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7. Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to

the full product?

Jeric Tuano

Page 2: Question 7 Evaluation


Comparing both mastheads from the school magazine (left) to the music magazine (right), we can see a huge difference,

change and improvement in the font styles used in each. One of the biggest improvements seen from the prelim task to the final task, the prelim task font seems pretty basic like Arial and simple with a bland color scheme whereas the final

product in the final task shows a pretty improved type of font with an effect of a transparent look with a fade shaded

in grey.

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Front Cover

Both front covers are completely in terms of the models used and the quality of each picture in terms of lighting and positioning. There us a big difference as in the prelim task, the lighting seems to be quite dark whereas in the final product, the lighting and model is more vibrant and clear as the color scheme is much more brighter than the prelim product. With the color scheme in the prelim task does not stay consistent and are not clearly visible whereas in my final product there is more of a consistency in the colors used for fonts. In terms of the sell lines, the final product is much more improved than the prelim product as the prelim lacks content and more sell lines whereas I improved it by adding more content and sell lines to make it look more realistic and like a proper magazine issue. The final product has buttons compared to the prelim task which shows a improvement and also the quality of each picture is different as the prelim product has a low resoluted picture quality whereas in the final product has more of a clear and high quality resolution picture.

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Contents Page

The clear outline is that the prelim product has clearly not been structured or laid out properly compared to my final product as the prelim product content is more paragraphed and the final product is column formatted which is much more visible and clearer to read. As previously said, the color pattern in the prelim product is not suitable or visible whereas the change made on the final product was much more clearer to read. Some other elements in which was improved was the page heading as from the prelim to the final product changes and looks much more better in terms of positioning and spacing as it is clearly readable and large whereas the prelim product heading has been broken down. Adding on, there are more pictures included in my final product than in my prelim product which is an improvement as there is much more content and pictures for the reader to view. In terms of the style of font used, they are similarly the same but the final product font is much more larger and readable compared to the prelim product in which was a big progress change.

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Since my prelim task did not include having a DPS, other peers within my class analyzed and look at my DPS reviewing and stating anything good or bad about it. The good things about it was that the image quality was top notch and at a high quality, the heading was clearly viewable and a quote was included for my featured artist but the drawback was that it was not formatted in columns the way in should've been as it is displayed in a huge block of text. The only reason to why I did not make the text in columns was that when I had lined the page into half, the text did not completely fit and some parts of the article was cut off due to the amount of space that was limited.

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As we can see comparing both products, I have made a huge improvement through the methods and structuring of my final product from the prelim product as the layout was much more effective, simple and easily viewable, the photos taken were taken at the highest quality with a good camera compared to the prelim product, the color schemes stayed consistent in the final product as I used more bold colors to stand out and finally more content was included compared to the prelim product as I have made big changes in all element and aspects from the prelim to the final product.