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The Rashi

Chart and theDivisionalCharts

The Rashi Chart and the Divisional charts

( Rashi Chakra and Varga Chakra )

By Tanvir Chowdhury

The Rashi Chart

The Rashi Chart (Also called - Rashi Chakra) is the chart showing mereplacement of the planets in the sky in reference to Rashis (Zodiac Signs).

The natal Rashi Chart shows which planet was in which Rashi (Sign) on thetime of the birth of a natie. !n Rashi Chart a Rashi is marked as natal

ascendant ("anma #agna) and that sign is co$nted as the first ho$se. Th$sthe %& different signs become the %& different ho$ses' where each ho$secontrols a set of matters. epending $pon the nat$re' r$lership' strength'relationships among the planets placed in different Rashis' the good and

bad of the natie is deried by the astrologer.

The Divisional Charts

n the other hand' a iisional Chart (*arga Chakra) is not the

!R+CT chart of planets in the sky. The Rashi Chart is a sort of irectSnapshot of the sky at a moment. That is why it is a ,Tr$e chart, which

eists in physical leel of material creation. n the other hand a iisionalChart is not a direct chart of placement - a iisional Chart does not eist inthe tr$e astronomy' b$t it as a ,*irt$al Chart, deried from the Rashi Chart'

and there is the glory of *edic Astrology

Making a Divisional Chart

/hen we will make a iisional chart' +ach Rashi will be diided intoe0$al parts' the n$mber of the parts depending $p on which iisional

Chart we are going to create. S$ppose' we are going to make the 1aamsaChart' which is a 2th diisional or harmonic chart' also called -2. 1ow'

+ach Rashi in the Rashi Chart will be diided in to 2 e0$al parts' and each of the 2 parts will represent a separate Rashi in the 1aamsa (-2) Chart' that

way the 2th iisional Chart will be made.

  As an eample' let $s s$ppose that 3oon is in Aries in one,s RashiChart. /e want to make the Saptamsa (-4) iisional Chart for the natie.

1ow we will diide Aries in to 4 e0$al parts' and as per the r$les of *edicAstrology' each seenth part will denote some separate ,Rashi,(s) in the -4

chart. 1ow if the part of Aries where 3oon is' denotes 5emini in -4 chart'the 3oon will be in 5emini in -4 Chart. All other planets will change signs

the same way and make a complete new chart for the natie.

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  That is why' the 3oon is not in 5emini in the sky in real' it is in Aries.6oweer' it is in the 7-4 5emini part7 in Aries that is why in -4 Chart

3oon will go to 5emini. A iisional Chart is completely different from theRashi Chart' howeer' one planet may occ$py same sign in Rashi Chart and

in other iisional Charts' that is only a co-incident.

Uses of Divisional Charts

The most respectable a$thority of *edic Astrology' 3aharishi 8arasara'

speaks abo$t %9 iisional Charts. They are The Rashi itself (-%)' 6ora (-&)' rekkana (-:)' Chath$rthamsa (-;)' Saptamsa (-4)' 1aamsa (-2)and so on. 3aharishi 8arasara goes $pto Shastiamsa (-9<) which is made

diiding a Rashi in to 9< parts and the leel of acc$racy *edic Astrologyallows $s to go to' can be imagined easily by this. +en Ashtottaramsa (-%<=) is $sed by some most eperienced astrologers to look into most s$btle

and acc$rate eents possible

  3aharishi 8arasara also speaks abo$t the $se of these iisionalCharts. 6e has said to see the body of the natie from Rashi Chart (-%)

itself' whereas he has s$ggested to look at other iisional Charts for otheraffairs' s$ch as wealth from -&' siblings from -:' profession from -%<etc. Some of these indications are similar to ho$se significations like :rd

from ascendant deals with co-borns' and the -chart dealing with siblings is-:. /e see profession from %<th ho$se and the -chart dealing withprofession is -%<. 6oweer it is not always tr$e' like -%& deals with

mother and father tho$gh we look at ;th ho$se for mother. Sometimes it isa bit similar like the 4th ho$se is a secondary ho$se for progeny and for the

same matter we look at -4 chart. 6oweer the main ho$se dealing withprogeny is of co$rse the >th ho$se.

