
Volume 63 Number 1 September/October 2014 Elul/Tishrei 5774/75

The commandment is a lamp and the teaching is a light - Proverbs 6:23

Temple Judea Mizpah 8610 Niles Center Road, Skokie IL 60077• 847-676-1566 •[email protected] •

Atonement is not reserved for Yom Kippur alone. In fact, Yom Kip-pur (the Day of Atonement) marks the end of the ten day period we call Aseret Y’mei T’shuvah (Ten Days of Repentance). One could say that these days begin with Rosh HaShanah (New Year), but in fact the themes of atonement, repentance and forgiveness begin even before Rosh HaShanah.

There’s a lesser known observance called S’lichot which is observed on the Saturday night immediately prior to Rosh HaShanah. One could argue that these themes begin even before then, during the entire Hebrew month of Elul, which precedes Rosh HaShanah. But let’s take a moment to focus on S’lichot and its practices. The word s’licha means “excuse me” and S’lichot refers not only to the late-night Satur-day services in which we ask God to pardon us of our sins, but also to those specific penitential prayers in which we ask God for forgiveness throughout the High Holy Day season. At Temple Judea Mizpah we will observe S’lichot this year on Saturday, Septem-ber 20 beginning with a program at 8:00 pm followed by a special service at 10:00 pm. Why such a late night schedule? Traditionally S’lichot starts at midnight (12:00 am) on Sunday prior to Rosh HaShanah. The Ashkenzic custom teaches us to recite these pen-itential prayers at least four days prior to Rosh HaShanah, in reference to sacrificial of-ferings that were inspected four days before Rosh HaShanah. In addition, the prayer that begins the S’lichot liturgy opens with the words, B’motza-ei Shabbat (with the go-ing out/ending of the Sabbath). Also, if we are hastening to recite these prayers on Sunday, then we start at the earliest time possible, which is 12:00 am. So we begin on Saturday night, late, even if in our congregation we might finish before midnight. At this year’s S’lichot program we will explore the theme of forgiveness by learning about different levels of sin: cheit, ahvon and pesha in society and in our personal lives. To learn what these words mean be sure to attend. Then with a couple of interesting exercises we will take the process one step further by challenging ourselves on an indi-vidual level to begin the process of atonement. At our S’lichot services in addition to the prayers and rituals that are in the prayer book, we will take our Torah covers and change them from the colored ones to the white ones. This symbolically reminds us of the changes we need to make at this time of year in order to purify ourselves spiritually and start the Jewish New Year with a clean slate. Atonement, repentance and forgiveness may not happen instantly on Yom Kippur alone. Asking for, offering and receiv-ing forgiveness is a process that takes time. So join us on S’lichot and start the steps that can help each of us become a better person in the New Year. L’shanah Tovah, Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler

Shabbat Service Schedule:


September 5 - 7:30 pm Shabbat with Birthday Blessings and Guest Speaker Rev. C. J. Hawking on Labor Issues in our Neighborhood September 6 - 9:00 am Shabbat Minyan September 6 - 10:30 am B’not Mitzvah of Dora and Joanna Starr Poulos September 12 - 7:30 pm Family Shabbat September 13 - 9:00 am Shabbat Minyan September 19 - 7:30 pm Prayer Study Shabbat with Anniversary Blessings September 20 - 9:00 am Shabbat Minyan September 26 - 7:30 pm Ru’ach Shabbat September 27 - 9:00 am Shabbat Minyan October Service Schedule on page 2.

Rabbi’s Message By: Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler


Shabbat Service Schedule:

October October 3 - 7:30 pm Kol Nidre October 4 - 10:00 am Yom Kippur Services October 10 - 7:30 pm Family Shabbat with Birthday Blessings October 11 - 9:00 am Shabbat Minyan October 17 - 7:30 pm Prayer Study Shabbat with Anniversary Blessings October 18 - 9:00 am Shabbat Minyan October 24 - 7:30 pm Ru’ach Shabbat October 25 - 9:00 am Shabbat Minyan October 31 - 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat

Be a Flower Sponsor

If you wish to sponsor a flower arrangement

for the bimah in honor or memory of someone

or for a simcha (special occasion),

please notify the office.

Arrangements are $50 each.

Flowers are only ordered when we have a sponsor.

President’s Message By: Sharon Kessler

September 1 - Labor Day

September 24 - 1:00 pm

September 25-26 - Rosh Hashanah

October 3 - 1:00 pm

October 9 - Sukkot

October 16 - Simchat Torah

When I was teaching religious school, I always wanted my students to actively participate in our services. To that end, we looked at the words of the Shema (Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One). I would focus on the first word – hear. Of course, the students all knew the words but it is easy to lose sight of the mean-ing of very significant things.

