
Latest TripsTexas/KansasWe flew to Texas on the 6th of Feb and were really blessed to stay with a couple at their house. They were the head of the healing rooms ministry there and had a beautiful house, they were rather wealthy and we had the chance to sit in a couple of their cars, a Ferarri and a Maclaren Spyder as seen below. The next day we went to a ministry school in the town and ran some training for them, we had some fun and saw a few miracles take place.

The next day Chris ran about 3 sessions with the Healing Rooms team at a large church, around 180 people showed up and they were incredibly hungry. We had a great time with them and in the last session went after miracles. In about 10 minutes God did around 101 miracles. A couple of testimonies were: ‘I lost my eyesight to melanoma cancer 10 years ago and I can see out of that eye now’. ‘I was starting to get floaters in my left eye and I was getting scared but now all my floaters are gone’. A boy was diagnosed with Austism since he was 3 years old, he is 24 and has been hearing voices in his head constantly disrupting his daily life and now his mind has never been more clear and he is at peace. A lady injured her knee riding a bull when she was 17 (only in Texas) probably late 30’s now, and it’s always hurt, she said “when you told us to close our eyes I saw Jesus come and place His hand on my hand and it was warm and it’s better than the other knee now.” A man fell off a roof in 2007 and crushed both his heels he said “I’ve always had a real pain in my right heel and it’s like walking around on a rock all the time and all the pain is gone now.”

We then drove down to a church in Kansas and ran 3 night meetings in a row. It was incredibly cold in Kansas, it got down to 9F and was snowing a bit, ice everywhere but beautiful. The picture on the right below is the where we stayed in Kansas, in the middle is IHOP (International House of Prayer) and on the left is the house we stayed in Texas.

The first meeting was crazy, about 80% of the church was healed on the first night, Chris asked people what they wanted to see happen and a little girl around 9 yelled out “deaf ears”. So Chris got people to stand who had bad hearing, either deafness, partial hearing or bad ringing in the ears. Around 7 or 8 people stood up and he asked the little girl to heal them, she said into the microphone, “Hearing come”, then stopped and looked at Chris, he said “That should do it, test it out” all of the people standing were instantly healed of their hearing problems. I had a man who injured his knees 20 years ago in a football

Jason’s Adventures

Feb/March 2014

accident and couldn’t squat down or run around anymore, we prayed and all the pain left his knees and he ran around the room.

The next day we went to Kansas City to visit IHOP (International House of Prayer) which is a 24/7 prayer and worship movement. The presence of God was amazing there and we visited the University, sat in a lecture and then spent a few hours in worship. It was a great experience and privilege to get to visit.

The following 2 nights of meetings there were less miracles because so many people were healed the first night and it was only a small city.

OhioI travelled to Ohio with Chuck Parry who is the Assistant Director of the healing rooms, he went to sow into a church plant in Columbus. The pastors were ex students and were absolutely amazing to us, they moved out of their apartment so that Chuck and I could live there during the conference. We did 3 days of meetings at this church and my mindsets were being blown apart. The revelation that Chuck carried about the abundance of heaven, not being under a ‘lack mentality’ but ‘abundance mentality’ was amazing. I had many hours to spend with him listening to stories about his life and the incredible miracles that God has done in his life and through him. We spent a lot of time pouring into the leaders of the church, prophesying over them and Chuck teaching them about church planting. I personally learnt so much on this trip about myself and God. The last night we went down the road a couple of hours to a ministry school. This was an ex Amish/Mennonite ministry school and it was so much fun. I got some specific words of knowledge, I saw a vision of someone who was playing golf and pulled a muscle in their back, I called it out and a man stood up. I also called out a date and a man stood up, he had something heavy fall on him on that date and his back was healed. Below is a photo of me finally shooting a gun in America, at Jerry’s house, and a picture of the team pastors on the right, Chuck on the far left.

