Page 1: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness


Page 2: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness


I•Introduction to Python Programming

II•Python Basics

III•Controlling the Program Flow

IV•Program Components: Functions, Classes, Packages, and Modules

V•Sequences (List and Tuples), and Dictionaries

VI•Object-Based Programming: Classes and Objects

VII•Customizing Classes and Operator Overloading

VIII•Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance and Polymorphism

IX•Randomization Algorithms

X•Exception Handling and Assertions

XI•String Manipulation and Regular Expressions

XII•File Handling and Processing

XIII•GUI Programming Using Tkinter

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Randomization Algorithms

* Random numbers are used for testing the performance of programs,

creating scientific simulations, and so on.

* A pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) is an algorithm for

generating a sequence of numbers that approximates the properties

of random numbers.

* The sequence is not truly random in that it is completely

determined by a relatively small set of initial values (random seed)

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Early Algorithm

Middle-Square Method

* take any number, square it, remove the middle digits of the

resulting number as the "random number", then use that number as

the seed for the next iteration.

* squaring the number "1111" yields "1234321", which can be written

as "01234321", an 8-digit number being the square of a 4-digit

number. This gives "2343" as the "random" number. Repeating this

procedure gives "4896" as the next result, and so on.

ON RANDOMNESS Randomization Algorithms

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1.) Blum Blum Shub (cryptographically sound, but slow)

2.) Mersenne Twister

- fast with good statistical properties,

- used when cyptography is not an issue

- used in Python

3.) Linear Congruential Generator

- commonly-used in compilers

and many, many others

ON RANDOMNESS Randomization Algorithms

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ON RANDOMNESS Randomization Algorithms

2.) Mersenne Twister Algorithm

is based on a matrix linear recurrence over a finite binary field

provides for fast generation of very high-quality pseudorandom

numbers, having been designed specifically to rectify many of the

flaws found in older algorithms.

used in PHP, Ruby and Python

name derives from the fact that period length is chosen to be a

Mersenne prime

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ON RANDOMNESS Mersenne Twister Algorithm

2.) Mersenne Twister Algorithm

It has a very long period of 219937 − 1. While a long period is

not a guarantee of quality in a random number generator, short

periods (such as the 232 common in many software packages)

can be problematic.

It is k-distributed to 32-bit accuracy for every 1 ≤ k ≤ 623

It passes numerous tests for statistical randomness, including the

Diehard tests. It passes most, but not all, of the even more

stringent TestU01 Crush randomness tests.

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# Create a length 624 list to store the state of the generator

MT = [0 for i in xrange(624)]

index = 0

# To get last 32 bits

bitmask_1 = (2 ** 32) - 1

# To get 32. bit

bitmask_2 = 2 ** 31

# To get last 31 bits

bitmask_3 = (2 ** 31) - 1

2.) Mersenne Twister Algorithm

(as used in the random module of Python)

ON RANDOMNESS Mersenne Twister Algorithm

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def initialize_generator(seed):

"Initialize the generator from a seed"

global MT

global bitmask_1

MT[0] = seed

for i in xrange(1,624):

MT[i] = ((1812433253 * MT[i-1]) ^ ((MT[i-1] >> 30) + i)) &


ON RANDOMNESS Mersenne Twister Algorithm

2.) Mersenne Twister Algorithm

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def extract_number():

""“ Extract a tempered pseudorandom number based on the index-

th value, calling generate_numbers() every 624 numbers ""“

global index

global MT

if index == 0:


y = MT[index]

y ^= y >> 11

y ^= (y << 7) & 2636928640

y ^= (y << 15) & 4022730752

y ^= y >> 18

index = (index + 1) % 624

return y

ON RANDOMNESS Mersenne Twister Algorithm

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def generate_numbers():

"Generate an array of 624 untempered numbers"

global MT

for i in xrange(624):

y = (MT[i] & bitmask_2) + (MT[(i + 1 ) % 624] & bitmask_3)

MT[i] = MT[(i + 397) % 624] ^ (y >> 1)

if y % 2 != 0:

MT[i] ^= 2567483615

if __name__ == "__main__":

from datetime import datetime

now =


for i in xrange(100):

"Print 100 random numbers as an example"

print extract_number()

ON RANDOMNESS Mersenne Twister Algorithm

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ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

3.) Linear Congruential Generator

represents one of the oldest and best-known pseudorandom number

generator algorithms.

the theory behind them is easy to understand, and they are easily

implemented and fast.

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3.) Linear Congruential Generator

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

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3.) Linear Congruential Generator

The basic idea is to multiply the last number with a factor a, add a

constant c and then modulate it by m.

Xn+1 = (aXn + c) mod m.

where X0 is the seed.

ON RANDOMNESS Randomization Algorithms

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Random Seed

* a number (or vector) used to initialize a pseudorandom number


* crucial in the field of computer security.

* having the seed will allow one to obtain the secret encryption key

in a pseudorandomly generated encryption values


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Random Seed

* two or more systems using matching pseudorandom number

algorithms and matching seeds can generate matching sequences of

non-repeating numbers which can be used to synchronize remote

systems, such as GPS satellites and receivers.