Adonai’s commandment to us is to hear or listen to the words of the Shema. The com-mand is not to say the Shema or follow the Shema or teach the Shema. It is to listen to the words of the Shema. Therefore, I would try to get my students to sing loud enough for me to fulfill the commandment of listening to the Shema. To me, this commandment means that when each one of us sings the words of the She-ma, we are supposed to be listening to other members of the congregation singing the words and not to ourselves. Just as we are commanded to listen to the words of Torah and study and follow them, we also need to listen to the words of others. Of course, while it is easy to listen to those who agree with our views, it is much harder to listen to the words of others. We need to hear the people whose ideas are different from our own and not automatically dismiss them out of hand. It is especially hard to listen to our children, to really listen and not to judge, complain, or interrupt them. They often have very important things to tell us, and can retreat from us if we are not receptive to their ideas. Maybe Democrats should be really listening to Republicans. There has to be something in Republican ideas that Democrats could live with. Of course, the reverse is true as well. Somehow, we have gotten away from the basic idea of our Constitution which is compromise. Now for the radical part of this article. Maybe Jews need to hear, really hear, the voices of the Palestinians. There has to be validity to some of their complaints. If we could try to understand their problems and try to solve some of them, perhaps it could lead to progress in other areas. Of course, again, it goes both ways. The Palestinians have to listen to Jewish complaints as well. Someone always has to go first. We need to seek out a way to find value in the ideas, needs, and feelings of all people, especially those people we find disagreeable. If we do that, we can hope that they will find value in ours.

L’Shalom, Sharon Kessler

Social Action September/October Tzedakah Recipient:

The Klezmer Foundation

In 1994, Lori Lippetz established The Klezmer Music Foundation, Inc., in order to keep klezmer music alive and flourishing through

education and outreach. Their goal is to reach

out to future generations.

The tzedakah box is located in the lobby.

A Just Harvest 7649 N. Paulina St., Chicago

Please continue to keep A Just Harvest Soup Kitchen in your thoughts when you are at the grocery store. An

extra can of vegetables or box of pasta makes a difference and feeds the hungry.

Wish list: chicken legs and thighs, coffee, canned

vegetables, spaghetti sauce, canned tuna or salmon, tomato soup, and volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact:

Helayne Levin at 847-583-9374

June Honor Roll: Ray Ariaz, Ruth Buchanan,

Cindy Derdiger, Jay & Irene Frank, Don & Joyce Gayle, Al & June Gordon, Helayne Levin,

Marc Michaelson, and Noel Sucherman

July Honor Roll: Ray Ariaz, Ruth Buchanan, Marcia Caulkins,

Cindy Derdiger, Joyce Gayle, Jay & Irene Frank, Aaron Gordon, Al & June Gordon, Barb Hanan,

Michael & Madelyn Silverstein, and Noel Sucherman

Upcoming Dates: Wednesdays, September 24 and October 22

5:00 - 6:30 pm


Manna Cards

TJM receives a donation from each purchase. This is a great way for us to earn money.

Try it for back to school clothes and supplies, a new fall outfit, restaurant, or birthday gifts.

Orders due: Tuesdays, September 9 and

October 14

Cards will be ready for pick-up on the following dates:

Wednesdays, September 17 and October 22.

Thank you for your support!


Kosher food for The Ark

Non-perishable food for A Just Harvest and The Niles Township Food Pantry

Magazines for Hines VA Hospital

Please help us help those in need.


The following is excerpted from the dvar Torah given on August 15, 2014. This week’s parsha is Eikev. Moses is breathlessly teaching. He reminds the children of Israel that they only need to follow the Torah’s commandments to win the Lord’s lavish rewards of blessings, fruitfulness in body and land, victories of war and ultimately, a land beautiful and rich. His lesson seems far more difficult than it should be. Moses recounts the Israelites’ many insults to adoshem: the unfortunate instance of the Golden Calf, the rebel-

liousness of Taberah, the untrusting mobs of Massah and Meribah – basically, the legendary and continued lack of trust in a supremely powerful god, a power clearly witnessed so often by so many. Moses’ lecture might be thought of as frontal instruction. Another term is teacher-centered instruction. An authority figure disseminates knowledge that is supposed to be absorbed by the student. This kind of instruction is often frowned upon today; it is thought of as archaic, not particularly creative or engaging, downright boring. Actually I don’t mind it. Some-times there is a lot of complicated stuff that we need to get across in a short amount of time, and it works – at least for the motivated. The opposite is experiential, learning by doing, by seeing, by – well obviously – experiencing. One might argue that the children of Israel were not too good at the experiential-learning type. They lived a life full of God’s angry retribu-tions, first hand, and still didn’t learn to behave better or remember the dire consequences of their actions. I fear that Mo-ses’ Eikev lecture also fell on deaf ears. This all just may be proof that the tenets of Judaism are hard to learn, hard to re-member, hard to retain, hand to understand … just plain hard. Now in today’s education circles, a multiple disciplinary approach is in vogue. Multiple intelligence theory gets all the buzz. It is teaching by accessing eight types of abilities inherent to all individuals: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. One could argue that the Israelites made use of these abilities and still didn’t get God’s message. The Children of Israel certainly were as Moses put it, an “am k’she oref,” a stiff-necked people. Oh you’re probably all asking where’s he going with this? Thinking that this is too much lecturing, and he’s not even Mo-ses. Time to bring it all home to Temple Judea Mizpah. An anonymous benefactor has purchased the rights for us to use a cutting-edge multi-faceted curriculum that employs photography in the exploration of core elements in Jewish culture. It’s called The Jewish Lens. Photographs, both professionally taken and those from students enrolled in the course, are used as a way to frame each learning session. The goals are lofty. Students will: explore values that are central to Judaism; investi-gate the diversity of the Jewish communities around the world; analyze Jewish texts and make connections with contempo-rary Jewish life; cultivate visual literacy skills; develop beginning competence in the art of photography; experience a per-sonal connection to Jewish values through artistic expression; and relate the investigation of Jewish values and notions of community to their own identities. Note that there is only one reference to the art of photography itself. The primary aim of this instruction is not to be a bet-ter photographer. The aim is to better understand (and I hope appreciate) Judaism. Units in the course have associated written materials, group activities, and personally-based explorations that allow the learner to employ the different types of learning mentioned previously. This fall, I will be using this curriculum in our adult education class. I have read through many of the units and believe that this is an engaging and creative course, and should provide enriching experiences for our adult learners. Needless to say, you can find out more about The Jewish Lens on the web, or just take the class. It will begin after the High Holy Days, which we know are fast approaching. My guess is that if Moses had the tools we have today, the Internet, a greater understanding of how people learn, Mac-books and Ipads, or The Jewish Lens, he might have had an easier and less eventful time leading his people of Israel to the Promised Land.


