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1. About This Course

2. Presentation and assessmentA. Class Projects (CLS PRJ)

3. Review of Syllabus

4. Resources

5. Training Outline (beta)

6. Communication

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A quote on Beginnings

"Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. If you could see them clearly, naturally you could do a great deal to get rid of them but you can't. You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin"Kathleen Norris

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Course Scope

Systematic theoretical and laboratory study of physical properties of petroleum reservoir rocks; STRUCTURE AND



Porosity• Measurement of

Porosity by saturation method and helium porosimeter

• Compressibility

• grain size and pore size distribution of formation

Permeability• effective permeability

by using liquid & gas

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Course Scope (Cont.)


• Measurement of fluid Saturation by extraction method, retort method

• Resistivity

Multiphase Phenomena (Fluid flow in porous media, fluid-rock interaction)

• Surface tension and wettability

• Capillary pressure

o capillary

characteristics by porous plate method and mercury injection method

• Relative permeability


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Course Description

This course is prepared for: 1 semester (or credit) hours and meets for a total of 2

hours a week.

Sophomore or junior level students (BS degrees)

(Major) Petroleum engineering students(Minors) Production, Drilling and reservoir engineering students

Prerequisites: general petrology.

Main objectives:The aim of the laboratory experiments is to give the

students better understanding of reservoir rocks and the factors that affect the fluid flow within the porous media

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Learning and Teaching Strategies

This course promotes interactive and thorough engagement in the learning process.

It is essential that you take responsibility for your own learning, and that I facilitate that learning by establishing a supportive as well as challenging environment.

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Proposed study method

When studying petroleum engineering, it is important to realize that the things you are learning today will be important to you for the rest of your career. Hence,

you shouldn’t just learn things simply to pass exams!

You will gain maximum benefit from this course by approaching each lecture and in-class activity with an inquiring mind and a critical, analytical attitude.

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Study recommendations

In covering the material in the course, I recommend that you follow the procedure outlined below: Carefully read the entire chapter

to familiarize yourself with the material.

Locate the topic area in your text book and study this material in conjunction with the course material.

Attempt the examples before all tutorials. When you feel that you have mastered a topic area,

attempt the problem for the topic.

You are required to complete the assigned readings prior to lectures. This will help your active participation in class activities.

Self-study in advance is always more beneficial.

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Main Objectives (minimum skills to be achieved/demonstrated)By the last day of class, the student should be able to:

Define porosity, discuss the factors which effect porosity, and describe the methods of determining values of porosity.

Define the coefficient of isothermal compressibility of reservoir rock and describe methods for determining values of formation compressibility.

describe methods for determining values of absolute permeability.

Explain boundary tension and wettability and their effect on capillary pressure, describe methods of determining values of capillary pressure, and convert laboratory capillary pressure values to reservoir conditions.

Describe methods of determining fluid saturations in reservoir rock and show relationship between fluid saturation and capillary pressure.

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Main Objectives (minimum skills to be achieved/demonstrated) (Cont.)Define resistivity, electrical formation resistivity factor,

resistivity index, saturation exponent, and cementation factor and show their relationship and uses; discuss laboratory measurement of electrical properties of reservoir rocks; and demonstrate the calculations necessary in analyzing laboratory measurements.

Define effective permeability, relative permeability, permeability ratio; reproduce typical relative permeability curves and show effect of saturation history on relative permeability; illustrate the measurement of relative permeability; and demonstrate some uses of relative permeability data.

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Minor Objectives (other skills to be achieved/demonstrated)Describe three-phase flow in reservoir rock and

explain methods of displaying three-phase effective permeabilities, including ternary diagrams.

Demonstrate the techniques of averaging porosity, permeability, and reservoir pressure data.

Demonstrate capability to perform calculations relating to all concepts above.

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Laboratory related outcomes

Apply the knowledge of mathematics, geology, physics, chemistry as well as other engineering sciences.