  As per 3aharishi 8arasara,s adice' we can $nderstand easily whichho$se is to be looked at for which matter. S$ppose' someone got an

infection in the body. /hat wo$ld say this? Since it is abo$t the body andself' the Rashi Chart (-%) itself has to be seen. !nfection is seen from the9th ho$se' so we sho$ld look at the 9th ho$se and lord in the Rashi Chart.

1ow different ho$ses denote different body parts' they will hae to belooked at for more details. #ike infl$ence of 9th lord (infection) on &nd

ho$se (face) in Rashi Chart (Chart of body) might ca$se infection in face.

  S$ppose' we want to know abo$t natie,s ed$cation. Sho$ld we lookat the Rashi Chart again? #ogically' 1o. @eca$se it has to be seen from

Chat$rimsamsa (-&;) since this -chart deals with ed$cation. 1ow if welook closer -

;th ho$se in -&;B ormal ed$cation itself. Reason - ;th ho$se is of formal ed$cation.

>th ho$se in -&;B riginal knowledge the person owns. Reason - >thho$se is of knowledge. An ,ordinary st$dent, might hae a better knowledge

than a ,better st$dent, than him in the same class. ! hae seen in mypersonal eperiences that many st$dents hae good knowledge abo$t the

s$bDect b$t don,t get the best marks or stands first always. 6e is weak in;th ho$se (res$lt of ed$cation' mostly) b$t not in >th ho$se (knowledge).

9th ho$se in -&;B Competitors in st$dies. Reason - 9th ho$se is rials.or a first boy in the school' this will signify the &nd boy' :rd boy and so on'

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whoeer among the classmates compete with him in st$dies. !t will notsignify an ordinary st$dent of his class since the first boy does not hae to

eer compete with any ordinary st$dent for his place.

1ote - A st$dent with strong 9th ho$se in -&; might stand ,Always first, inhis class' defeating his enemies (9th) in ed$cation (-&;) if it also also

s$pported by ho$ses ;th' %%th etc.

4th ho$se in -&;B Stands for the Doint actiities in the st$dent life Eac0$iring of knowledge. Reason - 4th ho$se r$les Doint actiities. !t might

be gro$p st$dies' making hand-notes in a gro$p of fellow st$dents etc. !nmy early st$dent life ! $sed to make notes and reference materials and

echange them with other st$dents against notes written by them. /hichelse among the ho$ses wo$ld signify this since 4th ho$se is the ho$se of 


=th ho$se in -&;B 6idden or spirit$al knowledge the person owns.

Reason - =th ho$se is the ho$se of hidden things and spirit$ality. !t mightalso ca$se a s$dden ,change, in st$dent life.

2th ho$se in -&;B The knowledge related to religion and the role of theteacher in relation of ac0$iring knowledge in the person,s life. Reason - 2th

ho$se signifies religion' teachers etc.

%%th ho$se in -&;B Awards and priFes in st$dent life. Reason - %%thho$se is achieement. 1ot all good st$dents get awards' scholarships and

medals in a standard way.

%%th ho$se in -&; will also stand for the friends in his class or

ed$cational life. A first boy might like an ordinary st$dent in his class to bea good friend of him. 6e might not hae a good friendship with other good


%&th ho$se in -&;B Gnowledge of foreign matters s$ch as foreignlang$ages' foreign c$lt$res etc. Reason - %&th ho$se r$les the foreign.

  So' logically we see that for the matters which are not directly relatedto body and health' we sho$ld not be looking at the Rashi Chart for the

answer. 8arasara hinted this clearly and this is the real way of "yotish.

