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Page 1: Puritan jeopardy

Puritan History

Puritan Beliefs

Of Plymouth Plantation

Sinners in Hands of

Angry God


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Page 2: Puritan jeopardy

It’s what the Puritans were

called when they traveled

to the New World.


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Who are the Pilgrims?

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It’s the year the Puritans

arrived in the New World.


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What is 1620?

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It’s the reason they left England

for the New World.


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What is religious freedom?


What is suffering


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It’s about how many Puritan colonists from the Mayflower

died during the first winter

in the New World.


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What is half?


What is about 50?

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It’s the sacrament Puritans

believed was necessary to

wipe away Original Sin.


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What is baptism?

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It’s the reason Puritans wanted

all of their children to be educated.


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What is to be able to read the Bible?

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It’s the other purpose through

which God reveals himself besides the Bible and Divine Providence.


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What is the natural world?


What is nature?

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To a Puritan, when a person has been “reborn” into the community

of saints, the person has been _____ by _____.


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What is Graced by God?

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Puritans believed that

“idle hands” led to this.


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What is the “Devil’s Playground”?

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It’s the Puritan belief that God

decided a person’s path in life and decided if the person would be saved

before the person was born.


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What is predestination?

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Besides disease and the cold, it was the greatest danger to the Puritans

during their early months at Plymouth in the New World.


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What is starvation?

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It’s the type of literature “Of Plymouth Plantation” is since it was written by Bradford, who

experienced everything firsthand.


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What is a primary source?

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It’s who Bradford attributes the Puritans’ safe arrival to in the text.


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Who is God?

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It’s what the six terms between

the Puritans and the Indians

can best be compared to.


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What is a peace treaty ?

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In the beginning of the text, Bradford calls the Indians “savage

barbarians,” but in the end he refers to them as _____.


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Who are allies?


Who are (peaceful) friends?

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It’s who Edwards says can protect people from the miseries of Hell.


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Who is God?

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It’s evident in the text that

Edwards believes that all

humans have committed _____.


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What is sin?

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It’s the name of the religious movement in the 1740s that

prompted Edwards to write and give his sermon.


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What is the Great Awakening?

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The best idea of the sermon can be summed up by saying that

Edwards believes people are in terrible danger from the anger of God unless they are _____ _____.


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What is born again?

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It’s what Jonathon Edwards

died from.


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What is smallpox?

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The reason John Proctor confessed, in court, to being a lecher


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What is to discredit Abby and to save his innocent wife?

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The reason the Putnams’ daughter Ruth “conveniently” testified

against George Jacobs


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What is because her father, Thomas Putnam, wanted to buy the

deceased Jacobs’ land?

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The reason Elizabeth Proctor claimed there were no witches


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What is because she knew she could not be a witch (and she was


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In the play’s deleted scene (one that the movie partially included), the

reason John Proctor met with Abigail in the woods


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What is to threaten her if she did not take back her accusation against


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The reason Reverend John Hale decides to return to the court after

he quits


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What is to make up for some of the wrong he’d felt he had done and to

save the innocent souls left?