Conduct experiments safely and accurately and to be able to correctly analyze the results.

Design an engineering process or system to meet desired needs.

Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.

Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal contest.

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Side Objectives

Communicational skillsCommunicate

successfully and effectively.

Understand professional and ethical responsibilities.

Work in a team environment

Familiarize with English language

Academic skillsSystematic research


Management skillsProject time

Computer knowledgeUnderstand the use of

modern techniques, skills and modern engineering toolsApplication of internet

and EmailMicrosoft OfficeProfessional software

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Presentations (Lectures)

Each session Consists of different sections (about 4-5 sections)Consists of about 35 slides Is divided into 2 parts with short break timeWould be available online

The teaching approach to be employed will involve lectures and tutorials.

Lecture presentations cover theoretical and practical aspects, which are also described in the supporting academic texts and teaching resources.You are encouraged to ask questions and express feedback

during classes. You are expected to read prescribed materials in advance of classes to enable active participation.

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Last Session (Review)

session Outlook

Presentation A

Break Time

Presentation B

Next Session Topics

Last session (Review)

Session Outlook

Presentation ABreak Time

Presentation B

Next Session Topics

Roll Call

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Assessment Criteria

Basis for Course Grade:Final exam

(Close book)

AttendanceClass activities

Class ProjectsExaminations

Grade Range:90 ≤ A ≤100 (18 ≤ A ≤20)80 ≤ B ≤ 90 (16 ≤ B ≤18)70 ≤ C ≤ 80 (14 ≤ C ≤16)60 ≤ D ≤ 70 (12 ≤ D ≤14)F < 60 (F <12)

Final exam


Class activities

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Previous Term Scores out of 20 (Q922)





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Previous Term (Q922)Attendance percentageStudents are

expected to be regular and punctual in attendance at all lectures and tutorials. Attendance

will be recorded when applicable.













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CLS PRJ Topics:

These are intended topics, addition and/or deletion of certain problems may occur as other problems become available. Multiple assignments from each topic are possible.Porosity (fundamentals and

laboratory measurements).Permeability (fundamentals

and laboratory measurements).

Compressibility of reservoir rocks (derivations/applications).

Flow in channels and

layered reservoir systems (derivations/applications).

Capillary pressure (fundamentals, laboratory measurements, and correlations).

Electrical properties (fundamentals and laboratory measurements).

Relative permeability (fundamentals, laboratory measurements, and correlations).

Statistical analysis and correlation of reservoir data.

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Format of the Report:

Title page: Course number, course name,

Experiment number & title, Lab date, Names of the lab group

Sections to include in each report Introduction

Objective/purpose of the experiment Scope of the experiment / Importance

of the parameters measured How (in general) you obtained the

information you are reporting

Methods Describe Equipment Experimental procedure (write it in your

own words) Methods of analysis (if appropriate) How did you analyze the data (principle

/ equations used)

Results: State/tabulate/plot results as applicable Report both observed and measured


Discussion: Discuss the importance of results Tie the results of this study to previous

knowledge/works Comment on the quality of results

Conclusions: Findings in the study (stick to the results

you measured)

References Appendices

Raw Data tables Must include sample calculations Derivation of equations (if applicable)

Report late submission Policy: Report must be submitted one week

after experiment unless asked otherwise. Deduction of 10% grade per late submission will be applied.

