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WORDPRESS - Is a free blogging site that enabled me to present all my work on all three aspects of my production easily and creatively.

- Using WordPress I could arrange my research in a chronological order that clearly demonstrated the amount of work I had done. The site allowed me to embed links to magazines and Youtube videos I had analysed.

- Wordpress is simple and easy to use so allowed me to display my research simply. As the site also allowed my peers and teachers to comment it was beneficial to me when I was given feedback on how to further my research. However the only issue I had to tackle when using Wordpress for my research was the way the pictures aligned in the blog which sometimes make it difficult to differentiate what image coincided with what research.


- Allows anybody to upload their own/or others videos that are accessible to everyone.

- I used Youtube within my research initially to watch trailers of all different genres, once I had selected my chosen genre I was able to research more niche film trailers of that genre using Youtube to further my research.

- I used Youtube consistently throughout my research not only to watch different trailers but I used Youtube to further analysis different trailers helping me choose what conventions I needed to follow in my own trailer.

- Although the site was proficient and enabled to see a wide range of trailers; I had to be aware of any false or misleading trailers that were not “official”.

GOOGLE - Is the search engine I used the most during my research and planning.

- Google was vital to my research, as I was able to find existing film posters and magazine covers both either specific to my genre or just a wider aspect. Through this I was able to plan products that followed and challenged conventions I had discovered through Google.

- I also used Google to find an empty storyboard to create my initial ideas on a blank storyboard. As well as this I used Google Maps to find specific locations I could use in my trailer which were relevant to my genre. Finally I used Google to research specifically into the mis-en-scene of my film which was vital for making my trailer easily recognisable to an audience.

- Using Google at school was sometimes an issue due to restrictions and site blocks put up by the school, so I had to carry out a significant amount of research outside of school.


- Programme used to show and store text.

- I used Word to write up rough copies of my script during my research and planning. I used Word opposed to handwriting my script so I was able to alter it as my trailer went along. As Word allowed me to change the font/size/colour I was able to organize and display coherently what I wanted each actor/ress to say and how they should say it.

- I also used Word to create a questionnaire which later printed and handed to my peers to gather research on my target audience. I also used Word to type up my results which I later used on my WordPress blog.


- Is a free service that allows users to make polls available to all peers.

-I used PollDaddy to gain feedback from my peers about proposed layouts and structures for my final products. This was beneficial as I was able to make several options for my peers to answer including the option of adding their own comment.

- I intend to use this tool for my evaluation aswell.


WORDPRESS - Is a free blogging site that enabled me to present all my work on all three aspects of my production easily and creatively.

- Using WordPress I could arrange the construction of all three media products in a chronological order that clearly illustrated the development of work I had done. The site allowed me to embed links to magazines and Youtube videos I had used to construct my products

- Wordpress is simple and easy to use so allowed me to display my construction simply. The site also allowed my peers and teachers to comment which was beneficial to me as I could deduct how I was doing and how I needed to improve. As I posted several versions of my trailer through the construction it was highly beneficial that I could embed Youtube videos.


- Allows anybody to upload their own/or others videos that are accessible to everyone.

- I used Youtube throughout the time I constructed my trailer as I uploaded updated versions frequently to my channel which I later posted on my blog to show how my trailer had developed. I also used Youtube to download and convert the backing track for my trailer.

- Youtube was also beneficial during the construction process as I was able to repeatedly watch trailers which I drew inspiration from such as; Fish Tank. Furthermore Youtube allowed any users to comment and view my work which helped when I was looking for additional feedback.

- I also used a tutorial video from Youtube to help me construct my Ident.

ADOBE PREMIER PRO - Is a free editing software which I used to construct my trailer.

- I imported every clip I filmed and then placed then in the work place. I then began to cut these clips and paste them onto the timeline which allowed me to begin to make a “story.”

- With audio from the clips I had filmed I used and unlinked them so I could move them around in my timeline without removing the clips. I also added in additional sounds that I had recorded into Premier Pro and added them to my timeline.

- The software took a while to get comfortable with but as I did I was able to use transitions and effects more confidently which is evident through the development of my trailer.


- Is an editing software that allows users to develop their work through creating idents and additional effects on their videos that are not available in Premier Pro.

- I struggled to use AfterEffects initially as it’s a very confusing programme, however after following a tutorial on Youtube I was able to make a simple ident which showed my ‘Production Company’ name.

- After developing my ident I then exported it and inserted it at the beginning on my trailer on PremierPro. I used the programme to make several simplistic idents.

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP - Is an editing software that allows users to edit and enhance photos which was particularly helpful to me when creating my ancillary texts.

- I was familiar with the software following work from last year meaning it was easier for me to develop products with a professional feel.

- I used several effects on both the images for my magazine and film poster; I cropped both the images so it suited the layout of the text better. For example on the magazine cover I added layers to change the opacity, colour and texture of the image. Additionally I used Photoshop to edit the text on my ancillary products by adding effects like “Drop Shadow”.

- I also used Photoshop to edit and then insert the “Film Four Logo” at the start of my trailer.


- I used the school media camera to film all of my clips from my trailer as well as using the school NTG2 microphone to film additional voiceover and dialogue.

- The camera possessed a good quality HD settings which made my trailer look more professional; I emphasized this by using a tripod so the images were not shaky.

- I used the microphone at a later date to record my actor/ress speaking which I later used as a voiceover and dialogue.



- Is a free blogging site that enabled me to present all my work on all three aspects of my production easily and creatively.

- I used Wordpress to post all four of my evaluation questions which I embedded my slideshare, prezi and Youtube clips into which allowed me to visually present my information without just typing up realms of evaluation.

- Wordpress allowed me to show my poster and magazine which I could easily analysis and then I could organize it easily and set them out in the most effective way.


- Slideshare is a free service which allows users to share Powerpoints online.

- I created my Q4 evaluation in Powerpoint to demonstrate which media technologies I have used during the research, planning, construction and evaluation section of my media products. I then uploaded this to Slideshare so I was able to embed this Powerpoint in my blog.

- I chose to use Powerpoint as it was easy to display all my work in a chronological order making it evident how I used media technologies in all my productions.


- Is a internet based presentation tool which presents presentations in unique, creative way.

- I was familiar with Prezi from last year so it did not take me long to create a presentation for Q1. Within my Prezi I included images, screen shots and videos to make it more interactive and obvious which conventions I had followed and challenged.


- Allows anybody to upload their own/or others videos that are accessible to everyone.

- I used Youtube specifically in Q3 to display the audience feedback I received from my peers and target audience. This was helpful as I could then embed the several videos into my blog aswell as being able to annotate any other specific information about each clip.
