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Table of Contents

Message from the FounderKata Pengantar dari PendiriPutera Sampoerna

Message from the Management Kata Pengantar dari ManajemenNenny Soemawinata (Managing Director)

Board of Patrons Dewan Pembina

Board of SupervisorsDewan Pengawas

Board of ExecutivesDewan Eksekutif

Board of Operational ExecutivesDewan Eksekutif Operasional

10 Years of Excellence: The Journey of the Foundation10 Tahun Kesempurnaan: Perjalanan Putera Sampoerna Foundation









Drawing a Bright Future for the Nation,One Great Leader at a Time







Women’s EmpowermentSahabat Wanita

EntrepreneurshipMEKAR Entrepreneur Network

Compassionate ReliefBait Al-Kamil


Our ImpactPencapaian Kami

Financial Highlights and Financial StatementsIntisari dan Laporan Keuangan

Sampoerna Academy

Sampoerna School of Education

Sampoerna School of Business

School Development Outreach


Siswa Bangsa Student Assistance

ACCESS Education Beyond








About Putera Sampoerna FoundationTentang Putera Sampoerna Foundation

Historical HighlightsSejarah Singkat





Page 4: Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010

In the midst of international financial crisis, Indonesia seems to exhibit exceptional resilience and is projected to record startling economic growth in the eyes of the world.

Unfortunately, this image belies Indonesia’s continued struggle to leverage its abundant natural resources to extract itself from the entrenched quagmire of poverty, ignorance, unemployment, and gender inequality that limits its contribution within the international community.

In order to survive and eventually to thrive, Indonesia needs to create a new generation of skilled leaders with integrity and vision capable of designing a better future for the nation.

The times dictate that we move beyond conventional approaches, such as charity and even education, to empowerment – the enabling of individuals to apply their experience, knowledge and skills to institute social, political and economic change for the benefit of Indonesian society as a whole.

For this reason Putera Sampoerna Foundation believes in not only educating young people from disadvantaged families of varied backgrounds, but in imbuing them with principles, a work ethic, and a social consciousness that will enable them to emerge as competent professionals in their individual fields. We must draw a more comprehensive blueprint for a better tomorrow on the fabric of today that is unfurling before us.

Our primary vision is to create leaders and entrepreneurs capable of transforming Indonesians into viable global citizens capable of contributing locally, regionally, and internationally.

No one individual or organization can accomplish this. Building a better Indonesia is everybody’s business. That is why we are deeply grateful to our partners who have helped us over our first decade of endeavor.

Yet, there is still so much to accomplish. We sincerely hope that you will join us in painting a better, brighter future for Indonesia.

Creating a Better Society is Everybody’s Business

Message from The Founder

Putera SampoernaFounder/Pendiri

Di tengah krisis keuangan dunia, Indonesia menampilkan kekuatannya sebagai bangsa yang kokoh dan mampu menunjukkan peningkatan ekonomi yang mengagumkan di mata negara-negara lain.

Namun, di belakang pesona tersebut, Indonesia masih menemukan kendala dalam mengelola sumber daya alam yang berlimpah. Kendala yang mucul dari beberapa situasi sulit, seperti kemiskinan, keterbelakangan pendidikan, tingkat pengangguran, dan ketimpangan gender menyebabkan Indonesia tidak dapat memberikan kontribusi di tingkat internasional.

Untuk terus bertahan dan menjadi negara yang maju, Indonesia perlu menciptakan generasi baru yang mampu menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin berbekal integritas dan pemikiran untuk merancang masa depan yang lebih baik.

Kemajuan zaman menuntut kita untuk meninggalkan pendekatan konvensional seperti badan amal bahkan cara didik tradisional dan mulai membuka akses untuk generasi baru yang mampu memberikan pengaruh—menyediakan kesempatan kepada mereka untuk menerapkan pengetahuan, keahlian, dan pengalaman demi perubahan sosial, politik, dan ekonomi yang menyeluruh bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

Dengan latar belakang inilah Putera Sampoerna Foundation memberikan tidak hanya pendidikan bagi mereka yang berasal dari keluarga prasejahtera, tetapi juga memberikan

bekal pendirian, asas kerja, dan kepekaan sosial untuk muncul sebagai pemimpin yang berkemampuan di bidangnya masing-masing. Kita harus mulai merancang acuan komprehensif untuk hari esok yang lebih baik di atas kain waktu yang tergulung ke masa depan.

Visi utama kami adalah mencetak para pemimpin dan wirausahawan yang mampu mengubah masyarakat Indonesia menjadi penduduk dunia yang diakui serta mampu memberikan andil di tingkat lokal, regional, dan internasional.

Tidak ada pihak mana pun yang mampu mencapai tujuan ini seorang diri. Oleh karena itulah, membangun Indonesia yang lebih baik butuh kerjasama berbagai pihak. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para mitra donor yang telah menjalin kerja sama selama perjalanan satu dekade ini.

Masih banyak permasalahan yang harus ditanggulangi. Kami berharap Anda bersedia bergabung bersama kami dalam rangka melukis masa depan Indonesia yang lebih baik dan lebih cerah. “Designing a better tomorrow on the fabric of today.”

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In 2001, when Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) set out its first tentative outline for Indonesia’s future, we could only hope that we could achieve our vision of functioning effectively for educating and helping underprivileged young people.

Since that time, our scope of action has evolved successfully to encompass the creation of new leaders in various sectors through the empowerment not only of students, but of teachers, women and entrepreneurs. We have gone from focusing on access to education to improving existing schools, and on to the development of international standard boarding academies and tertiary institutions, as well as teacher enhancement programs and beyond.

Now, the Foundation is continuing our design for what Indonesian society can be through our Pathway to Leadership strategy, based on the four pillars that we now expect to support our efforts into the future: Entrepreneurship Development (job creation), Education (developing leaders), Empowerment of Women (enlightening society), and deploying Compassionate Assistance.

In 2010, we continued this work by establishing the Sampoerna School of Business, as well as the ACCESS Education Beyond and PSF School Development Outreach programs. We also launched the MEKAR Entrepreneur Network to support creation of new businesses and jobs, and enhanced our Bait Al-Kamil partnership to expand our compassionate relief programs and provide support for companies wanting to establish Corporate Social Responsibility programs.

As our design unfolds, we become increasingly aware that just as one batik fabric requires the work of several hands; the sustainability of our efforts requires the helping hands of partners. We hope that you will join us as we continue to create a society able to emerge into and contribute to the global community.

It Takes Many Hands to Create a Better Future

Pada 2001, saat Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) menetapkan rencananya untuk membangun masa depan Indonesia, kami hanya mampu berharap untuk merealisasikan visi dengan upaya yang paling efisien, yakni menyediakan pendidikan bagi keluarga prasejahtera.

Semenjak saat itu, kiprah kami telah berkembang menjadi penciptaan generasi pemimpin baru di berbagai sektor melalui kegiatan pemberdayaan yang ditujukan tidak hanya kepada pelajar saja tetapi juga tenaga pendidik, wanita, dan wirausahawan. Kiprah kami semakin bertambah, dari memberikan akses terhadap pendidikan saja menjadi lebih menyeluruh dengan peningkatan mutu sekolah-sekolah. Tidak hanya itu saja, kami juga melanjutkan kiprah kami dengan menyediakan sekolah berasrama dengan standar pendidikan internasional sebagai institusi tertier, program pelatihan guru, dan seterusnya.

Kini, Foundation ini melanjutkan rangkaian program yang merujuk pada strategi utama bernama Pathway to Leadership yang ditopang oleh empat pilar sebagai acuan rencana kami ke depan. Empat pilar itu adalah: Entrepreneurship Development (untuk menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan), Education (untuk mengembangkan para pemimpin masa depan), Empowerment of Women (untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat), dan menyediakan Compassionate Assistance (berupa bantuan kemanusiaan).

Pada 2010, kami meneruskan tugas ini dengan mendirikan Sampoerna School of Business, ACCESS Education Beyond, dan program PSF School Development Outreach. Kami juga menggagas MEKAR Entrepreneur Network untuk mendorong munculnya perniagaan dan lapangan pekerjaan baru. Di samping itu, kami juga memantapkan kerjasama dengan kemitraan Bait Al-Kamil yang memperluas program bantuan terhadap bencana alam sebagai pilihan lain bagi para perusahaan yang berniat bergabung dalam program Corporate Social Responsibility.

Seraya Putera Sampoerna Foundation menyingkap gulungan rencana-rencananya ke depan, kami tidak dapat melanjutkan rencana ini sendirian. Seperti melukis selembar kain batik, butuh lebih dari satu tangan untuk menciptakan desain yang indah. Kami berharap Anda bersedia bergabung untuk melanjutkan rencana kami membangun masyarakat yang mampu tampil dan memberikan andil di komunitas global.

Message from The Management

Nenny SoemawinataManaging Director / Chief of the Foundation Executives

“Together we can create a new reality.”

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Katie Sampoerna Michael Sampoerna

Wife of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. She has been involved in charities and family philanthropic activities throughout ASEAN for over 25 years. Mrs. Sampoerna has been the focal point of numerous company design initiatives for Sampoerna Family businesses, as well as for Putera Sampoerna Foundation. She directed the establishment of the Sampoerna Museum in Surabaya, Indonesia.

Istri Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Beliau berperan aktif dalam kegiatan amal dan filantropi keluarga di kawasan Asia Tenggara selama lebih dari 25 tahun. Selain Putera Sampoerna Foundation, Ibu Sampoerna memainkan peran inti dalam memprakarsai usaha keluarga Sampoerna. Beliau menggagas berdirinya Museum Sampoerna di Surabaya.

The youngest son of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. Formerly President Director of PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) and President Commissioner of a number of its subsidiary companies, Mr. Michael Sampoerna studied at the London School of Economics (UK). Currently, he is Sampoerna Strategic’s Head of Operations and functions as President Commissioner and President Director of its many groups of companies.

Putra termuda dari Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Sebelumnya sebagai Presiden Direktur PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) dan Presiden Komisaris dari sejumlah anak perusahaan. Michael Sampoerna mengenyam pendidikan di London School of Economics, Inggris. Kini ia berperan sebagai Kepala Operasi Sampoerna Strategic Group, serta Presiden Komisaris dan Presiden Direktur dari sejumlah anak perusahaan.

Board of Patrons

Putera SampoernaChairperson

Former President Commissioner of PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) and a number of its subsidiary companies. Mr. Sampoerna studied at the University of Houston, Texas and has always had a passion for education. He founded the Putera Sampoerna Foundation in 2001 and has been involved in philanthropic works throughout ASEAN for over 25 years. He founded and currently directs the Sampoerna Strategic Group, which has a global portfolio of diversified businesses.

Putera Sampoerna sebelumnya berperan sebagai Presiden Komisaris

PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) dan beberapa anak

perusahaannya. Beliau menggali ilmu di University of Houston

di Texas, dan selalu memiliki minat dalam bidang pendidikan.

Beliau telah berkecimpung dalam kegiatan filantropi di kawasan

Asia Tenggara selama lebih dari 25 tahun dan mendirikan Putera

Sampoerna Foundation pada tahun 2001. Kini mengarahkan

Sampoerna Strategic Group yang membawahi beragam jenis usaha

dalam portofolio globalnya.

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Edward FrankelJonathan Bradford Sampoerna James P. BarnesFarah Khristina Sampoerna

Formerly the Group Chief Operating Officer and a Director for PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Mr. Frankel has worked for the Sampoerna Group of companies for over 25 years. He received a B.A. from the University of California at Berkeley and a Masters in Administration from the University of Portland.

Seorang mantan Chief Operating Officer dan Direktur PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Bapak Frankel telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan dari Sampoerna Group selama lebih dari 25 tahun. Beliau meraih gelar BA dari University of California di Berkeley, dan gelar MBA dari University of Portland.

Eldest son of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. He has studied internationally, receiving his degree in Finance at Texas A&M University, USA. He worked in Hong Kong under the guidance of Dr. Marc Faber, international investment strategist. Mr. Jonathan Sampoerna also has directed the business development arms of Sampoerna Family Trading Companies.

Putra tertua Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Beliau menempuh pendidikan di mancanegara dan meraih gelar sarjana di bidang Keuangan dari Texas A&M University, Amerika Serikat. Beliau bekerja di Hong Kong di bawah bimbingan Dr. Marc Faber, seorang pakar strategi investasi internasional. Bapak Jonathan Sampoerna saat ini memimpin bagian pengembangan usaha pada sejumlah Usaha Perdagangan Keluarga Sampoerna.

Mr. Barnes is the former General Counsel of PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) and was a member of the Board of Commissioners. He received a B.S. from Lewis and Clark College and a JD from the University of California. He has worked for the Sampoerna Group of companies for over 25 years.

Bapak Barnes adalah seorang mantan Penasehat dan anggota Komisaris PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS). Beliau meraih gelar BS dari Lewis & Clark College dan JD dari University of California. Beliau telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan Sampoerna Group selama lebih dari 25 tahun.

Youngest daughter of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. She studied in Asia and the United States, receiving a degree in Fashion Design and Merchandising at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City, USA. Initially working with a fashion house in New York, Ms. Farah Sampoerna has taken a sabbatical to raise her sons.

Putri termuda Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Ibu Farah Sampoerna menempuh pendidikan di Asia dan Amerika Serikat, hingga meraih gelar sarjana dalam Fashion Design and Merchandising dari Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City. Sebelumnya bekerja di rumah mode di New York, kini beliau tengah dalam cuti panjang untuk membesarkan putra-putranya.

Board of Patrons

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Ms. Rachmad joined PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) in 1998 as Head of Corporate Communications, and was subsequently appointed as Communications Director in 2006. In 2009, she was appointed as Corporate Affairs Advisor, then as of January 21, 2011, as a Commissioner. She has had a long, distinguished career in journalism and public relations in Indonesia and USA, including for the Voice of America. At Ogilvy & Mather Indonesia, she pioneered its Public Relations division and introduced the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. She graduated with a BSc from the University of Gadjah Mada in 1972.

Ibu Niken Rachmad bergabung sebagai Kepala Komunikasi Perusahaan PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) pada tahun 1998, kemudian menjadi Direktur Komunikasi pada tahun 2006. Tahun 2009, ditunjuk sebagai Corporate Affairs Advisor sebelum menjadi anggota Komisaris sejak tanggal 21 Januari 2011. Beliau meniti karier jurnalisme dan hubungan masyarakat di Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat, termasuk untuk Voice of America. Saat di Ogilvy & Mather Indonesia, beliau merintis divisi Public Relations serta memperkenalkan konsep Corporate Social Responsibility. Beliau meraih gelar BSc dari Universitas Gadjah Mada pada tahun 1972.  

Seorang mantan Komisaris PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Bapak Kasih berkecimpung di bidang Pengawasan Keuangan selama lebih dari 25 tahun. Beliau lulus dari Universitas Indonesia sebagai Sarjana Ekonomi, dan kini mengabdi sebagai dosen Ekonomi di fakultasnya. Bapak Kasih pernah menjabat sebagai Chief Financial Officer di PT HMS, dan kini menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independen sekaligus Eksekutif Sampoerna Strategic dan Presiden Direktur PT. Sampoerna Agro Tbk.

Formerly a Director of PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Mr. Kasih has spent over 25 years in Financial Control. He graduated from the University of Indonesia with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and currently serves as an Economics lecturer at the same university. Mr. Kasih was the Chief Financial Officer of PT HMS and is currently an Independent Commissioner. He also serves as an executive of Sampoerna Strategic and President Director of PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk.

Saat ini, Bapak Irawan bersama dua rekannya mengelola Aserra Capital, suatu firma ekuitas swasta dengan investasi utama dalam pertambangan batubara. Sebelumnya beliau adalah mitra senior – Kepala Pelayanan Penasehat Transaksi Ernst & Young Advisory Indonesia. Beliau meraih gelar BSc Accounting dari De La Salle University, Filipina.

Mr. Irawan, along with his two partners, is now managing Aserra Capital, a private equity firm with its principal investment in coal mines. He was formerly a senior partner - Head of Transaction Advisory Services at Ernst & Young Indonesia. He received his BSc degree in accounting from De La Salle University, Philippines.

Mr. Sulistyo is a Commissioner of PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia. He formerly served as Commissioner of PT. Sungai Rangit, as well as the Indonesian Head of Production and Country Head of Myanmar for PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS). He earned his Chemical Engineering degree from University of Dortmund, Germany.

Bapak Sulistyo menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Sebelumnya beliau duduk sebagai Komisaris PT. Sungai Rangit, sekaligus menjabat posisi Kepala Produksi di Indonesia dan mengepalai PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) di Myanmar. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Teknik Kimia dari University of Dortmund, Jerman.

Bambang Sulistyo Niken Rachmad Ekadharmajanto Kasih Agustinus Irawan

Jacqueline Michelle SampoernaChairperson

Eldest daughter of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. Formerly Communications Manager at PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) and Director of Sampoerna Jones Designs, Ms. Michelle Sampoerna studied internationally, receiving her B.A. in Mass Communications from St. Mary’s College in California. She was “on point” with her father for all preliminary research and planning regarding Putera Sampoerna Foundation and has led the Foundation since its inception.

Putri tertua Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Sebelumnya berperan sebagai

Manajer Komunikasi PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) dan

Direktur Sampoerna Jones Designs, Michelle Sampoerna meraih gelar

BA dalam Mass Communications dari St. Mary’s College, California. Beliau

membantu menuangkan visi Bapak Putera Sampoerna mulai dari tahap

awal penelitian dan perencanaan Putera Sampoerna Foundation, hingga

memimpinnya sejak Foundation ini didirikan.

