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IntroductionThe Australian meat inspection system has a clear veterinarypublic health focus on producing safe and wholesome food,meeting the demands of customers (national and international)and supporting animal health programmes. Historically, meatinspection standards were determined by a council of theelected Ministers responsible for agriculture from theCommonwealth (Federal) Government and the State andTerritory Governments. In 2001, a decision was taken that allnew meat standards would be developed under the policyframework of the Australia New Zealand Food StandardsMinisterial Council.

The primary focus of meat inspection has historically been onthe slaughter or ‘harvest’ stage of production at the abattoir.Risk assessments on emerging meat safety risks during the1990s extended this focus to include the pre-harvest and post-harvest stages of production. In this paper, meat inspection is

defined as all the actions required to produce a safe product.Inspection is not limited to ante-mortem inspection or thetraditional on-line post-mortem inspection of carcasses forvisible defects, such as pathological lesions and contamination,although these remain important components of the system.

The majority of meat inspection resources are still dedicated tothe harvest stage. The prominence of the harvest stage innational and international meat inspection standards isreflected in this paper, albeit as part of the broader ‘whole ofchain’ quality assurance (QA) approach. A ‘whole of chain’approach means that at each stage of production, throughanimal rearing, livestock feed formulation, agricultural andveterinary chemical usage, transport, slaughter, furtherprocessing and distribution, etc., animals and animal productsare ‘fit for their purpose’ and, ideally, certified as such. Althoughthis paper focuses on the harvest stage, a brief analysis of QAapproaches at the pre-harvest and post-harvest stages is alsoprovided. Details of scientific risk assessment processes, which

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SummaryThe aim of meat inspection in Australia is to contribute to the production of safeand wholesome food, comply with the requirements of importing countries, andsupport national animal health objectives. An analysis of the role of qualityassurance (QA) in the meat inspection systems at federally inspectedestablishments shows that the position of Australia as a leading meat exporter isaided by a co-regulatory, QA-based approach to meat inspection, which isequally applicable to all species at slaughter. Technical developments in meatinspection at the national and international level during the 1990s led tosignificant enhancements in QA systems. Quality assurance is implementedthrough nationally uniform documented systems, which are designed to achieveconsistent standards of meat safety. These systems are complemented by hazardanalysis critical control point-based QA programmes which meet the qualitystandards of the International Organization for Standardization.Quality assurance programmes aim for a ‘whole of chain’ approach, so that thesystem is implemented ‘from the paddock to the plate’, or from pre-harvestthrough to post-harvest, i.e., from on-farm practices to the refrigeration, storageand transportation stages. The QA elements of meat inspection employed inproduction systems in Australia have significantly contributed to the consistentachievement of meat safety objectives that are appropriate to contemporaryrisks.

KeywordsAustralia – Food safety – Meat inspection – Quality assurance – Veterinary Service.

Quality assurance and meat inspection inAustralia

R.J. Butler (1), J.G. Murray (1) & S. Tidswell (2)

(1) Product Integrity, Animal and Plant Health, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, GPO Box 858, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia(2) Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, GPO Box 858, Canberra,ACT 2601, Australia

underpin the risk management elements of meat inspectionsystems, are beyond the scope of this paper.

The authors provide an analysis of the QA elements of meatinspection within the largest segment of the Australian meatindustry – federally inspected establishments processing cattle,sheep, goats, pigs and horses. The concepts and principlespresented in this paper should be equally applicable to meatinspection for these and other species around the world. InAustralia, QA is applied to the regulatory activities of the meatinspection programme and also directly to controls on industryprocesses through programmes based on hazard analysis andcritical control points (HACCP). Both of these QA aspects areinterdependent.

Meat inspection at federally inspected establishments isconducted by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service(AQIS), one of nine business groups within theCommonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries andForestry – Australia. Inspection and certification are providedby AQIS for a range of animal and plant products exportedfrom Australia, as well as quarantine inspection for the arrivalof international passengers, cargo, mail, animals and plants ortheir products into Australia. These AQIS services are designedand delivered in consultation with the industry, through bothformal consultative and advisory procedures with principalgroups in the industry and liaison with individual clients. Meatinspection services at non-federally inspected meatestablishments are the responsibility of the relevant State orTerritory Government.

The history of the Australianmeat industry Traditional slaughter species were not present in Australiabefore the arrival of the First Fleet from England in 1788. Thefirst European settlers brought with them a small number ofcows, bulls, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and poultry to establishlivestock industries (24). The arrival of further ships over theensuing years with more livestock, together with explorationand the opening up of more suitable grazing land, led to aflourishing beef and sheep industry by the early 1800s. As anexample, New South Wales had a human population ofapproximately 190,000 in 1843, and a cattle herd of more thanone million (15). New refrigeration technology enabled the firstshipment of frozen meat from Australia to arrive in London in1879, with chilled shipments commencing in 1934 (18).

The United Kingdom (UK) remained the major export meatmarket for Australia for 75 years until the expiry of a 15-year‘war contract’ in 1955. The United States of America (USA)then replaced the UK as the major market, with a focus oncheaper manufacturing meat, until the mid-1990s, when

exports of higher quality beef to North and South-East Asianmarkets expanded (12).

