Page 1: Proposal table with potential problems

Potential Problems with My Coursework

Potential area where there might be a problem

How I will deal with this problem

Front cover images I will try to choose images, which in my opinion will describe the magazine the best. I will try to create a direct motive address in my images to include the reader and make him interested in the magazine. The model is going to be in a standard heavy metal clothes and might have some musical instruments in his hand.

Article Inside Magazine Since my magazine’s background is going to be in dark colours, I will use bright colours for my text to make it stand out and create a contrast. I will try to not include a lot of writing in my article because my target audience are young and I don’t want to bore them with huge amounts of text. So I will try to keep it as simple as possible. I will try to use a bold font for my text, so it stands out.

Images to accompany article I will choose images that in opinion reflect what is written in the article. On the image the model(s) is/are going to wear a standard heavy metal outfit. So a metal band shirt, leather jacket, black army boots and etc. And the model might also hold a guitar in his hand.
