Page 1: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Questions to Review With

New York Regents

Page 2: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern third of the nation?

1 best agricultural land is in the East 2 largest forests are in the East 3 best fishing areas are off the eastern coast 4 largest oil deposits are in the East

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: The coastal region of China contain the best agricultural lands as well as access to the Pacific Ocean, making it much easier to live on than the interior of the country which is dominated by deserts and other harsh geographic features.

Page 3: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which is an accurate statement about Japan’s natural resources?

1 Japan has extensively used the seas for fishing 2 large reserves of petroleum are located in the northern part of Japan 3 Japan has large fertile plains suitable for growing grain 4 large coal and iron-ore deposits are located in the mountain region

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: The Japanese archipelago has very limited natural resources. By far, the most abundant natural resources available to the Japanese is that which can be harvested from the surrounding ocean.

Page 4: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

In Japan, a major economic problem has been the lack of

1 natural resources 2 investment capital 3 skilled labor 4 experienced management

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: The Japanese archipelago has very limited natural resources, which is the primary barrier to economic development there.

Page 5: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which statement best describes an effect that geography has had on Japan?

1 Japan’s smooth coastline has prevented the development of a fishing industry 2 Japan’s large plains have made wheat growing a primary industry 3 the lack of important natural resources has led Japan to depend on trade with other nations 4 the location of Japan has encouraged great ethnic diversity within the nation

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: Besides what is available from the sea, there are very few natural resources available to Japan. Japanese manufacturing is heavily dependent on importing natural resources which are then converted into products such as automobiles, electronics, and steel.

Page 6: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

The term “Latin America” most accurately refers to the

1 areas of the Western Hemisphere south of the United States 2 countries that belong to the Organization of American States 3 continents of North and South America 4 countries that have close economic ties with Spain

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: The term “Latin America” refers to the cultural region south of the United States. During the 1500s,Central and South America were taken over by Spain and Portugal, and as a result Spanish and Portuguese are the dominant languages and Roman Catholicism is practiced by most of the people living there today.

Page 7: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which generalization about geography of Latin America is accurate?

1 geographic features prevented foreign imperialism 2 harsh climatic conditions have prevented the development of large-scale agriculture 3 the lack of geographic barriers facilitated the development of transportation and communication systems 4 great variations in latitude and landforms resulted in a diversity of climates

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: Latin America stretches from the Rio Grande River, continues past the Equator, and finally ends just north of Antarctica. Latin America also contains a variety of landforms including the Andes Mountains, the Amazon River Basin, Brazilian Highlands, and various deserts. Due to the variations in latitude and landforms, Latin America contains several different types of climate such as humid sub-tropical, humid continental, as well as dry desert regions.

Page 8: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which geographic factor has had the most influence on Poland's historical and cultural development?

1 a severe climate 2 vast deposits of oil 3 location on the great European Plain 4 a rugged coastline

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: Throughout history, Poland has been an invasion route for invading armies entering and leaving Europe because its location on the great European Plain provides is easier to get through than treading over highlands or mountains.

Page 9: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

One effect that mountain ranges, rain forests, and river systems have had on Latin America has been to

1 encourage cultural diffusion 2 limit the development of transportation and communication systems 3 permit the nations of the area to use a single form of government 4 allow the development of large amounts of arable land

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: These natural resources have made it difficult to develop transportation and communication systems because of the costs associated with building infrastructure in areas with dense vegetation, steep elevations, and rivers that are barely navigable.

Page 10: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

In addition to providing water for Indian agriculture, the Ganges River remains important to India because it is

1 the only source of Indian hydroelectric power 2 a sacred river for the Hindu population 3 the birthplace of Hindu culture 4 an unofficial boundary between the Hindus and Muslims

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: Bathing in the Ganges river is said to wash away sins, and the river water is used in many religious rituals. Many Hindus ask to be cremated along the Ganges and to have their ashes placed in the river.

Page 11: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

An effect of a mountainous topography on Inca and Chinese civilizations was the development of

1 industrialization 2 single-crop economy 3 desalinization projects 4 terrace farming

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: Terrace farming allows crops to be grown on the sides of elevated terrain. This agricultural practice was widespread among the Inca in the Andes Mountains and the early Chinese.

Page 12: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

A major effect of geography on Japan is that the

1 export of oil has helped Japan maintain a favorable balance of trade 2 fertile plains have enabled Japan to keep food prices low 3 mountains have prevented invasions by foreign nations 4 scarcity of natural resources has forced Japan to obtain raw materials from other nations

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: Japan has very few natural resources except the surrounding seas. Therefore, Japan takes advantage of its irregular coastline to promote trade with other countries. Raw materials are imported to Japan, and then turned into consumer goods such as automobiles and electronics, which are then exported to other nations.