The structure of the Australianmeat industry

Australia has well-developed, mature sectors within its meatindustry which focus on export markets, domestic markets orboth. The value of the industry was approximately AUS$9 billion from 2000 to 2001 (2). Meat exports toapproximately 132 markets worldwide for the same periodwere estimated to be worth over AUS$5.5 billion (17). Australiais the largest beef exporter in the world, and the second-largestexporter of sheepmeats. Selected slaughter and meatproduction statistics are provided in Table I. This table alsodemonstrates the reliance of Australia on export markets. Forexample, approximately 50% of beef production and 35% ofsheepmeat production is exported. Australia also producesmeat from deer, goats, camels, kangaroos, emus, ostriches, wildboar, possums and crocodiles, but in smaller quantities. Inaddition, Australia exports significant quantities of the by-products of slaughter, such as hides, rendered meals, animalfood and raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.

Providing a modern meat inspection programme, which meetsthe requirements of a large number of importing countries,requires a significant investment in human resources andtraining. The AQIS meat inspection programme employsapproximately 100 veterinarians, the majority of whom areengaged in the on-site auditing and supervision of slaughteringestablishments, and assisting with ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection. In addition, AQIS also employsapproximately 450 meat inspectors (more specifically, theequivalent of 450 full-time positions), who principally performon-line post-mortem inspections, have received specifictraining in veterinary public health competencies and work

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Table IAustralian slaughter and meat production statistics from 2000 to2001

Type of meatTotal production Exports Slaughterings

(kt) (kt) (’000s)

Beef and veal 2,054 1,025 8,695

Sheep meat 723 256 35,028

Pork 365 46 5,016

Poultry 655 21 –

kt: kilotonnes

Source: Australian Meat and Livestock Industry, 2002 (5); Meat and Livestock Australia,2001 (17)

under the direct supervision of AQIS veterinarians. The annualcost of the AQIS meat inspection programme is approximatelyAUS$55 million. Meat inspection services are provided toapproximately 90 integrated export abattoirs, 40 independentboning rooms, 80 meat-processing establishments and 80independent cold stores.

Evolution of a modern meatsafety systemTraditional methods of meat inspection conducted duringabattoir processing cannot absolutely guarantee meat safety.The risks posed by meat safety hazards demand a co-operativeapproach by farmers, meat processors, consumers andgovernment authorities. This is because the action or inactionof any party in the chain of meat inspection, meat processing,distribution and meal preparation, from the farm toconsumption, can lead to an increased level of risk to humanhealth.

Before the 1990s, the traditional meat inspection system inAustralia was similar to other such systems around the world.The system did not take into account industry QA programmesand focused on the removal of macroscopic defects at the endof the commercial meat production chain, as well as supportingnational animal health objectives, such as the eradication ofbovine tuberculosis and brucellosis (16, 21). Abattoirs usedelements of QA, such as good manufacturing practice at work-stations along the slaughter line, but these practices were notsystematically implemented. In the traditional system, the meatinspection service condemned individual carcasses or theirparts, based largely on macroscopic findings of pathology orcontamination. This system was very prescriptive and was notprincipally focused on prevention, with limited meat safetycontrols over raw materials, the production process anddistribution. The focus was on enforcement and prosecution,and not on a co-regulatory QA approach to either theinspection service or industry processes (7). It is clear that atraditional inspection system alone would address few of theimportant hazards in the meat supply of today, such aspathogenic micro-organisms and contamination of stockfeedby chemical residues.

In addition, since this traditional meat inspection system wasnot consistent with HACCP-based QA programmes, whichhave now been incorporated into national and internationalstandards, failure to modernise the system would have placedthe Australian meat industry at a disadvantage in the globalmarketplace. The industry would have been unable to meet therequirement of many importing countries for an ‘equivalent’meat inspection system, and so would have had a reducedcapacity to compete effectively against meat imports intoAustralia.

A modern, integrated QA approach to meat inspection inAustralia has catered for these complexities within theproduction chain and has addressed contemporary meat safetyissues, while continuing to support national animal healthobjectives. The Australian system places a greater emphasis onachieving meat safety results or ‘outcomes’ through QAarrangements which incorporate an HACCP-based approach.Quality assurance systems based on HACCP principles,supported by effective on-farm and transport controls andcombined with consumer education, offer the best way toconsistently achieve a safe meat supply.

Quality assurance programmes based on HACCP principleshave redefined the respective responsibilities of industry andregulatory authorities in Australia. Through a co-regulatory,partnership arrangement, AQIS is responsible for the broaddesign of the inspection system and its audits and sanctions,while the industry is responsible for further developing,implementing and maintaining the system. This arrangementreflects the belief in Australia that the main responsibility for theproduction of safe meat should rest, to a significant degree, withlivestock producers and meat processors. However, it is equallyimportant that AQIS applies a QA approach to its ownfunctions, with a view to systematically and objectivelymonitoring meat inspection and encouraging continuousimprovement to the system through performance feedback.

A true government/industry partnership operates in Australiato design, implement and update the meat inspectionprogramme (22). Pooling resources and knowledge fromdifferent government and industry bodies has demonstratedbenefits. The emphasis is on a flexible and adaptable approach,which can react to the latest national and internationaldevelopments through periodic updating of standards,regulations and industry practices, as appropriate. Thiscollegiate, multidisciplinary approach engenders trust,improves lines of communication and has the greatest chanceof producing optimal meat safety outcomes. In addition, apartnership approach promotes industry ownership of thesystem and encourages a greater level of industry compliance.

Progressive changes to importing country requirements havealso influenced the modernisation of the Australian meat safetysystem. Australia must meet the many and varied legislativerequirements of all the countries to which meat is exported. Itis not feasible to implement a separate system which exactlyequals that required by each importing country, so theemphasis has been on implementing an Australian meatinspection system which is accepted by overseas authorities as‘equivalent’.