I then went with my friend Jerry back to his house for 3 days, he lives in an Amish village and it was extremely cold. We stayed up each night chatting in his hot tub till the early hours of the morning while it was snowing around us. I gained so much insight and revelation from our conversations, I would say that more than any trip this one helped me out personally the most. Each day, all day, we would be ministering to people; we went out to people’s houses and businesses to pray for them and bless them. The first day Jerry took me into Amish businesses and announced that I would be giving people encouraging words. This was very stretching for me but an awesome experience to see God back me up. I started prophesying over one guy and he was encouraged and thanked me, then as we were leaving Jerry said to a man who had been watching us, “would you like a word?” he said “yes” so we went over and Dennis and I began prophesying over him. Tthe man said “how do you know all these things about me?” we said “God is showing us these things because he wants you to know how much he loves you”. I asked him if he had a problem with his right knee, he said “no, but I have a lot of pain in my back”. I said “can we pray for your

back”, he said “sure”. I went around and laid my hand on his back and instantly all the pain disappeared, he was shocked, we told him how much Jesus loved him and left. We had many encounters like these.The next day was Jerry’s birthday and he wanted to hit the streets and pray for people, so we went for about 4 hours and just loved on people in shopping centres, car parks, restaurants etc. We walked past 2 ladies in Walmart and felt like we should go back and talk to them, we began chatting with them. One lady had back pain and a problem with her elbow, where she could no longer pick up anything heavy because she had too much pain. We asked if we could pray for her, before we knew it she had joined hands with her sister and we were standing in a circle holding hands. We began to pray and they both felt the power of God go through their bodies. We said, “test out your back and elbow”. The lady’s back was totally healed but she said “I need something like a gallon of milk to test my elbow”, I ran and grabbed a big thing of milk and gave it to her, she lifted it above her head in absolute shock. It was amazing to see her face as she realised she was totally healed. She stood there for a couple of minutes staring at her sister saying “It’s impossible I can’t do this”, lifting the bottle of milk. We probably prayed for and blessed over 20 people that day.

The last day I got the chance to shoot a gun, check out Jerry’s family apple cider business and see the horses and carts the Amish ride in. Then at night I ran a home group at Jerry’s house, a bunch of people showed up maybe 20 or so, all ex Mennonites/Amish. I shared my testimony, talked a little about healing and then opened up for questions; they had some great questions that we got to discuss. Then it was time for some healing, it got crazy and a bunch of people were healed. We were praying for one lady who had back, neck and head pain and as she was getting healed a lady sitting behind me said “I think something is happening in my ear”. I turned to see what God was doing and she took her hearing aid out. Her ear had opened up and she could hear me talking to her from behind, it wasn’t 100% but a lot better. There was another boy there who had only 12% hearing in his right ear, he could never hear his Dad speaking from behind him all he could hear was sound. We prayed for him and got him to block his good ear; he could hear his Dad talk to him from behind for the first time clearly. He said it was about 70% better. We had tumours in a man’s throat start shrinking, a lady had a tumour on her head shrink, shoulder pain disappeared and many other people were healed during the meeting. The joy of the Lord broke out and people were being set free, it was beautiful. Below is the hot tub covered in snow, Jerry in the middle with his birthday cup cakes and then the Amish ministry school we went to.

EnglandWe did 4 conferences back to back in Leamington Spa, London, Wolverhampton and Manchester. Praise the Lord that due to all the flying I’ve been doing I now have status with the airline and this was the first time I got upgraded to Economy plus on all my flights. We had the chance to walk around the outside of a castle at the first place we stayed; I lived only 5 mins from it and walked down with my hosts in the morning. The first night was a little hard with only a little breakthrough but the next night broke open and there were around 20 people healed. One lady I’m following up asked us to pray for her mum who had pain through her whole body from arthritis and was in a wheelchair, she also had Alzheimer’s. Her Mum wasn’t at the

meeting so we asked if she could call her on the phone. She called her sister and gave us the phone, we began praying for the lady and both her sister and mum began to cry as the power of God touched them. The lady said that there was heat on her head and body and all the pain disappeared, she got out of the wheelchair and began walking. We told them both to begin praising God for what He was doing, we found out later that the sister wasn’t a Christian. A lady had an operation 25 years ago and now no tears could come out of her left eye, after prayer she began to cry with tears from both eyes. A lady had dislocated her hip and was in constant pain, all the pain left and she ran around the room in excitement. A man had pain in his back for 6 months, 6 out of 10, that ran down his legs. When someone prayed for him all the pain went up through his body and left through his head, he has no more pain anymore. He also had bad pain in his left wrist, it was inflamed for 18 months, he said it was 10 out of 10 pain when he put weight on it, during worship he rolled over and pushed himself up with his bad wrist, then he realised that he had no pain. Below is a photo of Simon, with whom I stayed, in front of the castle, in the middle is the church the conference was held in and then there was the traditional English breakfast which was insanely amazing.