Board of Supervisors

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Yos Adiguna Ginting began his professional career as Manager, Strategic Alliance, at PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper, Tbk., soon after obtaining his PhD in Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Tasmania, Australia in 1997. His career progressed, and he was eventually appointed to the position of Vice President, Trade Alliance, based in Singapore. Mr. Ginting joined PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) in April 2002, and quickly assumed roles of increasing responsibility, including Director of Human Resources in June 2003. In 2008, he was appointed as Director in charge of Corporate Affairs.

Bapak Ginting memulai kariernya sebagai Manajer Strategic Alliance PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper Tbk., setelah meraih gelar PhD dalam Theoretical Chemistry dari University of Tasmania, Australia pada tahun 1997. Kariernya menanjak hingga mencapai jabatan Vice President Trade Alliance, berbasis di Singapura. Bapak Ginting bergabung dengan PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) pada bulan April 2002, dan dengan cepat meraih tanggung jawab yang meningkat, termasuk sebagai Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia pada bulan Juni 2003. Pada tahun 2008, beliau diangkat menjadi Direktur yang bertanggung jawab atas Corporate Affairs.

Seorang wakil presidium dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation Alumni Association (PSFAA) pada tahun 2008-2010. Beliau lulus dengan prestasi cum laude di bidang Ilmu Komputer dari Institut Teknologi Bandung, kemudian menerima beasiswa MBA luar negeri dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation pada tahun 2005, untuk program 2 tahun di London Business School, University of London. Beliau pernah menjabat posisi penting di EGlobal Technology, dan saat ini menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden Comexindo Internasional.

A presidium representative of the Putera Sampoerna Foundation Alumni Association (PSFAA) from 2008-2010. He graduated cum laude from Bandung Institute of Technology, majoring in Computer Science and received an overseas MBA scholarship from the Putera Sampoerna Foundation in 2005 for a 2 years program at London Business School, University of London. He has held key positions with EGlobal Technology and is currently serving as the Vice President of Comexindo International.

Mr. Surowidjojo is the founding partner of the law firm Lubis, Ganie and Surowidjojo. He is a senior lecturer at the Law Faculty of University of Indonesia and one of the founders and a former chairperson of the Supervisory Board for Transparency International Indonesia. He received his Bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Indonesia, and Masters in Law from the University of Washington, USA.

Bapak Surowidjojo adalah mitra pendiri firma hukum Lubis, Ganie dan Surowidjojo. Beliau adalah seorang dosen senior di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, dan salah satu pendiri serta mantan Ketua Dewan Pengawasan Transparency

International Indonesia. Beliau meraih gelar sarjana dari Universitas Indonesia, dan gelar pascasarjana di bidang Hukum dari University of Washington, AS.

Arief Tarunakarya Surowidjojo Yos Adiguna Ginting Eliezer Marthenny Kaeng

Dr. Robert Bong, mantan Chief Executive dan Direktur dari sejumlah perusahaan terdaftar, memiliki 35 tahun pengalaman dalam kepemimpinan perusahaan.  Saat ini Dr. Bong adalah Vice Chancellor dan Chief Executive UCSI University di Malaysia.  Beliau menjabat sebagai Entrepreneur-In-Residence INSEAD Business School di Perancis dan Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship di Singapore Management University. Dr. Bong juga menjabat sebagai Penasehat TAP Management Institute of Manipal University di India, serta Co-Chairman India Blue Ocean Strategy Research Center.

Dr. Robert Bong, a former Chief Executive and Director of a number of publicly listed companies, has 35 years of experience in corporate leadership. Dr. Bong is currently the Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of UCSI University in Malaysia. He serves as the Entrepreneur-In-Residence of the INSEAD Business School in France and the Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship of the Singapore Management University. Dr. Bong also serves as Advisor to TAP Management Institute (TAPMI) of Manipal University in India and as Co-Chairman for the India Blue Ocean Strategy Research Center.

Robert Bong

Formerly the Director of Corporate Development for PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Mr. Meeks worked for more than a decade in Asia and is currently Senior Vice President of Corporate Development at the McCoy Corporation based in Texas. He graduated with honors from Texas A&M University.

Seorang mantan Direktur Pengembangan Perusahaan PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Bapak Meeks telah bekerja selama lebih dari satu dasawarsa di Asia dan saat ini menjabat sebagai Senior Vice President of Corporate

Development McCoy Corporation yang berbasis di Texas, Amerika Serikat. Beliau meraih gelar Bachelor with Honors dari Texas A&M University.

John N. Meeks

Bapak Stamboel adalah Ketua WWF Indonesia, dan anggota pendiri Masyarakat Transparansi Indonesia. Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independen PT Holcim Indonesia Ltd. dan PT Titan Kimia Nusantara Ltd. Sebelumnya, Bapak Stamboel adalah anggota Dewan Pengawasan (Oversight Committee) BRR Aceh dan Nias, dan juga anggota National ICT Council. Pada saat yang sama beliau menjabat Komisaris PT Krakatau Steel dan PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines. Beliau meraih gelar MSc dalam Business Management dari Management Institute of Arthur D. Little, AS.

Mr. Stamboel is the Chairman of WWF Indonesia, and founding member of MTI (the Indonesian Society for Transparency). He also serves as Independent Commissioner at PT. Holcim Indonesia Ltd. and PT. Titan Kimia Nusantara Ltd. Prior to that position he also served as Supervisory member (Oversight Committee) of BRR Aceh/Nias, and also as a member of the National ICT Council. At the same time he served as Commissioner at PT. Krakatau Steel and PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines. He received a Master’s of Science in Business Management from the Management Institute of Arthur D. Little, Boston, USA.

Kemal A. Stamboel

Board of Supervisors

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Formerly CEO of a software company, Mr. Henry obtained his Bachelor (honors) degree from Trent University, Canada in Mathematics and Computer Studies. He is currently the chairperson of the United World Colleges (UWC) National Committee for Indonesia, and a member of International Baccalaureate Office (IBO) Asia-Pacific Regional Council.

Seorang mantan Chief Executive Officer dari sebuah perusahaan peranti lunak, Bapak Henry meraih gelar Bachelor with Honors

di bidang Matematika dan Ilmu Komputer dari Trent University, Kanada. Saat ini, beliau adalah Ketua Dewan Komite Nasional United World Colleges untuk Indonesia, serta anggota dari International Baccalaureate Office (IBO) Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Committee.

Formerly an Associate Manager at Arthur Andersen Business Consulting and a Program Manager at PT Bank International Indonesia Tbk. (BII), Mr. Aryawan received his B.S. in Marketing from Boston College, Massachusetts.

Bapak Aryawan adalah seorang mantan Associate Manager di Arthur Andersen Business Consulting dan Manajer Program di PT. Bank International Indonesia Tbk. Beliau meraih gelar B.S. dalam Pemasaran dari Boston College, Massachusetts.

Stefanus AryawanChief Financial Officer

Eddy F. HenryEducation Programs Director / Foundation General Secretary

Seorang mantan Manajer Divisi Konsultasi Bisnis dan Keuangan Arthur Andersen Business Consulting, Bapak Merdy meraih gelar B.S. dari Philippines School of Business dan gelar MBA dari De La Salle University, Filipina.

Formerly Manager of the Business and Financial Consulting Division at Arthur Andersen Business Consulting, Mr. Merdy received his B.S. from Philippines School of Business and MBA from De La Salle University, Philippines.

Elan MerdySenior Director / Foundation Secretary

Board of Executives

Nenny SoemawinataManaging Director / Chief of the Foundation Executives

Former President Director of Indo-Ad/Ogilvy & Mather, a leading advertising agency. Followed by a career in the TV industry, leading TV stations such as ANTV, RCTI and O Channel. Ms. Soemawinata is both a qualified trainer and a leading professional in marketing, sales, and communications. She holds a computer programming degree from the Auckland Technical Institute, New Zealand.

Seorang mantan Presiden Direktur Indo-Ad/Ogilvy & Mather, suatu

biro periklanan terkemuka. Setelah itu Ibu Soemawinata melanjutkan

kariernya sebagai pemimpin stasiun TV terkemuka seperti ANTV, RCTI

dan O Channel. Beliau adalah seorang pakar, dan profesional terkemuka

di bidang pemasaran, penjualan, dan komunikasi. Beliau menyandang

gelar Sarjana Computer Programming dari Auckland Technical Institute,

Selandia Baru.

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Formerly a Senior Program Manager at PT Bank International Indonesia Tbk., Mr. Binantoro started his career at KPMG Consulting (Utrecht, the Netherlands) and Arthur Andersen Business Consulting ( Jakarta, Indonesia). Mr. Binantoro obtained his BSc, majoring in Industrial Engineering from University of Indonesia and his MBA from University of Leuven, Belgium.

Sebelum bergabung, Bapak Agung Binantoro menjabat sebagai Senior Program Manager

di PT Bank International Indonesia, Tbk. Ia memulai kariernya di beberapa perusahaan

konsultan, seperti KPMG Consulting (Utrecht, Belanda) dan Arthur Andersen Business

Consulting (Jakarta, Indonesia). Bapak Agung Binantoro memperoleh gelar BSc di bidang

Teknik Industri dari Universitas Indonesia dan MBA dari University of Leuven, Belgia.

Formerly a General Manager at PT Matahari Putra Prima, a leading department store in Indonesia, Ms. Tampi obtained her Bachelor degree in Finance from University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA and her MBA degree in Banking from Golden Gate University, USA.

Ibu Pannen adalah seorang profesor dalam bidang teknologi instruksi, yang mengenyam

pendidikan pascasarjana di bidang Teknologi Pendidikan di Syracuse University.

Sebelumnya, beliau adalah anggota fakultas Universitas Terbuka, serta Direktur SEAMEO

Southeast Asia Regional Open and Distance Learning Center. Beliau terlibat secara aktif

dalam berbagai kegiatan peningkatan pendidikan guru termasuk penulisan makalah

pendidikan, dan sebagai pembicara dalam berbagai forum pendidikan baik lokal maupun


Seorang mantan General Manager di PT Matahari Putra Prima, suatu pelopor pusat

perbelanjaan di Indonesia, Ibu Tampi meraih gelar Sarjana Keuangan dari University

of Wisconsin di Milwaukee, dan gelar MBA dalam Perbankan dari Golden Gate

University, AS.

Ms. Pannen, a professor of instructional technology, received her graduate education from Syracuse University in the field of educational technology. Prior to her deanship, she was a faculty member of Universitas Terbuka and Director of SEAMEO Southeast Asia Regional Open and Distance Learning Center. She is actively involved in various quality improvement activities for teacher education, including writing in scholarly journals and speaking at various national, as well as international, education forums.

Formerly the Corporate Director of Marketing & Sales at Coldwell Banker Indonesia, and Head of Global Commercial Cards at American Express Bank Ltd., Ms. Soekardiman has over 18 years of experience in marketing and sales in various organizations in Indonesia and the region. She received her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Biology from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.

Seorang mantan Corporate Director of Marketing & Sales Coldwell Banker Indonesia dan

Head of Global Commercial Cards American Express Bank Ltd., Ibu Soekardiman memiliki

lebih dari 18 tahun pengalaman dalam pemasaran dan penjualan di berbagai organisasi,

baik di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Beliau memiliki gelar BSc dalam Biologi dari

University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

Board of Operational Executives

Rini TampiDirector of Scholarship and Student Loan

Paulina PannenDean of Sampoerna School of Education

Vira SoekardimanDirector of Sales

Agung BinantoroProgram Development Director / General Manager of Sampoerna School of Business

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Since its inception in 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has been inscribing the fabric of Indonesia’s future with a carefully crafted design toward creating a better society by producing a new generation of leaders capable of functioning competitively as citizens of the world in a global age. This decade of endeavor has yielded a clear outline that we will continue to fill in with vibrant colors of dedication and vision as we enhance existing programs and extend our reach to better address the needs of the Indonesian people for education, empowerment, and opportunity.

Sejak lahirnya di tahun 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah merajut masa depan Indonesia dengan rancangan yang disiapkan secara teliti demi terbentuknya masyarakat

yang lebih baik, dengan menciptakan pemimpin generasi baru yang mampu bersaing sebagai warga dunia di era globalisasi. Upaya pada dasawarsa ini telah menggoreskan

kerangka yang akan terus kami warnai dengan semangat dedikasi dan visi, sambil meningkatkan program yang ada dan memperluas jangkauan untuk dapat menangani

kebutuhan Indonesia akan pendidikan, peluang dan pemberdayaan.

Designing a Bright Future for the NationWonderful Years


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Education Creates a Legacy of Hope for a Lifetime

Understanding that education is not possible without equal access, Putera Sampoerna Foundation inititated the provision of scholarships to ensure that young people from financially disadvantaged families could stay in school and benefit fully from formal education. Then, as it became clear that achieving quality education would not be possible without enhancing teacher skills and improving school administration, Putera Sampoerna Foundation expanded its scope of activities to provide teachers with the opportunity to upgrade their skills toward greater professionalism, while also assisting schools to develop appropriate administrative programs and systems.

Memahami bahwa pendidikan tidak dapat diraih tanpa kesempatan akses yang sama, Putera Sampoerna Foundation memprakarsai

penyediaan beasiswa untuk memastikan agar remaja dari keluarga prasejahtera dapat tetap bersekolah dan merasakan manfaat

penuh dari pendidikan formal. Dengan keyakinan bahwa pendidikan berkualitas mustahil diperoleh tanpa meningkatkan keterampilan

guru dan administrasi sekolah, Putera Sampoerna Foundation memperluas cakupan kegiatannya dengan menyediakan peluang untuk

meningkatkan keterampilan bagi guru agar menjadi lebih profesional, sekaligus mendukung sekolah untuk mengembangkan program

dan sistem administrasi yang sesuai.


Establishment of Putera Sampoerna Foundation.Initiation of scholarship provision: 1,250 scholarships issued for high school and university.


Berdirinya Putera Sampoerna Foundation.

Awal dari beasiswa: 1.250 beasiswa diberikan pada

siswa tingkat SMA dan perguruan tinggi.



• •

Initiation of scholarships for MBA study abroad.Total of 4,725 scholarships awarded.

• •

Awal dari beasiswa bagi MBA di luar negeri.

Total 4.725 beasiswa diberikan.


Partnership role in National Science Olympiad.More than 9,110 scholarships awarded.Initiation of education program with preparation of teacher, enhancement infrastructure, and institutional development programs.


Peran kemitraan dalam Olimpiade Ilmu Pengetahuan


Lebih dari 9.110 beasiswa diberikan.

Awal dari program pendidikan melalui persiapan prasarana,

peningkatan guru, dan program pengembangan institusi.


2003Making Education ACCESSible for everyone Facilitates Emergence of Future Leaders

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• •



Launching of the Sampoerna Foundation Teacher Institute (SFTI) to provide training to in-service teachers to upgrade their knowledge and skills and enhance their professionalism.

Peluncuran Sampoerna Foundation Teacher Institute (SFTI) untuk

menyediakan pelatihan hingga pelayanan guru guna meningkatkan

pengetahuan dan keterampilan, serta profesionalisme mereka.

Inception of Education Disaster Recovery Program in response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Aceh. Initiation of the School Quality Improvement Program (SQIP) that then expanded into the United School Program (USP) for nationwide upgrading and enhancement of schools.

Lahirnya Program Pemulihan Pendidikan akibat Bencana sebagai

tanggapan terhadap gempa bumi dan tsunami di Aceh.

Mulainya Program Peningkatan Kualitas Sekolah (SQIP) yang

kemudian diperluas menjadi Program Persatuan Sekolah (USP)

untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan sekolah di seluruh daerah.

Collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to establish and run the School of Business Management (SBM-ITB) offering MBA specializations in Telecommunications, Energy, and Business Law at well equipped modern educational facilities in downtown Jakarta.Launching of the first Student Financing facility for non-collateral loans in Indonesia with the assistance of Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) and International Finance Corporation (division of World Bank).

Bekerja sama dengan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) untuk

mendirikan dan mengoperasikan School of Business Management

(SBM-ITB) yang menawarkan program MBA spesialisasi dalam

Telekomunikasi, Energi dan Hukum Bisnis, dilengkapi dengan

sarana pendidikan moderen di tengah kota Jakarta.

Peluncuran Pendanaan Siswa berupa pinjaman tanpa agunan

yang pertama di Indonesia, dengan bantuan Bank Internasional

Indonesia (BII) dan International Finance Corporation (bagian dari

Bank Dunia).


Expanding in the Education Sector to Achieve Quality Improvement

Aware that access to seats in Indonesia’s traditional school system alone will not ensure the best quality education possible for Indonesia’s younger generation, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has been coloring in the spaces outlined in its grand design for educational assistance toward developing a better society with a number of new specifically targeted programs. These programs for school development and enhancement, in-service teacher training and upgrading, student financing for higher education, and internships for graduates have done much toward establishing a blueprint for setting out pillars of support for creating a better Indonesian society.

Menyadari bahwa akses ke bangku sistem pendidikan tradisional

saja tidak menjamin kualitas pendidikan terbaik bagi generasi muda

Indonesia, Putera Sampoerna Foundation mewarnai ruang yang telah

digariskan dalam rancangan besarnya melalui program baru dengan

sasaran khusus. Program ini ditujukan pada pengembangan dan

peningkatan sekolah, peningkatan dan pelayanan pelatihan guru,

pendanaan siswa pendidikan tinggi, dan program magang bagi para

lulusan, telah membentuk fondasi bagi penetapan pilar dukungan

demi menciptakan masyarakat Indonesia yang lebih baik.

Providing Excellent Education Facilities to Support Future Leaders


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Held the first National Annual Teachers Congress, which was attended by more than 1,000 teachers and principals from across the archipelago.Became the first education sector non-governmental organization (NGO) to achieve ISO9001:2000 certification for efficient management systems.Established School Leadership Development Program in collaboration with the National Institute of Education (NIE) of Singapore.Adoption of 5 Islamic schools (madrasah) into the Putera Sampoerna Foundation Madrasah Quality Improvement Program (MQIP) for enhancement of educational facilities and curriculum.

