
Raising the Bar for the Arab Region: Monitoring Access to Water and Sanitation

(MDG+ Initiative)

Mohamed Al-Hamdi First Economic Affairs Officer

Sustainable Development and Productivity Division (SDPD)United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)

Outline Background

» Water in the MDGs» Progress achieved (access to water & sanitation)

MDG+ initiative» Objectives and Expected Accomplishments» Level of implementation

Water and Sanitation in the Global Development Agenda Beyond 2015» Water and sanitation as a human right» Post 2015 water and sanitation targets and indicators


Background – Water in the MDGsGoal 7

Ensure Environmental Sustainability

Target 7-CHalve, by 2015, the proportion of people

without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation


Indicator 7.8 Proportion of

population using an improved drinking

water source

Indicator 7.9 Proportion of

population using an improved sanitation


Target 7-AIntegrate the principles of

sustainable development into country policies and programmes

and reverse the loss of environmental resources


Indicator 7.5Proportion of total

water resources used

Background – Indicator of Access to Water

• Unprotected dug wells, springs, tanker truck, surface water (river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal, irrigation channel) and bottled water.


taps or standpipes, tube wells, protected dug wells, springs, and rainwater collection cisterns.

Other Improved

•Piped house connections.


• Access to improved drinking water source

– Definition of “improved water source”

“By the nature of their construction or through active intervention, are protected from outside contamination, particularly from faecal matter.”

Background – Indicator of Access to Sanitation

•Defecation in fields, forests, bushes, bodies of water, or disposal of human faeces with solid waste.

Open defecation

•Pit latrines without slab or platform, hanging latrines and bucket latrines


•Acceptable type, but shared between two or more households (incl. public toilets)

Shared(improved or unimproved)

•Flush or pour flush toilet/latrine to: piped sewer system, septic tank or pit latrine

•Ventilated improved pit latrine

•Composting toilet


• Access to improved Sanitation facility

– Definition of “Improved sanitation facility”

“Facilities that ensure hygienic separation of human excreta from human contact.”

ObservationProtection of public health from

water born and water related diseases is the main rationale behind

the water and sanitation MDG.

Water Quality Reliability Affordability Sustainability Accessibility Equality Environmental impacts

(wastewater disposal)

Background – Shortcomings of the Use of the Proxy Indicator “improved”

Background – Progress in Access to Water & Sanitation

At the Global Level

“ The MDG drinking water target, which…….. , was met in 2010, five years ahead of schedule.” ……….”the world is unlikely to meet the MDG sanitation target.” (JMP 2012 biennial progress report)

» 2 billion gained access to improved water sources and 1.8 billion gained access to improved sanitation facilities (1990-2010).

BUT, Regional “hot spots” i.e. Sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Large urban-rural disparities and inequalities. Water quality.

Background – Progress in Access to Water & Sanitation At the Arab “Regional” level

» Significant inequalities in the use of improved sanitation facilities between urban and rural areas in Arab countries

• 92% vs. 73% for access to improved water sources• 91% vs. 65% for access to improved sanitation facilities

















1990 2011










Open defection

Improved facilities

SharedOther unimproved



18 17












1990 2011

Unimproved sources

Other improved sources

Piped on premises










Over 100 million people

Over 130 million people

Background – Progress in Access to Water & SanitationP




e o

f p





Missing Data

Off track TargetOn track










Missing Data

TargetOff trackOn track

MDG+ Initiative – Mandate, Objectives and Outcome

Main Expected Accomplishments of the MDG+ project• Enhanced Capacity in the area of data management• An information system to manage, analyze and report on progress• A regional monitoring program with strong links to the national level• Enhanced coordination among Arab countries for a unified position on the post

2015 development agenda

Progress Reports

Main Activities of the MDG+ project• Capacity building• Establish a regional data management

system• Establish the MDG+ unit at ACWUA• Support the national monitoring Teams• Conduct a number of pilot field surveys• …..

Main Objectives of the MDG+ project • Establish a regional monitoring mechanism

(basis and additional indicators)• Unify definitions and indicators• Develop a data management system• Contribute to informed decision making on

needs and priorities• Support the regional debate on the post 2015

development agenda• …..

Resolutions of the Arab Ministerial Water Council (AMWC)

Implementation type resolutions• Approval of unified template

(additional indicators)• Naming national focal points• Seek funds for implementation• Issue biennial progress reports

Preparatory type Resolutions• Unified criteria and indicators• Unified template (forms)

Scope of the MDG+ initiative» Level and quality of access and services (availability, reliability, water quality, and

affordability).» Environmental protection.

within the current water and sanitation MDG related target

Timeframe of MDGs» What happens beyond 2015.» Implications of the global trend towards a human rights approach for water and

sanitation. Indicators

» Expand on current indicators to include issues like water consumption, water quality, affordability, and environmental protection.

» Data availability and measurability.» Efficiency (maximum additional information in relation to needed efforts).» Phasing.