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Deliverable Format Guidelines

General Instructions: You must use predefined templates for reporting the


Follow predefine instructions

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Wear safety goggles when working in the lab Lab coats or aprons should be worn when appropriate Flip flops and sandals are prohibited Restrain loose clothing, hair and jewelry Never work alone or without an instructor present Never leave heat sources unattended Do not eat, drink or smoke in the lab Dispose of waste properlyWash hands after spill Report any accidents to the instructor Avoid direct contacts with chemicals and reagents

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سرفصل آزمایشگاه خواص سنگ مخزن(مصوب وزارت علوم)مغزه گیری

روش های مغزه برداریآزمایش های مغزهنگه داری و آنالیز مغزه های سنگی

تخلخلآزمایشگاهی تخلخلگیریاندازه


(مایع +گاز)مطلق


مخزنسنگمعایببیانبیان مزایااشباعهایدادهاعتبارارزیابی

تراکم پذیریتراکمگیری آزمایشگاهیاندازه


خواص الکتریکیضریبآزمایشگاهیگیریاندازه


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زنسرفصل آزمایشگاه خواص سنگ مخ(ادامه( )مصوب وزارت علوم)فشار مویین

گیریاندازهروشهای آزمایشگاهیمویینگی،فشارمویینگی،فشارمنحنیویژگیهایفشار آزمایشگاهیهایدادهتبدیل


،Jرابطهازاستفادهبا عمقنفتاشباعمیزانتعیین



التراوایی دو فازی و جابجایی سیگیریاندازهآزمایشگاهیروشهای

نسبیتراوایی(غیر یکنواختویکنواختروش )




،coreyرابطه توان هایتعییندرنسبیتراواییهایدادهاهمیت

Summer 14 H. AlamiNiaفازیمحاسبهسیستمهای Reservoir Rock Laboratory Course (1st Ed.) 31

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زنسرفصل آزمایشگاه خواص سنگ مخ(ادامه( )مصوب وزارت علوم)باو فرجخللتوزیعتعیین


جریان سیاالت در محیط هایمتخلخلده مطالعه جریان سیاالت با استفا

از مدل های ساده الکتریکی و زنالکترولیتی در شبیه سازی مخ

ناهمگونی(Heterogeniety) مخازن درناهمگونیتعریفواهمیت

عمقی،ناهمگونیسطحی،سازی ناهمگونیکمی


ترشوندگی وسطحیکششترشوندگی،گیریاندازهوآموتروشهایUSB ،آموت


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Extra (Beyond scope)

Statistical analysis and correlation of reservoir dataTreating Experimental Data

Simulating experiments using relevant software

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واص منابع پیشنهادی درس آزمایشگاه خسیاالت مخزن

منابعی ارایه نشده است.

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Texts and Materials:

(ABT) Torsæter, O., and M. Abtahi. "Experimental reservoir engineering laboratory work book."

(Q923+RFL+L00) Lecture notes from classThese materials may include

handouts provided in class.

computer files available on the course weblog

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Class Lectures

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Major References

Mostafa Mahmoud Abdel Latief Kinawy, "Lecture of Reservoir Engineering Laboratory“ Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department of King Saud University (2009).

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Side References

Ahmed, T. (2010). Reservoir engineering handbook (Gulf Professional Publishing). Chapters:

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(کمکی)منابع فارسی (ترجمه )سیالوی، رحیم .

مهندسی مخازن . 1386هیدروکربوری

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Class Schedule (Beta)

Lec. 1 Introduction

Lec. 2

Lec. 3

Lec. 4

Lec. 5

Lec. 6

Lec. 7

Lec. 8

Lec. 9

Lec. 10

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Details (Beta)

Date Lecture Topic Reading Assignment (prior to class)




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Communication Methods

Preferred methodsBreak time and mid class

First Point of Contact via email (Limited)Will be answered with

some delay (an hour to a week according to importance and requirements)

Mention your personal and educational info in emails (Name, Student #, Course title, Subject)

Avoid following communication methodsAppointments

Phone calls

Short Message Service (SMS)

Instant message (IM) chats

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Class schedule:Almost all sessions will

be held

Preferred topics:Course related

Research study

Paper for International conferences

Articles for national journals

Avoided helps:Other courses

Sources, exams, exercises, class works and so on

B.Sc. ThesisAside supervised ones

M.Sc. Conquer


Private class

Educational problems

Personal problems

National conference paper

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