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Date of last Review: September 2019

Date of Next Review: September 2020

Responsibility: S. Muzio

Link Governor: G. Lawlor

Advisory Body Signature:

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Pupil Premium Statement 2019-2020


PUPIL PREMIUM GRANT: PRINCIPLES FOR USE Eden Park High School will use PPG to assist in narrowing the attainment gap between students from disadvantaged backgrounds. By focusing on students who are, or have been, entitled to Free School Meals the PPG can be seen to focus on an economic measure to define educational disadvantage. Additionally, PPG was broadened to include entitlement for children who are looked after and children with parent(s) in the Armed Forces. The fact of relatively lower attainment from these groups of students, in a national context, is well established in available data. For example 7,000 of the brightest children, mainly from poorer backgrounds were in the top 10% nationally at 11, but not in the top 25% at GCSE. At Eden Park High School we fully recognise that not all students who are entitled to PPG are necessarily educationally disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all students who are not entitled to PPG, do not have an educational disadvantage. Hence, Eden Park High School reserves the right to apply PPG funded strategies to any student or groups of students the school has legitimately identified as educationally disadvantaged due to any form of socially generated disadvantage. However, there will be a clear focus on those students formally identified as being entitled to PPG. Our desired impact from PPG use will be:

• Through the use of a wide variety of strategies differences amongst groups of students that exist in educational attainment will be diminished. • Continually improving learning and teaching is the key strategy to narrow gaps and improve attainment. • Integrated spending and provision ensuring that all PPG students receive all relevant opportunities to meet their needs.

The leadership team will manage and fully support our ethos that all students are given the same life chances. The School’s Governing Body will be fully informed and challenge the school on the strategies adopted and their impact on student attainment and engagement with education. When considering strategies to ‘narrow the gap’, Eden Park High School will work within three broad focus areas:

- Academic

- Well Being

- Enrichment and Engagement

The strategies may vary from time of publication to meet the identified needs of learners that become apparent during the course of the academic year.

Applications for free school meals can be made directly to the London Borough of Bromley through their online application system. Click the link below to be taken to the relevant webpage.

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The progress of Pupil Premium students is monitored throughout the year through the creation of achievement and progress reports for each year group. These reports assist in identify if gaps in progress are present and in which curriculum areas these gaps are appearing in. The achievement and progress reports combine pastoral data along with attainment data, helping to identify the appropriate form of intervention.

The school recognises that deprivation can impact on students in a variety of ways. With this in mind the school implements a staged system of intervention for students who require additional support.

Stage 1 All students who are classified as Pupil Premium will receive access to the interventions listed below in this document.

Stage 2 Students who demonstrate a moderate level of underachievement or disengagement within their education. Indicators for this include;

• Attendance that is below 95% • Concerns over punctuality to school (averaging 1 late per fortnight) • High levels of behaviour logs in comparison to achievement points • Attainment in subject areas being below the expected level based on prior attainment at key stage 2

Stage 3 Students who are significant risk of not completing their education or significantly underachieving. Indicators for this stage include;

• Attendance that is below 90% • Concerns over punctuality to school (late on a weekly basis) • High levels of behaviour logs in comparison to achievement points • Has received a fixed term exclusion and at risk of permanent exclusion • Attainment in subject areas is significantly below the expected level based on prior attainment at key stage 2 (approximately -0.8 progress score)

Students on stage 3 will have a key member of staff assigned to them to support them with improving their overall engagement and academic progress. This key member of staff will be assigned based on the need of the individual student. This member of staff will hold meetings with the students and the parents/carers of the students to identify individual blocks to learning and how to overcome these obstacles. Based on these meetings individual requests for use of pupil premium grant money can be made to the Headteacher using the form (attached in appendix A of this document).

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Summary Information 2019/2020 Academic year 2019/2020 Total PP budget Estimated to be …

Funding to be received in February 2020.

