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IMAGES: Through out my magazine I used different genders male and female

because from my research I found that some of my audiences wanted mixture of genders and not just female models. I felt that if I adapted to what my audience gave response I am able to attract them to my music magazine.

Furthermore, I used different ethnic background models not following the convention of other magazine as I feel that it is too common and i felt that other ethnic background audiences would appreciate it too to see different ethnicities and not just a common model.

Another way that attracted my audience was by choosing images that they can relate themselves to. Some images used in my magazine have a fun and happy feel to them which reflects my audience.

FONT & TEXT: I used text that was easy read and easy to the eye for my audience. For my

headings I self taught myself to use an effect that enables me to outline the letters and change the outline and the colour inside the letters too. I personally feel that by doing this it makes the text seem different more fun to the audience too.

I kept the text consistent through out my magazine so through my magazine I used the same font and text. However I changed up the colour according to the pages just so that certain areas stand out more from the background, aspects that need to be important I changed such as the topics in my contents page I used the colour red which is rarely used through out the whole magazine.

COLOUR THEME: The colour theme that is consistently used in magazine is different

shades of pink, white and yellow. I chose these colours because they related to my audience which are girls, so by choosing a colour that is often associated with girls would draw my target audience attention more.

The other colours I used were yellow and white because I felt that they complimented the different shades of pink I used very well. The yellow colour stood out from the pink background and so does the white. I used the colours red once for my contents page but I only used it for an outline of text rather then the whole word because I thought that filling the text in would be too overwhelming and harsh on the pink.

LAYOUT: The layout of my magazine was quite simple and easy to read and

understand. I did this so that the audience wouldn't be confused to the context of the magazine. By having such a simple layout where everything is clear to the audience they would want to get it more because they can understand the whole context of the magazine.

On the front cover of my magazine there are three main stories, two which has images connected to each subheading letting my audience have a hint of what the story is about. On my contents page there are also image however not with text but the content has subheading that make clear to the audience what type of story it is.
