ .9*A C0=B7 +-97. ,(,"2A ':) ,".25 A"7+,- 2A*,4. ,6127B-5

.992)B <) ,<@.C -9C9. 1.2=- A7.5 .?A2 6). .(C.;2@C- 82* @:=-- C22;* 29=7) 5.0* 50 -"AB -9B 54* (1=B7 C,7

6,2* C.BA- ,C.;2@C* A?@5 .4A1?2 ;BC -;B* C.52=C- 54 C) A.7+5 2,4* 6)B -)A9 84. ,6,2* C.BA- ,*.B0 - 24-

,+"-4* 62A,9 CAC- .52=) ?"). ,(-"A <.: ':.C* )*.-) )+-977 )5) ,)92,7 .992) -/ <), ,C.5.@ -)7 A0) @,@,5 )5B

.A"7+,-7 5"94.

C4A* 1".2.B*B ,)"A+- 6B* )"220- )2*-B -7* A-/25 8.49- 87. ,A?@5 32) 62554 -/* B2. ,/",:=* A?@5 2),4 <) 25.).

('.4. 620.C= C.9.50. 6.@7 @.02A*) C.C*B* 6-* 6255=C7B C.2:94 2C* .2B4; B2B 2C;7B. ,20 54 C7B97 -520C7 0*CB2

-/, ,8.49 -/ 82) .1.B= =";. ,,; 84.B7 55=C-5 520C-5 :"94-2*5 62)* @A. (6C2** ,C.,202*) 55=C-5 65.4 62520C7B

-4A*- C520C7 520C7 '2- 1".2.B* >"B4 B72BB4 *.:):7 *25 -B7 'A A".7,)-B 62A=:* )*.7. ,-4A*- ;?7)* B77

8.+9* 520C7 '2- C*B* >"B4 B72BB4 2*A-. ,()=.A2)*) >29'/2. C*2B2* ,75 .C.A2;?*B 5"/ 2*)7 2C;7B 84. ,20 54 C7B97 -

.-4A*- ;?7)* :"94-2*5 *.0A* .C2*7 C455 8.49 .92) .1.B= =";. ,-4A*- C520C -/B ,C7B9 C520C7 ,0.27

Due to the need for social distancing during the current pandemic, there is a concern about adequate spacing in shuls for the Yamim Noraim. Minyanim will probably have to abbreviate the davening in order to accommodate the many who will be in need of an indoor space to daven. If need be, all of the Piyutim can be deleted as well as some of the extra shofar blowing that we have the custom to do throughout the davening. (! e basic shofar blasts are the ones a" er ma" ir and those included in the chazaras Hashatz).

Should there be a need to abbreviate the Pesukei D’zimra as well, one must still make sure that it is done based on the rules of priority that govern the Pesukei D’zimra. Either way, if the congregation will be convening a" er reciting Pesukei D’zimra on their own, they cannot begin from “Hamelech” or “Shochen Ad” but rather from Nishmas which is considered the beginning of the paragraph.

A14B 2*? ="BC /.7C '4


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

-52=C 2929;*


C45*. 3,2, C*B* )@.,, (C45*. C*B* 5".-,) '.+. 3C45*....3C*B* C.*2C- 2CB*B C2=.:- <"4-7 .BA, (.)2) C.4A**

)5. .-.?7, ),A1 ,2A1, ,-5.C*- C) :9.4- 8C0 2@.=)5. ,-.?7- 87 A.1=B -.?7* @:.;- 2@.=)5 ,B"@* *220 3,2,

A)B*, (C.4A* ':7*B 8.B)A- ;1@*) C.7057* 8"*7A;. .37.@*. 3*4B* C.*2C-7 C2=.:- <"4- B.A,5 '7+* .42B7-

62AC.7B ,627 *.A 5"A, ,6274 .94=BC >A)- 5; (.*4) 620:= '7+ -.B-] ,*.A- 2"=; C.45-- C) 62;*.@ ,27C 4"C-4

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For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

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../ )2;*5 )C25 A-- 87 -75B 'A-


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

3A*5 )*. -97/* B"@ )A@ )5*. ,-BA=. -BA= 54 829; C) A2-*-5. BA=5 -)* -4A*. -4A* 54B ,[."4 '7; 2*?- >A) ':*

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For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

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For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

8.49- 87 ,A0B- C.4A* 54 6A 5.@* A7.) >"B-B -;B* /",:= ;?7)* '2-2. ,A.*?5 6,.@ /",:= 520C-5 62,@-B -/.

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.C.A2;?*B ,5"/ ,2*)7 2C;7B 84. .C7B97 520C7 '2- 1".2.B* >"B4 B72BB4 *.:):7 *25 -B7 'A @2,?-B 62A=:* )*.7.

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A7.)B -;B* 6-B C.;2A4- '+*, ,62,.7, -;2A4- 82*5 C.;2A4- '+ 82* B2 5,*-B ,0"-, 6B* (*"2 @": +"2@) *"9B7;.

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2)9= ,.; .5 B2B -).A 6)*. .2B25B- @50-7 )*- 2B270- 6.2* 520C2 2/) ,29B- @50- C) <) A.7+5 @2=:2 '* 6.2* 6).

.-)A9 '2- 84 .-5250 A/.0. ,8.B)A- @50- C) <) A7)2. 32B72 ,8.90C >"B- 520C2B 6,.@ (2B270- 6.2*)


,-)A2* 62A7.). 629.; ,0)4 65.4 -B.,@5 (A.) A?.2 C4A* ;?7)*) ;2+7 A*4. ,55=C-5 A-77 >"B-B ;A)2 627;=5.

...-)A2* 62;27B7....62,7.; 65.4 .2CAB7 AB). A7.). .9A.? 3A*CC ;1@* ,7.; )5) 6B5 ;2+- )5 822,; 1)5 55=C7-.

,.; A7.5 C.-B C?@ .5 B2 6). .@"@@ <42C A*4 C.9;5. C?@ A?@5 ,202- 2)BA +"-4*, -)A9. ,65.; 357. 6220 ') 2A*,

6). .-B.,@* 6-2= C) 620C.= 65.4. A7.5. 32B7-5. ,69.@ 8.?A...62A.A* 65.4 62*.-) 65.4 127B-5 2),4B -)A9 ,C?@

,C.-B ,.; .5 B2 6). .@"@@ C.9;5 4"0). ,6242577. 62B2,@7. <.:- ,; ,.; A7.5 32B72B 2),4 ,C.-B C?@ ,.; .5 B2

.A.*?- 6; @"@@ -9;2B 6,.@ ,).- B.,@...357- 5@- 6B C) A7.5. 32B7-5 54.2


.>A)- 87 .C.) 62)B.9. 6=.+ ;9;95 .+-9 -B.,@ 5-@- 629.;B4 >"B- CA/0 C;B*B ()": -"4@ '2: 0".)) *C4 )"7A-

<4* )2*-B -7 ="; .922-, -)A9 .1.B=*. .B.,@ B.,@ B.,@ C229;* >A)- 87 6=.+ 62-2*+7 @AB -;2, )2*- -"5B*.

,)A.@- 5.@7 62=2:- C.7) .;.92. ,'2;B2 ':* @.:=- ="; ).- +-97- 6;1B ,1@5- 25*B ':-7 (,".2 C.)) -7B 6220-

@.:=. ..C72)7 ;/;,/-5 .95 B2B 62A247 .9)B ,.909) B"4 ,357- C72)7 62;/;,/7. 62;9;9C7 .2- 629*)-. 62?;- 6).

.-7B ;2=.7 )5 ,.*4 3.A*, )A@ .52), ,@"@@ 62=AB- C)2A@5 AB@* -2;B2 ':* -7B ;2=.7 (62=2:- C.7) .;.92.) -/

,.; B"22;.) .3.572* 6+. 3.A** 6+ <.+- C) -2*+-5. ;9;9C-5 8.49- 87B A*.:. -9.B)A- -;2,- -C.) 5; @5.0 -"5B.

(.)"2 C.)* -/* 4"B7 6220- <4*

[(B"2) ..":A '7;. ,1":@-0":@ '7;) *A- 2A*, ':*. ,(0";-/";


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

<.;5 62740 .9@C 8)47B ,<=.;2 62CB*. ,.? '=5 )7.09C BA,7-7 6220- <4* -7B )2*-B -7 2"=; -)A9 '2- .1.B=*.

'2- /"2=5. .624)575 C.7,-5 2,4 ,6;1- – ,27C C5.; ':-7 -7B ,.; *C4. ,@"@@ >"B A7.)B -;B* .25+A 5; 6,)

2A0) ;7B). 0.A 29)BC. *2C4, ,624)57- CA2B CA.C* ;2=.7 ,5)@/02 ':* ;2=.7- .7.@77 ', ,.*4 3.A*, ,@505 -)A9

,3.572, )A@ .52). ,5.,+ B;A 5.@. 6C7.;5 629=.)- 5.@. -C.0) 5) -B) C.@2B7 C.20- 2=94 5.@. ,'.+. 5.,+ B;A 5.@

B2 342=5. ,-A2B- 62A7.)B -;B* 62==.;7 6-. ,62=94 624)575B -)A9 '2- 342=5. ,624)57- CA2B7 ).-B .92?7 )5

CA2B7 -/ 82), ,3.572* )5 5*) .624)57- C7+., ,,.*4 3.A*. @"@@ CA27) C;B* <.+- ;9;95. 622*@;- -2*+-5



A7.5 )5B ,(,"@: +"7@) )"+7* A).*74 .B;. ,2;2*B- C225; <.:* C*B* C":* C.;1 C)?79B -*2B2* ;A2) 6;=

C": )2?.-5 )5B. ,62).A@- 82975 -5.; A21=7, 5"22@ 82,- A@2;7, ,-A1=-- A7)2 2;2*B- )5) ,2;2*B A0) B2,@-

– .;7B7. ,-520C -A.C* )A@2B 32A? )2*9* A21=7-B ,)C2) '7+*, ,B2,@- A7.5 )5B A*,- 6;1. ,A21=7- A.*; 29B

.@:=- 25*

,7",- 2"=; 6-B .5)- )"+7- 2A*, 29=7 ,.51*B *C4 )"@;A. ,?"C* -097* 2B25B A0) B2,@ A7.5 '2- 6.,@- +-97

-)2A@- 82* 2B25B A0)5 B2,@ A7.5 ).- >.=9- +-97- -0975 *"1*. [.-7B B"-07*. /"1 @": *"=A '2: )"+7 '2;]

.-/ C) *B225 0A1 .2A.;2B* 5"/ .9*A. ,)9B 2)7 ;"?. ,-A1=-- C)2A@ 82*. C":*B

A@.** C*B* ()2*9*B) -A1=-- C)2A@5 (-A.C*B) A21=7- C)2A@ 82*B ,B,.07 +-97 B,0C9 C.9.A0)- 629B* -9-.