Logical inalica!ility of Rashi Charts

/hen we think logically' we see it clearly that Rashi Chart becomestotally illogical for $sing. #et me gie a little eample. !n aro$nd %22< or

%22%' there started broadcasting ed$cational programmes in o$r T*s abo$tpop$lation growth and problems created for this - to aware the illiterate

people abo$t it. !t was shown that in %22< abo$t > babies $sed to take birthin each min$te in this little co$ntry (@angladesh).

  1ow' this is &<<: and each min$te at least 4E= babies take birth in o$r


  The Rashi Chart is based on the #agna (Ascendant) which keeps samefor contin$o$s two ho$rs for a place. So' a Rashi Chart is basically SA3+ forthe total two ho$rs. So' when we are reading a Rashi Chart' we are reading

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the person,s fate H more 4I%&<J=;< people,s fate same time - who A##hae almost SA3+ Rashi Chart

  1ow' ! was born on &;th ec %2=&' %&.:< A3' haka. !n the same,Specific two ho$rs, that night' at least :I%&<J:9< babies were born whohae all the same Rashi Charts like me. 1ow' whateer res$lt ! take o$t of 

my Rashi Chart' sho$ld be applied to them also ! started st$dying "yotishin &<<%' when ! was r$nning my ealted =th lord,s period (Spirit$ality) who

is in the >th ho$se (Gnowledge) in my Rashi Chart. That time it gae me alot of spirit$al insight and ! also wrote some "yotish Articles (3ars is :rd

lord-writings) and created a website for it. ! was also a lonely the wholetime - all these are clear significations of an ealted =th lord in >th. That

really matches and proes to be really worthy.

  @$t what abo$t those other :9< kids who hae the same Rashi Chartof me? They hae the same se0$ence and *imsottari asa and they all ranthe asa almost same time - so they A## sho$ld learn astrology and make

website like me' almost same time in aro$nd &<<% @$t today from myco$ntry ! see no one of my age to st$dy astrology on the net like this andopen website like me @$t logically' they all sho$ld st$dy astrology at the

same leel of me' open same standard websites like me and own for$mslike me... /6K... beca$se we derie all these res$lts from the Rashi Chart'


  A few months ago ! isited !ndia for & days intending only to b$ysome "yotish books which ! did. 1ow' all those :9< clone-boys sho$ld begoing to !ndia for the same reason. orgetting abo$t :9< boys' at least

&<E&> boys of them sho$ld R+A##K st$dy "yotish to my leel and if at least

A1K 1+ of them did' ! wo$ld meet him on the net beca$se he wo$ld be

haing a site and for$m like me on the net @$t no' ! did not As we arederiing all the res$lts from the Rashi Chart' at least S3+ of them sho$ldbe haing a for$m like me @$t no' no s$ch for$m on the net than mine is

owned by someone of my age. /hat do all these say abo$t the Rashi Chart?

  All the basic and maDor eents of my life can be eplained well withthe Rashi Chart and *imsottari asa' b$t all the clone boys hae the same

Rashi Chart positions and they all wo$ld hae the same maDor eents intheir lies and basically we all sho$ld hae a same life All their family

backgro$nd' social stat$s' ed$cational stat$s' talents' professional stat$swo$ld be same @$t in real een the twins who were born & min$tes apart

hae so m$ch maDor differences in lies' and lie complete different lies'

then what is abo$t people born in the same two ho$rs' and haing the sameRashi Chart?

  !f Rashi Chart wo$ld be indicating the res$lts acc$rately E reliably thenthere wo$ld be at least %<E%> SA3+ C8!+S of each people beca$se at least

%<E%> people wo$ld be born the same day in the C#S+ same two ho$rshaing almost same Rashi Charts. And then there wo$ld be %<E%> /

@$sh(es) r$ling %<E%> powerf$l co$ntries like the L.S.A. @$t in practical life'there is only L.S.A. possible and not %<E%>. There wo$ld be at least %<E%>

more @ill 5ates with same h$ge wealth who wo$ld own %<E%> same bigseparate software making companies like 3icrosoft and each step of their

lies wo$ld be same and S!3L#TA1+LS beca$se we eplain all these bythe Rashi Chart' right?