Australia also participates fully in international standard-settingorganisations of relevance to meat production and inspection,including the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the OIE(World organisation for animal health), and ensures thatnational meat safety systems are consistent with thesestandards.

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Table II provides an approximate timeline of the majorinfluences for change in the Australian meat inspection system.

An overview of qualityassurance in meat inspection In Australia, six levels of verification are applied to ensure AQISand industry operations comply with regulatory requirements.These levels are diagrammatically demonstrated in Figure 1.

Quality assurance is applied to AQIS regulatory activities(Levels 2 to 6) and also to industry processes (Level 1). Thesedifferent levels of verification are interdependent, and anunderstanding of the system as a whole is necessary toappreciate how each level is integrally linked.

Level 6, external audits of the AQIS system, are periodicallyconducted by overseas authorities such as the US Food Safetyand Inspection Service, or the Food and Veterinary Office of theEuropean Union.

Level 5, the AQIS Compliance and Investigations Unit audit,educates AQIS officers and industry parties on theirresponsibilities under co-regulation and the relevant legislation.The Compliance and Investigations Unit audit aims tomaximise voluntary compliance, but also to provide a strongdeterrent to deliberate criminal activity through investigationand prosecution. The business practices of the Compliance andInvestigations Unit are certified to the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) standard of ISO9001:2000.

Levels 4, 3 and 2 are further steps in the direct AQIS auditingof meat industry operations. Quality assurance at these levelsoccurs through the national plant management system(NPMS), the scheme for corrective action (SCA) and theelectronic documentation system (EXDOC). These QAfunctions are detailed in the section below, ‘Quality assuranceelements of the meat inspection service’.

Level 1, comprising HACCP-based QA programmes in themeat industry, is based on the meat safety quality assurance(MSQA) model, underpinned by documented standardoperating procedures (SOPs) and work instructions, andsupported through monitoring programmes such as meathygiene assessment (MHA), and Escherichia coli and Salmonellamonitoring (ESAM). These QA functions are detailed in thesection below, entitled ‘Quality assurance of meat industryprocesses’. Individual company MSQA programmes are linkedto industry ‘whole of chain’ QA systems which operate on-farm,during the transportation of live animals, and during thetransportation and distribution of the finished product. Theseaspects are briefly covered in the ‘Pre-harvest and post-harvestquality assurance programmes’ section below.

Quality assurance elements ofthe meat inspection serviceNational plant management systemIn the mid-1990s, system audits conducted by overseasauthorities and senior AQIS reviewers identified systematicmeat safety defects across a range of meat establishments. Thesefindings confirmed the importance of a disciplined andstructured approach to the consistent maintenance of standardsin all establishments.

To help address these concerns, AQIS introduced NPMS tomeat processing establishments in 1996 as a QA managementtool for AQIS auditors. This system provides the AQIS on-plant

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Table IIApproximate timeline showing influences for change in theAustralian meat inspection system and the actual changesimplemented by the Australian Quarantine and InspectionService and meat processing industry

DateChanges implemented in the

(approx.)Influence for change Australian meat inspection


1965 United States (US) Federal Australian export legislationMeat Inspection Act updated

1960s Mandatory cattle identification Traceback system fromintroduced to eradicate bovine abattoirs to farms implementedtuberculosis and brucellosis

1980s European Union meat directives Australian export legislationintroduced updated

1981 Australian meat substitution Australian export legislationscandal updated to emphasise integrity

1987 Organochlorine residues found Traceback system from in Australian beef abattoirs to farms and database


1987-1989 Quality systems penetrating the First basic regulatory qualityfood processing industry systems implemented at export

meat plants

1990s International Organization for Meat processors adoptStandardization (ISO) standards commercial ISO qualityrequired of suppliers to major systemsAustralian meat retailers

1993-1994 US Escherichia coli O157:H7 Co-regulation, voluntary meat incident. Codex Alimentarius safety quality assuranceCommission publishes hazard (MSQA) (ISO QA/HACCP)analysis critical control point(HACCP) guidelines

1994 Chlorfluazuron residues found Vendor (farmer) declaration in Australian beef system introduced for cattle


1995-1996 Australian E. coli O111 incident. Scientific review/update ofUS introduces final rule on standards undertaken.pathogen reduction for Mandatory HACCP introduced.Salmonella MSQA refined

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veterinarian (Level 2); the AQIS regional veterinary auditors(area technical managers or ATMs) (Level 3); and the CentralControlling Unit in Canberra (Level 3) with a system whichenables them to manage the meat inspection programmeeffectively in a nationally consistent manner. The system wasput through extensive trials before introduction and has beenprogressively refined. In addition, NPMS is closely integratedwith the MSQA system and its supporting monitoring systems,in that NPMS interacts directly with the MSQA system in thecompany (the link or ‘interface’ between Level 1 and Level 2),and also allows verification of the co-regulatory approach on-plant (the interface between Level 2 and Level 3). The inter-relationship of NPMS components in an establishment isdiagrammatically illustrated in Figure 2.

The NPMS is a comprehensive daily monitoring and reportingsystem which uses check-lists and reporting forms to recordaccurately non-conformities (deficiencies) in companyprocesses. Corrective action requests (CARs) are used by AQISto agree on corrective or preventative measures with thecompany managers and to verify the completion of theseactions by the agreed dates. Therefore, CARs issued by AQIShave a similar purpose to those issued by third-party auditors

of ISO quality systems. The NPMS is uniformly implementedthroughout Australia, ensuring national consistency andpermitting the systematic analysis of outcomes at individualestablishments and at both regional and national levels. Thescheduling of audits and lodging NPMS forms is facilitated byan intranet system and electronic mail connections between theAQIS on-plant veterinarian, the relevant ATM and the CentralControlling Unit of AQIS in Canberra. The NPMS is supportedby a series of seventeen work instructions which provideadministrative guidance to AQIS staff.