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a = 3

c = 9

m = 16

xi = 0

def seed(x):

global xi

xi = x

def rng():

global xi

xi = (a*xi + c) % m

return xi

for i in range(10):

print rng()

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator




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LCG (Standard Parameters)

Good One

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

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a = 25214903917

c = 11

m = 2**48

xi = 1000

def seed(x):

global xi

xi = x

def rng():

global xi

xi = (a*xi + c) % m

return xi

def rng_bounded(low, high):

return low + rng()%(high - low+1)

for i in range(10):

rng_bounded(1, 10)




ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Page 22: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

MINSTD by Park & Miller (1988)

known as the Minimal Standard Random number generator

a very good set of parameters for LCG:

m = 231 − 1 = 2,147,483,647 (a Mersenne prime M31)

a = 75 = 16,807 (a primitive root modulo M31)

c = 0

often the generator that used for the built in random number function in

compilers and other software packages.

used in Apple CarbonLib, a procedural API for developing Mac OS X


ON RANDOMNESS Minimal Standard

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a = 7**5

c = 0

m = 2**31 - 1

xi = 1000

def seed(x):

global xi

xi = x

def rng():

global xi

xi = (a*xi + c) % m

return xi

def rng_bounded(low, high):

return low + rng() % (high - low+1)

for i in range(10):

rng_bounded(1, 2)




ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Page 24: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

from __ future__ import division

if __name__ == '__main__':


a = 7**5

c = 0

m = 2**31 - 1

xi = 1000

def seed(x):

global xi

xi = x

def rng():

global xi

xi = (a*xi + c) % m

return xi

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 1 Coin


(1 million times)

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def rng_bounded(low, high):

return low + rng() % (high - low+1)

(heads, tails, count) = (0, 0, 0)

for i in range (1, 1000001):

count += 1

coin rng_bounded(1,2)

if coin == 1:

heads += 1


tails += 1

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 1 Coin


(1 million times)

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print "heads is ", heads/count

print "tails is ", tails/countTossing 1 Coin


(1 million times)

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

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from __ future__ import division

import random

if __name__ == '__main__':


(heads, tails, count) = (0, 0, 0)


for i in range (1,1000001):

count +=1

coin = random.randrange(1,3)

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 1 Coin

using Python randrange()

(1 million times)

Page 28: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

if coin == 1:

heads += 1


tails += 1

print "heads is ", heads/count

print "tails is ", tails/count

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 1 Coin

using Python randrange()

(1 million times)

Page 29: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

from __ future__ import division

if __name__ == '__main__':


a = 7**5

c = 0

m = 2**31 - 1

xi = 1000

def seed(x):

global xi

xi = x

def rng():

global xi

xi = (a*xi + c) % m

return xi

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 2 Coins


(1 million times)

Page 30: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

def rng_bounded(low, high):

return low + rng() % (high - low+1)

(heads, tails, combo, count) = (0, 0, 0, 0)

for i in range (1,1000001):

count += 1

coin1 = rng_bounded(1,2)

coin2 = rng_bounded(1,2)

sum = coin1 + coin2

if sum == 2:

heads += 1

elif sum == 4:

tails += 1


combo += 1

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 2 Coins


(1 million times)

Page 31: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

print "head is ", heads/count

print "tail is ", tails/count

print "combo is ", combo/count

Tossing 2 Coins


(1 million times)

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Page 32: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

from __ future__ import division

import random

if __name__ == '__main__':


(heads, tails, combo, count) = (0, 0, 0, 0)


for i in range (1,1000001):

count +=1

coin1 = random.randrange(1,3)

coin2 = random.randrange(1,3)

sum = coin1 + coin2

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 2 Coins

using Python randrange()

(1 million times)

Page 33: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

if sum == 2:

heads += 1

elif sum == 4:

tails += 1


combo += 1

print "head is ", heads/count

print "tail is ", tails/count

print "combo is ", combo/count

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 2 Coins

using Python randrange()

(1 million times)

Page 34: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

ON RANDOMNESS Results Summary

Tossing 1 Coin using LCG MINSTD vs Python randrange() (1 million times)

Tossing 2 Coins using LCG MINSTD vs Python randrange() (1 million times)

A l m o s t S i m i l a r Re s u l t s

Page 35: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 1 Coin using LCG MINSTD (1000 times)

More Elegant Way (Using List)

Page 36: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

from __future__ import division

if __name__ == '__main__':


xi = 1000

def seed(x):

global xi

xi = x

def rng(a=7**5, c=0, m = 2**31 - 1):

global xi

xi = (a*xi + c) % m

return xi

def rng_bounded(low, high):

return low + rng() % (high - low+1)

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 2 Coins


(1 million times)

More Elegant Way

(Using List)

Page 37: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness

tosses = []

for i in range (1, 1000001):

tosses += [rngNiRanie(1, 2) + rngNiRanie(1, 2)]

print "heads count is ", tosses.count(2) / len(tosses)

print "tails count is ", tosses.count(4) / len(tosses)

print "combo count is ", tosses.count(3) / len(tosses)

ON RANDOMNESS Linear Congruential Generator

Tossing 2 Coins


(1 million times)

More Elegant Way

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a = 25214903917

c = 11

m = 2**48

xi = 1000

def seed(x):

global xi

xi = x

def rng():

global xi

xi = (a*xi + c) % m

return xi

def ranie(lowerBound, upperBound):

#ano laman nito? #

for i in range(10):


Page 40: Python Programming - IX. On Randomness


Deitel, Deitel, Liperi, and Wiedermann - Python: How to Program (2001).

Disclaimer: Most of the images/information used here have no proper source citation, and I do

not claim ownership of these either. I don’t want to reinvent the wheel, and I just want to reuse

and reintegrate materials that I think are useful or cool, then present them in another light,

form, or perspective. Moreover, the images/information here are mainly used for

illustration/educational purposes only, in the spirit of openness of data, spreading light, and

empowering people with knowledge.