  So logically and practically' Rashi Chart becomes something that we

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can not depend on at all And that !S the tr$th' that is why we will hae tocons$lt different iisional Charts for different p$rposes.

"ven then# $%& do Rashi Charts work'

+en after all these disc$ssion' we see that Rashi Charts do work.Almost all the "yotishas $se 1#K Rashi Charts and make s$ccessf$l

predictions. ! also ery rarely $se iisional Charts - ! can not $se themm$ch. !n practice the Rashi Chart always shows the past' present and

f$t$re ery well. +en tho$gh the other :9< kids do not hae the samefort$ne of me' (Tho$gh the Rashi Chart is same.) my Rashi Chart matchesto my life ery eactly and so is abo$t others lies. @$t then' how come is

that possible?

  ! hae tho$ght a lot' a lot abo$t it since from no one ! co$ld get theanswer till today. And the only one answer that ! co$ld find o$t is ,iinity,And that !S the only tr$e answer. !t is tr$e that the Rashi Chart is same for

a lot of people and they all do not hae the same fort$ne. @$t een then' inpractice' Rashi Charts indicate the life and Garma ery well. This is possible

only for the diinity of the creation. Kes' a lot of people wo$ld hae thesame Rashi Chart' @LT 1#K T6+ 1+ E A +/ /6,S #!+ /!## 3ATC6

T T6+ RAS6! C6ART will hae their charts made by a "yotisha and th$s itwill come tr$e. ther people will neer hae an opport$nity in their lies toget their reading - beca$se their reading will not match as per Rashi Chart.@eca$se some 2<MH people neer tr$ly beliee Astrology and among the

people who do' ery few people of them hae the chance to get their chartsmade by an Astrologer. nly beca$se it is the diinity and his life will match

to the Rashi Chart then only his chart can be made. 1ot of the other people.

  This again leads $s to the fact that we hae no kind of will power oero$r Garma' and basically all kinds of deep spirit$al disc$ssion leads $s tothe same concl$sion. So Rashi Chart is basically a diinity' D$st like the

8rasna or 6orary Chart is. +en 6orary Chart act$ally shows the fail$re signof o$r so called free will. Th$s o$r tho$ghts and acts being f$lly and strictly

controlled by the diinity are keeping the creation balanced and th$seerything is being possible to happen in a planned way and only for thatreason we are able to know the f$ll life of someone at his or her birth with

this diine 6ora Sastra.

Tanir Chowdh$ry> eb &<<;

haka' @angladesh


Nakshatras or lunar mansions have a very special place in Vedic astrology. They are the

axis on which Vedic astrology revolves. Moon stays in one Nakshatra for one day. They are

mentioned in the ancient ndian Texts! the "rtharva and #a$ur Veda which lists all %& of

them. 'alaprakashika is the standard ancient text which forms the (ase of the study of


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n mythology the Nakshatras are considered to (e the %& daughters of Daksha )ra$ipat* the

Cosmic +elper charged (y the creator of the universe ,rahma to help him in the evolution of 

the whole cosmos. These %& daughter of Daksha married the Moon and (ecame special

repositories of astrological influences. -hich is why the Nakshatra are feminine impulse

which need the positive! male impulses of the planets to complete their polarity.

n ndia* the lunar calender is decided (y the nakshatras. The rising nakshatra at the time of

the new moon decides the rulership of the lunar month. % nakshatras rule the lunar


Naksha! means to approach and Tra means to guard. /ach Nakshatras has a mythological

god whose duty it to guard and guide the cosmic evolution. The location of the planets in

specific nakshatras completely alters their signifcations. The 0odiac comprises of 123

degrees. The twelve 0odiac signs rule 13 degrees each. There are %& Nakshatras* each

4odiac sign comprimising % 5% Nakshatras. Though the 4odiac has (een divided into %&

groups of Nakshtras. These are only the principle mem(ers of several groups of fixed stars.