The on-plant veterinarian, through the NPMS, is a crucialelement in ensuring that the company MSQA system continuesto meet regulatory requirements. He or she conducts scheduledstructured ‘mini-audits’ of different components of the MSQAsystem. These findings are then integrated with the findings ofmore frequent, direct verification of the controls on the process,to ensure that the MSQA system is operating effectively and thatmeat safety requirements are being met. One monitoringfunction performed by the AQIS on-plant veterinarian is called‘check the checker’ (CTC), in which the veterinarian directlymonitors the competence of the company staff performingMHA. A description of MHA is provided later in this paper.

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Fig. 1The six levels of verification applied to the meat inspection programme, involving the compliance of the Australian Quarantine andInspection Service and industry operations with regulatory requirements

Another AQIS monitoring function is called independentproduct and process examination (IPPE). In IPPE, AQISassesses a product or process to identify deviations from theapproved MSQA system (the HACCP plan, SOPs or workinstructions), or to verify that effective corrective action hasbeen implemented to resolve an identified MSQA non-conformity. In addition, NPMS ensures weekly reports areprovided to the relevant ATM on the performance of thecompany MSQA system.

At the scheduled monthly audit, the ATM can assess how theMSQA system of the company has performed since the lastaudit, as NPMS has gathered and collated objective data in theintervening period. Therefore, the assessment of a companyperformance is based on records from the past month, ratherthan purely on the results of an ‘on-the-day’ inspection. Thislimits the potential for reviewer bias. Important recentmodifications to the NPMS system mean that the company isallocated an objective performance score at the end of thescheduled monthly audit. This performance score can then beranked against that of other companies in the industry. Thisprocess is designed to encourage a positive performanceapproach from one scheduled audit to another. If AQISdetermines that the company has failed to maintain continuousoperational compliance with legislative requirements throughthe QA system, AQIS then instigates sanctions through theSCA.

The effective and consistent performance of the meat inspectionservice is supported through extensive training of AQIS staff inHACCP, quality system auditing and other regulatory activities.The AQIS staff who perform MSQA audits are qualified ISOquality system auditors. Furthermore, AQIS has a TrainingServices organisation which provides accredited training inHACCP, quality system development and auditing, and foodsafety for both AQIS and industry staff. The business activitiesof AQIS Training Services are certified to ISO standards.

The scheme for corrective actionIf failure occurs in the quality system or an individual processat a meat processing establishment, AQIS takes a QA approachto applying sanctions. This approach enables AQIS to applythese sanctions in a structured, nationally uniform way. Ingeneral, sanctions are imposed when remedial measures haveconsistently failed to achieve compliance with regulatory meatsafety standards or other regulatory requirements.

The SCA was developed and implemented in parallel withNPMS. This scheme is based on a point-scoring system, withina ‘moving window’ of six months. That is, SCA points remainin place for the following six months (the window) and are thenremoved. Points may be accumulated as a result of thefollowing:

– poor ratings at scheduled monthly MSQA audits

– the rejection of individual meat consignments by overseasauthorities at the port-of-entry inspection

– unsatisfactory testing results for Salmonella within the ESAMprogramme.

The points score is cumulative during the six-month periodand allows for multiple incidents, factors or triggers tocontribute to the sanctions pathway and outcome. The pointscoring system is shown in Table III. A score of one, two orthree results in AQIS issuing a CAR to the managers of theestablishment. A score of four or more involves the issuing of aCAR, but also requires the managers to develop and implementa corrective action plan (CAP). This plan must detail thefollowing:

– the investigation of the cause of the non-conformities

– consideration of corrective and preventative measures

– the implementation of these corrective and preventativemeasures

– verification that the non-conformities in the system have beenresolved.

A CAP is agreed between AQIS and the managers of a meatestablishment and aims to ensure that deficiencies do notreoccur.

Further sanctions may include the following:

– SCA audits

– suspension of a meat-processing operation

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MHA : meat hygiene assessmentCTC : ‘check the checker’IPPE : independent product and process examinationNPMS : national plant management systemAQIS : Australian Quarantine and Inspection ServiceATM : area technical managerCAR : corrective action request

Fig. 2National plant management system: the inter-relationship ofmonitoring and reporting systems at a meat processingestablishment

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– an increased AQIS inspection presence at the establishment

– an increased frequency of MHA checks.

In extreme cases, the offending establishment may besuspended or delisted from relevant overseas markets untilsatisfactory controls are re-established over the processingsystem. Ultimately, the establishment may be deregistered.

Accumulated SCA points can be deleted in two ways. If anestablishment accumulates fewer than four points during a six-month moving window, each point will be deleted at the startof the seventh month after the point was allocated, providedthat effective corrective action was implemented in response tothe CAR. If four or more points are accumulated, points will beremoved after a mandatory CAP has been implemented andthe effective corrective action has been verified by an SCAaudit. A flow chart for the application of sanctions within SCAis diagrammatically illustrated in Figure 3. More detailedinformation on the implementation of SCA is available on theinternet (10).