)A@2B 32A? – '7+- 8.B5, ,8.49 -/ 82) .1.B= 2"=;. ,,.;. ,.;. ,,02* 625.0 -*A-5 3A2*B 27 A7.5 -4.A) -22-B 62-.B

.A.7)4. ,@:=- 25*7 3.7:* <42C .;7B7 ,-520C -A.C*


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

*"1* -?20A

6B) -).?*. 121* C.454.57 .2,2 4")) ,89.?* 82*. 8270* 82* ,A.:) 627* .;*?) 12B.-5 .52=)B (/": ,"9@C) )92,5 5"22@

C.454.57 .2,24 *B09 -/B ':.C- .*C4 -;A 0.A 6.B7 C2A0B .2,2 5.125. ,3A.?- 2=5 @A )5) ,.2,2 54 A2C-5 82) /)B (1":

B2 2),.*B 5"2A-7 '.BC 6B* )"7A-7 .9)*- A*4 ,.95?) 822,; CAA.B- -=+7- C;B*. .()"4 @": *"9B7. 2": B"22;)

62B*.5. 62BB.0B .5)5 ,3A.?- 2=4 (6272- '1, C.5*)* /.7C /"2*. ,-A2=:- 272, C.5*)* 8:29 -"4 -/* 4"B7;) A2C-5

-5B77- -C.?B C.@0A-- 54* 6252@7. ,62BB.0 )5B .5)5 5*) ,-94: @=:4 *B09 -/ .-,2,5, ,-4:7 61.05. -=5 *2*:

C.@95 9"-.-. ..A.:2)* A*,- A)B2 6-5. ,6-2,2 C=21B5 B.05 6-5 82) )7C:7 .-,2,5, 9"-.- ,', 62)C= A7.B 82,7

,121* C.454.57 .2,24 *.B0. ,-94: @=: /"A- 62BB.0B .5)5 ,(622,2 2.1205 A7.0) 1"921@;=92):2, 2"; 62,2- C)

,', 62)C= A7.B 8)4 A7.5 322B 6C;,5B ,C.A2-/- 2929; A)B 54. C.@0A-- 54* 62A-/9 )5. 62BB.0 82)B -5)5. ,AC.7.

.(622,2 2.1205 A7.0) 1"921@;=92):2,* 6-2,2 C) C.@95 6-5 82) 6+B )A*C:7

It is Rabbinically forbidden to wash oneself with either hot or cold water on Tisha B’Av, unless it is for the purpose of removing dirt from one’s body (which includes washing hands when waking up in the morning). Individuals who have been vigilant in following the updated CDC recommendations would be allowed to wash or sanitize their hands on Tisha B’Av as they otherwise would. ! ere is no allowance for those who have disregarded the CDC recommendations as this would be categorized as rechitzah which is Rabbinically prohibited on Tisha B’av.

A14B 2*? ="BC /.7C 1"4


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

*"C* -?20A 829;* -=:.- - ', 62)C= A7.B 82,*

621*B- A)B ,A*,7* 5)AB2 .2-B -9B '7 54B ,'7+- 2A*, C) )2*- ,.A.?92 3C2A*. (-4A*- C)/. 'A=*) ="-; '2=* 2"BA

:"0- -/* ,7; A*4. ,-527 .722@ 2.5 1*B @A. ,-527* -94: @=: C?@ -2-B -/4 -2- A2.)- +/7 24 ,6-29* C) .57 )5

)5 6). ,6-29* C) .5.72 )5B 622.55 A.:)5 .5 -2- ,-94: @=: -2- C7)* 6), ,-/* .9*A -B7 5B .C;, -2- -7 ,'.BC*

.2.5 1*B .74 ,5.75 621*B- A)B C) 02A4-5 .5 -2- ,-94: @=: -2-

54* 2.5C 82,- +"-4 54*. ,-?07 5; -?077 ,.)7 @.0A ,,.)7 81@ /.0) -2- -94:- BB0B A)*5 -)A9 -2- .1.B= =";.

@=:4 *B09 .92). ,', 62)C= A7.B, 892A7) 62BB.0 )5B -5)5. ,-94: @=:4 .92, - -94:5 62BB.0B .5)5, ,;"9=* -5.0

,82,4 .+-9 6-29B. ,7"A+)4 )5,. ,[,"5 872: 8)?- 2*@;* ':* 822;.] 629.A0) -74 6B* A/;20) '.BC* A).*74. ,-94:

,62BB.0 .2- 84B 621*B A)B5 .52). ,-94: @=:4 *B09 -2- )5 - -94: @=:5 .BB0 )5. - 8.01* 25;* AC.2 .2-B 2.5 1*B5

'=) 5"22@ )92,5. ,'.+. 647, C) 3) *2C4,4. ,.5B 6220- 5; 625;*4 *B09 6,) 6.B 82)B <). .-94: @=:4 *B09 -2- 84

3)] .-94: @=:4 *B09 6) ;.*@5 ,+"-4* .220 5; *"-;*4 *B09 84 6,)- -)A94 3) ,.7?;* 5.*05 6,)5 A.:), (5*.0-

554 *B09 -/ 82). ,(.+= )7.2) 12@9, ).- )*9.C, 892A7) /), :"0- *C4 ,62=5) 2=5) <5)7 ,0) @A ).- -94:- /.0) 6)

[.-94: @=:4 554.

*"-;* .992) 8*.)A 5*) ,-94: @=:4 .92,4 - -94:- @=:5 BB.0B 275 ,,0.27* 6,) 54* 2.5C ', 62)C= A7.B, -/ 829;.

C.)2A*5 ;+.9 @A 1"91@;=9;:2,* 62,2- 2.@29 6)B ,).- 1.B= A*, )5277. ,-94: @=: 6B 82)B 8.;7B A.*; ;.*@5

5*) .*"1* .2,2 C) C.@95 .5 A.:) -2-2 )5277. ,B.B05 ?"). ,', 62)C= A7.B A7.5 .7?; 5; *"-;* ).- 2A- ,8*.)A 5B

?"). ,2A7+5 -)2A* 6)-B <), ,.2,2 C) C.@95 ).- *22.07, )12B= ,62BB.0 84 62A0)-. ,4"+ 62A0)5 ;+.9 A*,- 6)

/) ,@.92C- A.*; *50 2, -5 -2-2 )5 4".2* 54)C )5 6)*. ,.7)7 @922 )5 6) 84.:7 -2-2 @.92C- -9* 5*) ,4".2* 5.4)5

.:"0- C".B* A).*74. ,-94:* 554 -992). -)2A* )2-B =";) - 5.4)5 )7)- C*22.07

24- A* .992) -5.0-B 54B ,5"? 0A4-- 87 )7C:7 ,62A.-- 2"; )5) -5.0- 2"; -CB;9 )5 829;- C150- A*,7*B <).

27B .25)7 8*.7 A*,- /) ,()"7.@* 51.7 ).-. ,.C.9@/ C707 .) ,-527- 2*+5 8)4 .74 ,.C.91@ C707) -150- C.B;5

../ -150- C.B;5 4"+ 2)A0)- ).- ).- ()"7.@* 51.7- 8@/* .29* .) .CB) .) ,@.92C* 62A.--) .C.)2A* 5; 2)A0)B

C722@B 6.@7* -;B 220 2*+5 -94: @=: 5B *?75 ;") :294-5 -5.05 AC.7, '7+- 82,* C.1B= ="; A7.5 -)A9 84.

-5.0- @AB ,[email protected] 6C* A.*; ./4 -150- C.B;5 62A.-5 82)B *C4 52;.-5 ,757 '.BC*. ,65.; 2205 C.4/5 C.AB=)

.84 .92) ,A*,7* -527 829;5 5A;- '=, '7+ 3-* .9A.)* =";. ,1250-5 2)BA .7?;*

2554 2=5 3) ,', 62)C= A7.B 829; 5; 37.:. BB.0 .92) ).-. ,(C.0) .)) )=.A4 0"-2** ,*.;B 27B ,).- 1.B= A*, 84.