,eginning at 36 "ries* each Nakshatra compromises 16 %37 of the ecliptic.!the degrees

covered (y the Moon in a %8 hour Day. /ach Nakshatra is further divided into four parts

known as 6padas6 or feet. The %& nakshatras are divided in to 1 groups* known as paryaya

which means cycle. The seven planets and the nodes of the moon have the rulership

assigned to each Nakshatra. They repeat themselves in the same se9uence.

The start of each paryaya :one cycle of ; nakshatras< is always ruled (y 'etu the mystical

south node. )lanets positioned in =andhi areas! the $unction points of the paryaya* the last

9uarters:padas< of )isces! "ries. Cancer! >eo. =corpio! =agittarius are specially powerful in

giving 'armic effects. They are known as ?andanta. The (elief is when life crystallises at a

certain point then we $ourney towards the higher manifestation of the soul and the

consciousness. -e have to go through a particularly trying time to prepare our minds for the

next step in the $ourney of our soul.

Moon has a special relationship with the Nakshatras. The Nakshatras give 3@ positions for

the placement of the Moon. The Moon first comes under the influence of the 0odiac sign

where it is placed* then the influence of the nakshatra ruler and lastly it is influence (y the

lord of the pada. The triplicity of varying planetary influences alter the signification of the

Moon. t is from the location of the Moon in a specific nakshatra that we can decided the

start of our life cycles ! the Dasha system which is uni9ue to the Vedic astrology. The ruler

of the nakshatra at the time of our (irth is the ruler of the first dasha of our life and ruler of

the pada is the first antar dasha of our life.

The Nakshatra position of the Moon plays an important part in Muhurtha! election astrology.

n ndia where timing of important functions in life are very important* the placement of the

transiting Moon in specific Nakshatra is considered very auspicious. Marriages* education*

house (uilding* agriculture* farming* travel* starting new (usinesses etc. all should (e

started on the correct day and the astrologers look to the fixed stars to find that auspicious

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time so that the (est possi(le cosmic help is availa(le in whatever you are starting.

Nakshatras with their cosmic powers rule and direct life towards its karmic path* su(tly

influencing to (ring a(out changes in the psyche. The power of Nakshatras should never (e

underestimated. Their capacity of changing our life patterns is of prime importance in the

Vedic astrology. Aor predictive and election purposes the knowledge of the Nakshatras is

very important.

 "lthough it is significant to know of the lunar placement in Nakshatra* others planets change

under the influence of Nakshatras. t is important for those trying to look into deeper

meaning of life to look into the nakshatra placements of key planets and you will have a

much (etter understanding of the inner motivations of planets in your chart. -hen studying

the dashas* one should look at the ruler of the dasha as well as the placement of the ruler of 

the Nakshatra of the Dasha ruler. That makes all the difference in finding how the Dasha will

effect us.

n ndia* most Vedic astrologer will put the num(er of the Nakshatra (y the planet on the

chart. That way they can see immediately what degree of the 4odiac the planet is placed.

 "ccording to the ancient Vedic )hilosophy* our consciousness is effected (y three different

9ualities or gunas. The cosmic energies that radiate around us give us the predominance of

one of these gunas. These are very important in #oga and in astrology it is important to

understand the impulses :gunas< of the planets and their Nakshatras which give them their

uni9ue (ehaviour patterns. These gunas are*

. =attva ! the illuminating* pure or good 9uality. Truth* purity of purpose and self

righteousness and the path towards eternal consciousness is important to =attvic

people. They are fearless* generous and self! controlled. They are tran9uil*

charita(le and generally have an open mind. =attvics find it hard to hurt others.

