
MUGEN mouse database; animal modelsof human immunological diseases.

Item Type Article

Authors Aidinis, V; Chandras, C; Manoloukos, M; Thanassopoulou, A;Kranidioti, K; Armaka, M; Douni, E; Kontoyiannis, D L; Zouberakis,M; Kollias, G

Citation MUGEN mouse database; animal models of humanimmunological diseases. 2008, 36 (Database issue):D1048-54Nucleic Acids Res.

DOI 10.1093/nar/gkm838

Journal Nucleic acids research

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Aidinis, V., Chandras, C., Manoloukos, M., Thanassopoulou, A., Kranidioti, K.,Armaka, M., Douni, E., Kontoyiannis, D.I., Zouberakis, M., Kollias, G.

MUGEN mouse database; Animal models of human immunological diseases(2008) Nucleic Acids Research, 36 (SUPPL. 1), pp. D1048-D1054

D1048–D1054 Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, Vol. 36, Database issue Published online 11 October 2007doi:10.1093/nar/gkm838

MUGEN mouse database; Animal modelsof human immunological diseasesV. Aidinis*, C. Chandras, M. Manoloukos, A. Thanassopoulou, K. Kranidioti,

M. Armaka, E. Douni, D. L. Kontoyiannis, M. Zouberakis, G. Kolliasy and the Mugen NoE


B.S.R.C. Alexander Fleming, 34 Fleming Street, 16672, Vari, Greece

Received August 10, 2007; Revised September 24, 2007; Accepted September 25, 2007


The MUGEN mouse database (MMdb)( is a database ofmurine models of immune processes and immuno-logical diseases. Its aim is to share and publicizeinformation on mouse strain characteristics andavailability from participating institutions. MMdb’sbasic classification of models is based on threemajor research application categories: Models ofHuman Disease, Models of Immune Processes andTransgenic Tools. Data on mutant strains includesdetailed information on affected gene(s), mutantallele(s) and genetic background (DNA origin, genetargeted, host and backcross strain background).Each gene/transgene index also includes IDs anddirect links to Ensembl, ArrayExpress, EURExpressand NCBI’s Entrez Gene database. Phenotypicdescription is standardized and hierarchicallystructured, based on MGI’s mammalian phenotypicontology terms. Availability (e.g. live mice, cryopre-served embryos, sperm and ES cells) is clearlyindicated, along with handling and genotypingdetails (in the form of documents or hyperlinks)and all relevant contact information (includingEMMA and Jax/IMSR hyperlinks where available).MMdb’s design offers a user-friendly query inter-face and provides instant access to the list ofmutant strains and genes. Database access is freeof charge and there are no registration require-ments for data querying.


The laboratory mouse serves as a premier animal model instudying the complex mechanisms involved in humandisease. The genetic similarity of mice and humans hasallowed the generation of a large reservoir of potentialmouse models of human disease through the use of recenttechnological advances like gene cloning and transgenictechnologies. Immunological diseases, in particular,encompass a wide variety of disorders of the immunesystem, including multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus,rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, all of which share basicmechanisms of initiation and progression. To betterunderstand the complex mechanisms regulating theimmune system and its pathological processes, it isimportant to systemically study animal models ofimmune diseases and processes through the applicationof functional genomic platforms, such as transgenesis,targeted random mutagenesis, expression profiling andbioinformatics. In this context, the MUGEN network ofExcellence, a consortium of 21 leading research institutesand universities (Mugen NoE Consortium;, developed the Mugen Mouse Database(MMdb;, a virtualonline mutant mouse strain repository, which currentlyholds all the mutant mouse models developed within theconsortium. Its main goal is to publicize existing mousemodels of immune diseases and processes, and todisseminate details of their particular characteristics.Ultimately, MMdb aims to use its particular expertise tobecome a database on an international scale. MMdb ishosted at the B.S.R.C. Alexander Fleming Institute(