6-7 -74. ,-7B 62)?79- 62B9)- A)B 545 -94: @=: C707 1"91@;=9;:2,* .2,2 C) C.@95 ).- *22.07 0"-2*

C524) 2*+5 5"9- :"0 '.BC4. ,62A0)- C94: 29=7 .2,2 C) C.@95 ,).- *22.07. ,).- AC.7 2),.* ,-94:- @=:5 62BB.0

[email protected] C94: 29=7 4".2* C@927-

A14B 2*? ="BC *) '0


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

6227;= >"B4 B7B5

.B@* ,,.)7 62;9 .5.@B C.2-. ,6A 5.@* 55=C-5. A./05 >"B4 -7B B72B. ,-74B- 8297* B05* -52=C 55=C- A*4B ,0)

,)2;* 34* 82) 29B- 8297- 6; B05* 55=C- )5B <), ,2AB, )92,5 -)A9 ,:"94-2* .C.)*B 29B- 8297* >"B4 B7B2B .977

-52=C 55=C- )5 822,;B -/, ,,"@: *"9B7* B"22;. ,'.4. :"94-2*5 :949B >"B (*": ,"4@ '2:) 0".) ;".B* A).*74

6-5 55=C2B 8.49 .92) -"5), ,,.7;- 29=5 55=C-5 54.2B ,0) .55=C-B A.*2?* 82)B4 )@., .922- ,>"B4 B7B5 2)BA B05*

A.*2?-7 @50 '2- )5. B05* 62A0)- 6; 55=C- )5 ).-B -7 5*) ,B05* -74B-- 8297* 55=C- A*4 ,",9*. ,6A 5.@*

5"22@ ,-74B-- 8297* >"B- CA/0 0"22 A*4 -/ >"BB <). (..2A*,7 A)*C7 84) .85 C=42) )5 -/* ,>"B- CA/0* .*220C9B

,2:=2 >"B- -/, <), ,:949B >"B -", 5"-** B"22;. ,/"*/ 82*A; 5)AB2 54, (-"A, +"= <.: '7+) )2?.7 )?2, )92,5

).-. 62;9 .5.@ >"B- -/B A0)7 ,",9* 9"-. ,'.4. /"*/ 62*A; 5)AB2 54, ,0"2 8)2?.-5 .25; 51.7 ,-52=C5 -5.)+ C427:

6220 C.0A.) ':*. 6220- <4* 822;5 8.49- 87. .)92,5 -)A9 84 .84 C.B;5 51.7 .25; ,629297- 29B* >"B4 B7B5 AB4.7 24-

.62A=: 4"4 2C) 82). 62A-* C;4 29). .-/7 .A*, 6) ,"4@ '2:5 -7B ()@92=:)

;297-B <). ,A.*?- C52=C 5B +B.7. ,202- C52=C B2 4".74 ,A.*2? 8*A@. ,202 8*A@ B2B .74B ,*C4 (-"A <.:) +"15B*

6C.)* .52=) -9.;4 ;7.B, 5"22@ )C22A.),7, ,-9.;4 ;7.B 2";) 2@* .92)B C) )2?.-5 2,4 '2- >"B- CA/0 5B 0"9@C5

.9@CB A0)5 7"47 ,(89*A,7 )A7.0 )5) .92) ,-9.;4 ;7.B 6-* )")B 275B.A2-7 (-"A <.:) 8"A- )2*-B 62A*,- '+

;.,24. ,0"9@C C)?5 2,4 55=C7. A/.0. >"B- ,A2 62)2@* 65.4 6) .52=)B (+": ,"4@ '2:) ;".B* A).*7 ,>"B- CA/0

8.49- 87 (/"4@ '7; *A- B=9 '2; - )"A+- 2,275C .A2*:- 84) 1"-7 AB). ,(2"4A** -7B -)*.-) 6"*7A- C*.BC7

@:=-4 *.B0, ,.A*0 5B B.,2@* C)?5 62?.AB4 B"*. -"* C.9;5 82)B .74 ,>"B- CA/0 C;B* B"*. -"* C.9;5 )5B

A.;2B- '2- -/ 829;. .('1 '2: ,"0 C;, -.02 -/7 '2;.) -4A*- 0:.9* 62740 .;*1B ;*177 -9B74. ,-4A*- ;?7)*

)=.A2)7 -92=:* ;2+-B4 .9* 29= 5*@5 5795 62,275C- C) )2*- :"7A+- .2*)B ,)@2A7)5 ;2+-B4 .9*A A2*;-B 8.B)A-

3B7. ,(5"/ 2*)7 2C;7B 84) A.;2B- )B.9 '2- -/ 829;. ,CA07- 6.2* -*2B2* A.;2B A2*;2B .977 B@2*. ,.C0=B7 6;

A.*2?- C52=C 5B 829; B2. (B05* 6255=C7B4) A.*?* -52=C 5B 829; B2B ,627;= -74 .5) 62A*, 5; .9*A 5=4 629B-

[+"2 C.) '- '2: 2*?- >A) ':*. ,/"4@ - +"4@ '7; *A- B=9 ':* -/* 4"B7 '2;.] .(>"B- CA/0 .922-,)

,.A.*; .9*A@ *2A@2B .977 B@2*. 8.;7B )* /"0)5. ,8*.)A A.*; 8*A@ *2A@-B @"7-2** ,*.;- 8-4B 1.B= -)A9.

'2- )5 4"))) 8.;7B 5B .2C.9*A@ *2A@7B4 3A*7. A/.0 ,8*.)A 5B .2C.9*A@ *2A@-B4 -.?7- C4A* 3A2* A*4B =";)B

C.9*A@ *2A@7- 8-44 .A,+ >"B-, ,A0) A.*? A.*; >"B- CA/0 -29B 6;= 55=C7B >"B* 9"-.-. ,(622C92* C;,- 0:2-

,>"*;2 '.BC4 )5,.] B05* -52=C- ="-.; A7.5. A./05 .5 82)B )5) .A.*?- A.*; A.*?- C52=C 55=C7 ).-B ,A.*?- A.*;

6;= B"@, C.4A*- A7.5 .5 82)B ,-29B 6;= C2A0B, >"B- CA/0 55=C7 6) 84. ,[.2A*, C) 2A7+5 -0,B ,2"4A** ,".-

-/. ,(6A7) )5 822,;B 27) B"@ C.4A*5 A0) >"B5 6242A? .2-2 ,629297- '** C2A0B 5; A./02 >"B .C.)B +"-4*. ,-29B

.6A 5.@* -,27;- C52=C 5; A./02 @A -74B-- 8297* C2A0B 55=C- A*4B >"B-


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

! is year presents a unique problem for many communities, as there will be many more minyanim on the Yamim Noraim than usual, due to the need for social distancing. ! is presents a challenge in " nding enough baalei te" llah to service the minyanim. A melodious Chazan who is uniquely quali" ed to represent the tzibur may serve in this role for multiple minyanim in one day. Even though he has already served as a chazan at a prior minyan, he may represent the tzibur for an additional chazaras hashatz at a later minyan as well. In such a situation, the Chazan would not repeat the silent shemoneh esrei a second time. Should the Chazan be needed for multiple Shachris minyanim, he would not repeat the Birchos Kriyas Shema or recite the silent shemoneh esrei.

A14B 2*?*@; '= @"B;="BC *) /"2


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

C.4.: 2929;

,(5@B- C2?07 5B) -B,0- -7.AC7 A.*?- C.9*A@ 54 C.9@5 6242A? 8:29* ,0)*, ,625@B- 5; 62;27B7 A,)* ,0)*�.)

-/ 82, ,1".2 6.B5 322B .992) 625@B- 829;B =";). ,62BA.,. 625).B 0:=- 6,.@ 6.2 62B5B, ,.A)2* (:14) -52+7 '7+*.

,-9B- 54 3B7 +-.9 .92)B B,.07 *.20 -/2) 29=5 6.2 62B.5BB ,(62*.1 62725 6?7.?7 )5.) ).- 2554 82, '.4. 6.2 62B5B 5B

A=.B 82) .A2;* 6). ,C.A=.B. C.9.A4/ C.2457 C.?7. A=.B C.?7 622@2 32). -=2) – 8.*B0 C.B;5 *22.07 ,0). ,0) 54

;2+2B ,; 82C72B 8.49 -/ 82). ,.5) C..?7 622@5 54.2B 2,4* – ;.:95 .5 AB=) A2; ./2)5 – C.9.*B0 C.B;5 32A? ,A./07 82).

,'7+* -/ 54 A).*74 ,CA0) A2;5 ;.:95 .5 '2-B ,-2A1= )970A :9.), – ).- A.1=B A7)2. ,A./07. A=.B .,2* 82). -"A

A2;* A+ 6) 9"-. .C.B;5 .5 B2 -7 ,A./07 -7B B2B A2;5 .) A=.B -* B2B A2;5 ;.:95 .) – C.2.AB=) 2CB .29=5 B2 6)B

.-4.: C.?7 622@5 54.2B ;.:95 A2; ./2)5 ,(5.5) ."1 6.2*) *.B05 520C-5 ).- *22.07 ,-4.: 6B 82)B

.2-. ,;@A@- 5; 625B.A2* 0:=- 8*A@ C) 5.4)5 6242A? .2- 54-. .B,@C9 )5 C.25;. 82++B (:-=) 620:= '7+* A).*7 .*

624A*7 .2-. ,C.?0 6,.@ ="@- C524) 62A7.+ .2- 24 ,'.4. '29B -?.*@* 27. ,-9.B)A -?.*@* 54)2 27 ;.*@5 -5A+- 62B.;

,()A+2) ;@= )525-. )0:= )C2/4) ,2;2*A- :.4- 5; 55-- C) A.7+5 82++5 625.; .2- 4"0). ,.54)B 6.@7* /"7-A* 6B

,C.?7 .54)C *A;* 84. ,-525* AB*- C) .54). 892;*, ,1".2 ':.C 87/* ="@ 5.4)5 )")B .*C4 620:= 2*A; ="A ':.C-.

<)B (:1? 620:=) :"C0* A).*7 697)) C=:.C 87/* B.,2@- C) .52=) 520C-5 8.49 )5B ;".B* @:=9 6-2A*, 2"=;.

84 @22,7. ,3B0CB A0)5 C.2-5 6242A? -,.;:- A)B. -?7- C524) @A. 4"-? 6,.@ C.2-5 5.42 ,2+7. 8.B)A 5.*21. B.,2@

5.4)5 C4A** 4"+ 32A?B -)A9. ,'4. (+5@ C.) >70 A7)7) -;.7B 82*2 A=:* >"*BA- -/* .7,@ A*4. .620:=* )2+.:-7

+-97 82). .62*4.4- C)? A0) 654 .2-2B 32A?B C.:.4 -;*A) C22CB 6+. .@=: 82) -/*. 62*4.4- C)? A0) -2-CB -?7

622@5 AB=) A2=B, A*.:. 6-2A*, 5; @5.0 (/4) C.4A*5 B")A.C*. (.B,.@- 5; 5.07 82=2:.7B 2=5 B.,@ 5B :.4* @,@,5

(A*, 6.B .722@2 )5. ,.9B22 5.4)5 .72,@2 )5 6)B ,629@/ *B.7* 8.+4) 5.,+ ,"-;B*. .C=:.C 87/* ="@. -?7 C..?7

-4.: 5B 8.B)A- -525 '2=52, ,)A7.0- )"7A- )2*- (+": 15AC) -4.: '5-*. .B")A.C- 2A*, 5; 3.7:5 2),4 )7C:7

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'.@ )2*- (8221BA.*) 5)@/02 2A*, ':*. ,(-4.:* *B25 C4A* 29=7) 4"-? 6,.@ C.4.: 5B 8.B)A- -525* B.,2@- C)

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.C)? A0)5 C= C2/4 5.4)5 .@,@,2. 2".;*7 B.,2@- .A7)2

)12B= -/, ,C.4.:5 0:=7 ."1 ."1 B"+* 892=52 A*, 545 )5, 1".2 ':.C 87/* C= C2/4- .54)2 .52=) 5@-5 6.@7 B2 ,.;.

