Page 1: Projeto Logistico CSL - Condor Software & Logística · Title: Projeto_Logistico_CSL.pptx Author: SIQUEIRA Created Date: 10/17/2018 8:18:09 PM

Logistics is associated with controlling and managingresponsibility forgoods, informationandotherresources,includinguptoenergyandpeople.Itisthespecializedpartin conducting the good from a starting point to anotherend point, also called point of origin and point ofconsumption. This transportation service usually includesessential steps for large companies such as information,transportation, inventory,carewithproducthandlingandhandling, package and also safety. The transportation ofgoods and products has been growing lately, mainlybecause, intermediating this service, we have greatercompetitivenessandresponsibility.Japanese industry produces competitive electronics and,therefore,consumedworldwide.Toachievetheseresults,it was necessary to design and develop the appropriateproduct, to store it correctly, to control the stocks, totransport, distribute and offer technical assistanceaccordingtothedesiredbyitsconsumers.Variousservicesareincludedinthehandlingpart,theyarecustomized treatments, according to the necessarylogistics,suchas:Packinginflowpack,Filmingofvolumes,Re-labeling and coding, Drafting of volumes, Kitting,Custom packaging, Various manipulations. Remember tospecifyyourchoiceinadvance.Logistics istodayanartandascience,dedicatedtodoingwhateverittakestodelivertherightproducts,intherightplace,attherighttime.TheoriginofthewordlogisticscomesfromtheGreekandmeans calculus and logical reasoning skills. So bymakingthe right accounts and acting in a logical and intelligentway,logisticsdeliverstheproductsefficiently.[email protected]


Page 2: Projeto Logistico CSL - Condor Software & Logística · Title: Projeto_Logistico_CSL.pptx Author: SIQUEIRA Created Date: 10/17/2018 8:18:09 PM

Project to integrate the productive and administrative process in accordancewith theSIGA management software, implementation of Continuous Improvement withapplication of RCA (Root Cause Analysis) methodology, correction of the applicableanalysismethodsinproductionmeeting,implementationofactionplans,developmentofdatageneratorsforLLmeasurementandcalculationofeffectivenesscomposition.

Account Management: Embraer, responsible for the leasing of logistics labor inproduction support sectors, internal and external transportation, linkage between thethreeproductionplants,FariaLima,EugeniodeMeloandGaviãoPeixoto.Coordinationof a team of approximately 250 employees. The whole process was controlled withindicators,supporteddirectlybytheLogisticsSector.ManagementwithDersaandDERoftheprocessoftransportationwithSantosBrasilofthecustomsprocess.

Project to improve a better inventory control of approximately 1,000,000 units in thedistribution center and 1,000,000 units in the group's 40 drugstores. Deployment ofcyclicalinventoryusinghandheltstechnology.Gainproductivityof30%to40%,achievedwith adjustment of the entire fleet and improvement in lead times of delivery.Optimization of all in-bound material. Implementation of the cross-docking process,obtaininga40%gain intheflowofgoodsfromthedistributioncentertothebranches.Implementationofbenchmarkinginthelogisticandproductiveprocess.

Vehicleflowsupervisor,supportingtheplanning,productionandfinancialdepartments.Responsible for the cadence of production and the link between the shopping andplanningareas.Responsible for thedevelopmentofnewsuppliersandmanagementofcritical items. Knowledge of IT systems: SAP, ARGOS and CLV. Knowledge of materialconference by volume, storage of the front, rear and side glasses packaging and themonitoring of the limitations for storage, return of empty containers and shipment ofnonconformingproducts.

Responsible for the follow-up of about 60 suppliers of raw material for the modularconsortium of VW Trucks and Buses, their contracts and deadlines. Responsible forparticipation and administration of service contracts. Responsible for the creation ofspreadsheets and database to assist in the control of production and purchases.Controller of contractual schedules. Development of packaging and visits to Suppliers.Deploymentandmaintenanceofhousekeeping.Analysisofmaterialsuseandknowledgeofcomputersystems:ESON,MRPII,COPMISandPEN.Responsibleforthe linkbetweenlogistics, supplies andquality in the audits for the receipt of parts for the assembly ofMWM and Cummins engines mounted on VW Trucks, the first Modular ConsortiuminstalledinBrazil.

Programmingofmachinedmaterials,ProductionControl,KanbanMethodControl,ToolCenter Monitoring, Production Control in databases, Development of spreadsheet forProcess Control, Application and development of methods and processes for theMachiningandRoadsector.

2[email protected]


Page 3: Projeto Logistico CSL - Condor Software & Logística · Title: Projeto_Logistico_CSL.pptx Author: SIQUEIRA Created Date: 10/17/2018 8:18:09 PM

DiagnosisandPreparation•  UnderstandingtheBusiness•  SWOTanalysis(identificationofstrengths,•  weaknesses,opportunitiesandthreats)ManagementPerformance•  Goalsandobjectives•  StrategiesandProcessesOperationPerformance•  ProductandServiceTechnology•  Productiveprocesses•  SupplyChainProcesses•  ITandInformationSystemsProgram•  Programcomposedofmeetings,groupworkand

debates, with professionals from all functionalareasofthecompany,selectedaccordingtotheirfunctions and strategic importance for thebusiness.

Format•  ThePlancanbecarriedoutonconsecutivedays

or distributed over time, depending on theavailabilityofprofessionalsandtheneedsofthebusiness.

Local•  Meetings and debates may be held at the

company's own premises, as appropriate, or atvenuesofevents,whetherornot theyareclosetothecompany.


