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Page 1: Puthota Family

1 June-September 2009

Editorial 2

A Thought from the Rector Major 3

Fr Provincial pays homage to Fr Benji 5

Reminiscing Fr Benji’s last days inHyderabad and Chennai 8

Sketching the ‘Puthota’ family tree 11

Chronological List of Foundations 13

Voices from the heart 14

Timeline 20

A Modern Salesian Oratory 21

Women at Pulidindi 22

Snippets… 24

Salesian Local News 26

National News 30

International News 31


Editor: Fr Thathireddy Bhaskar SDB

E-mail: [email protected]

Layout: Ms Sheeba & Mr Salva Reddy C

Printed at: DB Press, Guntur-522007


Sincere thanks to

Fr Alex Jeyaraj,the former editor…

God bless you

for your

hard work


creative efforts

as editor

during the past year.

We pray you have

an enriching



ministry ahead!

Page 2: Puthota Family

2June-September 2009


There are many great people in the world, yet only those who make a difference in the lives

of others, are immortal. Today we mourn the earthly loss of one such great personalities:

Fr Benjamin Puthota, our first Provincial. Being a true son of Don Bosco and passionately

in love with his Salesian vocation, he definitely leaves an irreplaceable vacuum in our


Normally on the title page of every journal or magazine, there runs the following text:

‘The views expressed in the articles herein do not necessarily reflect the mind or view of

the editorial board and publishers.’ Perhaps for once, this tag would be irrelevant, for the

tribute we offer to Fr Benji in the following pages. Through this issue of the Kaburlu, we

pay homage to this great son of Don Bosco and gratefully acknowledge his gracious

presence in our personal lives, our communities and our Province at large.

Immortality is attained not merely by doing great deeds. It is something that is achieved by

making those great deeds outlive ourselves and in the service of humanity. It is for this we

remember Fr Benji; we remember him not only for what he did for us, but what he made of

us. I still remember his pet phrases, ‘Keep the Province flag high’ and 'You are the columns

of the Province' to all of us when we were students of philosophy and theology. It was

through such inspirational words, letters, conferences and actions that he challenged us

to give our best for Christ, Don Bosco and the youth. Transcending personal likes and

dislikes, he inspired us – and continues to do so, even today – to place the common good of

the Church, Congregation and the other before our individual choices. As for his personal

touch, I kept it a secret that he loved me the most, until I realized that I am one of the many

who felt the same. Probably this was how Don Bosco was. Every boy felt that he was loved

most by him. True indeed, Fr Benji was a true son of Don Bosco - his double.

The present volume features facts, figures, testimonies, history and accomplishments of

our dear Fr Benji. This issue also features two reflections (and concrete interventions) in

our apostolate in transforming the society in which we live. At a time when called to

explore and refresh our concept of ‘new frontiers’ these interventions act as signposts.

Last of all, as I take up this delicate task entrusted to me by the Province, a sincere ‘thanks’,

on behalf of the Province, to Fr Alex Jeyaraj, the former editor. We wish him a fruitful

ministry in Italy!

Fr Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar

Editorial ...@

Page 3: Puthota Family

3 June-September 2009

...Message of the Rector Major

[…] I am really moved when I think about

this Don Bosco: I see a man who let himself

be guided by the Spirit, who was convinced

that he had a mission that the Lord had

entrusted to him, that he needed to involve

others in this adventure of his. Notice the

greatness of Don Bosco: he begins his work

making his boys the protagonists, making

them become his most significant and

closest collaborators. It is said that at the

oratory there was a cleric older than Michael

Rua. And nonetheless Don Bosco, having

great fondness for and confidence in him

entrusted to him the care of the boys who

were living in /boarders. These boys had

great affection for Don Rua because they

saw in him a true reflection of Don Bosco. I

think that the real greatness of Don Bosco

was this: making his boys not only

collaborators but his “co-founders”!

For this reason it frightens  me a bit when

we talk about the urgent need to have

vocations, but we don’t have the courage

to do what our Father did: put the young at

the centre, make them the protagonists: this

is the greatness and the unity of the


Often I ask myself why is the Rector Major

loved so much all

over the Salesian

world? Why has

the Congregation

not split after 150

years? Because its

sons, who have

inherited it, have

received it as a

A Thought from the Rector Major

priceless patrimony, and have succeeded

in setting it up so well, following in the

footsteps and the intuition of Don Bosco

believing in the young, making them real

protagonists, co-responsible not only for

their own education but capable of taking

in hand the scenario of the world and of

history. It was Don Bosco’s  conviction: one

of his boys was his first successor. A second

was the first Bishop and then Cardinal, one

was the youngest non-martyr saint. Look

what Don Bosco did! Just so. It all began

one 25th of March, on a day like today: Don

Bosco called a young man Michael Rua.

Who would have thought that that event

would have changed the lives of thousands

and thousands of youngsters?

I’d like to read you

this message I

received among

the hundreds of e-

mails, that has

been arriving.

“Dear Rector

Major, I am Piero,

a boy from the

An Extract from the Goodnight given by Fr Pascual Chavez to the GC 26members on the night of his re-election as the Rector Major of the Salesians of

Don Bosco (March 25, 2008)

When I called him on the telephone and told

him, “I need you,” this same former Provincial’s

reply was: “Tell me where I have to go.” “I need

you in Turkey …” And he: “When do I have to

be there?”

Dear Confreres, this is what will make the

Congregation great: availability for the mission.

Page 4: Puthota Family

4June-September 2009

oratory at Schio (Vicenza) who has had the

opportunity and the good fortune to meet

you a couple of times. The first when you

came to our oratory on that surprise visit

when we exchanged a few words, the

second when I went to see you in Rome,

with my friends from the Salesian Youth

Movement  in November 2007, and we ate

at the same table … I writing to you

especially to offer my congratulations on

your re-election as Rector Major. … I read

and heard recently about your still great wish

to return to the young. I like your work and

what you are doing for us Don Bosco’s

youngsters of the third millennium. I hope

you continue this way and are able to do

things and get your Congregation to do

things as it was at the beginning, in the

1800s. There’s a need for this, and I, in my

small way feel the desire to know better and

better the one who made me fall in love with


Just listen how a youngster talks about Don

Bosco?! This is the greatness of Don Bosco.

See why this circumstance of the election

on this 25th of March is very significant for

me. I’d like to finish this Good Night by telling

you on what the future of our Congregation

– and not just for the next six years – could


Above all, a love for Don Bosco and for the

young that is translated in total availability

for the mission. Total availability. I love to

remember that when a Provincial was near

the end of his six-year period, Fr Viganò

told him: “Come here to the UPS”; and at

the end of this second six-year period: “Go

now to that new Province”; and afterwards

“Go as Delegate to that other country.”

When I called him on the telephone and told

him, “I need you,” this same former

Provincial’s reply was: “Tell me where I have

to go.” “I need you in Turkey …” And he:

“When do I have to be there?”

Dear Confreres, this is what will make the

Congregation great: availability for the

mission. At all levels. There are some here

among you who when I called them as

Rector Major, to tell them that the

Congregation needed them in this or that

part of the world, replied with simplicity and

with total availability: “If the Rector Major

thinks so … If Don Bosco asks…”. More

than one confrere said to me: “I’ve done so

much to further my academic life, now I’ll

make myself available for the Congregation

today; perhaps I can serve it more directly

in some other way.” The Congregation has

been made great by a host of Salesians who

have lived their lives with an absolute

availability for the mission.

A second thing seems to me to be very

important along with this great sense of

mission: cultivating like Don Bosco one

single great concern: that for the glory of

God and the salvation of souls. Not looking

for anything else. The glory of God and the

salvation of souls. This was the expression

that for Don Bosco summed up everything,

and that was at the heart of his apostolic

and missionary zeal. This ought to be the

mission that draws us, that makes us get

up every morning and leads us to work

untiringly. And so on day after day.

Finally, a life lived with the awareness that

the Spirit dwells within us; that we are called

to live intensely Salesian spirituality; that

same spirituality that has been so fruitful in

our history. In fact it should be enough to

recall how many members of the Salesian

Family, living precisely that spirituality, have

reached holiness.

That is what I wanted to say to you, dear

Confreres. Thank you very much…

Rome, 25 March 2008

Fr Pascual Chávez VillanuevaRector Major

...Message of the Rector Major

Page 5: Puthota Family

5 June-September 2009

...Message of the Provincial

Dear Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Confreres,

relatives of Fr Benji, Members of the

Salesian Family, Friends and young


We are here today to give thanks to God

for our beloved Fr Benjamin Puthota, who

responded to the voice of the Lord who

called him to commit his whole life with Don

Bosco in the Congregation. As we

commend to the Lord Fr Benji, with all his

life of faith and service to the gospel and

the path he traced out in the footsteps of

Don Bosco, we pray on his behalf for the

reward promised to the faithful servant:

forgiveness, joy, light and eternal peace, a

reawakening to the glory of the resurrection,

so that he might contemplate forever the

face of God.

Fr Benji’s sudden demise reminds me of

the passage from St Luke’s gospel: "See

that you are dressed for action and have

your lamps lit; be like men waiting for their

master to return from the wedding feast,

ready to open the

door as soon as he

comes and knocks."