C2/4-B 892;*, B,20B (+"7AC :".: /"?*B7) +"7A= '2;. ,-?7 5B )@.,* '2-2B ?") 8.B)A- -525* 54.)B C= C2/4-,

,.;* -"4. – .2A*, 5; @5.0B .0= 620:= ':75 0"5? '2;.) -/5 .724:- )5 62@:.= A)BB 'A9 .1.B=*. ,-A2B; C= '2-2 )5

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)*25) 0:= 525* 322B @A C.?0 829;, ,24- 5": )5B 62@:.= B2 )7C:7B -)A9 .1.B= =";. ,).- 5.,+ B.,20 ,C.?0


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

,C.4.:5 322B .92) 5*) (620:= 2*A; '= <.: '7+* A).*74) C.?0 A0) 54)9 0:=- 82)B ).- )C22A.),7B A*.:- ;"*)A,

'4B 0:-4AC 62A=) -17 '2;. .)"2 C.) ,"2 '2: 7".0 'A;7 0",B '2;. - :0@ 620:=5 0"5?* 2"*.9- -/ 5; -7C A*4.)

="@ C..?7 622@5 )")B ':.C- CA7.0 829;5 84. ,(.-.?7- *.*20 6.B7 )5) .92) )"7A- A24/-B C.?0 6,.@ -524) 829;,

1".2.B C=:.C 82,B ,5)@/02 2A*,- 4"B74 A7)9B )5 6)) ,C.4.:5 322B )5 -/B A7.5 5.,+ 6.@7 B2 ,-525- 6,.@ -?7.

C*B C,.;: <)B ,[="; ="A] ':.C*B -;2,- -C.)4. ,C..?7 A)B 829;5 )5. B.,2@ CA27). -4)57 '2) 829;5 A7)9 @A

.(':.C 87/* 622@5 )")

50B) C.4.: 5B 8.B)A 1".2* +5= 29=5 -097 55=C-5 AB=) .1.B= =";, (="BC A22) ."4 - C.;.*B 2929;*) .9A)2* A*4.

5B C2*A; 55=C-5 .52=) AC.7 ,"-;B*, ,.9;2,.C. 6;) +5= A0)5 (6,@.7*) 1".2 5B C2*A; 55=C-5. ,(C*B* ./ -9B

.(82+.A2:* :"94-2* C4.:* 5.4)5 6-5 AB=) @A 6) @0,- C;B )2.- 2),.* 8)4. ,C*B* +5=- A0)5 .9C99.0 -C) 6; 5.0

.5502. -4)57 .B;2B -5@C -/7 )?C 25.) ;.*@5 )AC), )A7 *A- 5;. .4"-)? ,; C*B 292, 54* A-/25 6242A?B )12B= 84)

.27.@7- )AC), )A7 *A- C.BA* )5) -/4 +.-95 8.49- 87 82). ,4"-)? 6,.@ C*B- C)

4"B7; ,.9*A C09-4) :.=C9 6). ,1".2 5B -4)57 '2)7 6- 62A.70 )5- C*B 5B -4)57 '2), ,-/ 5; A;A;5 B2B )5)

.9) 62A-/.7 C)? ,;B ,8)4. ,34 6B5 -4)577 -C2*B 2"; .922- (1".2 ':.C .)) C*B ':.C C5*@ .52=)B (C.;.*B 2929;*

A0)5 C*B* .CC2*B 2A-B ,C*B* - 2".;*7 (29B 1".2 5B) 1".2 ':.C <2:.-5 )") -A.)45 ,C*B C707 -4)57 C.B;5 )5B

C.A?.)) 52+9; <:.2 A"+-. (8252=C '5- 5; '.BC*) /"9*)- C22B.@, )27.,] .1".2- C707 )5. C*B- C707 )2- +5=-

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[.A*47 .* ,7.;. *22.07 ).-B A*, .7?; 5; 5*2@B -7* C.*220C-4 *B09 -/ 32). ,5*@2 )5 .52=) -/* ).- ,7.;. *22.07

8.B)A 1".2 50* )@., .922- ,8.B)A 1".2* +5= A0)5 (6,@.7*) 29B 1".2 5*@5 AB=)B (C.;.*B 2929;*) .9A)2*B -7 54.

.C*B* 50B4 )5 5*) ,5.0*

1".2 ':.C 5*@5 AB=) C*B* <)B A7.5 6.@7 B2 2),.*, ,.9*A C.A7.0 54* A-/25 6*2205. ;".4) A270-5 )")B -)A9 84)

)422B A2=B /";. ,-4.: *.20 B2 C.4.:*. ,-07B C.?7 .922-, ,C*B* )?79 )5B -7 1".2* <:.9 829; B2, ,(8.B)A 6.2* 50-)

8)4 ,;B -7 ,-4.: C.?7*. -07B C.?7* ;") *2207. ,1".2- CB.,@ C) C*B- 6.2 <.:* .7?; 5; 5*@7B ,C=:.C

.-5*@ 5B 829; -/* )422B A2=B. ,-* *22.07 -2- )5 (C*B*)

6242A?. ,82+.A2:* 5.4)5 6242A?. ,:"94-2* C4.:* 5.4)5 6242A? 65.4. ,.7?;5 -4.: C.9*5 ,0) 545 62BA7 )5B 6.@7* .+

C) 622:5 /"7-A* 3A*5. -4.:* C=- 5.4)5 6242A? ,(257A.9 87/* 5.4)5 6-2A0) 62)*5 AB=)5 2,4*) 6C,.;:* A?@5 65.4

*"9B7 '2;) 2)A; C524)4 *2B0 54-, ,C.A2=4 692, 54)7 2927 A)B 54, ,'.4. C.@A2. AB*. 62+, 6C2** .54)2 4"0). ,-,.;:-

1"5AC) *"9B7 '2; ,-4.:5 >.07 C.CB5 A.:) 627 .52=)B A7.5 )A*: B2 /"7-A* .4A* )5B 87/ 54 5*) ,(+"2 @": 15AC

.(1"4 @": ?"-;B*

25.) ,5.4)5 6-5B A.C- ;2+2B ,; -*.A7 87/ 82C7-5 .4A1?2. - -A.*0 A0) -A.*0 - 82+.A2:* 5.4)5 6242A?B 6.@7* .,


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?="BC 5.5) ',

-;,- -C.)4 62A2707 .9) ,C.4.: 5B 629.B)A- C.525 29B* -/ 6) ,84) .-4.:- 87 A.1=B A;1?74 -/ C) *2B0-5 AB=)

.-4.:* *220 A;1?7- .52=)B

.52=). ,-4.:* .C*2B2 C;B* A;1?7B ,627B+ 62,A.2* ,')- ,B2 A;1?7 29=.) 29BB ,(7"AC '2: 0".)5) )"@;A '20;.

A.C- ;2+2B ,; -*.A7 87/ 82C7-5 32A?B .) ,.A*0 C4.:5 C455 A;1?7B ,'*. ,554 6.2@ .,2* 82), ,1.2,- )A@9 ,-* *B.2

,.A*0 C4.:5 352 -B;75 6) +"-4*. ,A;1?7 .992) -4.:* .C*2B2 C;B* 5*) (C:94- C2* C4.:* 82+.A2:* 6254.)B4) .5B

(..9*A A2*:- 84) .3A*2B 27, A2=B

525* <)B 62A*.:- C;,5 B.05 ,3A*5 )5B ).- )92,5 5*.@7- ,627B+ C,2A2 C;B* -4.:* *B.2 6) ,629.B)A C.525 29B*.

.5@-5 C.4A* @=:. ,-4.:- 87 A.1= A;1?7 8.B)A

It is expected that an individual begin to plan and prepare the necessary arrangements for performance of any mitzvah thirty days in advance. If one has no shofar, machzor or sukkah locally, one must plan accordingly to ensure that they have the opportunity to ful! ll these mitzvos.

Due to the important consideration of social distancing, there are many communal sukkos that will be arranging multiple shi" s for their membership to have a chance to eat in the sukkah. On the ! rst two nights of Sukkos, we generally do not make kiddush or eat the meal before tzais hakochavim. However, this year there is room to be lenient to allow the ! rst shi" to accept Yom Tov early and make kiddush following davening. Ideally, the ! rst shi" should be sure to eat a kzayis of bread in the sukkah a" er tzais hakochavim. However, if it is necessary to begin the second shi" before tzais hakochavim, one may be lenient to complete the meal entirely before tzais hakochavim.

If there are many who need to use a communal sukkah and the shi" s must be very short, each shi" may make kiddush, eat bread and bentch, leaving the rest of the meal (! sh, meat, vegetables, etc.) to be eaten inside at home (without bread).

If one shi" must wait a very long time for its turn, the delay may cause a situation of mitzta’er, and members of that shi" are potentially exempt from sukkah. However, this would not apply on the ! rst two nights of Sukkos, when even a mitzta’er must eat in the sukkah.

Should there be rain, or a similar uncomfortable situation (on the ! rst two nights of Sukkos) that a# ects the experience while sitting in the sukkah itself, the bracha of Leisheiv B’Sukkah should not be recited.


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

62A.=24- 6.2. -9B- B)A 2929;

.4A1?2 )5B 6-5 5@-5 B2 )7C:7 ,,02* 6255=C7B C.52=C* AB=), 2)7 54* A?@5 (-=+7- C;B*) 62BB.0B -5)5 .)