3[email protected]


Page 4: Projeto Logistico CSL - Condor Software & Logística · Title: Projeto_Logistico_CSL.pptx Author: SIQUEIRA Created Date: 10/17/2018 8:18:09 PM

Description of Services

PRELIMINARYSTUDIESProcess:•  Redefininginventory,storage,shipping,receiving,conferenceareas,pre-storageareacreation

anddiscrepantitems.InformationTechnology:•  Study of software currently adopted, considering routine inserts, control points, data

collectorsandbarcodereaders.BudgetsandSurveysofResourcesandNeeds:•  Total budget sheet with quantitative survey of the needs used and the physical-financial

schedule.PreliminaryDraft:•  GeneralapprovalofpreliminarystudiesStructureDesign:•  Implementation of the project with the details of the elements used at system level and

concepts.Administration:•  From the elaboration of the processes, accompaniment of external solutions, as much of

infrastructure as of information technology until the definitive conclusion, under theresponsibilityofCondorSoftware&Logística.

TechnicalStandards:•  Compliancewith all technical standards of use and analysis of the process used, aswell as

legislationandpositionsintheimplementationofthenewprocedure.ReferenceDocumentation:•  ProjectSketch:Willbepresentedafterapprovaloftheservicedescriptions.•  ProjectDetail:ConstructionoftheEAP(StructureoftheProject)•  Management:Basedon theanalytical structure, the Schedule for the implementation steps

willbesetup.•  Programming: It will be programmed to work fronts, instructions and orientations to the


4[email protected]


Page 5: Projeto Logistico CSL - Condor Software & Logística · Title: Projeto_Logistico_CSL.pptx Author: SIQUEIRA Created Date: 10/17/2018 8:18:09 PM

Main Approaches[email protected]


Internal logistics •  Timetable for receipt of materials •  Receipt and inspection process •  Stocking material •  Payment and training of production material kits •  Kanban Supply •  Just in Time Supply •  Applying Lean Manufacturing •  Internal transport with point of use deliveries •  In addition to the Inventory and BOM (Bill of Material) that directly impact on production

and results, the following should be considered: •  Plan maintenance and maintenance of maintenance metrics, such as: equipment failure,

MTBF (time between failures), etc. •  Quality: RFT (%) Right first time, means doing the right thing for the first time, otherwise it

will increase the non-specification Product Inventory which will generate increased storage cost, reprocessing cost and loss of packaging.

•  Operational excellence to guarantee the Production Plan. •  Adjustment of transport routing. External logistics •  Sending materials and / or raw material to third parties •  Receipt and inspection of these materials •  Application of assured quality •  Control of arrival and dispatch of trucks •  Control of imported materials (non-payment or minimum

storage payment) •  Loading of trucks, according to deliveries. •  External transport with point of use delivery

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Planejamento de Processo

6[email protected]


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7[email protected]


Page 8: Projeto Logistico CSL - Condor Software & Logística · Title: Projeto_Logistico_CSL.pptx Author: SIQUEIRA Created Date: 10/17/2018 8:18:09 PM

New processes of creation and conduction ofbusinesses arose, anchored mainly in informationtechnology.The rationalization of processes, with theconsequent aggregation of value and reduction ofcostsofproducts and services,hasbecomea vitalpoint for the development of Companies andNations.Logisticshasceasedtoexerciseonlythetraditionalroles of transporting, storing and delivering goodsfor processing and consumption, assumingincreasing responsibilities in the organizations'strategy.Professionals should be prepared to identify andutilize resources and processes that contribute totheCompany'sgrowth.We consider some important points in theproductionprocess:Reductionoftransportationanddistributioncosts;Lowerpurchasingandinventorycosts;Increase in the quality standard of goods andservicesproduced;Developmentofpartnershipswithsuppliers;Electronicbusinessdevelopment(e-business);Positive relationship with internal and externalcustomers


8[email protected]


Page 9: Projeto Logistico CSL - Condor Software & Logística · Title: Projeto_Logistico_CSL.pptx Author: SIQUEIRA Created Date: 10/17/2018 8:18:09 PM

MISSIONProvide solutions in business managementgenerating results through software, projects,processesandservices inanagile,practicalandaccessibleway.Always behave with ethics and respect and bepart of the process of our Clients so that weachievethemaximumofourobjectives.To innovate and generate growth in ourCustomers' processes, adding to existing onesand suggesting new proposals and workingmethods, creating a chainof solutions thatwilldirectly influence the Company's financialprofitability.TodisseminatetoClientsourmethodologyasaLogistics Consultant, with all our experience inmethods and processes within the differentareasofactivity. Suggestchangesandproceduralcorrections ifit is evidenced the need for growth of theCompany.

VALUESKnowledge and performance are challengesincreasinglyimposedonpeople,organizations,governments and society at large. Newprocesses of creation and conduction ofbusinesses arose, anchored mainly ininformationtechnology.Therationalizationofprocesses,withtheconsequentaggregationofvaluetoproductsandservices,hasbecomeavitalpoint for thedevelopmentof companiesand nations. Logistics has ceased to exerciseonly the traditional roles of transporting,storing and making available goods forprocessing and consumption. Under theconcept of supply chain management.L o g i s t i c s h a s a s s umed i n c r e a s i n gresponsibilities in the organization's strategy.Professionals should be prepared to identifyand utilize resources and processes thatcontributetocompetitionincapitalistsociety.Tosurviveinthismarketoffiercecompetition,and to be successful, organizations need todevelop "competitive advantages" andimplement collaborative relationships in thesupplychainthroughproductivenegotiations.The expected result should privilege thetrinomialquality/productivity/costs.Logistics is responsible for the flow ofin terre lated products , serv ices andinformation,andalignedwiththeobjectivesofa Company, is a critical segment in terms ofmeeting customer needs, operationaloptimization and cost reduction. Thus, suchresources, when managed within theirintegration limits, can lead to the expectedresults.

9[email protected]