Date of most recent PP Review

July 2019

Total number of pupils

616 Number of pupils eligible for PP

210 Date for next internal review of this strategy

July 2020

Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP) Following data analysis, observations, learning walks and consultation with students, parents, carers and teachers the school has identified the areas below as being a priority for improving outcomes of students identified as PP. In-school barriers A. Some PP children enter school at lower starting points B. Speech, language, vocabulary and comprehension skills are lower for some pupils eligible for PP compared to other pupils C. Aspiration, engagement and motivation towards education D. Completion of home-learning activities and quality of work provided External barriers E. Circumstances in the home may have an impact on the pupil’s emotional wellbeing in school. F. Limited take up of extra-curricular music lessons through lack of parental encouragement; lack of money; possibility of low

aspirations; lack of exposure to music outside of school G. Limited take up of after school clubs through lack of parental encouragement; lack of money H. Structure and support at home to complete home-learning activities Desired Outcomes and how they will be measured A. Gaps identified quickly and students placed into early intervention.

Regular monitoring of data and re-assessed when required. Gaps closed for all PP students.

B. Concerns with speech, language, vocabulary and comprehension skills identified early. All teachers to be aware of students identified and lessons differentiated accordingly. Additional intervention support given if/when required. Students monitored through regular progress meetings. Students identified as PP make rapid progress, demonstrated in end of academic year assessments.

C. Online behaviour for learning tool (classcharts) used to monitor student behaviour in lessons. Regular review of pastoral data along with attainment/progress data used to monitor student engagement.

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Additional guidance provided in lead up to transition to year 10. Additional visits or workshops for PP students to develop aspirations. Achievement points, attendance and behaviour logs for PP students to be in-line with or higher than non-PP students

D. Improved access to ICT facilities during extended learning. Home-learning provided more personalised to students. Quality of work produced during extended learning to be improved. All students complete home-learning on time and to a high standard.

E. Increased provision within pastoral team, including increased leadership, additional support opportunities and use of new facilities. Any issues that are impacting on a child’s wellbeing are identified quickly and the appropriate support put in place.

F. More PP children attend additional instrument or singing lessons, leading to a greater uptake of PP students in the music extra-curricular programme.

G. Continued provision of enrichment as part of the school timetable. A wider curriculum to be offered as part of enrichment as the school continues to grow. Students continue to build on the awards they have already earnt in previous academic years.

H. Continued provision of extended school day which enables students to complete home-learning tasks within school. Enhanced provision through making use of ICT facilities and timetabling of extended learning sessions. Use of ClassCharts (online system) to organise the work students complete during the session and make the work more personalised for students.

Planned strategies Academic year 2019/2020 Academic Desired outcome Chosen action /

approach What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well

Staff lead When will you review implementation?

Most able PP students (MADA) are achieving as well as or better than Most able non PP students

Challenge Passport Programme (CP) to recognise students’ extra-curricular achievements both in and outside of school.

CP programme run at Ravensbourne for a number of years and introduced in a similar model at EPHS two years ago. Ensures that students develop soft skills and become more

Regular (termly) updates about Challenge Passport to promote continued engagement with the programme and encourage students to take up a variety of activities to meet the CP targets. The passports have been adapted based on student and parent

CWO Termly – data collection points for students to record which targets have been met and this will be tracked centrally. Termly data drops within the curriculum calendar will be used to monitor MA students achieving or

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Mentoring and interventions for under-performing MADA students to support their academic progress in core subjects. Brilliant Club (Summer term)

well-rounded individuals by encouraging and recognising participation in student leadership, community as well as academic activities. Small group interventions and mentoring sessions to help build positive relationships with staff and with learning in general for MADA students who may have become disengaged with school. Encourage resilience and perseverance so that when they are in a regular classroom setting, they have the tools to stay engaged and focused on their learning. From the Scholars Club – independent analysis by UCAS has

feedback in previous years and also to suit EPHS students. Liaise with Heads of Faculties regarding department interventions so that students are not over-loaded or targeted for too many over-lapping interventions which can then have a negative effect on engagement and progress. Liaise with pastoral teams regarding possible behavioural/home life barriers to learning which could be affecting progress in school. Contact and keep parents/guardians informed about under-performance and mentoring/interventions to encourage support from home. Learning walks across subject areas but particularly in core subjects to monitor student engagement, attitude to learning and also the stretch and challenge provided in lessons. Open up an application process to ensure student engagement and final submission of their assignment. From the

exceeding their target grades across subject areas. Termly data drops will be used to identify any MADA students under-performing. Students taking part in mentoring/interventions will then have their progress checked the following term to gauge the effectiveness of these measures. Liaise with the Scholars Club to select pupils in December 2019.