(C.5.@ '5) ,.;. ,*B.27, C.;2@C (C.5.@ 62B5B) ;.@C5 .9@CB -)A9 '7+, )92,7 3) ,+-97 @A -/B ,C.5.@ -)7 ;.@C5

.,7.;7, C.;2@C

621.2=- 54 127B-5 B2. ,(2A7+5 .127B-5 9")) ,C0) 6;= .A7.)5. 5@-5 B2. ,="/ 0?975 CA27) 127B-5 6-5 B2.

'7; *A- B=9 '2; - C.;2@C* @:=- 29=7 5.0* 50B -"A* 621.2= A7.5 )5B 0"A+- +-97) 4".2*. -"A* >"B- CA/0*B

.(="BC /.7C '4 -/* 4"B7;) 62A,9 CAC- -/5 ?"). ,52+A- +-975 A./09 -)*- -9B5. .(/"A

'7; *A- B=9 ':* .92*A 6B* 4"B7 '2; - >"B- CA/0* 2.,2. 829;*) '7+, )92,7 )2- 4".2* >"B- CA/0* 2.,2.- CA27) 3)

.127B-5 82) -/. ,<:.7* -,.*;- A,: CA27) 84. ,(+"2A

.6A 5.@* -A7.)5 3A.?- 87 82). ,B05* -A7.)5 >"B- 2)BA 2),.* 299- C52=C.

;.@C5 B2 6) 629.B)A- '07*) C.4A*- :"; ;@.C .92) -"A* C.,202* <:.7 55=C7-, (:,5) -"A '7+* A).*7 .*

C52=C5 3.7: ;@C2B <2,; 6) ,-A2A*- .,2* B2 6) 629.B)A- .@509. ,()":@ '7; *A- 2929= '2; - A.*2?* B05 C52=C*

C52=C 29=5 3.7: (,2025) ;.@C5 (AB=) 6)) 5*.@7-B ,)2*- (*": *"?@C) ;".B* )"7A-. ,-2A0)5 .) -29=5 <:.7


32A?-5 ,@"*B*,4 -9.,5. A270-5 ).- 5*.@7-. ,-B.,@*B A*,4 -92, 6) 629.A0)- .@509 C.025:* C.,7 +"2 CA27)* .+

2*2B0 279 621.2= 6) ./"7 '2: )"0 C;, -.02 C;, -.02 '.BC* 2";A+- -/* 32A)-B -7 '2;) -AB;. ,-=21; ,-,27;

.(0":@ '7; *A- 2929= '2; - -B.,@*B A*,4

'2- )"/BA+- ,.4A*. -B.,@ B2,@ 5; .C2** C.9;5 ,202- 2)BA 6) 625.,+- .@509 ,"@*B, 62A7.)B ,02* -AB; B2 6).

62)BA 6-2A*, 2=5. .5@-5 1.A 5)@/02 A"+- 6B*. 2@:*29@ 6220 A"+- 6B* 62B,0 -BB 29=5 .A7) 3) ,2)BA .92)B A.*:

C.9;5 62)BA 6-2C** 62A7.)- -5). ,C.025:- C) ,02* 62A7.)B ,0) 6.@7* 8297 B2B4 6"./- 3A, C.025:- C) A,B5

.C.,7- +"2

.92) B) -7 ,B)4 2A*, )5- @.:=- =";B ,(.*4) C.4A* '7+* A).*7. ,-52=C*. -A.C* A.:) @";* ,)A/; C9@C7 .,

C;,4 )92,5 5*.@7-. ,-52=C 829;5 )A/; C9@C 829;5 629.B)A- .@509. ,-A.C ,.75C 829;5 )A/; C9@C .51* '.4. 1"@7

C=* 62A2707B .74B )5) ,(0"= '2: ;".B.1*. ,-"- -5=C '5-7 ,"=. ,0"- B"@ '5-7 ,"=* A).*74) 5@-5 6"*7A-

<.: B")A* -)*.-B) +":A '2B* .92*- 625.,+ -74B <). .-52=C5 4".2;*. -"A;* 5.*15 .+-9 4".74 ,C"2B;* A15=

829; 4".2;* <). ,)92,7 24- 5"22@ )5 C.1B= ="; ,.A-1C ', 29=5, )A@ 047 ,)2- )C22A.), 4".2;* -52*1 C*.0, ()7.2

.+-97* 2.5C -52*1-

B2B ,29B5 ,0)7 -507- C) .A2*;2 )7B 62BB.0. ,-.@7- .C.)* .5*12 62B9) -*A- 6)B ,-=+7- C;B*B ,)A*C:7.


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

6) 62@:.=- .9,.) 82*@ '1 5; 3.7:5 B2 @0,- C;B*, ,": ."AC '2: )"7A* A).*74 ,82*@ '1 CA.C* C05@7 5; 3.7:5

,62A,9 CAC- -/5 ?"). ,52+A- +-975 .A/02 -)*- -9B5. .(829;* 5@-5 B2, -)A9. .)A*+ 044 *B09 C05@7* /A*- C02C=

.A"7+,- 2A*,4

.)C22A.), 82, ).-B 62B9 C52*15 322B )5. ,C.4A* '7+* A).*74 )A/; C9@C 2*+5 C+-.9 @A ./ )5.@B ).- 1.B= A*,.

6"./ 3A, 6-7; 62AB@C7 62A0). ,0) 6.@7* ,02* 62*B.2B -B5B B2 6)B -)A9 -"A *A;* 62A,9 CAC- +-97 829;5 .-

.,"*- 29=* ,7.; A,9- 5;* -2-2B 3A.?- 87 82)B 62A,9, @"= '7+* A).*7, 6-2A,9 A2C-5 -B5B-5 AB=) A2=B,

?")B <). ,62A2C7 6- 6-2A,9 AB) 6- 27. 27 ,"2*- .;,2B 892;* 7"47 ,,"2*- 29=* A,9- 5;* '2-2B ?")B =";) 84)

.6C.) 62;,.2B *2B0 A2=B ,.5) 5B 6-2A,9 A2C-5 629..4C7 ,"*-. 6-29=5 62,7.; 6-B 54 ,7"47 ,C2B2) 6C.) .A242B

54 C) C.)A5 ,"*-5 AB=) 2) 6) ,6"./ 3A, -*2B2* 62,275C 5B -75B -C4 5B 6-2A,9 .A2C2 ,"*- 6)B ,-)A9 342=5.

C) ,02* .,2+2 65.4. ,-AC- 62B@*7- 62,275C 4".4 B2 .5B A,0*B ,"2*-5 B)A7 2*A- ,2+2B 8.49- 87 ,62,275C-

62;,.2 7"47 5*) ,65.4 C) 62;7.B )5. 65.4 C) 62).A ,"2*- 82)B <) ,/). ,'.4. 2C.*A )9 .;7B ,A.,:* :=,9- 0:.9-

)7+.,.] .6CAC- 62B@*7- 6- 27. 27 6- 62;,.2 2A-B ,27, A2=B. ,-AC- 62B@*7 -C4- -C.) 5B 62,275C- 54B 6-

,"2*- 6) )@., .922-, C.A+ '5- ,".25 A"7+,- -/* *C4. (.0; C.7*2 '7+) -52*1 ?") -9* -A22+C9B CA*.;7 A*,5

C0C -CB;9 )5 A*.;- C52*1 .52)4 *B09 /"A- ,62;,.2 692) 6) 5*) .CA*.;7 )2-B 62;,.2 CA*.;7- C52*1 5; 0@=7-

B2 62,275C -74 ,"2*-5 B)A7 ,2+2 2*A- ,,",9* 9"-. .)2- CA*.;7B CA22+C7- 6-5 A7)CB 2+: 24-* 5*) .,"* 0.@=

[.2+: 24-*. ,-C4*

-*A-. ,+5= A0)5 C*B* (.9C99.0 -C) 6;) 5.0 5B C2*A; C52=C. +5=- 29=5 C*B 5B -097 55=C-5 AC.7 ,"-;B* ..

,-525* A.) -7B 82). >.0* 55=C-5 )@.,* 62,2=@7 )5) ,:"94-2** 629=* 55=C-5 )5B (-=+7- C707) 62BB.0 822,;

6272 '*, 5"22@, <), ,-"A 5B 29B 525* <). ,C*B* ;.*B 54* (C;4) 84 C.B;5 6-5 A2C-5 ,"-;B4 *B02 )7C:7 6-5.

29B 525* B.,2@ 62A7.) 342=5 AB). ,)5.@5 )5. ,)A7.05 @A .-/, 5"22@ '5-5 ,()C42A) )7.2) C0) -B.,@4 692, -"A 5B

,).- -"A 5B 29B 6.2 62+-.9B -7, ,6,@.7* (29B) 1".2 5*@5 6-5 AB=) )5277. ,(B,0 2A= .5 82) .52=)) .9220-B 6;

'.,@ .7?; 5; 5*@2B 322B A2=B ,1".2 *A; C7)* ).- 8.B)A 1".2B ,?- .C.) 2=5. ,5.0 '2- 8.B)A- 6.2-B C.AB=)- 29=7

(8.B)A 6.2* 50B) 1".2 ':.C 5*@5 )")B A7.5 6.@7 B2. ,C*B* ).- -"A 5B 8.B)A 1".2 ./ -9B .95?)B <). .6,@.7* 1".2

87 82). ,4"-)? 6,.@ C*B- C) .5502. -4)57 .B;2B -5@C -/7 )?C 25.) ;.*@5 )AC), )A7 *A- 5;. .C*B* +5= A0)5

.(="BC 5.5) ', - '* C.) <.:) C.4.: 2929;* -/* 4"B7; .27.@7- )AC), )A7 *A- C.BA* )5) -/4 +.-95 8.49-


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?="BC 5.5) '/

1. Shuls that must abridge Davening due to Covid-19 may su! ce with the primary requirement to blow only 60 shofar blasts and not the " nal 40 at the end of Mussaf. La’Menatzeach can be said once before shofar and all Piyutim in Chazaras HaShatz on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur may be omitted; Viduy and the Avoda on Yom Kippur may not be omitted. Hineni may be said by the chazan quietly.

2. Without a Minyan, shofar is not blown at all during one’s private Shemona Esrei. When possible, it is preferable for Shofar to be blown before beginning Musaf, rather than a# erwards.