We then went to London, myself and 3 of the interns had the opportunity to speak for 20 mins each the first night. The next day we went on a bus tour around London for 3 hours, it was great as we got to see all the sights of London in a day. At night the interns again ran the meeting, we did a panel and talked about the prophetic, I had the chance to activate them all and play some games. It went really well and the people gave some incredible prophetic words to other people. I released a word to a man as my practice word and he gave feedback to the congregation saying that the word was dead on accurate for him and it really touched his life. He came to me afterwards and I continued to pray for him and he was really blessed.

The next day we did prophetic booths: for 3 hours we prophesied over the leaders of the church and gave them encouraging words. I had the chance in the afternoon to catch up with my best friend from high school whom I hadn’t seen in a couple of years. It was so good to get to see him and his girlfriend again. I don’t think I would have survived high school without Dan. They both came to the meeting at night along with another good friend, Will, who met me at the meeting. You will hear his name mentioned in the future history books of English revival. He and his wife are incredible and I had the privilege to serve with them last year in Redding. The night meeting was fun. Chris led a healing meeting and a bunch of people got healed. I prayed for one lady who had a deformed inner ear from birth, she couldn’t hear properly. When she was in a church service she needed to have ear plugs because loud sound would bounce around her ear as it didn’t work properly. We prayed for her, and her ear was completely healed, she was from Poland. There was a bunch of her family there and all of them got healed and touched in different ways.We also had the opportunity to go to John Wesley’s chapel which you see in the photos below.

Where I am kneeling, in the middle photo, is where the Methodist movement was birthed, we got to enter John Wesley’s house and go into his prayer room where he would pray 30mins every day. We then went to do a healing conference in Wolverhampton at a Global Legacy church. Before the first meeting began I was speaking to a couple and suddenly the lady said “since you walked up to us my right shoulder has been burning and my leg has been burning”, I asked “have you had problems with those areas”, she said “yes I’ve had injuries and pain in both places”. She started moving around and said “all the pain is gone I’m healed”. Thank you Jesus, we didn’t even pray for her. This church was hungry and the miracles broke out easily and there were many. A girl was blind for 10 years in her right eye and it opened up on Sunday morning. I called out a word of knowledge for someone having dizzy spells and vertigo, a lady came up afterward and said she had been given a couple of weeks off work because she could hardly get out of bed due to migraines and bad dizzy spells. I prayed for her and she felt something leave her head. She also had fibromyalgia which caused pain in her thumb; she couldn’t do anything with it or cross it across her palm. The next day she came in and said that she had got out of bed without being dizzy so she got back into bed and out a few times to make sure, her thumb was completely healed and she went around the house opening jars which she couldn’t do before. I also had divine connections with some people from France that the Lord set up. We prayed for their son who had severe depression and other problems, we prayed for him and the next day he went outside for a 3 mile walk for the first time and was happy. A girl who had flat feet from birth had arches grow back in her feet. There were many other miracles at this conference.Below you can see the Bus tour in the middle, Big Ben on the left and a castle in the city of London on the right.

We finished in Manchester, teaching at the School of Supernatural Ministry during the day and doing healing meetings at night. The first night there were 109 miracles, the next couple of nights around 45 or so each. During the day we walked down the street during our break and had the chance to pray for a bunch of people on the streets. One guy was sitting on the ground and had broken his back and it was still in a lot of pain, we told him sorry we don’t have any money but we can take the pain away from your back. He said that would be great, we prayed for his back and he bent over without any more pain. On a half day off we also went to Bradford and Yorkshire to honour Smith Wigglesworth. We had a chance to look through his house and stand in some places with great revival history, where people had been raised from the dead etc. Below on the left I’m standing on the doorstep of Smith’s house where he raised his wife from the dead, in the middle is a host I stayed with and on the right the church we were ministering in.