Our Rector Major,

Rev. Fr Pascual

Chavez in his recent

visit to Istanbul,

announced to the

public gathering

there, that the best

gift he could give to

Turkey was none

other than Fr



Benjamin Puthota. Today if he were here

he would have said Fr Benjamin is a great

son of Don Bosco and a stalwart and one

of the greatest gifts God has given to

Salesians of Don Bosco in the South Asian

region. He has been a gift of God to all

wherever he was sent.

Having come to know Fr Benji more closely

over the years in the service of animation

and government of the Congregation, I am

convinced that he deserves that blessing

reserved for those who wait for the Lord,

faithfully carrying out what they have been

given to do: "Happy that servant if his

master ’s arrival finds him at this


He was the first Salesian to set foot on the

soil of Andhra Pradesh, the first Salesian

Rector of our Hyderabad Province and the

first Salesian Provincial of the Province of

Hyderabad. Fr Benjamin Puthota leaves

behind a great legacy of a heroic

charismatic fervour for all of us to admire

and imitate. In his

life time he touched

us in so many ways.

We shared his gift of

Faith. We have

been lifted up by his

enthusiasm and

cheered by his smile

and humour and

warmed by his


Thanks to his

c h a r i s m a t i c

personality, theFr Benjamin with Fr Noel and Fr Balaswamy

Page 6: Puthota Family

6June-September 2009

name ‘Benji’ is immortalized! The very

mention of that name lights up the

atmosphere. It commands respect and

showers affection. It stands for one we knew

with a beaming smile, sparkling eyes and a

charming word. As someone put it rightly,

“The one and only Fr Benji is no more!”

Another living Don Bosco has called it day!!

Exactly a month ago he preached a retreat

to the Rectors of my province with all vigour

– something typical of him. Later on 22

August I came to Chennai to bless a

wedding. As Fr Benji was also invited I

asked him to preach the homily. He spoke

eloquently as ever. During the sign of peace

he made sure to shake hands with every

one. After the Holy Eucharist he met a lot of

people and later just vanished. That was

my last glimpse of him …

Among the many messages of condolence

which continue to pour in I would like to read

a mail from one of my friends, which

touched me much:

Everyday before I start my work I go on to

the Hyderabad website and read the latest

news and then resume to do my work, today

when I opened I saw Fr Benji’s photograph

with the floral decoration I saw his image

and I took for granted it will be some jubilee

celebrations. Unconsciously something

rang a bell within me asking me to look at it

again and lo I saw the RIP, and my heart

simply sank with deep sorrow. If affects me

deeply and I have not got over the sadness

mainly because he was somebody very

close to you, as you looked upon him like a

father, friend and a guide.

He was like Don Bosco, every salesian who

passed through his shadow will say, “Benji

loves me!” I have only seen him several

times when he visited the communities

where I lived. But through salesians I have

heard a great deal about him, his goodness

radiated in the mouths that spoke about him.

They used to mention that he had soft

corner and special consideration for

Salesians who were in trouble, like a mother

he would soothe and protect them. He

affected many hearts in many different


He, certainly, is now smiling for ever, full of

light, of joy, of love. We however, feel his

absence. We shall miss his smile, his

laughter, his shrewdness, his cheerfulness,

his humility, his evangelical simplicity, his

strong sense of being a Salesian, his love

for Mother Mary, St Joseph and Don Bosco

and the Congregation. I am sure that his

death and his intercession will bear fruit.

A Great Salesian

His Salesian qualities are innumerable, and

they are worth emulating: his loyalty to Don

Bosco and his charisma, his love for the

missions, his love for the boys, his tireless

work, his spirit of joy and optimism. His

enthusiasm and zest for life did not know

limits. There was a contagious joy on his

face. He carried with him a sense of wonder,

humour and admiration. He had a

contagious smile on him, and he laughed

loud, radiating his enthusiasm to all those

who lived with him. None of these qualities

diminished with age.

A Pastoral Heart

Whatever be the task he was given he

revealed his great pastoral zeal and love

for the confreres and people to whom the

Lord entrusted him. He was a pastor who

knew his flock, and like the good shepherd

he sought that which was lost, and brought

back that which was driven away, and bound

...Message of the Provincial

Page 7: Puthota Family

7 June-September 2009

up that which was broken, and strengthened

that which was sick (Cf. Ez 34:16).

A True son of Don Bosco

His love for the Church, for Don Bosco and

the congregation was proverbial. All who

know him well would testify that he spoke

of Don Bosco and the congregation in

season and out of season. His heart was lit

with the fire of passion, full of Don Bosco

and his great zeal for souls. This zeal was

expressed in his love for the missions and

for his people. He made it a point to keep

abreast with documents concerning the

congregation and the Church.

As a true son of Don Bosco, he imbibed a

filial devotion to our Blessed Mother. Never

ever have I heard him conclude any of his

talks, speeches or sermons without

mentioning ‘Don Bosco’ and ‘Mary’. These

were not merely words to be used but

something that rose from deep within him,

out of his sincere and strong conviction.

A man of prayer

Fr Benjamin Puthota was a man of deep

personal and community prayer. That he

valued prayer is evident from the

thoroughness with which he prepared for

and conducted the liturgical services. His

prayer was joyful, an overflow of his own

inner spiritual disposition. The Rosary and

personal prayer became his constant

moments of communion with the Lord whom

he loved with all his heart. It was expressed

also in his total resignation to the will of the

Lord in his daily life.

A daring Dynamic Pioneering leader

Everyone was amazed at the prolific phase

he established the formation houses and

the basic infrastructure of The Salesian

Province of Hyderabad as its first Provincial.

Everyone has only words of praise for the

well planned provincial house. It still remains

the best among the South Asian region.

Appreciating his leadership qualities some

secular friends perceived in him the qualities

of a CEO of a corporate firm. In all his daring

initiatives and times of crisis he would turn

to intercede to his beloved patron St Joseph

who never failed him. This was very evident

as he chose St Joseph as the patron saint

of both the Province of Hyderabad and the

Vice Province of Sri Lanka.

We all know well who Fr Benji was to us

and to the congregation and the Church.

More than sing the praises of Fr Benji’s

virtues, I want to thank the Lord, together

with all of you for having given him to us,

and to acknowledge the good that he,

through the grace of God, has done in the

Church and in the Congregation.

Indeed his profound love for Christ and his

Priesthood, his passion for Don Bosco and

everything Salesian, his filial attachment to

Mary Help of Christians, his trust in St

Joseph, his daring leadership abilities, his

eloquence and sharp knowledge of facts

and above all, his knack at striking a

personal rapport with all who meet him have

made of him a legend and a household

name! Fr Benji a cuddly name, an

affectionate name.

And today as we bid you goodbye, we would

like to say we will miss you. You meant a

lot to us and we continue to look upto you

to inspire us, guide us and challenge us… !

Thank you dear Fr Benji! May you enjoy

eternal light, love and life in the presence

of the Heavenly Father !!!

Fr Maddhichetty Noel


...Message of the Provincial

Page 8: Puthota Family

8June-September 2009

Salesian India

literally woke up to

a shocking and sad

news on August 28,

2009: the news that

Fr Benjamin

Puthota breathed

his last. The fact

that he was amidst

us just a couple of

days ago in the pink

of his health and as

robust and

enthusiastic as he

always was, made

the news

unbelievable. Moreover, he himself told Fr

Paul Bosco and Br Julian Santi (confreres

of Chennai Province), just before his

departure to Turkey, that the doctors had

given him a clean medical fitness certificate.

But the fact remained; he had a cardiac

arrest on August 27, 2009 sometime late

evening (IST 22.00 hrs) while with his

community members. They were

rearranging their living quarters in the new

building when Fr Benji just collapsed and

fell to the ground. Before anyone knew what

was happening he was no more.

Fr Benjamin Puthota, was the 7th Provincial

of the Salesian Province of Chennai (then

Madras, 1976-1982) and the first Provincial

of the Salesian Province of Hyderabad

(1992-1998), besides being the Delegate

of the Sri Lankan Delegation from 1999-

2003. He was also the administrator at UPS,

Rome from 1982-1992. Born on January 5,

1932 at Keelacherry, Tamilnadu, he made

his First Profession on May 24, 1952 at

Reminiscing Fr Benji’s last days in

Hyderabad and Chennai…Kotagiri and was

ordained a priest on

June 29, 1962. His

deep love for

Mother Mary,

passionate love for

Don Bosco and his

Salesian vocation

nurtured by an

ardent devotion to

St Joseph and a

preferential option

for the poor, gave

him a special gift to

get along with

confreres and in

getting the best out of them for the good of


After completing his term as the first

Provincial of Hyderabad in 1998 he was

asked to go to Sri Lanka and in 1999 was

appointed delegate of the Sri Lankan

delegation, a responsibility he carried out

in his characteristic style. In 2003 he was

called upon by Fr Pascual Chavez, the

Rector Major himself, to go to Turkey,

Istanbul. Our Province was blessed with his

visits – though for a short while – from time

to time. He also made it a point to be here

in India for the Centenary celebrations of

Salesian presence in India. With the Rector

Major he was present also for the Province

level celebrations we had in February 2006.