3. One who cannot attend Selichos with a Minyan may recite the 13 Midos Rachamim with a Minyan via Zoom.

4. Due to Covid-19 and a potential overcrowding, the minhag for men to use the mikvah before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur may also be ful" lled by taking a shower at home (this leniency would not apply to women who have to use the mikvah).

5. Hataras Nedarim may be done via Zoom, as long as the three members of the Beis Din who are matir neder are in the same location. $ e Beis Din members should be able to see who is requesting hatara, or at least be aware of how many people have approached them and are on Zoom requesting Hatara before they begin.

6. In a pressing situation (such as due to Covid-19), a minyan be be convened on Shabbos a# ernoon to Daven Mincha immediately before Plag HaMincha and Maariv immediately a# er Plag, although Melacha is still forbidden until the actual conclusion of Shabbos regardless. $ is can be done if it will be di! cult for a Maariv Minyan to be convened outside in the dark. $ e local rabbi must determine if this is an appropriate practice for his community as it may mislead participants to believe that Shabbos has already concluded and melacha is permitted.


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

-B.,@- C520C 29) )5

[email protected]). ,-B.,@- 25 C,7.;. C@/0.7 )5) ,-B.,@- C520C 29) )5 ,*C4 '.+. .-.9). 25@ -/ (05B* '=*) ="-; '2=* 2"BA

4"+ .9)B -/7 6+. .92C.*)7 .95 -)* 5)AB2- CB.,@. ,6,)- 5B 5)AB2 CB.,@ ).- C..?7 622@5 *2207- .2C.*) 2727 25;

84. ,':.C7 :)= 62A,95 8"A- )2*- AB)4) ,62+-97 5; 89*A, 502 5* B2B (.1) 62A,9 '7+* A).*7, -7. ,'C2 .* 62927)7

'2: 8)?- 2*@;* ':*. ,-"5A '7; *A- B=9 ':* -/* 4"B7; ,-/* 6"*7A- C9*-4 )5,. ,,"2A '2: ,".2 ;".B* -45-5 )*.-

,627,.@- C.A.,7 -52-@- 2+-97 5; 6+. ,.7?; 5; ,202- 5*2@B 62*.1 62+-97 5; 6+ 2)@ ,(5"/ :"7A+- 6B* '/ C.) '-

-7?; 5; 5*@5 -5.42B C0) -*2104 C*B09 -52-@-B ,A.*2?- C;.*B 5B +B.7 B2 4".74 ,,202- C;.*B B2B .74B -)A94.

C2* ;2*B- ;*B- A7)7* 4"B7 '2;. ,+"7@ '2: )"0 09;= C9=? '.BC '2;) 62)*- C.A.,- 5; .52=) C.*2207- C.;.*B

.(/":BC ,+"2@C '7; 1"5 CA*.0 @0?2

87 B9.;* A*,- -5C. ,-A2;?- .C* -C7B ,()2 C.) A.=24 6.2 C.45-) 5"2A-7 '2;. ,62+-97* A-/25 ).- A.70 829;.

6)B ,-/* .C9.4 25.). ,(0"5 554 6"7 C4A;7 ,70 2,B ':* -/* ;";.) 621.2= ,0) 5B +-97- 21A=* -92BB 5; 627B-

C4A* 829;, ,)*-5 C.A.,- 3B7- 6.B 8)4 )-2 )5 24 ,62,52 .5 8C25 2),4 .92) 4") ,627,.@- C.A.,- 2+-97* 32B77 .992)

.629* 5"5 ,-A.:7- 32B77 .992)B 27 5?). ,-A.:7- 32B7-5 .54.2B 2,4* – .A,+ 629*

A*4 .5) 62+-97B *"9B7- *C4 A*4B 6.@7* .52=) ;".B* .A4/9B 62+-97- 54* ,2=@7 ,)7 -2- 5"/ ,"2A+- .92*A.

.(/;A '7; *A- 2929=7 ':*. ,+=A '7; 6B. ,")2- -A.C 5)AB2 +-97" ,"4 '7; *A- B=9 ':* 4"B7 '2;.) .51*C9

6.2 )* )5. :"94-2*5 ).*5 52+A- 54 (:.) C.4A* '7+ 822;, ,+-97* +.-95 82)B )12B= ,+-97. 82, 82* -A2C: B2B 6.@7*.

A)2* ('. '2: ,"0 6B. ,0"7 '2: *"0) *"2?9-5 A*, *2B7 '.BC*. .'.4. .5 -+.9 ,35- -.?7 A*,5 6)....* 52)B7 -"*@- ,,0)

-.?7 A*,5 6). ,(.1) 62A,9 '7+4 ,(89*A,7) A,9 6;17 *2207 -/ +-97 )5277. ,62=.?A ="+ +-9 84B ,-9.4- ,).*5 52+A,

5; AC..5. ,-.?7- C) 622@5 62*22.07 /) ,-.?7 ./2). (:"94-2** A.*?* 55=C-5) .+-97 82* -A2C: -C2-B ,5"A ,35-

(/1 C.) +-97 292,. )5.@5 89*A, )@2=: 829;* ,82B.,2@ ':7 <.: 62A.;2B 2:A19.@) 5"/ 871:.+ 2"A+- A2*:- 84. .+-97-

-9B- 54. ,,2+- 87.B C) 5.4)5 82) +-97 6;17. ,,02* ="@- 54 C) C.5?5 -.?7 B2B ,()"2- ="@7 2"=) 6"*7A- C9.4*

+-97- 5; AC..5 3A.?- 87. ,+-97. -A.7+ -45- 82*B -A2C:- .929=5 C,7.;B ,0:= 5257 >.0 ).-- +-97* 62+-.9 -5.4

6.@7* 5*) ,5*@C9B *.1 +-97 54. 547 51*5 62?.AB4 62A,9 CAC- 6242A? @AB ,(,"2A 2":A) ,".25 A"7+,; 84. .+"-4*

,+-97- 5; AC..5 5.,+ 3A.? '2-2 62,,.* 62A@7* 6;=5 6;=7B .25)7 8*.7 A*,- ,+-97- 5; A.7B5 ,.)7 -B@B ,"-;B

25.0- C=+7 C;B*B ,)*.- (5"/ ,A911B;+ 8C9 A"+- 5".-) )"@;A 5B C.9@C. 62@:= ':*. .62A,9 CAC-5 ?") +"-4*.

AB=), 2)7 54 1;75 2,4* ,4"-.2. -"A 5B C.52=C- 3.C7 621.2=- 54 127B-5 )"@;A -A.- ()"?@C C9B*) -)A.9-

.74 ,62A,9 CAC- 6.B5 6242A? .2- )5B 'A94. ,(-94:* AB=), 2)7 54 1;75 2,4) ,/"5/ 624.7: ,02* A.*?- 54B 87/- C)


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*?).*C 24 'A= @"B; ="BC 5.5) ."1

.2*) C)A.-5 AB@*) A.B; CC2*B '5- /"2A+- '20* *C4 ), 8.+4 5;. .62A,9 CAC-5 ?"). ,4"C-4 -0., 9"=, 5"22@,

0"A+- -*2B2- ,:227 2727 ,.; 82'/)5)..* 5*.@7- @:=- '2- 84 AB) ,.24A? 54 :"*2 A*4B -5.05 524)-5 ,:"0A+-

)2*- 84. ./"2 C.) /":@ )C52)B -5)B @7;- ':* - ,., C509- 6B* C.C52)B5 .A.)** *"2?9- )2*- 84 AB)4 ,82'/)5)..7

A2707 '2-B )5) ,-5250 ,C*B '5-* 5@27 '2- (6220 A"+-) .2*)B 829;- 82)B (*"= '7; -45-* 62,;.7 ':* ,82./ 2"BA+-

.9".@= '5-*

-A2A* C25*. ,9".@= 2929;* A270-5 ,,.;. :"0A+-. 82'/)5)..7 0"A. )"@;A+- .92C.*A C.*@;* +.-95. ,.;?5 .925;.

.-94:* 1;75 2,4* ,:"94-2** -52=C5 ,02 62=:)C7 54-B 87/* 1;75 2,4 62B.,@ 62+-97 -/2) 5; 6B. -= AC..5

.2;*,4 62+-97-. C.45-- 54 C) 622@5 *.B9. ,+-.9 .+-974 65.;- -2-2. ,.2-B C.745 62929;- .*.B2 -)*- -9B5B -.@9.


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

4"-.2. -"A* '2.0CB- +-97

-;B* :"94-2* C=?A 5; 62.0CB7 5-@- 54B (B,@75 A4/) 62+-.9. :"94-2** 4"-.2 5B <:.7 6255=C7 -52+A -9B*

,:"94-2* CB.,@ .* 82)B 01B* >.0* 6255=C7 -*2: ./2)7 6) 5*) ,'.4. -A/;* 62,7.;- 6;-. 629-4-. A7.) 8/0-B

,[62@:.=* A).*74] @"7-2**B 629.B- 62@50- ,+94 629..47 629.B- :"94-2* 2@50, ,'2.0CB- 5B +-97 -/* 82)B -)A9

.'.4. ="; 625=.9. 62,.7. 62.0CB7 .2- -A/;*B .5) @A. ,-A/;- ,+94 8..47 ).- 62A*+- CA/;.

B,.@7- 6.@75 >.07 6255=C7B 8297* .52=) 322B -/. ,C.24577 @50 -/. .B,@75 A4/ .992) .925;* C..0CB-5 +-97- 84)

AB@* )"- 29=5 C2.0CB-. )*C 24 'A= B2A* 4"B7B ,)"A+- 6B* ;.,2B ,8.,5 B2 -/* <)B )5)] .:"94-2* CB.,@*

..)?2B 6,.@ C.0CB-5 62*22.07 -A/;5 62:949- 54B ,).- 2554 82, )5) 62A.42** ,0.27 82, .992) ,62A.42* C)*-5

:"94-2** )5) +-9.- )5 .925;* -2.0CB-- +-97 <)B 8.,5 6.@7 B2 )5277. ,-A/;* )C22A.), 6.2@ -..-7 @A -2.0CB-.