Mexico CityI was back in Redding for 24 hours before I left for my next trip. My favourite place on earth to minister and I couldn’t wait to get back. It was an amazing trip, the most activating trip I’ve been on this year. I had the opportunity to lead 8 different services, these included, a women’s meeting, youth meeting, church services, healing crusade, home groups, etc. We did activation in Evangelism and took people to the streets, prophetic, healing, taught on identity, love, peace, joy etc. Across these 8 meetings, 92 people gave their lives to Christ. I had the privilege of running a healing crusade: we had maybe 60 odd people come to the crusade, everyone in the room was either totally healed or had some significant breakthrough. For eg. A man was completely blind in his left eye and it opened up 70% in front of the crowd. Another man’s leg grew out 3-4 inches for the whole room to see, a little girl’s feet were turned in from birth and made it hard for her to walk, her feet moved back into place as someone prayed. Everyone in the room was healed and 45 people gave their lives to Christ that night. At the end we had 6 lines of people and I split my team to pray for everyone. In my line I had a mother and 2 boys. The mother had a massive tumour in her womb that she could feel and had lots of pain, all the pain disappeared and she could no longer feel the tumour. Her son had sprained his ankle and couldn’t run on it, we prayed and all the pain left, I got him to run up the staircase and back, completely healed. Then his brother had asthma his whole life and couldn’t breathe properly, prayed for him and sent him up the staircase he came back breathing normally.

We also had a day off and hit the streets ministering for a while; I got to pray for a bunch of people outside the Cathedral again this year which was heaps of fun, knees, backs, hips healed. One guy I stopped and asked if I could pray for his ankle as he was walking with a cane. He and his friends were not believers but I asked if he would give me 10 seconds to pray for his ankle. In absolute unbelief he said sure, I prayed 5 seconds and asked him to test it out and he began walking on his ankle without any pain and he kept saying to his friends, “seriously all the pain is gone it feels better”. That was fun. We also went to the Pyramids and climbed both the Moon and Sun Pyramids. On each level on the way up the Sun Pyramid we had the chance to pray for people and see them encounter the real Son of God. They also had a special band come to perform for us one day and a dance party broke out for a few hours. The lady below got healed on our way to the Sun Pyramid, she had a lot of pain in her hip and it all left. She waved her cane as we left and then walked away without using it.

The first meeting I led was a great learning experience, I was trying to do one thing and the Holy Spirit wanted to do another. After a little time I worked out what He was doing and partnered with it, when I did, all of heaven broke loose in the room and we had the most incredible time of God pouring His love on His children. We ended up doing a love, hug tunnel where each person would come through and myself and another girl would stand at the end and hug them for a couple of minutes. As we did, the love of God would break down any walls they had up, people were being delivered, set free and encountering the love of God for the first time. Everyone in the room was hugging and crying. It was incredible. After they had experienced His love, healings began breaking out in the room.

But probably my favourite meeting was the women’s meeting. I had some of the girls on my team run the meeting and the presence of God was so thick in the room. We started off with some prophetic words then Anna began prophetically singing for 15 mins over all the women, it was incredibly powerful. This led into an encounter with the love of God and lots of women in the room were crying as they met God. Then we went into a time of healing which I led. I shared a couple of testimonies and then did a round of words of knowledge and had people stand up if they had the problem. I would guess around 30-40 women stood up for the words. Then I said, “the power of God has already been released in the room during the testimonies and the words so start checking out your body and see if God has already done something”. One lady raised her hand and shouted out her testimony of what God had done. I released that in the room and said “God is here and He is healing you, power has been released”. I honestly was totally shocked as I watched every single lady standing one by one start raising their hands and testifying that God had completely healed them before we even had a chance to pray for them. During this time I said that God was giving someone a hip replacement and metal was disappearing from people’s bodies. Two ladies came forward, one lady came up holding her cane in the air crying, she said she was in a car accident 3 years ago and was in pain all down her left side of her body, she had an artificial hip and couldn’t raise her legs up. She said that all the pain was completely gone and she could move her hip like it was brand new; she started raising her legs on the spot. Another lady came forward rejoicing saying that she had a fused ankle, she had metal in her ankle so that she could not move it around properly and was in constant pain. She started moving her ankle around without pain for the first time. After this I had the rest of the people stand who needed a miracle and had them pray for each other, everyone else was healed except maybe 2 who I prayed for at the end. On the left below are 3 ladies who got saved, the middle is the women’s meeting all those ladies up the front are sharing how they’ve been healed and the last picture is how many people they can cram into one car, I’m in the front and there are 10 of us in total.

