

P2.04.06 EFFECT OF MEDICAL ABORTION ON SUBSEQUENT EARLY PREGNANCIES C. Yimin, A. Wenmin, W. Shanmi, Z. Xiurong, W. Yan, Z. JianSheng, L. Hua, National Research Institute for Family Planning, Beijing, China.

Objective: To find out the effect of medical abortion on the first trimester of subsequent pregnancy. Study Methods: To apply the method of cohort study and the study divided 4509 pregnant women in antenatal care clinics in Beijing into 3 groups, that is, medical abortion group (MAG) and surgical abortion group (SAG) or non-abortion history groups (NAG). Results: The proportion of abnormal urinary test in the first trimester of the current pregnancies in MAG is lower than in NAG (3.7% vs. 5.4%, P<O.O5). The other variables [such as vaginal bleeding, (threatened abortion), etc.] are not significant differences between NAG and NAG. The proportion of menstruation cycle of more than 3.5 days in MAG is significantly lower than that of SAG (7.5% vs. lO.O%, p<O.Ol). The proportion of irregular menstruation cycle during six month period before the current pregnancies in MAG is significantly lower than that of SAG (26.6% vs. 32.0%, P<O.Ol). The proportion of women having vaginal bleeding (threatened abortion) during the first trimester pregnancies in MAG is significantly lower than that in SAG (12.9% vs. 16.5%, p<O.Ol). Conclusion: Medical abortion maybe does not have significant influences on morbidity and mortality of the first trimester of subsequent pregnancies. Key words: Medical abortion, pregnancy.

P2.04.07 QUESTIONNNAIRE SURVEY AMONG WOMEN REQUESTING ABORTION G. Z. Kozinszky, Dept. OB/GYN, University of Szeged, Faculty of General Medicine, Szeged, Hungary.

The abortion rate is higher in Hungary than in Western Europe, despite the free availability of modern contraceptive methods. Objectives: To examine whether age, education, use of method, knowledge of menstrual cycle or financial background influence contraceptive use among women requesting abortion. Study Methods: An anonymous questionnaire survey based on a personal interview. Data were analyzed by the chi-square test. Changes involving future contraceptive intentions were compared with the McNemar probe. Results: Among the study population of 800 women who underwent abortion, a contraceptive pill (8.2%), intrauterine device (1.7%), a less reliable method (condom, coitus interruptus, pessary and lavage of vagina) (56.2%) or no contraceptive method (23.9%) was employed. Patients with a higher educational level used a reliable method (45.8%) significantly more frequently (P<O.OOl) than less educated women. The financial background was an important criterion of selection of contraceptive method. Most of the surveyed women (8.8%) possessed inadequate knowledge of the menstrual cycle. After abortion, patients would significantly (P<O.OOl) prefer a reliable contraceptive method. Conclusions: The media and health-care providers should increase their educational activity to increase contraception knowledge among women of reproductive age.

P2.04.08 THE CONTRACEPTIVE EFFICACY AND ACCEPl?ABILITY OF LEVONORGESTREL - RELATING IUD: A PRELIMINARY REPORT H. Aktun, H.R. Yalcin, F. Dag, 0. Gokmen, Dept. Family Planning, Zakai Tahir Burak Women’s Health Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.

Objectives: To measure the efficacy and incidence of adverse events during the use of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG 20. IUD). Materials and Methods: Twenty healthy parous women age 20 to 40 years at admission, requesting contraception, regularly menstruating and without contraindications to hormonal contraceptives were recruited at the Zekai Tahir Burak Education and Research Hospital, Family Planning Department. LNG-20 is designed to release 20pg/day of

levonorgestrel. The devices were inserted within 7 days of the onset of menstruation. Clinic visits and gynecologic examinations were performed at 1, 3,6 months after insertion. Results: The local effect of levonorgestrel in the uterine cavity causes reduction of menstrual blood loss and development of oligoamenorrhea, and the termination rates because of heavy and/or prolonged menstrual flow were significantly lower among LNG-IUD users. Hb increased during use of the LNG-IUD and the incidence of Pelvic Inflamatuar Disease was low in LNG-IUD users regardless of age. Conclusions: The LNG-IUD is a method of contraception that combines the positive effects of hormonal and intrauterine contraceptives. The results show that amenorrhea is better tolerated by the acceptors than prolonged bleeding and spotting. Our study indicated that LNG-IUD provide highly efficient, long-term contraception.

P2.04.09 PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS CONCEARNING F.P. AND TEENAGE CONTRACEPTION P. Chitulea, M. Mitran, I. Chitulea - Oradea University of Medicine

Objective: Family planning, a new concept in Romanian Medical activity, (since 1991), looks for a better life standard. We have considered the study of psihosocial aspects of teenage F.P.and contraception as being an important premise of a “marketing” concerning the target population, now and in the future (adult population). Material And Methods: This study was done among 10 highschool classes (aged 17-19) -a number of 359 students (235 girls, 124 boys). In our interviews we touched several matters including anatomy, physiology, ethics, interpersonal relationships, contraception, termination, STD and legislation regarding these issues. Results: The issue of sexual education and contraception at teenagers faces a series of psiho - social obstacles, the parent - teenager relationship, the choice of a contraceptive method being influenced by religious and moral taboos; the wide majority of adolescents use contraceptives without their parents consent, That’s the economical issue is an important one. Conclusions: ??The physician find himself between two opposing sides, one represented by the parental norms and the other by the contemporary life standards of youth. ??There is frequently a shallow perception of reality, due to the information spread by the media. ??Rising tendencies of STDs. ??A high number of unwanted pregnancies at teenagers (that shows a failure in contraception activities). ??Collaboration between physician, teaching staff, psychologists, sociologists should be at a high standard to achieve an organised plan of sexual education at teenagers.

P2.04.10 VAGINAL VERSUS ORAL MISOPROSTOL FOR PREDILATATION OF THE CERVIX IN FIRST-TRIMESTER PREGNANCY TERMINATION I.S.Lee. S.M.Lee, H.H.Lee, J.J.Lee, K.H.Nam, S.K.Lee and K.H.Lee Dept. OB/GYN, Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 140-743

Objectives: To compare the safety and efficacy of vaginal with oral misoprostol pre-treatment in first trimester pregnancy termination. Study Methods: Sixty-six women requesting abortion with gestational period varying from 5 to 12 weeks were randomly assigned into two groups. Thirty-one women received 20O_of misoprostol orally and thirty- five women received lOO_ of misoprostol as powder into the posterior vaginal fornix before 12 hours of vacuum aspiration. Women receiving oral misoprostol were also given a vaginal placebo(vitamin B6), whereas those receiving vaginal misoprostol were given an oral placebo. The extent of cervical dilatation was measured with Hegar dilator. The side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, hypotension, abdominal pain and vaginal spotting were compared. Results: Cervical dilatation was achieved in 87% of oral misoprostol- treated group and 89% of vaginal misoprostol-treated group. Dilatation in both groups were not statistically different(p>0.05). Vaginal spotting was occurred in 25.8% of the oral group and in 45.7% of the vaginal group(p<0.05). Nausea was occurred only in the oral group(l6%).
