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A guaranteed good night’s rest after a busy day? Find hotels with certified silent rooms on

You’ve had a hectic business day. Important appointments, lots of talking, dealing and dining. Now it’s late and you want nothing more than a good night’s sleep. For tomorrow another busy day awaits you. You’ve booked your hotel in a convenient location, but does it provide the quiet room to guarantee you an undisturbed night? Many business travellers complain about noisy hotel rooms. They usually book a hotel in the city centre or in a business area. Noise, both from outside and inside the hotel, is hard to avoid. Street noises, music, people talking or laughing in adjacent rooms, there’s always something that will stop the weary traveller from getting enough sleep. Of course, many hotels promise that they have quiet rooms available. Some of them even take special measures. There are certain hotels that use high-tech machines to block out noises, which play the sounds of rain or waves. Some hotels sell ear plugs and sleeping masks. And some use special architecture which blocks out all the noise, like masonry blocks which are filled with a foam that blocks sound. Unfortunately, these hotels are still few and far between. But there’s a new development that may help the business traveller get his deserved sleep. It’s the Quiet Room® label, a Dutch initiative which provides certification of silent hotel rooms. Hotels which carry the label are guaranteed to have quiet hotel rooms that have been rigorously measured for sound insulation. On, you can search and directly book rooms in hotels which carry the label. The website also provides background information on the participating hotels and the process of sound insulation and certification.

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The Quiet Hotel Award 2015 1st Annual Competition for Quiet Hotels: Now Accepting Entries AMSTERDAM, - The 1st Quiet Hotel Award Competition aims to stimulate the development of quiet hotel rooms and hotel environments where hotel guests can enjoy a quiet and restful stay.

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Get a free presentation on the advantages of the Quiet Room® label Are you interested in attracting more guests to your hotel looking for a really quiet room? With the Quiet Room® label your quiet rooms will easily be found online, benefit from a lot of free publicity and get positive reviews on social media sites.

Contact us for a free presentation on the advantages of acquiring the Quiet Room® label!

Noise is the No.1 complaint of hotel guests world wide. More and more travellers are looking for a quiet room where their undisturbed sleep is guaranteed. In order to provide hotels with a way to certify their quiet rooms and profit from a lot of free on- and offline publicity, the Dutch Kenniscentrum Geluidsisolatie (KGI) have created the Quiet Room® label. KGI and its partners are specialists in sound insulation and have extensive experience in soundproofing all kinds of buildings including hotels. With the Quiet Room® label we have set up a measurement and classification system for hotel rooms. If you have quiet rooms in your hotel and want to have them certified, we can test those rooms and classify them in one of three ‘silence’ categories. If your hotel rooms need additional soundproofing, we provide an Upgrade Package wich allows for quick and reliable soundproofing at attractive rates. In this way you can acquire the right to carry the Quiet Room® label, use it in your advertising and thus attract more guests to your hotel. Also, we will add your hotel to our website This website is aimed at travellers looking for quiet hotel rooms and its main feature is a search engine which exclusively displays hotels that carry the Quiet Room® label. Participating hotels will receive extra exposure on the website. In addition, we will provide fee publicity on Facebook, Twitter and other social media to promote the Quiet Room® label and participating hotels. Moreover, several well-known travel bloggers have agreed to write articles on the subject of quiet hotel rooms and the Quiet Room® label initiative. If you want to find out more about the Quiet Room® label, the technical details of the certification system and our state of the art Upgrade Package for soundproofing hotel rooms

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New Search Engine for Quiet Hotel Rooms With the search for a quiet hotel room has become a lot easier Still reeling from a succession of noisy nights during your last hotel visit? Tired from being woken up time and again by loud guests in neighbouring hotel rooms, hooting cars or planes flying over? Desperate to find a hotel that can really guarantee you a quiet room and a restful stay? Well, life is about to get a lot easier for you. As of 2015, you can use the dedicated search engine on to find hotels with quiet rooms. All participating hotels are certified and have several rooms with a Quiet Room® label. This certification system offers the weary traveller the certainty of a good night’s sleep. Created by Dutch soundproofing specialists KGI, the QR-label is a response to the rapidly growing demand for quiet hotel rooms. For years, noise has been the No.1 complaint in hotel guest surveys around the world. Hotels have been slow to react and taken half-hearted measures like creating silent zones or providing white noise machines to drown out ambient sounds. Few hotels have adequately soundproofed rooms, and most of these, funny enough, can be found at airports. Only with the advent of social media, which has given more power to travellers and their online reviews, have noise and the lack of quiet hotel rooms become a serious issue for hotels. Negative reviews on sites like Tripadvisor can really impact hotel bookings, and so hotels have become more amenable to taking soundproofing measures. On you can find all the information about the participating hotels and directly book your quiet hotel room. And on our blog we regularly write about about new developments in the field of quiet hotels.