Sunday, September 7 - First Day of School 9:00 am and Family Picnic 11:30 am

Note ♪ from the Cantor By: Cantor Richard Bessman

TJM Book Club

Wednesday, September 17 1:00 pm

The Lost City of Z

By: David Grann

After stumbling upon a hidden trove of diaries, acclaimed New Yorker writer David Grann set out to solve “the greatest exploration mystery of the twentieth century.”

Read what happens to the British explorer Percy Fawcett and his quest for the Lost City of Z?


Wednesday, October 15 1:00 pm

The Lazarus Project

By: Aleksandar Hemon

Hemon’s new novel, The Lazarus Project, is a remarkable, and remarkably entertaining, chronicle of loss and hopeless-ness and cruelty propelled by an eloquent, irritable existential unease. It is, against all odds, full of humor and full of jokes.

It is, at the same time, inexpressibly sad.


Joanna Starr Poulos will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Sat-urday, September 6, 2014 at 10:30 am. Celebrating this milestone with her are her parents, Evans Poulos and Gayle Starr, twin sister Dora, and grandparents Irma Starr and Edward Taylor. Joanna is a 7th

grade student at Wildwood IB Magnet school in Chica-go. Some things that she likes to do are musical theater, dance, gymnastics, and tennis. For her mitzvah project she put together a program to help entertain senior citi-zens, and will be singing at the Self Help Home as well as other area facilities. One thing Joanna learned from her Jewish education is to be accepting of everyone.

Dora Starr Poulos will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, September 6, 2014 at 10:30 am. Cele-brating this milestone with her are her parents, Evans Poulos and Gayle Starr, twin sister Joanna, and grand-parents Irma Starr and Edward Tay-lor. Dora is a 7th grade student at

Lane Tech in Chicago. Dora’s interests include swim-ming, acting, singing, reading, and science. For her mitzvah project she is collecting items to donate to Mary Lou's Place, a domestic violence shelter in Evans-ton. One thing Dora learned from her Jewish educa-tion is that asking questions is very important.

TJM Resale Boutique Sunday, November 16

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Save your stuff! Drop-off will begin on Sunday, November 9.

Congregational Family Picnic Sunday, September 7 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Join us for grilled hot dogs, veggie burgers, chips, drinks, games, and entertainment

with your TJM family.

$6.00 per person


“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Yom Kippur, TJM will participate with up to 75 congregations across the country in the Gift of Life Drive, Swab A Cheek, Inscribed For Life. Gift of Life is one of North America’s public donor, bone marrow and blood system cell regis-tries and a world leader in helping children and adults find the matches they need when they need them. Since tissue type is inherited, it is likely that a matching donor and recipient will share a similar ethnic background. In the early 1990’s, there were so few Jews in the registry that Jewish patients had less than a 5% chance of finding a match if they needed one. To-day, because of Gift of Life’s targeted recruitment strategy in Jewish communities across the U.S., that figure is now greater than 70%. One in 200 American’s will need a bone marrow or blood stem cell transplant in their lifetime. While 30% of patients can find a suitable donor from within their family, 70% must turn to the bone marrow registry to find a match.

This is a program sponsored by the Religious Action Center in Washington and in last year’s pilot, 35 congregations partici-pated, strengthening the connection between Yom Kippur themes and saving lives. According to the Religious Action Cen-ter, many rabbis and congregations loved this project, imagination being the only limit on how to incorporate this mitzvah into the holiest day of the year. Registration is simple, involving a cheek swab and completion of a quick consent form. Eligible donors must be between the ages of 18 – 59 and in general good health. This is such an important program, please consider participating.

Along with our annual High Holy Day food drive, we will conduct a food drive at the Jewel on Skokie Blvd. on September 14. The Jewel has been so gracious to allow us the opportunity to sponsor this drive. We are a generous congregation when it comes to food collection and helping those in need. Not only do we help to support the Niles Township Food Pantry and the ARK, but A Just Harvest Soup Kitchen as well. In July alone we cooked and served close to 190 people a hot din-ner. If you have not volunteered with us, please note that the kitchen seats about 75 people at a time and this meal is served in only an hour, turning the room over several times. As a congregational family, we should be proud of what we do to feed those less fortunate. Please consider donating canned and dry goods as well as volunteering for just an hour to help us with this collection.