Fig. 3Scheme for corrective action: a flow chart for the application of sanctions on the points accumulated within a six-month movingwindow

Table IIIPoint scoring system under the scheme for corrective action

Incident/factor/trigger Points allocated

First marginal audit, undertaken by area technical 1managers (ATMs)

Second marginal audit by ATM 2

Third and subsequent marginal audits by ATM 3

Any unacceptable ATM audit 4

First overseas rejection of a shipment (a) 1

Second overseas rejection of a shipment (a) 2

Third and subsequent overseas rejection of a shipment (a) 3

Failure of first Salmonella sample window (b) 1

Failure of second Salmonella sample window (b) 2

Failure of third Salmonella sample window 4

a) Rejection of shipment related to contamination, unsound condition of meat, or processingand pathological defectsb) Failure of sample accompanied by unsatisfactory investigation or corrective action

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The role of the AQIS Verification Unit is to independentlyassess sustained operational compliance with the meatinspection programme throughout the country. TheVerification Unit achieves this through the three followingtypes of audits:

– SCA audits

– annual MSQA audits

– systems audits.

An SCA audit is undertaken by a veterinary auditor from theAQIS Verification Unit (Level 4), together with the ATM, toassess the operational compliance of the company. VerificationUnit audits of the entire MSQA system of a company areusually conducted annually. However, if a company hasdeveloped a history of good operational compliance, suchaudits may be conducted less frequently. A systems audit is anaudit of the entire MSQA system, plus the AQIS on-plantinspection system. Information from these Verification Unitaudits is assessed and reported to the National Manager of theAQIS meat inspection programme, with a view toimplementing systematic improvements to ensure nationalconsistency in the programme.

Linking quality assuranceoutcomes to electronicdocumentationThe QA measures described above should help to ensure thefollowing:

– that the meat has been hygienically prepared

– that the meat will meet the requirements of export anddomestic markets

– that the meat is true to the description on the label.

Since 1992, an electronic documentation system, EXDOC, hasestablished processes to ensure that only meat which haspassed the QA checks can be certified by AQIS for export. Thissystem provides links between the producing establishment,the exporter, and the storage or loading establishments, andallows AQIS endorsement of export permits and healthcertificates. More recently, EXDOC has been extended toprovide an equivalent service for dairy, fish, grains andhorticultural exports. The establishment register (ER) system isclosely integrated with EXDOC and is used to maintain anofficial register of establishments under AQIS jurisdiction.

The EXDOC receives the details of all proposed exports fromcommercial parties and links these details with the results ofAQIS product inspection. Then, if AQIS authorises the productas eligible for export, health certificates and export permits areissued by EXDOC. This process involves extensive electronic

QA checks. These checks include verification against ERrecords to ensure that the producing establishment was eligibleto produce export meats for the nominated market at the timeof slaughter and packing. The electronic documentationsystem has an integrated audit trail sub-system, which can beused to establish a complete history of each request for anexport permit, from the time it was first submitted to the timethe health certificate was produced. Electronic documentationalso aids the exporter by allowing the electronic lodgement ofall export documentation through a single electronic access‘window’ with AQIS, the Australian Customs Service and theAustralian Bureau of Statistics.

In 1998, the concept of electronic documentation wasextended to the electronic transmission of health certificates formeat exported to Japan. This was achieved through thesanitary/phytosanitary certificate message (SANCRT) system,developed to the electronic data interchange foradministration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) standardsof the United Nations. Trials of the SANCRT system have beenconducted with the co-operation of a number of othercountries. The electronic transmission of health certificates hasa number of QA advantages, due to automated data capture.These advantages include the following:

– removing the possibility of transcription errors

– enabling automated distribution to the customs, quarantineand veterinary public health authorities in the receivingcountry

– eliminating the risk of forged health certificates beingpresented for illegal meat shipments.

At present, AQIS is working with key trading partners todevelop and implement an alternative, more easily adopted,web-based system called E-cert, which is based on an XMLformat.

Quality assurance of meatindustry processesHazard analysis and critical control point-based quality assurance systemsIndividual meat companies have implemented comprehensiveHACCP-based QA systems with the aim of achievingconsistent compliance with regulations and standards, in a co-regulatory partnership with AQIS. The integral links betweencompany processes, the company QA system and the AQISNPMS system are diagrammatically illustrated in Figure 4.

To improve the safety of all meat and meat products, Australiangovernments decided that all Australian meat processingestablishments must have quality systems which are based onHACCP principles in place by 1 January 1997 (1). Theelements essential to the proper operation of HACCP-based

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The role of the managers of meat establishments is to develop,implement and ensure compliance with the documentedMSQA system, incorporating HACCP plans, SOPs and workinstructions based on good manufacturing practice. Inaddition, managers should implement objective ways to assessmeat hygiene through MHA. The role of AQIS is as follows:

– for the on-plant veterinarian to assist in the preparation of thecompany system

– for the ATM to approve the final company MSQA manual

– for staff at all six AQIS levels of verification to monitor theperformance of the system through NPMS.

The MSQA system was substantially revised and updated in1998. The revised system provides an enhanced role forindustry in the co-regulatory meat inspection process.

A Guide for the Preparation of the MSQA System (the ‘MSQAGuide’) has been published to provide a template for nationaluniformity. The MSQA Guide is also available in full on theinternet (8). It is designed as a practical ‘how-to’ manual toassist companies in developing an MSQA system. Theprinciples of HACCP described in the MSQA Guide reflect thestandard for HACCP defined by the Codex AlimentariusCommission (13). The contents of the MSQA Guide are detailedbelow in Table IV, demonstrating a format consistent with theISO 9000 series of quality systems.

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QA systems were put through exhaustive trials in the exportsector during 1995 and 1996. At about the same time, theUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published afinal rule on reducing pathogens which made the progressiveintroduction of HACCP systems and SOPs mandatory (23).

