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EVALUATION QUESTION 3What have you learnt from the audience feed back?

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Daytime clips

A few members from our focus group said that they would have liked to of seen more daytime clips of London. I agree that it would be more visually appealing if we had incorporated more day time clips, however, the only way we could have done this (and make it look professional) would be by adding more night time clips and making the timings of the all clips in the video, shorter. This is something I would have love to have done and would of definitely been worth another days filming. Although, I very much agree with this critique, I fear that if we would have had more clips they would end up looking very similar to the ones we already had.

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Time Lapse

We received many compliments about the use of time lapse. One of the members from the focus group said “it represented London well”, as it reminded her of the “ busy streets and everyday life in London”. Although it was very satisfying to gain good feedback from this feature I feel the audience didn’t understand the depth behind using it. The intention of the time lapses were to show a passing of time and that there are so many people in this world. It shows how we are all connected. One thing my partner and I strongly agreed on is that we would have liked the clips to have been sped up more but to have done this we would have had to filmed for longer, meaning we would have to of had an extra days filming. This would have been an issue as we both had other commitments and it would be unlikely that we would be able to afford it.

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My partner and I received mixed feedback in the focus group about the incorporation of the Vivaldi- Four Seasons track used at the beginning of the video. Some said they felt it was a clever, creative and unique idea. A few stated that it felt like a “London experience” which was the reaction we were hoping for.

“I thought it was going to be an advert highlighting iconic parts of London and it was pleasantly surprising to find it was a music video.” – Social network user.

Others felt that it “didn’t fit” with the Alt-J track that was used and it was odd that we had used a classical track merged with an ambient track. I understand that it may cause confusion of the genre but as my partner and I wanted to challenge conventions, I feel it fits really well. We wanted to show a London experience and I think using the Vivaldi track helped convey this.

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A few members of the focus group said that we could of used more effects to add diversity to the video. An example used was reserving the direction of the London Eye. Another was changing the colour of the sky, which although I don’t like the idea of (as I feel it would have looked amateur), it would have connected more with the ancillary tasks. I agree that using more effects would have made the video more visually stimulating but for the minimalistic house style, I find what we have already used is fitting. My partner and I both agree that we would have liked to have added more slow motion clips into the slower/ quieter parts of the track.

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Ancillary tasksWe received a lot of positive feedback regarding the image we used for our poster and digipak. Mostly that it was really well edited. A member from the focus group said they really liked the colours used and the composition of the trees. Another said that they love that the picture was surreal yet still calming. This was great to hear as it was what my partner and I intended. From the feedback of our ancillary tasks we learnt that our poster and digipak were effective for promoting Alt-J as they attracted people that aren’t necessarily fans of the genre. The bold design is what captured their attention and I feel that there isn’t anything major we could improve.

Some critique we received was in relation to the link between the ancillary tasks and the video, but others understood that many artists wouldn’t have very similar links between their products. I personally wouldn’t change the poster or digipak to fit with the video as the underlying connections between them are strong. Another member of the focus said the font used

(Haettenschweiler) wasn’t clear enough, which I agree with to an extent. I think we could have picked another font such as Arial Rounded MT Bold, which also gives the futuristic impression.

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From the audience feedback I learnt that the majority of the focus group felt positive about our idea. Many liked the fact that we chose to challenge conventions and they said that it was refreshing to seem something new and different.

I also gained a lot of knowledge of how we could improve our main task and media texts, such as:

- Trying out different effects.

- Filming the clips for longer so the time lapses could be faster.

- Adding more clips to the video (especially daytime clips)

- Using a different (more readable) font across all platforms.