Page 13: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which geographic factor has most strongly influenced Russia’s foreign policies and economic development?

1 lack of natural resources 2 vast desert regions 3 limited access to warm-water ports 4 extensive mountain ranges

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: Historically, Russia has been land-locked due to the fact that much of its water access is located in the northern part of the country and is frozen for most of the year. This makes trading difficult because ships cannot get through these frozen waters safely. Events such as the Crimean War, in which Russia sought to gain control of the Dardanelles Strait between the Black and Aegean Seas, illustrates how this geographic factor has influenced Russia’s foreign policies.

Page 14: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Many people in Southeast Asia hope for the timely arrival of the summer monsoons each year because

1 floods are the only way to water their farmlands 2 daily temperatures often reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit 3 little rain has fallen for many months 4 oases provide water for nomadic herders

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: In monsoon climates, moisture-bearing winds reverse direction once a year, creating a distinct wet season and a dry season. Thus, the people of Southeast Asia hope for the timely arrival of these seasonal rains in order to provide water for their crops.

Page 15: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

A topographical map would most likely be used to

1 identify the major agricultural products of Egypt 2 determine the population of Beijing, China 3 estimate the elevation of Bangkok, Thailand 4 count the number of provinces in India

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: Topographical maps show the lay of the land, and thus would be ideal for use in estimating the elevation of Bangkok, Thailand.

Page 16: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

On a map of the world, Asia is to Japan as Europe is to

1 Great Britain 2 the Netherlands 3 Austria 4 Italy

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: Asia is a continental landmass, and Japan is an island that is found just off the coast of Asia. In this same way Europe is a continental landmass and Great Britain is an island just off the coast of Europe.

Page 17: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

The Russian steppe is most similar in topography to the

1 mountains in Switzerland 2 deserts in the Middle East 3 rainforests in South America 4 savannas in Africa

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: The savannas in Africa and steppes of Russia are both described as vast grassy plains.

Page 18: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Areas of Africa and parts of Siberia in Russia are often said to be gems-in-the-rough because they have

1 extensive tracts of permanently frozen land 2 well-developed coastal fishing industries 3 many undeveloped natural resources 4 decreasing populations

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: These locations have immense reserves of undeveloped natural resources which are difficult to cultivate due to their problematic geography.

Page 19: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

In Africa, an effect of topography and climate has been to

1 encourage rapid industrialization of the interior 2 prevent the development of kingdoms 3 promote large-scale trade between African and Asia 4 promote the growth of diverse societies

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: The various topographical and climactic features of Africa (e.g., Sahara Desert) have isolated cultures and promoted the growth of diverse societies.

Page 20: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

The Suez Canal, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Strait of Gibraltar are important because they1 prevent attacks on bordering nations 2 control access to vital trade routes 3 limit Russian access to warm-water points 4 prohibit the movement of ships carrying nuclear weapons

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: Each of these geographic features are examples of strategic waterways from around the world. They are strategic because they provide access to vital trade routes.

Page 21: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Geographic diversity in the Middle East has contributed to

1 unequal standards of living 2 a common economic system 3 similar political systems 4 military alliances with Japan

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: While some nations in the Middle East have large reserves of oil, others do not, and therefore have little of value to trade with the rest of the world.

Page 22: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

The Suez Canal, the Panama Canal, and the Straits of the Dardanelles are similar because they1 are strategic waterways that have been the center of conflicts 2 was part of the French colonial empire 3 are located in regions that are rich in natural resources 4 prohibit the movement of ships carrying nuclear weapons

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: Each of these geographic features are examples of strategic waterways from around the world. They are strategic because they provide access to vital trade routes.

Page 23: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

One factor that accounted for Chinese influence on traditional Japanese culture was the

1 continuous warfare between the countries 2 geographic location of the countries 3 refusal of western nations to trade with Japan 4 annexation of Japan into the Chinese Empire

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: The close proximity of China to Japan aided in cultural diffusion between the two nations.

Page 24: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Throughout the 1800’s, Russia was interested in acquiring Turkey mainly because Russia wanted

1 to maintain peace in the Middle East 2 access to the Mediterranean Sea 3 to reestablish the Byzantine Empire 4 the rich farmland of the Anatolian Plateau

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: Historically, Russia has been land-locked due to the fact that much of its water access is located in the northern part of the country and is frozen for most of the year. This makes trading difficult because ships cannot get through these frozen waters safely. Events such as the Crimean War, in which Russia sought to gain control of the Dardanelles Strait held by Turkey and located between the Black and Aegean Seas, illustrates how this geographic factor has influenced Russia’s foreign policies.

Page 25: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which geographic factor has contributed most to the economic growth of Japan, Egypt, and Great Britain?