Menyelenggarakan Kongres Guru Indonesia yang pertama, dihadiri oleh lebih

dari 1000 guru dan kepala sekolah dari seluruh daerah.

Menjadi organisasi nirlaba pendidikan pertama yang menerima sertifikasi

ISO9001:2000 sistem manajemen efisien.

Mendirikan Program Sekolah Pengembangan Kepemimpinan, bekerja sama

dengan National Institute of Education (NIE) of Singapore.

Mengadopsi 5 madrasah menjadi Program Peningkatan Kualitas Madrasah

(MQIP) Putera Sampoerna Foundation demi peningkatan sarana dan

kurikulum pendidikan.


Invited by former US President Bill Clinton to represent Indonesia in the Clinton Global Initiatives program.

• Diundang oleh mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat, Bill Clinton, untuk mewakili

Indonesia dalam program Clinton Global Initiatives.•


Became the first secular NGO to be granted the Religious Giving License by BAZNAS, the Islamic authority of Indonesia; enabling Putera Sampoerna Foundation to collect donations and tithes from the Moslem Community for channeling to those in need of assistance. Establishment of two Sampoerna Academies in Malang (East Java) and Palembang (South Sumatra) to provide academically deserving teens, who come from the lowest economic quintile, with 3 years of quality education at a senior high boarding school with a Cambridge examination accreditation.Launching of the Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) in Jakarta to grant education and teaching degrees as part of the Foundation’s world class university initiative.

Menjadi organisasi nirlaba sekuler pertama yang diberi sebagai unit pengelolaan

zakat oleh BAZNAS, lembaga Islam yang berwenang di Indonesia; memungkinkan

Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk menghimpun dana dan amal dari masyarakat

Islam dan menyalurkannya ke mereka yang membutuhkannya.

Berdirinya dua Sampoerna Academy di Malang dan Palembang untuk menyediakan

pendidikan berkualitas selama 3 tahun di SMA asrama berakreditasi setara Cambridge,

bagi remaja yang layak dari lapisan ekonomi terendah.

Peluncuran Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) di Jakarta untuk memberikan gelar

sarjana pendidikan dan pengajaran sebagai bagian dari prakarsa Putera Sampoerna

Foundation mendirikan universitas berkelas dunia.


Improving Education to International Standards to Create Indonesian Leaders with Global Scope

As the fabric of Indonesia’s future continues to unfurl, Putera Sampoerna Foundation is consistently there to color it with a vibrant vision of the nation as a global citizen whose people can compete and even contribute successfully within the international community. The establishment of a professional forum for teachers, the launching of a university-level teacher education school, and the opening of boarding schools where students receive an international standard education—these are among the powerful initiatives that are moving Putera Sampoerna Foundation ever closer to its goals and earning its positive international attention.

Di mana masa depan Indonesia terus membentang, Putera Sampoerna Foundation terus hadir untuk mewarnainya dengan visi yang cerah mengenai

bangsa sebagai warga dunia yang mana penduduknya dapat bersaing bahkan berhasil memberikan kontribusi di kalangan masyarakat dunia. Berdirinya

wadah profesional bagi para guru, diluncurkannya sekolah pendidikan guru tingkat perguruan tinggi, dan dibukanya sekolah berasrama di mana siswa

menerima pendidikan berstandar internasional, merupakan bagian dari prakarsa baik yang membawa Putera Sampoerna Foundation lebih dekat ke

sasarannya, serta meraih perhatian positif dari dunia.

Ensuring High Quality Education to Facilitate Creation of Future Leaders

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Leveraging its Pathway to Leadership grand strategy, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has evolved to position itself strongly as a Social Business Institution creating an ecosystem of innovation and empowerment to yield ever more initiatives and programs toward creating a more viable Indonesia, that is capable of interacting optimally in international circles. Launching of and expanding new programs, including the Sahabat Wanita (‘Friends of Women’) foundation and cooperative; the ACCESS Education Beyond initiative for promoting US-Indonesia education exchange programs; and MEKAR Entrepreneur Network, an internet based entrepreneurship forum for the development of business leaders.Launching of the Sampoerna School of Business as part of Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s world class university initiative.

Memanfaatkan strategi utama Pathway to Leadership, Putera

Sampoerna Foundation mengubah posisinya menjadi Institusi

Bisnis Sosial yang menciptakan ekosistem bagi inovasi dan

pemberdayaan agar menghasilkan lebih banyak program dan

prakarsa demi Indonesia yang mampu untuk berhubungan

secara optimal di kalangan internasional.

Peluncuran dan perluasan program baru, termasuk Yayasan

dan Koperasi Sahabat Wanita; prakarsa ACCESS Education

Beyond untuk memacu program pertukaran pendidikan

Amerika Serikat-Indonesia; dan MEKAR Entrepreneur Network,

suatu wadah kewirausahawanan berbasis-internet untuk

pengembangan pemimpin usaha.

Peluncuran Sampoerna School of Business sebagai bagian

dari prakarsa Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk mendirikan

universitas berkelas dunia.


Laying Out the Framework of Support for Developing Future Leaders

As Putera Sampoerna Foundation marks its 10th year of creating a better future for the nation hand in hand with its partners and supporters, it continues to unfurl its strategy toward developing competent leaders capable of transforming Indonesian society and functioning in international circles. Beginning a decade ago with scholarships, and then expanding its scope to teaching teachers and developing schools, Putera Sampoerna Foundation is steadily enhancing its mission as a social enterprise creating innovative programs supported by the pillars of education, women empowerment, entrepreneurship development, and compassionate relief assistance in unfortunate circumstances.

Di samping memperingati dasawarsa pertama untuk menciptakan

masa depan bangsa yang lebih baik bersama mitra dan pendukungnya,

Putera Sampoerna Foundation terus membentangkan strategi

untuk mengembangkan pemimpin yang mampu untuk mengubah

masyarakat Indonesia, dan berperan di kalangan internasional. Memulai

dengan beasiswa sepuluh tahun yang lalu, kemudian memperluas

jangkauannya ke pendidikan guru dan pengembangan sekolah, Putera

Sampoerna Foundation dengan pasti meningkatkan misinya sebagai

bisnis sosial yang menciptakan program inovatif didukung oleh pilar

pendidikan, pemberdayaan wanita, pengembangan wirausahawan, dan

bantuan kemanusiaan bagi masyarakat yang dilanda musibah.

It Takes More than Just Education to Create a Brighter

Future for the Nation

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The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first Social Business Institution in Indonesia with the vision to create high caliber future leaders and entrepreneurs to enable Indonesia to meet the challenges of global participation.

The four main pillars of the foundation are provision of quality education to Indonesia’s economically underprivileged, building entrepreneurship skills and eco-systems for economic development, empowerment of women, and support of compassionate relief programs.

Based on its grand strategy, Pathway to Leadership, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has the goal of creating 1,000 leaders per year who are expected to provide contributions and change in their communities. In carrying out its activities, the Foundation is supported by strategic partners, such as Sahabat Wanita, Siswa Bangsa, Bait Al-Kamil, ACCESS Education Beyond, as well as MEKAR Entrepreneur Network.

Since its inception in 2001, the Foundation has distributed more than 34,600 scholarships, provided training for more than 22,038 teachers and principals, and adopted 17 public schools and 5 Islamic schools. Putera Sampoerna Foundation also has established Sampoerna Academy, Sampoerna School of Education (SSE), and the Sampoerna School of Business (SSB). These latest two colleges are the Foundation’s first steps in the establishment of a world class university.

The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first non-profit organization to receive the ISO 9001:2008 certificate for quality management systems which are of international standard.

Creating High-Caliber Leaders for Indonesia in Global Participation

Putera Sampoerna Foundation adalah Lembaga Bisnis Sosial pertama di Indonesia dengan visi untuk mencetak calon-calon pemimpin masa depan dan wirausahawan handal di Indonesia demi memenuhi tantangan untuk berpartisipasi global.

Empat pilar utama foundation ini adalah penyediaan pendidikan berkualitas bagi ekonomi prasejahtera di Indonesia, membangun keterampilan kewirausahaan dan ekosistem pembangunan ekonomi, pemberdayaan perempuan, dan mendukung program bantuan kemanusiaan.

Mengacu pada strategi utama Pathway to Leadership, Putera Sampoerna Foundation menetapkan sasaran untuk menciptakan 1000 pemimpin setiap tahun, yang diharapkan untuk memberikan kontribusi dan perubahan di lingkungannya. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya, Putera Sampoerna Foundation didukung oleh mitra strategis antara lain Sahabat Wanita, Siswa Bangsa, Bait Al-Kamil dan ACCESS Education Beyond, serta MEKAR Entrepeneur Network.

Sejak lahir pada tahun 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah memberikan lebih dari 34.600 beasiswa, menyelenggarakan pelatihan bagi lebih dari 22,038 guru dan kepala sekolah, dan mengadopsi 17 sekolah negeri dan 5 madrasah. Putera Sampoerna Foundation juga telah mendirikan Sampoerna Academy, Sampoerna School of Education dan Sampoerna School of Business. Kedua fakultas terakhir ini adalah langkah awal Putera Sampoerna Foundation dalam rangka berdirinya universitas berkelas dunia.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation adalah organisasi nirlaba pertama yang menerima sertifikasi ISO9001:2008 sistem kualitas manajemen bertaraf dunia.

About Putera Sampoerna Foundation

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V I S I O N & M I S S I O N

Vision To create high caliber future leaders and entrepreneurs for Indonesia

to meet the challenges of global participation

Mission To create jobs through entrepreneurial development

To develop high caliber future leaders through education

To enlighten general populace through women empowerment

To become a role model for other philanthropic organizations in indonesia

To be professional, compassionate, transparent and to constantly search for excellence

To support the needs of the Republic of Indonesia, our beneficiaries, their communities,

our partners and our donors.

VisiMenciptakan pemimpin dan wirausahawan handal masa depan bagi Indonesia,

untuk menghadapi tantangan partisipasi global

Misi Menciptakan lapangan kerja melalui pengembangan kewirausahawanan

Mengembangkan pemimpin handal masa depan melalui pendidikan

Memberikan pencerahan kepada masyarakat luas melalui pemberdayaan wanita

Menjadi panutan bagi organisasi filantropi lainnya di Indonesia

Menjadi sosok yang profesional, manusiawi dan terbuka, yang terus mencari keunggulan

Mendukung kebutuhan Indonesia, penerima manfaat dan masyarakat sekitar, serta mitra dan donor kami

From passion

and progress,

comes an opportunity.

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Unfolding the Fabric of the Future

A Decade of Dedication to Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

20T R A N S I T I O N T O F U T U R E P L A N N I N G

Drawing out a

grand design of

hope for a brighter


…. through the

creation of vibrant

young leaders

today Putera Sampoerna Foundation marked 10 years of facilitating development of future leaders through educational and social empowerment programs to enable the creation of a brighter future.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation–embodying the belief of founder Putera Sampoerna that philanthropy, like business, carefully manages funds for long-lasting benefit–applies its vision as a ‘social business’ to provide access to quality education for academically gifted children from disadvantaged families, while seeking out innovative ways to address other pressing societal issues. Initiatives include leader creation through education; enlightenment of the populace through women; job creation through entrepreneurial development; and compassionate assistance.

As in creating batik, our endeavors require many hands. We are grateful that, over time, a significant number of local and international entities from various sectors have lent support. We are confident our continued efforts and the support of donor partners will keep this grand design unfolding vibrantly.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation memperingati satu dasawarsa dalam mengembangkan pemimpin

masa depan melalui program pendidikan dan pemberdayaan sosial demi masa depan yang lebih


Putera Sampoerna Foundation–sebagai wujud keyakinan Putera Sampoerna bahwa filantropi,

seperti bisnis, mengelola dana secara seksama demi manfaat jangka panjang – menerapkan visinya

sebagai ‘bisnis sosial’ untuk menyediakan akses ke pendidikan berkualitas bagi remaja berprestasi

dari keluarga prasejahtera, sambil mencari cara yang inovatif untuk menangani masalah sosial

lain yang mendesak. Prakarsanya termasuk penciptaan pemimpin melalui pendidikan, pencerahan

masyarakat melalui wanita; pengadaan lapangan kerja dan pengembangan wirausaha; dan bantuan


Seperti membatik, upaya kami membutuhkan banyak tangan. Kami bersyukur karena, dengan

berjalannya waktu, berbagai sektor lembaga lokal dan internasional telah mengulurkan tangannya.

Kami yakin bahwa upaya kami dan uluran tangan mitra donor yang berdatangan akan memungkinkan

rancangan besar ini untuk terus terbentang dengan cerah.

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Education ENtrepreneUrshipWoman empowerment

Compassionate Assistance In 2001, Putera Sampoerna saw the need to

open access to quality education at all levels for Indonesia’s children, especially those of the lowest economic quintile. The driving concept has been to create quality leaders of global competence for tomorrow by empowering Indonesia’s young people today. Since 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation, which has earned ISO 9001-2008 certification for management efficiency, has provided scholarships, introduced non-collateral student financing, improved schools, upgraded teachers, and established the Sampoerna Academy international standard boarding schools to imbue academically gifted but disadvantaged young people with knowledge and leadership skills, while also initiating the development of a world-class university in Indonesia.

Realizing that women–still bound by gender bias–are the key to developing leaders to create a more equitable society, became convinced it is vital to empower women to enlighten the populace. In 2009, Putera Sampoerna Foundation established a foundation to increase the access of disadvantaged women to knowledge that can improve family health and wellbeing. Putera Sampoerna Foundation also set up a cooperative to help women contribute to family income by developing small businesses through management training and micro-financing. These programs are expected to spur a strong social network and a national movement to facilitate the emergence of women leaders able to contribute to family welfare and the development of Indonesia.

Pada tahun 2001, Putera Sampoerna melihat kepentingan untuk membuka akses ke pendidikan berkualitas bagi remaja Indonesia terutama dari lapisan ekonomi terendah. Konsep ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan pemimpin berkompetensi global untuk hari esok, dengan memberdayakan remaja Indonesia hari ini. Sejak tahun 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation yang memperoleh sertifikasi ISO9001:2008 efisiensi manajemen, telah menyediakan beasiswa, meluncurkan pendanaan siswa tanpa agunan, meningkatkan guru dan sekolah, serta mendirikan Sampoerna Academy, sekolah asrama bertaraf internasional untuk membekali remaja berprestasi dari kalangan prasejahtera, dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepemimpinan, sekaligus memprakarsai pengembangan perguruan tinggi bertaraf internasional di Indonesia.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation learned from the experiences of its first 10 years that–like the sprawling interconnected details of batik design–society’s problems are interrelated and require the holistic approach of creating a new, healthier societal ecosystem in which opportunities abound for individual advancement. Putera Sampoerna Foundation believes that, along with education and women empowerment, it is imperative to encourage new business development to facilitate the creation of jobs. For that reason, in 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation initiated the MEKAR entrepreneurial portal, seminars, and networking forums to connect young entrepreneurs with bright innovative ideas with visionary investors willing to support their efforts to develop businesses and create jobs.

Belajar dari pengalaman satu dasawarsa pertama bahwa–seperti alur motif batik yang saling bersentuhan–masalah pada masyarakat saling berkaitan dan membutuhkan pendekatan menyeluruh untuk dapat menciptakan ekosistem baru yang lebih sehat, dengan peluang besar untuk maju bagi individu. Putera Sampoerna Foundation yakin akan, selain pendidikan dan pemberdayaan wanita pentingnya dorongan bagi pengembangan usaha baru demi terciptanya lapangan kerja. Maka pada tahun 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation memprakarsai situs, seminar, dan jaringan kewirausahawanan MEKAR untuk menghubungkan wirausahawan muda bergagasan inovatif dengan investor bervisi dan berkeinginan untuk mendukung upaya pengembangan usaha dan penciptaan lapangan kerja.

Menyadari bahwa wanita–masih dalam keterbatasan haknya–merupakan kunci pengembangan pemimpin, Putera Sampoerna Foundation yakin akan pentingnya pemberdayaan wanita untuk memberikan pencerahan kepada masyarakat. Pada tahun 2009, Putera Sampoerna Foundation mendirikan yayasan untuk meningkatkan akses ke pengetahuan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan keluarga bagi wanita prasejahtera. Putera Sampoerna Foundation juga mendirikan koperasi untuk membantu wanita menambah penghasilan keluarga melalui pengembangan usaha kecil dengan pelatihan pengelolaan dan kredit mikronya. Program ini diharapkan untuk dapat memicu jaringan sosial dan gerakan nasional yang kuat demi tumbuhnya pemimpin wanita yang dapat memberi kontribusi ke keluarga dan perkembangan Indonesia.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation, with its deep sense of social solidarity, was one of the first organizations to arrive in Aceh Province after the 2004 tsunami to initiate an education recovery program that provided tents, supplies, and equipment so schools could continue to operate. Putera Sampoerna Foundation also provided relief aid after the 2006 Yogayakarta and 2009 West Sumatra earthquakes, and the 2010 Merapi Mountain eruption in Central Java. In recognition of this consistent social concern, in 2009, the Putera Sampoerna Foundation initiated philanthropic assistance foundation Bait Al-Kamil (‘House of Perfection’) was awarded a religious-giving license from the Islamic Authority of Indonesia, enabling the collection and channeling of humanitarian charitable donations.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation, dengan rasa solidaritas sosialnya yang kuat, adalah organisasi pertama yang tiba di Aceh pasca tsunami pada tahun 2004, untuk memulai program pemulihan pendidikan melalui penyediaan tenda, pengadaan barang dan peralatan agar sekolah dapat terus beroperasi. Putera Sampoerna Foundation juga menyediakan bantuan pasca gempa bumi di Yogyakarta (2006) dan Sumatera Barat (2009), dan saat Gunung Merapi meletus di Jawa Tengah (2010). Menyadari akan kepedulian sosial yang konsisten, pada tahun 2009, Putera Sampoerna Foundation mendirikan dukungan filantropi berupa unit pengelolaan zakat Bait Al-Kamil (‘Rumah Kesempurnaan’) yang diberi izin oleh lembaga Islam berwenang di Indonesia, sehingga dapat menghimpun dan menyalurkan dana kemanusiaan.