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shown for three years in a row that pupils who complete the programme are significantly more likely to apply to, receive an offer from and progress to a highly-selective university than pupils with a similar socio-demographic background and GCSE attainment. The Brilliant Club has specific criteria for students participating where they have to meet at least one of the following: PPG students, no parental/guardian history of higher education, live in a deprived area according to the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI). Last year, 100% of the students selected were all PPG and MA as well as living in 40% most deprived areas according to IDACI.

applications, students selected will fulfil the existing Scholars Programme criteria. Inform parents/guardians about participation in the programme and they are also invited to the graduation event held by the Scholars Programme at a university taking place at the end of the programme in the Summer term. Liaise with the Brilliant Club assigned PhD tutor and organise in-school tutorials. Liaise with HoFs and class teachers so that students can attend these tutorials once a week for the duration of the programme.

Launch trip for Brilliant Club around March/April 2020. Brilliant Club runs throughout the Summer term with a graduation ceremony for students who successfully submit and pass their final assignment.

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All home learning is completed to a high standard

All home learning is completed in school. Students will have 4x100 minute sessions across the 2-week timetable to complete their home learning for -Geography, History, Science and MfL.

All students will have access to support and resources to complete their work. Students will have computers, internet access and a quiet learning environment. This allows us to provide all students with the same opportunities when completing their home learning.

QA of the home learning that is being set to ensure it provides enough challenge and support for each specific class. Learning walks of the extended learning sessions to ensure students are engaging. QA book audit to assess the quality of the work being submitted. Tracking of logs and achievement points for extended learning.

RSM Each half-term.

All PP students achieve as well as or better than their peers from the same starting point.

• PPG students are identified for each class through the class context sheets

• PPG student will

then be situated in the best seating option based on the teacher’s professional judgement. This may be:

• Sitting the student nearer the front

• Sitting the student next to a student who is over performing

• Early identification of students that are PPG will allow for differentiated planning and better knowledge of the teachers’ class.

• Students with PPG may need extra support in lesson and therefore be suited to a specific seat that has better access to the teacher. Alternatively, the student may

1. Regular updated context sheets to be provided for all staff in all classes after each assessment cycle- staff to provide context sheets to visitors on arrival

2. Faculty meeting line leaders to check that seating plans have been created. Learning walks to confirm that they have been implemented

3. Subject line leaders, faculty

leaders and RSM to monitor homework set. Students to have enough time in order to complete homework. Evidence of homework being marked in books

TGO 1. September 2019 2. September 2019

but subject to change throughout the year after assessment cycles or a period in a specific seat

3. Biweekly through RSM, subject leaders

4. Ongoing 5. ½ termly QA will

pick different students or repeat students if underperformance is noticed

6. After each assessment cycle-

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• Sitting the student in a location that the teacher feels they will work best, based on knowledge of the student

• Students will

receive homework that can be completed on the school’s computers

• The school will

have a supply of equipment which the student is able to use during lesson

• QA will focus on

students at different levels of ability who qualify for PPG against non-PPG

• Line leader

meetings based on student progress will be measured with non-PPG and PPG to identify gaps in key groups and allow for intervention

respond better in a certain seat within the class which will only be known through teacher/student relationships. By seating a PPG student next to a high performing student (PPG or non PPG), this will help to create student role models and drive forward high expectations.

• Staff to set

homework via computer which is able to be completed within the extended day. By providing the computer rooms, all students, regardless of financial background will be able to access the work and therefore complete it on time and to a high standard.

4. Faculty specific equipment to be stored in staff room. Student services to have a supply of basic equipment for all students.

5. QA selection from line

leaders to include a split of both PPG and non PPG in order for a comparison to be made.

6. Key marginals to be provided

to subject line leaders and faculty leaders after each assessment cycle. This can then be discussed to identify key students and implement targeted intervention using the learning mentors if necessary.

7. NMC to provide regular

opportunities throughout the year to promote high ambitions when leaving school. Learning walks to show that the intent of the lesson is highly publicised.

8. Diagnostics/therapy and then

retesting to show how learning mentor has made an impact.