Meat safety QA was designed to meet both domestic needs andthe requirements of authorities in importing countries, byallowing AQIS and the processing industry to demonstrateeffective meat inspection controls. The MSQA approach aimedto achieve an integrated company QA system which was basedon HACCP principles but also addressed all remainingregulatory requirements, such as the following:

– animal health

– animal welfare

– hygiene and sanitation

– the on-plant use of industrial chemicals

– product integrity and security.

As the MSQA format is consistent with the ISO 9000 series ofquality standards, MSQA is also compatible with the directiontaken by some companies to obtain ISO quality systemcertification by third parties for commercial purposes.

Fig. 4Co-regulatory management system: the integral links between company processes, the company meat safety quality assurancesystem and the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service national plant management system

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Table IVContents of A Guide for the Preparation of the Meat Safety Quality Assurance System

Part 1 The company quality system Part 2The application of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) and good manufacturing practice

I Introduction and scope of meat safety quality assurance (MSQA) 22 Introduction

II MSQA manual format and layout 23 Definitions

a) general approach 24 Pre-requisite programmes

b) manuals and work procedures 25 Work instructions

c) format 26 Monitoring

d) alignment of the MSQA system with International 27 Purpose and principles of the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP)Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9002:1994 28 Develop the HACCP plan

Elements28.1 Assemble the MSQA team

1 Company quality policy statement28.2 Describe the product and the method of distribution

2 Declaration by the management28.3 Identify the intended use and consumers of the product

3 Schedule of processes and products28.4 Construct a flow diagram which describes the process

4 Company organisational chart28.5 Verify the flow diagram

5 Functions and duty statements for all company staff controlling the MSQA system


6 Description of the MSQA system28.6 Principle No. 1: hazard analysis

7 Document control28.7 Principle No. 2: identify the critical control points (CCPs) in the process

8 Purchasing28.8 Principle No. 3: establish critical limits

9 Control of customer-supplied product28.9 Principle No. 4: establish monitoring procedures

10 Product identification and traceability28.10 Principle No. 5: establish corrective action to be taken

11 Process control28.11 Principle No. 6: establish verification procedures

12 Inspection and testing28.12 Principle No. 7: establish record-keeping procedures

13 Inspection, measuring and test equipment Appendix A Examples of questions to be considered in a hazard analysis

14 Inspection and test statusList of figures

15 Control of non-conforming productFig. 1 Examples of quality system documentation

16 Corrective actionFig. 2 Company organisational chart

17 Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and deliveryFig. 3 An example of an MSQA amendment register

18 MSQA recordsFig. 4 Relationship between good manufacturing practice and HACCP

19 Internal audit and management reviewFig. 5 Logic sequence for developing an HACCP plan

20 Company trainingFig. 6 Example of a simple flow diagram for part of a beef kill floor

21 Statistical techniquesFig. 7 Example 1 of a CCP decision tree

Fig. 8 Example 2 of a CCP decision tree

Fig. 9 Example of corrective action decision tree for company monitors

Fig. 10 Model of relationship between verification and management review

Source: Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, 1998 (8)

Meat hygiene assessmentMeat hygiene assessment was developed by AQIS as a tool toassist industry in the implementation of HACCP plans. TheMHA system was originally developed during 1993. Furthertrials and refinements occurred in consultation with theindustry before the compulsory introduction of the system in1996.

Meat hygiene assessment provides a standardised monitoringapproach in which trained company staff objectively measurethe adequacy of the HACCP-based MSQA process controls, at

specific steps in the processing line. Corrective action isrequired wherever the system performance is inadequate, forexample, through adjusting SOPs or work instructions wherenecessary. The MHA system helps to ensure uniformity ofprocessing results across the export meat industry in Australia,and reflects the need for a zero tolerance of visible faecal andingesta contamination on meat. Through CTC, the AQIS on-plant veterinarian directly monitors the company staffperforming MHA. The objective measurements obtainedthrough MHA, as well as the CTC findings, are recorded by theAQIS on-plant veterinarian in NPMS.

Meat hygiene assessment comprises two parts: one system forprocess monitoring and the other for product monitoring. Thetwo systems are designed to operate in unison and complementeach other.

Product monitoring assesses the level of macroscopiccontamination of carcasses, offal and cartoned meat, andindicates which company staff may not be following SOPs orwork instructions. Representative samples are routinelyexamined using a consistent methodology, including a definedclassification of defects and their respective tolerances.Weightings are applied to defects according to theirclassification and this information is then condensed to a singlevalue, called a ‘defect rating’. The defect rating provides anoverall picture of the hygienic condition of meat and confirmsthat the process controls used in its production are adequate.Corrective action is required when the defect rating falls outsidea target value or when zero tolerance standards are notachieved.

Process monitoring assesses the disease-control operations onthe slaughter floor and in the offal room which are described inSOPs and work instructions, and identifies which companystaff may require further training. Process monitoring alsorequires the performance of company staff to be routinelyexamined at each step of the process in these two productionareas. Weightings are applied to any defects whenever anoperation is found to be marginal or faulty. This information isthen condensed to a single value called a ‘conformity index’. Asin product monitoring, corrective action is required when theconformity index falls outside a target value.

Furthermore, AQIS has introduced QA methods to analysetrends in such defect ratings and conformity indices, and usesgraphing and trend analysis to assist with decision-making onwhether adjustments are required to the process controls atindividual establishments.

Microbiological monitoring of process controlsIn 1997, Australian establishments entitled to produce exportmeats for the market in the USA began microbiological testingof carcasse surfaces for generic E. coli and Salmonella spp. Thisaction came in response to the US Final Rule on PathogenReduction and HACCP Systems (23). At the same time, theAustralian Government made microbiological testingmandatory to validate HACCP-based QA systems at allAustralian slaughtering establishments.