Education ENtrepreneUrshipWoman empowerment

Compassionate Assistance The golden lines of the grand design for

providing access to quality education from elementary to post-graduate level for disadvantaged children continue to expand across the fabric of the future, with Putera Sampoerna Foundation to open its third and fourth academies in Kubutambahan, Bali, and Bogor, West Java, in 2011, while planning to add more schools alongside the Sampoerna School of Education and Sampoerna School of Business toward establishing the world-class university. Putera Sampoerna Foundation, with the assistance of its donor partners, is also ensuring continued funding for and access to higher education abroad through the Siswa Bangsa fund and the ACCESS Education Beyond, an educational exchange program.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation–convinced by experience that educating and empowering people will not be enough if there is no opportunity for employment or capital to set up new businesses – is continuing to draw out the sturdy lines of its grand design toward a more prosperous nation with its MEKAR entrepreneurial portal. MEKAR Entrepreneur Network provides not only entrepreneurship-centered information and networking forums on the internet, it holds skill workshops and seminars, as well as face-to-face meeting forums throughout the country; all designed to ensure that savvy young entrepreneurs and visionary angel investors can come together beneficially to develop the businesses that will develop Indonesia.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation–believing strongly in empowering women to empower families–is steadily expanding its training and financing programs through the Sahabat Wanita (Friend of Women) Foundation and Cooperative, to ensure that women across the archipelago will raise healthier, better educated children with brighter futures. Putera Sampoerna Foundation expects to have at least one Sahabat Wanita Learning Center in each province by the end of 2013 to provide women with health knowledge for the wellbeing of their families, and with small business management training, as well as micro-financing, to power their fledgling enterprises, thus enabling them to contribute much needed additional income to their households.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation–believing that it is important to help others to help themselves in difficult times–continues to expand its compassionate humanitarian assistance through Bait Al-Kamil (‘House of Perfection’) that functions effectively as a collection, depository and disbursement center channeling donated funds and goods to disaster areas and people in unfortunate circumstances. Bait AL-Kamil has also established a program through which it serves corporations seeking to establish or expand their Corporate Social Responsibility activities with the help of Bait Al-Kamil’s knowledge, expertise, aid networks and infrastructure.

Garis emas dari rancangan besar untuk menyediakan akses ke pendidikan berkualitas dari tingkat SD hingga pascasarjana bagi remaja prasejahtera, terus berlanjut dengan pembukaan akademinya yang ke tiga dan ke empat di Kubutambahan, Bali, dan Bogor, Jawa Barat, pada tahun 2011, sambil menjalankan rencananya untuk menambah sekolah lagi selain Sampoerna School of Education dan Sampoerna School of Business dengan berdirinya universitas bertaraf dunia melalui dukungan mitra donornya, selain memastikan kesinambungan dana dan akses ke pendidikan tinggi di luar negeri melalui Dana Siswa Bangsa dan program pertukaran pendidikan ACCESS Education Beyond.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation–melalui pengalamannya yakin bahwa mendidik dan memberdayakan masyarakat saja tidak cukup, tanpa peluang pekerjaan atau modal untuk membangun usaha–terus menggoreskan garis tegas dalam rancangan besarnya menuju bangsa yang lebih sejahtera melalui situs kewirausahawanan MEKAR. MEKAR Entrepreneur Network tidak hanya menyediakan wadah informasi dan jaringan pusat kewirausahawan di internet, tapi juga menyelenggarakan lokakarya dan seminar, selain acara temu muka di seluruh negeri; semuanya dirancang untuk memastikan agar wirausahawan muda yang inovatif dan angel investor yang memiliki visi dapat mengembangkan usaha secara bersama demi kemajuan Indonesia.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation–sepenuhnya percaya akan pemberdayaan wanita untuk memberdayakan keluarga–dengan mantap memperluas program pelatihan dan pendanaannya melalui Yayasan dan Koperasi Sahabat Wanita, untuk memastikan agar wanita di seluruh nusantara dapat membesarkan anak yang lebih sehat, berpendidikan dan bermasa depan cerah. Putera Sampoerna Foundation berharap untuk memiliki setidaknya satu Pusat Pelatihan Sahabat Wanita di setiap propinsi hingga akhir 2013, yang menyediakan pengetahuan kesehatan demi kesejahteraan keluarga, pelatihan pengelolaan usaha kecil, serta mikro kredit untuk membantu benih usaha mereka hingga dapat menambah penghasilan sesuai kebutuhan keluarga.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation–percaya akan pentingnya untuk membantu masyarakat dalam masa kesulitan–terus memperluas bantuan kemanusiannya melalui Bait Al-Kamil (‘Rumah Kesempurnaan’) yang berperan secara efektif sebagai pusat penghimpunan, penyimpanan dan penyaluran dana dan materi sumbangan ke daerah bencana dan masyarakat dalam musibah. Bait Al-Kamil juga menyediakan program untuk melayani perusahaan yang ingin melaksanakan atau memperluas kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan dengan bantuan pengetahuan, keahlian, jaringan bantuan dan prasarana Bait Al-Kamil.

Unfolding the Fabric of the Future

20Putera Sampoerna Foundation marked 10 years of facilitating development of future leaders through educational and social empowerment programs to enable the creation of a brighter future.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation–embodying the belief of founder Putera Sampoerna that philanthropy, like business, carefully manages funds for long-lasting benefit–applies its vision as a ‘social business’ to provide access to quality education for academically gifted children from disadvantaged families, while seeking out innovative ways to address other pressing societal issues. Initiatives include leader creation through education; enlightenment of the populace through women; job creation through entrepreneurial development; and compassionate assistance.

As in creating batik, our endeavors require many hands. We are grateful that, over time, a significant number of local and international entities from various sectors have lent support. We are confident our continued efforts and the support of donor partners will keep this grand design unfolding vibrantly.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation memperingati satu dasawarsa dalam mengembangkan pemimpin

masa depan melalui program pendidikan dan pemberdayaan sosial demi masa depan yang lebih


Putera Sampoerna Foundation–sebagai wujud keyakinan Putera Sampoerna bahwa filantropi,

seperti bisnis, mengelola dana secara seksama demi manfaat jangka panjang – menerapkan visinya

sebagai ‘bisnis sosial’ untuk menyediakan akses ke pendidikan berkualitas bagi remaja berprestasi

dari keluarga prasejahtera, sambil mencari cara yang inovatif untuk menangani masalah sosial

lain yang mendesak. Prakarsanya termasuk penciptaan pemimpin melalui pendidikan, pencerahan

masyarakat melalui wanita; pengadaan lapangan kerja dan pengembangan wirausaha; dan bantuan


Seperti membatik, upaya kami membutuhkan banyak tangan. Kami bersyukur karena, dengan

berjalannya waktu, berbagai sektor lembaga lokal dan internasional telah mengulurkan tangannya.

Kami yakin bahwa upaya kami dan uluran tangan mitra donor yang berdatangan akan memungkinkan

rancangan besar ini untuk terus terbentang dengan cerah.


A Decade of Dedication to Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

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EducationSampoerna Academy

Sampoerna School of Education

Sampoerna School of Business

School Development Outreach


Siswa Bangsa

ACCESS Education Beyond

LEADERSHIP The Making of Future

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Putera Sampoerna Foundation has embarked on a strategic private-public partnership with the Ministry of National

Education, donors, and other support agencies to develop the Sampoerna Academy Pathway to Leadership. Sampoerna Academy is a tuition-free, international standard, three-year boarding schools that blends the best of domestic and

international curricula for academically gifted young people of the lowest economic quintile from throughout the archipelago.

Sampoerna Academy

Continuing the far-reaching design set out in the Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s Pathway to Leadership, the Sampoerna Academy program is a key part of the Foundation’s drive to create an education ecosystem for Indonesian society that prepares future leaders for the nation. Instilling students with the strong sense of moral integrity, critical thinking, and analytical abilities to facilitating Indonesia to evolve as a competent member of the world community.

Melanjutkan rancangan jangka panjang Pathway to Leadership dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation, program Sampoerna Academy adalah wujud penting bagi terciptanya ekosistem pendidikan untuk menciptakan pemimpin masa depan Indonesia. Menanamkan pada siswa rasa tanggung jawab moral yang kuat serta kemampuan pikir yang kritis dan analitis, agar Indonesia dapat menjadi warga dunia yang kompeten.

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With its third and fourth Sampoerna Academies ready for launching in Kubutambahan, Bali, and Bogor, Jawa Barat, in 2011 Putera Sampoerna Foundation is well on its way toward achieving its goal of having 1000 students entering Sampoerna Academy within the next few years.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation has set the full-tuition, full-board Sampoerna Academy program solidly into place to ensure that underprivileged Indonesian children of high intellectual capacity and leadership potential will receive an international-standard education. Undertaking Cambridge University International Examinations facilitating their entry into top quality universities around the world.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation – well aware that ensuring academic excellence is only one aspect of creating competent leaders – deliberately brings together carefully selected children from the many diverse racial, ethnic, and religious groups across the Indonesian archipelago into a nurturing boarding school environment that is expected to imbue them with the empathy, tolerance, and social consciousness necessary to transform them into effective leaders on the local, national, regional, and even international levels.

“The Sampoerna Academy program exists to facilitate the establishment and running of international standard high schools that

go beyond the academic curriculum to encompass the teaching of life skills and

leadership development.”

Dengan siapnya Sampoerna Academy ketiga dan keempat yang akan diluncurkan di Kubutambahan, Bali, dan Bogor, Jawa Barat, pada tahun 2011, Putera Sampoerna Foundation semakin mendekati sasarannya untuk memberikan akses ke Sampoerna Academy bagi 1000 siswa dalam beberapa tahun ke depan.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah menetapkan program sekolah berasrama Sampoerna Academy untuk memastikan agar remaja prasejahtera Indonesia dengan kecerdasan dan bakat kepemimpinan yang tinggi dapat menerima pendidikan bertaraf internasional. Dengan menjalankan Cambridge University International Examination akan memungkinan mereka untuk masuk ke perguruan tinggi peringkat atas di seluruh dunia.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation–sepenuhnya sadar bahwa keunggulan akademis merupakan sebagian aspek dalam menciptakan pemimpin yang kompeten–mempersatukan remaja terpilih dari berbagai ras, suku, dan agama di seluruh kepulauan Indonesia dalam lingkungan sekolah berasrama guna membina serta membekali mereka dengan tenggang rasa, toleransi, dan kesadaran sosial yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan pemimpin yang efektif di tingkat regional, nasional, dan bahkan internasional.

Sampoerna Academy

Preparing Skilled Hands to Paint a Better Future for the Nation

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“The education in Sampoerna Academy has been broadening my horizons. I believe we have to understand the conventional wisdom and also be prepared to change it, which is how we can make a change for a better Indonesia. However, there are more benefits from studying under national as well as international curricula. When I graduate, my certificate will be accepted internationally. We have to have dreams, reaching as high as possible, so that we are motivated to achieve them through action. Here, we learn English even in our daily lives. English has become a global language and this will help me in realizing my dream.”

“Pendidikan di Sampoerna Academy telah membuka wawasan saya mengenai hal baru. Saya percaya pentingnya memahami

nilai-nilai konvensional, tetapi harus siap pula untuk mengubahnya. Dengan cara itulah kita dapat melakukan perubahan.

Terdapat manfaat lain yang didapat dari pembelajaran dalam kurikulum nasional dan internasional. Saat lulus nanti, ijazah

saya bertaraf internasional. Kita harus memiliki mimpi setinggi mungkin, dan meraih sebanyak mungkin, agar kita terpacu

untuk menggapainya melalui tindakan nyata. Di sini kami menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Bahasa Inggris telah menjadi bahasa dunia, ini akan membantu meraih cita-cita saya.”

A Success Story

Reyhan Danu RahmanStudent of SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy)

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Sampoerna School of Education

The goal of the Sampoerna School of Education, as a key element of the world-class university, is to create wave after wave of new generations of educational leaders with a passion for learning and teaching who will color the fabric of the Indonesian education system with professionalism, pedagogic skill, creative thinking, moral integrity, tolerance, and social consciousness far into the future.

Keberhasilan Sampoerna School of Education, sebagai elemen kunci dari universitas bertaraf dunia, adalah menciptakan gelombang-gelombang tenaga pendidik baru yang memiliki semangat terhadap kegiatan belajar dan mengajar. Semangat merekalah yang akan memberikan corak dan warna sistem pendidikan dengan asas profesionalisme, keahlian ilmu mengajar, pemikiran kreatif, integritas moral, toleransi, dan kepekaan sosial jauh ke masa depan.

As a component of Putera Sampoerna’s Pathway to Leadership Grand Strategy, Sampoerna School of Education aims to

create new generations of teacher.

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“Putera Sampoerna Foundation is intent on developing a world-class university on Indonesian soil to imbue

—as one of the core elements of its Pathway to Leadership vision.”

Sampoerna School of Education (SSE), the initial university of the future world-class university, has been providing a 4-year undergraduate education degree program since September 2009 to improve the quality of education in Indonesia by producing professionally trained teachers through world-class instructional techniques.

In October 2010, SSE, whose efforts at creating quality educators strongly reflect the conviction that the nation’s future is in the hands of our teachers, officially welcomed 100 new future teachers with strong academic standing and leadership qualities from economically disadvantaged families who were especially selected from among Indonesia’s top-ranking high school students nationwide.

SSE, currently focusing on Mathematics and the English language as core fields of expertise in the development of Indonesia’s educational system to meet international standards, strives to imbue its students with the skills, knowledge and qualities necessary to meet education sector challenges in the increasingly globalized climate of the 21st century.

Looking forward, SSE is developing new study programs and expanding student activities to ensure their students will be able to teach bilingually, to research and develop new teaching approaches. SSE also aims to enhance the individual qualities of students to ensure they will have the capacity to use and apply ICT skills and be able to function as confident and creative educators.

Sampoerna School of Education (SSE), cikal bakal berdirinya universitas bertaraf dunia, telah menyediakan program pendidikan sarjana empat-tahun sejak bulan September 2009, untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan Indonesia dengan menghasilkan guru yang terlatih secara profesional melalui metode pengajaran bertaraf internasional.

Pada bulan Oktober 2010, SSE, dengan tujuannya untuk menciptakan guru berkualitas mencerminkan keyakinan bahwa masa depan bangsa ada di tangan para guru, secara resmi menyambut 100 guru masa depan dengan prestasi akademis dan kualitas kepemimpinan yang kuat. Mereka adalah siswa peringkat atas sekolah menengah di seluruh Indonesia, yang berasal dari keluarga prasejahtera.

SSE, kini fokus pada bidang Matematika dan bahasa Inggris sebagai ilmu inti dalam pengembangan sistem pendidikan Indonesia menuju standar internasional, bercita-cita untuk membekali para siswanya

dengan pengetahuan, keahlian dan kualitas yang dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi tantangan bidang pendidikan di abad ke-21 yang semakin global ini.

Ke depannya, SSE mengembangkan program studi baru dan memperluas kegiatan siswa untuk memastikan agar para siswanya dapat mengajar secara efektif dalam dwibahasa, meneliti dan mengembangkan pendekatan pengajaran baru. SSE juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas individu para siswa agar mereka memiliki kemampuan untuk menggunakan dan menerapkan keahlian informasi, komunikasi dan teknologi, serta berperan sebagai pendidik yang kreatif dan memiliki rasa percaya diri.

Reinvigorating National Education with the Vibrancy of Professional World-Class Educators

Sampoerna School of Education

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“The international standard teaching curriculum is very important for me as a student to be able to effectively compete with others, as the world becomes increasingly globalized. Through its academic program, I can understand a new method in teaching, so that I can tackle current education problems and use fresh principles to organize, create, and manage the more modern teaching practices. It has always been my passion, as well as my dream, to contribute my talent in education sectors for my nation.”

“Kurikulum pengajaran bertaraf internasional sangat penting bagi saya sebagai siswa agar dapat bersaing secara efektif dalam dunia yang semakin global. Melalui program akademisnya, saya mendapatkan metode pengajaran yang baru, sehingga dapat menanggulangi masalah-masalah pendidikan dan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip yang lebih segar untuk merencanakan, menciptakan, dan menjalankan praktik mengajar yang lebih modern. Memberikan kontribusi bakat saya untuk sektor pendidikan di negara ini adalah cita-cita dan impian saya semenjak dahulu.”

A Success Story

Arsy TrilaksonoSSE Student Intake 2009 from English Language Study

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Sampoerna School of Business

Imagine a future in which socially conscious business leaders work together with communities to drive local economies through the creation of jobs toward the economic empowerment of the nation as a whole.

Bayangkan masa depan masyarakat yang memiliki pemimpin-pemimpin wirausaha dengan kepekaan sosial. Dengan kepekaan itulah para wirausahawan menjalin kerjasama dengan penduduk lokal sehingga menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan yang berdampak pada perbaikan ekonomi negara yang menyeluruh.

With annual economic growth of more than 6 percent, Southeast Asia offers significant growth opportunities for investors from around the world. The Sampoerna School of Business is an international business school located in Jakarta, Indonesia, which boasts the largest

economy in Southeast Asia.