Together, we make such a difference in our community. The more of us who participate, the more people we can help.

L’Shalom, Helayne Levin

Religion and Social Action Message By: Helayne Levin

“If you build it, they will come.”

Please help us build the TJM Sukkah Sunday, September 28

9:00 am - 11:00 am

We will supply the tools, we just need you!


So that we ALL may enjoy High Holy Day Services,

please observe the following:

Gates of Repentance: The Union Prayer Book for the Days of Awe is the machzor used for High Holy Day Services. It is the same machzor used for the last several years. TJM has a few extra copies but we ask everyone to please bring their own book.

Parking Lot A has been reserved for those with special needs who requested reserved parking. Everyone else may park in Lot B, the overflow spaces in the CTA Skokie Swift Lot (south of Conrad Steet), or on the street.

Be sure to have all cellular devices on a silent setting so as not to disrupt services. Be sure to label your machzor in the event it becomes lost. The doors to the community hall will be open one-half hour before the start of services. No one will be admitted during the Rabbi’s sermons and we also ask you to please refrain from leaving

at that time. Parents are encouraged to sit with their children and are responsible for their conduct at all times. Proper attire must be worn during services. Eating and drinking are not permitted in the community hall during High Holy Day services.

Please see pages 8-10 for detailed information on our upcoming holiday events.

We Need You!

Temple Judea Mizpah has the following committees:

Building Operations Education

Finance/Fundraising Membership

Religion and Social Action Worship

Education, Membership, Social Action and Worship meet the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.

Their next meeting is Wednesday, September 3.

Building Operations meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm. Their next meeting is Wednesday, September 10.

Finance/Fundraising will meet on Sunday mornings. A schedule of dates will be available soon.

All meetings are open to our congregants. Please find one that interests you and join us. You don’t have to commit to every meeting.


High Holy Day Schedule 2014/5775 All Services in the TJM Community Hall

(unless otherwise noted)



S’lichot Program Saturday, September 20

8:00 PM TJM Community Hall

S’lichot Service Saturday, September 20

10:00 PM TJM Sanctuary

Erev Rosh HaShanah Wednesday, September 24 7:30 PM TJM Community Hall

Rosh HaShanah Morning I Thursday, September 25 10:00 AM TJM Community Hall

Rosh HaShanah Family Service

Thursday, September 25 2:30 PM TJM Community Hall (no ticket required)

Tashlich Service Thursday, September 25 4:15 PM Emily Oaks Nature Center 4650 Brummel, Skokie

Rosh HaShanah Morning II Friday, September 26 10:00 AM TJM Community Hall (no ticket required)

Shabbat Shuvah Friday, September 26

7:30 PM TJM Sanctuary

Kol Nidrei Friday, October 3 7:30 PM TJM Community Hall

Yom Kippur Morning

Saturday, October 4 10:00 AM TJM Community Hall

Yom Kippur Family Service Saturday, October 4 1:30 PM TJM Community Hall (no ticket required)

Yom Kippur Afternoon, Yizkor, Ne’ilah

Saturday, October 4 3:00 PM TJM Community Hall (no ticket required)

Open Sukkah Table Decorations, Service &


Wednesday, October 8 4:30 PM TJM’s Sukkah (rain location:

TJM Community Hall)

Sukkot Morning Thursday, October 9

10:00 AM TJM Sanctuary

Erev Simchat Torah Celebration

Wednesday, October 15 7:00 PM TJM Sanctuary

Simchat Torah Morning, Yizkor & Pot Luck Lunch

Thursday, October 16 10:00 AM TJM Sanctuary


S’lichot Program

Sins & Forgiveness: A Practical Guide for Self and Society

Saturday, September 20 at 8:00 pm

Join us for this wonderful opportunity to engage in meaningful study and discussion and prepare for the High Holy Days together.

8:00 pm - Program

10:00 pm - S’lichot Service in Sanctuary

Free Family Services for the Entire Community

Rosh HaShanah Thursday, September 25

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Yom Kippur Saturday, October 4 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Location: TJM Community Hall

Led by: Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler and Cantor Richard Bessman

Unaffiliated families are welcome to join us. Please invite your friends!

“You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea” — Michah 7:19

Please join us for our annual

Service of Tashlich

Rosh HaShanah afternoon

Thursday, September 25 at 4:15 pm

LOCATION: Emily Oaks Nature Center 4650 Brummel, Skokie

To respect the wildlife and to observe the rules of the Nature Center, only very small crumbs of bread will be

allowed; no croutons please.

The Annual TJM

High Holy Day Food Drive

Coordinated by the Social Action Commission in

Partnership with the Board of Directors

Pick up your bags at all High Holy Day Services. Fill them with non-perishable canned or boxed

food, and return to TJM by October 19.

Donations will be distributed to: The Ark, A Just Harvest Soup Kitchen, and

The Niles Township Food Pantry

☞Please help sort food on

Sunday, October 19 at 9:00 am.


Blessing of the Animals

Sunday, October 19 12:00 pm

Southeast Lawn - rain or shine!

Treats for people and pets. Leashes and good behavior required.