Christmas, Easter and Summer terms

7. Ongoing 8. After each

assessment cycle- Christmas, Easter and Summer terms

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• Large focus in class of the intent of learning and to link the learning to later life careers.

• Use of learning

mentors to aid students underperforming

• Students entitled to PPG may struggle to afford certain specialist equipment. Therefore, faculties will factor this in and have these available to borrow throughout the lesson to prevent any barrier to learning. Examples can include basic equipment such as a pen or pencil but more complex such as calculators, compasses and protractors.

• By carry out QA

on focus groups, we can ensure that all students are not only receiving the same high quality education, but also, PPG students are not being left behind in terms of work completed,

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understanding of the lesson and high expectations in regards to presentation.

• By early

identification of key groups, comparisons can be made after each assessment cycle, therefore allowing any gaps to be closed through in lesson intervention.

• Teachers should

justify at the start of each lesson as to why they are learning about the specific topic/content. Through this, teachers can provide high aspirations for all students and encourage students to think more about their future career.

• Through the use

of 1-2-1/small group sessions,

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the gaps of PPG students can be closed.

Students with gaps are identified earlier and appropriate support is put in place to close gaps.

Students are identified through SAT/ CAT scores, school data as well as recommendations from the English Department in terms of low-level Literacy. Once we have the names, students are split into small groups and have a Literacy session timetabled into their week. They will come out of their Modern Foreign Language and will work on a themed project (To do with that language) Where they will review basic level Literacy and build up their skill set.

Taking students out of their Language lessons creates a good amount of time to work with these students. We believe that if they are struggling in Literacy in English, it is unlikely that they are going to access a foreign language effectively.

Students are tested at the beginning and end of the 6 week period to measure impact and show progress in their Literacy skills. If they improve to the required level, they will be integrated back into MFL. If not, a review will take place and they will be placed on another half-terms’ programme.

KBA At the start and end of every 6 week session.

All students have access to independent learning resources

Purchase of the following online software; Kerboodle Sam Learning Hegarty Maths

Students from a disadvantaged background often struggle to access any form of resources to support their learning, including textbooks or additional workbooks. Providing online resources that can be

Monitoring use of software during extended learning sessions. INSET to staff on how to utilise the software to its full potential. All students to be shown how access the software during timetabled lessons.

KBA Use of software is to be monitored termly.

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accessed from any style of device will ensure students have the opportunity to use these resources in school during extended learning sessions and can do further work at home to support their learning.

Well-being Desired outcome Chosen action /

approach What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well

Staff lead When will you review implementation?

The attendance of PP students is in line with or higher than those who are non-PP.

PP attendance 95.9% WS attendance 96.6%

Strategies to improve this gap are in place. Template letters and attendance surgeries.

EWO services have been bought in and a structured/staged approach with face to face meetings are being implemented.

KMO Fortnightly review meeting s with pastoral teams

All students are fully equipped and prepared for the learning.

Spare equipment available daily to borrow to ensure all PP students have correct equipment for learning.

Last year, students were receiving behaviour logs for not having correct basic equipment this strategy was employed to alleviate any issues.

DYL are on a rota to collect and return equipment that is missing to ensure they are ready for learning.

KMO Fortnightly review at pastoral team meeting.

Concerns over a child’s well-being are identified quickly and appropriate support is put in place

Student support services are in place, including a school counsellor, school nurse and SENCO provisions.

Staff will identify and refer any issues to the web-based system. Pastoral teams communicate with parents and outside agencies.

Safeguarding software web based raising concern system. Referral system to counsellor, Nurse and ELSA trained mentor. Staff training in place to keep them up to date with concerns and with identifying wellbeing issues for children and families.

KMO Weekly safeguarding updates with safeguarding teams.

All students demonstrate a

Rewards and sanctions are identified in the

Zero tolerance has been evaluated and it

Class charts is embedded into the learning environment.

KMO Analysis and evaluation of key behaviours in each

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positive attitude towards their learning

behaviour policy of the school. Teachers have high expectations of attitude to behaviour.

is felt a more positive approach is a better strategy. The behaviour system has been streamlined to incorporate a staged approach, so students can see the clear pathway they are taking.

Behaviour conversations are key. year group identified and behaviour surgeries set up with students regular to monitor changes.