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +30 210 9654382; Fax: +30 210 9656563; Email: [email protected] may also be addressed to George Kollias. [email protected] Mugen NoE consortium and contributing members: Aidinis V, Bachmann M, Berns A, Brazma A, de la Torre YM, Di Santo J, Douni E,Fugger L, Garlanda C, Graf D, Granuci F, Haemmerling G, Holmdahl R, Kioussis D, Kollias G, Kontoyiannis DL, Lanzavecchia A, LowenadlerB, Malissen B, Mantovani A, Muller W, Pasparakis M, Persidis A, Pfeffer K, Radbruch A, Rajewsky K, Ricciardi-Castagnoli P, Romagne F,Schneider P, Tocchini – Valentini G, Tschopp J, Van den Broek M, Zacharia L, Zeuthen J

� 2007 The Author(s)

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (

by-nc/2.0/uk/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The MMdb is the front end of a relational PostgreSQL(version 8.1.3) database. Currently the actual schemaconsists of 124 tables and is completely stripped down toits 5th normal form (5NF). The simplified relationsbetween database entities are one of MMdb’s biggestadvantages. Adaptation of mouse related data structuresis thus easier to implement, and complex queries canbe readily handled by both the developer and theRDBMS.

MMdb’s front and middle ends are entirely built onJ2EE and have a greater degree of complexity. At themoment the MMdb consists of 1037 java source files, 560JSP files, 268 html files and 61 xml files; this results inapproximately 142 000 source lines of code (SLOC).Architecturally the application is divided in three layers:(i) The EJB layer, (ii) The Session layer and (iii) The Weblayer.

The first layer provides the application with an objectoriented API to the database. Significant database entitiesare represented with a corresponding EJB, which arethen handled by the Session layer. All relational andcombinational methods are executed by this second layer.The results are transferred to the Web layer, whichhandles the representation of data, implementing staticand dynamic web pages.

The MMdb is currently deployed on Sun’s SystemApplication Server 8.2.


MMdb contents are freely accessible to all visitors and arenot password protected. There is no need for visitors tologin upon entering MMdb; on the contrary, they maybrowse the available data by clicking on the available links(i.e. Mugen mice, Gene, Model of Human Disease, Modelof Immune Processes, Transgenic Tool) on the homepageor via the search option, available in MMdb at all times.


Any type of data that MMdb maintains can be submittedin electronic form. Currently, data submission andmodification is only possible for registered users asdescribed below: (i) MMdb administrators have fullaccess rights to all of the functionalities and contents ofthe database. (ii) MUGEN registered users have rights todata entry and modification only for data entered bythemselves, and are unable to alter data entered by otherMugen registered users under any circumstances.

The MMdb curation team surveys journals and otheronline resources, collects all the data and processes thesubmission of each mutant mouse individually prior to itsdeposition into the database. Submissions are checked foraccuracy and completeness of biological information,including genetic, strain, allelic and mutational features.Once curation of a particular mouse is finalized theMMdb development team, in close collaboration with theresponsible researcher, works towards bringing the datainto standardized formats, resolving issues pertinent to

nomenclature and referential integrity, in order to ensuredata accuracy and correctness. Description of this cura-tion method is also described on MMdb’s ‘about page’.Mutant mouse data are currently under regular curationand are continuously revised, in order to maintain aconstantly updated version of MMdb for the user to referto. The date that the information for the respective mousewas last updated is also available for the user.


Detailed information is provided for each mutant strain.These are categorized according to the context of thedetails offered. The first section presents in detail generalinformation on the particular mutant strain: MUGEN ID,the common name in general use for the particularmutant mouse, contact person responsible for themutant and institution that he/she is affiliated with(Figure 1). Each mutant strain is assigned a researchapplication type denoting if the particular model hasbeen created to serve as a model of ‘human disease’,‘immune processes’ (i.e. for examining signalling pathwaysand cellular components involved in immune responses)or a ‘transgenic tool’ (i.e. transgenic mouse lines thatprovide a powerful tool for generating conditionallymutagenized mouse lines). Finally, relevant additionalcomments that are entered by the contact person forthe respective mutant mouse are also presented.Availability details allow the user to view the repositorywhere the particular mutant strain is housed, as well asits genetic background, strain type and state information(Figure 1).In addition to providing basic information for