His last and longest visit since then was the

most recent one, when he was here to

preach the retreat for the leaders of the

communities and others in the last week of

July 2009. Just before reaching Hyderabad

he made a brief visit to the north-east to

Fr Benji's last days...

Fr Benji preaching the retreat in Hyderabad

Page 9: Puthota Family

9 June-September 2009

say ‘hello’ to his batchmates who had

gathered for a meeting in Kolkata.

He arrived in Hyderabad on July 25, 2009

from Chennai having preached the retreat

for the Rectors of Chennai Province. During

the nine days he spent in the Province,

besides preaching the retreat, he visited

quite a few confreres, communities and

friends, in and around the city of Hyderabad.

He met old acquaintances, fellow confreres

and collaborators, had meals with them in

their communities and houses and was

keen on meeting

more people – but

was certain that he

wanted to be back

home well on time to

rest for the night! On

the last day of the

retreat he even

made a dashing visit

to Don Bosco

Academy, Nalgonda.

On July 26, 2009

when he visited the

Church (under

construction) at St

T h e r e s a ’ s ,

Sanathnagar, he even addressed the

Salesian Cooperators unit there. He was all

praise about the adoration Chapel and its

regular use too. The two Sundays that he

was in Hyderabad he presided over the

Sunday English masses at Don Bosco

Shrine, Bandlaguda. In fact, the Provincial

house chapel was the parish church for

several years before the Shrine came up.

Parishoners, especially youngsters (who

were then children and part of his choir or

altar servers) made it a point to attend his

Mass and stay long enough to have a word

with him. And he remembered not just their

names and faces but their parents and

pranks too. They simply loved him for that.

As for the retreat that he preached, he was

well prepared – as ever. This time he had

got ready all his talks as presentations with

the help of his young friends back in Turkey.

The theme was nothing new to him – the

same as that of the GC 26. Listening to him,

the retreatants were reminded of his days

when he was the Provincial – the same

style, passion and clarity. The stingers that

he occasionally let go, to remind all about

the basics of religious and Salesian life, will

long be remembered by the Rectors and

other participants.

On August 3, 2009

was his flight back to

Chennai. Fr Noel, the

Provincial and Br

C a s t i l i n o

accompanied him to

the airport and saw

him off. He had a

bear hug reserved

for them both he

before went in. Back

in Chennai he made

it a point to meet

quite a few of his

relatives. Confreres,

who were far away, somehow had a ‘good’

reason to come to the city those days –

basically to meet him! Fr Benji expressed

his desire to visit some of the new

presences in Chennai and Fr Stannislaus,

the Provincial of Chennai, gladly facilitated

this. He even accompanied him on these


On 8th August 2009, he was one of the

resource persons for the Chennai Province

Young Priests’ Meeting held at Don Bosco

Youth Animation Centre (DBYAC) Ennore.

At the very outset he expressed his

immense love for his Mother Province,

Madras. Speaking on the theme of

Priesthood, in this year of the Priest, he said

...Fr Benji's last days

Salesian confreres around the mortalremains of Fr Benji

Page 10: Puthota Family

10June-September 2009

that he sincerely loved his Salesian priestly

vocation and never regretted his choice. He

was a happy and contented priest and

always left his decisions to the will of God

and the superiors. He said that about 96%

of the priests were good and only a meager

4% were not up to the mark. Still the mass

media publicized so much about this 4%

forgetting about the other 98% - comparing

this to a forest where a thousand trees grow

healthily in silence, while one may fall down

with a great thud - and everyone takes

notice only of the fallen one! He said that

as priests of the third millennium, there are

and will be numerous problems of a varied

nature, but in all this, a priest needs to purify

the culture and not pollute it.

He said that Love is the essence of the

Preventive System. Every priest needs to

radiate joy and sanctity. We need to become

more like Jesus day by day. Every priest

needs to take his pastoral ministry and to

be ready to break ourselves to spread the

Word. We Salesians, he said, have at our

disposal, numerous institutions, which are

our ‘boats’ on a stormy sea, viz. our society.

Therefore, though living in communities,

may be for some of us the biggest penance,

and our House Councils, may be seen as

‘obstacles’ to what some may consider

growth and expansion in the Mission, still,

for us Salesians, we must always

remember, especially us priests, that we are

‘consecrated’ to Him and for Him, and that

the priesthood is not a profession but a ‘gift’

and a ‘mystery’ which should make us

acquire a spirituality of the Incarnation,

because eventually, formation (initial or

ongoing) is becoming sensitive to the

actions of the Holy Spirit. Finally, he

exhorted the group to always follow Don

Bosco, nurture a love for the Madonna and

to reflect and see if Jesus Christ is the

primacy of our life and Mission.

In between addressing various groups of

Salesian confreres and visiting places, he

met several of his relatives in Chennai and

in his hometown too. He was really in a

holiday mood. Back at the Citadel

(Provincial House, Chennai), he was all

praise for the progress the Province made

ever since he was the Provincial. The new

structures in the campus, the manifold

increase in the number of confreres, the

new frontiers being explored and initiatives

being undertaken were all part of what made

Chennai province a ‘Glorious Province’, he

would say!

Early on August 25, 2009 he was dropped

at the airport and Fr Stan was there to see

him off. He reached back to his community

in Istanbul (Turkey) the same day and the

next to see him from India was Fr Maria

Charles (who flew from Delhi to accompany

him back to India) – by then he was already

asleep forever. The Province of Hyderabad

joined in a commemorative Requiem Mass

in his honour on August 31, 2009 at Don

Bosco Shrine, Hyderabad. His mortal

remains were brought back to Chennai,

India on September 2, 2009 – thanks to all

those confreres and friends who helped in

getting his body out of Turkey. There was a

special Mass at St Mary’s Church, Chennai

the same afternoon. Later in the evening

the body was shifted to Sacred Heart

College, Tirupattur where thousands of

people paid their last respects. On

September 3, 2009 the Funeral Mass was

held at Sacred Heart, Tirupattur after which

he was laid to rest at Don Bosco, Tirupattur,

the first Salesian cradle of India. For now,

Fr Benjamin, the beloved, rests in the


Fr Dominic Matthews (INM) &Br Vincent Castilino

Fr Benji's last days...

Page 11: Puthota Family

11 June-September 2009

Note from the editor:

To sketch the family tree of the Puthota family is

nothing less than a scientific work which involves

a thorough research of the genealogy,

geography, social, economic, cultural and most

importantly, the historical factors involved. None

the less what is produced here is an edited text

of some basic ground work. However, there are

no real proofs to validate what is presented or

no claims made whatsoever, through this text.

The only attempt is to make known and

understand the ‘rootedness’ of our dear Fr

Benjamin Puthota. Any intention above and

beyond this, is unwarranted.

Tracing back the origins

The information

of three centuries

of ‘Puthota

Family’ tells us

that they

belonged to

‘Gandi Kota’

area, a village that

still exists in Cuddapah District. Their

Gothram is ‘Sannaluru’. Their family

goddess was Zilli Pillelamma. Information

at hand tells that they lived in

Vaddinidivaripalem of Nellore district which

is also close to Paradarikota of Cuddapah

district. They were originally Hindus.

During the period of King Krishnadevaraya,

most of this family members enrolled

themselves in his army either as soldiers or

army officers. Therefore an indication that

they were physically strong, robust and

courageous people. As time passed by, like

everyone else, though this people became

physically a bit weak yet, this Puthota Family

retained their tender-heartedness. Thanks



to their strong determination, they were very

successful in their undertakings and were

a very hardworking lot.

Later on this group spread out into other

parts of Andhra (and Telangana) and also

into Madras state which was then called

Madras Presidency comprising of the

geographical area of Andhra Pradesh,

Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka as they

are now known to us. Their main occupation

remained agriculture.

Initiation into Christianity

In 1669 the French entered Andhra Pradesh

and settled in

Masilipatnam, a

port town with a

harbour. Along

with French

traders Christian

F r e n c h

M i s s i o n a r i e s

came to Andhra.

During this period a family of three brothers

Ankinidi, Ghenghinidi and Dhasanna lived

in Vaddinidivaripalem. Dhasanna’s wife was

a beautiful, good natured lady of fine

character. She had no children. This

psychologically upset her very much as it

was considered to be a curse to be barren.

In those years ‘purdah’ (veil) was in practice

for all the ladies. They were supposed to

be inside the house and never show their

faces to any outsider. But Dhasanna’s wife

in her deep sorrow would go out of their

house in search of some comfort from some

wise sages. Hence ladies of this family kept

her locked inside the house. But her

husband, Dhasanna was very considerate

As time passed by, like everyone else, though

this people became physically a bit weak yet, this

Puthota Family retained their tender-heartedness.

Thanks to their strong determination, they were

very successful in their undertakings and were a

very hardworking lot.

...The 'Puthota' family tree

Page 12: Puthota Family

12June-September 2009

and understanding man. He would take

special care of her, and hence did not let

her be locked up. He would rather

accompany her whenever she went out of

the house.