Federally inspected abattoirs have since been required toparticipate in the ESAM programme, which is an integral partof MSQA. Escherichia coli and Salmonella monitoring requiresthe testing of carcasse surfaces for E. coli to verify processcontrols. In addition, Salmonella spp. testing is required toverify pathogen reduction. Testing carcasse surfaces for total

viable bacterial counts is encouraged, to aid in monitoring theeffectiveness of the process controls at an establishment.

Trends in E. coli levels which are above the national average,detection of E. coli clusters, or the detection of Salmonella spp.all indicate that the HACCP component of the MSQA system ata particular meat processing establishment has failed at one ormore critical control points. The company concerned mustthen investigate the cause and implement appropriatecorrective action, in consultation with AQIS.

A comprehensive manual which details the individualcomponents of the ESAM programme is available on theinternet (9).

Pre-harvest and post-harvestquality assurance programmesWhole of chain programmesThe ‘whole of chain’ approach to QA means that the QAprogrammes detailed above do not operate in isolation but arelinked to other programmes which operate ‘from the paddockto the plate’, for a significant and growing proportion of theindustry. Meat safety will undoubtedly be compromised if meatinspection is considered to begin and end at the meatprocessing establishment. In Australia, voluntary pre-harvestand post-harvest QA programmes extend the reach of meatinspection and enhance its effectiveness.

On-farm QA programmes are in place for grass-fed cattle,feedlot cattle, sheep and pigs (3, 4, 5, 6). A review of on-farmQA programmes has been published (20). These programmesaim to address on-farm hazards, such as those posed by faecalcontamination, animal feeding and the use of agricultural andveterinary chemicals. Quality assurance systems implementedby the transport industry and at livestock saleyards operatebetween the farm and the abattoir. Commercial QAprogrammes operated by meat companies and transportcompanies also extend beyond production to coverrefrigeration, storage and transport.

Traceback and traceforward are important components of‘whole of chain’ QA systems in Australia. Identification oflivestock and traceability of their products and other inputs,such as stockfeeds, are important to ensure that meat safetyhazards are not introduced into the system (11). Identificationand traceability are also important elements of QA for producttracing and recall in the event of a system failure. The nationallivestock identification scheme in Australia enables thepermanent identification of cattle by using devices embeddedwith an electronic microchip. This system complements cattleidentification systems which have been in place in Australia

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since the 1960s (19). Flock identification schemes for sheep arecurrently being refined, and mandatory identification of pigshas been in place for many years.

Continuous improvement and surveillanceContinuous improvement in the QA of meat inspection inAustralia has been a key focus over the last ten years. Thesignificance of continuous improvement can best bedemonstrated by examining national statistics for thepercentage rejection rate of Australian meat consignments at USport-of-entry inspection (Fig. 5). After the introduction of morestringent US import requirements in 1993, rejections doubled,as a percentage, from an historically low base. From 1994onwards, the progressive implementation and continuousimprovement of the QA initiatives described earlier in thispaper led to a steady decrease in the percentage rejection rate tobelow historical levels. The contribution of HACCP-basedprocess controls to this decrease can be appreciated whenassessing the parallel decrease in the percentage rejection ratefor contamination and pathology.

The meat inspection system in Australia uses NPMS tosystematically monitor and evaluate system performance. Thisfeedback on performance can be used at individualestablishments and at the regional or national level to redesignor refine system elements which are not performing at optimallevels, thus promoting continuous improvement. In a broader

sense, Australian health authorities have identified that anoptimal food safety monitoring and evaluation system requiresa national surveillance system which reports adverse events andis linked to appropriate data sources (Fig. 6) (14).

Such feedback into QA systems is used to update the AQISmeat inspection programme through risk assessment, and canalso help in predicting future hazards, which are eithercurrently unknown or thought to be unimportant. However, inthe future, these hazards could contribute to increasedmorbidity, requiring that they be taken into consideration in thedesign of the meat inspection system. Keeping abreast withprogress in scientific knowledge, implementing comprehensivesurveillance systems and continuously improving the meatinspection system will be essential in combating future hazards.

Emergency planningEmergency planning is an important element of the Australianmeat inspection system. Meat safety emergencies, due to real orperceived hazards, can occur from time to time in any country.When such emergencies do arise, it is crucial to be able torespond quickly and effectively. Emergency management ofmeat safety incidents in Australia is based on the sameemergency management QA principles which are applied toother emergencies, such as floods, fires and animal healthemergencies.

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1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001



n ra

te (p












ds p






Rejection rate Rejection rate for contamination and pathology Pounds presented (million)

Fig. 5Australian meat exports to the United States of America: underlying rejection rates, 1992 to 2001Source: Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS)

Each government and industry sector involved in meatproduction and inspection has a documented, up-to-dateemergency response plan, based on QA principles, which isfollowed if and when required. In general, responding to anemergency has five stages, some or all of which may overlap,operationally and chronologically. The pre-emergency stageinvolves prevention and preparedness strategies, including riskminimisation, risk awareness and emergency training. The‘trigger’ or initiating stage focuses on investigating the suspectincident. The scoping phase attempts to quantify the extent ofthe possible impacts, enabling an appropriate response strategyto be chosen. The last two phases are the response phase andthe ‘stand down’ phase. The emergency management system istested through simulated emergencies, which may involvedesk-top exercises, field exercises or both.