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Page 29: Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010

In 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation launched the Sampoerna School of Business, as the second college of future world class university, to provide a dynamic environment for educating future business leaders capable of addressing the economic and social challenges faced by Indonesia.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation knows that–with over 8.32 million people, or 7.14% of the population1, currently unemployed–it is imperative to not only produce high quality business sector professionals, such as accountants, managers, and marketing staff, but to also develop entrepreneurs with the courage and vision to create new enterprises from scratch to open up more jobs and set an example of business development excellence for other players.

Sampoerna School of Business, which uses an intensely experiential approach to produce new business leaders, provides a case-study based four-year curriculum that is at once challenging and rewarding. Going beyond the usual Bachelor degree program of most business schools, Sampoerna School of Business embeds advanced elements of Master degree studies into its undergraduate program to give its graduates a definite edge, whether they intend to further their studies or enter directly into the business sector.

Sampoerna School of Business intends to get as many capable business leaders to work as quickly and effectively as possible so they can actively develop new businesses to contribute immediately to the nation’s economic growth toward a more prosperous society.

Pada tahun 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation meluncurkan Sampoerna School of Business sebagai fakultas kedua universitas berkelas dunia yang menyediakan lingkungan dinamis bagi pendidikan calon pemimpin dan wirausaha handal masa depan yang mampu menjawab tantangan ekonomi serta sosial yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation mengetahui–dengan lebih dari 8,32 juta penduduk atau 7.14% dari populasi1 yang menganggur–bahwa selain menciptakan profesional berkualitas tinggi dalam bidang bisnis seperti pengelola akuntansi dan staf pemasaran, juga penting untuk mengembangkan wirausahawan dengan visi dan keberanian untuk membangun bisnis baru dari dasar sehingga membuka lebih banyak lapangan kerja, dan untuk menjadi panutan dalam mengembangkan usaha, bagi para pelaksana bisnis lainnya.

Sampoerna School of Business, dalam menciptakan pemimpin bisnis baru, menggunakan pendekatan praktis intensif melalui kurikulum empat-tahun berbasis studi kasus yang menantang sekaligus memuaskan. Lebih dari sekadar program sarjana yang didapat dari kebanyakan sekolah bisnis lainnya, Sampoerna School of Business memasukkan beberapa unsur mata kuliah tingkat pascasarjana pada program sarjananya, untuk memberikan keunggulan baik bagi mereka yang berencana untuk meneruskan pendidikan, atau langsung memasuki sektor bisnis.

Coloring the National Economy with New Impetus through Creation of Entrepreneurs

Sampoerna School of Business

“Imagine a future in which socially conscious business leaders work together with communities to drive local

economies through the creation of jobs toward the economic empowerment of the nation as a whole.”

1 Central Bureau of Statistics, 2011

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“The global outlook can be felt in each academic activity that I have experienced so far. The Sampoerna School of Business offers an international caliber curriculum based on real-life business case studies. Sometimes we are often asked to make a learning presentation from student to student, not only from lecturer to student. Apart from that, international standard of curriculum provides an opportunity to learn and do research about the most promising emerging economic region in the world.”

“Wawasan global bisa dirasakan dalam setiap kegiatan akademis yang telah saya terima hingga kini. Sampoerna School of Business menawarkan kurikulum berkaliber internasional yang didasarkan pada studi kasus bisnis yang nyata. Kerap kita diminta melakukan presentasi untuk pembelajaran dari siswa untuk siswa, tidak hanya dari dosen untuk mahasiswa. Selain itu, kurikulum berstandar internasional menyediakan kesempatan belajar dan melakukan penelitian mengenai wilayah ekonomi paling menjanjikan di dunia.”

A Success Story

Razka Pradana IbrahimStudent of Management Study at Sampoerna School of Business

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In 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation, established PSF School Development Outreach as an education

development service operator to advance the standards and quality of teachers, principals, superintendents and schools

– the individuals and institutions that most facilitate the creation of future leaders – with quality professional

training to upgrade their knowledge and skills to best meet the learning needs of young Indonesians.

PSF School Development Outreach

Embodying the essence of Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s desire to ensure the sustainability of its educational endeavors, PSF School Development Outreach strives to enhance the performance of schools and educators thus enabling them to function more professionally and effectively toward producing graduates; with the skills, knowledge, and strong characters required for the development of the nation.

Dalam misinya menerapkan tujuan Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk menjamin kestabilan dunia pendidikan, PSF School Development Outreach menyempurnakan kinerja sekolah dan tenaga pendidik, oleh karena itu, mereka dapat menjalankan fungsinya dengan lebih profesional dan efektif untuk menciptakan lulusan yang memiliki bekal keahlian, wawasan, dan karakter pemimpin yang dibutuhkan untuk perkembangan negara.

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Indonesia’s pressing need for more competent teachers is seen in the fact that more than half of its educators1 require upgrading to fulfill Ministry of National Education teacher certification standards.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation also has taken the visionary step of repositioning its SSE Outreach in-service teacher and school quality enhancement program as PSF School Development Outreach, an education development service operator whose operations will contribute to Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s overall social cause activities.

The newly launched PSF School Development Outreach, which has its roots in the Sampoerna Foundation Teachers Institute (2005) that became SSE Outreach in 2009, is an education service operator offering school development programs and professional development training designed to enable educators to reach and even surpass the National Education Standard Criteria set by the government.

Among the core SSE Outreach programs, designed to facilitate the emergence of teacher leaders as agents of change within the education system and the upgrading of schools, are the In-house Professional Development Course, Public Education Workshops, the Educator Empowerment Program, Teacher Effectiveness Training, the Teacher Leader Program, and the Education Recovery Program.

Kebutuhan mendesak akan guru yang lebih kompeten, tercermin dari kenyataan bahwa lebih dari setengah pengajar di Indonesia1

memerlukan peningkatan kualitas untuk memenuhi sertifikasi standar guru Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah mengambil langkah penting dengan mengubah posisinya dari SSE Outreach yang menyediakan program pelayanan guru dan peningkatan kualitas sekolah, menjadi PSF School Development Outreach, suatu jasa layanan pengembangan pendidikan yang akan berdampak positif bagi kegiatan sosial Putera Sampoerna Foundation secara luas.

PSF School Development Outreach yang baru saja diluncurkan, berakar dari Sampoerna Foundation Teachers Institute (2005) hingga menjadi SSE Outreach pada tahun 2009, adalah suatu jasa layanan pengembangan pendidikan yang menawarkan program

pengembangan sekolah dan latihan pengembangan profesi yang dirancang untuk memungkinkan para pengajar agar dapat mencapai, bahkan melampaui, Standar Kriteria Pendidikan Nasional yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah.

Di antara program inti SSE Outreach, yang dirancang untuk memudahkan lahirnya guru pemimpin sebagai agen perubahan dan peningkatan bagi sistem pendidikan dan sekolah, terdapat Pelatihan Pengembangan Profesi, Lokakarya Pendidikan Umum, Program Pemberdayaan Pengajar, Pelatihan Efektivitas Guru, Program Guru Pemimpin dan Program Pemulihan Pendidikan.

Enhancing the Skills of Educators to Enrich the Fabric of Indonesia’s Education System

PSF School Development Outreach

“PSF School Development Outreach is deeply concerned with the betterment of Indonesia’s in-service

teachers, administrators, and schools.”1 PMPTK, 2009

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“PSF School Development Outreach expands my knowledge and skill as a school principal, especially my confidence as an educator who wishes to make changes in Karawang. I feel more confident and it shows in the way I appear [to others]. Now the teachers [in our school] are more innovative and the students are more motivated and more creative in class. There is an improvement in their study results, too!”

“PSF School Development Outreach menambah wawasan pengetahuan dan keterampilan saya sebagai kepala sekolah, terutama rasa percaya diri sebagai pengajar yang ingin membawa perubahan di Karawang. Saya merasa lebih mampu, dan ini terlihat dari pembawaan saya [di mata yang lain]. Kini para guru [di sekolah kami] menjadi lebih inovatif dan para siswa lebih termotivasi dan kreatif di dalam kelas. Peningkatan dalam hasil belajar siswa juga dapat terlihat!”

A Success Story

Dedeng Huzaeni, M.Pd.Principal of SMPN 2 Karawang TimurBest School Principal 2008 & 2010 in Karawang Regency

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Since 2001, the Putera Sampoerna Foundation has worked shoulder-to-shoulder with its far-seeing

donor sponsors from Indonesia and around the world to provide access to quality education for

underprivileged Indonesian youths at all levels of the school system.


Putera Sampoerna Foundation understands clearly that in a developing nation like Indonesia, with a population of 231.4 million people1, of which 8.1% are unemployed2 and 14.15%3 live under the poverty line, a lack of access to affordable education means that 10.5 million children4 cannot continue their education beyond junior high school, with many of them being forced by a lack of funds to drop out at an even younger age. This is why Putera Sampoerna Foundation initiated and continues its scholarship program for impoverished children, which is supported by the compassionate vision of public and private sector entities from throughout Indonesia and the world.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation sangat mengerti bahwa di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia dengan populasi 231.4 juta penduduk1, yang mana 8.1% menganggur2 dan 14.15%3 hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan, kurang terjangkaunya akses ke pendidikan berdampak pada 10,5 juta remaja4 yang tidak dapat melanjutkan pendidikan setelah SMP, bahkan kebanyakan terpaksa putus sekolah pada usia dini karena kurangnya dana. Maka, Putera Sampoerna Foundation memprakarsai, sambil terus melanjutkan ,program beasiswa berbasis visi kemanusiaan bagi remaja prasejahtera, didukung oleh bidang swasta dan pemerintah dari Indonesia dan seluruh dunia.

1 Statistics Indonesia, 20092 Statistics Indonesia, 2009

3 Statistics Indonesia, 20094 Calculated from Statistics Indonesia, 2007 and Statistics Indonesia, 2009

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Throughout its first decade, Putera Sampoerna Foundation and its many and various partners in empowerment, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, corporations and individuals, positively touched the lives of academically gifted students from economically challenged families across Indonesia. As of December 31, 2010, over 34,600 individuals have been provided scholarships at elementary to graduate levels toward facilitating the emergence of future leaders.

All Putera Sampoerna Foundation scholarship recipients pass through a stringent selection process–academic tests, psychological profiling, focused discussion group participation, and screening interviews by education experts–to ensure they have the intellectual, leadership, and social responsibility potential to grow into quality leaders for the nation.

Once promising students have entered into the private-public partnership scholarship program, Putera Sampoerna Foundation provides a support structure in the form of the Putera Sampoerna Foundation Scholar’s Club, which facilitates their participation in community empowerment and social welfare assistance programs. These social welfare activity experiences are expected to enhance the young scholars’ sense of social solidarity and hone their community leadership skills. After graduation, the scholars are encouraged to join the Putera Sampoerna Foundation Alumni Association that supports them in contributing to society through continuous community service.

Creating Hope for a Better Future Together

Dalam dasawarsa pertamanya, Putera Sampoerna Foundation dan berbagai mitra termasuk badan pemerintah, organisasi non-pemerintah, perusahaan, dan individu telah memberikan dampak positif pada kehidupan siswa berprestasi akademis dari keluarga prasejahtera di seluruh Indonesia. Hingga tanggal 31 Desember 2010, lebih dari 34.600 beasiswa telah tersedia dari tingkat SD hingga sarjana, sehingga memfasilitasi lahirnya pemimpin masa depan.

Seluruh penerima beasiswa Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah melalui proses pemilihan yang ketat–tes akademis, tes psikologi, partisipasi dalam diskusi kelompok, dan wawancara oleh ahli pendidikan–untuk memastikan bahwa mereka memiliki kecerdasan, bakat kepemimpinan dan rasa tanggung jawab sosial untuk dapat tumbuh menjadi pemimpin berkualitas bagi bangsa.

Saat siswa berbakat memasuki program beasiswa kemitraan swasta-pemerintah, Putera Sampoerna Foundation menyediakan wadah Putera Sampoerna Foundation Scholar’s Club guna memudahkan mereka untuk berpartisipasi dalam program pemberdayaan masyarakat dan dukungan kesejahteraan sosial. Kegiatan ini diharapkan untuk dapat meningkatkan rasa solidaritas sosial pada siswa, sekaligus mengasah keahlian mereka dalam memimpin lingkungan. Setelah lulus, siswa disarankan untuk bergabung dalam Putera Sampoerna Foundation Alumni Association agar mereka dapat memberi kembali dengan mudah, melalui pelayanan masyarakat secara berkesinambungan.

“Scholarships provide the opportunity for children to get quality educations and to grow and to one

day emerge as leaders for the nation.”


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“The academic learning [at INSEAD] was very intense and fulfilling, allowing me to ultimately develop my professional competence. The richness of the multicultural campus, the experiences of Europe, and the global friendships I built have boosted me to personally grow in the utmost possible way. All of this was made possible by the Putera Sampoerna Foundation overseas scholarship program. I am very thankful for this invaluable support, and hopeful that it will enable me to give back to my community, and our Indonesia even further.“

“Kehidupan akademis [di INSEAD] yang sangat intens dan kaya pembelajaran telah memungkinkan saya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan profesional secara menyeluruh.   Keberagaman dalam kampus yang multikultur, pengalaman di Eropa, serta persahabatan mendunia yang terbangun pun memacu pribadi saya untuk berkembang secara maksimal.  Semua ini hanya mungkin terjadi berkat program beasiswa mancanegara dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation.  Saya sangat bersyukur atas dukungan yang tak ternilai dan berharap ini akan memungkinkan saya untuk berkontribusi lebih banyak dan lebih baik lagi kepada lingkungan saya dan demi Indonesia kita.”

A Success Story

Ricky Sugiarto Putera Sampoerna Foundation Scholar

INSEAD MBA intake 2009, former Chief of Staff, Head of Office of the Director for BRR Aceh and Nias, and Special Staff to the Head of the President’s Delivery Unit in 2009

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Putera Sampoerna Foundation established the Siswa Bangsa Cooperative in 2010 to provide financial assistance to open up greater access to quality higher education for those Indonesian young people who struggle with the financial

constraints that are block their desire to create a better future for themselves and others.

Siswa Bangsa Student Assistance

In 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation once again enhanced the scope of the financial support for economically disadvantaged young people. Expanding on the Siswa Bangsa Student Loan, launched in 2006 in collaboration with Bank International Indonesia (BII) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Putera Sampoerna Foundation has established the Siswa Bangsa Cooperative to ensure sustainable funding of no-collateral, long-term student loans designed to facilitate the tertiary education of financially constrained young people.

Pada tahun 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation serta mitra donornya, sekali lagi memperluas cakupan dukungan keuangan bagi remaja prasejahtera. Dana Pinjaman Siswa Bangsa yang awalnya diluncurkan atas dasar kerjasama dengan Bank International Indonesia (BII) dan International Finance Corporation (IFC) pada tahun 2006, diperluas cakupannya menjadi Koperasi Siswa Bangsa dengan tujuan untuk memastikan kesinambungan pinjaman siswa jangka panjang dan tanpa jaminan, yang dirancang untuk memungkinkan pendidikan tinggi bagi remaja prasejahtera.

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Siswa Bangsa Cooperative functions not only to provide long-term soft loans to young people, whose impoverished backgrounds would make it otherwise impossible to study at university level, but also as an advisory forum assisting students to plan their academic and career paths.

As is the case with Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s other education endeavors, Siswa Bangsa Student Assistance is designed to not only promote professional excellence in Indonesia’s future leaders, but to insist that they have a strong sense of social concern and understand their responsibility to build a better future not only for themselves, but for their people and the nation.

For this reason, and to ensure sustainability of funds for student financing, Siswa Bangsa Cooperative requires its student loan recipients to pay their debt forward to benefit other worthy but impoverished young scholars so that generation after generation of gifted people will have access to quality education enabling them to emerge as leaders in their fields.

Students graduating with this loan assistance do not have to begin paying the funds back into the revolving assistance fund until after they are employed; they then have up to 14 years to return the funds for use by others.

Selain menyediakan pinjaman lunak jangka panjang bagi remaja prasejahtera yang tidak dapat melanjutkan ke tingkat perguruan tinggi, Koperasi Siswa Bangsa juga memberikan bimbingan siswa dalam merencanakan jalur pendidikan dan karir mereka.

Seperti upaya pendidikan Putera Sampoerna Foundation lainnya, dukungan Siswa Bangsa dirancang tidak hanya untuk menciptakan pemimpin Indonesia masa depan dengan keunggulan profesional, tapi juga memastikan agar mereka memiliki kepedulian sosial terhadap lingkungan dan mengerti akan tanggung jawab mereka terhadap masa depan yang lebih baik, tidak hanya untuk mereka sendiri tetapi juga untuk masyarakat dan bangsa.

Oleh karena itu, dan untuk memastikan kesinambungan dana pinjaman siswa, Koperasi Siswa Bangsa meminta para siswa penerima dana pinjaman untuk meneruskan dana ini ke remaja prasejahtera lain yang layak, sehingga generasi demi generasi siswa berbakat akan terus

mendapat akses ke pendidikan berkualitas, dan memungkinkan untuk lahirnya pemimpin dalam masing-masing bidang mereka.

Siswa yang lulus dengan dana pinjaman ini dapat melunaskannya ke putaran dana dukungan berikutnya saat mereka telah bekerja nanti; dengan tenggat pengembalian sampai dengan 14 tahun untuk mengembalikan dana yang akan digunakan oleh siswa lainnya.

Ensuring the Sustainability of Access to Higher Education for Many Generations to Come

Siswa Bangsa University

“At present the Siswa Bangsa Fund is funding four years of university study for 100 potential teachers at the Sampoerna School of Education

and 67 potential business people at the Sampoerna School of Business.”