the mutant strains, MMdb also offers more detailedfeatures like the DNA origin, targeted and host back-ground, as well as the backcrossing strain and numberof backcrosses, thus covering features of the geneticbackground of the mutant strain (Figure 1). Supple-mentary strain information, such as the exact straindesignation, is provided, together with the JAX orEMMA IDs (where available) in conjunction with thedirect links to the respective databases. Furthermore,allelic characteristics are also offered in a separate tab,where the standard allele symbol and name arepresented together with the corresponding MGI ID(where available) and the direct link to the MGI database.Moreover, basic information for the gene/transgene, likethe gene name, symbol and related chromosome arepresented to the user, together with a list of Mugenmice available in MMdb which have a mutation relevantto the particular gene (Figure 2). In addition, each gene/transgene index also includes IDs and direct links toEnsembl [(1)], ArrayExpress[(2)], EURExpress II( and NCBI’s Entrez Gene [(3)] databases.Overall, gene, allelic and mutational nomenclature isassigned according to rules and guidelines for mouse genesand strains given by MGI [(4)] and based on Gene

Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, Vol. 36, Database issue D1049

Figure 1. Available information and data categorization on a sample mouse model of MMdb. Representative view of a mutant mouse ‘Tnfalpha�/�’from MMdb, demonstrating all the individual data categorizations and information that are recorded in MMdb (general information, availability,genetic background, strain information, allele and mutations, genes affected, handling and genotyping instructions, phenotype(s) references, author’scomments and user’s comments).

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Ontology (GO) [(5)], MammalianPhenotype (MP) terminology (6–8) and internationalnomenclature standards.

Handling and genotyping information, in the form ofdocuments or hyperlinks, are also provided in MMdb.Recognizing that phenotype data are by nature complexand usually incomplete, the MP Ontology has beendeveloped to describe the richness and complexity ofphenotypes more precisely and to support the goal ofcomparative phenotyping and building new animal

models. MP terms are used as a structured vocabularyand a tool for annotating, analyzing and comparingphenotypic information. Where MP terminology isavailable for Mugen mice the phenotypic descriptionsare standardized and hierarchically structured accordingto MGI’s MP terms, which are updated weekly byMMdb’s informatics team (Figure 1).Other features provided by MMdb for each mutant

mouse strain include relevant references in the form ofhyperlinks or documents, and additional comments

Figure 2. Available information on a sample gene of MMdb. Representative view of a gene ‘tumor necrosis factor’ from MMdb, demonstrating basicinformation for the gene/transgene together with a list of Mugen mice, alleles and MP terms available in MMdb, which are relevant to the particulargene. Each gene/transgene index also includes IDs and direct links to Ensembl, ArrayExpress, EURExpress II and NCBI’s Entrez Gene database.

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provided by the author. Furthermore, MMdb offers aspecific tab within each mutant strain, where any visitorcan submit additional comments. This feature serves as aforum for discussion between the visitors and intends topromote exchange of useful information between them.The MMdb currently holds (142) listed mutant mice

and (165) related genes.


MMdb provides a browsing/filtering interface to theunderlying data, allowing formulation of queries, inorder to narrow down the list of potential results and tocoordinate screening of certain mutant strains. Automateddrop-down menus that include research applications(model of human disease, model of immune processes,etc.), genes (tumor necrosis factor, CD19 antigen, etc.),institutions, researchers/contact persons or mutation types(insertion, duplication, deletion, targeted, etc.), assignedMP terms (abnormal T cell physiology, abnormal spleenmorphology and other already assigned MP terms) or

even a combination of the above selections allow furtherrefinement of the mutant strain list according to specialcharacteristics defined by the user (Figure 3A).

Another way in which stored data can be queried is viathe function formulating ad hoc (string) queries. At alltimes, the user can enter the desired query word(s) into theavailable text box and seek for the particular word(s) at alllevels of the database. In all cases, a chart is automaticallygenerated with the corresponding mutant strains andgenes, which in turn can be accessed by simply clicking onthe line name of the particular mutant strain or gene(Figure 3B).

A detailed help section is also available in MMdb.In-depth directions on how to view different parts ofMMdb are provided. These are categorized in threedifferent sections, (i) View Mugen Mutant MouseDetails, (ii) View Gene Details and (iii) Search theMugen Database, all of which are expandable by clickingon each of the available tabs. Under each of the offeredoptions, additional, step by step information is presented,aiming to provide directions for the user to make the bestuse of MMdb.