Fall Festivals at TJM

Erev Sukkot Wednesday, October 8 at 4:30 pm

Sukkah Decorating, Service and Open Sukkah Table TJM provides the entrée and members are asked to bring

a salad, side dish or dessert to share (for 8-10 people) $5.00/person or $12.00/family

RSVP by October 6 to the temple office [email protected] or 847-676-1566

Sukkot Festival Service

Thursday, October 9 at 10:00 am Kiddush in the Sukkah following service

Erev Simchat Torah Service

Wednesday, October 15 at 7:00 pm Celebrate the holiday with song and dance

Taffy apples following service

Simchat Torah Festival Service with Yizkor Thursday, October 16 at 10:00 am

Potluck lunch following service, please bring a dish to share RSVP by October 13 to the temple office

[email protected] or 847-676-1566

Birthday Blessings are held Erev Shabbat, Friday, September 5 at 7:30 pm

Anniversary Blessings are held Erev Shabbat, Friday, September 19 at 7:30 pm

Jean Gagliardi and Laurence Singer Susanne and David Hartmann

Kathy Kornbluth and Alan Cohen Janice and Kent McDill

Lois and Leo Pearl Cindy and Wayne Pichler Toby and Aaron Solan

Janet Stallman and Michael Frost Terry and Paul Zirlin

Ray Ariaz Dan Aronson Ruth Barrash Fred Breitberg Sam Breitberg Breana Brill Jeffrey Butler Barbara Davis Jeffrey Einbinder Joshua Einbinder Al Erlebacher Judy Feinstein David Fishman Laura Fishman Jay Frank Michael Frost Joyce Gayle Jann Goldberg

Martin Goldstein Nate Hartmann Sharlene Krehely Amy LaBan Aaron Lavin Robin Lavin Ilana Maitino Dora Starr Poulos Joanna Starr Poulos Louis Schliselfeld Jerry Shapiro Jack Singer Laurence Singer Aaron Solan Jacob Varol Susan Wise


Birthday Blessings are held Erev Shabbat, Friday, October 10 at 7:30 pm

Aden Arlow Jacob Arlow Dorothy Bernay Shana Birger Melanie Brill Stewart Cherlin Oi Crandus Mary Ehrlich David Foler Sharon Fuhrer Jean Gagliardi (Singer) Steve Hanan

Anniversary Blessings are held Erev Shabbat, Friday, October 17 at 7:30 pm

Betty and Jeff Butler Theresa and Mark Delin

Mary and Michael Ehrlich Jann and Allen Goldberg

Debbie Kroopkin and Josh Hurwitz Sharon and David Kessler

Amy LaBan and Eric Meyers Andrea and Phillip LeBoy

Sharon Rabens-Maitino and Robert Maitino Eunice and Jerry Shapiro Jarmila and Gary Singer

Sharon Smaller and Joel Freeman

Josh Hurwitz Mary Jutovsky Michael Jutovsky Doug Kennedy Nancy R. Levi Nona Lipsit Robert Lipton Kyle McDill Mary Roth Tobias Rubenstein Michael Silverstein Sharon Smaller Colin Sucherman Ryan Sucherman Marc Tenzer Susan Van Dusen Daniel Varol Sue Wolff


WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE THE GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS OF OUR FRIENDS! Your contribution not only supports the good work of the Temple, but is also a thoughtful way to honor a special occasion, express wishes for a speedy recovery or memorialize a loved one. Tribute cards can be sent with just a simple phone call. If you have any questions about our many funds or wish to have a Tribute Card sent, please call the temple office at 847-676-1566 or visit Donations made from 6/24/14 to 8/25/14 are listed below.

MEMORIAL PLAQUE In loving memory of Toby Lipton BENEFACTORS 2020 Al & Dolores Erlebacher HIGH HOLY DAYS Sandra and Bruce Lorie Sybil Sucherman GENERATION NEXT 2015 Nancy R. Levi A JUST HARVEST SOUP KITCHEN FUND Morton Grove Collectibles Ray Ariaz In your honor for all your help Helayne and Mark Levin Ruth Barrash Best wishes for a speedy recovery Evie and Ernie Shavitz Ann Gershanov Our condolences on the loss of your husband, Peter Gershanov Joyce and Don Gayle Ethel Mittenthal Evie and Ernie Shavitz Carole Goldstein Best wishes for a speedy recovery Evie and Ernie Shavitz June and Al Gordon Our condolences on the loss of brother-in-law, Sheldon Solovy Helayne and Mark Levin Grabell & Kupfer Families Our condolences on the loss of your cousin, Ada Cohen Marc, Cheryl, Matthew and Brittani Grabell Steve Hanan Our condolences on the loss of your cousin, Harry Finkelman Evie and Ernie Shavitz Helayne and Mark Levin Mazel Tov on the marriage of your son Brian to Michael Ethel Mittenthal Helayne Levin Our condolences on the loss of your father, Leon Marco Casper Braverman Ruth and Ron Buchanan Cindy and Lowell Derdiger Andrea and Marty Dickson Shirley Dorn Irene and Jay Frank Joyce and Don Gayle June and Al Gordon Pam Holtzblatt and Ray Ariaz Andrea and Phil LeBoy Ethel Mittenthal Lois and Leo Pearl Judie Pittel Bill Plotkin

