
Radio Station Management Web Application

Yicheng Feng

Mohsen Jafari

Karissa McKelvey

Dhaval Muchhala

Chris Zakian

CSCI-B 351October 20, 2011

Goals WIUX Campus Radio Station Music Database

Artist, Album, Song search Reviews Ratings Play Counts

Human Resource Management Different types of users Staff have edit privileges on parts of the data Handle applications to be radio staff

Users Member

Rates songs Apply to be Staff, DJ

Staff Belongs to at least one committee Submit album reviews

DJ Plays songs

Director Decide upon applications, album reviews Edit music data

Entity Relationship Model


Entering an Album

Entering an Album - Data Flow


Entity Relationship Model Difficult Questions

Reviews Users

Representing Music Data Albums with one artist Multiple artists on an album Songs featuring artists

Listening to the Radio

Directors Approving Album Reviews

Schema - Users member(username , name , gender , email,

address, birthdate, graduation_year, reg_date) director(dID, username, bio, major,

hometown, homestate, photo) staff(sID, username) dj(djID, username references


Schema – Human Resources application(appID, application_type, decision,

date_submitted, date_decided, reviewer) committee(name, chair) committee_member(name, sID, start_date,

end_date, active) review(rID, albumID, start_date, sub_date, rating, reviewer, dID, approved) also_like(albumID, likeID)

Schema - Music artist(artistID, fname, lname, mname, prefix,

suffix, birth_date) song(songID, albumID, name, visibility) rating(username, songID, score) play(songID, djID, time)

featured_artist(songID, artistID) album(albumID, artistID, rotation, genre,

description, release_date, receive_date, go_for_ads)

review(rID, albumID, start_date, sub_date, rating, reviewer, dID, approved)