One day she went to Devanpalli village and

there she entered a catholic church

accidentally. A French priest was celebrating

Holy Mass and there she stood in that

church very devoutly till the end of the Mass,

as if she followed it. Her husband too stood

behind her piously and after Mass both went

up to that priest. After exchanging

pleasantries, they shared the sense of

peace and calm they felt in the Church and

during the ‘ceremony’. They poured out their

sorrow before the Priest and finally asked

for his blessing. When asked as to what

would be the way to get rid of the ‘curse’ of

barrenness, the Priest catechized them

about the healing power in the name of

Jesus Christ. Thus began their regular

pilgrimage to the Church and in the process

gained greater knowledge of Jesus and His

Gospel. The fact that Dhasanna’s wife

conceived and was pregnant, further

strengthened their desire to become

Catholics. Soon they asked for baptism and

were then baptized as Catholics.

The exodus

Later the couple returned to their village all

jubilant and shared their experience with all

their family members. All were happy about

the physical healing of their sister-in-law but

they were angry over their conversion to an

unknown God and insisted that they re-

convert to Hinduism. But the couple did not

yield to their pressure, and soon were

ostracized from the joint family. Having no

where else to go, they returned to


After sometime the elder brothers of

Dhasanna, with their families, became

Catholics too. Dhasanna had no issues. The

whereabouts of Ghenghinidi family’s are not

known. Ankinidi had nine sons whose

names are not known to us. Yet one of his

grandson’s family tree is available. This

grandson also was called Dhasanna. This

Dhasanna’s father seem to have settled in

Krishna district, in Andhra in a place called

Parasatthallur, near Amaravathi. The

cousins of Ankinedu and Ghenghinidu, and

Dhasanna’s family are still Hindus, settled

in Nellore, Ananthapur and Cuddapah.

The elder Dhasanna had eight children

(sons). Of these, the eldest son Papiah’s

family and the other seven sons’ families

settled in Guntur district in places like

Ravipadu, Pathapalem, Kothapalem,

Kanaparru, Kesanupalli, Thallecheruvu,

Taththaluru, No.13 Thalluru, Patha

Reddipalaem, Katrapadu, Pethaparinmi,

Parsathalluru, Mussapuram, Sirupuram,

Nararaopeta, Guntur and in Warangal

district Narsampeta Taluk,

Thimmarayaaannapadu. In Nizam district

Bothan taluk, G.D. Jamilpur,Neelam, and in

Khammam district Nayannrolu,

Reddipalem. In Chingleput district in Madras

state they settled down in Kilachery, Pannur,

Valarpuram, Molasur in North Arcot district


Of the many reasons, the exodus from the

place of origin to the various other places

took place chiefly because of the

persecution wrought by the Nawab’s army

after it destroyed the church community in

1743. The converts chiefly went to settle in

Guntur and in Chingleput district. Some

others settled in Gandikota Sima in Guntur

Mandal, some others settled in

Parsathalluru, Narasaraopeeta and

Ravipadu. Another story that is famous is

that some of the Puthotas who came in

touch with Christianity while at Ravipadu

The 'Puthota' family tree...

Page 13: Puthota Family

13 June-September 2009

later settled down in Kambaladinna and

Zilleru village from where Fr Manenthe, a

missionary, took a group to Kilacherry. Most

of those who moved out of their native

places, for whatever reasons, and settled

down elsewhere, hardly returned to their

original place. The family then took roots

wherever they settled down. Some of them,

however returned, if only for a temporary

period, for marriage alliances.

By way of conclusion

In recent years these family members are

well educated, held/hold high offices;

several of their children have become

priests and religious. From the Guntur

region alone there are atleast 15 Puthota

Priests. We have strong reasons to believe

that the Puthota family which reached

Kilacherry and settled down there, is the

same family which gifted us with Fr

Benjamin Puthota. In all probability, Fr Benji

too would have been very much aware –

not only being aware, he must have known

much too – of these facts/theories. Whether

true or false, we cannot judge but one fact

is beyond doubt: that Fr Benji knew one

family, the family that he claimed to be part

of wherever he went and his commitment

to this family was total – the Salesian family!

The highest secular exam

that Fr Benji wrote was his

MA (English literature)

through correspondence in

the Bhagalpur University

in May 1963.

Good to know

Chronological list of presences/communities/houses started during

the time of Fr Benjamin Puthota

(1992 – 1998)

Don Bosco Youth Animation Centre

Hyderabad 1992

(Later shifted to BIRDY in 1996)

Bosco Institute of Electronics (BIE)

Hyderabad 1992

Bosco Seva Kendra (BSK)

Hyderabad 1992

Don Bosco Mission Complex

Mariapuram 1992

Don Bosco Complex - Parish

Wyra 1993

St John’s Minor Seminary

Rebbavaram 1993

(this was handed over to diocese of Khammam in 1997)

Don Bosco Parish Catholic Centre

Ponnur 1993

Navajeevan Bala Bhavan

Vijaywada 1993(Yuva Bhavan came up a year later)

OOTA - Legal Aid, PARA, BIRD

Justice and Peace Centre

Kurnool 1993

Sacred Heart Novitiate

Chandur 1993(It was shifted to Manoharabad in July 1995)

Provincial House, at its present location

Hyderabad 1994

Don Bosco Parish, Bandlaguda

Hyderabad 1995

Bosco Institute for Research and

Development of Youth (BIRDY)

Hyderabad 1996

Don Bosco Philosophate

Peddapendyala 1997

Don Bosco Mission, Raptadu

Anantapur 1997

Don Bosco Parish

Mariapuram 1998

...The 'Puthota' family tree

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14June-September 2009

Voices from the heart...

Voices from the heart...

Fr Benji reminds me of the biblical figure of the father of the prodigal son. He was so

loving and compassionate towards all especially to those who went to him for comfort. He

loved confreres so much that each one of us was convinced that he was ‘the Benjamin’ of

Fr Benji.

Fr Garlapati Kishore (Was initially a practical trainee at Chandur and Nuzvid and belonged to one of

the first groups of young clerics to be sent to Rome for theology and higher studies.)

The Archdiocese of Hyderabad fondly remembers his services towards the Church in

Andhra Pradesh and in particular to the Church in the

Archdiocese of Hyderabad. On behalf of the clergy, religious

and laity of the Archdiocese of Hyderabad I express deep

condolences to Salesian family.

Most Rev. Marampudi Joji (from the condolence message of the

Archbishop of Hyderabad who has known Fr Benji for more than two

decades, ever since he was the Bishop of Khammam)

Fr Benji was a very prudent person right since his

younger days. He never indulged in idle talk or gossip

or unhealthy grumbling, even as a young cleric.

Perhaps it was this characteristic that made him

concentrate better on serious matters. He knew what

was expected of him and did it to the best of his


He was never one to refuse what was asked of him

by his superiors, especially the Rector Major. Though Fr Vigano and Fr Vecchi were his

close friends, their requests were always the most primary tasks to be done with great

diligence. Though he was looking forward to a more peaceful and sober life, when Fr

Pascual Chavez asked him to take up the mission in Istanbul, he never hesitated.

If God the Father and even Mother Mary were to forsake him, his most beloved heavenly

patron, St Joseph would never refuse him! Such was his fervent faith in the head of the

holy Family. Whenever he began a major new work, it had to be under the patronage of St


Fr Panampara Abraham (Was the pioneer of Salesian mission in Andhra Pradesh along with Fr

Benji and Br Gabriel at Guntur in 1964. Later,he was in the Provincial Council – while being the

rector at PT Parru and Ponnur)

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15 June-September 2009

Father Benji had a great Salesian charisma about him, which permeated every place he

stepped into. He had this ‘flame’ with which he easily set ablaze our hearts for Don Bosco.

He had the Good Shepherd’s voice leading us through Blessed Virgin Mary to Jesus; truly

a visionary with a clear mission, Thanks for what he was, and …thanks for what is still to

come from him, from above.

Fr Cheruvathur James (Was appointed dean of studies at Don Bosco, Gunadala and later did a stint

as administrator of St Antony’s, Kadapa and finally was at Chandur as Vice Rector, Parish Priest,

Warden during 1992-1998)

From the year 1971 when I came to Guntur as a young Salesian Priest till his death I was in

touch with Fr Benji as my Rector, Vice Provincial and a confrere. I admire him for his wise

decisions and earnestness in executing them, overcoming all difficulties, trusting in the

Divine Providence. In fact he lived the motto of Archbishop Mathias: ‘Dare and hope’.

Indeed he held no grudges against anyone and in return was loved by all.

Fr Chinnappa Thomas (An old friend and trusted collaborator, who was at Punganur during 1992-

1998. He was also a member of the first Provincial Council)

...Voices from the heart

Fr Benji was a very lovable and affectionate person. He related with everyone as his special

friend and father. He took the first step to relate with people and made them feel at home

in his company. He was a man of credibility. He gave respect and commanded respect. He

gently supported many clerics and helped many to overcome the difficulties especially

during their practical training period. He will remain as the living hallmark of Salesian

charism and joy, especially for me.

Fr Mallavarapu Rayanna (One of those young clerics then, to be sent for studies in Philosophy to JDV, Pune)

Along with you we thank God for the gift of him for he served so many years in the family

of Salesians. Thousands of people have experienced God’s love and care through him. We

have great joy and appreciation for his selfless and committed service.