-ater is pure =attva. Vegetarians are sattvic (y nature!choosing to eat what is

provided (y nature rather than killing to fulfil their appetites.


%. Ra$as ! the 9uality of mo(ility or activity. They have great inner thirst. They are

passionate and am(itious. They want to achieve. They are restless and insecure.

They want everything. They are active* want recognition and respect (ut are never

satisfied. They find themselves clinging to pleasant tasks (ut avoiding the difficult

situations. They can (e fickle* easily distracted and unsteady.


1. Tamas ! the dark restraining 9uality. They are generally sensuous* in love with all

the good things in life which restrain them from higher learning and knowledge.

They are materialistic in nature. Maya !the illusionary world of self gratification and

sensual living ties them to their desires. Tamasic people have to try very hard to get

out of the ignorance that surrounds them. They are held down (y their own needs.

#oga and meditation is re9uired to strengthen their inner (eing if they want to move

towards higher consciousness.

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The Nakshatras radiate these 9ualities on primary* secondary and tertiary levels. t helps to

find out on what su(!conscious level we react to this world.

/ach of the Nakshatra has its own motivation. Vedic philosophers considered 8 (asic

motivations which guide us. They areB

. "rtha ! meaningful action. "rtha relates to wealth * financial matters and the

practicalities of life.


%. Dharma ! righteous action. Dharma is the purpose of our life. The duty towards

ourselves and others to do the right thing.


1. 'ama ! passionate (ehaviour. 'ama is a(out passion for people* causes and living.


8. Moksha ! the need for spiritual salvation. Moksha means Nirvana. The need to find

the highest truths and move towards self realisation.


/ach Nakshatra radiates its own 9uality* has its own motivation and the planets placed in

them have a triplicy of influences! (y the rulers of the 4odiac sign* nakshatra and finally the

pada or 9uarter. These alter* enhance and fine tune the cosmic energies that effect us.

The %& Nakshatras areB

swini• Ruled (y 'ethu the =outh Node. 36337 to 16%37 :36337 to 16%37 "ries<.

• The four 9uarters are ruled (y Mars* Venus* Mercury and Moon.

• The motivation is Dharma.

• Male +orse.

• =ym(ol ! " head of horse.

• Deity ! "shwini 'umars.

• Dosha ! Vata

• Rasi ! Mesham :)adams * %* 1* 8<

Bharani• Ruled (y Venus. 16%37 to %26837: 16%37 to %2683% "ries<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y =un* Mercury* Venus and Mars.

• The Motivation is "rtha.

• Aemale /lephant.

• =ym(ol ! #oni

• Deity ! #ama

• Dosha ! )itta

• Rasi ! Mesham :)adams *%*1*8<


• Ruled (y =un. %26837 to 83633 :%26837 "ries to 36337 Taurus<.

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• The 9uarters are ruled (y upiter* =aturn* =aturn and upiter.

• The motivation is 'ama.

• Aemale =heep

• =ym(ol ! "mra0or

• Diety ! "gni

• Dosha ! 'apha

• Rasi ! Mesham :)adams <

• Rasi ! Vrisha(ham :)adams %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Moon. 836337 to 16%37:36337 to %16%37 Taurus<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y Mars* Venus* Mercury and Moon.

• The motivation is Moksha.

• Male =erpent.

• =ym(ol ! " chariot

• Deity ! ,rahma

• Dosha ! 'apha

• Rasi ! Vrisha(ham :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Mars. 16%37 to 226837 :%16%3 Taurus to 26837 ?emini<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y =un* Mercury* Venus and Mars.

• The motivation is Moksha.