Figure 3. Querying MMdb. (A) A screen shot demonstrating how database querying can be restricted via choosing from drop down menus(e.g. research application, gene, institution, researcher, mutation type dissemination level and MP term) and also via the function formulating ad hocqueries. (B) Results of an ad hoc query for ‘tnf’. A list with 12 hits of all the available mutant mouse models and related genes is available.

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User feedback is fundamental for improving overalldatabase usability and data accuracy. As a result, wehave created a specific tab for visitors to email the MMdbdeveloping team ([email protected]) with anycomments, on either the website in general or a particularmutant mouse model. MMdb users’ opinions are extre-mely useful to us, as we can improve our database, datapresentation and update them according to the feedbackobtained.

Furthermore, MMdb can serve as a reservoir of usefulinformation on all online mouse-related resources andthus holds a well categorized and comprehensive list oflinks to external resources. The associated tab may befound on the left hand side of MMdb’s page at all timesand will immediately redirect the user to the list ofavailable resources. Furthermore, MMdb maintains directlinks to the home pages of IMSR [(9)], MGI (, Ensembl,ArrayExpress, EMMA (, NCBI [(10)], CASIMIR ( and EURExpress, which may be foundin the form of icons on the right hand side of MMdband will transfer the user directly to the requested link.


MMdb is a comprehensive and user-friendly source ofinformation for exploring genetic and phenotypic infor-mation on mutant mice of human immunological disease.Core data include affected gene, genetic background,strain, allelic, mutational and phenotypic information aswell as details on the handling and genotyping of mice.Additional information, in the form of comments insertedby the author, are also provided together with links torelated published papers. Data are integrated through acombination of expert human curation, and use a varietyof controlled/structured vocabularies (ontologies), like theMP Ontology.

Although, MMdb is freely accessible to all individuals,data submission is restricted to registered users for themoment. However, MMdb aims to expand significantly byincreasing the number of end-users and data contributorsfrom leading institutes and universities. Ultimately,MMdb’s goal is to become an international level referencesource for information on models of immunologicaldisease and immune processes.

MMdb is constantly being updated at the curation level,to enrich the existing data collection, but also to upgradethe MMdb software. First and foremost, taking intoaccount the necessity for database interoperability andcombinational data from different resources, we intend todevelop web services. The improved ability to combinerelevant information from different online resources willprovide additional value to each of the individualinteroperable databases, but most importantly to thewhole community using mouse as a model organism.MMdb, through an ongoing close collaboration withEnsembl, aims to enhance their BioMart software and

connect it directly to MMdb, tracing our mouse strainsbased on their allele, background and affected gene. Ourultimate goal is to provide as much information aspossible from the mouse genome through to the mousephenome.The MP ontology and annotation schema has been

designed over the past couple of years to support robustphenotypic annotations and querying capabilities formouse phenotype data. MMdb, staying up to date withphenotypic descriptions, is currently developing an MPterm look up service, thus enabling its users to detect MPterms and their entire relative paths via simple keyword(s)search, and add desired MP ontologies to the terminologycollection of specified mutant strains. Our goal is toeventually make phenotypic assignment as simple aspossible, even for users who are not familiar with theconstantly growing coverage of MGI’s MP Ontology.Database content management and data accuracy are

some of the key elements for successful database projects.Moreover, sustainability and effectiveness of the databaseand informatics infrastructure, as measured by thewillingness of scientists to use them and deposit theirdata in such databases for the scientific benefit of thewhole community, is of considerable value for a successfuldatabase. In order to provide incentives to potentialcontributors and researchers to become registered usersand submit their mutant mouse strains to MMdb, our aimis to continue acting as a specialized database and toprovide a high standard repository, exclusively for mousemodels of immune processes and immunological disease.More importantly, MMdb’s ultimate goal is to create a

mouse-centric international forum on modelling ofimmunological diseases and promote correlation ofvarious genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, whichwould pave the way to systems biology of the mouse.


We would like to thank Dr. P. Schofield for criticalreading of the article, CASIMIR partners for theirvaluable comments and the members of V. Aidinis’research team for their active support. This work wassupported by funding under the Sixth ResearchFramework Programme of the European Commission,Project MUGEN (MUGEN LSHG-CT-2005-005203).Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges forthis article was provided by MUGEN’s project manage-ment office.

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.


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