Sr Clementa SAP (St Ann’s Provincialate, Visakhapatnam)

Fr Benji was a true Salesian who loved Don Bosco and the Salesian Congregation. He

loved youth and tried to provide the best for them. He had a deep knowledge of Don

Bosco and was a good animator. He was an able organizer and could get things done. His

love for Don Bosco was so much that he was willing to go to any part of the world, ready

to make any sacrifice for the growth of the Congregation.

Fr Manthuruthil Abraham (Served as Administrator, Parish Priest and was subsequently made Rector

at PT Parru, all during the term of Fr Benji)

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16June-September 2009

He was a very good man who made no

distinctions or differences between anyone. He

had a very kind and generous heart too. Whenever

we staff members were in any difficulty, he would

sense it before hand and be the first to come

forward to help. The opportunity that he gave

me to work in the Provincial house changed my

life immensely. It was he who told me to join for

the house keeping work in the Provincial house

and I will ever be grateful to him for that generous offer.

Ms Venkayamma (Has known Fr Benji since the time the Provincial house was being constructed in 1993)

Fr Benji was a very prayerful person who loved Mary and St Joseph. The best I liked in him

was his encouraging nature. He was always enthusiastic about boosting the confidence of

young confreres and he had a grace in doing so. I also liked him very much for he was very

reasonable in his approach to any situation in life.

Fr Vetakula Gnanam (His stint as a printer began at St Michael’s Boys’ Home, Guntur during the

term of Fr Benji’s leadership)

Fr Benjamin loved children and youth. He carried the young in his heart. He loved everybodyas a father. He worked like a young man with lot of enthusiasm and energy; a trustworthyand prudent confrere. Fr Benji was one of the most spiritually rich and complete confrerethat India had given to the Church and to the congregation.

Fr Frisoli Pier Fausto (Regional of Italy and Middle-East, during the funeral Mass of Fr Benji in Turkey)

Please accept our sincere condolences from all us Srs. of St Ann of Providence, specialnote from all the sisters who were helped by him in his time as Provincial. May his soul restin peace and may his tribe increase, a true son of Don Bosco, loved by us too.

Sr Monica Francis SAP (present Provincial Superior of the Secunderabad Province in her condolencemessage to the Province)

My personal experience with Fr Benji is unforgettable. I worked with him for five years. Allthose years I never saw him angry. He was always smiling and joyful. Though he was theProvincial he always interacted with the staff freely and was sensitive to our problems andneeds. Fr Benji never treated anyone like employees; we were always part of the family tohim. Even during his last visit he was the same Fr Benjamin whom I knew for so manyyears: joyful, sensitive and loving.

Ms Rani (Provincial House Staff – Accounts department… one of the first staff to be appointed atthe beginning of the Province)

Voices from the heart...

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17 June-September 2009

I, then as Provincial Councillor, got to know dear

Fr Benjamin in the early ninety’s when he and his

Council were a great help to us in drawing up our

Educational Pastoral Project etc. Ever since we got

to know him the bonds of friendship between our

two Religious families got stronger and our visits to

each other grew more frequent. He would

affectionately call us his aunties because of the

rapport Don Bosco had with our Marchioness Giulia

di Barolo. Most of our Sisters who worked in our

different Communities in the twin cities and have experienced his brotherly love and concern

will be pained by this great loss. He was indeed a man of great determination and dedication,

a shining example of humility and simplicity, a lover of the youth, especially the poor and

a great inspiration to us of conviction and commitment.

Sr Ernestine Fernandes (Superior General, Srs of St Ann of Providence, Rome)

Greetings of peace in the Lord from the diocese of Vijayawada! We are sorry to hear the

news about the demise of Fr Benjamin Puthota sdb.  My heartfelt condolences to all the

Salesian Priests of Hyderabad province.  May God grant eternal rest to Fr Benjamin

Puthota sdb.

Most Rev. Bp Prakash Mallavarapu (part of the condolence message of the Bishop of Vijayawada)

Fr Benji had a knack of making friendship in the first

contact. He would always strike as someone capable

of trust and would therefore build rapport within a

few moments of conversation. Moreover Fr Benji knew

how to keep alive that friendship and rapport in his

own characteristic ways.

His vision was always big. Small things never appealed

to him. He had his eyes set far beyond the here and

now. He would talk of how things would be 20 or 30

years from now. Fr Benji knew how to get the best out of his confreres for the good and

growth of the Province and the congregation. No matter how difficult a temperament or

how stubborn one could be, he would get him around to do what he wished and that too

willingly. Such was his power of persuasion and contagious zeal. His enthusiasm for life,

Don Bosco and the congregation too was inexhaustible and contagious!

Fr Medabalimi Balaswamy (Vice Provincial during Fr Benji's term)

...Voices from the heart

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18June-September 2009

It is very difficult to compare Fr Benjamin with

anyone or anyone to him. Every time I met him,

right since the time I joined the Bandlaguda Parish

till I met him recently after the weekday and

Sunday Holy Mass, he was the same: simple, jovial

and affectionate. In the Parish here, whenever we

heard that he is around, we eagerly looked forward

to meet and talk to him.

Mr Francis (a Parishioner at Don Bosco Shrine, Bandlaguda)

For me Benji was a man with a vision spurred on by his love for Don Bosco and the

congregation and he would go to any length to realize this vision whatever be the cost. He

would encourage and support anyone who shared this vision and the task at hand. They

knew that they could depend on him and he too depended on them, as he was a man who

could generate confidence. This would also mean that he was willing to apologize and ask

pardon of those whom he might have hurt.

He had a great concern for others. Those who confided in him with any problem- personal

or otherwise – always received support, encouragement and other helps. He always wished

to be kept informed and his helping hand would be ready at hand. I have personally felt his

deep concern for his collaborators. As Economer I had to go often to Karunapuram or

Manoharabad (the buildings were under construction) and return sometimes after 10 pm

and I was sure to find Benji waiting at the entrance even through it was his habit to retire to

bed by 9.00 pm.

Best of what I liked in him was his availability for the confreres. He would avoid spending

time or visiting his relations and dear ones and his time was totally for the confreres. Time

and space was never to be a barrier if anyone wanted to speak to him. Fr Benji has always

been an asset as an animator even after his term to enthuse us with his love for Don Bosco.

In his passing away we have lost a leader, able administrator and a loving friend.

Fr E J Mathew (The first Provincial Economer and close collaborator of Fr Benji, especially during his

term as Provincial)

His dynamism was contagious. He always thought big: big for Don Bosco, big for Mary

Help of Christians and big for God, with not even the faintest shading of self promotion.

In a lighter vein we can say that his trademark style would be: “Even if you are running a

brothel, make sure it is the best in town.”

Fr Pallithanam Thomas (The one who started PARA during Fr Benji’s tenure as Provincial)

Voices from the heart...

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19 June-September 2009

Fr Benji was a visionary who initiated several apostolates in the Province as the first Provincial.

Never one to flag in zeal, he relentlessly pursued what was good for the new Province and

encouraged others too to join in.

Br Chinnabathuni Gregory (The first Telugu Salesian Brother and a printer by profession)

It was a happy time that I can recall when Fr Benji was here as our Provincial. I still recall

his ever enthusiastic spirit, smiling face and personal touch to each and every one. It was a

joy to have him with us for those years in which we experienced God’s love tangibly through


Ms Maria (Receptionist at the Provincial House since its inauguration in 1994)

He was indeed a great and dynamic Salesian; very loving and affectionate in his rapport

with the confreres. May the Good Lord grant him everlasting Peace! Our heartfelt condolence

to the Provincial and Confreres of Hyderabad Province which has been blessed with his

pioneering leadership.

Fr Antony Earathara SDB (part of the condolence message on behalf of the Salesian Province of

Kolkata – INC)

During his recent visit to Chennai, Fr Benji with great confidence claimed to

have never missed celebrating Holy Mass ever, in his 47 years of Priesthood –

not a single day of his Priestly life!