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“The Sampoerna School of Education student-financing program makes my college life easier because I can study at a great college without depending on my mom’s salary, with the understanding that I will someday have a salary of my own to pay back the loan. It really helps me to prepare myself to become part of a whole new generation teacher. I believe that this program will also be able to help more youths to reach their dreams. Thank you, Siswa Bangsa Cooperative.”

“Program Dana Siswa Bangsa untuk pendanaan siswa Sampoerna School of Education memudahkan kehidupan kuliah saya karena dapat masuk ke perguruan tinggi yang baik tanpa membebani gaji ibu saya, dengan pengertian bahwa suatu hari kelak saya akan memiliki gaji sendiri untuk dapat melunaskannya. Ini sangat membantu dalam mempersiapkan diri saya untuk menjadi guru generasi baru. Saya percaya bahwa program ini akan dapat membantu lebih banyak remaja lagi dalam meraih cita-citanya. Terima kasih, Koperasi Siswa bangsa.”

A Success Story

Ira PermatasariStudent of Sampoerna School of EducationMember of Siswa Bangsa Cooperative

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In September 2010, Putera Sampoerna

Foundation introduced its international higher

education exchange program known as ACCESS

Education Beyond to contribute to and ensure the

sustainability of the Foundation’s core mission of

developing future leaders in a variety of key sectors.

ACCESS Education Beyond

ACCESS Education Beyond functions to complement and enhance the impact of Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s Pathway to Leadership Grand Strategy for Sampoerna Academy students and other Indonesian students who are keen to pursue higher education by opening the doors to the best universities abroad. To enhance its program, ACCESS Education Beyond engaged in cooperation with the respected universities around the world.

ACCESS Education Beyond berfungsi untuk mengisi dan meningkatkan dampak Strategi Utama Pathway to Leadership dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation yang ditujukan untuk para lulusan Sampoerna Academy dan pelajar Indonesia lainnya yang ingin meneruskan pendidikan tingginya ke universitas-universitas terbaik di luar negeri. Untuk mendukung programnya, ACCESS Education Beyond menjalin kerjasama dengan universitas-universitas terpandang di seluruh dunia.

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ACCESS Education Beyond

Indonesia, facing the intensifying pressure of global participation, feels the need for greater access to international higher education. More than 1.7 million1 Indonesians graduate yearly, with only 70,000 successfully enrolling at universities abroad. There is vast potential for international exchange at the tertiary education level, with both Indonesian and foreign universities eager to open their doors to cooperation.

ACCESS Education Beyond is ready to be representative of numerous International Universities and to support Indonesian students as well as professionals to identify possibilities and prepare for enrollment abroad, including at top universities in the United States, through its International Education Outreach, American College Enrollment Services, Financial Assistance Advisory, and other programs.

ACCESS Education Beyond– dedicated to seeking out the right match for any educational need–is already working hard to lower barriers to overseas education and to secure scholarships and student financing opportunities, while ensuring its own sustainability and supporting other Putera Sampoerna Foundation educational programs.

In addition, ACCESS Education Beyond has begun establishing links with universities in various countries, and plans to host a gathering of 75 representatives mainly from foreign universities in 2011. This venture anticipates the establishment of exchange programs to facilitate the enrollment of an increasing number of Indonesian students.

Indonesia, dalam menghadapi tekanan partisipasi global yang kian meningkat, merasakan perlunya akses yang lebih luas ke pendidikan tinggi dunia. Lebih dari 1,7 juta1 siswa Indonesia lulus setiap tahunnya, dan hanya 70.000 yang berhasil mendaftar ke perguruan tinggi di luar negeri. Potensi pertukaran internasional di tingkat pendidikan tinggi sangat besar, baik dari perguruan tinggi Indonesia maupun asing yang ingin membuka pintu kerja samanya.

ACCESS Education Beyond siap untuk menjadi perwakilan universitas mancanegara dan mendukung siswa serta profesional Indonesia dalam menentukan dan mempersiapkan pendaftaran ke luar negeri, termasuk ke perguruan tinggi peringkat atas di Amerika Serikat, melalui Pendidikan Internasional Outreach, Pelayanan Pendaftaran ke Perguruan Tinggi Amerika, Bimbingan Dukungan Keuangan, dan program lainnya.

ACCESS Education Beyond–berdedikasi untuk mencari kecocokan dalam berbagai kebutuhan pendidikan–berupaya keras untuk menurunkan segala tembok pembatas terhadap pendidikan luar negeri dan mendapatkan peluang pendanaan siswa dan beasiswa, sekaligus memastikan dukungan dan kesinambungan program pendidikan Putera Sampoerna Foundation lainnya.

Lebih dari itu, ACCESS Education Beyond telah membina hubungan dengan perguruan tinggi di berbagai negara, dan akan menjadi tuan rumah bagi pertemuan antara 75 wakil perguruan tinggi notabene asing pada tahun 2011. Upaya ini mengantisipasi pembentukan program pertukaran untuk memudahkan pendaftaran siswa Indonesia yang kian meningkat.

Opening the Way to the Finest Educations the World Has to Offer

“The ACCESS Education Beyond program is actively working to provide professional services for preparing Indonesian students to gain entry to top universities

worldwide to ensure the development of an adequate number of new and capable leaders for Indonesia in the future.”

1 Ministry of National Education, 2009

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“Through the Putera Sampoerna Foundation scholarship, I had the opportunity to study at Kellogg School

of Management, and that enabled me to make a step forward in my career. I am confident that ACCESS

Education Beyond, with its roots in Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s experience and networks, will provide a

similar caliber of support to the next generations. As a member of Putera Sampoerna Foundation alumni, I am

ready to support ACCESS Education Beyond.”

“Melalui beasiswa Putera Sampoerna Foundation, saya mendapat kesempatan belajar di Kellogg School of Management, sehingga memungkinkan peningkatan karir yang pesat bagi saya. Saya yakin ACCESS Education Beyond, yang berakar pada pengalaman dan jaringan Putera Sampoerna Foundation, akan memberikan dukungan dengan kaliber yang sama bagi generasi berikutnya. Sebagai anggota dari alumni penerima beasiswa Putera Sampoerna Foundation, saya siap untuk mendukung ACCESS Education Beyond.”

A Success Story

Edwin Utama Principal at the Boston Consulting Group

Putera Sampoerna Foundation Overseas Graduate Scholar 2005

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Sahabat Wanita

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The qualityEverybody is

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Putera Sampoerna Foundation founded Sahabat Wanita (‘Friends of Women’) to empower women because of the great

positive impact they have on their children; imbuing our younger generation with the desire to learn, and the hope, compassion and drive to create a better future for themselves and others. Sahabat Wanita is promoting gender equality and family welfare through health, home economics, life skills, vocational, and small-business

management training for women across Indonesia.

Sahabat Wanita

Since its establishment in 2009, Sahabat Wanita has earned full support for its programs from government bodies, such as the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection and the Cooperatives Agency, as well as from a wide range of corporations, organizations, and associations across Indonesia and around the world.

Sejak tahun 2009, program Sahabat Wanita mendapat dukungan penuh dari badan negara seperti Kementerian Pemberdayaan Wanita dan Perlindungan Anak, badan koperasi, juga dari berbagai perusahaan, organisasi, dan asosiasi di Indonesia dan di seluruh dunia.

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Every three hours, approximately an Indonesian woman will die in childbirth, leaving 10,200 families1 a year without love, nurture and support; in which, if they do gain access to proper education and can find a job, they will earn 25%2 less than men in the workforce; and in which, even though women account for 60%3 of all small-and-medium-scale business entrepreneurs, they will find it exceedingly difficult to get capital assistance.

Deeply concerned that Indonesia ranks 100 on the Gender Inequality Index4–one of the lowest positions among its Southeast Asian neighbors–Putera Sampoerna Foundation established the two-pronged Sahabat Wanita program to benefit women from the lowest economic quintile; especially those in rural areas. This program is driven by Sahabat Wanita Foundation, which focuses on addressing gender inequality issues; while Sahabat Wanita Cooperative works to empower women to enhance family incomes.

Sahabat Wanita Foundation provides pertinent training at community-based Learning Centers to enhance women’s knowledge of reproductive and child health; upgrade literacy; enhance protection of women’s rights; and to provide vocational and business management skills.

Setiap tiga jam, diperkirakan seorang wanita Indonesia meninggal dunia saat melahirkan, meninggalkan 10.200 keluarga1 tanpa cinta, kasih sayang dan dukungan setiap tahunnya; di mana para wanita dengan akses ke pendidikan yang tepat, tetap akan berpenghasilan 25%2 lebih rendah dari pria; dan di mana, mereka akan mengalami kesulitan untuk mendapatkan dukungan modal, walaupun 60%3 wirausahawan usaha kecil hingga menengah terdiri dari kaum wanita.

Sangat peduli akan posisi Indonesia yang berada pada peringkat 100 dalam Indeks Persamaan Hak Wanita4–terendah di kalangan Asia Tenggara–Putera Sampoerna Foundation menyediakan program dua-sisi Sahabat Wanita yang ditujukan untuk wanita dari lapisan ekonomi terendah; terutama di daerah pedesaan. Program ini dipacu oleh Yayasan Sahabat Wanita yang khusus menangani masalah persamaan hak wanita; sementara Koperasi Sahabat Wanita berupaya untuk memberdayakan wanita demi peningkatan penghasilan keluarga.

Yayasan Sahabat Wanita memberikan pelatihan tepat guna di Pusat Pelatihan berbasis masyarakat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan wanita akan kesehatan reproduksi dan anak; meningkatkan perlindungan hak wanita; dan memberikan keterampilan kejuruan dan pengelolaan usaha.

Koperasi Sahabat Wanita, yang membidik untuk mencapai 1 juta anggota wanita, menyediakan kredit mikro, selain membuka akses jaringan pemasaran melalui pertokoan ritel, agar mereka dapat mengembangkan usaha kecil mereka.

Empowering Women to Help Design a Better Future for Their Families and Communities

Sahabat Wanita

“Putera Sampoerna Foundation believes that empowering women ensures that no one is left behind.”

1 Detik Health 4/3/20102 Statistics Indonesia, 2009

3 www.umkm.or.id4 HDI Report, UNDP 2010

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“People think that I am experienced in retail. I actually have gotten lots of help from Sahabat Wanita Cooperative in running this store. Apart from the financial support, I have attended their trainings on financial management, and women child and family health, which I have applied in our family. Alhamdulillah…we have become more disciplined in saving and have more knowledge about retail. As I can sell things cheaper in my store, my neighbors are interested in joining Sahabat Wanita, and our relationships are flourishing.”

“Orang menyangka saya memiliki pengalaman berdagang. Sebenarnya saya mendapat banyak dukungan dari Koperasi Sahabat Wanita dalam menjalankan toko ini. Selain dukungan keuangan, saya juga turut dalam pelatihan pengelolaan keuangan dan kesehatan keluarga, wanita dan anak, yang saya terapkan dalam keluarga. Alhamdulillah... kami menjadi lebih rajin menabung, dan lebih banyak mengerti tentang cara berdagang. Karena saya dapat menjual produk secara lebih murah di toko saya, para tetangga tertarik untuk bergabung dengan Sahabat Wanita, dan hubungan kami menjadi semakin baik.”

A Success Story

Ibu WanihMember of Sahabat Wanita Cooperation from Rawa Lele, Ciputat-Tangerang

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MEKAR Entrepreneur Network

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ACHIEVEmentGreater Things to

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In 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation established MEKAR

Entrepreneur Network to facilitate the development of entrepreneurship

among young Indonesian business people through a dynamic

entrepreneur-investor network featuring a number of innovative facilities,

including a web-based portal as a communications center to enable

entrepreneurs, with bright business ideas, and Angel Investors, with

the capital and the vision to leverage their strengths, to come together

to create new businesses that will open up new job opportunities and

contribute to the national economy.

MEKAR Entrepreneur Network

Aware that start-up companies generate 10% of all new jobs annually, Putera Sampoerna Foundation sees the nurturing of entrepreneurs as one of the most important elements toward facilitating economic development throughout Indonesia. MEKAR Entrepreneur Network offers the ideal forum for provision of the training programs, literature and delivery systems necessary to finding and nurturing mini businesses into robust growth. MEKAR Entrepreneur Network is poised not only to disburse information vital to enabling entrepreneurs to find investors to empower them to develop a great idea into cash flow, it is also available to teach young business people how to create and present proposals effectively, and to manage companies competently.

Menyadari bahwa perusahaan kecil memberikan 10% lapangan pekerjaan baru setiap tahunnya, Putera Sampoerna Foundation melihat pentingnya pembinaan kewirausahawanan dalam mewujudkan perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia. MEKAR Entrepreneur Network menyediakan program pelatihan, kepustakaan dan sistem pengiriman untuk mencari dan membina usaha kecil hingga tumbuh pesat. MEKAR Entrepreneur Network siap untuk berbagi informasi penting bagi wirausahawan muda untuk mencari investor yang akan memberdayakan mereka dari gagasan luar biasa hingga menghasilkan pemasukan, serta mengajarkan untuk menyampaikan proposal secara efektif, dan mengelola perusahaan secara kompeten.

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Indonesia needs a new generation of business leaders of high integrity, vision, social concern, and determination to establish and run businesses as engines of economic growth.

It is MEKAR Enterpreneur Network mission to facilitate the efforts of young business people with promising ideas, products and services, which they cannot develop due to lack of capital or appropriate business connections, with a vision toward facilitating the emergence of new business leaders able to power the nation’s economy.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation, understanding this will require forums capable of connecting people with the appropriate abilities and resources, has established MEKAR Entrepreneur Network to create a networking database for entrepreneurs and investors, and to set into place a matching mechanism to bring the right people together in cyberspace and face-to-face through the facilitating of one-on-one meetings and the holding of seminars and workshops nationwide.

MEKAR Entrepremeur Network provides entrepreneurs with vital business sector information, workshops, and seminars to enhance their knowledge and skills, as well as business development guidance. It also provides Angel Investors with access to bright business minds with creative new ideas and enables experienced business practitioners, academics, and others to share their expertise as mentors assisting with the building of strong professional relationships.

Indonesia membutuhkan wirausahawan generasi baru yang mampu memimpin, berintegritas tinggi, dengan visi, kepedulian sosial, dan kegigihan dalam mendirikan dan melaksanakan usaha sebagai mesin pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Misi MEKAR Enterpreneur Network adalah untuk memfasilitasi usaha para wirausahawan muda dengan gagasan, produk dan jasa, tetapi tidak dapat mengembangkannya karena kurangnya modal atau hubungan usaha yang tepat, dengan visi untuk memfasilitasi tumbuhnya pemimpin usaha baru demi menggerakkan ekonomi bangsa.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation, dalam hal ini mengerti akan perlunya wadah yang dapat menghubungkan masyarakat dengan sumber daya

dan keahlian yang tepat, telah membentuk MEKAR Entrepreneur Network untuk membangun jaringan database wirausahawan dan investor, dan menetapkan cara kerja yang cocok agar dapat menarik sosok yang tepat, baik dalam dunia maya maupun langsung melalui kemudahan untuk bertatap muka dan melaksanakan seminar dan lokakarya di seluruh daerah.

MEKAR Entrepreneur Network menyediakan informasi, lokakarya dan seminar, serta bimbingan pengembangan bisnis bagi para wirausahawan guna meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan. Selain itu MEKAR Entrepreneur Network juga menyediakan akses ke pemikiran cemerlang dan gagasan baru yang kreatif bagi para Angel Investor, dan memungkinkan akademisi, pelaksana bisnis yang berpengalaman, dan lainnya untuk berbagi pengalaman sebagai pembimbing yang mendukung terciptanya hubungan profesional yang erat.

Enhancing Potential, Creating Opportunities, and Facilitating Emergence of Business Leaders

MEKAR Entrepreneur Network

“Putera Sampoerna Foundation, which has set into place education programs, such as Sampoerna Academy and Sampoerna School of Business, to ensure the emergence of competent young leaders in

the business and other sectors, understands the pressing need for an adequate field of endeavor in which they can work and expand.”

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“After college, I wanted to make a positive contribution to my life, family and friends. I have been developing Papaya Calina with my associate for several years and we believe that it can be our door to our personal success.

After joining the MEKAR Entrepreneur Network, we were able to secure critical financing from an Angel Investor to scale this business to the next level.

We are pleased to say that MEKAR helped us realize our entrepreneural dreams. We will definitely recommend that other entrepreneurs join the MEKAR Entrepreneur Network. Thank you MEKAR team for making all of these things possible for us.”

“Setelah lulus kuliah, saya ingin memberi kontribusi positif bagi hidup, serta keluarga dan teman. Saya telah merintis  bisnis Papaya Calina  bersama seorang rekan selama beberapa tahun dan ini adalah kunci menuju sukses kami.

Setelah bergabung dengan MEKAR Entrepreneur Network, kami berhasil mendapatkan pendanaan penting guna mengembangkan bisnis kami ke tingkat selanjutnya.

Kami berterimakasih MEKAR telah membantu meraih cita-cita wirausaha kami. Kami sangat merekomendasikan wirausahawan lain untuk bergabung dengan MEKAR Entrepreneur Network.”

A Success Story

Ari ArdiantoCo-Owner of Papaya Calina, Bogor

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Disaster reliefBait Al-Kamil

Starting pointA Fresh

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Bait Al-Kamil or House of Perfection–a licensed donation collection center agency approved by the BAZNAS National Religious Body–acts as donation collection agency of Putera Sampoerna Foundation to assist Indonesians in unfortunate circumstances and during times of natural disasters, such as

earthquakes and tsunamis, which occur frequently due to the archipelago’s positioning on the ring of fire.