• Aemale =erpent

• =ym(ol ! The head of a deer

• Deity ! =oma

• Dosha ! )itta

• Rasi ! Vrisha(ham :)adams * %<

• Rasi ! Mithunam :)adams 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Rahu the North Node. 226837 to @36337 :26837 to %36337 ?emini<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y upiter* =aturn* =aturn and upiter.

• The motivation is 'ama.

• Aemale Dog

•=ym(ol ! )recious stone or a human head

• Deity ! Rudra

• Dosha ! Vata

• Rasi ! Mithunam :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y upiter. @3633 to ;16%3 :%36337 ?emini to 16%37 Cancer<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y Mars* Venus* Mercury and Moon.

• The motivation is "rtha.

• Aemale Cat

=ym(ol ! " (ow or a house• Deity ! "diti

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• Dosha ! Vata

• Rasi ! Mithunam :)adams *%*1<

• Rasi ! 'atakam :)adam 8<


• Ruled (y =aturn. ;16%37 to 326837 :16%37 to26%37 Cancer<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y =un* Mercury* Venus and Mars.

• The motivation is Dharma.

• Male =heep

• =ym(ol ! " flower* circle or an arrow

• Deity ! ,rahaspati

• Dosha ! )itta

• Rasi ! 'atakam :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Mercury. 326837 to %36337 :2683 Cancer to 3633 >eo<.• The 9uarters are ruled (y upiter* =aturn* =aturn and upiter.

• The motivation is Dharma.

• Male Cat

• =ym(ol ! " serpent

• Deities ! Nagas

• Dosha ! 'apha

• Rasi ! 'atakam :)adams * %* 1* 8<


Ruled (y 'etu. %36337 to 1%6%37 :36337 to 16%37 >eo<.• The 9uarters are ruled (y Mars* Venus* Mercury and Moon.

• The motivation is "rtha.

• Male Rat

• =ym(ol ! +ouse or a pala9uin

• Deity ! )itris

• Dosha ! 'apha

• Rasi ! =imham :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Venus. 1%6%3 to 826837 :16%3 to %26837 >eo<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y =un* Mercury* Venus and Mars.

• The motivation is 'ama.

• Aemale Rat

• =ym(ol ! " couch* platform or fireplace

• Deity ! ,haga

• Dosha ! )itta

• Rasi ! =imham :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y =un. 826837 to 236337 :%2683 >eo to 36337 Virgo<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y upiter* =aturn* =aturn and upiter.

• The motivation is Moksha.

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• Male Cow

• =ym(ol ! " small (ed

• Deity ! "ryaman

• Dosha ! Vata

• Rasi ! =imham :)adam <

• Rasi ! 'anyam :)adams %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Moon. 236337 to &16%37 :36337 to %16%37 Virgo<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y Mars* Venus* Mercury and Moon.

• The motivation is Moksha.

• Aemale ,uffalo

• =ym(ol ! The palm

• Deity ! =avita

• Dosha ! Vata

• Rasi ! 'anyam :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Mars. &16%37 to @26837 :%16%3 Virgo to 26837 >i(ra<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y =un* Mercury* Venus and Mars.

• The motivation is 'ama.

• Aemale Tiger

• =ym(ol ! )earl

• Deity ! Tvashtar

• Dosha ! )itta

• Rasi ! 'anyam :)adams * %<

• Rasi ! Tulam :)adams 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Rahu.@26837 to %336337 :26837 to %3633 >i(ra<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y upiter* =aturn* =aturn and upiter.

• The motivation is "rtha.

• Male ,uffalo

• =ym(ol ! Coral

• Deity ! Vayu

•Dosha ! 'apha

• Rasi ! Tulam :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y upiter. %336337 to %16%37:%36337>i(ra to 16%37 =corpio<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y Mars* Venus* Mercury and Moon.

• The motivation is Dharma.

• Male Tiger

• =ym(ol ! " potter6s wheel or an archway

• Deities ! ndra and "gni

Dosha ! 'apha

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• Rasi ! Tulam :)adams * %* 1<


• Ruled (y =aturn.%16%37 to %%26837 :16%37 to 26837=corpio<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y =un* Mercury* Venus and Mars.