Good to know

...Voices from the heart

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20June-September 2009


TimelineDate/year Event / Responsibility Place

05-01-1932 Born Kilachery, Tamil Nadu

15-01-1932 Baptism Kilachery, Tamil Nadu

09-02-1941 Confirmation Kilachery, Tamil Nadu

1950 High School Studies/ Sacred Heart Matriculation School,

Matriculation Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu

1951-1952 Novitiate Kotagiri, Tamil Nadu

24-05-1952 First Profession Kotagiri, Tamil Nadu

1952–1954 Philosophy Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu

1954 Higher Secondary Studies Sacred Heart College, Tamil Nadu

1954–1955 Philosophy Kotagiri, Tamil Nadu

1955–1957 Practical Training (PT) Our Lady of Refuge, Chennai,

Tamil Nadu

1957–1958 PT & Student (BA) Don Bosco, Mumbai

1958 Graduation Studies (BA) Calcutta University, Salesian

College, Sonada, West Bengal

20-05-1958 Perpetual Profession Sonada, West Bengal

1958–1962 Theology Sacred Heart, Mawlai, Shillong

25-05-1960 Acolyte (by Bp S. Fernando) Mawlai, Shillong

06-12-1961 Deacon (by Bp S. Fernando) Mawlai, Shillong

29-06-1962 Priestly Ordination Chennai, Tamil Nadu

1962–1963 Pastoral Year Our Lady of Refuge,

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

1963–1964 Catechist & Prefect St Joseph’s, Katpadi, Tamil Nadu

1964–1968 In charge Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

1968–1969 Spiritual Theology P.A.S., Rome

1969–1973 Rector St Michael’s Boys’ Home,

Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

1973–1976 Vice-Provincial of Madras Province The Citadel, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

03-08-1976 Appointed Provincial of Madras The Citadel, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

24-11-1976 Took charge as Provincial The Citadel, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

1982–1992 Administrator & Director of the

office of Development and

Public Relations UPS, Rome

24-04-1992 Took charge as Provincial Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

1992–1998 Provincial: Province of

St Joseph, Hyderabad Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

1998–1999 Vice Rector Dankotuwa, Sri Lanka

1999–2004 Delegate Colombo, Sri Lanka

2004–2009 Rector Istanbul, Turkey

27-08-2009 Died Istanbul, Turkey

Page 21: Puthota Family

21 June-September 2009

...New frontiers

The Children Parliament’s started by the Bosco Seva Kendra (BSK) the Development office of the Salesian

Province of the Hyderabad in the various villages of Andhra Pradesh continues to bring smiles on the faces

of the children and the people around.  One such, modern ‘Salesian oratory’ was started in a small hamlet

called Mannuru Chinna Pattapupalem of Prakasam District in 2007. Today the Collector of Ongole district

knows all the ‘ministers’ of this parliament!

Mannuru Chinna Pattapupalem is one of the neglected hamlets in the Ongole district of Andhra Pradesh. All

the people in this hamlet solely depend upon the sea for their livelihood. Children of this hamlet have been

discussing about the problems and appealing to the concerned authorities for the development of the hamlet.

These children were assisted by their animator Mr Amurthapani. For six months they kept knocking on the

doors of various authorities beginning with the village sarpanch (president) Mr V. Mohan Rao, who also

severed as Member of Mandal Praja Prarishat (MPP). Parliament members also met and gave a written

request to the Mandal Revenue Officer (MRO) and Mandal Development Officer (MDO), about the repair of

the Street lights and good drinking water. When all these people looked down on the request made by

children, they agreed in the parliament to take up the matter with the District Collector on a Monday, during

his weekly public audience. Since they had exams, they decided to take up these matters after the exams.

These issues were once again discussed in the meeting held towards the end of May 2009 and since such

matters come under the purview of the Home minister, it was decided that, Bharathi the Home minister would

lead the delegation. Though at first all the members decided to go as a team but keeping in mind the

expenses, they decided to send just five ministers along with the home minister. The others accompanying

Bharathi were K. Prasana - Gender Minister, N. Sudha Rani - Health Minister N. Roothamma - Speaker, N.

Janaki - Finance Minister and K. Jyothi - Member.

On 8th June 2009 the above mentioned ministers met the

District Collector (DC). Prior to it the children were noticed by

the journalists who also interviewed them. Children were bold

enough to tell them that they too have the right to meet the

collector and make an appeal to look into the long delayed

problems of their hamlet. Motivated by their interest the

journalists accompanied the children to the collector. When

the DC caught sight of the children, he was at first amused

and then quite surprised. He made a few queries and

immediately asked the District Panchayat Officer (DPO) to

look into matter and do the needful at the earliest. The DPO

promised that he will do the needful in ten days. Today Mannuru Chinna Pattapupalem not only has street

lights and good drinking water but also enjoys the special patronage of the DC – thanks to these children and

their social consciousness.

Through a very regular and spirited intervention by the ground staff, especially Mr Ramanjineyu (John) BSK

Prakasam District Coordinator, the civic authorities are now on the alert. Children are being conscientised

and in the process, parents too get involved. The results of such sustained efforts are seen, especially when

children shine forth in championing the causes of change and transformation, not just in their homes but in

their neighbourhood and villages as well.

Fr Bellamkonda Sudhakar & Mr Ramanjineyu BSK Prakasam District Coordinator

A Modern Salesian Oratory

Page 22: Puthota Family

22June-September 2009

This is the success story of 354 women who collectively struggled for 24 days (not counting

the years they bore the yoke of oppression) to make sure that they receive a fair deal for

their daily toil. When the dalit women of Pulidindi village began their struggle, little did

they realize that they were going to make a quantum jump in their wages. On 15th June

the Dalit Bahujan Shramik Union - AP had launched a state level campaign on Minimum

Wages. Now these dalit women of Konaseema found themselves at the forefront of the

struggle, that too when everyone in the state thought that their wages would be among

the highest, being in the most fertile region of the state. What they have achieved could

perhaps only be the beginning of things to come in the development of the Dalit Bahujans

in Andhra Pradesh.

Konaseema area is the most fertile land in Andhra Pradesh, situated at the delta of the

mighty Godavari river. Here anything grows at any time of the year because of the

abundance of water. Yet in some of the villages the daily wages are abysmally low, a

paltry 40 rupees a day. The dalit women of Pulidindi village, in Athreyapuram Mandal,

realized that the wages they were receiving were not adequate. With the prices of food

and other essential commodities spiralling high, they decided to demand better wages.

As no farmer listened to their timid pleas, they grew bolder and finally decided to strike

work from 19th July this year. Soon the rest of the village got galvanised into action and

joined the dalit women. They had been asking for just a pittance, an increase of Rs 10 a

day. The farmers were merciless and refused.

On the 6th day they approached People‘s Action for Rural Awakening (PARA) for support

and guidance. Mr Yosebu, PARA staff and the District Coordinator of the Dalit Bahujan



New frontiers...

Page 23: Puthota Family

23 June-September 2009

Shramik Union - AP, responded

immediately along with the union

members. They hiked the demand to the

legal minimum wages, viz., Rs 139.00 per

day. Even as the strike got prolonged, the

Union supported the people to the hilt. 18th

August, 21st day of the struggle, saw

negotiations in the labour office at

Kothapeta, 28 kms from the village. The

people went in big numbers in hired

vehicles to participate in the negotiations.

But the big land lords kept away. The next

meeting on 19th August was at the Pulidindi Panchayat itself in the presence of the Assist.

Labour Commissioner. A third round of negotiations took place on 20th August in the

presence of the Mandal Revenue Officer, again ineffective because the big land lords

refused to participate.

On 21st August, on the 24th day of the strike, people were indeed getting desperate,

being without work and wages for so long. The farmers were still refusing to listen to them

and come to a compromise. The government failed them in not supporting them or providing

work under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the flagship programme of

the UPA government. Now the activists and DBSU-AP leaders in the state capital,

Hyderabad, swung into action - to pressurise the state government to act, the labour

department to ensure minimum wages and the department of Rural Development to

implement NREGA.

On 21st the negotiations went on beyond midnight with the women becoming very vocal

about their demands. They were determined to clinch the deal at all costs. Their leader at

one point shamed the farmers to pay at least half the legal minimum wage - a mere

seventy rupees. What began as a demand of just Rs 10.00 a day now rose to Rs 30/-.

The people were happy because they got far more than they had initially bargained for, a

hefty 75% increase at one go. In absolute terms, if they work for 300 days a year, this was

an increase of Rs 9000 per person or 40 lakhs for the village union.  You can imagine the

difference when they will begin to get their legal minimum wage of Rs 139 per day, double

the present wage. Evidently no government scheme or welfare programmes of NGOs

can equal this just and dignified gain of the women.

The dalit women clinched their victory as the feast of the Queenship of Mary was dawning.

These victorious women sang Mary‘s song in their own way: “The Lord puts forth his arm

in strength... He casts the mighty from their seats and raises the lowly.”

Fr John Tharakan

...New frontiers

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24June-September 2009


CONGRATS to the 9 deacons (Yeruva Arogya, Gopu Peter,

Godugunuru Chinnappa, Pasala Bhaskar, Thomas Aquinas,

Nagothu Kishore, Yeruva Pradeep, Kakumanu Joseph and Govindu

Joseph) who were ordained for our Province in SHTC (Shillong),

KJC (Bangalore), UPS (Rome) and St Paul’s (Ratisbonne) over

the last couple of months. We look forward to your Priestly


WELCOME to Fr Chinnabathuni Showrilu who returned to the

Province after completing his Master’s thesis Elements of the youth

Spirituality Apologetics and Pedagogy in the Five Educative Narrations

of Don Bosco in Rome. He is already at work in the Novitiate (as

administrator) and will also take up Vocation Promotion soon.

PROVINCIAL CHAPTER (PC7) of our Province starts off on November 30, 2009

and concludes with the Provincial Community day on December 4, 2009.

CONDOLENCES to the PIME society and the diocese of Warangal

at the demise of Fr Augustine Colombo, an Italian missionary, who spent

his entire life, energy and resources for spreading the Kingdom of God in

the Warangal district. He passed away on August 30, 2009.

ALL THE BEST to the three confreres already in Italy for their ministry: Frs Prathap,

Anil and Alex. They left on August 17, 2009. They will join their respective communities on

October 4, 2009.