Bait Al-Kamil

Putera Sampoerna Foundation collaborates with Bait Al-Kamil to facilitate the intentions of individuals, organizations, and corporations worldwide to donate to worthy causes in Indonesia, such as empowerment of the impoverished through education, vocational training and other community welfare initiatives; and to assist disaster victims by pooling, managing, and disbursing funds and other contributions when they are most needed.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation bekerja sama dengan Bait Al-Kamil, memudahkan individu, organisasi, dan perusahaan di seluruh dunia untuk memberikan sumbangan dalam penanganan masalah di Indonesia, seperti pemberdayaan kaum prasejahtera, pelatihan kejuruan, dan prakarsa kesejahteraan masyarakat lainnya; dan untuk membantu korban bencana melalui penggalangan, pengelolaan, dan penyaluran dana, serta sumbangan lainnya di saat yang paling dibutuhkan.

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Putera Sampoerna Foundation established Bait Al-Kamil (‘House of Perfection’) in 2009 to facilitate its overall efforts to empower disadvantaged people to overcome adversity through the collection of charitable funds from a wide spectrum of individuals, organizations, and corporations worldwide, including the collection of religious tithes from the Islamic community both in Indonesia and abroad, for disbursement to charities and social welfare programs throughout the country.

Besides making emergency aid immediately available in times of disaster, such as the earthquake in Padang, West Sumatra, in 2009, Bait Al-Kamil, which actively advocates a culture of caring and sharing, supports specific programs to provide access to quality education for impoverished children; facilitates economic development of communities; provides vocational training for school drop-outs; and ensures access to adequate healthcare and other social welfare services for the disadvantaged.

In addition, Bait Al-Kamil, which, along with Putera Sampoerna Foundation, has earned the confidence and trust of the public for its skillful management of funds for the benefit of those most in need throughout Indonesia, is in a perfect position to leverage its specific expertise and focus on compassionate assistance to enable companies and individuals to set up and manage their charitable donations efficiently, effectively, and accountably.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation mendirikan Bait Al-Kamil (‘Rumah Kesempurnaan’) pada tahun 2009, untuk memudahkan pemberdayaan masyarakat prasejahtera saat dalam kesulitan, dengan mengumpulkan sumbangan dari berbagai kalangan individu, organisasi, dan perusahaan di seluruh dunia, termasuk dana amal dari masyarakat Islam di Indonesia maupun luar negeri, untuk disalurkan ke program amal dan kesejahteraan sosial di seluruh daerah.

Selain memastikan tersedianya bantuan darurat secara cepat di saat bencana, seperti gempa bumi di Padang, Sumatera Barat pada tahun 2009, Bait Al-Kamil yang secara aktif membangun budaya peduli dan berbagi, mendukung program khusus yang menyediakan akses ke pendidikan berkualitas bagi remaja prasejahtera; mewujudkan perkembangan ekonomi suatu masyarakat; menyediakan pelatihan kejuruan bagi kalangan putus sekolah; dan memastikan akses ke

pelayanan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan sosial yang cukup bagi kalangan prasejahtera.

Lebih dari itu, Bait Al-Kamil bersama Putera Sampoerna Foundation, yang telah meraih keyakinan dan kepercayaan masyarakat karena keahliannya dalam mengelola dana sehingga dapat bermanfaat bagi mereka yang paling membutuhkannya di seluruh Indonesia, berada pada posisi yang tepat untuk menerapkan keahliannya dalam hal bantuan kemanusiaan. Sehingga, perusahaan atau individu dapat mendirikan dan mengelola donasi kemanusiaan secara efisien, efektif, dan bertanggung jawab.

Gathering and Channeling Assistance for Those Who Need It Most

Bait Al-Kamil

“Bait Al-Kamil carries out all of its charitable activities in line with the Pathway to Leadership strategy of the Putera Sampoerna Foundation that promotes the leveraging of funds, expertise, and other resources to empower

disadvantaged Indonesians.”

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“I want to express my gratitude to Allah SWT and Bait Al-Kamil for providing me with a humanitarian donation this year. It is impossible for me to be able to pursue my dream without the compassionate help from the donor. Bait Al-Kamil has allowed me—as a student from an Islamic school—to raise my academic and non-academic achievements.”

“Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih saya kepada Allah SWT dan Bait Al-Kamil atas santunan kemanusiaan yang telah diberikan tahun ini. Rasanya tidak mungkin saya dapat meraih mimpi tanpa bantuan yang diberikan dengan rasa kasih sayang dari para donor. Bait Al-Kamil telah membuka kesempatan saya—seorang siswa dari sekolah Islami—untuk meningkatkan prestasi akademis dan non-akademis saya.”

A Success Story

Trio Bagus SaputraStudent of MAN 4 JakartaRecipient of scholarships from Bait Al-Kamil, aspires to become an entrepreneur and a photographer

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Throughout its first decade of service toward the betterment of the social welfare conditions in Indonesia through its

education and empowerment programs, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has consistently entered into Private-Public

Partnerships, both locally and internationally, with interested stakeholders sharing the vision of changing lives for a brighter future for Indonesia. Moving forward, Putera Sampoerna Foundation continues to seek new partners in

hope for its many humanitarian programs.


in a Greater Cause


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Putera Sampoerna Foundation, with its professional fund-raising capabilities, networks and resources, consistently attracts and leverages the participation and financial support of relevant government bodies, the private sector, and other interest groups to support its educational and empowerment programs that benefit individuals and communities throughout Indonesia.

Well aware that one organization alone can accomplish relatively little, Putera Sampoerna Foundation consistently strives to pull together all available resources from Indonesia and worldwide to leverage economies of scale to achieve a greater impact and ensure increasingly significant long-term results. Together, Putera Sampoerna Foundation and its many partners do so much more good than one body could accomplish on its own.

In 2010, 17 new corporations, both domestic and multinational, joined the effort, bringing the total number of corporate partners to over 300, while more than 2,500 individuals also lent their support through donations or active participation in Putera Sampoerna Foundation programs. This means that, since its inception in 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s corporate, organizational and individual partners in empowerment have entrusted the Foundation with the management and distribution of more than US$65 million in contributions.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation, dengan kemampuan menggalang dana, jaringan dan sumber daya secara profesional, konsisten menarik partisipasi badan pemerintahan, sektor swasta, dan kalangan lain yang peduli, dan menggunakan dana untuk mendukung program pendidikan dan pemberdayaan yang bermanfaat bagi individu dan masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia.

Sadar sepenuhnya bahwa hanya sedikit yang dapat dicapai oleh satu organisasi saja, Putera Sampoerna Foundation secara konsisten berusaha untuk menghimpun seluruh sumber daya yang tersedia di Indonesia dan di seluruh dunia, sehingga secara skala ekonomi memberi dampak besar dan berjangka panjang. Bersama Putera Sampoerna Foundation dan mitranya dapat menghasilkan dampak yang lebih berarti dibanding apa yang dihasilkan jika dilakukan sendiri.

Pada tahun 2010, 17 perusahaan baru, baik lokal maupun internasional, bergabung dalam upaya ini sehingga mencapai lebih dari 300 mitra perusahaan, ditambah dengan lebih dari 2.500 individu yang mengulurkan tangannya melalui sumbangan atau partisipasi aktif dalam program Putera Sampoerna Foundation. Berarti, sejak lahir pada tahun 2001, mitra individu, organisasi, dan perusahaan swasta telah mempercayakan Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk mengelola dan menyalurkan lebih dari US$ 65 juta dalam bentuk sumbangan.


Reshaping the Future through Shared Vision of a Better Indonesia

“It takes many hands to set out and execute a new and vibrant design for a better future for Indonesian society

through the education and empowerment of intellectually gifted, academically adept but disadvantaged young

people toward creating a new generation of competent, ethical, and socially responsible leaders.”

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List of Contributors

• Bank Sumsel Babel

• PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.

• Mercy Relief

• PT Trakindo Utama

• PT Indika Energy Tbk.

• Yayasan Oke Peduli Bangsa

USD 100,000 - USD 500,000

• Asian Pacific American Society (APAS)

• ConocoPhillips

• Give 2 Asia

• PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk.

• Temasek Foundation

USD 50,000 - USD 100,000

• Bank Permata

• Deloitte

• Lawrence Quahe & Woo LLC

• PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk

• PT Jaya Readymix

• PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (persero)

• PT Tanjung Enim Lestari Pulp and Paper

• PT Home Center Indonesia

• PT Merpati Mahkota Sarana

• PemKab Lahat

• PemKab Ogan Komering Ulu

• PemKot Prabumulih

• PemProv Sumsel

• Singapore International Foundation

• Weda Bay Nickel

• Yayasan Sejahtera Trada

Under 50,000

• Astro

• Deutsche Bank AG

• ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc.

• Freeman Foundation

• Mobil Cepu Ltd.

• Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni

• PT HM Sampoerna Tbk.

• PT Rio Tinto Indonesia

• PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk.

In-kind Donors

• Conoco Philips• PT Home Center Indonesia• PT Merpati Mahkota Sarana

• Cilandak Town Square• Cibubur Junction• Ekalokasari Plaza Mall• Mall Putri Indah• Margo City• Pejaten Village• Plaza BII• Plaza Senayan• Senayan City• Supermall Karawaci• Wisma BNI 46• Wisma Bumiputera

Re t a i l D o n o r s

• Amigos• Aston Braga• Aston Denpasar• Bank Mega• Batavia Hotel• Blitzmegaplex• California Pizza Kitchen• Chopstix• Citigroup Indonesia• Elite Advertising• Hema Resto

• HSBC• Jco Donuts & Coffee• Kemchickz• My Body gym• Tony Roma’s• Mitra Adiperkasa• Pisa Café and Resto• Papa Ron’s Pizza• The Park Lane Jakarta• Waterbom• Wendy’s

• Aetra• Aston Grand Kuta Hotel• Club 21• Bali Epicure• Bank BCA• Bank Bukopin• Bank BII• Bank Mandiri• Black Canyon Coffee• Coca-Cola• Dekuta Bali• Encore Pizza Bali• Favehotel• Foodism

• Grand Zuri Group• ICEMA• Kopi Merah• Lee Cooper• Lennor• Mobile-8• Nipponsteel•• Piero•• SentraLive!• The Patra Bali• WAW• Warner Music Indonesia

M e d i a

• 101 Jak FM• ARH Global Radio• Cosmopolitan FM• Harian Seputar Indonesia• Hard Rock FM• I-Radio•• CosmoGirl Indonesia• Cosmopolitan Indonesia• Goodhousekeeping Indonesia• Radio Dangdut TPI • Trax FM• Trijaya Networks• Woman Radio

G o v e r n m e n t

• Ministry of National Education • Ministry of Religious Affairs• Governor of DKI Jakarta• Regional Government of DKI Jakarta• Education Office of DKI Jakarta• Education Office, South Jakarta• Governor / Vice Governor of East Java• Regional Government of East Jawa• Education Office of East Jawa Province• Mayor of Malang • Regent Secretary of Malang• Education Office of Malang City• Governor of South Sumatera• Regional Government of South Sumatera• Education Office of South Sumatera Province• Mayor of Prabumulih• Regent of Lahat• Regent of Muara Enim• Regent of Musi Banyuasin• Regent of Ogan Ilir• Regent of Empat Lawang

• Regent of Ogan Komering Ilir • Regent of Ogan Komering Ulu • Education Office of Prabumulih Regency• Education Office of Banyuasin District• Education Office of Muara Enim District• Education Office of Musi Banyuasin District• Education Office of Ogan Ilir District• Education Office of Ogan Komering Ilir District• Education Office of Ogan Komering Ulu District• Education Office of Empat Lawang District• Education Office of Lahat District• Governor of West Nusa Tenggara • Education Office of West Nusa Tenggara Province• Regent of Bintui, West Papua• Education Office of Bintuni District, West Papua• Regional Government of Bintuni, West Papua• Education Office of Central Kalimantan Province• Education Office of East Kalimantan Province• Education Office of South Kalimantan Province• Education Office of West Kalimantan Province• Education Office of South Sulawesi Province

Over USD 500,000

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“We all need to play our part in improving access to quality education in Indonesia. For that reason, starting in May 2010, PT Trakindo Utama marked its 40th Anniversary by partnering with Putera Sampoerna Foundation to renovate schools, provide scholarships and upgrade teachers at primary schools in five cities: Jakarta; Malang, East Java; Palembang, South Sumatra; Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan; and Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

We believe that this ongoing partnership will continue to bring improvements to Indonesia’s education sector for the benefit of the people of Indonesia.”

“Kita semua perlu berperan dalam meningkatkan akses terhadap pendidikan berkualitas di Indonesia. Untuk alasan itu, mulai Mei 2010, PT Trakindo Utama menandai HUT ke-40 dengan bermitra dengan Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk merenovasi sekolah-sekolah, memberikan beasiswa, dan meningkatkan kualitas guru di sekolah dasar di lima kota: Jakarta; Malang, Jawa Timur; Palembang, Sumatera Selatan; Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan; dan Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur.

Kami yakin bahwa kemitraan yang sedang berlangsung akan terus membawa perbaikan pada sektor pendidikan di Indonesia untuk kepentingan rakyat Indonesia.”

Word from Our Donor

Rachmat Sobari HamamiPresident Director of PT Trakindo Utama

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“As a bank with an extensive network across Indonesia, PermataBank feels responsible for contributing back to society. Our belief that education opens doors of opportunity is core to our holistic PermataHati CSR programs, which is based on 3 Pillars: Human Development, Facility Enhancement and Community Empowerment. PermataBank is committed to ensuring quality education for our children’s future through PermataHati.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation, with educational sector experience, expertise, resources, and networks, is a great partner for our Educational Empowerment Program involving PermataBank employees and our Scholarship provision to underprivileged Indonesian students across Indonesia.”

“Sebagai bank dengan jaringan yang luas di Indonesia, PermataBank merasa berkewajiban untuk memberi kembali ke masyarakat. Keyakinan bahwa pendidikan akan membuka pintu peluang adalah inti dari program menyeluruh kami, CSR PermataHati, yang berpijak pada 3 Pilar: Pengembangan Kemanusiaan, Peningkatan Sarana, dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. PermataBank memiliki komitmen untuk memastikan pendidikan berkualitas bagi masa depan anak-anak kita melalui PermataHati.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation, dengan pengalaman, keahlian, sumber daya dan jaringan di bidang pendidikan, adalah suatu mitra yang sangat baik bagi Program Pemberdayaan Pendidikan kami yang melibatkan karyawan PermataBank, dan pemberian beasiswa bagi siswa prasejahtera di seluruh Indonesia.”

Word from Our Donor

Leila DjafaarHead Corporate Affairs PermataBank

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Our JourneyFootprints Across IndonesiaTraces Around The World


Towards The Future

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Established two Sampoerna Academies in Malang and Palembang. These Academies provide deserving teens from the lowest economic quintile with a 3 years senior high school education of a Cambridge-equivalent accreditation in a boarding environment. Under its University initiative, launched the Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) in Jakarta to begin granting education and teaching degrees.Putera Sampoerna Foundation expanded the scope of its social enterprise initiatives to include gender equality and women’s empowerment through the formation of Yayasan Sahabat Wanita (‘Friends of Women Foundation’) and Koperasi Sahabat Wanita (‘Friends of Women Cooperation Unit’).Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s Bait Al-Kamil (‘House of Perfection’) was the first ever secular NGO awarded with a religious-giving license from BAZNAS, the Islamic authority of Indonesia, to collect donations and tithing from the Moslem community.

Mendirikan dua Sampoerna Academy di Malang dan Palembang. Akademi ini

menyediakan pendidikan 3 tahun SMA dengan akreditasi setara Cambridge

dalam lingkungan asrama, bagi remaja dari lapisan ekonomi terendah yang


Di bawah prakarsa perguruan tingginya, meluncurkan Sampoerna School of

Education di Jakarta sebagai awal dari sarjana pendidikan dan pengajaran.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation memperluas jangkauan prakarsa usaha

sosialnya hingga mencakup persamaan hak dan pemberdayaan wanita

dengan terbentuknya Yayasan Sahabat Wanita dan Koperasi Sahabat Wanita.

Bait Al-Kamil (‘Rumah Kesempurnaan’) dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation

adalah LSM berazas sekuler dan mendapatkan lisensi dari BAZNAS, sebuah

badan otoritas Islam di Indonesia, untuk mengumpulkan donasi dari

komunitas Muslim.

Our Journey

Leveraging its Pathway to Leadership grand strategy, Putera Sampoerna

Foundation evolved to position itself strongly as a Social Business creating an

ecosystem of innovation and empowerment to yield ever more initiatives and

programs toward creating a more viable Indonesia capable of interacting optimally

in international circles.

Launching of and expanding new programs, including Yayasan Sahabat Wanita

and Koperasi Sahabat Wanita; the ACCESS Education Beyond initiative

for promoting US-Indonesia education exchange programs; and MEKAR

Entrepreneur Network, an internet based entrepreneurship forum for the

development of business leaders.

Launching of the Sampoerna School of Business as part of Putera Sampoerna

Foundation’s world-class university initiative.

Menggunakan strategi utama Pathway to Leadership, Putera Sampoerna Foundation

berkembang dengan mengambil posisi yang kuat sebagai bisnis sosial yang menciptakan

ekosistem bagi inovasi dan pemberdayaan untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak program dan

prakarsa guna menciptakan Indonesia yang lebih mampu untuk berhubungan secara optimal

di kalangan internasional.

Peluncuran dan perluasan program baru, termasuk Yayasan Sahabat Wanita dan Koperasi

Sahabat Wanita; memprakarsai ACCESS Education Beyond untuk memacu program pertukaran

pendidikan Amerika Serikat-Indonesia; dan MEKAR Entrepreneur Network, suatu wadah

kewirausahawanan berbasis internet demi perkembangan pemimpin usaha.

