
Question of the Day:

in your NB, answer and reason Place the following events from the American Revolution in the

correct chronological order?

I. British troops and Minutemen exchange fire at Lexington and ConcordII. 2nd Continental Congress approves Declaration of IndependenceIII. British General Burgoyne surrenders 5800 men at Saratoga in northern New YorkIV. British capture New York City, forcing Washington's troops to escape to New JerseyV. British troops capture 5000 American troops at Charleston, South Carolina

A) I, II, III, IV, VB) I, II, IV, III, VC) I, III, II, V, IVD) II, I, III, IV, VE) II, I, IV, III, V

Return to Normalcy

Chapter 33

“The Politics of Boom to Bust”

Election of 1920

Republicans: Warren Harding (VP: Calvin Coolidge) Return America to “normalcy”

America was ready to return to isolationism

Democrats: James Cox (VP FDR) Supported League of Nations

RESULT: Harding defeated Cox 1st time full-suffrage for women in

national election

Aftermath of WWI

Industries once under the gov control went back to being private

1921 the US finally signed a peace treaty with G and A-H

Senate still refused membership to the League of Nations

Harding sought to the Middle East b/c of “black gold”

Aftermath of WWI, Part Two

Favored disarmament of the nations

Kellogg-Briand Pact—outlawed war but couldn’t be enforced

Raised the tariff in hopes to protect US trading interests

Harding’s Administration


Ohio Gang (aka Poker Cabinet)

Harding appointed friends to office

Forbes, Veteran’s Bureau Chief, looted about $200 million from the vets’ hospitals

Teapot Dome Scandal

Teapot Dome Scandal

Sec. of Interior, Albert Fall, transferred naval oil reserves in Teapot Dome, WY & Elk Hills, CA to Interior Dept in 1921 Harding secretly signed the order

Fall then leased the lands to oilmen and received $400K

Scandal became public in 1923 Fall jailed for one year

Oilmen were acquitted of the bribe

RESULT: Americans’ lost faith in the courts and public officials.

Death of a President

Harding died in San Francisco in Aug of 1923

Stress from the scandals may have prompted his death

Vice President Coolidge assumed the presidency

Harding’s Talented Cabinet

Sec. of State: Charles Hughes; led important international peace conferences

Sec. of Treasury: Andrew Mellon; lowered the national debt and taxes for the wealthy

Sec. of Commerce: Herbert Hoover; only progressive cabinet member; sought reforms

Harding’s Conservation

Economic Agenda

Conservatives believed role of gov was to make business more profitable

Tax cuts for corporations and wealthy created “trickle down” economics

Higher tariffs (Fordney-McCumber) to protect American goods from cheaper European goods

Gov’s role should be laissez faire

Harding’s Conservation

Economic Agenda, Part II

Often antitrust laws ignored

Businessmen should run the gov

Rejected fed gov programs to help ordinary citizens

Appointed conservatives to the Supreme Court

Reducing national debt by making gov smaller

Questions to ponder

Warren Harding's administration brought the virtual burial of early 20c Progressivism. Evaluate the validity of this statement.

Compare and contrast the conservative policies of the 1920s presidents with the progressive policies prior to 1920.

President Calvin Coolidge (Silent Cal)

Coolidge as President

Continued the pro-business mantra

Farmers struggled in the boom to bust era of the 1920s

overproduction lowered prices

gas ran tractors

Congress tried to pass special tax on farmers

Congress still did not allow US to join the League of Nations

Election of 1924

Republicans: Coolidge

Democrats: John Davis

Progressive Party: Sen. Robert LaFollette

RESULT: Coolidge won


Memory Aid for Conservative

Politics in the 1920s: “HALT”

H igher tariffs

A nti-Union

L aissez faire

T rickle-down tax policies

Foreign Policy under Harding/Coolidge

Return to Isolationism

Washington Disarmament Conference

Threats to peace (US, GB & Japan)

5-Power Treaty

5-5-3 battleship ration

Gave Japan naval supremacy in Pacific

4 Power Treaty

Preserve status quo, concession to Japan’s favor

9 Power Treaty

Open Door in China preserved

Need to know

US and Caribbean & Latin America

Dawes Plan & WWI reparations

Kellogg-Briand Pact

2 main cause for the failure of peace:

Great Depression

“War psychosis”

Where’s the Valium?From boom to bust

Election of 1928

Republican: Hoover

Democrats: Al Smith (Catholic & son of Irish immigrants)

Campaign: Radio used significantly

Religious bigotry displayed over Smith

“A vote for Al Smith is a

Vote for the Pope.”

Hoover as President

Successful businessman

Supported some progressive ideas

Claimed in 1928: “Everybody ought to be rich” & “Poverty will be banished from the nation”

The Great Crash of 1929

Bull Market

On-margin buying of stocks


OCTOBER 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday)

Traditionally considered the “trigger” of the Great Depression, but not a true major depression until Dec. 1930

Quick Clip…

America in the 20th Century: The Great Depression. United Learning. 2003.Discovery Education. 3 March 2009 <>

Long-term Causes of Great Depression

Weak industries

Overproduction of goods

Uneven distribution of income

Unstable banking system

Weak international economy

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Give credit to where credit is due

Well, Doctor, it all started with…

By 1932 22% of banks failed

Thousands of businesses failed

Unemployment reached 25%

As high as 33%; Chicago 50%

Total wages dropped about 41%

25% of farmers lost their farms

People experienced loss of self-worth

Depression longest and most devastating in US history (GNP fell almost 50%)

Hoover’s response or lack of

Hoover’s philosophy

Hoover took long to initiate domestic measures to help

Farming whoas

Attempts to help:

Called for volunteerism

Public works (i.e., Boulder/Hoover Dam)

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Bonus Army

Another Clip…

Questions to Ponder

Compare and contrast the conservative policies of the 1920s presidents with the progressive policies prior to 1920.

Analyze the long-term causes of the Great Depression.

To what extent was Herbert Hoover a failure at solving the problems of the Great Depression?