While I was waiting to be sent out to a church we prayed for a boy who had injured his knee badly playing soccer, he was in a lot of pain and couldn’t walk on his knee, he used a cane. We began praying and all the pain disappeared from his knee, the swelling went down and he could move around perfectly fine. Another time we were waiting to leave and a lady came into the church with a neck brace on, she had been in a car accident and had a lot of pain in her neck and back. We prayed and all the pain disappeared and she didn’t need the neck brace anymore. We went outside and saw a kid working near the church on crutches so we went over and he had badly sprained his ankle and couldn’t walk on it. We began praying and all the pain left his ankle, I had him running on the spot and jumping up and down on it. I literally do not have enough space to write all the miracles that God did in Mexico it was amazing. Thank you Jesus.

A Thought for the Month

I am going to share a lesson that I’ve been learning the last couple of months about walking in the rest and peace of God. I’m not sure if any of you every struggle with this but occasionally I can allow myself to get worried or stressed about the future. I say ALLOW because I’ve realised that it is a choice. What are you focusing on? You see, we all have problems in life but I’ll let you in on a secret, the answer to your problem is not found in your problem. The answer to your problem IS JESUS Christ. We actually find ourselves having a problem when we let the problem become bigger than God or we forget who God is. We need to refocus back onto Jesus, what is His nature? How much does He love me? How good is He? How faithful? How faithful has He been to me in the past when I’ve faced similar situations? “If God is for me than who can be against me”. You see God cares about you more than you could ever imagine and He has great plans for you. Worry doesn’t add a second to your life. Your Joy or Peace is not determined by your external circumstances, it is a choice. If you find yourself worrying about the future or a situation in your life then choose to partner with the Prince of peace. He will give you peace and joy, just turn your affection to Him, how good He is, how much He loves you, how much He is for you and rest in His nature. The more you understand who Jesus is the easier it will be to choose to walk in peace, joy and love in all circumstances. But also the more you understand who you are the easier it will become.

I have been growing even more in my identity recently, the understanding that I am powerful, I’m valuable, I’m a new creation. You see if you are born again you have been given a gift, the Holy Spirit, and one of the fruit that comes with Him is a thing called self-control. This means that no one controls you except yourself. You are actually incredibly powerful and you can make powerful decisions in life because you are

empowered by the Grace of God. What flows with this is the understanding that you are valuable, you see until you love yourself you can never truly love other people to the extent of Christ and you won’t love yourself until you can see the value in your life. The value of something is determined by the price that is willing to be paid for it, God the father determined your value when He chose to offer Jesus Christ to die for you. You are worth the price of Jesus blood. Do you think that God made a mistake, do you think He would pay such a price for trash, do you think He is a bad investor and would pay too high a price for something? No you are priceless and He carries an incredible value for you which He is longing for you to see in yourself. I heard it described this way, it’s like a painting, God is the painter, Jesus is the model and YOU are the painting. If you walk up to a painting and start criticising it and saying that it is horrible and worthless etc. do you think that brings joy, honour or glory to the painter? No the complete opposite, so next time you consider saying horrible things about yourself think about how God sees you and has created you.

I was thinking about a flower seed this week, you see God placed everything within that seed that it needed, to become and to accomplish what it was created for. You don’t see that seed struggling and striving to become a flower, it rests and receives the nutrients and water from the soil and automatically grows. You are like that seed, God has uniquely designed each of you and has placed everything within you that you need, to become who He has created you to be. We need to learn to rest in His presence and receive His love, His grace, His righteousness and watch as we become who He has called us to be.