Meluncurkan Sampoerna School of Business sebagai bagian dari prakarsa Putera Sampoerna

Foundation mendirikan universitas berkelas dunia.



Established the first National Annual Teachers Congress (Kongres Guru Indonesia or KGI) with over 1,000 teachers and principals participating from across the archipelago.Adopted the first of 5 Islamic schools or Madrasah for education and curriculum improvement through PSF’s Madrasah Quality Improvement Program (MQIP).Hosted the Distinguished Speaker Series for Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, founder of the micro-finance bank, Grameen Bank, and the author of numerous books on Philanthropy, Social Business and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Melaksanakan Kongres Guru Indonesia (KGI) yang

pertama dengan partisipasi 1000 guru dan kepala

sekolah dari seluruh nusantara.

Mengadopsi 5 madrasah pertama demi peningkatan

pendidikan dan kurikulum melalui Madrasah Quality

Improvement Program (MQIP) dari PSF.

Menyelenggarakan Distinguished Speaker Series

untuk peraih hadiah nobel, Muhammad Yunus,

seorang pendiri bank mikro kredit, Grameen

Bank, dan penulis dari serangkaian buku bertopik

filantropi, usaha sosial dan tanggung jawab sosial


2007Became the first education NGO in Indonesia to be awarded the ISO9001:2000 certification for efficient management systems.Officially invited by President Bill Clinton to join the Clinton Global Initiatives as the representative for Indonesia.Recognized and awarded with a degree-granting license for the Teacher Institute (now Sampoerna School of Education), the first private institute to be given this privilege.

Menjadi yayasan nirlaba pendidikan pertama di

Indonesia yang memperoleh sertifikasi ISO9001:2000

dalam sistem pengelolaan yang efisien.

Secara resmi diundang oleh Bill Clinton untuk

bergabung dalam Clinton Global Iniatives sebagai wakil

dari Indonesia.

Diakui dan diberikan izin pengesahan sarjana kepada

Institut Guru (kini Sampoerna School of Education),

sebagai institusi pertama yang menerima kehormatan

hak ini.


Pute r a S a m po e r n a Found a t i o n 2 0 1 0 A n nu a l Re po r t114

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Footprints across Indonesia


SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy)Palembang, South Sumatera

SMAN 2 Sekayu South Sumatera

Madrasah Diniyah Raudlatuth Tholibin BaninRembang, Central Java

Madrasah Mu’allimin Mu’allimatRembang, Central Java

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri RembangRembang, Central Java

SMAN 1 MatangkuliMatangkuli, Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam

SMAN 1 Tanah Luas Blang Jruen, Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam

SMAN 1 Syamtalira AronSimpang Mulieng, Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam

SMAN 5 BukittinggiBukittinggi, West Sumatera

SMAN 3 DepokDepok, West Java

SMAN 11 BandungBandung, West Java

SMAN 1 PundongBantul, DI Yogyakarta

SMAN 2 BalikpapanBalikpapan, East Kalimantan

SMAN 13 Surabaya Surabaya, East Java

SMAN 19 SurabayaSurabaya, East Java

SMAN 20 SurabayaSurabaya, East Java

SMAN 1 PandaanPandaan, East Java

SMAN 10 MalangMalang, East Java

SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy)Malang, East Java

SMAN 4 DenpasarDenpasar, Bali

Madrasah Aliyah 1 Annuqayah PutraMadura, East Java

SMAN 12 MakassarMakassar, South Sulawesi

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Traces around the World

EuropeNorwayRed Cross Nordic United World College

United Kingdom• London Business School

• Manchester Business School

• United World College of the Atlantic, Wales

France• EM LYON Business School

• HEC School of Management


ItalyUnited World College of the Adriatic

North & South America

Canada Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific, United World College

Costa Rica United World College Costa Rica, Republic of Costa Rica

• Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles

• Armand Hammer United World College of the American West

• Columbia Business School, Columbia University

• Fisher College of Business, the Ohio State University

• The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University

• Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley

• Harvard Business School, Harvard University

• The Johns Hopkins University

• Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

• Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

• The Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

• Krannert School of Management, Purdue University

• Mays Business School, Texas A & M University

• McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

• MIT Sloan School of Management

• Stanford University

• Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan

• The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania


AsiaHong KongLi Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong

Singapore• NUS Business School

• United World College of South East Asia

OceaniaAustralia• The Australian National University

• Curtin University of Technology

• Macquarie Graduate School of Management

• Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne

• University of New South Wales

New Zealand• Massey University

• The University of Auckland

• Victoria University of Wellington

“Our Global Reach”

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Traces Around The World


Canada:Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific,United World College

USA:• Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles• Armand Hammer United World College of the American West• Columbia Business School, Columbia University• Fisher College of Business, the Ohio State University• The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University• Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley• Harvard Business School, Harvard University• The Johns Hopkins University• Kelley School of Business, Indiana University• Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University• The Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill• Krannert School of Management, Purdue University• Mays Business School, Texas A & M University• McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin• MIT Sloan School of Management• Stanford University• Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan• The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Hong Kong:Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong

Singapore:• NUS Business School• United World College of South East Asia

Australia:• The Australian National University• Curtin University of Technology• Macquarie Graduate School of Management• Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne• University of New South Wales

New Zealand:• Massey University• The University of Auckland • Victoria University of Wellington

Italy:United World College of the Adriatic

Norway:Red Cross Nordic United World College

Costa Rica:United World College Costa Rica, Republic of Costa Rica

United Kingdom:• London Business School• Manchester Business School• United World College of the Atlantic, Wales

France:• EM LYON Business School• HEC School of Management• INSEAD

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CharitableYes, We are


Page 66: Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010

Contribution and Earnings

By years-end 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation recorded a significant increase in contributions and earnings received from Rp 181.81 billion in 2009 to Rp 226.08 billion in 2010, of which Rp 150.65 billion was restricted and Rp 75.43 billion was unrestricted. (See Figure 1)

In 2010 and 2009, Mr. Putera Sampoerna and PT HM. Sampoerna, Tbk. (HMS) are the main donors of Putera Sampoerna Foundation.

Pada tahun 2010 dan 2009, Putera Sampoerna dan PT HM Sampoerna, Tbk. (HMS) merupakan penyumbang

dana utama Yayasan Putera Sampoerna.

Contribution and EarningsSumbangan dan Penghasilan (audit)

Figure 1

Donasi dan Penghasilan

Pada akhir tahun 2010 Putera Sampoerna Foundation mencatat

peningkatan total donasi dan penghasilan sebesar Rp  181,81 miliar di

tahun 2009 menjadi Rp 226,08 miliar di tahun 2010, dari dana tersebut

Rp 150,65 miliar adalah dana yang terbatas penggunaannya dan Rp 75,43

miliar merupakan dana yang tidak terbatas penggunaannya. (Lihat Figure 1)

As a not-for-profit organization, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has the obligation to provide a reliable financial report to its donors. Therefore, the Foundation has adopted standard accounting policies and presents all of its Financial Reports based on the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK 45), the rules for Financial Reporting for Non-Profit Organizations, and the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Putera Sampoerna Foundation also applies the financial terms of Standard for Charitable Accountability (The BBB Wise Giving Alliance), which is accepted as the international guideline for governance and operation of a non-profit organization and the disbursement and distribution of all grants.

Sebagai organisasi nirlaba, Putera Sampoerna Foundation berkewajiban memberikan laporan keuangan yang

bertanggung jawab kepada para donatur, oleh karena itu Yayasan menerapkan standar umum yang berlaku, termasuk

Pedoman Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Indonesia (PSAK 45), peraturan keuangan bagi Organisasi Nirlaba, dan sesuai

dengan Prinsip-Prinsip Akuntansi Yang Berlaku Umum (GAAP).

Putera Sampoerna Foundation juga menerapkan Standar untuk Pertanggungjawaban Derma (BBB Wise Giving Alliance),

yang diterima sebagai pedoman internasional untuk pengaturan dan operasional bagi organisasi-organisasi nirlaba.

Institutional ContributorKontributor Institusional

Putera SampoernaPutera Sampoerna

Individual ContributorKontributor Perorangan

Other IncomePendapatan Lain





Financial Highlights

Putera Sampoerna Foundation seeks to acknowledge each of our invaluable donors. To help us do so, please provide information on your identity in any transfers made to our bank account.

Putera Sampoerna Foundation berusaha mengidentifikasi setiap donatur

yang telah mendonasikan uangnya kepada kami. Untuk membantu kami

melakukannya, mohon bubuhkan identitas anda saat melakukan transfer

ke rekening bank kami.




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Page 67: Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010

Donors-Sponsored ProgramsPutera Sampoerna Foundation has allocated the funds from its donors to sponsor some of its programs. The value of donors sponsored program has increased tremendously from Rp 46.44 billion in 2009 to Rp 94.33 billion in 2010. (See figure 3)

Contribution and Earnings AllocationsIn the period from January to December 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation allocated its contributions and earnings received to support its program expenses amounted to Rp 49.41 billion, sponsored programs in the amount of Rp 94.33 billion and general and administrative expenses amounted to Rp 41.92 billion. The remaining balance of Rp 40.42 billion is allocated to strengthen Sampoerna Foundation net assets (increase in net assets).

PSF Sponsored Program ExpensesIn the value of grants distributed, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has allocated its fund to support its program expenses which amounted to Rp 49.42 billion and Rp 51.39 billion in 2010 and 2009 respectively. (See figure 2)

Others donors sponsored program consists of expenses below 1% of total donors sponsored program expenses.

Others non scholarship program expenses consists of Alumni Affairs, Research and Program Development, SEER (School Establishment & Education Recovery Program), and Unit Pelayanan Zakat (UPZ)-Bait Al-Kamil.

Program yang didanai donatur lainnya terdiri dari pengeluaran dibawah 1% dari total biaya

program yang didanai oleh donatur.

Program non beasiswa lainnya terdiri dari program Ikatan Alumni, Sahabat Wanita, Pinjaman

Siswa, biaya Program Pembangunan Sekolah dan Pemulihan Pendidikan serta Unit Pelayanan

Zakat – Bait Al-Kamil.

Donors-Sponsored Programs (audited)Program yang Didanai Donatur (audit)

PSF-Sponsored Program Expense (audited)Program Yang Didanai PSF (audit)

Figure 3

Figure 2

Program yang Didanai DonaturPutera Sampoerna Foundation mengalokasikan dana yang diterima dari

donatur untuk mensponsori beberapa program-programnya. Nilai dari

program yang disponsori oleh donatur tersebut telah meningkat pesat dari

Rp 46,44 miliar di tahun 2009 menjadi Rp 94,33 miliar pada tahun 2010 .

(Lihat Figure 3)

Alokasi Sumbangan dan PenghasilanDari bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2010, Putera Sampoerna

Foundation mengalokasikan sumbangan dan penghasilan yang diterima

untuk membiayai pengeluaran program sejumlah Rp 49,41 miliar, program

yang didanai oleh donatur sebesar Rp 94,33 miliar, serta pengeluaran

administrasi dan umum sebesar Rp 41,92 miliar. Sisanya sebesar Rp 40,42

miliar dialokasikan untuk memperkuat aktiva bersih (peningkatan aktiva


Program yang Didanai PSFDalam hal penyaluran dana untuk program-program yang dikelolanya,

Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah mengalokasikan dananya untuk

mendukung program-program tersebut masing-masing berjumlah

Rp 49,42 milyar dan Rp 51,39 milyar pada 2010 dan 2009. (Lihat Figure 2)

78.70% School Reconstruction, Sampoerna Academy, Computer Donation, SSE Outreach, Sampoerna School of Education, Sampoerna School of Business - PT HM Sampoerna Tbk.Rekonstruksi Sekolah, Sampoerna Academy, Donasi Perangkat Komputer, SSE Outreach, Sampoerna School of Education, Sampoerna School of Business - PT HM Sampoerna Tbk

10.06% Other Sponsored Programs**Program yang Didanai Donatur lainya

16.20% Scholarship ExpensesBeasiswa

19.12% Research and Program DevelopmentPenelitian dan Pengembangan

40.67% Sampoerna School of Education

5.71% Others Non Scholarship ProgramProgram Non Beasiswa Lainnya

4.25% SF-Sampoerna Academy

Sampoerna School of Business14.01%

1.00% Teacher Training and Teacher Scholarship - Credit Suisse FoundationTraining dan Beasiswa Guru

Sampoerna Academy - Bank Sumsel Babel1.02%

1.04% Education Quality Improvement Program - Mercy Relief

1.17% SF USP - Exxon Mobile Oil Indonesia, Inc

1.28% School Rehabilitation & Reconstruction, Teacher Training and Scholarship - PT Trakindo UtamaRehabilitasi & Rekonstruksi Sekolah, Pelatihan Guru dan Beasiswa - PT Trakindo Utama

Scholarship - AstroBeasiswa Astro


School Construction & Educators Quality Improvement Program - PT Sampoerna Agro TbkPembangunan Sekolah & Educators Quality Improvement Program—PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk.











1.28%2.18% 3.56%


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Page 68: Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010

Program to Operation RatioAt the end 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation recorded Rp 143.75 billion (77.42%) for program expenses (including sponsored programs) and Rp 41.92 billion (22.58%) for general and administrative expenses. (See Figure 5)

General & Administrative ExpensesIn the period from January to December 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation recorded Rp 41.92 billion in General and Administrative expenses, while in the same period of 2009 Putera Sampoerna Foundation recorded Rp 42.68 billion. (See Figure 4)

Under best practice guidelines, the program should ideally operate under 65:35 ratio of Program to General and Administration Expenses.

Miscellaneous expenses consist of expenses below 5% of total general & administration expenses

Berdasarkan best practice guidelines, rasio biaya program terhadap biaya administrasi dan

umum adalah 65:35

Pengeluaran lain-lain terdiri dari biaya-biaya dibawah 5% dari total biaya administrasi dan


Donors-Sponsored Programs (audited)Program yang Didanai Donatur (teraudit)

Figure 5

General & Administrative (audited)Program yang Didanai PSF (teraudit)

Figure 4

Rasio Program OperasiPada akhir tahun 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundation mencatat

Rp 143,75 miliar (77,42%) untuk biaya program (termasuk program

yang didanai oleh donatur) dan Rp  41,92 miliar (22,58 %) untuk biaya

administrasi dan umum. (Lihat Figure 5)

Biaya Administrasi dan UmumPada periode Januari hingga Desember 2010, Putera Sampoerna

Foundation mencatat biaya umum dan adminstrasi sebesar Rp  41,92

miliar, sementara pada tahun sebelumnya Putera Sampoerna Foundation

mencatat sebesar Rp 42,68 miliar. (Lihat Figure 4)

8.29% Professional FeeJasa Profesional

30.38% Miscellaneous ExpensesPengeluaran Lain-lain

43.65% Office SalaryBiaya Gaji Karyawan

9.40% Advertising & PromotionPromosi dan Iklan

Rent & Services Charges BuildingSewa dan Biaya Jasa Gedung


77.42% Program ExpensesBiaya Program

22.58% General & Administrative ExpensesBeban Umum dan Administrasi








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Page 69: Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010

Net AssetsBy years-end 2010, Putera Sampoerna Foundations net assets had increased immensely from Rp 160.52 billion in 2009 to Rp 200.93 billion in the same period of 2010, of which Rp 158.79 billion was restricted and Rp 42.14 billion was unrestricted. (See Figure 5)

A Major goal of the Putera Sampoerna Foundation is to continue to develop its net assets (endowment), a move considered essential for enabling the institution to honour its commitments to establish new initiatives and to assist scholarship recipients in completing their education.

In 2010 and 2009, the rate of exchange used was IDR 8,991 and IDR 9,400 to US$ 1 respectively, computed by taking the average transaction exchange rates of Bank Indonesia as of December 31, 2010 and 2009 respectively.

Pada tahun 2010 dan 2009, nilai tukar mata uang Dollar Amerika Serikat yang digunakan

masing-masing adalah Rp 8.991 dan Rp 9.400 untuk US$ 1, dihitung berdasarkan kurs tengah

transaksi yang dipublikasikan Bank Indonesia pada tanggal 31 Desember 2010 dan 2009.

Aktiva BersihPada akhir tahun 2010, Aktiva Bersih Putera Sampoerna Foundation

meningkat dari Rp 160.52 miliar di tahun 2009 menjadi Rp 200,93 milyar

pada periode yang sama tahun 2010, dimana sebesar Rp 158.79 miliar

adalah merupakan dana terbatas dan Rp 42.14 miliar merupakan dana

tidak terbatas. (Lihat Figure 6)

Alasan utama Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk terus menerus

mengembangkan aset bersih adalah agar dapat tetap menjunjung tinggi

dan menjalankan komitmen untuk membangun inisiatif baru dan untuk

membantu para penerima beasiswa dalam menyelesaikan pendidikan


In M


n ID
















1,000Net Asset


Net Asset


Net Asset


Net Asset


Net Asset


Net Asset


Net Asset


Net Asset


Net Asset


Net Asset


PSF-Sponsored Program Expense (audited)Peningkatan Aktiva Bersih (teraudit)

Figure 6

Put e r a S a m po e r n a Found a t i o n 2 0 1 0 A n nu a l Re po r t126


Putera Sampoerna Foundation has continuously made an effort to enhance Indonesian society through the creation of a new generation of leaders capable of making a mark on the world stage, starting with a focus on

the education sector, then expanding its horizons to encompass the empowerment of women and entrepreneurs, and the provision of compassionate assistance to people in unfortunate circumstances. Just as the creation of

batik requires a collaborative framework involving cotton farmers, cloth weavers, batik artists and cloth dyers, Putera Sampoerna Foundation requires the invaluable support of its donors and the tireless effort of everyone

within the foundation who all share the vision:

To Create Excellent Leaders and Entrepreneurs for The Future.

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