Enrichment and Engagement Desired outcome Chosen action /

approach What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well

Staff lead When will you review implementation?

All students have access to enrichment opportunities with tangible results.

Enrichment has been timetabled into the school day. Every option has a tangible result ranging from nationally recognised awards and certificates to new experiences and trips. All enrichment options incur no fee or additional costing for students.

No fees for students allow all students of all backgrounds to access the same opportunities. PP students tend to have a lower uptake of formal out of school activities so the Enrichment programme offers a cost-free option embedded into the school day with potential social benefits as well as improving academic development.

Learning walks Spreadsheet tracking student progress through awards

DHM Termly

All students have high aspirations

-All students to participate in enterprise and STEM skills building workshops.

-Students will have developed employability skills such as communication, team work, resilience and

- NMC and assigned staff to attend and support within the skills-based workshops. -Students, parents and careers will be encouraged to give feedback on each of the actions.

NMC Termly monitored and evaluated on Compass Toolkit.

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-All students to attend educational careers- related trips i.e. career fairs, HE/FE institutions, Kidzania etc. -All students to have a meaningful encounter with an employer. -All students to have opportunities to enter in to competitions either in school or through external organisations. -All students to have an online careers guidance account with Fast Tomato. - All students to have career related lessons during Citizenship. -All students to attend a Find Your future evening.

problem solving. These workshops will help them to be prepared for future work as well as enable them to sustain a career position as well. -Attending career-based trips will increase our student’s enthusiasm towards careers and setting themselves goals for the future. This will also be effective as our students gain a first-hand experience. -Students will be able to communicate with employers and ask questions about their role as well as receive advice on what they tend to look for in an employee. Students will have mock interviews to prepare them for future course/job interviews, understanding the type of questions they may have and how to articulate in response. - Competitions will develop our students’

-Educational and career-related trips are to be aimed at selected students based on their career interests from Fast Tomato. This is to ensure they are a more meaningful experience. Similarly, the same procedure will occur for planning employers or guest speakers to visit. - Employers and guest speakers will provide NMC and the leadership team with the content of what they will be delivering to our students in advance to enable QA. - Each subject department will be encouraged to promote termly competitions to keep the students focused and use the reward system as an incentive. -Students to re-visit and re-take questionnaire on Fast Tomato termly to ensure interests of each student are up to date. -NMC and KMO to work together to ensure all students are covering all areas related to careers within their Citizenship lessons using The Gatsby Benchmarks as a guide. Regular learning walks in Citizenship lessons. -Prior to the Find Your Future Evening, all teaching staff will brief altogether their plan of how they will present careers related to their subject. This will enable all staff involved to share and

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determination and drive towards succeeding and achieving. The purpose of this will be to prepare them for a competitive world of work. - All students to learn about careers related to their interests using Fast Tomato and be aware of courses and apprenticeships to help them plan for the future and be able to make informed decisions. Students are able to use this at home which ensures that parents/careers can give them support with this as well. -During the Find your Future evening, students along with their parents will be able to find out furthermore of the GCSE options as well as careers related to them. They will have the opportunity to speak to representatives from external organisations.

develop ideas to make the experience engaging for the students as they circulate on the evening with their parents. -External organisations will be allocated in the subject department related to their field of interest to talk to students and parents/careers as well. Prior to the event, they will meet with NMC.

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Students from a high attaining background who are PP have high aspirations

Future Aspirations – Students visiting universities and employers within work place settings as well as receiving careers guidance in school from external organisations. Students and their parents will be provided with information in advance of universities which offer courses related to their main interest and will enable them to select which from the list of the universities they would mostly like to visit.

Students are gaining an insight in to what university life is like from a first hand experience. Students can learn about the different courses on offer in various universities and compare them to identify from an earlier stage which of these they feel meets their requirements for future study. Students will have a sense of direction and this should increase their motivation in their academic performance in school.

Create and promote programme of university and careers visits in line with CEIAG objectives. Use existing university links to arrange university visits or in-school visits. Make new links with a range of universities both in and outside of London – all types of universities including Russell Group and Oxbridge universities. Make links with outside organisations in different career fields that offer school programmes, classroom sessions and workplace visits.