Phyllis and Neal Shanoff Evie and Ernie Shavitz Susan Wilner and Don Leftwich Helayne Levin Mazel tov on being honored by the Jewish United Fund Cindy and Lowell Derdiger Ludtke, Spier and Knoedler Families Our condolences on the loss of your father, grandfather and great grandfather, Bert Alport Helayne and Mark Levin Evie and Ernie Shavitz Leslie Mandelstein Feel better soon Ruth and Ron Buchanan Evie Warren Feel better soon Ruth and Ron Buchanan EDUCATION FUND June and Alvin Gordon In honor of your 40th wedding anniversary Aileen, Jonathan, and Chloe Wiede Ellen and Jeff London My condolences on the loss of your father, Peter Gershanov Lawrence R. Krupp GATES OF OUR FOUNDERS Helayne Levin Our condolences on the loss of your father, Leon Marco Jan and Lester Mehlman GOLDMAN CAMP FUND Ann Gershanov Our condolences on the loss of your husband, Peter Gershanov Dolores and Al Erlebacher Helayne Levin Our condolences on the loss of your father, Leon Marco Dolores and Al Erlebacher Ludtke, Spier, and Knoedler Families Our condolences on the loss of your father, grandfather and great grandfather, Bert Alport Dolores and Al Erlebacher Lois Strzyzewki Mazel tov on your conversion and thank you for the wonderful concert Dolores and Al Erlebacher KEHILLA FUND Irene and Jay Frank Morton Grove Collectibles Ricki Angelus Our condolences on the loss of your husband, Paul Angelus Robin and Jonathan Lavin Ralph Bergen and Family Our condolences on the loss of your beloved Gail Don Leftwich and Susan Wilner


Donations Cont. KEHILLA FUND Karyn Esken Our condolences on the loss of your mother, Sandra Esken Debbie and Bob Gilbert Leslie Friedman and Family Our condolences on the loss of your mother Don Leftwich Ann Gershanov and Family Our condolences on the loss of your husband and father, Peter Gershanov Barbara and Ted Balsam Gale and Ralph Bergen Susan and Mark Blieden Marianne, Paul and Jennifer Cornely Linda and Stuart Garland Debbie and Bob Gilbert Esther and Richard Happle and Family Ruth and Jerry Hecktman Lee Keno Sharon and David Kessler Sheldon Lavin Helayne and Mark Levin Seymour Lipton Esther and Ray Nusinow Lois and Leo Pearl Arthur Veis Elizabeth Goldberg Our condolences on the loss of your husband, Michael Goldberg Sharon and David Kessler Helayne Levin Our condolences on the loss of your father, Leon Marco Ruth Barrash Barbara and Bob Davis Laura, Dave, Emily and Hailey Fishman Linda and Stuart Garland Gil Gavlin Debbie and Bob Gilbert Enid and Howard Golden Sonni Helmer Judy Kessler and Dan Aronson Sharon and David Kessler Seymour Lipton Myra and Irving Memis Rachel, Alan, Daniel, Heather and Jason Robinson Jerry Rubel Jan and Stan Woytowicz Seymour Lipton Our condolences on the loss of your wife, Toby Lipton Andrea Dickson Ludtke, Spier, and Knoedler Families Our condolences on the loss of your father, grandfather and great grandfather, Bert Alport Cynthia and Lowell Derdiger Linda and Stuart Garland Debbie and Bob Gilbert Sharon and David Kessler Seymour Lipton Marilyn Ratner Jerry Rubel

Marian Blumenthal Schade In your honor Lara Kurz

LIBRARY FUND Ann Gershanov Our condolences on the loss of your husband, Peter Gershanov Carol and Charles Abrams RABBI MEMIS-FOLER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Anita Bieber Glenn Cooper Irene and Jay Frank Thelma Marco Shirley and Mort Paradise MITZVAH MEAL CONTRIBUTORS Bert Alport Andrea and Marty Dickson Rabbi Amy Memis-Foler and David Foler and Family Judy Foler Debbie and Bob Gilbert Barb and Steve Hanan Susanne and David Hartmann and Family Fran Karras Don Leftwich Helayne and Mark Levin Seymour Lipton Nancy Marcus Rachel and Alan Robinson and Family Linda and Larry Rosenthal Mary Roth and Phil Singer Eunice and Jerry Shapiro Lois Strzyzewski Marla Topp Arthur Veis Susan Wilner

SALLY AND MEL NUDELMAN ADULT EDUCATION FUND Estelle Finkelman Our condolences on the loss of your beloved Harry Finkelman Barb and Steve Hanan SHABBAT FLOWERS SPONSORS Ruth and Ron Buchanan In honor of Ruth’s Birthday and our 45th anniversary Evie and Ernie Shavitz In honor of our 68th anniversary SIMCHA FUND CONTRIBUTORS Anita Bieber Shirley Dorn Rabbi Amy Memis-Foler and David Foler Robert Gilbert Barb and Steve Hanan Jason Robinson Madelyn Silverstein Gayle Starr and Evans Poulos Noel Sucherman Marla Topp George Van Emden