MDG+ Initiative – Scope, Timeframe & Indicators

MDG+ Initiative – Additional Indicators

MDG+ IndicatorsWater Supply Sanitation

Water consumption Continuity of supply Water quality Distance to source Tariff structure Affordability

Treated quantity Treatment type Reuse utilization Reuse type Tariff structure Affordability

Purpose is to consider not only accessibility to improved infrastructure, but also reliability, affordability, sustainability and quality of service provided.

These are particularly important issues to consider in water scarce environments and developing countries.

Development Goal» Establish and institutionalize a regional mechanism for monitoring and

reporting on access to water supply and sanitation services in the Arab region.

Specific Objectives / Expected Accomplishments» Enhance the regional and national monitoring capacity.» Establish a regional data management platform.» Institutionalize a regional monitoring program.» Support regional dialogue and contribute to the global policy debate.

Funding» Project agreement between SIDA and ESCWA

MDG+ Initiative – Project Goal and Expected Accomplishments

1. Enhance the regional and national monitoring capacitya) Institutional component» Naming National Focal Points (NFP) and forming National Monitoring Teams» Advisory Board of the project (ESCWA, ACWUA, AWC, CEDARE, and RAED)

b) Capacity building component» Preparation of training material» Data collection and indicator calculation guideline» An e-tool to facilitate data entry and indicators’ calculations» Training workshops

• Launching “training” workshop (Beirut, May 2013)c) Technical support component» Coordination and backstopping» National workshops (Qatar, Bahrain, Tunisia, UAE, Algeria,...)

MDG+ Initiative – Project Implementation

2. Establish a regional data management platforma) Regional database at ACWUAb) Unified data entry and indicator computation system at national

levelc) Pilot field surveys in selected areas of some countries

3. Institutionalize a regional monitoring programa) Establishment of MDG+ Unit at ACUWA

4. Support regional dialoguea) Initiated in the launching workshopb) To continue in planed meetings (experts and high level policy


MDG+ Initiative – Project Implementation

Water and Sanitation in the Post 2015 Agenda

Water and sanitation as a Human Right• General Assembly Resolution 64/292 (July 2010):

“1. Recognizes the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights”

• Human Rights Council resolution 15/9 (October 2010):“3. Affirms that the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation is derived from the right to an adequate standard of living and inextricably related to the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, as well as the right to life and human dignity;”

• Human Rights Council resolution 18/1 (October 2011):“7. Calls upon States:

a) To continuously monitor and regularly analyze the status of the realization of the right to safe drinking water and sanitation on the basis of the criteria of availability, quality, acceptability, accessibility and affordability;

c) To develop comprehensive plans and strategies, including the definition of responsibilities for all water and sanitation sector actors, to achieve progressively the full realization of the right to safe drinking water and sanitation for all, or re-examine and revise them where necessary to ensure consistency with human rights standards and principles;”

Water and Sanitation in the Post 2015 AgendaA dedicated global goal for water: Securing sustainable water for all

Source: UN water (2014)

Targets Elements (sub-targets) (no.)

Core Indicators (no.)

Target A: Achieve universal access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 4 10

Target B: Improve by (x%) the sustainable use and development of water resources in all countries 3 10

Target C: All countries strengthen equitable, participatory and accountable water governance 4 15

Target D: Reduce wastewater pollution and improve water quality by reducing untreated domestic and industrial wastewater by (x%); increasing wastewater reused safely by (y%); and reducing nutrient pollution by (z%) to maximize water resource availability and improve water quality

3 6

Target E: Reduce mortality by (x%) and economic loss by (y%) from natural and human-induced water-related disasters 4 4

A total of 5 Targets 18 Element 45 Core Indicator

Water and Sanitation in the Post 2015 Agenda

Common elements between the MDG+ indicators and proposed post 2015 indicators on access to water and sanitation» Quality of access to water and sanitation services

• Distance to improved water source• Continuity of piped water supply• Water quality• Affordability of water and sanitation services• Wastewater collection, treatment and reuse

» BUT,• Per capita water consumption ????• Different approach to measure water quality

With national and regional institutional arrangements in place (National Focal Points, National Monitoring Teams, MDG+ unit), the MDG+ monitoring mechanism can constitute the core component for monitoring the progress in achieving the water targets in the post 2015 era.

Reflections A conceptual framework of the post 2015 water & sanitation MDG/SDG is

underway and will probably be governed by:» The official global recognition of water and sanitation as a human right (universal

access), and,» The crosscutting nature and role of water in achieving sustainable development.

Evidence indicate that the current proxy indicator “improved” will probably loose some of its presumptions in favor for more tangible, but costly to monitor, indicators of reliability, water quality, and, affordability.

Overly ambitious targets and extensive list of indicators may prove to be difficult and costly to monitor.

The MDG+ initiative/project is an opportunity to harmonize national monitoring systems with the global trend and assist to enhance capacities at the national level.

The MDG+ monitoring mechanism is suitable to monitor water and sanitation services in the Arab region. Its institutional setting at the regional and national levels makes it adequate to expand into a regional monitoring mechanism for all proposed water targets in the post 2015 development agenda.

Mohamed Al-HamdiSustainable Development and Productivity DivisionUN-ESCWATel: +961 1 978 524Fax: +961 1 981 510Email: [email protected]:

Thanks for your attention …
