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  • 7/30/2019 Qop Checked


    A. Following checks to be done in case of QOP in Loco1) Meggar the power circuit from topside connections of Line contactors(L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6) After putting J1, J2 in neutral position and HQOP inneutral position2) If top side circuit showing earth then SL cable and coil to be meggered,if it is found good then.3) Cables of relay Q20, RQ20 to be checked and meggered, if it is goodthen connection to be opened

    4) RSI 1&2 block cover to be opened and to be checked thoroughly for anyabnormality and to be Meggered if it is good then.5) All concerning cables of SL, RSI to be checked and meggered byopening connection.6) RC damping (AC/DC) to be checked and meggered.

    B.1)Meggar the power circuit from bottom side of the line contactor(L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5).

    2)If L1 showing earth then TM 1 cables to be uncoupled and TM to bemeggered individually and its cable to be meggered3)Step No.2 above to be adopted for remaining TM

    4) Check the DBR and MVRF thoroughly and to be meggered, RU,U

    C. If item no. A and B showing good then.1) Meggar the circuit from reverser J1 and J2 finger after putting in neutral position.2) If J1 finger No.1, 2,7,8 showing earth then RPS and Shunting resistance SJ ofTM 1 and its Cable connection to be checked and meggered1) If J1 finger No. 3,4,9,10 showing earth, same procedure (step No.2) to beadopted for TM-2.2) If J1 finger No. 5,6,11,12 showing earth, same procedure (step No.2) to beadopted for TM-3

    3) If J2 finger No. 1,2,7,8 showing earth, same procedure (step No.2) to beadopted for TM-44) If J2 finger No. 3,4,9,10 showing earth same procedure (step No.2) to beadopted for TM-55) If J2 finger No. 5,6,11,12 showing earth same procedure (step No.2) to be

    adopted for TM-6

    D:-If item No.( A, B, C ) showing good then.1)QD relay and its connection cables, ammeters and its connections andammeters shunts to be checked and meggered.

    2) Copper links, line contactors insulating bars to be checked and meggered.

    E: - If every thing found normal in item No.( A, B, C, D ) then.1)Relay QOP 1&2 to be checked, RPQOP1, RQOP1, RPQOP2, RQOP2 andconnection cables to be checked and meggered.2) All TMs cables underneath to be checked visually for any insulation failureof rubbing with TM/Bogies etc. Flashing or Tracking in cable or in junction boxand terminal box to be examined thoroughly.

  • 7/30/2019 Qop Checked


    F: - If every thing found normal in item No. (A,B,C,D & E ) then1)Loco to be energized, movement to be taken and isolate the TM one by one iffound no QOP drop then.2) All TM inspection covers to be opened and checked thoroughly in side for anyflashing, Arc horn to be checked for any flashing tracking or burning marks etc.If there is any doubt then rocker of allTMs to be rotated for thorough checking.3) RPS and SL covers to be opened and to be checked for any flashing or burning marks.

    4)H.T. compartment to be checked thoroughly for any flashing, tracking orburning marks etc. or any foreign material