Donations Cont. SHARON SINGER MEMORIAL FUND Ann Gershanov Our condolences on the loss of your husband, Peter Gershanov Bert Alport Netiva Caftori and Joel Hodes Mary Roth and Phil Singer Helayne Levin Our condolences on the loss of your father, Leon Marco Bert Alport Netiva Caftori and Joel Hodes Mary Roth and Phil Singer Ludtke, Spier, and Knoedler Families Our condolences on the loss of your father, grandfather and great grandfather, Bert Alport Phil Singer RABBI KARL WEINER FUND Ann Gershanov Our condolences on the loss of your husband, Peter Gershanov Beverly Roitman ROBERT ZAR MUSIC FUND Netiva Caftori In honor of your birthday Eunice and Jerry Shapiro Andrea Dickson Wishing you a speedy recovery Eunice and Jerry Shapiro Enid and Howard Golden In honor of the birth of your second granddaughter Eunice and Jerry Shapiro

June and Al Gordon Mazel tov on your 40th wedding anniversary Eunice and Jerry Shapiro Helayne Levin Our condolences on the loss of your father, Leon Marco Eunice and Jerry Shapiro Naomi Zimbalist Sharon Kessler In honor of your birthday Eunice and Jerry Shapiro Joel Hodes In honor of your birthday Eunice and Jerry Shapiro Seymour Lipton Our condolences on the loss of your wife, Toby Lipton Miriam Erlebacher Ludtke, Spier, and Knoedler Families Our condolences on the loss of your father, grandfather and great grandfather, Bert Alport Euncie and Jerry Shapiro Mickey, Colin and Nate Rothman Our condolences on the loss of your wife and mother Naomi Zimbalist Phil Singer Wishing you a speedy recovery Eunice and Jerry Shapiro

OSRUI campers with Rabbi Memis-Foler: (left to right) Seth Crandus, Alli Lipsit,

Maddy Foler, Sami Lipsit

Rabbi Memis-Foler leading Havdalah service held outside on August 16.

Thank you to the Sucherman family for hosting this lovely evening.



In Memoriam

Bert Alport


Sandra Esken 8/8/14

Mother of Karyn Esken (Fred Breitberg) Grandmother of Danny and Sammy

Peter Gershanov

7/9/14 Husband of Ann Gershanov

Leon Marco

7/1/14 Father of Helayne (Mark) Levin

Grandfather of Brian (Michael Tovar) and Karen

YAHRZEIT MEMORIAL FUND Donations made in memory of the following: Karolina Appel Beloved Grandmother of Linda Ehrlich-Jones Gerturde Bing Beloved Aunt of Eve Veis z’’l Beatrice F. Blumenfield Beloved Mother and Grandmother of Marian and Seth Schade Frank B. Blumenfield Beloved Father and Grandfather of Marian and Seth Schade Gerald Cooper Beloved Father of Glenn Cooper Betty Cooperstein Beloved Grandmother of Glenn Cooper Fay Derdiger Beloved Mother of Lowell Derdiger Rose Footlik Beloved of Sylvia Footlik Rachel Frank Beloved Daughter of Jay Frank Hertha Freund Beloved Mother of Ellen Kaufherr Tillie Gilford Beloved Mother of Elaine Hessell Ruth Golden Beloved Mother of Howard Golden Sol Golden Beloved Father of Howard Golden Geraldine Hanan Beloved Mother of Steve Hanan Harry Hessell Beloved Father-In-Law of Elaine Hessell Gloria Hoke Beloved Wife of Herbert Hoke Mark Kaufherr Beloved Husband of Ellen Kaufherr Jacob Kramer Beloved Father of Mel Kramer Rose Kritzman Beloved Mother of Joseph Kritzman Albert Lebowitz Beloved Father of Regina Kreitzman Irving Leitner Beloved Father of Robin Leitner Sonenshein Adrianne Lubor Beloved Sister of Neal Shanoff Adele Plotkin Beloved Wife of William Plotkin Esther Plotkin Beloved Grandmother of Michael Cohen Carol Polikoff Beloved Cousin of Beverly Roitman Herb Roth Beloved Husband of Mary Roth Frank M. Schade Beloved Son and Brother of Marian and Seth Schade George C. Schade Beloved Husband and Son of Marian and Seth Schade Raymond Shanoff Beloved Father of Neal Shanoff Mort Shapiro Beloved Uncle of Jerry Shapiro Martin Shavitz Beloved Brother of Ernie Shavitz Rose Superfine Beloved Mother of Beverly Roitman Robert C. Suchor Beloved Father of Jan Woytowicz and Beloved Grandfather of Kim Busch and Zachary Busch Charles Sucherman Beloved Husband of Sybil Sucherman, Father of Paul (Noel) Sucherman and Grandfather of Ryan, Ethan and Colin Sarah Veis Beloved Mother of Arthur Veis Sylvia Weinhouse Beloved Mother of Barbara Hanan Tillie Weintraub Beloved Aunt of Muriel Levie

Six graves for sale in sec. D Westlawn Cemetery.

They sell for $4,000 per grave. We are willing to sell for less.


Lois and Leo Pearl 847-673-2377

Gift of Life Drive

Swab-a-Cheek at TJM

Gift of Life is a public

donor, bone marrow and blood system cell registry and a world leader in helping

children and adults find a match.

Have your cheek swabbed on Saturday, October 4

from the conclusion of Yom Kippur morning services until 3:00 pm

Registration is simple, involving a cheek swab

and completion of a quick consent form. Eligi-ble donors must be between the ages of 18 – 59

and in general good health. See Helayne’s article on page 6 for further information.