[.@"7-2**B -A/;- ,+94 8..47 ).-B 62A*+- CA/; @50*

29B, ,.925;* )5. (C)10 ',5 A0) C.*A5 6+ ,627;= ',) 6;-. 629-4-. 62A7.)B -;B* ;A.4 @A >"B-B '2- .9*A +-97.

@,@,7 '2- 6;-. 629-4-. 62A7.)B -;B* @A, ,-2.0CB-- 8=.) 829;5 6-292* @507 '2- 84. .-7- 62,A=9 62+-97

62=2:.7. ,6224A* 5; C?@ C.1-5 ,"62.0CB7. 62;A.4" C.B;5 +-9 @AB ,.925;* 4")B7 ,"6-29= 5; 625=.9." C.B;5

)*.- *A -B;7*. ,84 @505 )"A+- 87/* >.=9 +-97 '2- 84.) .(5;5)A)=) ;@A@ 2=54 629..47 .29=B ,; C?@ C.1-5

.-/ 54* (+2A '7;) *A- B=9 ':*. (,? '7;) '2 C.) *2 '2: 2*?- >A) ':* 4"B7 -)A (.-/ @.5207 5"029 '2- )5 )"A+-B

A*, 6272B7B B2.] ;@A@5 .29= 82* @2:=-5 2,4 62*B; ;2?-5 B2 6-29= 5; 625=.9B4 4".2*B ()"5@ '2: <.:) )"7A '2;.

-9*9. 629*) C=?A -7B -C2- )7B 892B220, ,C24B7 8*) A.:2) 6;17 ,A7.54 ,[C.;1 -/. ,6224A*- 6.@7* @2:=7-

)422B )5, ,*B;- +"; 4".2* >.0* 6255=C7 6), ,1.B= -)A9. ,(8.)+ )A2AB 'A 6B* B"*2A-7 -7B 2"** )*.74) -25;

.(.925; CA27)* 62.0CB7B4) @2:=7- A*, 6.B ;2?-5 3A.?- 87 82). ,)BB0 3-

! is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, there will be many minyanim convening outside of the Beis Haknesses due to numerous government regulations. ! ose davening outside of a Beis Haknesses, would not be obligated to bow to the ground when reciting the Seder Ha’avodah on Yom Kippur, as there was never a custom to do so. However, when reciting Aleinu L’shabeich on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, perhaps the standard minhag to kneel would apply even when davening outside of the Beis Haknesses.

A14B 2*? ="BC 5.5) 0"4


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

C.7B9 CA4/- C;B* :"94-2*7 62A2;?- C)2?2

*"20) A/;25) >2? '.BC*. ,6,.@7 62)?.2 62A.- 6-5 B2B 62A2;?- ,:"94-2** C.7B9 62A24/7B -;B*B ).- >.=9- +-97-

822,;B ./ -9B 84) ,(+"9@ '7; ,*A- B=9 ':* 4"B7;) 0*B5 6;1 -/* 8C9 5"/ .92*A <). ,-/* 627;1 -74 1@25 (1"5 '2:

62A2;?- 54 .)?2 6). ,)", 29B-7 ,0) @0AC-5 ,2=@-5 8.49- 87 C.)2A* 27;17. ,C94:7- -=+7- .95?) CAA.B

)AC), )A7 *A- 6). ,C.@0A-- 5; .A7B2 )5. ,:"94-2* A.,/.A=* ,0) 6.@7* ,02* 65.4 .=:)C2B B.05 B2 ,:"94-2*7

A)B* +.-94 )5,) ,./ -9B 67.@7* .A)B22 65.4B B)A7 /2A4-5 8.49- 87 ,9".@2= 29=* ,7.;- A*, 35 82). ,-94:5 BB.0

.) ,C.A0) C.52=C .55=C2 )5) ,A.4/2- C) 62A7.) 62A+.*7-B -;B* 825.0 C02B .00.B2 )5. ,(69.@2C4 629B-B4 ,629B

.5"-? 25220. 0"75=- 25220 A.*;. ,-).B- 2B.,@ A.*; A.4/2- C52=C A7.5 .=CCB2B

It is customary that one who need not recite Yizkor exit the room while others are reciting this Te! llah. If the Rabbi is concerned of overcrowding in the hallwalls and a lack of social distancing, everyone may remain in the shul for Yizkor. However, those who will not be reciting Yizkor must be respectful of those who are, and they must make sure to use the time either to recite additional Te! llos or to recite Yizkor for the many martyrs of recent Jewish history.

A14B 2*? )"=BC 2ABC ',


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A*,- 87/* C.=@-. C.9;B.-

.92) -4. -4 82* 6) ,5)B .9*AB 25 -7.,74 5*) .A=:- 87 ).A@5 5.42 .92)B =";) -A.C5 -5.; )7.:B 5"22@ 82,- A@2;7

,.*4 29=7B ,-9;B 25 -7.,74. .805B5 35.- ;.,7. ,:"94-2** .*B.7 6.@77 -4A*- A7.) .92) ;.,7 ,C":- 3.C7 )A.@

)A.@-5;*-B <2,;B 2C9*- ,)A.@ 5;*5 3.7:* ,.7;5 -94: -/* B2B -=+7- 87/* 5*) .A=:- 6.@75 C455 .5 B2 -A.C-

.C.=:.- .B;2B A*C:7 )5 +"-4*. .()A.@ 5;*-. -A.C5 -5.;- 82* C5,*7- -?207 6B B2B )5 6)) C.25;- 54 5*@2

.(="BC A22) ."4 -/7 4"B7;) ,.;. ,.; 5*@2. <2:.9B A*C:7 )5 ,B70- 54 5*@2 @";*. ,C.25; B70 B2B 1".2*,

6B* /"2@ '7; *A- B=9 ':* -/* 4"B7;) 62).A@- 82975 -5.; A21=7B (65.B7 'A ,+9 C"A C;,4) 5"22@ 82,- A@2;7.

,C2B)A*7 )A.@B -7 84. ,-=:.- CA.C* -/ - (1".2 5B) C.25;- B70 54 .9)A@ A*4B A0)5 A21=7 -5.;B -7. ,(.9*A

87 ,:09= '=7 - 2B25B A=:7 6+. C2B)A* '=7 ).A@5 - 84 +.-95 62?.A 6). ,C.=:.- 54- -/ - :09= '=7 )A.@B -7 84.

54 5; 3A*2 @";*- @A. ,:09= '=7 - C2B270-. ,C2B)A*7 '2-C C2;2*A '225; ,-4A*- C)/. '=7 C.25; '+ .)A@2B 8.49-

.(-7B -/7 4"B7;) -A1=-- A0)5B -A1=-- C.4A* 54 A7+ A0)5 ,; @"0- A7)2 )5 /). C.25;- B70

(*A- .)) >"B- @A ,-A.C C07B* 84. ,(B,@75 A4/) C.9;B.-* .,*5 <2@2 (*A- .)) >"B- @AB <2,; 25.) ,-94:- 29=7

5; A=:- .0292 )5 - <2@2B4. ,C.@0A-- 2929;* 5.B47 2,25 .).*2 8= ,554 .,@A2 )5B <2,;. ,-=@- 545 C0) 6;= <2@2

2"/ 54 62927 ',* -=@- +-97 3B7- C9.4 (4"A '7;) *A- B=9 ':* .9A)*B -7 '2;. ..,2* C":- 6; <2@2 )5) 805.B-

.-A.C C07B* - -924B5 *2*:7 C":* -=@-. ,C.4.:-

AC.2* 3A)C -52=C-B (C.)2A*- 27;17 >.0* 55=C-5 62*22.07B .5)5 6.0- C94: .)) A*,- C94: C707 62BB.0 6).

AB=) 279 24- ,+-97 )5) 692)B 29=7 ,A*,- C94: C;B* 621.2=- 54 127B-5 )"@;A 8@2CB .74B A*C:7 ,C5-@ C707

,27, A2=B 2),.* ,-097* C5-@ C)2A@ +-97 622@5 .?A2 6). .62A=.: ':7* A).*74 +-97 4"+ -/ 24 C5-@ C)2A@ 127B-5

C"-A@7 50- - C*B 54* 62*.C4 C)2A@ A.:2) '2- 62)9C- 87/*B ()"4 '7; ,"0 -A.:7 CA*.0) .9*A A2*:-B -7 2=5.

8.49- 87. ,'.4. A2,C .92)B. A2,C, <)) C2A0B, C"-A@ 29=5 C5-@ ).A@5 .+2-9- 84 5; AB). ,-097, C"-A@5 ,;. C2A0B,

- C*B*) -097* .)A@2 6) - /"=5. ,C"-A@ A0)5 A@** C*B* 520C7 @A 62*.C4 C)2A@ '2), ,(-A.C* -520C ).A@5 '2-

).A@5 AC.- C*B, -097, C"-A@ A0)5 @A, ,C5-@* 4"0) @A. C":* -520C ).A@5 8.49- 87 )7C:7 (CA?; 2927B

.-097 C52=C A0)5 ,; C5-@ C)2A@ A0)5 B2 ,-;2@B- 6,.@ -,27;- C) .A7+2 )5B BB0 '2-2 6). ,62*.C4*


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

A14B 2*? )"=BC 2ABC ,"2C.4: +0 *A;

Regarding Hoshanos, because of social distancing, it may be preferable for the Chazzan or Rabbi to circle around the shul by himself. !e same could apply for Simchas Torah where we should minimize the number of people carrying Sifrei Torah. Dancing should be avoided lest people become lax about social distancing.

If there is a concern regarding the length of davening on the day when Koheles is being read, then Koheles may be omitted this year or read later in the day at Mincha, a"er laining.