1 variety of natural resources 2 reliable amount of rainfall 3 abundance of arable land 4 access to important waterways

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: Access to important waterways, such as the Pacific Ocean for Japan, the Nile River for Egypt, and the Atlantic Ocean for Great Britain often leads to trade, an important factor in the economic growth of these nations

Page 26: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

In which way have the Andes Mountains and the Amazon rain forest affected the development of Latin America?

1 promoting international unity 2 increasing cultural diversity 3 encouraging trade agreements 4 strengthening political alliances

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: Mountains and rainforests often provide a barrier to cultural diffusion. This allows civilizations to develop independent of others, and sometimes creates a sense of ethnocentrism.

Page 27: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which geographic factor has helped China remain isolated for many centuries?

1 many natural harbors 2 navigable river systems 3 severe climate 4 northern and western mountain ranges

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: Mountains often provide a barrier to cultural diffusion. This allows civilizations to develop independent of others, and sometimes creates a sense of ethnocentrism.

Page 28: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which statement best describes an impact of topography on eastern Europe?

1 Many different languages, religions, and customs developed. 2 A Russian czar ruled the area as a single empire. 3 An extensive single-crop agricultural system emerged. 4 Neighbors who were more powerful could not invade the region.

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: Various geographical features, such as, rivers, mountains, and plains, can cause civilizations to develop differently depending on their needs for survival.

Page 29: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which geographic factor was most important to the development of the early river valley civilizations?

1 fertile soils 2 high mountains 3 vast deserts 4 smooth coastlines

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: The fertile soils along the river valleys allowed the early peoples to grow enough food to increase their population. This in turn led to the creation of civilizations.

Page 30: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which aspect of a nation’s culture is most directly influenced by the physical geography of that nation?

1 form of government 2 religious beliefs 3 population distribution 4 social class system

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: People tend to live where there are abundant and easily attainable natural resources. These resources tend to attract industry and provide food and shelter.

Page 31: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

In modern African nations, the continued strength of the tribe or ethnic group is a reflection of the continuing influence of

1 European imperialism 2 urban growth 3 The slave trade 4 traditional cultures

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: The tribalism, which often crosses national boundaries in modern-day Africa, illustrates the influence that traditional culture still has in that region of the world.

Page 32: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

The Chinese called their land “Middle Kingdom.” Europeans often used the term “backward” to refer to China. These statements best illustrate

1 the failure of geographers to establish a universal terminology 2 the importance of East Asia in world history 3 the adoption of policies of nonalignment 4 attitudes of ethnocentrism in both cultures

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: Ethnocentrism refers to the idea that one holds their own culture to be superior to all others. Both of these statements illustrate the ethnocentric attitudes of both the Chinese and Europeans.

Page 33: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

In most societies, urbanization has

1 weakened traditional values and life patterns 2 strengthened the influence of the extended family system 3 discouraged economic growth 4 promoted population growth

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: The process of urbanization brings many people from different backgrounds together in one place. Thus, through the exchange of ideas from different people, traditional values tend to be weakened.

Page 34: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which statement cites an example of cultural diffusion?

1 Venezuela has large reserves of oil 2 young people dance to rock music in Russia 3 students in China learn calligraphy in school 4 the Caste system is an important part of life in India

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: Cultural diffusion refers to the sharing of ideas between different societies. Since rock music was pioneered in the United States, it can be safely assumed that it has been transmitted to Russia and adopted by young people there.

Page 35: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

People in both Japan and India eat very little meat. A study of these cultures would show that1 although these cultures have similar practices, the reasons for these practices differ 2 the raising of cattle in both nations is very difficult due to the extreme climate 3 neither culture is concerned with health issues 4 the governments of both nations enforce strict dietary laws

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: The Japanese eats very little red meat due to the abundance of life in the sea surrounding them, while many Indians practice Hinduism in which they believe in the cycle of reincarnation. Therefore, to a Hindu, eating animal flesh might constitute a form of murder.

Page 36: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

One similarity between the culture of traditional China under dynastic rule and the culture of modern China under communism is that both stress

1 a state-supported religion 2 loyalty to the authority of leaders 3 the importance of a matriarchal society 4 limits on population growth

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: Both Confucianism and communism in modern China have emphasized loyalty to the authority of leaders.

Page 37: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

The Japanese feudal system and the Hindu caste system are similar in that both systems

1 promoted social mobility 2 developed a rigid class structure 3 encouraged the people to take part in government 4 resulted in economic opportunities for the lower classes

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: Feudalism in Japan depended on a very rigid class structure in which the peasant labored for the upper class that provided them with land to live on and protection in times of warfare. Likewise, the Caste System which was reinforced by Hinduism in India, created a rigid class system consisting of priests, warriors, landowners, peasants, and the untouchables.