This is such an important program, please consider participating.

“Kehillah” Giving

$1000 Builder’s Stone-Engraved brass block surrounding the “Tree of Life” in our foyer

$350 Yahrzeit Plaque-Engraved brass plate in our Memorial Alcove. Includes perpetual remembrance through annual Yahrzeit listing and inclusion in the Yom Kippur Yizkor book

$250 Leaf on “Tree of Life”-Engraved brass leaf commemorating a special occasion or remembering a special person

Kehillah Fund-Connoting “life” in Hebrew provides support for the daily operational funding of Temple Judea Mizpah *

Gates of Our Founders Fund-Giving honor or in memory of our temple founders “Special-Fund” Giving *

Rabbi Karl and Eva Weiner Memorial Scholar-in-Residence Fund-Brings noted scholars to TJM from around the world

Goldman Memorial Scholarship Fund-Provides scholarships for TJM students to attend Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute summer camp

Education Fund-Provides support to enhance Religious School education and programming

Robert Zar Music Fund-Provides for High Holy Day musicians and music needs throughout the year

The Sally and Mel Nudelman Adult Education Fund-Provides funds for adult programming at TJM.

Sefer Torah Fund-Provides for regular inspection and repair of TJM’s Torah scrolls by a certified scribe

Prayer Book Fund-Provides for the repair and replacement of adult and youth prayer books for Sabbath and festivals ($36 minimum)

Library Fund-Provides for purchase of new adult and youth books, audio-visual and computer learning materials for the TJM Library

Chesed Fund-Provides support for TJM’s community service and tzedakah projects

A Just Harvest Kitchen Fund-Provides support of TJM’s community service to A Just Harvest (soup kitchen).

Simcha Fund/Mitzvah Meals-Provides support to enhance Oneg Shabbatot and other receptions at TJM and provides meals for Shiva homes

Sharon Singer Memorial Fund-Provides support for TJM theatrical productions

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

Please accept my check for $ ___ for the fund checked above. Please charge my account for $ for the fund checked above.

For the recovery of

In honor of

In memory of

Advise Address Donor Address Return form to Temple Judea Mizpah, 8610 Niles Center Road, Skokie, IL 60077 Acknowledgement will be made to the individual or family recipient and will be listed in the bulletin. Minimum donations of $12 appreciated. Checks should be payable to Temple Judea Mizpah. TJM will make its best effort to utilize donated funds for the spirit in which they were given. However, the Board of Directors, under the direction of its officers, reserves the right to use these funds for other pressing issues. All funds are maintained with separate accounting and are accurate as to their balances.


Ester Bat Yehudit V’rafal Masouda Zippora Bat Miriam Dorothy Bernay Garry Bryan Lisa Burnett Taina Rodriguez De Valerde Marilyn Duesenberg Lynne French Don Gayle Daniel Gistenston Julio Gonzalez Ethel Goldman Carole Goldstein Bobbie Gurtz Diana Hanan Janet Hanan John Kepler

Harold Leftwich Jimmy McDaniel Leslie Mandelstein Stanley Manilow Marcy Marcus Charles Mayer John Miller Anna Mindich Colette Moll Tim Norwood Emily Olsen Patty Oskorep Shirley Paradise Steve Perez Karen Perlmuter Elaine Pichler

Bill Plotkin Hazel Shusterman Arlene Segal Will Segal Gloria Silverman Shirley Simon Ede Snyder Tomas Sotelo Pam Sucherman Jeff Tessler Rosalyn Varon Evie Warren Howard Warso Bill Weiner Ron Wilner Brian Zable Terri Zirlin

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Check out our TJM Facebook Page.

Once there, don’t forget to click the “Like” button.


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Temple Judea Mizpah 8610 Niles Center Road

Skokie, IL 60077 Phone 847-676-1566

Fax 847-676-1579 [email protected]

During regular business hours, all incoming calls are answered personally. The only time you may get the voicemail greeting is when you call during the day and all lines are busy, or the staff are away from their desks. Here is a directory of names, extensions and emails if you wish to leave a message: Amy L. Memis-Foler, Rabbi 104 [email protected]

Richard Bessman, Cantor/Education Director 105 [email protected]

jjjjjjjjjMffffffffffff PROGRAMS Marla Topp, Administrator 108 [email protected]

March 2011 ~ TJM PROGRAMS Felicia Gross, Administrative Assistant 100 [email protected] Sharon Kessler, President [email protected]


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Volume 63, Number 1

September/October 2014 Elul/Tishrei 5774/75

TEMPLE JUDEA MIZPAH Lighting the flame for our tomorrow

RABBI Amy L. Memis-Foler




Marla Topp

FOUNDING RABBI Karl Weiner z”l


Sharon Kessler



David Hartmann

SECRETARY Sharon Smaller


EDUCATION Noel Sucherman


Ken Gutstadt & Neal Shanoff

OPERATIONS Paul Sucherman



WORSHIP Mark Delin

Temple Judea Mizpah 8610 Niles Center Road Skokie, IL 60077 847-676-1566 [email protected]

Please pick up your High Holy Day tickets

from the temple.

If you are not able to pick them up, let us know and we will mail them to you.

Also, let us know if you have special needs and require a

parking pass for lot A.