REMINDER about the Provincial Consultation forms that are to reach Fr Maria Arokiam

Kanaga, the Regional Councillor for South Asia by the end of September 2009. He will

still be in Tiruchy Province for the Extraordinary Visitation around that time.

CONGRATS to Fr Harrie Kanters sdb of SAMEN, an

organization that has sent Dutch volunteers to Salesian projects

all around the world for the past 25 years, at being chosen for the

prestigious Dutch national award for promotion of Justice and

Peace in Netherlands. He was in India, along with 13 volunteers,

when the announcement was made.


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25 June-September 2009


COMING UP in October (16-18) is the Global Campaign Against Poverty

(GCAP) inviting us all to join the world all over in growing in awareness and

action towards a better world.

GET WELL dear Fr Abu and Br Kalyan. Both are responding well to the treatment and

are expected to recover fully by this year end. However as good Salesians they are full

time on their feet in their respective places.

BON VOYAGE Cl. Nathan will soon be flying to Italy (Florence, in particular) to

commence his ministry there. Cl .Gaddam Carlo is all set to fly to Germany to begin

studying the language.

ALL THE BEST for Neelam Ratna and Gali Naresh as they commence their

theological studies, at Ratisbonne (Jerusalem) and UPS (Rome) respectively.

INAUGURATION of the new Technical school building at Ongole is slated

for October 29, 2009 (feast of Don Rua). Wishes to Fr KP Mathew, confreres and boys!

JUBILEE of Fr M.S. Michael will be celebrated at St Michael’s Boys’

Home, Guntur on October 8, 2009… 50 golden years of generous

service as an SDB! We are proud of you dear Fr Michael!





Besides basic philosophy and theology, the only other

Ecclesial studies Fr Benji ever did was a one year course in

‘Christian Spirituality’ at the Gregorian University (1968-

1969). Prior to it and after this he was in Guntur.

Good to know

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26June-September 2009

Salesian Local News...


Br Vincent Castilino

A two-day workshop aimed at re-looking the

life and mission of the Hyderabad Salesian

Province, through the human rights prism

was held from June 4, 2009 at Don Bosco

Provincial House, Hyderabad. Forty-five

Salesians and lay people from a wide range

of fields were engaged in exploring ways

and means of doing the ordinary things in a

new way with a greater humane touch!

Initiating this adventure was Mr K.R.

Venugopal, former Secretary to three former

Prime Ministers and special rapporteur for

Natioinal Human Rights Commission

(NHRC). Other highlights of the day

included the Silver Jubilee of Priesthood of

two confreres and inauguration of the

refurnished Rinaldi Hall.

The second day of the Human Rights

seminar took off from the previous days’

attempts to explore possibilities of

enhancing the rights perspective in our

apostolate. The presentations, group and

panel discussions highlighted the need to

be with the people in order to help them

fight for their rights. That people need to be

conscientized about their rights without

making them dependent on us, was felt as

one of the real challenges for many

Salesians and religious, in general. The

drawing up of a list of non-negotiable

attitudes and practices in each sector of our

ministry was the highlight of the day.


Mr Sudheer & Mr Anil

“Empowerment requires three things:

knowledge, skill and commitment.” These

were the key words resounding at the mid-

term evaluation of the Programme Project

by Mr Jochim Lourduswamy, the Country

Advisor (India) DMOS-COMIDE, Belgium

which concluded on July 16, 2009 at Don

Bosco Provincial House, Hyderabad. The

concluding session was a collective sharing

of ideas for which nearly 40 coordinators,

and Public Relation Officers (PROs) of the

Community Based Organisations (CBO)

and Technical, Vocational, Educational and

Trainings (TVET) were present.

The day long meeting stressed on

strengthening collaboration with other

centres and providing capacity building

Salesian Local News

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27 June-September 2009

...Salesian Local News

measures for people in local centres. There

were suggestions also to develop innovative

methods for a deeper knowledge of the

Programme Project itself. Since

empowerment demands knowledge, skill

and commitment, it was felt that these

should be focused upon, not only by the

coordinators but the beneficiaries as well.

Local communities were asked to

periodically have evaluation on how

activities could bring about change and

growth in the society and stressed on

making the people independent. He was

very much impressed with our management

of information system, documentation,

reporting of Finance, activities and results

monitoring. Mr Jochim appreciated the hard

work and efforts of BSK under the

leadership of Fr Sudhakar, in bringing out

lot of change in the development office set

up, systematic arrangement of files and

prompt reporting of information to DMOS-

COMIDE, Belgium, whenever requested.


Fr Maliekal Jose

On 22 July, 2009, the Salesian Community

of Don Bosco Philosophate, Karunapuram,

solemnized the first death anniversary of

Rev. Br Gabriel Fernandez, SDB. The

ceremonies of the evening commenced with

Rev. Fr T.D. John, the former Rector of the

community, blessing the tombs of Br Gabriel

Fernandez and Fr John Varicatt. Besides

the Salesians of the Province, several

religious and priests of Karunapuram, the

students of Vishwa Jyothi College and the

relatives of Bro. Gabriel, from Kollam,

Kerala, participated in this service. For the

occasion, the cemetery (even Fr John

Varricatt too is laid to rest there) was done

up, aesthetically.


Fr John Tharakan

The Hyderabad centre for street and

working children has a new printing press.

It was inaugurated on 24th July 2009. The

Archbishop of Hyderabad, Msgr.

Marampudi Joji presided over the brief

ceremony and blessed the new premises

in the presence of Fr Noel Maddhichetty,

the provincial, Fr Gopu Anand, the former

director, Fr Harrie Kanters (from Holland)

and a host of other invitees from the

Salesian family, diocese and well-wishers.

During the brief ceremony that lasted barely

45 minutes, Fr Salibindla Balashowry, the

current diector of Don Bosco Nava Jeevan

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28June-September 2009

centre for street and working children,

welcomed the colourful gathering of the

boys, staff, neighbours, friends and well-

wishers. Fr Gopu Anand, the former director,

explained the story of the press beginning

from the first ideas, the friends who

contributed and the hopes for the future. Fr

Noel, the provincial and the founder of this

Nava Jeevan project spoke very effusively

of the good work that is being done and the

possibilities that the new press throws up

for the skills training of the boys and as a

communication centre. Frequent mention

was made by the various speakers about

Fr Franz Schobesberger sdb and his

Austrian friends who made this possible

through the generous contributions that they

were able to generate.


Br Vincent Castilino

A workshop on increasing the effectiveness

of our Salesian educational system

commenced on July 25, 2009 at BIRDY,

Hyderabad. Bringing together the Salesian

Family for this occasion was the Education

Commission of the Province, under the

leadership of Fr Madanu Rayappa. There

were 23 ‘Salesians‘ participating in this two-

day programme (9 FMAs, 4 MSMHCs, 2 lay

collaborators and 8 SDBs).

Ms Julie Iyer, a noted educationist cum

psychologist from Secunderabad, was the

chief resource person for this event. She

first helped the group identify the challenges

that educationists today face as compared

to 15 years ago. She then pointed out the

positive developments including the

technological advances over these years.

Besides these main points she also stressed

on the need to help children gain life skill

besides study skills. Highlighting the role of

the teacher and his or her use of creativity

and insightful expertise, she spoke to the

group about nurturing a positive learning

environment in their educational practices,

carefully avoiding the mentality that one size

fits all! The second day session touched

upon the know-how of the state educational

policies and human rights education (HRE)

programme in all our schools, the directives

regarding the minority status institutions,

scholarships, privileges and duties of

Christian institutions in the state and a

review of the resolutions of the previous

year’s meeting. The culmination was the

drawing up of the policies and guidelines

for the year ahead.


The Province had its opportunity of spiritual

renewal through the two retreats that were

held so far in the Province. The first reteat

was preached by Fr Benjamin Puthota from

July 27, 2009 to August 1, 2009. The second

was animated by Fr Dominic Veliath from

September 7 to 12, 2009. Both the retreats

were held in the Provincial house,

Hyderabad and totally, 47 confreres made

their retreat. The final retreat for this

academic year (general patronage) is

scheduled for the second week of February

(8-13) 2010. It will be preached by Fr

Kunduru Joji SJ.

Salesian Local News...

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29 June-September 2009


Cl. Lakkisetti Praveen

The caption ‘sharers of Salesian charism’

rightly encapsulates the celebration of the

Co-operators’ Day at Don Bosco, Gunadala.

The feast of Pope Pius X, the patron of the

Salesian Co-operators` was celebrated

amidst great grandeur in the evening hours

of 21st August 2009. The aspirantate, which

can truly boast of being one of the oldest

cooperators’ unit, was vibrant with joy as a

number of Salesian Co-operators` flowed

into the campus towards the fall of the day

for the great celebration.

The programme began with the celebration

of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Rev.

Fr Chinnabathuni Louis, the rector. There

were about twenty five co-operators present

for the solemn Eucharist, while others joined

in for the programme that followed later. Fr

Louis enumerated the role of the Co-

operators and unfolded the mind of Don

Bosco for the Co-operators and their

contribution in the Church. Highlighting the

importance of the day, Fr Louis drove home

the message to be the ‘change makers‘ in

the rhythm of the world and its order. The

chief guest for the programme was Dr

Velaga Joshi, chief executive officer,

KRISHI, Vijayawada. Twenty five poor boys

and girls were sponsored clothes and books

for the academic year on this day.