Page 38: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

A comparison of Japan’s policies before 1945 with the policies in effect after 1945 indicates that

1 reduction in spending on military goods leads to economic depression 2 dependence on foreign trade usually leads to a weakened national economy 3 territorial aggression is not necessary to secure national economic goals 4 democratic institutions hinder economic growth

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: Japan has managed to build a thriving economy without the need for the territorial acquisition policies they exhibited before the end of World War II.

Page 39: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which statement best describes how a command economy functioned in the Soviet Union?1 The laws of supply and demand controlled the economy. 2 Trade policies mandated that imports exceed exports. 3 The success of the agricultural sector controlled the price of manufactured goods. 4 A central authority determined the type and quantity of goods to be produced.

Correct Answer Number: 4Explanation: A communist, or command economy, controls the means of production by having governmental agencies involved in production planning

Page 40: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Recent events in the former nations of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia reflect a nationalist trend of1 dividing nations along ethnic lines 2 encouraging multiethnic cooperation 3 uniting nations with similar interests 4 Supporting the development of a command economy

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: Both former nations have divided themselves along ethnic lines creating new nations in the process.

Page 41: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Disputes over India’s control of Kashmir, Jammu, and Punjab are examples of the continuing problem of1 territorial claims based on religion 2 Chinese claims to this region 3 terrorist actions by Serbian refugees 4 the policy of nonalignment

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: Ethnic and religious loyalties continue to cause problems around the world.

Page 42: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

The major goal of many minority groups, such as the Kurds, Tamils, and Sikhs, is to

1 obtain self-rule and economic control of a homeland 2 establish a multicultural state 3 install Christianity as the state religion 4 acquire economic aid from the World Bank

Correct Answer Number: 1Explanation: All three are minority groups within larger countries. They all wish to have a homeland for themselves and self rule.

Page 43: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

A major environmental problem affecting Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia has been1 air pollution 2 Deforestation 3 disposal of nuclear waste 4 acid rain

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: Deforestation is the widespread destruction of forests, primarily the tropical rain forests of Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. This is of worldwide concern because of its potential effects on the environment, such as global warming due to an increase in carbon dioxide.

Page 44: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

The Tiananmen Square massacre in China was a reaction to

1 Deng Xiaoping's plan to revive the Cultural Revolution 2 student demands for greater individual rights and freedom of expression 3 Chinas decision to seek Western investors 4 Great Britain's decision to return Hong Kong to China

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: China?s government has consistently shown little regard for the human rights of its citizens. The Tiananmen Square massacre is prime example of the lengths the Chinese government will go to remain in power.

Page 45: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

Which statement best characterizes the period of apartheid in South Africa?

1 the majority of the population had the right to vote 2 the Boers attempted to conquer Nigeria 3 many racist ideas of the ruling minority were adopted into laws 4 French was declared the official language of the nation

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: Apartheid was a series of laws that segregated and discriminated against the majority black population of South Africa. This policy was started and upheld by the minority white population who held all governmental power.

Page 46: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

“From Stetin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an Iron Curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I might call the Soviet Sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence, but to very high, and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow."-Winston Churchill

What is the main idea of this quotation?1 The Soviet Union has expanded its influence throughout Eastern Europe 2 The Soviet Union has helped the nations of Eastern Europe improve their standard of living 3 The democratic nations of Western Europe have stopped the expansion of Soviet influence in the world 4 The Soviet Union will support communist revolutions in Southeast Asia

Explanation: After World War II, Stalin forced pro-communists governments in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and other Eastern European nations. These nations became known as Soviet satellite states. The Soviet's retained control through both economic and militaristic means.

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From the perspective of the North Vietnamese, the war in Vietnam in the 1960’s was a battle between

1 fascism and liberalism 2 nationalism and imperialism 3 republicanism and totalitarianism 4 Theocracy and monarchy

Correct Answer Number: 2Explanation: The North Vietnamese viewed the United States as an imperialist nation seeking to subjugate them. The nationalistic feelings of the North Vietnamese led them to rebel against United States intervention in their country.

Page 48: Questions to Review With New York Regents. Which statement best explains why most of the population of the people’s Republic of China live in the eastern

The main course of the Arab-Israeli conflicts from 1948 to 1973 was the clash between

1 Islamic Fundamentalism and Orthodox Judaism 2 Arab socialism and Israeli capitalism 3 Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism 4 Israeli technology and Saudi Arabian economic goals

Correct Answer Number: 3Explanation: The Arab-Israeli conflict stems from the division of Palestine by the United Nations in 1947. Separate Jewish and Arab states were created. The Jews accepted this plan, while the Arabs did not. Shortly after, the Jews created the state of Israel, which caused all of the neighboring Arab nations to attack. There has been nearly constant warfare in this region since the creation of Israel.