• The motivation is Dharma.

• Aemale +are

• =ym(ol ! " >otus flower

• Deity ! Mitra

• Dosha ! )itta


• Ruled (y Mercury. %%26837 to %836337 :26837 =corpio to 36337=agittarius<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y upiter* =aturn* =aturn and upiter.

• The motivation is "rtha.

• Male +are

• =ym(ol ! "n earring or an um(rella• Deity ! ndra

• Dosha ! Vata


• Ruled (y 'etu. %836337 to %16%37 :36337 to 16%37 =agittarius<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y Mars* Venus* Mercury and Moon.

• The motivation is 'ama.

• Male Dog

• =ym(ol ! The tail of a lion or an elephant6s goad

•Deity ! Nritta

• Dosha ! Vata

• Rasi ! Dhanum :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Venus. %16%37 to %226837 :16%37 to %26837<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y =un* Mercury* Venus and Mars.

• The motivation is Moksha.

• Male Monkey

• =ym(ol ! Tust of an elephant

• Deity ! "pas

• Dosha ! )itta

• Rasi ! Dhanum :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y =un. %226837 to %@36337 :%2683 =ag to 36337 Capricorn<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y upiter* =aturn* =aturn and upiter.

• The motivation is Moksha.

• Male Mongoose

• =ym(ol ! " small cot

• Deity ! Vishwadeva

• Dosha ! 'apha

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• Rasi ! Dhanum :)adam <

• Rasi ! Makaram :)adams %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Moon. %@36337 to %;16%37 :3633 to %16%37 Capricorn<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y Mars* Venus* Mercury and Moon.

• The motivation is "rtha.

• Aemale Monkey

• =ym(ol ! "n ear or an arrow

• Deity ! Vishnu

• Dosha ! 'apha

• Rasi ! Makaram :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Mars. %;16%37 to 1326837 :%16%37 cap to 26837 "9uarius<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y =un* Mercury* Venus and Mars.• The motivation is Dharma.

• Aemale >ion

• =ym(ol ! " musical drum or the flute

• Deity ! Vasus

• Dosha ! )itta

• Rasi ! Makaram :)adams * %<

• Rasi ! 'um(ham :)adams 1* 8<


Ruled (y Rahu. 1326837 to 1%36337 :26837 to %36337 "9uarius<.• The 9uarters are ruled (y upiter* =aturn* =aturn and upiter.

• The motivation is Dharma.

• Aemale +orse

• =ym(ol ! +undred Alowers

• Deity ! Varuna

• Dosha ! Vata

• Rasi ! 'um(ham :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y upiter. 1%36337 to 1116%3 :%36337 "9uarius to 16%37 )isces<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y Mars* Venus* Mercury and Moon.

• The motivation is "rtha.

• Male >ion

• =ym(ol ! " sword

• Deity ! "$a /kpada

• Dosha ! Vata

• Rasi ! 'um(ham :)adams * %* 1<

• Rasi ! Meenam :)adam 8<


• Ruled (y =aturn. 1116%37 to 1826837 :16%37 to 26837 )isces<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y =un* Mercury* Venus and Mars.

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• The motivation is 'ama.

• Aemale Cow

• =ym(ol ! The num(er two or a twin

• Deity ! "hir(udhyana

• Dosha ! )itta

• Rasi ! Meenam :)adams * %* 1* 8<


• Ruled (y Mercury. 1826837 to 1236337 :26837 to 136337 )isces<.

• The 9uarters are ruled (y upiter* =aturn* =aturn and upiter.

• The motivation is Moksha.

• Aemale /lephant

• =ym(ol ! " fish

• Deity ! )ushan

• Dosha ! 'apha

• Rasi ! Meenam :)adams * %* 1* 8<