There are a few scriptures that He has been bringing to my mind recently, the number one being Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the lord and HE will give you the desires of your heart.” What is our role in that scripture? Delighting ourselves in Him and then He will do the rest. Our number one focus must always be spending time with him, when we do, He will take care of the rest. Matt 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Notice it says HIS righteousness and not our own. Understanding that righteousness comes by faith allows us to rest in the finished work of the cross. Proverbs 3:4 “Lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.” Again our role is to acknowledge Him, spend time with Him and HE will make our path straight, not us. This week, think over what I have said and take some time to assess your life. If there are areas in which you don’t feel like you are operating in peace, CHOOSE to turn your attention to Jesus and partner with Him in each of those areas to live in peace and receive His rest, peace, joy and love. Ask Him to give you a greater revelation of how powerful you are and how valuable you are to Him and spend more time delighting yourself in Him than worrying about anything. He loves you.

Next Trips

My next trip will be from the 16th of April to the 28th of April. We will be going to Germany for a healing conference run by the intern team: I will have a chance to preach 3-4 times including Easter Sunday. Then we will be spending 2 days in Switzerland and 5 days in Poland doing healing conferences.

Next Year

Some of you may be wondering what my plans are for the next season of my life. I can’t believe that my time here at Bethel is coming to an end; it has been the most incredible season of my life. I have felt the Lord clearly telling me to take what I have learnt back to Brisbane. So on the 1st of June I will be saying goodbye to Redding and heading back to Australia for the next season of my life. I have no idea what I will be doing when I get home. I do have one last trip organised from the 25th-30th of June, I will be in Sydney with Chris doing a healing conference. My first priority will be spending time with Melissa and my family.

My desire would be to gain a part time job during the week that would allow me to continue doing as much ministry as I can. I would love to speak in any churches in Australia that would be interested in having me and begin equipping and training the body of Christ in Australia to walk in the supernatural. I would love to start a home group to begin training people to live naturally supernatural lifestyles and have some of them

as my ministry team when I speak in churches. I would like to destroy the works of the devil all over Brisbane, to heal all the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead. I would like to continue doing what I was doing over the summer in travelling to people’s houses who can’t get to meetings or churches and visiting people in hospitals to minister to them. I would also like to continue doing a few trips overseas to minister to the nations.

I absolutely know and understand that I cannot personally build a ministry or do any of the above. So please pray for me that God will begin opening doors for me when I come back to Brisbane to allow me to minister to the sick and equip the body of Christ. Pray for a job that will be flexible and allow me to minister on weekends and still do trips overseas. My only desire is to know Christ and see Him get His full reward. If you know anyone who might be interested in speaking with me, please feel free to give them a copy of my Newsletter and email me. I will send out my phone number as soon as I get home. Or if you have any suggestions on jobs that might suit what I’m looking for when I get home. I probably haven’t thought of them I would appreciate an email with any suggestions of work.


Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me financially this month and in the past, thank you to the people who donated anonymously to my bank account and continue to support me regularly. A special thanks to all the ladies and men at Saint Bart’s, I’ve been overwhelmed by your support for me while I’ve been over here. I would not be able to do what God has planned for me this year without each and every one of your support and prayers. I believe that you all get to partake in everything I get to see this year, as you have sown into my ministry you also get to receive all the rewards of the ministry. Every person who is touched by the love of God, saved, healed and delivered will be added to your spiritual bank account. I pray that God blesses you a hundred fold this year financially, in family, relationships and every other way. Also feel free to send any of the newsletters to anyone you think may be encouraged by them.

Pray for direction as to what I am supposed to do next year and pray that doors will open for me.Pray for me as I preach 3 or 4 times in Germany this month that people will encounter the healer.Pray for me to gain a deeper revelation on how much God loves me and how much He loves His children.Pray that I may have a greater revelation of my Identity in Christ and the power and authority that I have.Pray for divine opportunities to share the gospel every day and for people’s hearts to be open.Pray for Melissa as she finishes her course this month, for wisdom and direction for the next season.Pray for those who are still considering financially supporting me this year:

1. My bank account details are (Suncorp 484-799 A/C 083649601) or;2. Gifts by cash or cheques to my parents Linda and Graham Rawlings.

A reminder : If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please send their email address to one of the email addresses below. Anyone who would like a posted copy, just call Mum and Dad on the phone number below and give them the postal address.

Contact Details:

Jason Rawlings [email protected]

Graham & Linda Rawlings [email protected] 6 Helemon Street Belmont Q 4153 (07) 3390 7061