Fr Thomas Santiagu

The 6th of September 2009 was a great day

to remember for the underprivileged women

of Andhra Pradesh when a State Level

Federation for Women had its fist meeting

on the 1st and 2nd of September. Forty two

representative members of 14 Mutually

Aided Co-operative Societies (MACS) had

a training on the concepts and functioning

of State Level Federation of MACS. This is

indeed a great step forward in empowering

the women of Andhra Pradesh, socially,

economically and culturally. The best part

of this Federation is that it will ensure their

self sustainability even after the completion

of the programme project (a project

coordinated by the Development office of

the Salesian Province of Hyderabad, Bosco

Seva Kendra).  After the establishment of

the Board of Directors, the members elected

Ms Parishudham from Swayam Krushi

Urban Macs, Vijayawada,  Krishna District

as their president.


Mr Sudheer

After 25 exciting days of DB Plus training

for Job seekers (technicians), 57 young men

with grateful hearts and cheerful faces

received a certificate from Fr Maddhichetty

Noel, the Provincial on the birthday of Our

Lady (September 8, 2009). Out of the 60

who joined this programme held at Don

Bosco Prem Seva Sadan, Hyderabad, 57

already had in hand the appointment letters

to prestigious companies with promise of a

thick pay too!! This occasion marked the

conclusion of the three week training camp

organized at Vanasthalipuram by the

DHISHA team, headed by Fr Bellamkonda

Sudhakar and ably supported by Cl.

Gaddam Carlo, Mr Mohan and Mr Anil.

...Salesian Local News

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30June-September 2009



Fr K J Louis

The annual assembly of the Salesian

Provincials‘ Conference of South Asia

(SPCSA) concluded on August 12, 2009 at

the Don Bosco Provincial House,

Hyderabad. A special feature of this

assembly was a two-day reflection on

Salesian Formation at the pre-novitiate and

post-novitiate levels. The reflection was

facilitated by Fr Francesco Cereda, General

Councillor for Formation and Fr Chrys

Saldanha from the Department of Formation

in Rome. The content and methods of

formation, the training of the formation

guides, as well as various issues connected

with the formation of Salesians in South Asia

were examined. One of the special

concerns of the members was the post-

novitiate phase of the Salesian Brothers’




Fr Michael Raj (INM)

It was a moment of great joy and jubilation

at the SMA Generalate at Madhavaram,

Chennai,  on the 17th of August 2009, as

various members of the Salesian family

gathered around the Sisters of Maria

Auxilium (SMA) to thank God for the official

recognition of their Congregation into the

Salesian family.  The SMA Congregation

founded on 13th of May 1976, by Fr M. C.

Antony, was officially given the status of

becoming a member of the Salesian family

by the Rector Major and his Council on the

16th of July 2009. Today the SMA

congregation has 111 professed members,

working in 25 institutions spread over 9

dioceses and four states in India.




Fr Matthews Dominic (INM)

On 10th, July 2009, the foundation stone

for the new Salesian theologate was laid

near the premises of Don Bosco Anbu Illam,

Kavarapettai (50km from Chennai). This

Salesian theologate is a joint venture of the

provinces of Chennai and Tiruchy. Most.

Rev. Dr. A. M. Chinnappa, Archbishop of

Madras-Mylapore, laid the foundation stone

and while addressing the gathering said that

the principle purpose of this Salesian

theologate is to contextualize theology

whereby we could fulfill the needs of the

poor and the marginalized.

Salesian National News...

National News

In October 1980 Fr Benji was appointed

as the national animator of the Salesian

cooperators by the Salesian Provincial

Conference of India (SPCI). He was

also the delegate of the Salesian

Cooperators, in Madras Province when

he was the Vice-Provincial (1973).

Good to know

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31 June-September 2009

...Salesian International News




(ANS – Chimpay) The pilgrimage which was

held in Chimpay, on 29 August, for the

anniversary of the birth of Blessed Ceferino

Namuncurá, was the largest in the last thirty

years. The faithful began travelling at first

light. Whole families with young and old

undertook the long journey to. Large

numbers on foot and on horseback left their

own villages to celebrate the feast of

Blessed Ceferino. About 40,000 in total were


Earlier in the second week of August 2009

the Casket bearing the remains of Blessed

Ceferino Namuncura, was moved from the

Mary Help of Christians Shrine in Fortin

Mercedes to the Mapuche settlement of St

Ignatius in Neuquen. It was a very moving

moment when thousands of hands were

raised on high as the great sea of the faithful

which stretched to the horizon prayed for

hope, for good health, for work, or simply

as an expression of their deep faith.

It was something which will remain fixed in

the hearts and minds of all those present

because ‘faith,’ as Oscar, one of the

Chimpay pilgrims said, ‘needs to be

practised. And this also means shaking the

hand of a stranger.’ Once again this year

the feast of Ceferino has been an

expression of faith and of commitment to

the Church, as each individual determines

to change their life and to become more

united with those most in need.




(ANS – Cairo) On September 1, 2009

Enrique Perticarati and Alexander Nacari,

Computer Technology Laboratory

Assistants in the Scientific University of the

State of San Paolo University (UNESP)

Brazil, have won the first prize in the

‘Interface Imagine Cup’ category - an annual

competition organised by ‘Microsoft’.

Perticarati completed his studies at  the Don

Bosco Salesian Institute of Piracaba, Brazil

in 2005. Both have received a prize of 8,000

American dollars.



(ANS – Butare) Father René-Marie Picron

(Brusells, 1906 – Butare, 1991) could be

the next Salesian to be proposed as a

Servant of God. In the view of the Postulator

General, this is the person in Salesian Africa

today who has enjoyed the greatest

reputation for holiness. He was the

delegation superior for Congo, then

provincial in Belgium from 1952 to 1959,

when North and South Belgium, Congo,

Rwanda and Burundi made up a single

Salesian Province. It was Father Picron who

energetically fostered the religious

independence of the Congo. So when the

Central Africa Province was created in 1959

he made himself available for this province.

Over ten years he was rector, director of

novices, teacher, confessor spiritual

director, province delegate for the past

pupils, music teacher and animator of

various mission activities.

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32June-September 2009



(ANS – Turin) In August 2009 hundreds of

young people spent five days reliving the

oratory of Don Bosco and Mother

Mazzarello in Turin, Italy. Titled ‘Confronto

Europe 2009’ the gathering was organized

by the youngsters themselves. The Youth

pastoral councilors of the SDBs and the

FMAs (Fr Fabio Attard, and Sr Maria

Carmen Canales, respectively) were

present for these days of togetherness and

sharing. All the participants, including the

two Youth Ministry Councillors, appreciated

the wonderful preparation for this ‘Confronto

2009’; involvement in all the prayer times,

and other moments of reflection, sharing

and festivity; the determination to put Christ

at the centre of the life of each participant;

the love for Don Bosco and Mary Domenica

Mazzarello who continue to be people  who

are the source of and who offer a sure sign

of hope to the young.



(ANS – Rome) On 9 and 10 September at

the Farnesina Palace headquarters of the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs an International

Conference on violence against women was

held. It was organised by the Italian

Presidential Commission of the G8 and 

jointly promoted by the Department for

Equal Opportunities of the Presidential

Commission of the Council of Ministers and

the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Invited to

the event were a variety of personalities

from the world of European Politics as well

as a number of women from Africa and Asia

involved in social work and other activities.

The purpose of the International

Conference was to put the protection and

the promotion of the rights of women in the

first place and to discover the causes of

violence and combat social discrimination.




(ANS – Krakow) Among the Causes entrusted to

the Postulator’s Office of the Saints of the Salesian

Family there is also that of the Servant of God Jan

Tyranowski (1901-1947). On 23 May 1941 the

Rector-Parish Priest of the ‘Saint Stanislaus

Kostka’ parish, Fr Jan Swerc, was sent to the

Auschwitz concentration camp together with seven

other Salesians. All were killed between 1941 and

1942. The diocesan enquiry into their martyrdom

is in progress: it is hoped it will be completed by


In the meantime, the Salesian parish in which the

young Karol Wojtyla was living, was trying to

reorganise its activities in spite of the shortage of

priests. The pastoral care of the young people,

boys and girls, was entrusted to  the tailor  Jan

Tyranowski, a young parishioner distinguished by

his gifts of good sense, piety and apostolic zeal.

He set up the ‘living rosary circles’ in which Karol

also took part, in those dramatic years in which

his priestly vocation was maturing.

During his last visit to Poland on 17 August 2002,

stopping in front of the church in Debniki, John Paul

II publicly declared: ‘I always remember those

Salesians who were taken away from this parish

to the concentration camp... I also remember Mr

Jan Tyranowski’s  Living Rosary....’ It was precisely

in front of the image of Mary Help of Christians

venerated in the church in Debniki, that the young

Karol came to the decision to devote himself

entirely to the service of the Lord and of his Church.

Salesian International News...