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

-A.C C07B 2929;*

6.;15. B,@5 54- .+-9B 29=7 ,C2A0B* - -A.C C07B*. ,<:.7* 1".2* @A 6-2=4 )B25 5".0*B 62/94B)- .+-9 554 3A,*

52+A- +-974 .+-92B )A*C:7. ,(C45-C7- -=2+7- 29=7) .B,@2 )5 C:94 2C* -*A-* ./ -9B. .-225;- A0)5 <42C C?@

,[-9B7- 82,4] <:.7* 6+. C2A0B* 6+ 1".2* 6-2=4 )B25 .+-9B 6.@7*.) .<:.7* @A 6-2=4 )B25 1".2 A)B 54*

6+ 6-2=4 )B25 ,1".2- A)B 54* .74 ./ -9B 5B C"07B* .+-92B )A*C:7 /) ,5"9- 6;1-7 C2A0B* @A - -A.C C07B*.

(.<:.7* 6+. C2A0B*

62A0) 6; -4.:* 5.4)5 62?.AB B2 ./ -9B* 845. ,(629=*7 )5.) 62A0) 6; 6254.)B4 >.0* 5.4)5 <2,; C.)2A*- 27;17

,(-7B 2"BA=4) -.?7- 5; <2:.7 .92)B 024.-5 2,4 ,-4.:- C) 5.:=5 B2B (.07) -4.: '7+* A).*7 -9-. .C"07B 6.2*

6.@7* C.*B, C.*B, ,34:- C) ,2A.-5 2A497 B@*5 9") ,(-4.:- 5:=C -/*,) ,@")5B- 6; 34:- C) C.:45 8.49- 87.

@50 -/B 1.B= -)A9 62A0) 6; 5.4)5, ,2A49 2"; A2C-5 B2 )5277. ,C.*B )5) .92) C.9*5 7"; )5B AC.:. ,AC.7 -.?7

.A-./-7 ;.,24 ,1".2 C07B C.?77

82, 62@:.= -74 C;,5, ,-4.:- 3.C 5) 5.B2* 254 :294-5 (.":AC '2: ;".B*.) 6B '7+* A4/9B -7 5; 3.7:5 2),4 .92).)

C.A2,@ 5*) ,C.A20B7 .2- B)- 2*+ 5; 8C.) 820297 .2-B4. ,:A0 5B C.A2,@* 825B*7 .2-B ,)A7+- 87/* @A +-.9 -2- -/

(.34* C5:=9 -92). ,-4.:5 8:294-5 AC.7 ,554 3A,* C.:.)7 892). :A07 892)B .95B

!e custom of many communities is to recite Birchas Kohanim during Shacharis of Simchas Torah instead of during Mussaf. If the shul is not having a kiddush before Mussaf on Simchas Torah, then the Kohanim should recite Birchas Kohanim during Mussaf rather than at Shacharis.

One may not eat in a Sukkah on Simchas Torah because doing so would be a violation of Bal Tosif, inappropriately adding on to the mitzvos. If for health reasons a family would like to eat outside on Simchas Torah but the only available area is in the Sukkah, they should either place a covering over the Sukkah or have a non-Jew remove the Sechach so that the Sukkah is no longer kosher.

A14B 2*? )"=BC 2ABC 1"2C.4: 7"-.0


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

:"94-2** 0"9 C@5,- 829;*

A.7*. .-097 6,.@ B";* @25,-5 62+-.9 B2. ,*2A;75 -097 82* :"94-2** @25,-5 62+-.9B (/": )";AC) )"7A;

-/ ,-AB; 6B B2 .52=)B ,:"7A+- .2*) 6B* -/* A7) .9*A. .-@5,- C;B* -AB; 6B .2-2B 829;* ="4;, *C4 -;2?@.

,A.*? A.?25 ,02 .=A1?9 ,-AB;* -097 .55=C-B -;B*, ,B";* .52=). ,*2A;75 -097 82* @25,-5 )@., 892;*. ,@2=:7 )5

62*B.2B -AB; 6C:,) .A.*?* -@5,- /) 62B.;B )?79. ,-AB;* 2"7.C *2A;7 55=C-5 6C;,* 24 ,51*C- )5 <.A?-.

2"=; 32A?- ,-B.,@*B A*, -/2)5 ,02 .=A1?9B )@.,* 892;*. ,A.*? )A@9 -/ 82) ,5)9A)B/, 8;+A)7- C) ,02* 62)A.@.

6,.@ :"94-2** @25,-5 '2- .9*A +-97 ,4"-? ,; ).- C*B 822,;, ,*2A;75 -097 82* @25,-5 )")B ,B"?.7*. (.-AB; 82,

*.A* ,84) ,5*@CC B2,@- A7+ ,; .4A** 520C-B A.*?- <.A2? 622@ 822,;B A7.54 ,A.*?* -52=C- A7+ ).-B 5*@CC B2,@

':.C B2B ,.9*A A2*:-. ,:"94-2** -5,*- 6,.@ 5*) ,5*@CC B2,@ A0)5 :"94-2** 82@25,7 )5) ,84 .+-9 )5 C.7.@7-

)5277. .A.*?- 5B C*B- ':.C A7+ CA.C* )2- :"94-2** -5,*- CA27)B 5"2 25.). ,A.*?- 5B C*B ':.C. ,202- 5B C*B

-74*B ,629*A -74 .A2;-. .A.*2?* -@5,-4 /) -@5,-- )*2B0 A2=B. ,-5,*-- A0)5 ,; A.*?- <.A2? A)B9 822,;B 5"2

2A*,4 +.-95 62@,@,7- -5)5 ,4"). ,-94: BB0 C707 (:"94-2**) -5,*-. B.,@ .2B4; 127B-5 .+2-9- C:94 2C*

B2,@ A7)2 .-B27B @,@,5 -9B- 54 ,27C 64A, 6) ,9") .5*@CC B2,@ 6,.@ :"94-** 0"9 @25,-5 6-5 B2 ,:"7A+-

>.505 )5B .C12B5 (+"2: -"4) )"7A- *C4 1"-7 AB). ,(*": *"5@) )"7A- 2A*,4. ,(5*) 6B 82) 6) '2=)) .925; A0)

.4A* 29=5B /",:= A0)5B B2,@-7 520C7 C2A0B, A.*?* -52=C, ,.925; A0)5B B2,@- A0)5 ,; C2A0B* 8252=C-

)?79 ,4"). ,A.*?* -52=C- A7+ ,; .25; 8252=C- A2)B-5 8.49- 87. ,.925; A0)5B B2,@* CA7+9. (6"*7A* A).*74)

.52=) 0"9 @25,-5 27, A2=B )5277. ,.925; A0)5B B2,@- A7+ A0)5 ,; A.*?- <.A2? A)B9 822,; (B"?.7*) *2A;7* <)B

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For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

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For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

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For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

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{.-520C45 AC.7. ,27, ,*;,4 ,"-;B ,-/5 3A.?


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

1. !e custom is to read Parshas Zachor with a minyan from a kosher Sefer Torah on the Shabbos before Purim. If one is unable to do so, they may read from a kosher Sefer Torah without a minyan (without reciting the brachos). If that is not an option, one should have in mind on to ful"ll this obligation with the Kriyas HaTorah on Purim morning. If that too is impossible, one should have it in mind when reading Parshas Ki Seitzei (in the summer months). If a person feels that they will not remember to have this in mind during the summer months, then an additional reading of Parshas Zachor can be added this year. !is should be done on a weeknight (without brachos), so anyone who is unable to leave their homes may participate via Zoom.

2. When giving Machatzis Hashekel there is no need to raise the actual coins. One may ful"ll the minhag of Machatzis HaShekel by placing paper money in the collection bin. We should keep in mind that this minhag is merely a “zecher l’Machatzis Hashekel” and not the actual mitzvah of Machatzis HaShekel that was performed in the days of the Beis Hamikdash.

3. !ere is some debate among the poskim whether one must eat bread in order to ful"ll the obligation of seudas Purim. While the Shulchan Aruch never explicitly requires that meat be eaten for seudas Purim (indeed, Rav Soloveitchik once remarked that according to the Shulchan Aruch a tuna sandwich would su#ce), the Rambam writes that the seuda must consist of meat and wine. When Purim falls on Friday, one can ful"ll the mitzvah of seudas Purim starting in the morning.

4. When Purim falls on Friday, the practice in Yerushalayim is to stop the meal in the middle, cover the bread, and to recite kiddush so that the meal may continue as a seudas Shabbos. However, this practice is not recommended.

5. One must complete any meal on erev Shabbos or erev Yom Tov by the beginning of the tenth halachic hour of the day. !erefore, the Purim seudah should be completed on erev Shabbos by that time as well.

6. Due to Coronavirus concerns there are those who may be uneasy with receiving food prepared in other people’s homes. Consequently, this year in particular, it is worthwhile to heed the Rambam’s exhortation to spend more on Matanos L’evyonim than on Mishloach Manos.


For further halachic inquiries please email [email protected]

7. One can ful"ll the mitzvah of Mishloach Manos by sending the food through a third party. Alternatively, money may be given to a trustworthy person in advance of Purim to be distributed to individuals on Purim.

8. !ere are places with severe restrictions on gatherings of more than ten people, requiring multiple shi$s for Megillah reading. It is best to avoid reading the Megillah at night before tzeis hakochavim, unless there are extenuating circumstances. In a case of great need, one may read the Megillah during Bein Hashmashos. If there is an even greater need, one would be allowed to read the Megillah on Erev Purim a$er plag hamincha.

If one has no option to hear the Megillah with a minyan due to these circumstances, if they have a kosher Megillah in their possession and know how to read it correctly, they may do so on their own. If they do not know the reading but would be able to read it correctly while listening to a recording or livestream of a slow reading from one who does know, that would also be e%ective. If this is not possible, one may rely on the opinions that the mitzvah can be ful"lled over the telephone or via Zoom.

9. Eating light snacks a$er nightfall would be permissible for those who will be attending a later shi$ for Megillah reading. A full meal should not be eaten until a$er one hears the reading of the Megillah.

10. In those places where gatherings are restricted, they will likely arrange a number of consecutive readings throughout the day. Normally we should wait until sunrise to read the Megillah, but in this situation one may even read the Megillah as early as alos ha’shachar.

11. !e Megillah should be read in its entirety by one individual. However, in places with many readings, where it will be di#cult to "nd enough people who can learn to read the entire Megillah, it is permissible to divide the Megillah reading among several readers.

A14B 2*? )"=BC 1*B 0"2