NMC These events will be monitored termly to assess the overall impact and effect this is having on all of our students from a high attaining background who are pupil premium.

All students have access to school trips. If a child is PP this is not a barrier to their participation in a trip.

All letters for trips to inform parents/carers of subsidies that are available for any educational visit.

Educational visits area vital component of the whole school curriculum, fitting with the ethos of Enrichment for all and Equality for all. Student engagement in educational visits improves self-motivation and provides students with the opportunity to apply the learning they have developed in school.

All letter relating to a school trip that incur a cost to include information on how parents can apply for a subsidy. Uptake on of PPG students participating in the trip to be monitored and checked termly.

SMU Termly monitoring of uptake of school trips.

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All students value the importance of STEM within their curriculum and have opportunities to grow in this area.

STEM week will be run in National Science Week (6-15 March 2020) to promote the importance of STEM and how it links to the school’s value of promoting and developing 21st Century skills. The Crest Award will be run in Year 7 Enrichment and a STEM Club will run during lunchtimes during the academic year. Display boards displaying different careers, salaries and job requirements for different careers, including websites for further information.

PP students may not have access or awareness of careers within STEM and information on careers progression within STEM. Promotion of careers during STEM week will enable students’ access to information on how to enter STEM careers.

Liaising with DMA to ensure STEM week is planned and staff can lead sessions effectively. Student voice to express impact of STEM week, STEM club and The Crest Award.

DHM Termly

All students have access to music lessons and subsidy is provided if required. A child’s PP status is not a barrier to them learning a musical instrument.

Subsidised music lessons and easier access to music instruments

Children from a pupil premium background are less likely to participate individual music lessons as the cost can be a barrier to the parents affording this experience.

DHU/NPE to hold database of students learning musical instruments or having singing lessons at the school. The uptake from PPG students will be analysed and students who show a particular natural ability for the instrument will be encouraged to take up lessons. Emails/Letters will be sent home to parents/carers on a termly basis to encourage students to take up an instrument and inform

DHU Analysis of student up-take for instrument and singing lessons will be conducted termly.

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them of the subsidy should they wish to apply for music lessons.

All students have the opportunity to participate in leadership programmes and participation from PP is equal to non PP students.

All student leadership initiatives will be advertised in assemblies and tutors will be encouraged to further promote to students who would normally be less likely be participate. student leadership timetabled as part of the year 9 enrichment programme to encourage participation within normal student lessons. Particular student leadership activities are designed to support vulnerable students who are more likely to become disengaged from school life. These can often be disadvantaged children. Peer on peer support and mentoring programme aims to offer additional support on a range of peer centred issues

Children who participate in student leadership opportunities demonstrate greater amounts of engagement in school/community life, leading to higher aspirations.

Monitoring of attendance to and participation in student leadership programmes. Additional student leadership opportunities are made available through schoolcomms. This includes supporting at parents’ days and various events.

MSH This will be reviewed on a termly basis.

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and further encourage participation in school life.


Attainment from academic year 2019 – 2020 Year 7 Pupils eligible for PP Pupils not eligible for PP Difference Average overall attainment grade Average overall progress grade Average English attainment grade Average English progress grade Average Maths attainment grade Average Maths progress grade Average Science attainment grade Average Science progress grade Attendance Achievement Points Behaviour Logs Year 8 Average overall attainment grade Average overall progress grade Average English attainment grade Average English progress grade Average Maths attainment grade Average Maths progress grade Average Science attainment grade Average Science progress grade Attendance Achievement Points Behaviour Logs

Data Analysis

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Review of expenditure – Total received £99,700 Previous Academic Year 2019/2020 Academic Activity Cost Estimated impact Staff lead Well-being Activity Cost Estimated impact Staff lead Enrichment and Engagement Activity Cost Estimated impact Staff lead

Additional information Following external INSET provided through Bromley borough the school has developed the methodology for articulating the Pupil Premium strategy and reviewing the success of the Pupil Premium Strategy. This change of approach will ensure the school is more focused on the priorities of the needs of Pupil Premium and vulnerable students, helping to ensure all gaps are closed and their attainment and progress is in line or greater than students of a non-pupil premium background.

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The school plans to participate in an external review of it’s pupil premium strategy during the autumn term of the 2019 – 2020 academic year.