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Genocide Within Sudan

Rachel GarabedianGenocide in Sudan10A World Literature/Composition7thThis image is used under a CC license from:

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From Beauty. . .

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To War. . . This image is used under a CC license from:

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Starvation. . .

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Separated Families. . .

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Displacement. . .

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And Finally Death.

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This can spread. . .

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And it already has.

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Hope for tomorrow. . .

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Cease FiresThis image is used under a CC license from:

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Talking This image is used under a CC license from:

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Never to Bloom

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How can this happen?

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“Each new morning the boys plodded ahead, one foot in front of the other, doing what they had to do to

stay alive” (Nhial, Mills 15).

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“A Decision for Sudan’s South Has Nationwide Implications.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. N.p., 27 Sept. 2010. Web. 30 Oct. 2010. < COC2/ 757/>. The holocaust museum is an organization originally started to honor those killed in Germany during WWII. They have since taken on the cause of genocide in Sudan and other countries. The article is written to explain the history of Sudan and the reasons for the genocide from the perspective of the holocaust survivors. The history and time line in the article matched the information in “Lost Boys No More”, by Abraham Nhial and DiAnn Mills. The enormity of the destruction of people and their lives is beyond understanding. When paired with the personal story of the book, the genocide becomes much more tangible. This article provides an excellent summary and short explanation of who is responsible for the killings in Sudan. By giving specific groups, times, religious, and economic explanations, Abraham’s story becomes believable. Unconsciously, the article takes Abraham from a character in a novel to a friend recounting the horrors in his life.“From Darfur To a Corner Of Brooklyn.” The New York Times [New York] 11 Apr. 2010: n. pag. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 31 Oct. 2010. < ic/ ovic/ NewsDetailsPage/ NewsDetailsWindow?displayGroupName=News&prodId=OVIC&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&documentId=GALE|A223618775&mode=view&userGroupName=cant48040&jsid=ffb0bebff1459b38eb6875921186aa5c>. This article tells of when and how the lost boys came from Darfur, Sudan to Brooklyn in the United States, as well as how politically involved they are with Sudan even though they are in America. Knowing that this source came from Gale made evaluating it easier, because all the information about where the article came from, and its sources were all there. I mainly used the skills I learned from the information fluency models to evaluate the information, by searching to see if there is any plagiarism or such things as that. This information source enhanced my understanding of this issue by showing me that even if they are 1000 miles away from Sudan. Showing that these lost boys still want to be involved in their country, and help in any way they can.

Works Cited

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“Genocide in Darfur, Sudan.” The Government, n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2010. < darfur>. This document talks about specifically the Genocide in Sudan. This is useful because it focuses in on the Genocide rather than the whole war which is very use full for an informative paper on a book about genocide. I didn’t evaluate this source too thou roughly, because I felt that it could be trusted. It was a government owned source (.org) so it was considered safe. This source was very useful for our paper. It helped me to focus in on the Lost Boys and the genocide that they experienced in the Second Civil War. The information on this site focused in on the genocide more so than the other sources we used which mostly summarized the Civil War the genocide was involved with.Nhial, Abraham, DiAnn Mills, and Dan Patrick. Lost Boy No More. 1999. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2004. Print. This book is a memoir about the lost boys in Sudan, and their journey to safety. Mainly about a young boy named Abraham and his journey through the dangers of Sudan’s civil war. The way I evaluated this memoir was by validating the author, and looking through their resources. Also, I used the CRAAP test to determine its currency, relevancy, authority, accuracy, and purpose of this memoir. Lost Boy No More informed me of this issue of genocide within Sudan, telling of first hand accounting. This memoir furthers my understanding by explaining the details, the reasons for the issues in Sudan and the things being done to stop these issues.“Peace Agreements: Sudan.” United States Institute of Peace. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2010. < publications/ peace-agreements-sudan>. This document is a collection of the peace agreements in Sudan, which is the current peace agreement. Since this source is a collection of official Sudan government documents the first thing I did to evaluate this source was check to see if it is a true official government source. Also, finding this source on Sweet Search helped me know that this source was already checked by trusted people, who have checked the credibility of the source and such things as that. The information source showed me how many peace agreements there have already been within Sudan. Plus, the date of the documents can show why certain events were occurring at that time of the peace agreement.

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“Second Sudanese Civil War.” Wikipedia. N.p., 22 Oct. 2010. Web. 1 Nov. 2010. < wiki/ Second_Sudanese_Civil_War>. The article gives a brief overview of the Second Sudanese Civil War including its causes, effects, and foreign influences. I used the Crap Test. And verified the information on the page against other sites and the latest edit was very recent. The information I gathered from the page not only gave me and my group a strong over view of the War but also added some less known information. It talks about how the war started what and who kept it going and when and why it ended while providing important information from each period in the War.