ConclusionGovernment and the meat-processing industry have adopted aco-regulatory approach to meat inspection in Australia which isdesigned to address contemporary meat safety issues. Both theAQIS meat inspection services and the industry use QAelements that operate jointly to consistently meet national andinternational meat safety requirements.

The Australian meat inspection system incorporates acombination of documented, nationally consistent HACCP-based QA programmes, supported by auditing, laboratorytesting, and a flexible design for the system, to ensure thatcontemporary and emerging veterinary public health risks areaddressed.

However, QA systems at meat establishments are not sufficienton their own to guarantee meat safety adequately. Thesesystems should be linked in a ‘whole of chain’ approach to pre-harvest and post-harvest QA systems. Such an approach isdesigned to control potential hazards from inputs at all stages ofproduction. Links to emergency preparedness plans based onQA principles should also be established to allow any failuresin the meat inspection system to be effectively addressed.

Continuous improvement of these QA systems, enabling themto address future hazards, will remain a challenge. Continuingand extending a collegiate, multidisciplinary approach to thedesign of the meat inspection system will be important in thisregard.

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Fig. 6Food safety system evaluation through collection, analysis and interpretation of dataSource: Crerar et al.(14)

HACCP: hazard analysis and critical control points

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Aseguramiento de calidad e inspección de carnes en AustraliaR.J. Butler, J.G. Murray & S. Tidswell

ResumenLa inspección de la carne en Australia persigue varios fines: contribuir a laproducción de alimentos inocuos y saludables; satisfacer los requisitosimpuestos por los países importadores; y facilitar el cumplimiento de los objetivosnacionales en materia de sanidad animal. El análisis de la función de laaseguramiento de calidad en los sistemas de inspección de carnes que seaplican en establecimientos bajo control del Gobierno federal pone de relieveque el destacado lugar de Australia como país exportador de carne es deudor enparte de la existencia de un sistema de inspección corregulado y basado en la

L’assurance qualité et l’inspection des viandes en AustralieR.J. Butler, J.G. Murray & S. Tidswell

RésuméEn Australie, l’inspection des viandes vise à s’assurer de l’innocuité et de lasalubrité des aliments produits, à respecter les exigences des pays importateurset à participer à la réalisation des objectifs nationaux en matière de santéanimale. Une étude a été réalisée en vue d’apprécier l’impact de l’assurancequalité sur les systèmes d’inspection des viandes en vigueur dans lesétablissements soumis au contrôle fédéral. Elle a révélé que l’Australie devait sonrang dominant parmi les exportateurs de viande en partie à son systèmed’inspection, fondé sur un cadre réglementaire partagé et une démarched’assurance qualité s’appliquant à toutes les espèces présentées à l’abattoir. Lesannées 1990 ont été marquées par une évolution des techniques d’inspection desviandes au niveau national et international qui a entraîné une améliorationsignificative des systèmes d’assurance qualité. L’assurance qualité repose surdes procédures écrites et harmonisées au plan national, conçues pour garantirdes normes invariables de sécurité sanitaire de la viande. Ces dispositifs sontcomplétés par des programmes d’assurance qualité assortis d’une analyse desrisques et des points critiques pour leur maîtrise conformes aux normes dequalité de l’Organisation internationale de normalisation.Les programmes d’assurance qualité visent à garantir l’intégralité de la chaînealimentaire. Leur but est d’établir un système allant « de la fourche à lafourchette » (des premiers aux derniers stades situés en amont et en aval del’abattage) qui concernera, par exemple, les pratiques d’élevage mais aussi laréfrigération, le stockage et le transport. Les éléments d’assurance qualité del’inspection des viandes qui ont été introduits dans les systèmes de productionaustraliens ont contribué significativement à la cohérence des objectifs desécurité sanitaire et à leur bonne adaptation aux risques actuels.

Mots-clésAssurance qualité – Australie – Inspection des viandes – Sécurité sanitaire des aliments– Service vétérinaire.

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2. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics(ABARE) (2001). – Australian commodity statistics 2001.ABARE, Canberra, 370 pp.

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aseguramiento de calidad, aplicable indistintamente a todas las especiesfaenadas en el matadero. El progreso que experimentaron en los años noventalas técnicas de inspección de la carne, tanto dentro como fuera del país, setradujo en un notable perfeccionamiento de los sistemas de aseguramiento decalidad, que hoy se aplican mediante sistemas de información homogéneos aescala nacional, pensados para lograr normas constantes de inocuidad de lacarne. Estos sistemas se complementan con programas de aseguramiento decalidad basados en el análisis del riesgo y control de puntos críticos quecumplen los estándares de calidad de la Organización Internacional deNormalización.Los programas de aseguramiento de calidad aspiran a poner en práctica unplanteamiento global, que abarque toda la cadena alimentaria y se aplique por lotanto “de la granja a la mesa” (a todas y cada una de las fases del proceso, esdecir, desde los métodos de producción en la granja hasta las etapas derefrigeración, almacenamiento y transporte ulteriores al sacrificio). El hecho deque los sistemas de producción australianos hayan incorporado elementos delsistema de aseguramiento de calidad de las inspecciones cárnicas hacontribuido en no poca medida a que se cumplan regularmente los objetivosestablecidos en materia de inocuidad de la carne, cuyo nivel de exigencia está ala altura de los riesgos sanitarios de hoy en día.

Palabras claveAseguramiento de calidad – Australia – Inocuidad de los alimentos – Inspección deproductos cárnicos – Servicio Veterinario.

10. Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) (2001).– Scheme for corrective action. AQIS Notice Meat 2001/13.AQIS, Canberra, 12 pp. ( accessed on30 July 2003).

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