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Q9. Research shows that participation in corporate wellness programs is lowest among the lowest paid and least healthy workers. How can the programs be made to benefit all employees?

Participation amongst the lowest paid and most unhealthy populations can be influenced by the support of these groups’ supervisors and work environment.

By ensuring that workers are able to participate on work time alleviates the fear of deciding between putting food on the table or receiving a free health screening or health programming. In addition, it provides a supportive environment for those who have the highest levels of risk by removing the time barrier from a list of reasons not to participate.

According to the Wellness Councils of America, providing access to wellness programs on work time also supports many of the “7 C’s of wellness” such as demonstrating senior level support, creating an environment of health as well as creating a natural group of wellness champions (aka supervisors). Satisfying these criteria creates successful wellness programs with higher engagement levels.